HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-7-25, Page 3T ENDENT PENSION BILL. Minh Map Mmadlthise thuds taesaesl•a. ter+ , July iii- 71thea r os of served In fits Uelos nabs In or wire had near missives In all be hsssesesd ha the D. lisp which brans law lip W ag ►b •1Snature te ft the It was &sally parsed the WI se pasim@ to soldiers aad • 1 tor the per - unusual labor, and providing o widows, •alaur children sed meta by the Hecate and House of 1 of the Centel States of andira aas.ssbted. That in peuakon calms of drpsedest t of the soldiar'a death by wetted, injury, eswdty or later the conditions mid Beak slag laws, would have ea- se invalid penmen. end the idler let no widow dna having beau shown law, it shall be u•oeesary by competent and stall that such parent es parents er preerut grans of support e tauuaI labor or the-oaotri- s nut legally booed for their led, That all peidons allowed aroma under this act shad the date of the *hug ot the u nder mad shall cootinas so satsuma et the dimentl -ea tU pat•ms who served dusty the military or Naval service rates during the las War of ad wbo have base bnsor biy retrain, sod who are now or "ter be suffering from a men- , disability of a permanent he result of their own vkiorr tacapat-Dates them from see of manual labor in ae to render them unable rt, shall, upon making dor t according to such rube and be decretary of the Interior e placed upon tube ha of fs of the Umbel States, and cave * parka Dot exceeding h, and not less than In portioned to the degree of I support; and such pension from tic• date of Mgd tic. ie Pension Office, atter tilt et, upon proof that tie noted, and shall con Ince d the same, provided o are now r es1vi•g pensions laws, or whose deems are h e Pemba Mos, may, to t6. C, of such for as be may wing themselves eoUtled the benefits of this act, and contained shall be so case revert any pensioner Uwe•• -sooting his chum and res• oto under any other general provided, however, that se dee more than am passion rad, sad provided, further, Ir service shall not be ease mime Med under this an any officer or enlisted use ty days or iron in the army 'cited States during the lap shim, and who was honor. has did, or than hereafter dew without other means of dealy labor, or manor ebild- ge of 16 years, such widow root of her baseband'. death. ( bis death to be the m- arries, be placed on the pat- hs as6. date of the tie act, at the rate of Sit per sr widowhood, and shall also .ostb for each gild of snob 1 man under 16 years of sops, e death or remarriage of the child or Andrea of sash . I warn under the age of 16 or shall be paid ends chit' r the age of 16: provided, ser eland Is insane, idiotic sanently helpless the pew as during t6. lite of raid"-. he period of such dimsbility, shall apply to all passions 1 or hereafter to be granted ' former statute, and such snmence from the dab of for atter the passage of this led further, that old widow d said soldier prior to the agent, attorney or other n Pr•Paring. a essstlug or :thane under the provisions t°, directly or indirectly, eon- 1, receive or retain for such ding, presenting or prese- t • sum greater than 110. ae payable only upon the omiedoner of Pemba' by it irking payment oe Ilia and any person who tiNw e provable' of this ••ellag, oogyfUy withhold trees a nant the whole or any part aim allowed or dere such rent under this act abed be m misddlntaoor, and ups f shall for each and every ted not exceeding K00 • t hard lobar not exesedIng 1, la this discretion of tha ir. Pwsear Masa y 16 -i». Patti et Qum - may et ParhamM, b an ep- silon plion trona t6. Americas eh, tV It Is eswtred, w111 be s The doctor was an army r war of the rebellion and whir os duty >• 'ham ssrtoesly cele ted W Mew Msdoe money (Limed O ared a further peaks d DN REFORM. as i/agars. Massy senb es lesaslwe.l. r M - T . Prison Ratans ay beard evidence from Jails Appleby of a1 an* Jaw Pateenore %belt Prays sod Sear panes, Jailer a C. H. Corbett, +Nest et the W.C.T.EL. light et pointy ran.. so laws& Ms Mama 1 away pear hansti elgolF IMep Marl, Rap taw - 'movies enemy. Amebae t advocated sad work a 1 for armed-terss ert,s(esb. • will sot lama drunhao- halle tram Ward.. Inver as • maser le looms rimmed hsdestrtal erieshe Has a COUNTY—UUlthEhe1. Items of Interest from over the County. A Mseily Ingest of Ibis If *only *rws &err - M op Maters Readers .t "1be tt1gwaL." Mae .anal Mara. nipped aae tee• deemed fawn Berry Medea • Mn Salem Armstrong, of Leaven worth, Kends, M waiting relatives In Bras .a. llu Monday afternoon Os... E. Coop- er, brae als, fell and dlmagd dor ribs mod bruised his fatal. Gooey* Skalstiky, Brussels, has re cawed • promotion on the t 1. Tit. His new position takes him to Wrrtou. It a reported th at C. B. Harris and his sou Bet.jainiu, formerly reerdesut. of Brussels, are prwpeotsug it. Mtnstoba. Chu. Howlet has purchased the 50 sews adjourned hint for hue for the aim Of =1,311.1. Mr Howlet maw hu l'",O acres of tint -churl laird. Mr David Doig. who hes beet. teach• tag toehold in Aroma for the past ..1 geostba, a hove iu for the vacation. Mrs John Henderson Kippen, started on Wednesday for Sault Ste Marie, to join her husband, eh() has beet herr for wine tame. Some long fingered stamp entered Vslent.ne Ic.eger's harbor shoo in his 'Wad at Atwood and stole about $8 or 110 iYeeu ! 41t1in e 1,4..:7 Mw Labelle Peeouck, Marra, sod Mr Patterson, of Ilanitube, were united to manage this week. Her B. B.• Keefer, well known it. Wiugbse, is at premed engaged au essalt. •eltoal truck to Kaouutra. Mr Joseph Clegg, livaebiue, cattle dealer, shipped a &ergs number tat nodus .rid .heap to the Old Cosby, last week. Mr Wm Brows, of Morrie, loot hue valuable gray mare on Saturday uioru- tag. His lose u settmated at about $1110. Mr Thos Ramey, cut timothy lot 41 eon. 3, East Wawanurb, Monday, which measured 5i feet length, ,M 4,11 las Mr C:. Wslaos. Dungannon lett last week her Mexico.. He is expected to return on Friday, acoompauted by his wale and little daughter. Mr John McCarter, jr., Sunshine,wh.• had the misfortune to fall and break 1o• collar bone about three weeks ago is vet, ling all right agate. A log rolled un the foot of the son a Mr John Grey, at McLeau's mill, V* Maga. ham, recently. The loot was pretty %rill squeezed, tut it is getting better. Mr Charles )vera, Londrab,ro, the week shipped frim this place a syr load ..f fine cattle. He paid one fanner the the risco suin of Nil() for cattle. W t:o says stuck dues not pay .' Mr John Chisholm, sun of Dr Chis- holm, Kingham, Is home for his holi- day.. He has successfully passed his i z- antivatiuu, Mid is now recruiting, in or- der to du valiant battle at the next ax - THE HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1890. worth of tolls. smiostion. Rev W. J' Eccleston, of Wycliffe Col* Mise 11. E. Wiesen, Sesrforth, teach - Lege, Toronto, who has rses's'IV Leen aP' er of the infant class in the Preabyte- Coiotrd by the Bishop of Huron to take run Sabbath Scbool, entertained the charge of the Atwood mission, has as little folks,their parents and some friends sewed his duties. at their annual picnic in Be•ttte's grove* Blanche Milne. Winnie It,ynard Lucy on Friday afteru000 Tut. A'1 present Sanders and Wm. Dilworth, Ethel, spent a very pictorial afternoon. wrote at the Entrance Examination in fine day last week as Mr Alex Keilor, Brussels can the 3rd, 4th and 5th July. foreman for Mr Rota n(eMocdie, Kip - Joseph Whelptun and son have lucid- pen, was assisting in putting up • by ed at New Westmtuister, 11. C., and fork in the baro, he accidentally fell a report favorable prospects. The family distance of about 10 feet receiving a will not remove from Ethel for the severe shaking up which will aontiue him present. to his bed for • few weeks. Luckily, as It., Dr and Mrs 0 5, Howie, of it happened, no bones were broken. Brussels, left for Toronto on T :, sday. (fin Wednesday afternoon while Mr L. T. Wilkie, Clinton, was asserting hl. aeeter•! Saturday, 19,h July completed the tot fsasince Mr Howie loft hr Ell'.'"" father in the dental surgery, he met The Liter -toy y lf'o,ll in a review of home to whish he hopes to ntu[u beware with a painful accident by opening the Mrs Brush's Mee bo..k, ••inside t/,.r another ansivereary cornea vulcanizer too quickly, the escaping Gate," srye perhaps the erne: delightful - Postmaster Farrow. Brussels, ha* steam burning his face. Had he been a of all Mrs Befall a delight:us uelu,estlous purchased the boxes, drawers. ate.. In few lushes further over the Vulcanizer is the Scotch c sok with her ai•h.•n,m•, Id certainly have blinded him. her losers ani her ca'uo, Cmnstian The Favorite $edictue for Throat awl Lung DM - coiner has lona bees, and still is. Ayer's ('berry Pectoral. It cures l'ruapy W'huuplag hough, Broacklila, and Asthwa; souther irritative tot the Larva: awl !'asters; streugtheus the trial Organs; &Bayo wreuese of the Lastige; preveuta Ceseaaiipolos, and, *veto in advanced stases of that dreamt. yellers' Coughing and 'educes Sleep. Then is no other preparation for dis- eases of the throat and lungs to be com- pared with this remedy. " My wife bad a distressing cough, with palm* in the side and breast. We tried any gooduntil I medicines, but d id hag swagra bottle tlo Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which has cured her. A uetghbor. lyra. Glam. had the _eaalcs, and the cough was relieved by 11e use of Ayer's (''berry Pectoral. I have too hesitation in .. Ung this Cough Medicine to every one afflicted.''- Robert Horton, Foreman lleadlighI, Morrillton, Ark. " I have been afflicted with asthma for forty years. Last spring 1 was taken with a violeut cough, which threatened to terminate my days. Every one pro - Bounced me hi consumpption. 1 deter - Mined to tty Ayer's Cberry Pectoral. Its effects were magical. I was immedi- ately relieved and continued to improve until entirely recovered." -Jury Bullard, Guilford, Conn. "Six months ago 1 had a severe hem- orrhage of the lungs. brought on by an incessant cough which deprived me of sleep and rest. I tried various reme- dies. but obtained no relief until I be - pe to take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. A few bottles of this medicine cured me." Mrs. E. Coburn, 19 Second st., Lowell, Mass. " For children afflicted with colds. roughs. sore throat. or croup, 1 do not know of any remedy which will gide more speedy relief than Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I hare found it. also, tevale- able in cases of Whooping Cough." - Ann Lovejoy, 1'.WT Washington street. Boston, Maas. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ALb BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.. Lowell, Maas. Mid by all Druurts. roes al, six Doul.•., t5. RufA11 AraT SEN EP tabOSE THE BEST GARTH &CI BUNG POWDER ricToir seer +Iaa- M:1111 Mil Cook's hcld the present po.tothoe and will have them placed in the building he is ti'ung up. The removal will take place about Au. goat lat. Roy, youngest sen of W. A. McCly went, Wicgham,wl pile attempting t. climb in • pa legs caught in the wheel and could not be extricated until the wheel was taken off the wagon. He was seriously, but not fatally injured. Dr J. M. McLachlan. of Hartford, ef tnd when Mr Glou.her went on Monday ri.stt was home in (trey an a eek. marmite, to get it, intending -to go to visit to reieti ns and friends this week. work. he (• 'and the animal on its bark He still hold. allegiance to the red,whitc' in a ditch that runs through the premu- blue. We are pleased to know that es. is succeeding well in the practice of profession. At Clinton. there were , - 5 eandi•iateo . Mr J. M. Brown, formerly a teacher writing at .he examination, 49 of those in Stanley, but for the last year. a rest- were writing at the third claw examins- dent of Once Harbor, Washington tern- tion. 19 for second and 7 for tirete. The deter niii*'ton toward her People are wondering what in the Toe carr s,,de her by "'lewtur M•e- world Ste til. Switzer weals a aewin2 ma. Ferlan., baker,' th the presence of her chine for. It cannot be that he intends No Alum. tla•hiag Iglarrens. '(T.UUD EIERIMIL mtrtrew is some:Lin,& delietoua so mike his own clothes, and hecerteinly .•I just cal.ed to .ay, Miss Crtharis. cannot sew buttons on with it. If he E,izabeti, Dru,umood, that 1 made ye an had rowebody to nee it for him. we could „(yrr ..f n.atruuony this day wed:, an' I understand it. -Clinton New Era. wad hka_au ausser. ' Mr A. Glnusher, Blyth• mnnrns the T.hble looked as innocont as a !amble lose of • valuable horse. The animal war • Wee', tor,'. she add, '•in ye rte.{Mire pasturing in the Canada Co. swamp i, an usswer, 1 suppose a, Ion! as ye ret an "mower, ye untie rate %hat It may beT "Te ken well that I ears." rued the suits r doggedly. "The 'Last time I w s here ye made objection to me hw' s baker. but ye suld pick that h see e i me father for apprenticin' me to that trade. 1 e remarked that ye'd always intruded to marry wt' a aatior. But I cam, t dor a sailor •-grippin' wet ropes, cluuhin' bare pules like a daneu.' bear, to p.eate emu ye at my time of life.' Mr Mae:lake.' temper was up • bit, he dtd'ot know Tibbie as well as I did. A firm expression was settling upon het month and a glitter in her ere*. "What settled ol'jection In.d ve to a bakery" he continued "It always make's me sick to my stomach,- replied Tibbie. "to think of dour an' water muddles together 17 men -folk. I ve hard they tramps crack- ers tri' their feet, too -heaven forbid !" This was toc much for 1ir'Mof.rlane. "Hae ye never tasted baker's brad in ye'r life," he continued warmly, "nor crackers, lap r' ••Nisei I mann confess I have, re - tory, dropped in anezpectedly on his of friends, on W ednesd•y, tie is engaged in teaching, but is taking a holiday. Mr Wni. Foster, who south time ago moved his family to Toronto to reside, iv brinetnc them hack to Clinton. and will oecepy his own house on Albert •t. The for this change is that they have result will be made known in about six areees and the districts will he num- bered. Clinton's No. 93. At G. derich. there were 52 wrote for thirds, 22 for sewnds and 3 for junior matricult ti •n. A quiet but pleasant affair tock place nn Wednesday at Danby Hall. Tocker- e'nith, the residence of Mr Wm Fowler. enjoyed good health in the city. This event was the marriage of Mr Rol - a boy named Patterson, engaged with and A. Limbert, of Vancouver, British James Slaackman, Sauble Line, Stan- Columbia, to Mies Agnea Chri.tiea, Ai ley. met with au accident one day lest youngest daughter of Mr Fowler. week,'which might have proved more We notice thattMr John Beattie has thrice*, Ile was dritin¢ colt it. •anis undertaken to look up the legal standirg ky-rake, when the animal gave a spring, of McKillop and manifests a distositlon when the animal gave a spring, throwing to poke op the cffi•.ials with a sharp him from his Best, and breaking his arm t- k He or tome person else should Mies F. E Kerr, Brussels, has gone up the Georgian Bay with an excursion party from Owen Soiled. They purpose camping out for • few weeks on one of the islands and will co doubt have an enjoyable time. The party numbers about 1111, ladies and gentlemen. itev. W. E. Kerr is one of the promoters of the excursion. Monday evening, July 141h, a bine belonging to E. It. Grundy, Brussels, was choked to doth or broke his neck. The animal was attached to a buggy and was tied -to the fence. opposit Mr Grun- dy's, with one of the lines. The precau- tion wise not Laken to remove the line from the ring on the homes and as • result when the horse attempted to back rap it got in trouble with the above result. it was dead when found. "is. MoLanchlin, Grey. disposed of Ill..1 of prime young cattle to Joseph , the well known eattle dealer, last w , receiving OW 00 per head for them. Mr McLauchlin pocketed ill, quickly as this. The G.'lR for the above sale. A farmer will home as 1 J possible. have to grow wheat a long time before carriage was badly smashed. One of the he will have any such results. Every• ladies required a few stitches puling in bodydoes not cell their tattle as well as her face.--Vtsuton New. En. Mr McLauchlio. however, tee he has been Soma time ago Thos. Taylor, i th non., In the horse and cattle business for (grey, purchased hRhtntng nods from an roan. agent named Reeve, as his neighbor's About 10 o'clock on Monday evening, barn had been destroyed by lightning. July 18th, the barn of Mr .lames Grier. The rods were put in place and Mr Tay who lives on the 8th coo_ of Fret Wawa- lois note given to balance the $50 00 nosh, was found to be in flames. With expense. Mr Taylor was deprived of diflcelty he was able to get the horses the advantages of education in his youth, from the stable, as the flames anon en- and was consequently unable to write b s tinted the barn. Together with the name. hot made his mart. J. C. Tock, barn • frame shed and stable were dee- of Cnnbrook, purchased the sots and in troysd, but fortunately only a few mads doe time the *scoot was paid by Mr bay had been taken in, and otherwise Taylor. So far everything was straight the barn was nearly empty. The canoe and bossiness like, bet to the surprise of of the Bre as yet a unkncwn, but is Mr Taylor he received notification from generally considered to be accidental. the Bank •t Seaforth that • note of his The toes h almost eoyered by inose for $110.00 would be doe na s certain date h Valves, Mee • Lest PIM Loses Palley OHws, Nara let Pimp% f •e Pew, Wad dulls, Dass Separators, Dory ad Weeny Ut sdtw ENICUI6 STr: iT, MONTREAL. o.AAISCA MANU 1s C TU FIE,FtS toll ARRLAGE YARNISNE$ ,1 "4SILVERMLDA1 A •i . . MokTR.AL ••rd': CHaDwiCR'S LEATHEP1CID SPOoli ST:El-LIED TAUNKS Is Sanrls. L ultra' and m11 vier kiss& COTTON melI'J,sI::'tet t"9r l(nnd stege T R U 11 KS -1Lfscl:irse 18e. la tics J. ETiELEGf CO t3 SUPE11101 MONTREAL, asKFon :T. IS'•hVS•i-rte i HOTEL BALMCRIL . J1O %TELERL. Your Tame fit, moon( the tn-st ee-: rein a_..! elegantly- furalsb.. le. . ♦ to tar t.+ty. A.. .. .. R..teet S. 'r VJ 'r•Ue nr e+ to j'i ler day. r PE.IRS' L ; is lar 1.PALMER &SOP Sole,.:. i p'tr..os GRUCGI:TS' SUNDRIES 17111113T E LII IT., MONTREAL. SOAP. DOMINION £LI LL ti1 : r 4 (:OMPANY. pant.:. cc .rrtr. of LSaESTDS C!'_L1.4ITi3 Mass Perking. FRICTION PULLET fl,veP. f tFrle"vw RECKIU'S BLIJILS THE HEST FOR LAJri .at PAPERS. Wrapp'.ng, Yttnlla, s. ALL 312 ES also WEIGHT 1.) Cant Ids :MT[M'J1, sere fast m NMIr re ijOH; i 5 T is 5 ill' .DBC=F ET. GREAT Eller I GIvE: PEArE6T 00 _A ca vox arcn `A las k ru nning}::Eoo h&& A PC.YITRVJt INVrmoq*TO* niw,Yr Oral PUBLIC NOTICE Another Targe consignment of Fresh Teas of superior quality. In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. REES PRICE & SON. Kay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. aoderich Foundry and Machine Works, wary.. Ta. P.uow.es ars RUNCIMAN BROS., - Proprietors. FLOUR MILLS BUILT ON THE UTEST IMPROVED SYSTEM. WE MATS OW > D VOR - SALE: IMPROVED LAND OLLERS, HOS pommy, GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW CUT- TERS, PLOWS, &c. We are Manufacturing Improved New Model Mowers which are equal to the best. Give th m a trial and encour- age home manufacture. ase emsweA. sole rM..+w aM•weee wwal..11.1 esisso... ark loseloss. eerbY• e.i•.•• a.a tae.. ora• swiss Ss woe ems as irks sera .t tar dere.. Art roe loss M M 1• rases Y w .Mw! ass .good, se Wow sAss wed de... ear tri a no a Cr ee Sts a•.weann at %'Dow 1•. 001 orb of .w 0N. rues iM are••saa•• 01 w resew• .e ,►rasatM•a....part ware& arty 0 .41 -.0 J.osa.w papafi. swat. a mg, bre.M .. Mel .s rorty see rpm ,rt. drew 5.0 Ste a a.y . Wim' r N o.p er/ aa ,a. o aspartame, Maw wnw,. meas a.,es ,y,so. H. tIALLeTi a N.. Mae We Will Guarantee Satisfaction. It Will Pay you to use our new Steel Mouldboard Plows. Doty Engines and Boilers for sale. T1I &IRS AND CASTINC3S OF ALL PCINDS. GE O_ BARRY" Thr Furniture Dealer. is selling all k:cas of furniture at the lowest possible prices. It le a well -know a fact that be Tis for cash. He it also the leading Undertaker of the town. Embalming Fluid always kept hand. He •Iso n akess speetalty of Picture Framing. Give hint .a call before , Furniture elsewhere, and you will find out that be awes as be says-- sells cheap oR in thankinx one and all for their past patronage be hopes to set -cites continuance of the PLANING MILL same. ESTABLISHED IES_ CFM O . B A It FLY, I -i amilton-st. NEW ARRIVAL CARLING'S a ti . have been at it loo ago, but better late turned Tibbie it. • provokkingly calm uc anal I -•f-' than never. % a doubt if there 1s a voice. "When I was • bit v.* lap and municipality in Canada whose municipal did na ken what I was eating.; we a 1 HANvrACTITRtirts affairs have been mote wretched) mu- mon eat our peck o' dirt. managed, and the wonder to every ane is •'An' hie ya nse eaten baker's bread that the ratepayers base borne the in- sin' ye were grown 1" fliotton so patiently as they hare. -cess It sounded lake a stern controversy be- tween consumer and manufscturer,rather What might have been a very serious than like • conversation between loser I occurred last Friday, at Holmes- and sweetheart. accident II 1[ Chas Cruickshank with two "Wesel, I hoe,"admitted Tibbie,"w rn Mien f Clinton, drove to what the chosen people eat in the des - yl e. ra of her daughters, M Cruickshank end took tri' pings 1 hunger and coaatdetin Mr. McGee. all n Godench, and when they were coming truction o' Jerusalem : but I eat it wi'my d.rwn the big hill just west of Holmes- eyes filed nn the ceilin' and repeating • • rine, the horses gct going rather fast, al- verse of Scripture, to liven me mind till though they were being carefully driven, it were were well gulpet down. Noo,my, and by acme means were drawn into the nun, ye ken why I'll no marry a taker." ditch., upsetting the carriage, and spilling the occupant• nut. The ladies were Dresses that are entirely good often halped into the parsonage there, where have the under part of the sleeves worn b d t h dms till) bad to patch them, SASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers In all kinds ot LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES And builder's material of every description. M3ri3 SNVAVI'Q CARLING'S BAVARIAN GOODS LAGER (Bottled) ALE & PORTER For Sale by LATEST STYLES. G. H. PARSONS School Furniture a Specialtj l,1 AI.1n11IN ltl,OCK. 1.014.it11 if. every until Mr Ed. Swarth hitched the team, so the beet thiug is to take out the which had run into a post and stopped, sleeves and make new under. Many on to another rig, sod brought them ladies, in buying dramas for themselves or children get enough extra for a new thing puvsi le was one or t em, cut, an it see IMO*. and "skim; hie to . ,.4A• foe the try The Atwood Ilse says : -(len Friday, men rated home be her reward In the person The holdall gad hal their claim. It ./AtfNmoir pair of sleeves and to allow for mend- ing. A ti tear in • dress can be neat) darned with silk, or ray ellings of the "sane odor, if a small piece of the goods is placed ander the tear. t d the wins This he mimed to WILL CURE (i township's moat do and wee ihnsaaid with legal pro- DILIOUSNE*; Jdy 4114, on. of My p oit.in.t eeseding• wit h• pr,Fered en Rrbt. DYSPEPSIA w kaowe and respected 01 rice ode backed down. INDIGESTION. withdrew r c of ea • 'appeased That the note was a forgery made so an wisdoms devise peeved unavailing Mee of Mrend . a been an ardent doubt let Mr Taylor net People sM+mld ellewgr et (Iebe sad very • tM Crsabonk Mrs J Kelley. D•••ssed bad sof- however. bens ,,,r $ keg time with an **ward ppe gfitw really nwisg to Mr Tmy growth that 'm resembling a tumor, and every his alma 'lice thing that 'medical skill maid do or In*'• irssbiit7eek holding the origins' hs.ee ' seal os Friday As gaiety seed away nerds rather baulked Ow lob, no sed faithful t M gm•'d•d s• to what pepwn they worthy msufabar ofwades shwa. • Jr For many years orbs had OR REUEVE 011i MESA DROPSY, • ,LIITTER/M OF THE "FART. ERYSIPELAS. ACIDITY Of -.-_T MEM EWE STOMACH, HEART DIMiif. DRI MEROF d SA7D, HEADACHE, eeleo Vtt11lK S H 1 RSi'S: ,, EXTERMI 6, WILL POSITIVELY Ciif:£ Et ??S,FI115 "HE STO Cii Blue: ern;:lz!nta, D!arrhoaa —..-- SUiMSERCOMPLAINTS KETHE HOUii • SOLD BY ALL MALE'S. Remnants to be Cleared Oat. Perfect Fits and Showy Shapes. H. DUNLOP t rife- The Westet. Taylor The LATEST And BEST —,e STYLE AND VARIETY —611--- \VATER SERVICES! „: SPRINO prat to with Lead, Galvanized Iron 1 or Black Iron Pipe, Jr]with lily V r` Adjustable Brass Connections. HYDRANTS Or t'ARiOCI PATTRRNS. Hasse, Sprint Hibbs. Maks. Itrankets, *M sit I at redeeoat prima. Warereetes sear Tleteria garret Church 4 rc•. $6.1"°'' i ii ■ IIL7T ENVELOPES, NOTE HEADS, LETTER PAPER, BILL HEADS, Etc., Rt.,., at :..a THE SIGNAL PAINTING OFFICE 5 its-- 1fCi1 NO" THE TORONTO .HOUSE, 07444.aii l u a S e O einadr+ ! I I e * •• the rka and pro. *Rix that WWI to, ?o / r *whalers w®WNW1 aro r rTa l"'l*whalers gra std all tied vete ter wseis t er•rrrw %Ward wee, snug sm. r{aey wpm .ease —i a of ..is.. nae naa.reis .ardor ....... ear e .aa ..dwa.e.e.arses wtlw Iee., r orf r M ars•.t, aro. Apse, as io we* re a, n s..a Sar .sr -. •w yea—deer is isloW w_ ~•ae.s astir Ow row grime owesNew•. ifwfirestia s• -. at*a..s.. ase.. is N e. Yip= t=. 'Mask Liquors, 8&c POR SAL.lt AY G. H. PARSONS maws sauces. pODER1CU. fTr ,. .,. itb•7 sse,ftt!tir: x, rq4 . .. ' 't' ;t - .. ,. ' ''"''t' . .. ... -. .vim ..... ....~s .,a u. - r` tea,` - • , . , 1s