HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-7-18, Page 7 ,91,CURED
e I• lI,. w Mr -4 'tees rag
la.se.sass es N hes
Fan[ to aa> to( year readers i,,e
yes aa4 Poet once Address ■isgat lAi,
hds se.. TOaONTO, ONTAfIw.
(ford Shoe
va a the keel. which canaot be •old ol! aa,
Dxford Shoes
cathing like them for summer wear.
o give •atiefaction.
Shoe' of a superior quality made to order.
mid beater 1a Boca and ahem
at be is now ages' for
auk's Ce1era!e Teas
Idred or more Handsome Volume
given with every 3 lbs.
Valuable Library Without feeling
of W 1 Otero 1 de set mesa
1 O A
of Y& I hase ve wade the dse%tte.wa
es seedy. i ..•omni ray remedy to Owe the
as name br set iso lS* S slerww rsdevi.w a care. . Cobra Ramses
a▪ vid it wUt dire zea. Ad4eesa—M. `MOOT,
r New Year's present at a Mode
we Have it,
Plate, Flat %Vare and Cutlery ever
in this town.
1'12- aL =IN'C-
:nY on Kington Street. and are offering Bar -
Baking and turned ont in a shape to 'cit the
iooda. ('all and examine our stork. Goode de
ble notice.
K(NU_STONeer.. :. .
The sees for 1h• Cense.
'give use • soatt." the seWar cried.
Tb. otter trMabw gw•rdesg,
we Use heated russet the testae allied
erste weary of brme•edieg.
the dark ReaM b Mises miff.
L. pia sad IhraNesins under;
♦ltd the taws, mood.( the Malakoff
He hose( belched Its thunder.
These mesa pause. A guardsman sold :
"'We Mona the forts to -morrow ;
winks we may souther day
WW Wag see &h of sorrow.'
lay dost the battery's nide,
w toe smoktag wanes ;
wave hearts 'tom nevem aid from Clyde.
And from the banks of Ak•asoa.
Ther m/ eg of bre sad motel fame t ` ^
Forgot was Britain. glory ; A.
Laub heart readied • ditbreut masa,
ant all meg Annie Lurie.
Yates after void caught up the tong.
U.U1 tta Leader passion
Roes like an anthem. rich and strong.
Their back eve oonfe..la.
Dear girl. her came het .rd nes speak.
But as the wag grew loader.
Something upon the soldier's cheek
Wombed off the stales of powder.
Beyond the dark:ster oesan burned
The bloody ••neat'. embers.
Whits the Crimples valley learned
How Seethe love reinembers.
And saes again the see of hen
Raised ea the Ressetn quarter,.
tt itb ser st shot and burin of shell
cud bellowing of the mortars.
lrb.b lior•b's eyes are dim
a singer dumb mod gory
,.1 Kentish Mary mourns for him
Ni" hu ..syr of Annie Laurie.
-.rep. soldiery ! st1U 1• honored rest
s Your truth tied valor wearing:
1 be bravest ere the tenderest,
The loving are the daring.
- Bayard Taylor.
A 1tAb MAN O/ 1<Rf.IN,
The Number .t Mia Wiese b "ltl•Ymaaed"
fango' Oat, Jdy 11.—H1gb 1Jonst.bi.
Klippen prisisrday arrested a Inas named
Ceased Ortwabs, charged with p'lu'ms.
It Is claimed that be bee now the ..nota
wife, the loot owe 'Mai la this lows. 11.. is
• weU dewed (germines with • large •mows
d glib talk, sad It appears foetid no Irosbls
fa gaining the affections of the wake --
H. bad • menet for widow www
kid was d against him by • lira
Rothe, • widow tieing in the earth ward, to
whom he proposed at first eltlt She was
tntervlewed by a reporter sad odd a ratter
amusing story, wbloh Is as follows:
About • month ago Ortwein vnted Mn
Ito.ko sod mode a proposal of m•rrt•ge to
her, but as she was cot wining to •coapt
without taking toe matter ace contentment)*
and counselling bar family be gave bee two
weeks' tine. At the .red of the two weeks
be called again and told her a silver -lined
story about owaiag • fllfty.scre farm near
Stratford, end said he was shortly W inherit
WOW. K. j ; „ sad
the offer to clear toe debt on bar property
esu too much for her and he sem wow bee
effectkoos, and the date for the marriage
was fixed, which took place a week ago Sun- known now that the t:ikbt air ts purer mixed with the soil, and the pleat
day. than that o,f the day ; drier, freer from made available. When this land has
After they bad been made cue, Bre dust, asd all those injurious germs been got into proper ttlth the whole
sod as which 9 sat so freely in it, and which saoce..ion of eardet• vegetables way be
ortwein Na T beramr. suspicious,
6t tot w ground b 6 with tet rime ese0 u s • held .•f
" Mame Abend MIA ~a. TIM lettrpw•f•rti.
lis as article in the New -Turk Tiaa, I1 is a o.atter of surprise thin fermiers The Teacher
reepectin* the comfort sad bealthfeletwe *ted ethers as the ouuntry pay Si' '.11:•
f ruts' life, Mr Heart' B seen makes ►neutron to the vegetable Kasdge Not who envied her pupal to
acme suggestions un the subject of eight tees farmer to • hundred has anything {rale diode by the ties of Ayer'' neg.
u which will delight the boort' of •ppr,trcbu)t a rut•uoa of vegetable•-- worms. 1 the truth that
'Otreset-air bride," and also, «e hops. nay from the early pts' of Juue tht.u_► tidily health is westial w 'cental
'aught'_ those who aro to such dried ut the sUoos•aee• mau►hs of •umuler .ud 'tiger. Fur peraossadelicate and mews
of "otgbt este --mea°noeg out -door 1.11. The averse* garden estimate ut , whether young ur old, tai*
night air that they compel tbemeelvea but two ..r throe varieties ►net,t.d of 'medicine to remarkably beneficial. De
to breathe poisoned in -door air all uinbt. fifteen .•r taeoty, and these few Lust.I ages you get Aries Ihnapeellla.
Mr Suwsrt ale general•y uuute IU a month or au •eek• I .• Every aprlug aid fell 1 take a aom-
There is a mote erroomms later 'lino /wicket Katdenera of bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and
prevaleat that the night air is masrhole- towns sod atttes have them. At • very - els greatly tiWae •"- Mrs. Jautee 11.
some. This is • relies of the old unite swell outlay every farmer, Or *0y ane ,• 1 hate taken Ayar'a ftuapuilla
when the eight vow suppnaed to effort • who hu • piece to gruuud, could have a ' Irate great benefit to wt' general health."
10uveuieut times for gfu,ate and *id sptr- succiwwu of vegetables throughout the
Thous L. l'reru, I'almyo, lid.
its to walk abroad, Anti alien everything sasou. to the brat plass, an aete .d ' ,. My daughter, twelve yeare t t ate,
matte:mot sod injurious threatened den- Kn uud ur ao, should be devoted to veer baa elfierel fur the least year tram
ger to mangled ; wb.s integinery witch,* tables on the Imo. This PIA of laud (S'e'rest Debility.
worked their evil spells ; when ••oburvh- should be thoroughly wanured dowsed
yards yawned and tell itself beeathad and Fept iu tirat clear trim with regard A few weeks since, we began to ggiive
out contagion to the world." Even the to cultivation aud the eradication '•1 bet Ayrr's Saresiwi1la. Her health -hem
air itself was supposed to be till '''stet Weeds. This spot should receive free. greatly twproved."—lira. Hamot S•
syM iT eight to ton refile tf welt•rutiid ntauurr
Battles, South Chelmsford, lice.
puis.uoue vapors and the R 4t About a ear ago 110' n«inn Ayer'e
disease., and the deadly carbonic acid each with all the hardwuun ashes that gareaparitlr ass rruieev fur debut's
was believed to lurk In the damp, un- eau tie ubtaiued. Tuts land should he sad neuralgia resulting from malarial
wholesome ground. But modern aziettoe minuted in the fall, if possible, sod ex tree in the army. I was in w very
hue removed ell grounds for theta pluu¢hed, This mei give a chance tor or. in the
.art sixbottleswas i doses n very
the Ser-
supereUuow apprehensions, soil it is Una uutntir• elements w he thip..i_- ghh Pills, have greatly improved my health.
I am now able to work, and feel that I
Cannot sac too much for your excellent
remedies ' — F. A. Ptnkbaw, South
Moluncus, Me.
" My daughter, sixteen years old, is
enquiry totted that sets oily pomsasd • ue brutaR h un with t • o n- put in n ef-
eleventh part of his affections. Yesterday doming moisture. and b therefore more roots or ourn. It Oita acre of laud act. keg Ayer's
• S. Sarsaparilla with gtxtd ed
bon theair uf midday. Hence measured oa its productiveness, a aouW
Brethren Church. J• °inhere. W. Va.
"„I suffered from
aaorning when he made hies . — ..w.....-- _
accused him of t.adali:y and Pu*Jptmy and the beat time to ventilate the dwelling is exceed in profit wore than guy ten aures
belabored him with • broom. Soon lifter in the oigut, and thentbe windows should devoted to anythirrg else An acre et
this be was arrested. Be wtll be trod on be opened • tt. at the bottom and wide land with seaso°able vegetables would
three 'barges, whieb will bs made Wain" at the top. When one learns what guise be the mainstay ut • farmer'. Uva¢, anti
him by Mn Wolf, Wellesley t'owuab0P; Mir on in the air of a tightly -closed sleeping the other ousety-eine acres ooutd M
(fildn.r, Wellesley toweahlp, *ad Mrs- Rosko, root., breathed over asd over for eight or applied to. profitable grain, stock and
Bertin- He is about 10 years u( ate and is ten hours and without any chance of fruit raising. The quattlty than cam be
said to have married children hying near purification, it would be no cause for raised 'u an acre tit tertlle las,d is some
Stratford. 1t Isedlmat d that''' b•5 'even aurpnze that disease should preyed more thiug prodigious, aid not only could the
wives •ad about thirty childrest in country places than in towns and land uwuer feed • large family from this
Barna Be.S.d. cities ; cue pwr&,n .111 odd to the air of a source, but he might make profitable
ltonwics, (hat., July V.—The largest bares room 10 by 10 by 10 t•et in size, and Isles of the surplus tet our central mar-
lin this part of the country were burned last thus having 1,000 cubic feet of air, as kete. Especially where pear • canning
atgbt Tb•y b.k'sg.d to J. 'l'ov'e awl were much carbonic acid as would amount to and pickling estal.lisbwent he a ould
insured for IttJ00 sad $100D on contents The 4 parts in 10,000 As the normal pro- have ready sale fur erre.' corn, tomatoes.
loos will he h.avy,as lbws was a
oosiderabi• portion consistent with health u 4 Darts green Darr, peas. cauliflowers, cusum
se ex ntributed to the air of an un- mooing factory would find difficulty 114
stock and sechttrry destroyed luiswr'd V of carbonic acid to 10,000 of ur, the bets, etc. Iu this section, iwwever, a
Metal exce
etal Feature, et the Brest Mime et the lir Loudon Mutual
ventilated closed furs.. during eight hours finding raw matenal But for their can
area' 51e►ltily would be 80 parts to 10,1100 of air, an none factories, the farmers in the New
new ■ ••Maser- See Pett• iecrwsee twenty times the cnemial. That England flutes could not live, u the ins -
at the great houses of the kind One of our buys we. over in Mohawk this doors not actually h.ppeo is because jority of their farina have teased to yield
} been it seems to Ino better repo ll one day,and on that day • couple room u not exactly air -tight but many a profitable n in grain and steak
Nervous Prostration,
with lame hack and headache, and have
been much beurflted by the Use of Ayer's
Sarsaparilla. I am uow 1) years of age,
and aur satisfied that w present health
and prolonged life aro due to the use of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla." — Lucy Moffitt,
Xlllingly, Cama.
Mrs. Ann H. Farnsworth. a lady 79
ears old, So. Woodstock, Vt., writes :
"After several week' suffering from
nervous prostration,I procured a bottle
of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and before 1
bad taken half of it my usual health
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
resr.a&D IT •
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.. Lowell, Mass.
Frim fit ; aim twi't's, 76. Worm es a bottle.
Sarsaparilla Bitters !
A Purely Vegetable Compound tba' ('ares
every kind of Fsberitby Helmer sad
Doese.e test r u u•wd_ b the
lmpuritl of tW k ,
wbere 11.
AM other Vital (keens err tint wasted he.
rood the bupetd repair. This valuable Com-
pound o urea 'Celery and Liver ('um►►,rlasuts•
l'.mpies, Kruptlose otthe Skis. dl e`.isk ConicA.
'sus. HUlutaweem. Dyspepsia. I nes •,t Y1rep, Neur-odes P ua Is lbs Hone.
and Hack. Loss of Appetite. languor. M'or'ale
N nest.. w• Utsaiaem Ueaeslel t)ebll tag.
last le
a ggaautk• rrgulsUug p Ivo, as 5011 a
male, normaiuerful am , eethe pee tar Merit of acting
and (▪ bre tri - inflammationt In n of ithe ng (Li t ad
a1' the V'antral (irgalo'.
Ll Thi. valuable I'r-pareUoa excites the
whole .7.10111 to • uew and vigorous adios.
g it r tune and strength to the system deblli•
trod by disease. and affords • t protec-
tion from attacks that originate In change* e1
the mason, of climate ad of lite raw
d:reoi' with each boale. Price SO cents
ad 75.10 per ttutUe.
-- i•a&P•aan O1ILY UT—
valley a tip euro FOWLERS
seated by the pas of lnthuny Tr .1 chaps cave otu • village on • tto persons fearing •draught of eight sir du And now they are buying Cana,. 1`
d h h t keepialg bap their
than airy (that writer ; and, indeed, pedlar's wagon. They were driving a ea much u .i.. tart to make their rooms and sul0erp okp a es— - e v •,•' O r
s tole vlalIlug .< Eugtiih country plows horse which
could have fuole•i mu one !1 l h
yeelf I was au impre•.rd by the fact of but a hayseed Anyone ponied on tete a,uic acrd ts W induce a restless torpor, ductive farms out of impoverished Mi') -WI L D •
k farming," ■a h !
air -tight. The elect et breathing oar- fertility at our expense and making pro.
„i „
his photographic capacity that it seems points of a trotter would have cut him • state demos in which the brain be- by going into 'true the)
e T j (f• W BEllilY
t„ ms further description on my part down a good for lees than three minutes comes paralyzed and the blood loaded call it—niuog vegetables and fruit, eel 1 x I I
would he wperquuw. Bat that which This was in the olden days, when with impurities. On awaking, theperstn lint in local markets and to cantata
stnkw some Awen..w as ostentatious showing • clip of 4:50 was looked open has .even headache nausea of the factories la a h)Kienic point of view.
or M•eat
desire muiply ..agenY•
ic splen- niarrel
atamach. dizznese, and fever. A .on the different courses or rotations of
did 'atom,tray • writer in the New The peddlers found the usual crowd at tinuance of the cause produces fevers of vegetables that may be raised at such a
d ie in reelitthe uutnnam a village tavern and it didn't take various kinds, or such a weakened condi- small outlay of capital and labor, contain
such tndrtioos--such long usage—that them two hoary to get up • ruatch yon of the .sate.. that • minion • s an the m
t infection and thus the able pharuisewpoeta, Carrots and per- 0 1 C aR
1 to hose beluo¢iug to it u the woe- h prevalent feven and contagprua iaeases strops ha e p RAMP' S
York Hrrot , y the g }zolcra Morbus
h 6 h fells medicinal virtues of the whale veget-
hu become .s ordinary and matter of
the boo& trotter of the neighborhood.
It was best two in three ler S50 andthe
pre prey u v a powerful iuiuence on the
aCt t pie u
moopCe routine en- n
ie. of three times a day t wagon hoe well bulb • heats in 2.55 breed more through tits erre?all kidney': so has too woh and Irttuce, be -
Batting forth a meal on • able for any It was evidently • put up job to akin the others t'hyeicians consider that 2,000 sides being tunic and laxative.. Celery
mechanic's family. Therefore, to the rustics. and as they were heeded our cubic feet of fresh air per hour is the is a powerful °ervioe, whilst unions act
nest every' teff s oa nn •• way, we were loon should •
u ,f, edttauun Arriving at he sent •• hundred miles after • it dwelling( and this quantity on the pulmonary orgaoe Tomatoes
t h t i and done with determined to be ready for 1 that h ld be supplied to healthy similarly also producing good effects up
ort u, prow t em. pers
otry house uI th° kind—for In- trotter, ren our dollars together, and
pad as much as would he contained in • act mnclatncaity upon the bowels, an
F th t iwr finds himself expected, nag drawing manure with •cart. The How fu short of this r. mremeot the *crone sentiment setting to (noes of e
say of the seats of the Duke of
the day the peddlers arrived we had our room 14 by 14 feet and 10 feet high. their acid upon the liver. There is a
, h e v • reparation made for his till n unwed at about eleven o'clock, ordinary supply is may be realized by • more liberal vegetanle diet for the prc-
.t every p e o
..fort, from the meeting him at the and after dinner, as we all sat nn the moment's thought, and yet bow few ser- longation of life,—Bridzetown Monitor.
ram by well-isstrnated servant., who,as verandah, one of them carelessly so- Mons are aware of the risk they run for
$ beirroum5
f by magic, lamedtake his travelling cares o lamed . want of the admission of
air tot
i• ..soil, to the meet"' Rrvrn him •t "Oe,t anything in hoes flesh to brag of at nicht through a mistaken belief that
he threshold of the h by here 7 the night a ]
rid ark,.
There are some auslous people in the
trues some mem-
rreetIstaa Iter •
it u injurious. world who would eee.n to wary ail its af-
of the family nr a specially deputed "Vee party fair hoes •' replied the vil- — (airy un their own shoulder?. CstaHy i '-t
n. Forthwith a is • cern his !age cooper trite • • u Re RaFFl Teda,• they 'O
l•hcatie and liriattirial. No. Ontario.1)OV..t Kiug•et••
g dd by F. Joraan. Iterure all Substitute..
Land, Loan and
has removed p, his new otnca.- Rohl McLean'.
uew block, uppoeite the market.
Oil Mortgage and Notes.
The Great Remedy
I R iWEi Warranted
•De are vomit', as e s i'
visit and comfort during the period has '-Cap he go 1' hie wife :—"Be careful n( yonr health ; j which she vuluutanly assumes. Not
n ordered. His dre.*tnq r um will '•wall, he's laced 'em so fur." be cheerful. Look aloft. The stars dis- ' many dayssinae—one of the many stormy
in a well -furnished writrog•tatle, 'Der old hoes dues a wile fairly well. play their beauty to nes truly when we days w which the world has been treated TOWN
chairs, • cabinet replete with what- ""Ya r' d f look d ac' during the pus' twelve months • hitt'
e o
h h h h d dreadf IIJ luno d th alit the f `
s, where every c rsidintwa fur his oout look on his fatherly hose.
In 18;,2 Bishop Simpson thus write to woman 11.0 larger is the load of can ! C- P.
1 ;Frig
e r he may require for that special re- ••And, just for tete fun of the thtn2,we the arch our hearts are 7
look at theta
; au i we own t °
never charmed• lad set in • crowded street -car. She
reehment which • long day in sometime. trot
h the hunt $100 AND UPWARDS
hue Be resolved to he happy today—to be oouldn t have weighed over minty pounds . I have a large nntnber of Houses end 'sots
to the field or among the par at Ins may "Cant joyful now—and out tf •every fleeting 1 with all her wraps...in But she made her I of the Town hR rang (Ngar inure parte
entitle bice to, Servants are at Ins beck "Can't we get up • go f ruoment Draw all puesible pore and last- presence manifest. Every time the car , Now is the time to secure property before
acid call, and a card upon his mantel ie. "Wall, our hues a no cheap animal. pleasure. ' i Mopped to take on a fresh passenger, a 1 the Hue !tush TW C. P. R. U coming sure.
Wu'd went to make it • $1110 at least."
tug p and in a +hurt time price will have dvanerd
forms him of the hours for the hunt or It this advice were generally followed ! Icuk .of auuysnce come over her toe cod the re*ch of meat'.
If r. nes broughttaledhis itt ten ether make it the
other sport.multitudes of people who •n wretched , face. Finally she could Nand it no I U and ere Lett and Prices bolero porches -
now would be comparatively happy. The I longer. The jumped to her feet, woo I tag cl.ewbees' ft. RADCLIFFE,
oared for but this must be trade by sr- and the race agreed tui We had no ®,ether who a continually looking fur- cooed the 1.oductor to atop, eying as 1 Reel twee and t:enrrat iwenranoe Anent
rsagemeut beforehand with line host : track. but the highway was brad and ward to the time when her children well
otherwise he is notified what "'sound' it wan to be s mile straightaway. The be grown and able to takes care of them
Le can have. A chapter might be writ- peddlers brought in • sulky they had ' selves, n mands able
the happinessof she them.
ten detailing the f•sctnatiug i , 1 ! 5 left just out of town, our hone was pro- have if she gave herself to eej••hem t
of English ciontry lite. which mentenes sided with another, and every mac, «u- have
eir baht' ways, their if up to
a peculiar informality with absolute man and child in that town turned out. ►heir absmisways, t punka. "f 'oppoe
physical luxury and se much repose as The race was square up sod up, and our you think your children will be u pose
the guest desires, but. of course. then hares got the first heat by three good comfort to you when they're ger ion tie,"
ars hosts and hosts. The Duke of Fite lengths. We saw that the peddlers were said a care -taking, trouble-anticipatM¢
is noted for has faculty as as entertain- puzzled end aox'ous, but theyhad and old lad tyoung
mother who was ob-
er; and, so tar as I can see, the only and each put up 1,u f3' 2
watch for 0 more. old lady
her hill' ones.
difference likely to be between the so- It was a fair, eve° start on the second ,.1) min," was the reply, "I don't think
cal methods of and b f r he f r a guar.about that , I u
Gla wile • those
' neat, are t pace was even o ke comfort in new;
.other ladies of the peerage will be that ter of • mile. Then our horse begao the me everyday theylive themr all ;
• slight additional degree of seclusion drawing away, and when he went under y pal
in her owe house will be permitted her. the string he was thirty feet ahead. The can do for them, in the delight they
4 It i. hardly probable that she will ap peddler. gave op tete stakes, at down by neve me.- And they went on paying
Separates all Noxious Seeds
yMoltl f h a1•Isoo's Bink
pear among hair guests es freely as k d then the the end chess from u
she did so : ' This is shameful: Crowding i t)st:•e N•eet-!ir•• third door from Square. '. F.
the can to this extent, and in such slip- IR Ticket anal Telegraph Office. UAL
pery weather: Think of the pour horses: }
1 must get out sad walk : there shall et
Moot be Ogle 1ws. to tie carried ' -
Oft she humped, amid the audible
smiles of her fellow traveller.. When
alto reached the sidewalk, ehe looked at
the retreating car with the satisfaction
that only a virtuous action can give. She
probably thought the horses would tura
to their gratitude and thank her tar her
tbooghtfulness. Bot she was &sapoeot-
ed. It was an electric car.—Wide
train and Seed C:eaner
It. J. K. GORE.
Sole Patentee and Manufacturer.
As the Old Darkey said :
"I'1(e ray then pay (tion' an' hal)
de best ones• in a while than to
pay les and Tial, a poor article
1. in mad.. a ci a the rear and Tl a TrttklDoubled
chin'' mail.- for thoroughly cheaning 6•nin and lip
seeds o: all kinds.
0 t, for example, her sister -on -law,
tbemseres and had •tel , an a her hu the same we. .11 to man• ler Krieg', o the ate et ase clear'' , saving
hood and womanhood, ani solong as she i Cltulon, has .cured a pea'h'en witha•,1 clsau;n,r ►n sin sty erect at 1 esnu•
spokesman moved over to when the lived.
Bons- Koos Beaking Company, whaae
time oat ntwnl kind of tryln. 1t can be fittexl
Iuchiooesa of Townsend. lo spite
cooper stood and said : The business man looks forward to the headquarters .re in London, Eng., and into any fanning mill walnut removing the
shoe, no matter how old the ell) b, and
e Dukes of Fife's determination that We see the ugh it and we cant squeal. da when he can retire end then have will leave therefore m •few days, ''ekes 11 do as good work or better than the
hisme wife's royalty must be in a e'r'ase As for your Rettio¢ an old ringer W 1
measure overlooks.', it will not be yeses• match oars we haven't any fault to find, "• good time."Bat when he is able to i .east improved new mills known.
1t allows no seed to be blows into the chaff
M. for the English people to f greet it. but what harrows up our souls and makes retire his capacity for having • good time
limber* and Csayes.
11e bas stipulated that the Duchese shall un Inns for rest beyond the grave is the
is largely deau's hod if nut entirely came. Alt who have the care of children t
Inc infirmites of ase n .,.n to creep should know that Dr Pester'' Extract of
have nohouseh Id' ter not always d that we were taken in and done for
M h e at of
upon him,
u —steno teat taste as ,roc o Wild Strawberry my be o.nfidently de•
ardersto- but which is decidedly Sit- by such a benign old c'u as you seem thongs
desire fails. Hco
Ile might have pended on to cure all summer mplaints,
ificaet to the English tax -Payer ! ver w be,but uo't :I'll tie lath feet and one had ••a little goad titre' often if he had diarrho sv, dysentry, cramps, noise, chol-
It Cleans Speedily.
'Fevers cleaner warranted to work as repre-
sented or s0 Satest
1 M ' by marl give inside wide
g hee and name of maker of mill 1f convenient,
and if shoe has side *hate or the old fashion.
'd hied shake.
nn ernR
- s o a y-In•
fay of
The surface d when w e.
thiaminy ►et softest wbivprrs, gives to the wpre
married air has hi or member of the hand and fight you for the Gose wag-
f i only thought so, and planned for it, sod on, Iniantum, cholera morbus, canker,
sal family has his order appointed re- ua " thus have cultivated his capacity for se- ate., in children or adults. 2
et t lad wahine an eoloetTT, or Tb waters is tbsdolf 81 ream h
w ; to the case ,f the junior prinwew- — ctxK --
joyment as he west on actomalatont.
Una "hooaehchl," as it is called, con- wins Mtflabs i1n The student 'lrx.ks fa resod t( the day Even in the fi'r'es' uproar of oar i
A large nusn
general at- hall receive hie diploma ass stormy porton, . , though in
attendant (these R 1 teem with minute life of •11 kinds. gnat day. And so it is : but on that da
only two or three months n of 1arRer animal• oust, be at the bottom rung of a long a time, when they an replaced by of microscopic in size, and adult animalst•dAer reaching up ht¢1.er and higher M dying testimony.
j, epseial servants, each a wardrobe w life (tee* on. If he pnstpnnero eve -dal
y h There the young h• willmac, of rectitude the voice of an uo•
both never grow large enough to be
rt' — —
omen, • dresser, who fills the place of plainly visible to the caked eye occur m mappines, the wo 1 be National I'd's are sugar coated, mild
lad id d footman or page
us me By drugRtnR • fine
like! to continue as loot .s he lives, but thorough, and are the best Stomach
M •
I these minute i d without thesight asd Lover E Ils rn ase lm•
k f the
immense q
is flat ga increased or d'ee'med goer rd- hes
g to the importaase or nn o (
yid personage onnoerned and is all oases
You can get the
lnnln l 1TITDI1'
cis band 1 from Algoma white
quartered One.
* lirders by mail promptly attended
to. Shipped to any point.
ilk net behind t vessel, mid a Witt " es wit oa A +yR83BB
cent' aro wily
laced in glare dishes, methene amount -
taken : and, "thee
beck rd d forward Destroy the worms nr they may
net only as •rpetestve W n
p rt f mold P
When hooked at through a
me des- The roan who is 'jealous and envious ARMSTRONG BROS.,
s a but gs maintained as • ..actor of ted an swimmingminR c w• •°
rosette and state prestige. we e young jelly -fishes, the young of Powders destroy and expel all kind• of heart who can raring more bitterness into OdeTlOhs Ont.nf hes neighbor enemas. h foe* is his
troy the children. Freeman •
Words mance express the gratitude
im his life than can say tornado enemy.
barnacles. crabs, and shrimps, besides worms. -
ad 1 species which are
le feel for thio benefit done tete u t
by the nae of Ayer's ftarsapri
*tending bo d e The toothless whale It w no holy to •sailor to sew • A of
eld fiels 1ad •° these his only food. Rushing light acro.. a darkness if he does not in-
n oases of rheomatiun th ntgeld
7 r„h the
water, with 'moth wide inanely .test aoonrdtngly.
rwmidy. when all nthwre hit in h means (t hoe whalebone strain -
we relief. This nredteine thoroughly n 1°' y
the..'noir forms are separated from Rtleerrd s usrrewe w steed tri•
unpile toe poise n from the blood.
the water. Swallowing three obtaised
ha Twelve eeh
the refreshment
drank id
■n siva lestig
of Waterford. (lest , write.. "sly baby
was very siek with summer aosaplaiet,
and nothing wecld help him till i tried
Dr Fowler's Estreat of iv 'Id Strawberry,
17 -ft
°bestow , and *11 hnalnees :a the U.N. Paten
Office attended to at M(IORRAn t FRKS.
whish cured him at once. it u one of t,or office I. opposite the U. ft, Patent (N
toe best reasediM.Lever seed. 9 obtain Psiests t,t joie thee
Ve ttlIS ie The S
U LLLLIJ. Ll. lousiest■ cel
The pubOle are barrio notified that the tear
and Pe. -4 business formerly carried on by cess.
(:e11is has been pun h.at4 tq
who will entry it nn In all Its br*nchel at the
old mead. haat st, ear the tWaarr. t
Under the managemamt of former pmprte•
tnfmthis bnrinierhas bo011 itt. Moat rn.•Oe5M
fel In rte line or any In town, and as the mew
prrtpr,..tor ha. 5.5*1 dentlflr4 with it far
nor eight ))rare there w111 be no Wile/Win
tftr eiwrry 'miner(' exhibited In keeping It In
gee ae 1 we we ran the front rank.
than those runM' from 411111 roN. (krods delivered to all pert. of the town
Thr latwrt and best line* of floor and tend
alwayeea had and choke reds in aoaaoe.
THOS. J. ViDE.(N..
after •abort period of stnisetl4. re- W. ad-
owrlbwJe played eriakwt at operation. The •twndataws d _W !tram to
opaten ORD R'I1Vfi.
aces Raeveatioa Owned. At P••te tete fens the sloe se. so F.L ()1 u11tL eta• OR.
cent bar mere ewes of them, ibis kited of life can M judged
( we makes patent*
N4A D IIL F if OR -
ismer Ube other Eve drank tad the nearly all kind. of whale wait uuj r
anim•1., most of
the Paddinit
cep's'•. 'Phe Ness are sliys sad wet1 ; lbs' 81
io'genii'best they are not sotieed
t►. A.+ ares tided ''After .ariewe pert oe Ms tlwhee. Popular Somme*
As of sought sail ewfferiels," ogled :b ff AT THE ww. Skala a. (es.ty...rtm t. tyr"tegA. L. C V mai.
a. ath,egleeac fg•M bl M Cl LW.
1 h h la 1[aat b.?w •» N'f „M..,.... FINE PRINTING PAPERS AT
SIGNAL. A 099sette l ."e..
v. tP a cel aemrg"s wantonlots
.' 1 ,•.* l y' y.. 'r '"..Any +, }• r'', Ir `
. _. ar'i'tii5i E11'' .s tE fvA" "t`. ia a . • i
Pres IN P4 KAT. l take thle -owlet of thanking sett' ear
,,c /011 p( to lbw iAamtme'ter.tbr Rvyt. ninste donna re!
Illafik Aotts al, Sipa 1.2 t t v„ e4orry etla Mls tit flew tetleen htr t ltrr•I pal I s Mew. cease. eln'lar. edvlew, Delo of the ilea *1 Moir arta F«ei
e rtyeweun ta •ornMwitt
A 'orae
.......... to withal Meats lc year 11set•. aim 1161.-1411.
te n woe
wll1ii t la:
„want' writes, "tatty all •e stombed to _