HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-7-25, Page 4THE it THE HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY. JULY 25, 1890. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE L,ET/MUMMA MMT. CAD OFFICE. TO O. .4 t� $M S "mama NLL*N • * • ▪ 11111.060.4b..• • $800.000. R E WALKER, GaISRAL MAT1 ' GODERICH BRANCH. ' A 1110411At. R iustMAo eu.esgee TRAINArTEO. FARMERNr MOTES 01800u.n*D. D111APyS Mao PAYAILI AT Al,, POW* IN G'AIIADA Alb TNI P1UICIPAL ORIS IN Tilt UArTED $PATES. GMAT Berremt, FRANCS. UI11NUOA, as O..IIN00 RAM DICIPA itTWf. D EPOSITS OF IMOD AAO t,PwAleDS ltacetvfO, AAO OL1RIraRT RATN OF INTIMEST ALLOWED. AMMO TO TIM . AT THS EM OF =AV ANO IM MOM TSAR. epeeist **tentless given N tit O.Ns.IIMs et H lel raper. end Former•' Melee Melee. I t furan ignal u rrm>JS EVERY FRIDAY MORNING,I aT rte frail!• PRINKING OPIUM: NORTH- STRICT. OODERICH. It is • wide-awake local .e ruerdevoted to eudf snty news and the sa•t mi f al know ledge. RATA, •/ a Tsar ; 75c. for ail most h. ; Mic. for mouths. 1f the subscription 1. not paid Li advance abscription will be a harged at the ram of SKN a year. ARTERTfaInO RATES legal sad other casual e . lee. }}eer 1 se for first insertion. and 3 MAUI per line for each subs.aoaat insertion. Measured by Local notices in .smpariel type be per line. Local notions in ordinary reading type lc pe Treed. Bushmen cards of six lines end under $5 per leer. A of Lara, Found. Strayed Ntl tuaans Nacional. [Meatiest Wanted anoi R.Iimees Chasse. Wanted sot exceeding t ham haae.parlel a1 per mouth. Houses oa Sols and Faros on Sale. not to mooed 1 Bots, $1 for first month. Sac per sub- sequent month. Larger inlets In proportion. Any special notice. the obtlect of which is to promote the pecuafary benefit of any ladl- vIdeal or compote to be considered an ad vertl•ement and accordinaiy. These terms will in .41 Dares be strictly ad- hered to. Special rates for larger az-or for extended period,. ade known .t the sloe of publication. JABBING DEPARTMENT. A tally equipped Jobbing Owes l aarrted Sm is oo.aectlth on with e ordinary newspaper 1*dmees. where first-class work is turned out 114 reasonable rates. Everything 1■ the print- ing line ran he done on the premises from an Ruminated poster to a visiting card. All oommuaieatiost most be addressed to M. IleGILLa(TNT, Editor of Tea RIOWAL Telephone Cal. No. 30. Ooderich Out. HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1890. R. S. WILLiAMS, MANAGER. WELL GET THERE, BY -AND -BYE. That reesea•ble representation. pro- perly placed beton the G. T. R. mas- seusest will receive attention has been exemplified recently in the ease of Godo - rich. Some time *ince, when Sir Jo.Rrs Htcasox and party visited Godericb, Mayor Bt-TLRa and other esenabers of the Board of Trade I him oo the yumtioe of an just discrimination in the carrying of lumber sod other freight, and a west or two since we had the and electric light debt the esti.(action of stating that beneficial sod wipe the organ bonus changes bad been made by the company epee. w• offer this in the matter (' l of. Today we announce another beneficial act to wards the town on the part of the 3. T. R. management. At a recent meeting of the Town Council councillor Connote pointed out that the G. T. R. •otbotri- ties should be asked to make connection at Stratford between the Buffalo after- noon train and the night train for Gode- rich on Saturday evening duriog the summer months ; also that excursion fares be secured from stations between Brantford sod Godertcb and return for the manse period. The clerk was instructed to . i with the G T. R. authori- ties and the Board of Trade &leo agitat- ed in the matter. The result of the is that the secretary of the Board of Trade, bas received the following wbicb fully explains itself and is oertaioly a step in the right direction ale Tinian aro s few mom clestios par tests. sad they pas oat Grit fur Torg, se they are detag, sad the Aerated tests ars all avoided by the courts, there will sot be .aeogb of Maaaarys'• followers lett aa the Legislature to hold a eases•. Tn. Globe is getting in good work os the Trade Question these days, and the foul* elutes of the Empire and other ( t sheets to dismiss the seb- jest are lamentable e:bibitiose of joer- nslistie weakness. Tariff Reform Is moving steadily along. A Tosowro woman who is obliged lo earn het liviag away frost borne seed day, ebsim.d her seven year old bop op is the bow for safe -toping, when he was found by a det*etive. We wonder if that mother thought el what the settee - queerer would be were a ire to break . out is the hoose during her shallot, when the boy was chained op, be kisses besides that woes Sir Juke sails the seat esesttog of N.P. mea i• the red parlor of the Qesee's b "MU be there, is person or og narked ehoese. 'his dose, be wtll visit Ottawa, plass the fads before the ( 1 and strait results. Whoa Parlam.st insets, Mr Fester will sotumoos amid the rhesus of the Tug, members (e{nme of whom the tis was W assenwbtle admitted to the g reeted floor of the ooterpnas) that a mew industry is about to be started. It is to give employment to beodrede *ad ultimately to thousands of mea, besides boron/nog the settler with a home mar- ket for his flour, beef and garden Meek. After • good deal of horn -blowing a ibis strain, the Hoses will be asked to vote • wised .pemtio sad .d ',Wonsan duty oe forearm tin amoienliog to au aaptritioo, my, of 40 per asst. Within a week the price of no will have ren 40 per trot , sod the Grits will have bogus • clamor. The , organ referred to will forthwith assess them art being disloyal to tho old beeper, sad of having boo bribed by the mine owners of the United States. And then it will draw at igbt on the treasurer of the infant industry for its eighth and oioth calls At the following eee.aoo a bounty will be added to the ouetooe protectius 011 the plea. that a foreign syndicate M ready to work the mine If a little utas alietstanee be granted by the t. After a few years the industry will peacefully give up the ghost, sod. if the Govern- ment organ be *till in existent*, we shell be told that the wicked Grits killed Cock Rubio by their slanderous attack*. Is the meantime the people will have hod to pay through the nose for tinware, bet, as the French monarch observed, "Cures them, they were created to A TOCNO Englishman was rrceotly Geed 926 and odes is Montreal for kissing his sweetheart in peblic, a wary policeman of that city bavang caught him in the act 1f our able chief cooatabte watched the people on the station plat. form closely when the tratos are going in sod out, sufficient tines might be oollest. ed from kissers of both sexes to pay off WILL THEY STAND FIRM! That Hon. HONORS MSID1Et intend* to make demands upon the Federal Treasury at an early date is now looked upon as a certainty. and when the raid is made we will look with interest upon the action of Sir JOHN MAcnoeAin in the matter. For the entire tenure is ottics of the Federal Premier he has sought to placate the majority in Quebec by giving place sod pelf to Individuals in that Pro%ince who held the Delano. of power, and he has at various times mop- plemented individual donations by subetdies of a more or less extended pro- vincial character And Sir Joupb poli- cy of baying Provinces and politicians with public money* has not changed. Grown grey in the , , of other MONTREAL, July 21st, 1890. Dian Sia, -Referring further to your letter of July loth. A , have been made for oonoeetlon between the afternoon train out of Buffalo and the evening train from Stratford to Oode- rich on Saturday nights. I will also arrange as soon as possible to have ex- cursion fares pat In force from stations between Brantford and Stratford to Ooderich Nod return, the tickets to be sold ants] close of season on Saturdays and good until following Monday, which I trust will 'nest the views of your Board. Yours truly, Wu limos., G. P. A. municipal sot of exist - as a pointer to Ix a sermon delivered in a Chicago church Sunday morning last, the pastor. Rev FRANK J. PRoarr stated that the tornado, which 'wept arose Lake Gervais and then down the Mississippi, leaving death and . in its track, was. a his opinion, • direct judgment of Odd. It real to be wondered at that Quietuo- ity is got making more headway when such foolish fellows as this man Pao are allowed to interpret the Word of God in orthodox pulpits. It is a difficult thing to preach the gospel of the God of Love suoceesfully,and then blame every- thing that is baneful and destructive on the Lord. Because Mr t'aoaar's wicked heart would tempt bin to destroy all and sundry who did not think se he does is no reaeoo that be should attribute such wicked work to a lo. ing Father. The pulpit is Do place for a man like PROBST. .AN AxzwArzD discussion is going on in Ottawa in regard to the order recent- ly netted that the words honor, labor, color, &c., moat be spelled with the letter "a, ' so as to harmonize with the British State papers. The diatntia' has waxed .o warm that the knocking out of the "o's in the words in ques- tion may lead to the knocking out of the "i's" of some of the oontroversiallata, GoLowix SMITH at the recent gashing banquet to General MIDDLETON isrl Lata week our Iual , had the following item : "A floating paragraph says -'It la not generally known that the Adams en- gaged an the timber limits speculation which got R kert into trouble, is none other than John Adams, sometime ago sad for many years a resident of Gods - rick, where be exhibited his penchant in the same direction by ringing in with the Crown Lands Commissioner m squeezing moony out of squatters and settlers in Morris, Turnberry and other township* .in Horoo. He was a Grit and died a couple of years ago.' " The JOHN ADAus in question may have been as black as he is stinted by oar 'Dory friends, but it is hardly the thing for them to rattle his bones now that he is gone. No matter what ugly thing* may be said of Arolio, Joint C. RTRRRT.s dishonorable in the Cypress Hills rascality cannot be pal- liated by so doing. Tien is, however, one slight correction we would make to the item, and when our Tory friends make that they an go on publianing the away the soft snap of the generals ap- item until the crack of doom. It is this: pointed to command in Canada when At*w. r.erer troll a Gra, or eves men votes and principles, and what he really wanted to do was to says & lokewars Liberal. Such neo don't with the , ., ,' that added years of good word for Sir nail. Said the pro- forg.tber with moo of the RYA ter stamp. sharp dealing is matters political have brought to him, be 1. today as eager to toy lodoose for bis Party as he ever was. Such being the lase, it would not surprise as to learn at as early date that, knell* that Mr Mt.e,ea has made up his mind to attack the Federal chest, Sir Joos will make effort to gain strength in Quebec by meeting the Nation- alist chief halfway, and by making the di 1 of public money* tend to the upholding cf sound Tory principles in that Province Mr M.act.w L in power, and intends to -stay. 8o long se he stays in power In Quebec opposed to Sir Joni, just so long, will the Federal Premier'* tenors of office be insecure. What, then, would be more natural than the acceding to Maar ten's de mands by Sir JOHN on condition that the policy of the Provincial G 1 of Quebec would be made to harmonise with the Federal Government] Stranger things have happened, and,knowing !hat Mr Mate =R has been an apt stedest of the method* of l4ir J0u!t, such a deal would is so *ease surprise us. But what wodld the Enloe. and the smaller fry of Torydom say were sash a oombination effected 1 It is the duty of every t►n- tarian to oppose such an unholy alliance, bat could oar T friend d ory a who new anathematise Melanie be depended up en to fight against his smash upon tb. Federal treasury if Sir Jon. sew lot to open it freely to him 7 W. have our doebta Tune is the plod of the yen whoa floe villas. journal .apeade peblisatie• ler a week "in with a time beamed eases, and the editor takes a bobd•y by pristia, the voters' list .l the a•ighboei.g township, deine el ear kola v able iaadg teed the feasor, "Before owning to Canada Gene- ral MIDnLErox was advised by a promi- THE following, wbicb was written by Dent Englishman to 'draw his pay and de bli,NEv SMITH, when Protection ruled nothing.' " This is pretty nearly all England years ago, can be adapted to the Eogliah generals in Canada ever do ; the Canada of today with .light alters- :- hot General MIDDLETON undertook to tion. break the record, and not only drew his We can inform Brother Jonathan what are the inevitable of being pay, but got $20,000,in addition thereto, and looted BRBMtore'* furs. Isn't it about time England kept her played out geaerala on the other side of the herring pond I T7.en ahonld be • heavy duty placed on such luxuries in Canada. Mit P. KPLLV, cf Blyth, is getting some strong medicine nowadays frost his quondam political friends. An even- ing or two before the recent election, he was wantonly attacked at Hoover} school house by Mr F. MET* ALTO, d Blyth, secretary of the alleged Equal Rights Association, and on the 12th inst., Mr J. G. HOLISM, the Toronto legal fledgling, we are informed. told a concourse of Mr KELLY's fellow-C.,neer- veti.es that "Huron's greatest disgrace was in having had stub a C candidate as t'AT Kett Y.- 1t isn't any of our quarrel, bet although we have differed with Mr Kai.LY for over seven- teen years, and will in alf probability continue to do so, we nevertheless be have the hat that covers his intelligenes would make a eesplete r for the crannies that sowers the alleged brain of the frees young polies Boort lawyer from Toronto. It Sir Joww MAcnosaLn wase kit sees.. Ns ability of KELLY sad yesag HotIrn.--end Sir JoNI, is quite &s expert al eking up mss --sloe away Togesto featb.s.weigbt would prove to be sewbre to with the old Hexes pins.sr. Houma' head will ballets seen ewes mere then it has a1 ready dolts, before Emri,T' lot will At him. pa11 this brief statement of what we may expect be well founded, and it is based oo actual every -day experience, the dis- covery of do in the foot -bills of the Rocky Mountains or any where else will be a disastrous Wetness. Economically speaking, it would be more advantageous to pot the disooverer to death sad bury the secret of the God along with him, than to Id him loose upoo a Government whose maxim in dealing with such men is, "You boodle me and 1'11 boodle you at the expense of a gullible public." too food of glory. Taxes upon every articl. wbion esters into the month, or oovers ibe back, or is placed under the foot. Taxes upon everything which it is pleasant to ace, hear, feel, smell, or tae. Tates upon warmth, light and locomotion. Tares opou everything on the earth or under the earth, oo every- thing that Domes from abroad or is grown at home. • • The schoolboy whips his tined top ; the beardless youth man- ages his taxed bridle, on • taxed road ; the dying Englishman pouring his medi- cine which has paid 7 per Dent., into a spoon that has paid 15 per end., flows himself bsek upon his chintz bed which has paid 2'2 per Beet., sad expires in the arum of an apotWeety who bas paid a license of $100 for the privilege of pot- ting him to death. Hie whole property is then immediately taxed from 2 to 10 per cent. Besides the probate, large fees are demanded for burying him to the chancel. His virtuoso wiii be handed down to posterity on taxed marble, and be will then be gathered to his fathers to be taxed no more. WORKING THE ORACLE. .w tae 1 Setae 1 ee R.Ansd tea P.MM. From the Glebe A sea fa the No/themt says be has found a tis mite* in the foot-hille of the Reeky Masataka& boder ordinary sir - Nis would he deemed good new*. Ldortanately the discovery of earners] wealth nowadays leads to the t rather than to enriching of the community. if the man la gees - tine snd.est.ads kis boneless his modes operandi will be .om.etkiag like this :- Tine of all he w111 form • onmpeny sad engage a well -knows R innipeg law M M its @elicitors. Thea he will beaten to Toronto sad take a block of tile& is the Wel asps of the 1 1, letting it 11 What do goods cost ? You can find out, and also have the opportunity of buy- ing the following goods at cost price during this and next week : Ladies' Rub- ber Circulars, Parasols, Hos- iery, Glovea,Lace Curtains, Cretonnes, Flannelettes, Gingham, Muslins and all Sommer goods. We will offer this Friday morning and following days until sold out, a bale of Fac- to ry�i Cotton for 6c. per yd. cash, worth 7c. wholesale. J. A- REID & BRO. Jordan'. Block. Godericb. July lack. ta10. 2251 - She People's Solumn. WANTED IMMEDIATELY -A smart girl for housemaid- Applyto NAL SeaMRS CAMEN. ART CLASS -MR. R. CROCKETT bas decided to continue his *Art ('lore daring the remainder of the rummer and fall. A class foe Sketching frim Nature will be termed. For particulars apply at the studio. Nwrtb-d.. next to Cha•. Newt's'*. or at Fras- er rtwer t Porter's book store. db l t CARD OF THANKS. - JAMES Manders & Pon desire to express their thank, to the Nor* British Sr Mercantile le- uW&noe Coywho. through their agent. Mr F. J. T. Mattel. made suds a prompt settles meat of the loss by the dre in their store on iib of June. .alt IO. F -A SPECIAL MEETING OF . the i Order of Foresters will be held on W ednesday evening. July 30th at $ o'clock for installation of ofmcersand other general business. A 1u11 attendance is re - Kae Sed. By order, W. 1. CA � RON. CARD OF THANKS. -WE DESIRE to express our thanks to Mr Horace Hoe- tos, sg,-.t for the British America IAanranes Coy,, tor his,in 'tailgating our tom bybyre wh�iic�h. .ddoccurred recently in oar premises- IJAMEB SAUNDERS t SOY ONTARIO STATUTES. Ontario Statutes. S1rd victoria received hy the tlerk•of the Pease for distribution to the Mairieratee and all entitle to receive tie same. IRA LEWIS. B 1t Clark of Pease. Harem. NOTICE. The part oership heretofore ex Ming bet were as baring been dissolved. all parties bavloq claims agela.t the firm will please mail name to Fred. W. Johnston. Goderict P.O. A11 accounts due to the Arm must be paid by the lot day of Aogmt re't. Dated ltth July Il mla es )A V IRON a , . - . , DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER- SHIP. Be it known that the firm keepers as Whitely It Eine, of t►.e Hamilton -.t. bak- ery, keep this Ifitb day of July. 11110. by mute- st eessest, 410'61 red partnership. and that hereafter the busies= will be conducted by Jos. Whitely. who will be pleased at all filmes Gsthe «lova. WWI the choicest sel- ection of grurerie.. Cakes and bread Math a sp.efalty WM. 517(0..10(4. WHITELY. Joe. Whir iy jr.. Witness. July Mb,MS 0-14 CCT THiS OUT AND PUT IT ON PiANO, PIANO ►UNIN0. Speolal •tte•utbe gives to rebuwy and settee regulating. Reduced rates for yearly tools/. Orders len at Org*a Factory, at my reel- dence. We0mt.. ensu 0. W. Theme's% Plane Warsre.ss wil rseivs prompt a/tesUea. Alt L ZM17. R; HOINIK 198 Filthiest. Rita. SIl3POA a 1111.41111 1161. .alas ah*a C. S � fes G. C. BaAtraelr. UMW nas IMO COLBORNE BROS. 1111 NEW SPRIJG & S 1 1 R 0000S.' AMERICAN CHALLEY, Inc. worth ill. moil pasterns sad taut caeca SHAKER FLANNELS, 5a worth lie. White Check Muslins, Se. worth So. Our stock is large and complete in all lines. Ao-We buy Butter, Eggs Wool, Oats and Pena, and pay the highest market price. COLBORNE BROS. 111 TAM y Blanche Wipe, Winnie Reynard.L.oy Sadden and Wm. Dilworth, Ethel, wrote at the Entrance Examivattoe is Brussels on the 3rd, 4th and bib July. Situations WANTED. -A NOM TO TAKE chance of three eliebee Ooed wages to competent pssms em have oefeeeacea A to MRH W. J.1tx b AGENTS W ANTED -IF Y 0 U want to make mousy, take held and 011 oar cboloe Nursery stock. New is the filar, write no at once tar terms. MAY 8 N et. Nurserymen, tioeheeter, N. T. Dentistry. M•NICHOLSON, L.D.S. DENTAL ROOMS Eighth dose bek.w the Poet Moe. West -.t, I/ODaaice. 151117 DR. E. RICHARDSON, ',DAL SURGEON DENTIST. Gos and Vitalised Air administered for of teeth nal attention pa given to the preservation al the Natural Ofboe-Up stain. Grand Opera Home Mock. Entraace as West -8t.. Godertch. 1311-1. For Sale or to Let. rpwo HOUSES TO RENT ON STAN - 1 LEY -Sr. -Oar block from the Stsura. Read tares sad four ,oath. T. 8NRETH. FARM FOR SALE. The 5 will offer for sale the fol- lewisa ver) desirable farm, consisting of the easterly 130 acres of Block "r," in the 7th con- cession of the Township of Colborne. to the Coeat of Huron. This farm is situat- ed miles from Oodeticb, and li miles heat Carlow. ca the Main Gravel Mood. There is • � good trams hoose. It- stoa.7e. Mame mew, 111 pM containing 7 moms • large bare, el by 41. with cattle .bed. 41 by 14, attached. and ass of the finest petards in the township. It is watered by a never-faihmg spring creek owl • stood well About Ile acres cleared sad fres hem stamps There is me waste land of may klad on the piece. Good wheel wit►ls SD rods of the noose. Will be sold on reasonable terms. For terms and farther particulars apply to JNO. BRECKENRIDGE. *tor. Ooderich. er JOSEPH Mc on the premises. FIRST-CLASS BRICK HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE ON ST. PATRICK 8T. -About two minutes walk teem the Spears. Two stories high, brick addition in the rear te Main �hMk.building has 3 large rooms oe first flat. upstairs there are 5 large moss. In the rear additlos there are kitcbea. pastry, washrooms. U girls room and bathroom. Also good cellar. Apply to the 1, who will give all necessary information. btf. DANIEL GORDON. FOR SALE. West hair of lot f51. Arthur Street. with .mall brick cottage thereon. Bt'ILblto Loin.- 151. ins. 244, 145, Elgin Street, St. indrews Ward. 411. caner of Huron and Britannia Road, Prime 11 story house oa Keay. Street. lst and half land. Several lots in Reed's Survey. opposite nes ®.w Grounds,'i*. Nos fd. 1t. M. 30. 51, 54, se, M, 04. A11 the .leve at LOW RATES. Apply to Ntf DAVISON & JOHNSTON DUMBER FOR SALE. Pine Lomber, Scantling. Plan.. u ale per thousand. Hemlork Lnmbsr,Sos.tily, Plank. at 10 " Pine Shingles, yid class,..... 12 35 per square. Cedar " Ind -' 1 ei " .• seasea.bte sedeeeesns for yes rinses. Ported"' Planing. .. S 1 '4) per thoesaad. Planed !,ember. 1100 White Ash. Basswood and Birch cet to order. lies JOSEPH KIDD. MUSIC LSSSONS.-M188 AGOIE i i u i e is prepared to give music lessoss's tie piano or roe parti- culars inquire at Oeo. W. Ttoetsea'n More More. SRO. THE HURON HOTEL, This well-known sad popular hotel ha bees refitted and slurped dvtig the past semoa. and is mow seemd to utas la quality of ac- commodation for the teaysllimg mobilo. pool ter treniest gnaws. WM. ('RAiG or Sonar,.Ont.. 0edevlOnt. ,Amusements. (1 ODERiCH MECHANIOR' INSTI KTUTE LIBRARY AND READiN 1Wre1, , ser. et East street sad Mews Nt Open has 1 to t p.m., ad troy i to IS p.m ABOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY Letitia.. Delp, Weskit, end IUwairatd Papers, Merasiwm,,e. , nus Ala.MItliB AIL pestle. trete H oe i. M.:yONaad ReMia i�asrt.ae h r ss >•~."t+b resolves 1N ssaa T. 111111ATIL Quo ed Ge.bb. Ilaeeh lath M. travelling 'bulbs. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Trnlaserrtveaad depart st Qoderlob as 10 lows: ARA/TIL Mall sad ISIprwm....... LN p.m. Matt ................... SAS pus. MUM ............11 N ..at Mail..............• .....«..y/.sm Loans anb insurance. EN. LE W IS, Barrister, Prosier in . Maritime Court • Mosey to lima at N mat. at. private funds. Straight toga, In- sereetearly. Cosa very aedera*.. Per se pticacall personally or writs. el F J. T. NAPTEL, LIP'S, FIRE AND ACCIDENT IN- SURANCE N- SURiNCE AGENT, R North Beltah ft ble eastne Liveneot. Londa' a Olobe Norwich UIahs` North Amari s. 11fe ; Auddest arse of North America. Lowest Rates. Lames settled ppvsoasm�rRt Mosey to !ossa ea !tins and Tows Pteeertj Caaveyeaciag dose. Property valued. rte, ONos-Gr. Nerthm. W Square.yOMetyb, *500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY 10 richCAMERON HOLT & CAMERON�NAed MONEY TO LAND. -A LARGE awad st.t Private rude fax taegoz i�/ et lemon raw ea asetaslass Ilsegegel Apgt4 go ()ARROW t PROUDFOOT R. RADCLIFFE, GENERAL I'NSURA1NCli, REAL ESTATE Axe MONEY LOANING AGENT Only _ ii Money to Lewd oa straight loan•, at tie lowest rate of menet galas, Is ..7 wy to suit tb. oorrower, SiOrI1CB-8.eeed door tress Sews West Street Ooderlcb. ISCS-if 1f1 Legal. JOHN DAVISON, BARRISTER, v Solicitor. Che ; Money to teed. Owes ever PesaiU�ei. Goderieb. ebtt �' Solicitor Notary Public. s t e. C A M P I O N, BARRISTER, 0Mee-Over Jordan's Dreg Stere, the rooms formerly occupied be Judge Dolls. »w RC. HAYS, SOLICITOR, &d t of Square aad West Clod ric over telegraph oats. Pri- vests mils to lead at ® per Dent. I51S. (ARROW S PROUDFOOT, B A R RiSTERB Attorneys,Solicitors, Ooderick J. T. Darrow. W. Proud toot. 17 CAMERON, H3LT & CAMERDN, Barristers. Soliefton la Chancery.Sc. 3odertck. M. C. Cameras, Q.G.: P. Hlt. M. O. Cameros. C C. Rosa 1701 - Societies. M' MS OP rev Fi' R EK A - - .. CIL, NO 108, 00D - J RHICH.-Memnon' meetiag on T ereningsat7:]e !e Tespereace Hall. Nor re stet. 201 ly Legal Notices, N UTILE TO CREDITORS OF THE LATE Ott/ROB RIC& Reds- kin f the Hlghte eaCam* ed Justice for tthe ib Prey - Ince et Omtarto, dated Jose Mk. INN, and made In the smatter of the estate et Gage Mos, dee.ased. the creditors or the mad tale Oesess Race. late of the Town of Ood la the Comity or Herm. and Pron to» of jat- arts who died ea er about the la da of mber. t before the 100 ay et A agues, 18101. t. send by poet peer pal& to 'Mears. Ostrow t Pronate t. se Tows of Gobrteh •tsresald, solicitors tar the executor of the Um will el the miidd��d.eeaggd, their Cbrtselsa and sernaaes, et Yi deacrlptbss, the toll partieslsre (Sallee. a 1.res.ent et their WOO MAW" of the e.eoritles IIfi or I. action tumor they t►1 be F•v.a/g I1; esdodod has the b.asg Of the said sake. Every coeditor beidly say gsgaej17 N to OW duce the same .(dareswat sr Cta the Court How/kis tea Tow. KGed.rmibag�sa�Iaae, the fes day of Pepeembee. 1 es leo 741mik Is the forenoon. Mlag the time &ppotmal Air .4f s41s.tioe ea the elalaa D& the !lith dyot fuse, Irk Osgood) e. At.(NO at Auctlonesrtng. eIons aIL,O LAL A170. ?ofthodbe kl assitAss es our t• hI t ss •sit v Miers�""*"";:k Ns•dsd � J ON ENVELOPES IT TME SiGNAL I