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The Huron Signal, 1890-7-18, Page 3
THB HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, JULY 18. 1890. ins r OSSIP OF A WEEK. THE DOMINION IN BRIEV; Rich and Poor, A CHATTY LETTER ON INTEREBTINO CURRENT EVENTS. ()overate Royal has gram to Ottawa. id Femme tie �ppleuaire carr th A statue is to be erected to e late eagerIrPrism sFemme l)v lathiest, by their Oeppa nye of ••r Pop this remedy, attest the world-wide rep - Ti t laden it Ottawa are to be statute og Aso" raw Lowing I'b7- 8011.e I►eentwl Memo Degrees* ?eagle KM- coos sum eicisse 1 tease Alla for ed -!se 1144eea IKaini n Inlt7 "bag The New Liesse(iovertwr ut Nova ikon& mama, sae Iver TLN1ba. Coeds*. ltnrd.•eA i&a koro worn fa. DlLoe•MM• end Mak IIeadech• : =•..►tee -J ao ia-Other Tows Trimmers Burgher of Windsor Iodised . be 1, . Jasmines, t� •ses.t fie./ r.. Omen They �;,easmaat d r Toto ro, Jody 14.-Pl arfei Margie Md dA Id aemadd Kl,u,Soa was drowned to the � , there/ore, prompt, tat very week 1 tat SsaaN $ Stat and rtes* at Bt Catharine& is operation : Use. as well as The gird mrrehaot ataamsr from Nagle" best medicine to Fomil7 dent of (Jute a did r egad grid amm.at et Tourists. 1 damage. ►ieids d y7 sad grids were Seta has arrived at VaOeoaver. fur Travelers end at nysf hem led pawed As Ragtime girl has bees brutally outraged e 1 have derived gr. 1 eel teed es f! •braes A P1lls. rive year• ago over them Tees waerere uprooted In every by caval - y moo fu Pills. SO ill with Barn ia.n.wralis unraveled and Aro,' ca,, In e(t John, r. B. Rheumatism direction sed MOON 1e11e11w1 right aril glryt meter are beteg ' Ppand tot wrecked and sad to relate several lives lost An exteueirtgambling raid W been made that I us. rumble b do any work. I Ltd west the Pram Reform inquiry was by rhe pu1•cv kit. cadmium took three boxes of Ayer's Pills and epeeed at Hamilton, The ooa,muries core Dr. W. T. O'Reilly, tnapectsr of asylums, was entirely cured. Since that tires+ I si3sts of J. W. Langsuuir iobairmaal. Hun m died d paralysis at Kingston. enever without a box el them pills." Timothy Anglin ieecreterll Hon. Cee.- Two hundred lcehuden have arrived to Peter Christensen, Sherwood. Wis. A. Y. Drury. Dr. Rowbrugb. tete up thou n quartaIn sou and A. Y. Jury th Yanituba 'Ayer's P111s have been lo ase in m7 Tbe oumluladoo we appotuad try the Un- A Bttle girl is Montreal was tautly bunwd family upwards of twenty *oars end have completely verified all that V ramie government 1At In ' . of a er*ucresolue a 000serl tteree of p�avtog with metcbta claime.i for them. In attacks of pits. tion I's."41 by 11" Prion Raform Coaterw,w gran, the; N the Thy Back a[ YoOtrsal has otenise.d fi3Ul►.Uui► from which 1 entered towy 7 otter held w Torof "aa . last to InvwRtg•tm selection of and g dd In New York for .btpnseal to Europe. repurt upon she question at prison reform Yr. Patrick Haggerty the old gestlemas with the view of wegg.ttag improved aotbode injured at tbe Oram Trunk statics is dead of dealing with the criminal classy, " The f t:.a. of the C. P. it., at oommuatun wW hoed . . . . 00- Chaplain. out , has Lem lost w the woods. taro. Halifax and Bermuda have ex - The Montreal Herald are seemingly having cbaup.d . .. . over the new cable. a great deal of trouble .im SCVUUOt of the Col. Elijah Ketcbe on, irk yeses old, who strike of prtntetn The late ham been "out' • w service in 1013 and 1187, died at Belle- sow ellssow for several weeks. Tbe H•rald,s•ve mac- ,.mike. aged u. keeP uP . . very well, de- A million and a half will be spent by the spite the strike r reisrtees Usfos have, it t by improving Montreal liar- is iarb slaved. beat into te buy up the few own- Goer. Ptssito" the nue—IM--e" Yes leen able to An old miner expresses the opinion tba t secu1e Is .. throve men have bees the neswg Earl of Shannon is in the Yukon arrseted, including the President of the country [itik Union. Twelve of the ex -printers have alio The corner Ower of the raw High llebad had warrants served es them They are at Mulford hes been laid with **swat sere t bar,ted with leaving the Herald witbWt moseys. 1 proper rostra. murder has jest The cavalry pacers in camp at tat John, sear Brighton . A very revenge y. N. B. declare their loyalty r.solutkias to b. w Kf � 1 •neeousq. A blacksmith nacos' Minor was working justifiable. away wildly in en shop when (-barks (brass Mrs. Hugb Morrow, of Braceoridge, Ont., a nelgebur rushed in exclaiming -111 show Isar threppooreo and to suppoad 1o; have my. errant, I've had too many of these things." aided by drowning. He seised aa oak club some three laches thick. Yr. Van Horne syr he Gess development and as 'mother men called Robert Lockhart sed t over be bar entered the boor be Celled him with a tare- travdini to unman. blow. lie thea in a very sold and unfs*- A youth named Hannaford has been crowd nes way .xcieb.ed ••1'm dos. the n- '( om todeath at Hamilton by slipping under e him. I've killed elm and l will kid another." The strange part the &.fair la, that it is not known for what reason the murder was committed. Halt an hour bdore the awful -crime was pawner. ed Ues•seu attempted to club Yew Lock- hart a sister of the murdered , men. A dog, however, came to tee moue sod kept the man at hay. (°erre is considered to be a maniac. He ems been artists& James Malcolm of the four Brothers Curl- ('lub carried oS the t Ip quoit- I,ds[eating s large number of Ameri- cans There r great rejoicing among Can- adian club+to . The matches were played hen, a• the Grand Satire&1 Curling are Lauding their annual city. ienna, Provincial in Can- ards. of Basilians and 's College has retard railway car in motion. The kidnapping of Meador Pelletier during the recres.t elections in Quebec is being inquir- ed tato by Judge Murray. Mr. R T Walker, Q. C. Masonic Grand Matter of the OruroOruroLodge of Canada has ar- rived borne Iron d- Englas A body, badly decomposed, with a frac- tured skull. bas been discovered at Brock- ville. Murder is suspected. x70,000 worth of f .. have es thbe sold to the railways within e last few day, from the works at Kingston. wcow- ;detest Tae Montreal aemors have nearly co plete t the cram, tad it is estimated that the population of the city and suburbs 1. :.,- 700 &fiord greater relief t ley medicine I ever tried." -T. F. Adams. Holly Springs, Texas. •• I have need Ayer's Puts for a num- ber ber of years, and have never found any- thing nything equal to them for giving meed appetite and imparting energy strength to the system.I always keep thew to the house." -R. Jackson. Wilmington, Del. "'1w0 boxes of Ayer's Pills creed in. of severe Headache, from which I was long a enterer. - Mr McFarlane. chief Government analyst Oda d the - at Ottawa, was Beverly scalded by a yestsilld Principal of St. of Dieting alcohol being poured Me from both prtsitions .Hie successor will be arm. Rev. Father Martou. %Partslan Frenchman Kinomm merchants p prnose to eon an lo- by birth and education Be is e0 year. old it lbs ' Amy - , n i ens spent the Me six in England. osios donot immediately place thea city 'us e will arrive here 10 a t lather Testy will served F principal of Rt Michael's C41 weeks. Rev. in cos A. r Vincent r in the The sew organ for for Notre Dame, Mon ge.Both tried, one of e largest on the crantinemt,piepieties, Emma Heyes, Hubbardston, Maas_ -Whenever I am troubled with appetite, atipation, or suffer from loss of ap A.J. Ayer', Pills set me right again." - Miaer, Jr., Rock He, Va. TNI •IST BIKING POWDER ars emery important oiF+ will be set up about the end of this month. Caathholic works It will cost 00,000. Ten election pretest have been entered Ik,minien () enptitsaees are ra- ther a�rrt (oUos member. In re protests to 'limn* kit Andrew's Rapids. in the Red, lgau O1eatAeed f week are [x'" s River below Winnipeg, with a view W put- Richard ut- bechar ut Yr. Aunty of south Wentworth abed. tin in a lock and dam. for e d Tooley the Bribery teorruptiioer A byearold son of M r. T. C. Beattie, of inr Hast shape .. ormnr and our ee, i e &ketl Mlle. London, fell into a pot of hot in every shape and form ere of etturse, the Ml c1�1ca perdue and had itis arm badly ` rte for bowl scalds& the other day. Seven year >n the prnetect:atT •I ^ .in a vt'ill;.islThomnas Humphry, leyears old, of uorad Urtwrti.,.. ♦anther n wiv.-t T i. r why- st 'man p'=yg•mmtet• of Berlin, Ont, was eso- o, premising in Macro to last week. Some people would led Toronto, think that a man pre ng seven wives They reco0 would have punishment eoougk without any The I±eaforthar Conrad Ortwein seems to este Cnival C drowned in the thing with dim at the time. the body. m brigade will e tbe Tor - Rue for 1112S, the ld they claim ekou i . ceeding toad of the married date He amount of a prim yam a lump .x m ham confirmed itlo He b •well dressed men . The United Stake Setui�e so yeah •> •Ira• and dl; engem. Hs found no trouble in Hollosr•y. ,r( Intliva. at R pining the ladies affections. Every woman ,. D. Joslyn at winder. Ont wbomt be awe across be prop -eel marriage Bir Tbomas Oalt wtll act es A to. In the last firer years be bas g"oe through of the Government tff Ontario, d the cerenenlY with ib . 'that be Alexander Campbell's abeam* i men seven times. It la • Th. latter leaves on the Huh• has a combined family minim. Tp,. rev. mew of Canadadnring Use Breese ei thirty. The jwlge rpt year ending the eilth ult., amounted to I3'i,\ primmest mnest for each wife. Xel 0l0 awl the expenditure to $110,930,00° \ t Tbe :Sete Annivere0ry of the Batt ��h•keying a mrpins of nearly tR,000.()00. Boyes was cele1reted in truly gra Al Darin wth. S. R , • crowd of people Toronto. A f between 1 glittering were thrown into the water by the inking amecomposed c[ bi throu tutu and five thousand of s ferry float. Four bodies were recovered, men .rtty.moralist he p g6 the principal known how man7 more are oo[ the city. The pageant took one hour and and k Y sot known tour minutes to peas a given point. Wads left la the cion banners. brilliantly uniformed men. sol gal ly John Y. Wilhelm', arrested m rasp( and harem together with of stealing • valise full or watches, was de- ft• * immense ire of the promotive made charged et Toronto, the payee of a Lou* ta1n7 p•OPle 107 that It eclipsed in every rue Mo., having beta umber to secure any eve s*miiar thing attempted during the deooe &garnet him. • Rla. s.ted Rummer Carnival. (hangs A suspicion that • Kingston lady, who died ham the whole of the surrounding fifteen mouths to ad the bo1111011 dy caused try were Primal and rye eersenm d. Mitre enis&st17 1 sattwg the ]00th miniver- Decromp..dtlon was err far advanced, however, that investigation was iaposei le. il>r7 The Dominion Government bee decided to II grist a petition of right to the Quebec f STANLEY'S WED OIN(i• to sue for damages arising from .1 s» "tenter tat MSS die* ked tall. A similar favor ?be Sweet Was ted tee owner of tits properties ease Me will oy sd other private parties wbo Iptrsoy, JO' 1t --Hurry M Stanley destroyed ,A7rica• S WWI married on Saturday have suffered thereby. to Mime Dorothy Tensest is V While John Stark. aged shout An ran, et Abby. The carmen7. • vte7 brilliant One. the 7th concession, Chatham township, was we witnessed by moat of the sotabie people, driving. bores rake the bona, became fright. **eluding rey$lt7, to England. 1lt/siey Le need end ran away. Stark was thrown Sot recovered from his illness and was very toward betwea rye anima f� trampled tkrn<tgkOet the affair. His beet man esd droned own the gron was Count D'Arcbe. the Ring d able diata•e•. sad use ea Injured that he ,the Reigiess. The wedding breakfast was died, eery iarp.ty attended. Mr (iledetens, Lord Mr. J. B. Lase, Off ,forth Dorebeeter, Atte 'welsh y. Mir William Veen•tn-Hamoart. ing the rawest storm bad two . II -year-old Mr Jobs Millais, John Morley and other heifer leaf rattle* killed by :igbtsing he s• mans f alT ing estist•ially Young have been awarded to them. and "Ayer's Pills are in general demand r 1$ r lid1111 D1IIiU Coors among our customers- Our sales o them exceed those of all other pills coffee bined. We have never known them tail to give entire satisfaction." - W right k$annelly, San Diego, Texas. Ayer's Pills, TRAP MAUI) IT Net' -g ly eros. i T111E1 EITITintli. NONTRIAL rim -sous Vases bon h Lod Pe• WOO hies Oilers. Steenfre Peeps, hope altos, Dew Swat" md *a.ks Ids. 6NCRAIs STtOEE. Dr. J. C. Ayer A Co.. Lowell, Mass. add by all Dealers In Medicine. ptnmp w sea- W. F. [ good looking•sod with aglih the following nominations ,'�CeOsub- r1..�e[ord. Out ; tar Sir rope. ThIE KEY TO HEALTH. D.A.MECA KI LL & e° MANuFACTURERS OF FiNi. CARRIAGE VARNISHESgtAPAN'S 4SILVER MEWAISAWAKUED •MONTPEAL y - PUBLIC NOTICE Another Targe consignment of Fresh Teas of superior quality. In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. CNADWICK'S I,BATgBROID EES PRICE & SON Sb STEEL 11�II TNwRS r OOi1 Is. 8a.n1..I.d4.•.nQ coTTO4 Uttast &MO For Hand and TRUNKS M acklne rile. 11"1" Wert1. J. ETELEIGH & CO NNS 110 SUPERIOR. MONTREAL. ASK son :T. OMNI at train HOTEL BiLMORALL Goderich Foundry ©4 Machine Works, 1[oiTjItEAL RUNOIMAN BROS., - Proprietors. FLOUR MILLS BUILT ON THE UTEST IMPROVED SYSTEM. all ether kinds. Kay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Unlocks aflthe clogr(e,l events of the ',web. Kidneys and Liver. tar: off gradually without weakening the tem, all the impurities eiora of onso t. tcuring BiUOtlreee, Dye. b C.. , Acidity of the MAR, Headaches. Dizziness. Constipation, Dowses the Sb t B. ion,DininceS o[ yeappeelas, .� e Heart, /if , • al Debility : all L fit* ane sod many •,off aimsimilarComplatnta tare intmate° a ' LOOD islT?SREL llltni'II1 A CA.. Panatellas. TsteedI. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. • Beers nel and •Mina" fwr,4lsh•d Horoirst to tan City. A yea ter 400 roseate. ette=Sser'ally. S. V. W0°Manager PEARS' IS TREK BOARB Doderich SteamBoiler Works Established 1890. Chrystal & Black Manufacturers and dealers In Steam Boilers• Salt Pans. Tanks, Heatae smokestacks. anW.11 kinds of Sheet Iron improved Automatic cutoff Cortise Ka. Bins, Upright and Horizontal EnRinee.'Ma- chlnery and Castings of every description. Braes Fittings, Pipe and ripe Fittings con- stantly on band. Itch in clQsn. J.PALMER&SOM 111a..f.ctur.r..r Wboh&e Ima'trs ASBESTOS IIILLEDARD 1 D74.3 S' SuuDrSIRE St..., r el MeiParkllW, 1713 Ku MONTREAL FRICTION 5 0 A P. PULLEY BOARD, COMPANY. f RECKIU'S Bilk. Tiede BEST TO* LAUNDRY L Mail orders will receive prompt atteot10a. Works s Opp. S. T. S. matte*. XS Repairs promptly attended to. P.O. BOXS81. seeable nude speee'her, kitchsa an the sou* side of the residence The ceremony was perineum' ny, the Dan of Yr Harsake Lnagltar, of Dmensu sr. el WsehelaMer.mth• of Westmin- wr lifted cr wnpietely out of position red Oar, and the krdbl4op 01 R&Pen. T'he.e- caforty fed by w fore* o[ the wield viae was toll ehoral.`P A gnat crowd eon - ,s, the Sams: day. Whit* graded silk trimmed tree baa on t bun Witt white troy wise between ahem the abbey acid Ycheered News trines fres Prebend! d the sadden r. 8tan1.7 end Yee Tannest les Teo- death 01 a man Famed Yel.res, who we este dress was e[ 0511410( at the new and ss. ii„," 4 with mower. a that plane and M. sod Derr army, S. tow. a ookod k to nt About sone he tett a peredier ementkm, ey Qua, wbor bed woo An tikes it bet kept et work. and in the afternoon fell TEI,OV.�_ as a worming gm AMl fib oilmen H. was namerTMd and Lad jest haeyelad a weld *. Arrest tree Ireland. lye et d the grit, is pen fie, lit -yearly ..turasLave hews teed by the teasrad 1M abbe/ first mar. span flim t Per Shade tteoaths itareaars d Mea Tamest, sad fib r+etwsosy .Fadi Js.„ , MO P Shay et lanise esdbe tibithese he rrp�,+r< wkile walkkte. Aa Me. (1 *i$ Thennatk rlBw were. dngtbi. repseibld the ervte• by .^i^• w•• ehoort beedI �*g time malt of ye. tne.es. 1l,T'Se itish, Mil t eater (e vele wet claw and deedy. R,tee,dtsevrr, Me ea w gifting as gm r+paafed the sera er ear's' IS Skew adrere.• from Mee( 'is skeane mil le beak.' %SIT. tine PAPERS. /. Wapping, �. Yelena, 4�4 iI S- ALL SIZES too le[IOM ro ORO[R 1.. 10Hi" S1ons FLUID M 'CBE GREAT TH GiVER ftpgprtdT FooO 1140 SICK W*rne,NG la N.teirn.SSFVFPAItE JJ A POW ERFUL INVIGORATOR WE HAVE ON HAND FOR BALK: IMPROVED LAND ROLLERS, HORSE POWERS, (TRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW CUT- TERS, PLOWS, &c. We are Manufacturing Improved New Model Mowers which are equal to the beet. G ve th m a trial and encour- age home manufacture. earepas at lig lb* AMOK. am awiaa0ewbw wsw 000• 16 0 Awe .w swat l• farms° e. =ibed 006 40404•0061 awn eel eat Rs lir gram . ties rra w,rr se *w ar .w+wee• se it relassi ••�- ear e�re�e.rs..i..nraw- te.w 1Islin w��Ww..i.w wiaMtlwr'.rr wW awe e.as •'w ai MiAneww 0 &AR . w:r ate w "'W;v" 4UATTaCO. a..ss .�.sNsee' We Will Chanute• Satisfaction. It Will Pay you to use our new Steel Mouldboard Plowb. Doty Engines and Boilers for sale. RBPbIR.BMNDCd.-.«•..8OFALL iru.1 •- G- Bo_ BARRY fit) met De. Le selling all kinds el furniture at the lowest potable prices. It Is a wellskaown T IS formals. He isoleo the leading t Undertaker re if t� ow!n F. bhailm n talluid always k� 00 hand. He also r ekes • specialty of Furniture elsewhere. and you will find out that he does as he says --sells cheap VC=. - In thanking one and all for their past WIT'o°•t• be bepes to receive a continuance of the PLAITING MILL ' ESTABLISHED MSS. Buchanan & Son, New Subscribers are Jan l st, Doris( the ,.remnuy he L.Id sA t1 11P.( W.•/ M (is Urised Rules, 1S,- L - brimIts stink wLleh he Ails Maw. b Quebec, Manitoba, ti7r1 Or 1891 M ACT(KIMPI R11 SASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers in all kinds of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES a i5-87fi. And baUder's rnaterlal !Leven es ve' dcriPti�. LATEST STYLES. PARSONS ALBION BLOCK. OODIRICH. School Furniture a Specialtj Remnants to b. Cleared Out. Perfect Pita acid Showy Shapes. And as an in,int!ement w,. will mail to any address in Canada, United States or Great Britain THF t EO. BA.RRY. Hamilton -at,. NEW ARRIVAL CARLING'S ALE & PORTED IrriekQ CARLI4G'S BAYARIAIt G3 LAGER (Bottled) HIRSTS PAIN EXTERM INATOR wul POSiTIYfLY CURE CIAMPS, PMIS II TSE STIMIt1 Bowel Cowplaleta. Dierrboea t.tf A a, - SUMMERCOMPLAiITS KEEPIN THE HOUSE. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS. H. DUNLOP pqp. Tee Wentd. Tailor The LATEST ..n& BEST STYLE AND VARIETY - eeever— %IL -SPRING ilfif011 ATER SRRV10ES! pet le with lead, (}alvjjnised Iron 1 Black Iron Pipe, 1RY '" with For the remainder of -1890- F011 50c. Adjustable Brass Connection. HYDRANTS or VARIOUS PATTRRNS. Bee:h the kite+.. Pleb ss. Rieke 1!r•ek.te asd at r.Aeesd ttrieea. our Vlcerw(s tttr.M Myrrh 0. .. t 1,uABER. mai w EAU ENVELOPES, NOTE HEADS, LETTER PAPER, BILL HEADS, Eto.. Ste., at THE SIGNAL j PRINTING °Ff!TE. lo �mavallo••owl• a ey male�wee la Me .our. ..e ed ..anile m..enwkMS r.... w 1�a.•. etatelr...�. �� asersr•.s...si. .... •mw �.:w•��.wair..ratidEnrt=ti� THE TORONTO HOUSE, wins% zaktors, &c TOR SAL n Fa O'I:)rA, G. H. PARSONS Manager ALSION atom. QOD1Rl0U►