HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-7-25, Page 8I. LI. 1111 10111 1111 1 MINu .1 ii.. ewwap1 e•.e...a., 1111 111101. 1•111 on r.•.
FFRuITithor J • lad, was drowsed at Kier
_ -01,1. w o (2) 330=b].s Of Civet
lyrical] Fruit Psog Por Gad Li aid
One (25c.)/Package will Preeerve 32 lbs of Fruit or 16 gallons
Cider. Full directions inside each package.
Try the Preserving Powder and Liquid. YOU will like it. You
will find it less than half the trouble and expense of ane other
method, more reliable and accommodating, and the f . 1
Fruit, cite., even Superior to the Beet "Canned or i 1" Fruit,
etc. For Cider it is cheap and decidedly the best known method of
keeping it sweet.
Sole Agents for Canada,
Book Sellers and Stationers, Central Telephone Exchange.
North Side of Court House Square, OoDEa1CH, ONT.
Ibe Orad Lodge A. F. and A. Ie. meet le
aingeten-A sad Double Drowalag-Aa
Awful Fire 1. Quebec -Dukes Baying
Canmdlu land -Divorce and Bigamy.
TORONTO, July 21. -The Grand Lodge of
kb. Masonic order have been in cession bet
at the LimestoneCimy-Kingdos. They
lav had a truly grand meeting and during
'the .mein- the grand master lad the corner-
pone..f , Nickte wing of the Ho.pit•l.
Mi ,as astir over the cer.monks and
pundred .,f guests which she entertained The
annual electioua were bed as usual and re-
sulted es follow.:
1 Grand Master. Jobe Ras Robertson, To-
i Deputy Grand Master, Hon J. M. Gibson,
l District Deputy Grand Masten given in
order of their distils te:
1 No.1 District --James Birch, t'hatham.
Rio. 2 Dfatrkt-J. P. Whitehead. Ntratbroy.
1Mo. 3 District -A. B. Mention. London. No. 4
1Dbtriet-William White, Mitchell. No. I
'District -William Telfer, Walkerton. No.
Ml District -D. H. Hunter, Woodstock. No.
;T IMMrictr-Juba Fox, Orangeville. Na li Die
tract, Hamilton -C. W. Mulligan, Hamilton
No 9 District -D. F. McWatt, Barris. No. 15
tDietrict•-A. B. Herrod. No. 11 District --G. J.
Bennett, Toronto. No 12 District -W. Milky,
Omemee. No. 13 District -T. J. Llghtburn,
Cobourg. No. 14 District -A. R bereave)
Ixo. 15 District -Colonel -Colonel W. H.
Jackass, Brockville. No, 111 District -John
inert, Bothwell. leo. 17 District -J. A.
Fraser, Port Arthur, John Kingborn,
)Kingston, Grand Nader Warders: George C.
'Davie, Loadoo. Grad Junky Warden: J. J.
Mase, Hamlhos, Grand Secretary; Edward
IMitebell, Hamilton Grand Treasurer: Rev.
iR J. Craig Deserost.t, Greed Chaplain; J.
'C. Boyd. 4Imeos Grand Registrar.
Toronto was selected after a spirited nom.
beet for t be next Heeling place of Greed
Lodge. and doable drowning acc2Iset oc
eared the other day at Bottom. A feyear
old Toronto led named Willie Griffin and bee
1180-year..id grandfather tearing the rams
were the victims. The bey wag spend -
adhag holiday. the e ennntry horse of the
man. He happened to fall into a small
river a flew fest away town where hie grand -
tether was sating. Coalete to swim the boy
;as. rapidly taking. when, with a margin
+worthy of a great hero. the fable old ratan
dampte his age, jumped 1. and tried to lave
his Ship grandson But age will tett and b
I years are many. His effort. were feeble and
aeon weakened into nnthtag. Thewe was no
help .t hand and the old man and little boy
mak down Into • waesry grave clamped is
earls ethers arms.
An awful On 4..-.....4 b gooier tart week.
Five perces wase rosebud to death. The fin
omeured at 2 o'clock In the .perming In a hotel
In Rt Josppb .fres, need by Delman ani
Ossiat The flames made with rapid pro
peen that the whale hoose ereserson M a hien. 1
Oa maniac et tee seem of Ibe disesess the
city Ore brl'a i. worked with mere to pew
agree the earra.adleg property. They were
met aware that cm the wip May
and wee house
wore M bantam atop Weep
dart, remathe to death The awl hndiee
ar elhsered r.esahme rather. tour. found .fist
wan* The Hotta. were Purr•. Minimal*
tette aid three obllff'ee, who heed Mani► r►
earned ham the elates intending el
WO Se *sir acids a reentry. It
Port Hope r gaM
Immense asses d
vire da Loup,
Genn. Middleton is M 1m Emelt 4 Drama
for the fur n.uuey.
A rceibM.op W deb is e sin ding kis holidity.
at Port Manley,
S omeone remitted Tse as oonecisncw money
to the ettstoto minister.
The C. P. K earning. were *Akita better
Inst weak than het year.
Hoe.e rehber+m are erMm ively reported
from the Niagara *aria
S tamen mase are doers for trial by Justine
Street, at Port Arthur Amass
A Brantford man is under arrest Ise
creamily amault.eeg hie mhos.
Wbaat around t4'. Thomas will average
about thirty-0re bushels an ams.
Judge Loranger will probably accept the
L kader•bip la Quetta.
The best barvr.t in eight gems Is promised
&remind Pon Eigui and Comity Brace.
The biggest vault in Canada is being put
into the Finance Department at GN.awa.
Thereon I LO0n,000 gala.. of spirits now
the two yeah' bond in Canada.
FIs►ingis delayed and the fare is small-
er la m'
Hubu Hey termgb ,even wa-
Mr. Yaore, • Methodist preacher i. St
Jolla, K. B., has left for Singapore *take up
The murderer d the aged farmer Robinette
he Morristown towmehtp bar been found to be
The B.Y. R. oedemas at fat. Catharine.
closed an Friday. It will meet in Chatham
. seat year.
The absconding merchant from Montreal,
with debilities a 5100,uW, has been located in
Jersey City.
Dolly Beeley, the ooatideoos wawa eft
Hamilton, has been 'esteemed to a yestrl
t .
Mrs. Thomas Hops of Hungerford,
sowed herself herself with Parr grecs. She was
partially deranged.
Sobel Pratt was killed while felling tim-
ber on the Maar farm, between Welland
and Port Robinson.
Jolene. Schneider, aired 4, son of Mr. Car
red Schneider, was drowsed from a skiff at
New Hamburg, Out
About fifty Manitoba and North-west far-
mers are tot* sent to Europe in the water le
beet up the emigrants.
The chair of physio a Mout Athos College
8•ckvtlie, N. B., W been offered the Rev. W.
W. Andrews, ofTorceto.
Eighty acres north et the C. P. R. track set
to be sold to the Winnipeg Exhibit*. Cons
*ittee for OW an acre.
The aesi ship Seguin was pacoenfully
launched at the shipyard of the Poison Iry
Company at Owen Sound.
A father, mother and five children have
been burned to death in their beds lo Quebec;
three .areas have been mads.
lir. Adam Brows, M. P. for famines, hat
been appointed honorary .. u
represent Canada at the Jamaica Exhibition
ng to buses a cigar faceEMULSION
lade teens bora et
RI -
Is believed that the Bre wee the work of
an incendiary. An inquest was held.
A peculiar ase W just oome to light In
Haifa& Some year. ago George Dixon, m
amidst d the city married a widow, named
Mrs. Mason They lived together several
years, whim Dizoe, thinking to better hie
podtioa, r seo•ed to Wim(prg, leaving hit
wife behind until be could secure work and
establish a homes Mm ^ xoa, a her bus
bead's abuses, fella .over with • young
aaa named Timothy Doyle, just hell bee
cgs. Dixon, on learning of the matter, deter
mad to areae.• divorce. A few day. .go a
divorce paper wee served oat Mm Dixon.
As moos as she repaired It she Nd from the
city sad Is now a Bodes. The cause of bee
Night is apparent, when it became bown fist
she was married to young Doyle oa Demsmber
13, 1587, and the pair have lived together even
sine Proceeding. for bigamy w11 he Wed.
toted, Doubtless Mr. Dixon will bare ne
tenable about by divorce, and that without
submittal to the Renate, se the Nova Hootfe
laws of the period previous to Co.ted.ratioa
cover such coma
The ptpaiatioa of the Dominion, as •aver
tained by the mesa of 11151, was 4,.4L3,II00
the estimate for 1891, eekaated by the lag
arlthmic process is 5.270,377. The decennial
mous of the Dominion, es already aanount,
ad, will be taken an the era Monday in April,
1891, that date being selected to make it uni-
form with the oemws of the United Kingdom
and tits colonise of the Empire generally. The
system on which the enumeration of the
Canadian parietatlo. w111 be mad., will be
that known as the de jure, the de facto eye
tem es adopted a Ragland not being esit.bie
to the cireum.tasose of • sparse popuatioa
settled over • widely ext..dd territory Grob
IMP Canada's. Tb. *111 .los i.
droned eed not to take the names of three who
have been absent from Canada more than •
The Bagwell murder, that weird and truly
awful tees which excited path lemons excite-
ment both In America and England, • feet
months ago. is shortly to be revived. The
authorities ars working on it and this tall
the whole affair will be settled The crown
ha. retained Mr. R. B. Oder, Q. C., with
the County Attorney BY for the pro
mention of BurahelL Mr. Oder la cone
pony with Mr. Ball, D.e.dtve Murray,
and Mr. Wm. Davis, C. E., paid • whit to
the eeerns of the tragedy a few days apt and
Interviewed some of the boding wlteess1
In that vicinity. It will be remembered that
old roan Rabb teethed .t the inquest
that he heard two oboes nand In the swamp
the peeping of the day the murder was oom-
matte& Who feed these shots remind .
mystery until Naturd•y bet, when Mr. Rattt
earn to W ood.en ch and gave the nam of
two young twin who were shooting in the
awamp at that time • One of them is now le
the Matta, bat the other is 4111 here and will
becalled ass women This r anoteer link is
the .rrnwed Rn rrbell'a favor
English noblemen and capitalist. aro hay-
ing Canadian la•d. In great g.mstitlra
Rome of the ben phosphate leads 1n the
reentry we owned by Engltehnw. Them
in however, plasty of first -clam mining land
to develop and for this purpose. strew com-
pany with 85,000,005 oapldl W been formed
b lwadoet, Reg. the Net of Oonadere tea re-
markable moa it is heeded by tine Duke se
Wesmsarlsr, wham cases le tellowed by the
Detre of Richmond mat Gerdes, the Debs of
Pertlas4, the Deka of Ablators, the limb.
of Rioieetsad, and the Deb. of FM.. Them
hautes ars seoe..ded by a Marques tem
Rorie de Rums, end the blas Camils de
Pollees. Then mem • nwnher of .ether
watt -known Names, pall es thaw d RV
Jae... Wbtbhead, Mr. Munich IIP., Mr.
Sasepeheard of LIpt Beak. ma. Whit.
sacra, 1. 5,011
Of Pure Cod
Liver 011 and
of Lime and
tete, Ior
tiptoe -genie w sal (kW
(belreltms►imren* tea ea is a trsa edge
Tseng.- Mimes ^dtatiost er..beimurim..
NNW W el A .chin mak sem*
loom i SOWti. wleda.
1tt .. • '"'ijt
overawe OMNI • dent.
Teo..lrr. - . "4r .tt AYttt U'�UTy'
Buddies, ai t •r e.j..eittw7 "is llaturd.y the
36t b
Nettle. d.ugM• r of el• `t As •, t
Seaforth, is the gn. 1 Nr W 4tu ,
township clerk of A:coned
It is pleasuog t.. , . ,. 1s ..t Mr N^iit.s
Of this v'11'Ke, wt. ',at '14.11 eery ill a
b.coeaing . enreir• i.t.
Io sena-. tilt Healer Wallow,
there will be a r .+ ao;4tK I,vr a gra
calla surd sub, Di...•tht.r nerd apply•
Mr W. Wile •, .su.n end soother in
this village, anis.o h. tae tern Mexico,
State .d Nee Toro, etrt9.r tie had been
for An Iamsly, . a r . •- i,v it it Dgod
A great many f.• • . base Cowman. ed
onttiug fail wheat, a .t -- far pi .14.0114.12,•
It to ape as excel)«ver • 1og tfieerp'es
plump, and bead welt Iliad so all As
Mr Wm Berle,, •:ieas•er. in this
village, Ninon .erui. o • mad position
in Blyth, in•«t,1v tr. reaove there
shortly. We wish hi n sumer' in bis
new position.
Mr John Nevins, having moored •
ration in Mr Waiter Stewarts ;Admire
fact.oq. Lucknoe, retn.•ved with his
faintly oe Monday. the 21st. The best
of emcees to yue, Julio, is our sincere
Toany person wishing to secure s good
pun we would recommend the Wirt
Fountain Feu. It has no equal, and is
therefore emend to nrwe. It nen be had
by applying to D. McGillicuddy,
Dr MoFasl and stater are the questa of
Mr. D. 8. Lave.e ha. lend • writ against Mr nos Anderson, A hfeId. They are
the Beltsville atellig nosr Printing and Pus
Whine Casopan , claiming $10,000 damage,
for alleged
Two Ottawa men an sow ander erred
with 4.deoe-Uy smashing children. Till
public is damortng for the polioe to clear tit
city of them villain.
A 7 -year-old boy namd Swain was teal
for a pall of water and is supposed to have
fallen in and been swept over the Bit Kettle
or the Cbandiere F.B..
Ex -Detective Rlebard.oc, who was pro -
0110501.17 caseated with the Guibord can
and the arrests in commotion with the @boos
tag of Hackett, is dead
Premier Mercier, claims • clear majority
of thirty, and says be will carry out the poll -
tical . outlined in his speech be
ton the Cab Maternal
The stessdip Tbornhdm, from Pfctos te
Montreal, is reported ..hon as Barrett
ledge rock on the M. Lawrence. Her lowa
compartments are full of water.
Donald Smith, of Breaths*, nephew of Mr
Aka. McGill, of 8t Thomas, white nobitctr
lag a team, was kicked on the forehead. He
n ever regained .. and is dead
Th. schooner Mary, from Fortune Bay,
loaded with 700 quintals d nod, hes basa
dewed at M. Pierre for ..Slag cod rose.
The value of the nisei and cargo I. $5,0u0.
A moa amused John Brochn, formerly •
member of B battery. Quebec, wbo desert-
ed • year ago, bas gives Mooed up, stating
that the constant fear of arrest made his Ilk
unbearable. LEEBL RN.
•'Gdog to hell' was the Mal remark of as Ft»m our owe oornapondeat.
unknown man to the. bystanders, as h. teepee Miss Mahony, of the Royal City, opent
into the river at Montreal and emunittei last week here, the guest of Miss
suicide by drowning. Had. body W sot re Linfield, who this week returns with
beim recovered bar to Uuslph to speed • weak or so.
The Water,u. Engin. Wart. Company, T. Stewart built • new farm kitchen
nit Brantford, here reorivd the gold meds Inst week to his hones.
and two o.niflcatm of merit Crum the Mel
bourne Ezhibltion held lest year for their Nor Tara Tims.-Our jovial friend,
sawmill exhibition there. the C. . i . , was home for a day
The Canadian Militia casette oppose the ter ten ening bis family, baring reeantly
idea of appointing a Comedian militia officer bad • tremendous struggle on the wa-
as bead ottbe Dominion forces, but would tem of Lake Era with Old Neptune,
approve of the appointment of a Canadaa who made a grab for his veseol in the
"elected from the Imperial army. shape oI • mammoth gale, bet which
A Knight of iabor Amicably le Torcatc the Commodore was equal to, bringing
W derided to instruct he delegates to ties ba vsmsel into a port of safety nil
Dominion Trende l'.agrem to •give for 1 right, with the ezoeptlon of a few losses
Dominion Act fixing the maximum of leb.r of the rigging. He said to his numerous
lar worn,• and children .1 naw *oars 5ss friends that it was the biggest storm he
day. ever went through as a madmen of over
The nwr e,r of death, from contagions yeave pertesaa
diseases in Montreal fax the past six moot* Mme pleasant form oI A. Blaney, of
d the preesot year le 4211, m ssPsisd with Dederick, has bees visible in oar millet
1,047 m 1>e6. There wen • marked decree.. of late. Besides dbeim expert as •
a m
mortality from meed.., therm.. death I an W
having tall.. from 444 to 90. ditcher he has few equal. with the hoe,
A .iesp•tch has been received is New York as the other day he did a mammoth
stating that a Frentea mead found violet** day's work, bowing titrsipm for J. O.
the Newfcni••dtend Beit Aot has Mown Area Chilton. Over an acre was hod by him.
upon by an blend muter, earl that, fearing Thome who doubt eau be shown the
trouts*, the British flagship, the Bellerophon ground gone over be J. G. Clattom any
Gad two other men-otmer. have hurriedly time, and perhaps afterwards would hold
left Halifax. back • ehalloegs to exceed bandy.
Henry Sateen, nee ae the eldme fermsse Pgtteoxat. -Our former townsman,
of the Moes.}w district, his ten -year-old F. B. baliwld, now „tackedto th.
daughter, and Herbert YcLeen, allot 12 staff of the Agviealtonl College. 0.447.
visit of
1�•ea, wereImetenU'Mady Ied b7 Beet/singis" lbw paratal house a eaver"'en"sew and daughter of Mr Lennard McFaol,
who • number of years wait, taught school
in this section of ovintry, and .s we are
i.formed is .t preeee•t priocipal in the
public school at afoth
Another fur maiden has arrived in our
village and in all probability will retsinawith o• for some time. Mr T. E
Derain is the happy father Mother sod.a
daoghterre doiug well. We congratulate
lir and Mrs Dornin us the happy event.
Mr DimityDimityfully batterpe in the injun•
tioa to increase and multiply.
The want of rain is begining to be
very much felt, as the root crops are
apparently guttering ; however it is
excellent hay weather, the greater part of wowed the crop being in good condition.
There is such an immense crop of it,
and so well secured, the stock in gen-
eral will have a good time during winter.
As politic., railway and other kindred
subjects are in the meantime in abeyance,
berry picking i• with those of oar citizen.
who are not occupied in farming, the
principal topic, and in which clergy and
laity, including school teachers, ex.ac
tebere, artisans and not a few of the
fair sex, as also retired farmers are
engaged. all of whom seem to vin with
each other is working like Trojans.
yarn of age adept send Ren.. Etre Mo -
while rating their papp•r at Rett.u's home- day, bat week. bill brief so -
The •tassment east the Plana o tallyI" premeUMW' MW' well
burg N. Y., fd , wolf*8gee.murderer, Jorge' ('haplesswolf*�r Pro-
t. a omen et the _ery of Neat. for Can mw lend .etaene. He hod to Gnawer
ad• te 4lenerlltd by ver. Cbsea m
apre, the min- geluetioae OR the eskers of barley,
f.fer's brother. it this ern was a roues he Lely the growth d the taasple got
Melia most be a Melsena. se an tale near rote Doetiaisaf i from Rsg-
tives redd•d a nnb
the oiaty of T•rsen• hos vino,
A Calg ry £..,.M m
says Meld Monism, As tooted lest weak, a special memos
before8.4 Deer, eves age before Judastleltrla, was preecied le doe R•ndey eehool Imhof.
charged with sheath*Wm. Woodward,
bartender d at HAIL Marries.errlsan two by Rev J. A AMidstreamoa Sunday
wea very mono beceiiatrd a the tum. Ivis1. Ia /he hn eat pews welasted she
P &*.iiian Rarkr, Jahn ft ingrekae. m0hnisse, over forty in number, with
,. part/teem•ad "tareeart/teem chevrons the• tae the R. whoa staff of teachers avid oM
prisonerprt.er ►sed fired three
shall at Woodward.
e ase of whoa took des% b ginner. The
rel toutoosaaleadleradd` hes bin
stead over M.xw}w. tains he visited nes hie old
v.y friends.
Choice Goods
33. o 1.EAC_
7(-11-N ern 1\0:C_ MIrou.doot
Is giving the
is tows at his Mare, when be always Wan hand • large m.milt
3-o' 9'}ItT •FR
It will be to the public advantage to give him a tall before going
elsewhere. 2217 -
attention by the reverend speaker, who
pointed out to the little ossa ever to be
ready to lanae of Him who said, "Forbid
diem not," and his examples gives of
little workers as beginners is (grief's
eaa a were brought forward to make a
deep impression ,on his youthful Emmen
to do likewise. The hymns chosen were
special. Among them was that grand
old one "There is • Happy land." The
ohoir sang in good i..rm, )dies Hortuo
presiding at the organ, Two of oar
yuang ladies prettily and tastefully
deeksd the pulpit. communion table and
choir stand with flowers &a., for the her
vice, which, we understand, will be an
annual event. The Sunday school staff
of teachers for 1890 are : Misses McAl-
lister, Macdonald, Relton Gad J. Law-
son, while the officers are H. A. Horton,
S. B. Williams and A. C, Macdonald,
supsrinteedent, the latter having held
the position for the past thirteen yeah
The weekly prayer night for the church
wdl be held henceforth oa Tuesday sight
instead of Wednesday, as formerly.
Joseph W belppton and min have locat-
ed at New Westmtnieter, B. C., and
report favorable prospects. The family
will nut remove Rinse Ethel for the
Bew.rtahle its.
Euuxost, March 28, 1889.
J. M. IItLeoo : Dear Bir, -I have a
brother who is very ill. He has hem
ailing off and on for about six years.
His is • very had ane of dys:epsia. His
stomach will not hold any food, and he ie
suffering great pine at times. He is also
very constipated. He is just home from
a two week's stay in the Toronto hospital,
where he received no benefit. He is so
wasted that he is hardly able to walk.
Will your Renovter be good for him I
Yours, R. Nsi.'4ox.
Kuneoairs, July 11, 1889.
J. M. McLeob ; Dear Sir, -My
brother did not take your medicine until
lately, and be finds i1 doing him good.
Kindly send two $1 bottles of your
Renovator this time, per expreee.
Yours, etc., R. NELSON.
Etarwos, August 6, Ifif5J.
Data Sn,-)fy brother continues to
be a little better. He has not vomited
lately. His bowels are in a dreadful
state. Send Renovator Mme as last.
Yours, etc., R. Nal -40N.
Eutxoas, Jae. 15, 1890.
J. H. McLeon : Dear Ste, -1
thought 1 would write myself the time
bed let you know how Ism getting along.
Your Renovator has done me a lot of
good. I have gained In flesh and strength
a good deal. 1 gained from 125 pounds.
to 145 pounds, and I am strong enough
to do the ordinary work anted the
bars, ole.
21 Yours, ate., JANOS Nelms.
.1 ewe Gad Pelee. st the Old-loetarwed
i�'"t�l.aoo Stole
1 am sot maned to one Make or Style. bbl
ova give you ,our chaos.ot the
Bste Production
in footwear from W the
Leading Manufactures
fn the Dominica. Prime lower thee at Gay
other GWs.stord* the Dema*. for,the same clew
Ordered Work
seed to the beat a Camille.
Re one Promptly
eller a la M good. damaged by woke at
their recent fire :
Wall Paper, $1,000 Worth ;
Tinware, General Assort-
ment ;
A Lot of Preserving !Ket-
tles ;
Library and Parlor Lamps ;
Table Cutlery, and all the
Fancy Goods on the
Cary sad
Call w
at year ewe 5ri.ss.
ems A number ser paresis with Meath Bind Recipti of `iTie s>nal.'
listened in the earliest deeming from let
Rameel. iii skeeter, 1st verge, free be
&Wee to end, and were kept ie rept FINE PRINTING PAPERS AT SIGNAL
Niagara Falls, Buffalo,
Cleveland, Detroit, Pt Hur-
Goderich, Sand Beach,
Tawas, Bay City,w
and intermediate points.
The Past Steamer
harm Sedate& as foliswem
sur ammo, I rem. weer tome* ISE a.
Jane 0, t. 11. 19. f1,
ren R:- h ps
only 51110,. bei set bah and Roemt
Trip only 81*10,
re, tanker inforreetien apply a