HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-7-11, Page 41 f1 4 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ICIY*BLNHSO NWT. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. MOM" Orme eP) OR NILLIOM SOLLASS - e f 0.000. _u. • K. E WALKER, Gnsswltl- MANADER. N00,000. GODERICH BRANCH. • A Ommuta . BA1snNo BuStintas TwswACTtta Femtl as NOM Dssoourtrao. DmAnS MOSUILO PAYAIIII AT AL, POINTS IN CANADA, AND Vise P*INCIPAt, CITIES IN Teas UNITED STATIC" GOAT MITA"N, FRANCE BImO 0130. as Semmes RANK DEPARTMENT. OEPOSITa OF $LOO AND OPWANOS utCarVEO, ANO CUrNRtNT NATES OF NITE8IST ALLOW[D. 1., ST ADOEO TO TNS PtaraWpAL AT Tett atm Or MAY AMO Mwta/SSS ID SAWN VIAL S}eetel /Mealiest given le the OeNeetlew of Oenslmeretal Paper. sod Fera«.' ewe Neter. Ifni= fignaI IS rr.U.Han ZVERY FRIDAY MORNING, AT IT 'TRAM nuwnwe orrecs : NORTH- STREET,` GODSRICIL It is a wldsswake 1 1 , devoted to meaty news sad the dl - of tare - fel knowledge. RATES or semeritirnex s Due • year ; 75e. for six moatbe ; Mc. far three menthe. 1f the enbecription is not Qstd In advance will be cheesed at theists of We a yMD• ADVERTISING NATO and other casual & 10c. hs par 155 for first ereticsed a ass per tine for each subsequent ta.ertioe. Measured by nonpareil salla Local aoticee la nonpariel type sc per Ilse. Local mottoes is ordinary reeding type lc pe ward. Sedaeus cards of six Uses and under 35 per Fear. A of Last, Found. Strayed Bhasti..a 'C &cant, Situation Wanted and »wham Chance. Wanted, not exceeding 0 liars neaperiel 01 per math. Houses se Sale and Farms on Sale. not to exceed 0 Ilse., gl for first month. 1oc per sub- sequent month. Larger .4vm in proportion. Any Mocha notice_ the object of whish is to promote the pecuniary benefit of any wdi- vidual or company. to be considered •5 ad and charged accordingly. These terms will in ell cares be strictly ad- hered to. Special rates for larger r or • for extended period,. Sade taown at thecae(' of publication. J/NNIND DEPARTMENT. A fully equipped Jobbing (Moe Is carried ea in eoneection with the ordinary newspaper bednew, where first -clam work is turned out at reasonable rates. Everything in the pnnt- I5g line can be done on the premises from an !Dominated poster to a visiting card - AU must be addressed to W. De4ILUCCNi. li;ditarof Title Sm'AL Telephone CsL No. 30. Goderleb Ont. HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, JULY 11, 100. Awr now the paragrapher in the city woo doesn t wish to sacrifice cigar money treating lady friends is working up the old chestnut about pois- oned Ice-cream. Som. of the girls won t stare a little bit, howerer. GovnttNOR Nicnott$, of Louisiana, has vetoed the Lottery Bill. Ni. HOLEa knocking out the gambling scheme will keep nickels in the pockets of many Cool- ish people who formerly sent their all to be invested in New • Irleans chances for wealth. THl Province does 001 appear to have teen thrown into a chaotic sate retig_ oody since OLIVER Mow AT was endors- ed at the p€11., and even the editor of the Hanailten St. foss is allowed to at- tend Divine service as his 000seieose dic- tates, and with his old time regularity. A r.c%reLeo lecturer at Crediton re- cently secured the attention of hie au- dience by "'daring a prize for the auditor who could give the best summary of Ma discourse. Here's a method for occu- piers of pulpits to keep the memben of the cocgregstion awake during the en. suing two monthsservices. GrNr tkt Mito•trroe has been made a middleman- • buffer, so to speak -to break the force of public sentiment be- tween the people and the Ottawa Govern- ment. Minot -molt mw that at Ottawa ecrruption reigned, and unfortunately thought that looting furs in • campaign amid never be questioned. But he for - let that once in a while some one had to 1111 made • scapegoat of. Tr1t•av last 1 organizer PR11iTOx, Sec- retary of the Provincial Reform Asso- ciation, was banquetted by his friends in Toronto and prtsented with a handsome gold watch and $1,000 spot cash, as a slight token of the appreciation of his services in with the recent Provinsisl elections. Now that. the way to do each things,asd if the Reform- ers in every locality would show appre- ciation of those who do good work at electrou times,it's quite possible Tete RIO. Rat would be • blushing reefpient itself - -that is to say -as it ware -.peaking afar the manner of neo-ah+m 1 Well, we would mildly remark that if ocr friends were to frantieally piss for the eppoetnnity tel getting sap • astimeeial for es they need sot be afraid of a throwing wild water tie the project Anything from aBelloek prem as trip to Europe would sot he irreveeeetly thrust N sets nide. We're not balk that way, sled sever met eb•rlish to our !needs sed trap wither.. • R. S WILLAMS, Manama. PROTECTION AND TBE TOILER. Time and again we hear from Re- strictionist moron the old, old story ' that Protection has a tendency to lo- •reem the wage of the , bat we fail to find Blench has been then- perience of the countries which have adopted the polio= of High Tariff. Whenwe read of the sufferings of the : white slaves of the P coal mines, who fail to get eodicieot re- muneration to furnish them with even the of life ; when from the toilers and modern of New York • cry of anguish •.rends that "Bread is so dear and flesh and blood so cheap ;" when strike follows strike to restrain combine after combine, and Capital and Labor have have to battle like giaota in - legi•lative halls, in a country when the rankest Protection obtains, then it be- hooves us to believe that Restriction is nota wage -raiser, and is not in the Inter est of the masses. Even in Canada the High Tariff in- augurated in 1879, and ioereased in the years that have intervened, hs not suc- ceeded in making oar land an El Do- rado, and placing wealth in the way of the , Wages have not in- -creased to the artisan under the benign influence of the N.P. ; manufactories have not increased and multiplied : the home market has not been crested for the farmer ; the country has not pro - pressed and prospered. The cause for this lack of prosperity was pointed out by Mr A. F. Juin-, on. of the best posted in Canada on econ- omic .iuestions, in • recent address de- livered before the Sirgle Tax Association . t Toronto, and we Rive the following excerpt which bears on the line of oar argu nent He pointed out that protection utterly failed to protect the . A manufacturer could work on uotil his wsrehoasb eau full of goods, and then insist on • rednction of wage. If the man refused to accept this a lock -out would follow, and he could meet foreign with the surplus stored in his warehouse. Had he failed to starve his workmen into before his was emptied, he could then import duty tree -what he would call at election time -the pauper labor of Europe. Then in some cares manufac- turers are not able to pay as high wages coder protection as under free trade, be- cause they must pay a hinter price for their raw material. It never occurs to them to strike against the price of the raw material but they even up the cost of by cutting down the wages of the . Mr Jury hero ran countera Single Tax Society peculiarity. A question was fired at bum point blank trom the audi- ence and with the instinct of an old stomper he met it squarely. "How is it that wages are higher in protection than in free trade oountrieed asked the "They are not," replied Mr Jury : and he quoted from Ain.w,,rth Spotford's American almanac to show that wages ars fro.n 2:o to 100 per cent. higher in free trade England, than in any other European country, while the cost of living in all articles affected by the tariff is lower in Eogland than elsewhere on the continent. it is unfair to compare England with a country like the United States or Canada where there is an abundance of lana easily accessible to the people. I+ The rate of wages is practically deter- mined by the amount of tint -class land e accessible to the people. A fair com- parison could be made between two such , countries u the Australian colonies of i Victoria and New Routh Wale., one protected and the other under a low ; revenue tariff. In New SO.th Wales,the revenue tariff colony, wages are a little higher than in Victoria end the cost Of living cheaper. He was willing to compare New South Wales with any country in the world. Another imetioner wanted to know why ft wsa not es easy to pay the neces- sary taxation in the form of a protective tariff as in any other way. Yr Jery pointed ont that ender protection the people pay not only the revenue but al- so a kale 5001 into the cogen of the He estimated that of every 03 the people pay in duties, only =I ,reaches the Ration's treasury at Ottawa lo the atter of Sugar slope, it seeks, a different* of a million dollars to the people of Oan.de, whetb., they are taxed on the raw or the reamed anger. From the foregoing it will be readily seen that .o matter who may base& by a pokey of High Tariff the workingman le, and meat eoatl.M to be, the sufferer. A few pap -fed I.d.etries may eke net a mieeesble existence; or the stockholders of one or tire sugar re6.serigs se *hie pampered iestitetiees may wee tat Gad meg. het even thea it le only Capital that msllipIL pad taeremas, while Laker bas te sere lases with THE HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1890. the atter fight fee e:i•te fes ,Glad,; beton it And as with the ttprkittem•a so with I. tarmse. High Tsui/ door Got sod seaaot head& him le the slightest, while a positive injury is dews him ea every side:by its :iniquitous working. Every • lids that W farmer has to perobsee - t tom the cradle to the wain--isadded t. in oust by the policy of Ronne - II be, while in no solitary sass is tis pries of bis lebar added to in the slightest. Thets facts are indisputable, an la.ft.r a trial of eleven years. we are willit.g to have the farmers . f Canada gelded in their decision ss to the merits of High Tariff being a benefit to their elan by their pommel daring that period. Careful and candid iorystittation o0 Vie ;part of the artisan and farmer will sandy each and .very one that the policy of High Tariff has been a hollow mock- ery, a delusion and a snare. Tb. High TazMiotist must go. THE EDI fOR'S TABLE. A Word or two Abe5$ Weer Publication* Thal Aim foam 1. Nand. MauaZ1Yl roe JULY. ' Seribaaer's Msqu.ii.e" for the mouth of July is a very readable member. Some of the articles are moat for the season of the year, notably Duffield Osborne'. "Surf and Surf - Bathing." 1t will well repay perusal, being toll of useful hints and mations to those who go down to the sea fur a bath. "The Suburban Hous.,'•by Bruce Prins, with illustrations, makes good reading for thus contemplating building. •'Bird etadles," by W. Hamilton(ibeoo, is a beautiful illustrated article descrip- tive of bird.,tbeir habits and their nest., "The Rights of the Citizen," by E. L Godkin, is continued. These, with • number of other articles and stories on various topics, make up a number of "Scriboer's of undoubted excellence. Scribner Sots, New York. 1.17TELL+ MING Aog. The Dumber, 01 77.' Limed Age to 28th and July 5th contain Greater Bri- tain, Quarterly : The Great Equatorial Forest of Africa, and A Glance at Coe - temporary Greece, Fortnightly ; The Law in 1847 and the law in 1889, by Lord Coleridge, and Brought Back from Elysium. Cor,kmporiiry ; (treat and Big, Nat,onal ; Life in Dama.cos, Lyra/till ; Characteristics of Russian Literatora,aod The Romaoce of History. William Lith- gow, Temple R i; ; Across the Cordilers, from Chili u. Buenos Ayres, Gentlemen's; -Oa the Character ..f Nero, Macmilletn ; A Nordfjord Wedding, Leisure Huur, The Horses of the Pampas, sad Kaffir Humor, Time ; Court Functions, Mur- ray s, dotes of a Pilgrimage, Spectator ; with instalments of "Marcia," and "Without Benefit of Clergy," sod poetry, For fifty-two numbers of sixty- four large pages each (or more than 3.300 pages a year) the subscription price ;$8) u low ; while for $10.50 the pob- liahen offer to send toy one of the American $4 00 monthlies or weeklies with The Liring Age for a year, both postpaid. Littell & Co., Boston, are the publisher,. THE MAGAZINE FOE JUNE, 1890. This popular Monthly closes its 31st volume with an excellent number. It has four illustrated articles -The Canad- ian Tourist Party in Italy, Lady Brags- ey's remarkable to Borneo, Rev Geo. Bond's Vignettes of Travel in Northern Palestine, and • graphic account cf the ''Forward Movement' in London. "A Diamood in the Rough" is a clever Newfoundland character sketch by a Minister's daughter. "The First Methodist Society" takes no back to the of that remarkable Churcn which has belted the world with its mis- sions. "Sam Hobartis a graphic sketch of railway life. A touching East End story and Mrs Barr's Yorkshire tale are very racy reading. The Editor gives "A Calm View of Federation,'' arguing strongly in its favor. The article on "Ministers Institutes will be of much inarect to both ministers and the laity. The 32nd volume a strung programme. Now is the time to subs- cribe. Back numbers can still be sup- plied. Price $2 • year ' 81 for six months : 20 Dents per nomler. Toronto: William Briggs BEHIND A MASK." A P:ea•a&t tvealag Party at Ike wsldeare of Nr G. M. Doe. On Monlay evening there occurred at the handsome residence of Mr Geo. Mer- ril Due one of those brilliant society events fur which GAlerich is co noted. Mrs Doe, having a large house party of American friends. gate a svnmewhat novel bot a m..et successful entertainment - a fancydball. The beautiful and hadna*some costumer. flitting from room to room and through the magnincent garden, contrived to produce a brilliant scene not .000 to be forgotten. The following were among the twist elegant and noteworthy costumes : Mis Edith Lindsay, of Detroit, was attired to a;c,stume of white and g.dd, in a most charming manner an Eastern princess ; bliss Mumford, of Deirolt, wore a dress of black and yellow, looking essentially the `<pat.ah lady, while Mies Ada Chilton also carried out the sam. character to perfeetion ; Mies Hawley and Miss Th'udosa Hawley each repre- sented the pretty Swiss peasant ; Miss Doe, Miss Horton and Mos hafted in white dreams beautifully draped melt looked the glassiest @reek girl ; Miss F. Hutchison in a handsome black melees. suitably trimmed represented Night, Miss Annie %tinn in • somewhat similar dregs also taking the same character. Miss Angie Rosa, in yellow and dark green. prettily portrayed the heautiee of the buttercup; Mrs R. R. Williams wool a beautiful Japanese dress ; M4. Wielder looked ex essdingly well as Brine'sa,wRile Camels Was equally well petrel's! ty Mrs Smith ; Miss Hamtlln• was attired as a lady of the Hew of fttelsrt. la blast sol the royal Btoart tsetse ; Mrs 5. 0. Rayed & wee gel* a dy. Mee. the WoubisSws ; Nie Sq. WEIN* N* In • dregs of silver. grey Gad white, made a chemise Margeerite; Miss Reba Naha wee besossiegly dressed se an Iittypties, while Miss Mabel Cameeue ani Miss Start seek seamed Use pretty flower gal ; Miss Cameron as 5 lady of the 14th esa- tery,ead Miss Bessie Chiltso nen Empire eostesse were chsrmiogey dressed ; Miss &&pomata attired to white acid goad, etude a raidtaot Morning ; Mn Percy Drummond sod Miss Dresmoed to apple -green and whitaade pretty Lilies, nig, while Mrs F. Natal also busked well as a gippsg,y girl. A number of other ladies, iucludiug the hostess, handsome- ly dressed tho..gb act in fancy costume, lest brilliancy to the scene The gentlemen looked very well, though from their costumes it could be easily seen, that while some were very handsome they had neither that bril- liancy of aur nicety of finish that marked the ladies' dresses. Tb. following are the characters as taken by each :-Mr Henry Doe, 6abermaa ; Mr Griggs and Mr Gray, negro mioatreb ; Mr Doe and Mr Chas. Dos, dominoes ; Mr Garfield, clergymen ; Mr Abe Gar- field, coachman ; Mr Horton and Mr McDermott, dominoes ; Mr Hosie, gentleman of 17111 century ; Mr Jos Williams and Mr Dudley Holmes, officiary ; Mr Thee. Chilton, sailor ; Dr Wilson. London, hunting costume ; Dr Shannon, Hamlet ; Mr R. 0 Reyeolda, Geo. Washington ; Mr McViear, bar- rister ; Mr Petu, cricketer ; Mr Koele, in reign Charles I ; Mr Mur- ray, clown; Mr Drummond, tennis cos- tume ; Mr lay, East Indian snake charmer. A number of other gentlemen 'Deluding Judge Johnston, Mr Orison - eon, itis. R S. Williams, Mr John Wil- liams, Mr Wm. Hutchinson. Mr P. Mal- a ms,D, Mr F. Naftel and Mr Adolphus Natal wore evening dregs and woe masked. It is with regret we annoasee a sad accident which happened to Morley Counter, of Three Riven, Mich., form- erly Seatorth, whereby he lost his life. From the meagre 51005015 received it appeani that he was in bathing in lege Kltngoo and was messed with camps and sank to rise no more alive. Him body was recovered and forwarded to Simone where it was interred on Wisdom - day. Deceased was a great favorite amongst the young people and enjoyed the respect sod esteem of all him acluain- taaeesa Some interesting bargains -We are ofe,ring a line of Cretonnes at 8c. per yard, worth 12i; Na 1 Seamless Stockinet Dress Shields, 15c. per pair. worth 20c. Being sold out of tke 25c. line of Ladies Everfant Black Hose, we are offering the 35c line for 25e. We intend buying for our fall trade a (Efferent make of sewing silk than we have now in stock anti will of- fer our present stock at half price, 5c. spools for 3c. or 2 for 5e; we also offer at half price our stock of Dress Trimmings, Braided Setts, Ornaments, &c. Many other lines at greatly reduced prices We shall be glad to show you the goods. J. A. REID & SRO - Jordan's Block, Godericb. July nth. 1810 =l - She People's Qolumn. 1U11 THIS OUT AND PCT IT ON PIANO. PIANO TU-NINO. Special attention given to reboiling and action regulatirg. Reduced rats for yearly tuning. Orders left at Organ Factory, at my rsi• deuce, West -et . or at G. W. Thomson's Piano Warerooms will receive prompt attention. All work guaranteed. 240.1y E. HOUGKISS. TENDERS WANTED. The nndenigned will receive sealed tend.er.. rep to July 1Mh, IND for the re shingling of North.t. Methodist church. Specifications an Ibe seen at my store. JOHNSTON CARKY. Dederick. July 10th. 1800. It X 0 T 1 C E. -MERCHANTS AND m otben are notified that frothis time forward net one is authorised to purchase goods or order repairs in my name except on order. Accounts rendered mist have orders returned for every item charted. or they will not be paid. after this notice. H. Y. ATTRIL1. Ridgewood Farm. Colborne. July 10th. 1t. DEMOCRAT WAGON ON SALE.- A second-hand llameerat w111 be sad cheap. Apply to M110 ATKINS. South •t. and Aritannia Road. It. I DUMBER FOR SALE. iine Lumber. Ncantlleg. Plana, at • • g10 per thousand. Hewslock Lnmber,Soantling• Plank. as 10 " Plats Shingles, Ind elms 130 1 M per mean. Cedar Aid I M •• Seas.eeble ser tlle.aNNsa Surface MAIM. . - • . S 1 30 per tboasasd- Planed Lumber. 12 M Whits Asti. mamwood and Birch rot to order. M. JOSEPH KI1H., 1,j181C Li $ONS. -MISS *GGiE 1 THOMRON 1s empae.d to give ramie Ie seas ea the peas es. a�e&a Fee l - colon Iag.lre at Oa. W. 1 h5s,ase,'. Marie Sten. Mot. THE HURON HOTEL, weltinrode;1-pupeler- heist ha been ` New se sees la '{e sad denim i c. i - u k'w"°rl:�tatimsi- as..r.. O.dar1.1L Oat, 3fsical. &ialiRA SHANNON • SHANNON, veditR Ve. ledtmlih 11, COLBORNE BROS. lin liElf SP I' G & SI 11:11 GOODS. AMERICAN CHALLEY, 100. Werth 114, pod d tat cobra SHAKER FLANNELS, Oa worth 10c. White Check Muslins, 5e. worth Io. Our stock is large and complete in all linea Jr -We buy Butter, Rggw, Wool, Oat. and Peas, Gad pay tae highest market price, ilk mu COLBORNE BROS. 411111. IMMO 1 „ THE MARKETS. BREADSTUFFS AND PROVISIONS. G.deral Pares u0D1a1oa, July 10. 1550. Wheat, Standard .. .... .. ... R1 •' M floor, Pateat Hnngatlu $cwt l Ol t.,... 1, 030 0 0 2l 0010 070 oeee 01.1 N 0 1e 7 00 0 Tse 011 et Ole 0110 012 0NO ail IN 30 ,M 000 y ff Potatoes p 11iii ........ Hay. a ten .. .......... .......... Butter 0 a„ Eggs, fresh enMek5 • es.,.. cheese ..- Short wt .................... Brae slapal 9 sat crimma e. oda Wool a Clinton »O RR 1 50 " 050" 300" 250" 0M" 1 10" s0" o 15 » 0 00 " July 1. MIO to ase MilirlIbriskans Gad eta Is * u f Spring Wham fa Harley et to 0t Oats 15 to 027 A�ppies. Iwlasert put MI 500 to a M Potatoes so to t m Butter...,_» I3 to 0 U Rille Il to 011 Cordwood. 0000 no w 4 0 wed tato 0M Port 75 to 5 M Situations Uacant. WANTED. -A NURSE TO TAKE 1111charge of three children. Good wages t000mpetent person. Must have -eferences. AppIT t� MRS W. J. KIICLY. sift North -et. AGENTS «ANTED -IF Y O U want to take money, take hold and sett our choice Nursery stock. Now is the time, write is at once for terms. MAY BROTHERS. 60 O. Nurserymen. Rochester- N.Y. M. Dentistry. M. NICHOLSON, LD. S. RENTAL ROOMS Eighth doer bek.w the Poet Uma, Wewt-eL, GODERICH. 515.1; DR. E. RICHARDSON, LD.S, SURGEON DENTIST. Gas and .vitalised Air sdministered for psinleesextractt&gofteeth. tipnie attention given to the // of the Natural Teeth. Ottice--Up stairs. Grand Opera House Bleck, Entrance on Kest -St.. Dederick. 2101.1v For Sale or to Let. rPW(► HOUSES TI► RENT ON STAN - 1 I,Kr-.sr,-(hie block from the Wrnere. (lents tures and four dollars per month. MRS. F. OMEI;TH. FARM FOR SALE. The 1 will offer for sale the fol- lowing/ very desirable farm, consisting of the easterly 110 acres of Block "F"In the 7th con cession of the Township of Colborne, in the County of Huron. This farm is situat- ed It mils from Gederlch, and 1+ mils from ('snow. en the Main Gravel (toad. There is a good frame home. 1i• storeys, almost new. IN by 1d, containing 7 rooms a large tarn, m by 12. with cattle shed, 02 by l/, attached, and one of the finest orchards in the township. 11 Is watered NY a never -failing spring creek and a road wok About 110 acres cleared and free from mumpps. There la eo waste land of any kind o& the place. Goat school within 80 roes of the hoose. W+ll tr wild on reasonable terms. For terms and funber particulars apply to JXO. BItl.kICNRI1DGK, Proprietor. t'oder*ch. or JOSEPH Mt KEOWN, L a the premiss. L'IRMT-CLASS BRiCK HOUSE AND 1' 1.OT FOR SALE ON HT. PATRICK BT. -About two minutes walk from the tlgtnre. Two dories birth. brick addition in tlw rearrn It stories kWh.I4Ung covered with 5114. Gin belIline hen 3 large roomette Ont t, uppaartairs then are 5 large reoma la the rear addition then are kit -hen. pantry, wsg8roem, upstairs, Orbs room and bathroom, Ales good evllir. Apply to the understood. who will she all asoeaaary informatics, lett. DA*KL OORDON, FOR SALE. - - West half of lot 111, Arthur Russet, with small trick enttage thereon, Bt 11.0,y. Lens. IN, tet, 111, 1t.1, P1gin Street, Nle Andrew. Ward. 431. Marr of Hnroe and Britannia Road. sadFrams *4.euey hose a Kays Strad, lot halfSeveral bas 1n Reed's Survey, opposite sew Show Otonn.la tis, : Nos 12, t*. 1t 30. 'd, 54._54, ei M. A11 the above at LOW RLTis, M y Apply ea DA V!a0N & JOHNSTON Auctloneermg. JOHN KNOz GENES L Aar T1ON*8R and I' Oat Hartwig had hs sttetlo w ides with s� AT TIE AM HI Srauellinq &uiss. -_ GRAND TRUNK RALLVFAY. Trate arrive and depart at t;ted.ric8 fee le lows: AMBITS. ExpressMad and ...................... Y�. Mixed 1tAl am •.PAST. ... Mall .......... .............. --taus • m 8111.1...............................081351 Loans ane insurance. •..21.- Erse 1S, Barrister, Proctor is Maritime court : Marey to loan u y per neat, 0lwte funds, Sit/slight lean. la - terra yearly. ('oats very asuderata For particulars ail personally or write. 21 LT J. T. MATTEL, LCCIFB, FIRE AND ACCIDENT IN- SURANCE AOENT, North British m Merc atli Liveneol. Leedom & Glebe • Norwich Vales ; North Atmsrtoaa 14th ; and AccM..t I&ewr- saes of North America. Lowest Rate. Lessee Grand p0rreampe01y Money to Lee&, Farm and Town Presortr ODlre-Cor. Nertb•et. Property vrlved, ori Square. (lod.ekh, t5007t- ,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO CAMERON HDI. r t CARON G.d Hob. M.5,0 MONEY TO LEND. -A LA RCi !♦; amount of hinds nds for farm ed" Llowest rates se eretoleseM.rteye. Apple toGARROW a PROUDFOOT R RADCLIFFE., GENERAL INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE Ana MONEY WANING AGENT On ilo&ra to Leadwn C owe~ aire Represented lowest rate of interest going. i la loans. u the snit tb1�any way in oorrwwoer. WestOSttreeet Oo ricmot h. door Ilq„ar. Legal. 1,1 CA M P ION, BARRISTER, /' Roltcitor, Notary Pubtic, e t e. °Mee --Over Jordan's brag More, the rooms formerly occupied by Jude Doyle, 2230 1�C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, etc •. Offee, corner of Square sad N sit street God.rtclh, over telsgrapk odes, Prt- vate %ands ts lend u 6 per neat, 1000, CARROW & PROUDF(NYF, BAR T RlSTKRs Attorneys. solicitors, Goderjch J. T. Darrow, W. Prendfoot. 17 CAMERON, HOLT & CAMER;IN, B.rrwr.. C86". a 3oderfcb, M. C. Gmer.e, Q.C.; P. of R]l. G. Cameras C C. Rosa 1751 - Amusements. Gt ODERIOH MECHANICS' INSTI TUTS LIBRARY AND READIN rexnoSquare ag , r. of East serest sed Sqre r stai Open from I to I p.m., and from 7 to N pan ABOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY Leading Daily, Weakly and I/lwafrwt.d Papers, Ma;,tsietea, etc., on File. M1MBIRsHIp F1CKET, ONLY *wee, (vaatfee tree use of Library sod Readia• Application for membership received b1 Ubrarlan. In rooms, T. WIATHERALO, GEO. STIVINP, PresideDodge'. March nt. Els, secretary Societies. twaiLARS OP rel y/' ";„-A. • - .r L'UREKA COUNCIL, NO 103, GOD - I ERICH.-Memodb- m1Nlsg an Taesdajr et ntageat7a0 1& Tempsraaoe Hall, North ft* ty Legal Notices. �TOTicE TO CREDITORS OF THE LATE GEORGE RICO, • r an ttrdev.1 tea ('h.eeapy pari► trm leus c.wrt .f Reals.. far the Prwv- Os15ric, dated Jose Os, MR and the tter of tis .state of the rn•diton et the s..M e Rio.. late of the Ten et Oodsrleh. 1n of i Bron and Preview M Onr- Yt, who died oe er alk the Ys tier. t an, es ewers rM S�tidnal, 1MI1 MR p ��amt. imam Das, the ePritim t/r pecial Line of Shal ther Oase of our P Value in Whit Job Lot of Corsets , INSPEO' O±IN PLY TE )lam* QUALITIES INS P BLICIBIBRY CO W. O. 000DE tEAQ_O1 AT THE HARBOI AWVAL* LID Da?ARII orday, July ;,th-Str. 1 from Smola, passengers Dslsth sod intermediate City of Windsor, from , for Windsor. endsy July 6th- Tag MI Windsor. for Pik. Bay, do wreckage work o0 , Lincoln. y, July 8th -Sir. C Windsor, page t. On account of tit' Woodstock to Gou.ncb trips on the Lake durit departed fat the Ducks Mary S. Gordon, from Del W.dnesdal, July 9th -75 Sarnia, tock no two carloads of ber Of Godench organs, for Duluth and intermw will be in on t and for Saginaw. aorta. Wm Marlton has eh another fishing boat, 2* , for Port Dover. e dock. are now pretty foal, but more is expecte Williams' barrel factor sing fuil time during di the daily output is iner ives are becoming elf the machines. A. Hooter, Brussel., ( mica Court is away on 1 Chicago, Cincinnati and cities. listen 'Weir Er.: -The fellow from the ooul as article out eat a *tor goon got after hu the article the yo to go. The following from tl erabl, of June 2:oh, ref wn athlete of Orey tow hibition of wrestling too rial Opera House Mai Jap and G. P =bled to wits. 10 o clock W. seed the o,otsantr that Jas. Bates, e , would act as 1 drawn for ekoiee .•f s Bing successful chos style for the fir a then proceedec the osrpst, and atter inary ceremony of went to work. The straggle on both Itis Jap in 23 minutes mooed fall was won b .Gates-ean,in 7 minutes i awing won the second than the Jap woe tl t Perm was of style for the it iagi *Hoed eat Ater seeded a rest of to again opened and 28 seconds seat on the broad of Saibh the Jap, unto hie defeat, issued to wrestle withir Oriel -Ronna idyl. side. After a Litt the cball yt t►.would Sao sad wrestle hi let that he not with 'esteh-w would Got train for 557 min. TIt exhihitioaa of tl i. Vseeeseer. 1 •ot dpgM is tb ti es, tars sap bit (itll