The Huron Signal, 1890-7-11, Page 66
toes ler was raper.
Most ! know how invalu-
able Ian fur pawkier/ away the
winter clothing, the priuttag Ink autlag
sea defiance to the ateetest moth, some
housewives thtuk, as successfully as
camphor or tar paper. Fur Una remain
are tuvsluable under the
carpet, laid over the regular cups( pa-
per. The meet valuable quality of
in the kitchen, however, u
their ability e. keep out the air. It is
well known that toe, completely envelop-
ed Is so that air is shut out,
will keep • longer time than under other
conditions ; and that a pitcher of toe
water laid to • newspaper, with the ends
of the paper twisted together to exclude
the air. will remain .11 night an soy sum-
mer room with scarcely any perceptible
melting of the toe, These facts should
be utilised ofteoer than they are in the
care of the sick et night- In freezing
ice-cream, when the ice is scarce, pack
the free r only tbreequartere full of ice
and salt, ' d finish with , and
the (Moran the time of freezing and
quality of the cream is not perceptible
from the result where the freezer ia
packed full of ice. After removing the
dasher, it is better to oork up the cream
and Dover it tightly with a packing of
than to use more ice. The
retain the oola already in the
ice better then a packing of .racked ice
and salt. which must hare crevices to ad-
mit the sir.
A good substitute
is the beaten ,elk of
spoonful of sugar
Puts of water added.
for cream in coffee
an egg, with a tee -
and two tablespoon -
To pre7ent layer cake from sticking to
the tins, be sore to rub them •month
with common table salt, and then oil
them with melted butter, after which
lightly dredge with sifted nour.
Smother • tire with carpets. etc.; wat-
er will often spread burning oil, and in-
crease danger. Before passing through
smoke, take • full breath and then stoop
low, but if carbonic acid is suspected.
walk erect.
"Waste not, want not," is an old
adage, ani moos, • crumb can be eared
by cutting a loaf ot bread or cake. fresh-
ly baked, with a hot knife, the slices
being as ewrostf if t
were cold and twenty-four hours old.
A clothier
to wash • d
gartnent in
bine it, and
a wringer.
he wruno w
in cold wate
To clean
damp salt
briskly, an
coloring w
sped : or
,wept, go
cloth and
be alma
As an
of nem
al Obese
add on
the m
a cool
ade ta
in t
tate* that the proper way
anuel shirt to to souse the
rant soap water, never rub -
put it repeatedly through
The garment should never
ith the hands, and never put
a carpet th-roughly, throw
upon it and then sweep it
d it will be found that all the
ill have been vastly bright -
if the carpet has been well
over it afterward with • clean
salt water. and the result will
t M good.
TS. aeesea I--Maidelte.
Among the venous ant onoisdes wk
ountnbste tear en ma to the msklug Y
of the population et New Yuck Way, Hi
must •osmopeditan comna.aity pa.babl
os the fate ut the globe, the $Onrush
natiuua,ity ranks among the =Wheel
It is not strange that it should be au
t' ,thud has aper had • large pupate
tion. As compared with either of
two nearest eetghbora, Eastland an
Ireland, with the former espeotally,Scot
land, 1u pint of population, hat ales,
been exo•edi•rly small. To -day, wit
the lar,te i° of Irish t• the large
eritise, eapeeidly in the woe, the ..urs
populate,* but slightly eaaeeds fou
u• itions. It has really been wouderf,
hew this small nativte•Itty has sent i
sons and its damehtere in such nun be
all over the earth. lit every British
colony tbe little kingdom a well reps.
w ined ; and it would be ditticult to bud
• foreign country into whin So:otchweo
have out forced their woo. It a siitna l
cant, also, that wherever you bud them
they are as element of force at or nest
IA. front. Maculay likeua the S.•utcb-
Itman, in one of hes well-kit„esu passages.
to a piece of cork. bank the oork
when you may, it will rise to the
season. It a so with the Soot. Piaui
him where you may, leave him only
liberty of action, and he will make hie
presence felt ; he will work hie way to
the surface of society.
The Soot uses wmethiug to nature.
There is intrinsic eiaelieuce in the race.
There is the ring of genuine utetal iu the
material out of which he is mud,-. Wheth-
er you regard him as Ceit , r Ssion, or •
qualified compound of both, there is in
btu. superior racial eacelluu.r, which
time and hard esperieuce, maga', moral
and religious training. have uudeuhtedly
qualified, but not deprecested Iu some
..f the finer. softer, inure amiable, and
more attractive aspects of hunun intone
Soutchmeu Islay be found wanting Si
compared with the mien , f some other
nationalities. But 10 the various ele-
ments which constitute ibe real worth of
the individual man—solidity of charac-
ter, purpiee, energy, resource, determin-
ation. endurance, and self-reliance—the
typical Scottish man has few it any su-
periors. Ile is • debtor to race first of
all ; afterward to climate. to a niggardly
sell, to the Presbyterian l'hurch, and to
the pariah school. I:i spite of an iur,.,rit.
stubbornness --an n000wluerable uawil-
aa•gnes• to be 1.. _, ropy, u. testy.°
upon, or made use of—he has a faculty
of taking advantage of favoring circum-
stances when they offer ; and whets he
lays hold there Oa bull -dog tenacity in
his grip. For the nae of others, the
Scot is not the mat adaptable ot men.
t is to his honor that it is a,. For his
sun purposes, and in pushing ha own
ay, he is adaptable enough. Of the
toners/ accuracy of these statements it
uuld be difficult to multiply proof. in
*nada the reins of power have been
eld by • Scotsman for the beet part , f
aro generation.. Sar John 9lacdonald
as found but one man worthy to be
lied a rival. and he has been • c untry-
an of his own. In the older Australia°
touter, where they have opportunities
miler to those offered in Canada, Scots -
en ars more often than otherwise at
e summit of power ; and they are fore -
oat nut w mush as politicians, or office -
kers, or self -servers, but as men seek -
g the welfare and ad of the
loot' or community. Itis not oeceessry,
wever, to linger in foreign parts seek -
examples. We have them in abund•
cep in these united States ; and we are
from being without them in the im-
ediate neighborhood, and especially in
the city of New York.—John L. Wit -
n, in Harper's Weekly.
Prealmel°, 1■ Practice.
Ilene i° • story of how the town of
•futon, Illinois, was built up—an
Alladin'. castle of the present day --by
the magic lamp, Prohibition. We take
the story from the f'oi.-.., and everyone
will du well to reed it :
"Thirty and odd years ago, the Legis-
lature of Illinois chartered the North-
Weetern University, adding to its edu-
atiooal powers the educational command
that intoxicating Ilquon should never be
sold u • beverage within four miles of
the seat of said school. Its Methodist
managers stuck its home -stakes here,
twelve miles northward from Chicago,
the border of Lake Michigan ; and its
foot plantings became the nucleus of a
age settlement named Evanston. Its
hies for training boys drew good peo-
, and its failities for boy,
io becoming criminal rogues also drew.
that time local option was not the law
he State, and Prohibition was not
Bible to the will even of the majority
Gown. llonce, the prohibitive fence
nd this spit made it a rare city o
ge to careful parents. it grew i
, and kept its amiable .iuslity
ring a decade no open attempt, my
'oldest inhabitant,' was made to pu
on on sale here. But, twenty yes
a' Chicago inions f
people. The supervisor's reports s10
Is • smaller per capita eapeadi!ure for
p support of pauper* that to any e
e !town within flock Onset, ; iu solo
y wee Daly .sus -half. Fur the six .caths
jest expired tieder the present *seer-
. .tour, food has been ferurbed to 18
- families, at a wait of $136 ; and the of-
dotal monists fur the vear is 141,100.
het Pur the six suburbs barely four puhiee-
d mea have been found neoe.aary, sod
their duties are very light, cbredy that
• of looking after tramps seeking the viet-
h nab and clothes ut a sober
✓ There Der sr has beepers house of infante
here. For the year audios Oot. 1st,
✓ 1884, the (sockets of the coon* exorcis-
t Ing pollee powers °hcw only 38 arrests
to for ,rimtoal or disorderly conduct, ope-
ra. third of those being on the platform as
they come from the city.
"A peohib,ting Prohibition has be-
come so old and t here that
se -other mode is ever diastased, and no-
- body u unea*y lest tbo statutes change,
The people tind it pays.”
item of economy, as well w of co
encs, we .. 1 the buying ail
ons when plenty and cheap ; m
out the talcs, and ti each pint th
e pound of refined sugar, bring m
ding heat, stimng the misture i° ' see
xntime till the •agar is Om/wired, in
bottle and cork tightly, and set in eo
place. Whop wanted for lemon- ho
ke a goblet of water and add sof- ing
t juice to suit the taste. Hot an
node is made by the use of hot in- far
of c old water. Every family m
old preserve lemon juice for time• of in
eel. The juice of the lemon preserved w
his way will be found a convenience,
well u a luxury when travelling.
English Method of Co. -king Ince.—To
u quarts of boilin;, water in • kettle, En
3 cne-half teaspoonful salt and one-
alf cup of rice washed in three waters
*mein the boiling water and cook for
bout one-half hour, or until tender ;
hen pour into a colander and rinse 'in
either hot or cold water. reheat, and
season acc:rdimg to taste. Cook in a
single kettle.
Green Pea Soup. — \S ash and pick •
pint of peas, boil till quite "oft in three
pints of water, strain through • colander
to remove the skins, return to the kettle
and add salt to taste. Just before serv-
ing add cne-half cup of cream or • table-
spoonful of butter. Serve with toasted 1O
bread cut in small squares.NO
Boiled Carrots with White Sauce.— pi,
Boil shout two quarts of carrots diced fro
round) in salted water : always .r,rspe ; At
them ; when tender drain in a colander, I of 1
and mash fine ins stew -pan with a pit- per
tato masher. Add one-half cup of cream I of a
or one tablespoonful of creamed butter, I•roo
one pint of milk, and one tablespoonful I ref,
of corn -starch, rubbed in a little milk ; size
add when it boils. I Du
Hygienic Padding.—Soak one cupful the
of sago one hoar in water enough to I lige
cover it -drain off any water that may ago
reteea-1vy mad ratsee.•amarle.
Then need be no trouble in identify-
ing the poison -ivy in auy of its forms.
The hairy trunk will often serve us, but
there are two other features which are
much more value. First let us rem.
ber that it.. /otos ore affrays hoop -d
tArr.•s whatever the outlines et thei
more or Ism wavy margins. In sum
sections the plant is always called th
"throe -leaved ivy
And this naturally leads me to a roost
oration of that other vine with similes
habits which is commonly known as th
"lice-learvd ivy," and • leaf of which
have here pictured under the title of •
"ineoceot victim.-" This fila leaf of HI
-4tnpdopsis yuouyuefulia (.tui optidel; is
five leaves), also called Virginia crespe
and woodbine. Look at the leaf, au
tis its form in your mind. This is on
of our most beautiful native climbers. I
u allied to the grape vine, is Perfect'
barmiest', and is the our plant that b
to suffer from suspieloo, being often d
troyed under the impression that it
the poison -ivy.
The writer knew of a person who pee
seemed a beautiful home upon the Hod
son, and whose deficiency in knowing o
this one little page of botany coat him $
severe loos. His children were suddenly
prustrat with ivy-puiauning, une of his
tlninth-cur" neighbors came in to offer
him some learned advice. Something in
this style :
"Well, S,iuire, its fetched 'em at last.
I've been telltrt Betsy all al.,r.g that
the pesky stuff would ketch ,e arter •
while Well, than, goodness and truth!
Time an' time agin, when Inc'been goin'
by the gate an' seen them air children
piayto' in the sommer-house yender,
it's made me 'tame! ticklish, an' I've red
time and agin, and told Betsy •o tow,
that I'd het my best gobbler they'd be
broke Out afore a week, at d new they've
done it: an if you take my advice, you'll
cut the pesky weed down an' burn it
before the hull on ye is ketched. You
needn't look on surprised, Squire. What
I'm radia' ye u ;tie yure own good. That
air weed is pizen-shumake, an' it'll nigh
onto kill some folks."
Such advice, coming from a practical
farmer in whom the "Squire had per-
fect confidence, was immediately acted
upon. The vines which had embowered
the beautiful arbor for a generation were
awed offal the ground. And to think
that a peep into the botany might have
roved them '
Four things need to be committed to
memory to insure safety against our
pbuion-sumeobs :
First. 27te three leaned iry. is 'iur.g.•r.
.1eeon,I. T7ie tier -feared iry is harmless.
T7oird The poison -sumach° have
white berries.
Fourth. No red -berried sumach is
Both the poison-iry and poison -so.
mach, though unlike in appearance of
foliage, have similar "!.if.- I..,,,,., grow-
ing in small slender clusters from the!
exile of the leave.. in all other sumach'
the bermes are red and in close bunches
at the ends of the branches, and far
item being dangerous, yield • fr.,ty-
lo.cking acid which iu most agreeable to
the taste, and wholesome .withal. With
these simple precepts fixed in the mind,
no one need fear the dangers of the
thickets. Nor need any one repeat the
hazardous exploit of two young ladies
whom I know, one .,f whom, as a com-
mittee on church decoration in •country
town, brought her arms full of the scar-
let autumn branches ..f the venomous
sumach ; white the other once sent the
writer a really beautiful group of care-
fully arranged rare armee, and mosso
( goner ously decked with the white berries
n of the poison-iry. Both of these rash
maidens, I believe, paid the severe peo-
n i alty of their botanical innocence.—Wil.
t Ii•m Hamilton Gibson, in Harper's :
r• '1 Dung People.
of Prevailing Political tio.up.
t7�eta1/1. - eetM/eal Pet.Mre sad *Aroure
—MUltery Matter. — Omura! M1.1.Ue.
teal Rs.lgrtattea_Mt. Pres►M rtweres. l
ser—This T.rrthIe Mersa—Here litg
TononTo, July 7. — At lent the uturb bilked -
of Sumunner carnival to the Queen City u
over. and citizens are once more eugagel in
ordinary immune, Whether :t was a ..•tr-ises
or not u left undecided, Some people tlii•.k
it war • great and grand gRnir, :Alien Hoak
It war very bad and teat the carnival belt
by Hamilton last year, .vlilt ,. it in every- rs-
iee1. But It s over anyeay mud there is no
w eed to quarrel ala ut Ire success , 1 failure.
tleveral tbuttmud stranger. from all purr. of
Canada mud the United States docked into
the city and spent their several d.dia•-s.
Thera were its usual . , its -eerie,
rause and and 6rewurlu The
auvent were decorated end the city and har-
bor lllumura►sl. Ir 1. not ikely however
that Toronto will bold another Carnival twit
summer. Tbeautc,, itchti I ar,t .,t ib.. tale THEY ARE AL1. OC."It Owl' MAKE ewrnlr tap be about a. u.uo'h as the .•r! • Daae {�'
nag. at prtaa ut j�
d1*°aM, gv t }yowaec readers loci t taw *,..rtes remstr tkr Ike akesw Ism,
=awes e1 less caws shave bee. pereaae.0 coal, I .keg
.4 to sewd113.1=of my Ppaa is asy gem readers abs leve c .
eesa, roup if
T• Ilat 1ft8NIeN A/at>♦I2L elks TOQc O. oar
Try Our Oxford Shoe
rhe, ,rap warrant •d too' w .bp up and down on the ,beel, which cannot be mid of
other snake.
Our Russet Oxford Shoes
Met decided .motets. There it nothing like them for summer wear•
ua and guaranteed to rive est isfaction-
There is quite a stir In l.uhtical circles just
nr - now, although a uuuiis r ..l lh wtun .0 rink Ali rips sewed free or charge. Boots and Shoes of a superior quality made to erier.
ITuvineial Cabinet totuiate:-s and such likes ,
° people aro , u f y araal>tor.• nr in
• bu;mwoo 1.. guiles number ofputi•u.have
Been IUled in to.. Court of appeal alai...t ileo•
d- return of recently elected , t.. TO•
✓ Outer,.. House. these an- pmt. i iia
r ' $gatnst Sul. Whits, 'Con.) Mayo- of N'tnd...r, ll'holesalr and Rebid Manufacturer and Healer In Boots sad Boss.
1 - Sir. Dunlop, il'on.l North Rentlew, Mr.
o , l'baritu., ;Lib: South Norfolk, Hugh Salad, v_py
• .Con.) F.outeoac, James Hi+cott, it'on, L a-
_ culla, eottu T. Gilmour, (l.ob., and lion 11
W. Rue, ILrbi Wet MiddiealL The 14ti-
rim. set fort brib-ryande'ria t -
d eruption, pteatil: g
illegal vote.., treating and giving away liquor now ageut for
e Items to astseunoe that be u
and such like w•ioee.l practice• it t.espa t d
,�'/J,that euL..0r latch a( thou pbtitiVus w.0 Tie Illq�or Tea celeb ated hasloseked before the wok uGUas The LruWtinnt l:orrrnoorsh:p „[ `:,w
dee Hruwwiek at precut bell by Sir L.-„o...d_
is 'Tille aid will be vi, i en to �` awl itd. 5i. Your choice of one out ot a hundred or more Handsome Volume
ir by the Beet authors, given with every 3 lbs.
Leonard Titley .. to re-enter Parliament and,
- w-1.1 opposes Hr. Ellis M. P. at the next genies Give it a trial, and acquire a Valuable Library without haling
f V election in lqt. Johan city.
not be taken up. Stir into a quart of I opt,
boiling water. into which • cup of seed- + its f
.d raisins and two sour apples ■lined I But
thin have been placed : let all cook till I ojec
perfectly done. Mould it cups or pod- boa
ding mould ; serve with cream or sauce. rein
Dates and tilts can be used instead of I east
raisin', with lase e.a,king. This pod- las 1
ding is sweetened with fruits in the that
proper proportion en that no cans -sugar any
s reouired. _ effort
NIaard'• u■..sees lase, sr envelelaes- of F:
A . la Poverty. wive
A waif of a bay use rating a stale half wittie
loaf on the street yesterday with the air dispo
of a starveling, says the Detroit Fre. n1 th
I're.., when a stray dog came along and end o
croenhed at his feet. The hungry look four
remained in the hoy's eyes. hot he ton ••
glanced down at the vagabond do; and rode
said in a friendly way . join
Wot,ou want i This ain't no hone. '�
Got ' f ,000
The Joe mered off a little and again Ill h
it eroe4, d and looked wistfully at the
food. ppb is
7 looked
o this as untitled nil, and sent out
armee' to gather figs of thistles.
he got pricked to death. He was
teal by lower wort judgment, took
grief to the Supreme Court, and
✓ eed broken hearted, that court folly
aiming the chimer of the University
'robibition that did prohibit. Since
date it has nut been questioned in
court. Nor has •in made any later
to set up open shop in the village
vanston, though nine years ago it
ht to lead men into temptation
ral miles across lots near another
went. The distance being in
b.. the Rev Dr. Hnggs, then pastor
• Methodist Church, earned one
1 the chain that measured op that
mile law. The saloon being found
'red soil, it straddled its cask and
beyond the hoe, loot impromptu
cep should take the tong° to
The population le 9,500, of whish
are In Ennobles village proper
•alth, morale, mosey sad iatelli•
Flay. di) you want this woos nor 1 do! The des gave a quiet hark and the 14"1.61
boy three him the root of the loaf, Mrsubsto
Neff said. he revaarked es li• earthed amok
to am a pard ie trouble. es&
soul the by ivissit off no* way sod di”
IA. Ins II. heal botrim.i.wt enothier, both beala
the heeler Nr the ensointer Pee
Illimoirsillehmons COM 11.01.11&& && 14111,16 01108P.
y alegiittiris of the peo-
Th• University
batons a iaatilalilla of two million
wolf MMISIM os, a thousand
, soma hi* simempYwd hi-
lted bite She esai1411ee d • wide
gvads•Mag tanto b/ Its ,owes
soli wom•.s religions M well as lear-
?1e Weld rsmwda el** township
ti doss o l is %A to hors
nal, Ileo .6 haw ti d•a1M
van is 1,001 tap This,
though the te .Deism.
towel..mbar of ,Mired elderly
Lialmems cares
tend • nelelms amid.
I shall never forget the feeling I bad
once. when climbing one of the pyramids
uf Eseypt. Whets half way tip, my
strength failing. I feared I should moor
be able to reach the summit or get baok
*gain. I well ber the help given
by Arab hands, drawine use on farther
and the step I could not quite make
myself, because too wrest for my weeried
frame, the little help given ine—eorne-
times more and sometimes lees- --enabled
me to go up stop by step, until at last I
reached tbs top, and breathed the pure
air, and hed a grand lookout from that
lofty height. And so, in life's journey,
we are climbing. We are feeble. Evin7
one of um. now and then, need ; a little
help ; aod if we have rime a step higher
than tame other, let as reach down for
our brother's bond, sod help him to
stand beside es. Asellthea joined hand
in hand, we shall go on ormeinering, step
he o444), opal the glorioes eminent:et ehal
be gained. —Bishop Biespene.
Wafts Net Prelims Maim
fes quick. You ean ase • minute hot
onevi make the meet of it. Eapetially
time whom Nana, from d
aey disarm id the Motatich, liver or lom-
at& Toe seal take Hardee& Meat
tors too soon, *vary mososst wasted
delays Ow losestl-ks sere.
the expense.
C . Johnson of the Customs who •
is the deputy ndnrter .a the r .. i yr•-
a 1_ FE BRIMS OF PURR MAPLE SYRUP Laybe supe raunuatab, iia tri :3 �ei;e,•
1,eput- C. . Parmelee will peanut
step into ha shoe.. Mr. W. 1'. R. Preston, llel
the Liberal organiser au Ontario ha. been pry-
srnted at the Reform Club with a good waLch
and chain and a purse •coutaiowg over ■
thousand good gold dollars, in roe ietniuou Nf
his services during the ree.eut elect,.,n.
John Page, ural.( .opener of Ira..snub .
pertinent at a tttawa i. deed. 11y his death
Canada has lest nue of kir first mud roodWhen I
Cure de am tene
he® for t 1 stud 1 warrant ay remade to pars the
air r
once tepee tai the K bud H salary 1.ox s .se a
Prove aiettln of mno lupins nett atm
faithful officers. lie had everything w de itis then return ag ala 1 MIAN A aA01CAlC RE. t1 have ode the adbaaw.f S%
with a great many of the tan•L now to east gt• se Paal(in Sieh.... a rate- pli�
bask sadden
iv e - b w a! or t f ra t Because Dikes. have fat: sow r.ceivk,g a sograa�..$...°d at
recently increased from tour to six thousand Once It cwt. ou .aha • �sO Zine 1—It. O. sad
dollar. per auuu.w 1 r i a trial, tad it tip car* O.
Fiaatue lt'tmaa, the Commercial Uit'.ui,t flea smooch «' IAt WEST ADtLA1pa STaaaT• b
Antexatnomst or whatever iteetyl.•. hime.rlf -- — _ --
is going to invade Canada next summer. In
a recent interview be says Oust during tee
general ele.•lloe canipaiga watt year fir so
tends to enter Canada at W lfidwr, opposite
Heir At. and .peek for .ext}- der., IaIOC a Iscloking for a Handsome Xmas or New Year's present at a M
day, coming out at Montreal. .sturolly he
will speak in favor..( his bobby of Commer-
cial Union with the (-tined States. —AND—
Poiit at is of .veru- -Minus sap 4 •grey wereamseW e Know W i
Mak was startgoing t re a rumor Lib al lead- a 1-1ave {r'
Blake was gang to rr+urlir the Liberal lead-
. But the minor found its wa; u,
headquarters havingthe Finest Liners of Silver Plate, Flat Ware and Cutlery ever
and nwntlately brought forth
a letter from the great Blake denym{ 11.. displayed in this town.
dory in toot., and aytng that to. fano could
be folio.' with the prvrut leader Hou.
trod Launer.
Ilasy Military Matter..
The militia fore -t- of the Dominion air now
seemingly without a head. Tb.• resignation
of Lieut. General Kir Frederick Middleton,
has been accepted by Om Government. He —
has advertsd his household .Ruts
hones. carnage! .mil furs for tali
and will probably leave Canada and
take up his residence abroad, on tnr Contin-
ent. p...ilei, •11..- general com•eitteel' a
gnevou, uu,. eke. L.ii i is sorry for it too Fate.
Naturally there 111 n:neb talk over kis s n•
ceaw,r. With•nt a uoubt a Camerae wi.)
receive tie. appuuttnent, although am,rdnt,;
to ties present law it is vested in Eigiau.t'.
hands.. sal an oflger of the Imprriat wait•
f. e.upp.".e.1 to hold tte c consand Of lite
wet prom Dent iron for .h• pro a e 1
'll alker Powell, the ted ut use ;eu. r J. who
Mi. eervtd his country well a .d faitututly fol
many a year and w ho knows all the his and
out, of the duties attache.) to the p.,eitfon
Powell is a thorough oil her and au uni-
versally popular Man Theo there is Gert•-,'
[work M. P., ('el titter, COI, Tcraabitt
P.. ands whole bast of men wit.., no d•u W
would like the poaitloen or the honor. sloe
thing ,ore • Canadian should and willg.t the
..(floe Tb. Domini -o bas • dozen gird in -•u
who, would 611 the position just as well i,
any officer impvirt..l from the Motb.r
country for Vie purism-. albeit be may
have ..rind ut the Imperial $era•i,-o.
There seem, iso beta Uttla • outplte-tt.a.
aver the Aide de -camp of General Stiddletoat s
When Capt. Wfm left the position to rejoin
hu regiment Lieut. Mtrestnekl. • brother-in-
law or Capt the Hos. C. R /.'ola•i'.lr'. who I. 3
military secretary to the Governor Gemeral,
was appointed by Kir Fid. But it is now
reported tont the minister of militia did *sot
mnetito the appointment and the depart-
ment will net pay him his salary or expenses
This is rather bard on the young man and if
true will make greeter inr.,ade lotto the 110.
080 presented to Middleton by Parlia.nent
for saving the eountry from the Indium dur-
tag the Northwest Rebellion
tie.eral New. Sete..
Violeet storms of winos. bail, and ligbtniag
WWII reports! during ilea ;>• 1C wait from
many Unlarto Ahstr eta, lee a 11as Campb,ll-
ford. Plonk, Belleville, Allsato. and Spring-
f1e kt. Tres and haw were tarn d ,w•, and
mm -b damage was done crop..1. Nevsral
rows were killed and barns burnt, through
ter Illy of tit. lightning. la
Manitoba awl the N .rtbwp,t several
whole township were almost devastat-
ed. Thousands and thousands of bay
bele of grain, prinrlpalty wheat were
entirely destroyed The Mates teemed to
suffer aten, judging from the terrible .ocousts
rvoefvsl frsn thew
TM fins of lbs month was settling day
with the flomIDloa (hivernment and nom.
big cheques went nus from th• rinser,.
.t (thaws. The two btgge.t
'amounted to four milli its of dollar. ODs
woe 12,um,000 for Ppwint•ial wbsklwi, and
the ab.r *2,0110,(1400 fur interest en Demksba
serwriti.e bald h England
Talking about big nosey, • writ has
Mea lssaesl here for • big slid s It IDvelvdeeg
1Marly s110,0110 on behalf of Moil_ I1,
t� C-, egetae t the !Mew Islet t,A
and Meow oma i (nhi pa.y The wit bin IiI1 Int of .bis w1leh have beam
all�d to 11s aWatlf re a,. a✓ —_ �_.- Yon
_ __. _poop---__
Inspection Soli
Have opened out • GROCERY aad BAKERY on Kingston Street. ard are eaterieg
gains In NSW }MACK. Oft.MSN aad JAPAN TItitS. comma. mums. SUGARS
SYRUPS. Etc. Ail kinds of PLAIN •ale VA3151 saase.
Only the best material need in all dames of Baking and tented out in • Mame to suit the
mom fasUdiona palate.
flutter and Fags taken is exehaage tor Geode Cali snd examine our stork. Goods de-
livered to aci part of town CS memo possism notice.
29113 3m
413 72 3 -;' i
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