HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-7-25, Page 1s
al Goods
rTe,zarooc a
g iving the
,e always has un hand • large stock or
C+OOC1. ",
'antage to give him a call before goin
t of
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4 1.1
3 OD
0 Or
1 kis
0 xis
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5 sr*
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0 11
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It -
of Style and Price. at the Old-1Estaklkh.i
Shoo _Stoc
I am not confined to one Make�ia tet
can Kae you your chowder
Bste Productions
in footwear from all the
Leading Manufacturers
in the Dominion. Prices lower than at may
other .torque the I/omtalun for,tbe*ameclmm
of Goods.
Ordered Work
equal to the hest In Canada.
Repairing done Promptly
and Right.
('cr. Flet-st. and Square. Ooler,cb.
Niagara Falls, Buffalo,
Cleveland, Detroit, Pt. Hur-
on, Ooderich, Sand Beach,
Tawas, Bay City, Saginaw
and intermediate points.
The Past Steamer
Iearea Oedetieh as follows:
RANT MCRP. a p.m., west •oolrp,
Jeer 27. Jetty I. 1 It tf,
July v. ,3. 21. id, Au4. IA /14. �
Awe. a. 1.. tit fe. Sold. e. 11, 21.
Pepe. 7, I3.
Y (R M • floderlek to iloti1n and raiser
only 11f.00. inclodMg berth .M meat% RewR4
Trip ant, stem.
For further Information apply to
WM. LEE, Agent,
fee tf. Gods
Firstai i
701.i9UMBi tilt }
OT Eo o c
j D. (MOIL` OUB YY. Promisees.
IThe Coe boom better milk brigade • Mrs Hooker. d Kamloops. has been
temper•ow m
gement and during t
Notice of changes must be left
at this Office not later than
Monday noon. The copy for
chanes must be left not later
than Wednesday noon. Cas-
ual Advertisements accepted
up to noon Thursday of each
Upset Messes&
AU awoke notices in the local columns
f Tun StesAof snorting* or .e-
twis isen is at w which an admission lis
is charged. rust whirl a
is dented, meat f tw
for at the rate of one at per
mord •A insertion, 110 Adage lest
than twenty -Art cents. Where ed-
vertiesiweats of eatertaiwmsmts ars
licensed a brat/ local will es yimi
w now cue at the features of the town visiting her parasol, Mr and Mrs Geo.
h. $vaus, Cambria Riad.
do.days, whoa the W.C.T U. and the Tea Stutsat. is Xortbauded this week
•'Y 'Faro taking raaatioa it is doing • in the bo*ineas,news and jubbio j depart -
good work. In the language of the
ment, but we hope to be able to fill the
bill in every particular next week.
wife l of lir J. Raidd.. noe lab t
nst.. the
meraLaat taller, of
immortal Kip Van Winkle : "May it Id
lung and brosper."
Coen/ MAr1ON Sravice.-O0 Friday
mooing lest in St. Oeorge s church, His
Lordship, the Bishopo( Heron. admiols-
tared the rite of coo6rsestiuo to 18
candidates. There was a good atteadeoce
to witness the cse0*ooy, the body of
the church being fall Hie Lordship
also oocepied the pulpit in his usual
impressive manner.
FaLL raor His BICTI;LM.-Mr Ed.
Comp imee, West -et., met with a seri-
ous Decedent on the Square, near the
head of South -et, by being thrown from
his bicycle. He was making fast time
w hen something west wrong sod caused
the wheel to cease revolving, the eonee-
goeocs was • "header." Mr Campaign's
D ose was broken, and face badly bruised
by the fall.
Bateau - Nmasaoat.t-. - At the Palmer
R�e�eassee, ea tie OM lost.. Mr A B.
salaam too Iles B. NetbapU, formai :.r
Kilicardme vapors poem sees-
gesaut W"'Oresldemes et the tamer .1 na-At Pederick m
, at the
• ltj Or Joao
is Mary. deegbter or Mx
Warr -le Saltferd a Felder. Jolt' lath. NM.
Mn William tt;ett, relict of the Ian Wm.
Watt. aged el years.
MAw ab L ' ee tePeak elliata.. r Fred R.
mad 13111.
Mary el Vasa
1.0.11.-W. F. Camssea.
Art Class. -B, Mechem
Girt WeseM-Mrs Camarillo
Cardof l -Jos, esaaime it Son.
Card et Theaks-James eaeaem' fk ala.
..e Mhterare. mew mawLs• fears wit prast 4t --
Buis Bast -A baseball twitch was
Played in the Agrieskural Park oo
Wisdeeeds mooing. hely lbth, between
the Noethern sad Embers clubs of
(}oderiek, which reunited is favor of
Northers, setxe-10 to 7. The same
teams were main represented ma Satur-
day, July 19. and the mine club came
wt ! Astoria's. Batteries for wineries to
both cases were Cr.s.m•n and Humber ;
and Munro, Glover and Batas for the
Stratford Beams :-A oorrMVesdent
of the S.aforth Kspositor resommesda
that Mr ll[. C. Cameron, ex M.P,. be in-
closed to stead for South Huron at mitt
@ Merlon. We hope the sweeties will
be acted on and that Mr Oemeres's mea -
1 and "legalist voice will be heard in the
Commons atter sect eleetios, supporting
a Liberal administration
world, of sores", be • esember) or d.-
eoneeiag, with his old-time rtgor. the
iniquities of the Tory boodles., gerry-
manderers, and timber grabbers.
The 0 N. W. Telegraph Co. bare
opened so office at Stokes Bay. This
will be a grest eouvefieo0e to vessel
men and *hipper* up the lake shore.
Messrs A. A. Audrey*, of Wiouineg,
W. H. Hall, of Plumb Crick, and Mies
Benjamin, of Belleville, have been the
gesso id Mr M. Hutchison the week.
"In DAtuE.T ArwtA"-Mr Joo. T.
Wren, of Hensel'. is in this section
e.•vesel00 for Stanley's celebrated work,
"In Darkest Africa This is the only
geouloe edition of Stanley's week
published, and Mr Wren u • thoroughly
reliable agent.
Bev S. Bond. of London oocupied the
North-st. Methodist church Sunday
moru.n4 last very acceptably. Many
ysers ago the lay. gentleman was sta-
tioned herr, as moisten' to Rev Mr
Oosf,•rd, sod he was welcomed by
many of the old members. During his
stay io town he and his wile were the
guests of G. Aoheet,0.
shames e( the Lasa aewsler feral -]Mets
q Ieesions.
The regular meetir g of the town coun-
cil was bold oe Friday swoon, July
18th, the Mayor in the chair.
Members all present exeepting deputy
reeve and councillors Neftel, Tb..mpsos,
Pridham, and McKenzie. Minutes
of last meeting approved and .;goad.
code C N It;ATIONa.
A Dem Premmer.-Tbe Ines metal gift
to D. MOOtlllizegvio R'eawl ilaPezyk. sir
Ossetia views are • se•otsl one wick Gee.
S tewart. 1400 tact deer set greyest bum dvetse
• g Whet missiles to tis Stag et clam
gees. e� IwLter
��.a.ar•1y rs for tike
=Fit help is e(0eetfse tbetr
,y Sal w saleroom •ad get pima
geed harmst is • b•r1Iwtrer of letter
sad villi better times will Dome • de-
ter besettfyhig the _M -s. Nah1•g nes
this se well as commun. the walls with
framed beautiful pietel'es. R. R. ia1-
sas ole It •1L
The remit y aaeorteu tore ~W been bea.00d l -
ree and es t e Movrea tube dust. lwho It you rani to
met�st thas �iosnaer emit that doesn't show the
gsltery ydat0ag W been pat in M Sun-
team aaemt 4. theluring the pest three e of Toronto tress a i•puaeyt
imest M( view. nay have reoesuythe servielie 51150 ee
saryw her and steam beater. wbo
Church. aa expert
ataetoae7 recommesd•tteas rad •
the was matter? methods.
Pekoes eau depose o• Mt 015*
as low as m d
esest.nt with
A Lazar I 0 0 F. Di rorsntLT10r.-
Tbe largest tMd Fellows' demonstration
'hulas will take place in
Chicago, Aug. 3 to 10, when 50.000 mem-
bers of the order will be in the city.
The occasion 1s the first trieonial Odd
Fellows' Parade and Geed Cantonment
of the Patriarchs Militant, the military
brand' of the order that was founded
five years too and ttat already mambo's
23,000 uniformed members. Of these
from 12,000 to 15,000 will be present to
take part in the competitive drills, the
dress parades, the grand review on Aug-
ust 7, mod the •.thee ceremonials. Cash
prises amounting to $25,000 will be dis-
tributed among the verwos contestants.
Primes.gBregatiag over $6,000 will be
awarded among the Subordinate and Re-
bekah lodges. The $25,000 pro
money, mad $25,000 additional, to be
geed for the legitimate expenses of the
undertaking, is already in back in Chi-
cago, se certified by the president of the
Moved by Campion, aeeooded by Mor X
ere , that the waterworks sod electric
ligt committee be empowered to oom-
tract with the light service and prociee
the 0eoeaesry wire to make the000neo-
tione with tie aerobes and Agricultural
Park -Carried.
The dark was instructed to write P.
O'Dea, demanding p•ymest ot his elec-
tric light amount within two weeks,
otherwise proceedings will be taken to
enforce oollection.
Couooillur Marney reported that be
bn.Kl the •ppilatiuo of Mrs
Cad 000urooa to
idbeaalIowed $2.00 pee week
for boarding J. Lamont, and that he
w .,t opinion that her application
should be allowed.
Moved by Holt, seconded by Humber,
tbat Mn Connors be allowed $2.00 per
week for boarding John i.amout during
the pleasure of this °outniL Carried.
The Mayor informed the couoctl that
Hugh McKay had been injured by a fall
and was unable to work, and had boon
to bio fur relief.
Mored by Nicholson. seconded by
Holt, that the matter of granting relief
to Hugh McKay be left in the bands of
the relief officer of St David's ward, to
report •t next meeting of the council.
Moved by the reeve, secooded by
Niehoieoo, that the electric light street
service run every night Doul 12 o'clock.
Moved by reeve, seconded by Nich-
olson, that the grass on the Square be
watered at ones from the bydraata, and
for that purpose the clatter be left in
the hands of the waterworks committee.
Moved by Holt, seconded by Cam-
pion, that the matter of purchasing 200
feet of rubber hose sad two more sprink-
lers for apriokliog the Square be lett in
the hands cf the Al•yor. Carried.
Moved by Humber, seconded by Holt,
that the basins of the fountains oa the
Sra.are be filled up with field atom or
coarse gravel to within ten ioehes of the
top or so, as to contain but 10 inches of
water. Carried. The reeve sod coan-
etllnr Campion voting nay.
Tb.00SGcilthen adjourned.
From George Robinson, re band tosr-
namomt at Hamilton. Filed.
From J. N. K.edell, asking what in-
ducements the council were prepared to
offerezcur.iooista from Palmerston and
intermediate places. Voved by Mar-
ney, seconded by Dunlop, that the com-
munication of Mr Kendall be referred to
the Mayor, reeve sad councillor liens -
From J. Hardie, referring to account
of Mr Si. Joan. Moved by the reeve,
reoonded by Campion, that the account
of Mr St. John be p•ia, and the clerk
.tate to Mr Hardie that though p•yisg
the account, the 00u1101 does not °oosid-
er themselves liable tor it. Carried.
From Peter Adamson, stating that the
sem of $1312.911 was to oe levied from
the municipality of the town of Goderiei
for county purposes fur the curreat
year. Filed.
E. D. Carsy,formerly of Godericb, has
some to the (root in V. Maiper as an oars-
man of some parts. Any roes they have
op them that he has not a hand in the
lead is sot worth taking ..count of.
The Winnipeg Free Press says :-The
Mesio of the club fours, which was 'dose -
1j eoetested •11 through. showed that
(%grey had, by hard work Seed careful
training, got his men working so well to-
gether that the other crews, good as
they were, forted it impossible to head
him In any of the heats.
The following acoomts were read and
referred to the finance committee :-
Doherty Mie. Co., Bernie, waterworks
soppliss, $37.46 ; E. Belches, $8.50 ;
Wm. Burrows, $11.62; R. P. Wilkinson,
$42.26 ; God.rroh Star, $12 13. The ne-
eoant of JO" Baxter for see of .cow 1r*
repairing desk, $L50, was read.
Moved by Humber. seconded by
Nicholson, that the a000unt of Jas. Bas -
ter be paid. Carried.
The following committee reports were
Your committee beg to retort that
they have considered the letter .f J.
Aikenheed, referred to your committee,
and we r.00mmend the •ooeptancS of his
offer in settlement for rent doe by him
and Co. We alio recommend the pay-
ment of the following accounts : Geo.
Nabergall, $107 GA ; Frame & Porter,
$2.86; Robt. Clark, $3.00. We find that
material is being procured for the Coen
without the order of the clerk ; as this is
aootrary to the expressed will of the
mooed. we recommend to the future no
seocu lts be paid unless the clerk's or-
der accompany them. (Signed)
Wm. Paororooi, Coalman.
Moved by the reeve, seconded by
Humber, that the report Cofhumusote humus
committee be adopteedd
STRAIroa - WATSON. - At 11 a.m.,
Thursday morning an important meat
conk place at the residence of our well-
known mod esteemed townsman. Mr
James Watson, in the marries. of his
third daughter, Mary. to Mr John
Straiton, the popular ticket agent of the
G T. R. at this pont. A large number
of friends of the bride and groom wit-
n essed the toeremooy, which was per-
formed by Rev Dr U re, D.D., pastc r of
Knox church. Tb.brids waehandsom"-
1y arrayed in mesas Henrietta, while her
travelling dress was of brows cloth with
bonnet to match. The bridesmaids icer.
Mies Fanny Ball sod Miss Dully
Weston, attired respectively in blue
and pink with handsome b•iqueta ;
and the groomsmen were Messrs G.3
Nairn, Goderch, and Jack Beard, of To-
ronto (the bridegroom's cousin). After
the ceremony all partook of • sumptuous
wedding breakfast The prase
bride were numerous and useful, and
testified to the esteem in which she was
held by a large circle of friends. The
happy couple left by the 1:53 p m. trate
to spend the honeymoon in Toronto,
Buffalo, Rochester and other points East.
It Dieter Ram -A picnic from
Clinton, under the 0uspioes of the
Methodist church came to town Tuesday
Met There were eleven coaches, and in
some of the smaller towns the news -
aspire would say there were several
thoaselld visitors in town, but fifteen
isthmian alter the train case in use would
not know from that commotion there ase• large
4em our streets
influx of visitors. Editor Holmes,
eoonoillor Searle and Dr Williams lest
quite as sir to the picnic by their pres-
Beet Robertson of Clinton is visiting
is town.
Mr and Mrs John Ackesoo, jr., are
Visiting in Saginaw.
Miss Cleve Walsh, of Clinton, visited
in town daring the week.
Miss Nellie McGillieeddy,'o( Toronto,
levisiting friends in Godsrich.
ASM McVicar has returned frees •
weeks' visit around Brantford.
Annie Campbell returned on
y last from • trip to Detroit.
Mr Cloff, of Brussels. was in town
y last on hie way op the Lakes.
Was B. Hatawell, of London, Eng.,
is visiting .t the resideoos of Mr A. B.
Tb. summer visitors are flocking to
Ood.rieh, and already there are many
ie town sod vicinity.
The M.fbsnieu' holdouts reom will be
dosed today and tomorrow for the pur-
pose at a general booeeelessin(.
Rev Ales. M.Dosald, of)Nairn, Scot-
land, will
a�hurch <(� McGillivrrasal-
ie j's)
Seedy nett
All AsrslnA. Lt,-rraZL-Dir Vohs
K. Besbgetuor, • native of Armenia, de-
livered a looters in Knox church on Un -
flay semis' to • large ccogregation.
he leet•rer gave • retold description of
hi* ooustry, and a very full account of
the political, eoei•1 sod religious oosdi-
tloo of the people. He purposes ntsro-
iag to bis satire land as a minbaary
after be fisiabes bis "declaim. A ool-
botioa was taken up at the dose of the
service to assist biro in pursuing hi.
"L IT'rLII Loan FarirrtsioY''-Am ex -
cahoot peemsation of "Little Lord
Dr M. Nishobnn, the West-st. dentist,
msko the presrrvatlon of the satsrd
feel" a.pemaky Gas administered Eos
9 •.m. for the painters .striation of
We ere plSMsd to leers the manhole
oldie fatally of W. R. Roberteoe, who
hews few the pies three or four weeks
"es..aistei.w sb emote lllnr,ere sow
Fan0 tleroy " was given the people of
Subscribers to Titer Smear. who
god a blue pencil mark opposite this
notice this west will do well to set
A large assober of l4ubcribpresentare io armor for the present year,
and it is time they paid up.
We have no apology to offer if
you allow this notice to be bine
marked this week.
You oould have got over the diffi-
culty by paying up and getting yoer
label dated .head.
Lk at the address label on
your paper. The date thereon will
show to what date your suba.'rlptioa
is paid. If not properly credited
there, send a card stating mistake
at once.
All accounts for two years and
over will be placed in hand fee
A saber .r tstetWlaS M
Peels etemi ase
at the Labe Frost.
Aril V ID.
Friday, July 18th.- 8.hr. Ontario,
Sandusky, with .1 for Jin. Kidd.
Saturday, Jody 19th. -Sir. Campine,
Sarnia postmortem and freight ; echr.
. McL.od,eWoo, 212,000 feet of
lumber for N. Dymeat ; eche. Kolfage,
Providence Bay, 100,000 feet of lumber
Swordfor H. Sword ; acbr. Carter. Thomaston,
260 000 feet of 40.5 1 0.for N. Dymest ;
with costs, after Miguel
A Werd or owe Aloes New reblleatlese Bee. ee. Come se Bawd.
The numbers of The Lining Ape he
July 12th and 19th contain A Visa to •
Great Estate, Sad "Distinction," Fort-
nightly ; Dante in his Reletion to the
Theology & Ethics of the Middle Ages,
Contemporary A Kentish Pilgrim
Road, and Vermin in England, National;
Sultan Abdul Hamid, by Professor Vent -
Wry, New iteaieu, ; Jamaica, Blackwood ;
The Gods of Grimes. by J. R. Morley,as
Temple Bur ; Some Indian Wild Bets,
and 'rhe Art and Mystery of CuUaboe-
atioe, Longman'. ; Georg. Wither. Afac-
wsilfsri ; In the Brazilian Capital, Time;
Notes of a Pilgrimage. Mr Palermo ma
The bitty Wrangler, .ad
The Effect of the New Careers on Wo-
men's Happiaess. Spectator ; with in-
stalments of 'Tb. Strange Occurrent -
ems in Canter/stone Jail," and "Lloyd
Courto ay'a Banishment" and Poetry.
For fifty-two OW ben of gilt y-
fourlug* pages each (or more than
3.300 pages s year) the subscription price
($8) is low ; while for $10.50 the pub-
lishers offer to rend any one of the
American $4.00 monthlies or weeklies
with The Living Apr fora year, both
WW1postpaid. @1 & Co., Boston, are the
t ,
REPORT or 111E t.'Oit1ITTIE. sir. Lora, Detroit, passengers and
Your committee beg to report that lfreight.
July 20th. -Sirs City of
they instructed the clerk to give an or. Sunday,
der to the tiro warden for • new lock fur
the fire hall, the present one being used
op. We r.odmmend the purchase of 200
feet of fire ham, tine same brand as that
purchased by the council last year. In
reference to application of Wm. McCal-
lum r. his being paid for taking Dare of
fire engine, your oommittes were unable
to arrive at any conclnsioo, and beg to
recommend that this matter be disposed
of by the council. (Signed)mn
WK. PiouDrooT, Chaira.
Tun NORTHwIYrzet4 ExnIsrrloN -
With reasonably good weather for the
loth, 16th and 17th of September, the
North-Western Exhibition ot 1804 may
oosbdently be predicted as the best fall
show in the history of the Society. The
new prize list (which will be diettibated
to -morrow) will be foetid much improved
in many respects over previous issues.
The classes for hones have been enlarged
sod changed se experience has showo
is.ble, end the prizes therefor very
Mored by the reeve, seconded by
Mersey, that Wm. McCallum be engag-
ed at a salary of $1.60 per day daring
pleasure of this monad, this u to include
all claims for services that may be re-
quired of him, Including taring care of,
running fire engine and looking after fire
hall Carried.
Goderiob ltiosday evening last 18 "la,materially increased. The 'peed tests
Grand Open House, with little Queen& inolode Eve •pecals, viz., No. 1. open to
Wells in the title role. There was a all ; ho. 2, driving horses ; No. 3, a gene -
good •ttenda.Ice and the play ase pat ise farmers' trot ; No. 4, running( ; and
oo the boards in good 0171e. Tha 9arte No. 5, for hurdles. The classes
were all well taken, and the acting I for o•ttle, blimp. pigs sod poultry
throughout was of • high order. On are all good, the latter department
Tuesday evening a "mond presentation having •good exon of special prizes.of the prepsase goose in the interest o f The Anel department has • class ex.
the children of the town. elusive) for children under 15 years of
Fiume Blush. - The following item sem and the ladies' work department,
from the Forest Free Press will prove of which has been extensively revised, has
interest to many of Tie SIGNAL read- a elms added for children of the same
Class *0 insects. bird., etc., has
Mame Wm. Mowst sad Fred Wai-
ters, of Stratford, .eeompsiedbMn
aWi/eve, peal . visit to Godeeb*► mrine
rte. week. They took • drive .round
tape and were mesh esker up with the
dgiedim raw et the rises.
,t. T. heroic. ILPP., bas esteenei
ties s hip M South sed B.51espeelle N haw
sad Sgrope Asa the maim five WailHares le ea sutberity os 6.0459. Seat h. died at tM Restage a
Mie iDonis*, llDebte eat std this Ii hirmi hem M m � with the Mayo sed
visiting Meade MLd who Denfrelle Mee Jame, and left as the 1.3* brain las
for the pas tics wedge rMwai
areed hones by Termite d herr York es make liaise
nes •'Ambros. portae. Her W1wt7 • theme following unique Offer : lwrtrset 001 -
Vise ed in. M Porto A1Mgn, Ieetioa of ls;egitsh sparrow heads, not
eon. at i tb RaSIoerey, main, Mn Jobo- 1� than 100, artistically arranged, SS,
San. I the . Forgot, oe the ntth
4•t Jel H. here b.e• b that country Ip Seed 91. The Directors ere cow in
1 correspondence be • number of epeeist
for 19 gees.. Hr thinksbe ober. is • amount of of attraction., and hope to hove these so far
future belts Brazrelil, bob on
political. sawed se to allow publiestios of the
tis eivelops. verry, Iowt . Po ars and to0eral atnnaneementa 0.51
• British
eo ony, elowt . If it had been Peet
e Britiab colony, Brazil would tavri tulads Mak. Plans are befog considered for
ase of the meet important dnpoodesst's the erection of • fountain sod aqin ttio
the rwvolstias, Is the ground Boor of the octagon
0f the 'Imagine
He Ism .entre of the main building. This will
the w*I pisstri from a mosa mutate aquatic and other plants, reek
ogoom a otog gi quietly
*meg so 4
o sigs raw adroitly work sod probably• onlleotioS of Ash,
4.s00 ew din gedeRly •u isle d w making • besntJesome, unified is its
dein were tor. M 6 d Oansda. eiMeeeter and • ebarming variat;oa from
14s gags
V to has im( 14e a V. ordinary indoor •tum:tioss.
•spa n Vic aim oft the fke.Et am._
trim ~ has ewer gess, with old ».ark.* p1'elp'en d
band teem
p.�i oast T►. Mawr Lams �;i i.et eaelg"di
Z1Lsed�hmi esema be too theslds� mad Coflim Bsy to Speak*
y sight d
.f.eeely two road el their eowstvy. 9• fie on lake Brie se r, the water's
M a heals"" oast to New Yelk end bat week and tan harmed to landed b
Liverpool, widish Mingo shy they alas as a .*gs. The 1Griew meard May ase landed
semis of e.ppiy, he Wag .sties ps1Mse Bsfr k+ Sand F0.0.4 M y
d the Arm .f Aries & 0a, Pseee the Collins y R•tUt-R
Mow.. 1. company with B. Agadir, .t Oaespeisy sed laid up et Asehaa1beim
Met wister, and was sailed by Dept A.
Mies, Jr, of Rt Thames
Obit et Amh.Mbere was fire mem,
Ma Miss Venetter of Amherstberg iris
comb. inetreaea.
Windsor, Windsor passenger and freight ;
•tr. Celtic, Sarnia, lighthouse supplies.
Tuesday, July 22nd.--Str. City of
Windsor, Deck inland, p�
freight ; ssbr. Fannie Campbell, San-
dusky, 560 too* of coal for Big MULL
Saturday, July 19th. -Sir. Campaos,
Duluth, passengers and freight ; Str.
Lora, Detroit, passengers and freight
Mooday. July 21.L-Sohr. Kulfags,
Providence Bay, light ; Scbr. Ontario,
Golden Valley, Ilgbt.
Teseday, July 220d. -Stir Garter,
Thesealon, light ; Str. City of Windsor,
Wiodeor, passage's and freight.
Wednesday, July 23rd.-Schr. Jami
McLeod, Georgian Bey, light
WATEIMORti AND assert= flour 0011 -
July 8th meeting.
We have received and considered ap-
plication from the following for a reduc-
tion in their rates :-John Acheeno, sr.,
Jobs Acheson, jr., and Mrs Bailey,
sgsiset paying house services ; R 8
Williams against paying office *or-
rice ; Wm Craig against paying bed-
room service. We recommend se they
have the water berries in conformity of
the bylaw that no •otioo be taken.
From R 8 Willims, complaining of
oven:hartte on his lawn service, we re•
leered to J McCallum for remesaorement.
Mr Nattel handed uv the amount of P
O'Des for .4.011iel light service, which
be sated Mr O'Dea refused to pay. we
Irefer it to the council to take mottos in
the matter.
Jul 10th meeting.
Ao appliestiou rod from Henry Hor-
ton for :odnotion is hie water rate, we
re0c nsmod that it be not allowed. We
reeommeod the purchase of two sprink-
lers for the hare. We have decided
to have the fountain oe the Square
painted and the present basins repaired.
John Br.ekoertdgs is at present doing
the necessary repairs to the basins. We
bars instructed the clerk to write Willie
Chipman and the G.'.rdoe Stem Pimp
Oomusny that we aro now ready to
make lead test of the pooping engines.
We .Mo laminated the alert to write le
seal dealers asking them tM peie..t loaf
delivered ben. We recommend sand
sail for power to purchase wire to make
eimase' is with the Catholic, wad Presby-
teries iwlt.e and with the Agrisalto-
rel Park. it will require 3,F00 feet is -
"Iodine the white wire aee.mary for Hie
Weide of the eherches ; also power to
make eoetesetn for Isgbtisg the Celho1i.
sed Presbyterian °beeches,
Joww Brn.E•, Asinine.
WIDE Await 0011 JULY.
For several years Wide Airol has
from time to time given some beautiful
stories of • highly familia miters from
Mies M
the pen of ary E.,Wilkers ; oma
of the best appears in the August num-
ber, entitled "The Princess Rosetta and
the Pop -Corn Man," with seven ilieetrt-
tions by Garrett. Another charmingly
fanciful story is the same number isby
Sagan Coolidge sod is called "Three
Little Candles." As • contrast comesls
"The Hat of the Postsater," anotherro
Nauss story by Mrs Fst, "Cy Hope's
Victory," the .tory of • Canadian Indies
boy at school, by H. C. Chipman, and
Mies MoLeod's Aoedian tale'
"The Story
of Bloody Creek." Perhaps one of the
hest things in the Dumber is a .bort
paper by ,Louise Stockton, ''A Game of
the Senses," in which she suggests the
development possible to the senses
through the using of them. The "help-
ful article" is by Mrs Sallie Joy White,
on "The Visiting Mender," though the
mall girl of the household may prefer
"Home-made Furniture for Dail Houses"
by Mrs Sh.pleigh. Theis • fee -
donating group of Lily articles : "The
American Water Lily," by Grant Aliso,
"Th. Qum Lily," by Amanda B. Harris,
poses.and a poses. "Water Lilies," by Frances
L. Mom. "The List of the W am-
p•noags' by Pamela McArthur Cole,
gives .n account of • family directly M
descended from sesesoit, that lives in
Lakeville, Mass., with the portrait of
the Proems Teweelema" "The Cm -
fissions of an Amateur Photographer,"
by Alexander Black. relates to 'Dark
Deeds ;' the photograph, "A Lake
Party,' by Prof. Newton, is very beauti-
ful. A delightful illustrated literary
paper is contributed by Mn Frances A.
Humphrey, "elided "Early Days of
body hese Lioda•y." the author of
"Auld Robin Grey.' Mr Ward's Serial,
New Senior •t:Andover," whit* is
attracting so mock attention, is well
worthy the interest it ezcites ; while the
ettr•vaganas, „The Quest of Pm Whip.
pilot Boy," is gond"light reading '
Mee sad Things" se meal gives good
original aeantime and talks, and the
"Margaret -Patty Letter' is worth the
while of yo.og people who are carelessn.,
of grammar and spelling in eoversaus
and lettererAmelia,riting. The Prize Amym,
"110 PMrplexitsse of a Crymangle," is
tr m@m
•ted in thin *.miss. le
. ro
A wink. i•52.40 a year. D. Lnth op
Compsey. Pobliehewe, Boston, Mas.
On Saturday INK Capt Win Marlton 6.
shipped a 1 boat to Port Dover; she
was s good model.
A drinking fountain has been placed made down here, but no cup has its
sppearanoa yet.
The lighthouse supply boat, Celtic,
which reached bore on Sunday evening
had a fall quota of passengers, who were
chaperoned, so to speak, by that genial
son of Erin, Mr P. Harty. Jost as the
boat reached the pier at 11 o'clock them
electric light went out, sod the darkse
was intense. Mayor Butler, who wee
down at the dock, immediately ordered
the ligha to be r. -lighted so that the
visitors might see where they were.ase
The p•ngers were well pleased with
the appearance of the town and delight•
ed with the affabilityand urbanity of the
Mgor---.Specially the ladies.
the stemma Lely evening last sepal" ,
Mr Lewis Whitt, who has been in the
esoplo7 of Wm Taylor & Ross, Blyth,
lett Monday for Seaforth, where he has
5.0015d • cepial situation.
From our own norreepoedent.
Miss Mary Morris has returned from .
pleasant sojourn at Sault Ste Marie,
where she had been visiting friends sad
Moved by Humb.r, e.eosded lh
Reid, that the report be adopted--Oae-
rum ear ewe eseveseOae.nt.
Our popular jimmies Mead, Ella
Healey is lsp.ed sgi her holidays at
Garfield, i. ) ,4 Isi Township,
Miss Sallie Garasser, of Porter -10M,
is rowdies her 'shoot variation her., the
guest of bur seals. Liege Arles,
B. IS.. Alias "•e sells gess ea another
trip to Ms AM Cavalry ler the per-
t:Lof making ewes pemes istie
f the
line for the tmr,i
Reek in this ssetios is M bis fourth
trip there, whir" M now an .ie0al ate.
Harry Amid., ...beset master iii" -MI
Breattord Collegiate Institute. is spend-
hm s powders of his armada' viatteg 01t
fie‘ to Otey•