HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-7-11, Page 3• • E DOMINION IN BRIEF. NEWS OF THE WORLD • M le seeking katotporstlas fie a . IL Cuaferasee le la mei= at of the late hies Joseph Howe has a prospect of beteg supplied natural ger Dundalm Labor c.s meets at wa us Sept. Usti treare recently negotiated liar lads lad per 8100. a Deegan bad bin right leg taken off O. T. It. depot, Belleville. Mors named Patrick Berle was drown Hamilton oa Saturday night my American toerte'e are urn relies over Pacific to the Pact& coast, company of Toronto capitalists will pro- ooetruet an electric street railway is WS. ree tah'aeies are reported to have taken at the recent pilgrimage to lite. Anne pre. girl named Charlotte Hattan. in Mut- was struck by 1,gbtuing and is art al- to If... Kingston Waterworks Committee placing fie water taps to various localith.e. , rank Rivers, a shanty mate, was drowned 1 Falls, rear Bridgewater, while • jam. tie Canavan, the young art of Jahn van, of Toronto, was drowned at Buffs - Saturday. •nada has applied tar 50.000 cubic feet at the coining luterttat}.rial exhibi- ts Jamaica. mrd Francis, a young Kaginhman, was wad while batbulg in the Niagara River Queenstown ohs Johnston and H. I Ievil!e, were thrown from a runaway rig badly injured. lad maned Haul, 10 years of age, gather - frogs on the Nagano, River for a sick dr , dipped to a bole and was drowned young lad. aged eight years, son of Mr. , laborer, Quebec, was drowned in Diver tit Charls, while picking up chips. body of Frank George, ore of the un- to o-te sailors on the schooner dente Brack, i un the lake shore ave mules • Kingstou. The Grand Lodge of Masons will be asked lay the of the Nichol wing of Kingston hospital during he annual this month The Niagara River Fruit -Growers' Maoris - report that apples. plums, and peaclser very light; berries, cherries, currants, and fair to avenge. Two home, owned by Geo. Gifford, Rim - during the One was killed and the other injured. driver escaped unhurt The body of the stray chili Scrimshaw found in the bush sear bus parents' home Rawdoei t owa.hip. The child had evident - perished trona lunger and expa.are. Edward %'.lois, Quebec. aged 19, Ws while bathing. He was married y • few weeks ago, and was drowns in presence of hue wife, wbo i. but 16 year Arthur Burns, a man of 40, fell into the street subway, Toronto. and fractured •leo r-lbiving wren internal tn- He was takes to the General Hund, he diet. Kr. Charly McCarres, president of the branch of the Irish National League, received • portion of wedding «like sent him by Mr. Wm. O'Brien. lbs Irish mein - of Parliament Sertholamew Fowler, • Toronto baker, conjugal Mat WIN bare not been y, attempted suicide a ith strychinne Saturday. Doctors took him in band be still lives The Government are doing away with tics ph tie between Qu'Appelle and Albert, the operators having received to quit on August Blest. The tine will Mild for to epic tee purposes. An English led named Webb, aged le, flaken from some institution in Toronto, and lfriag with a farmer named Quinn in Moos Township, attempted to take halite by haat Mg. He cannot live, however. *.gime H. Cowles, wbo we shot by his brother-in-law, C. C. Hale, in connection with the kidnapping of little Florone, bee eulleimtly recovered to leave the Mnntreai General Hospital., and has left for the Adis* oaths A little Or/ named Dawson, 12 year, of ail, was killed at Romney, Ont., on Brown, lismeray. She jumped from a car while it was in motion and fell under it. The cat wMeh was loaded with logs, passel civet her body. A laborer named John Brown, who wee folUtisg m the edge et the Qnes.'s wharf I1t10tM Ottawa, fell over 40 feet to the rocks ( blow end died in the hospital He wee e tllsrt•ighWd sena, which accounts for Uro ac- cidental s-cidental ta1L Word has been received at Winnipeg from W awateea to the effect that m severe storm 'of wind, els and hail occurred bee. Heavy dlatoap was done to the crops. It is estimat- ed that from 18,000 to 18,000 ac, es at grain or wholly destroyed. mg Ba,Lof age noun- Beth,noun- Beth,noun- Beth,noun- Beth,, 4 d Lindsay, was playing Dovey's 5411 when his clothes in soma caught in shafting. The macidatry was Immediately ' stop and the as body relsened, but death coos aimed. Angus sad Mrs. Patterson, raiding on Gravid Trunk avenue, Taruato, were arrested obarpd with feloniously wounding Joh. Thomethy, who lives at 21 Grand Trak aroma TLometky'e face was badly cut and tla tomcod So the hospital wee..eu•ary. Them thumped sten, otisprleing the 'ohm - leer cermet IM Quebec Military dietritt, are n miellm.d M Levis for their manual weeks' d 1111. The camp le under the command of Calomel Dacbeem.y, the Ad jutaat General, with tient-Col. Font as Quarter -.smear The will 4 th. tate Iie.te ant-Ooeernor M:Lem, of Nova Smoda, bequeath* the b- eams d a eta nth at Misstate to his widow, gad the temoatader f divWd meetly among Ms lam Abbas, Mary B., Gordon and Thema At w widow', death bet .hate ipso fee rte. &Mersa At the OMaw. Police Court J. 11. Arm+ili, elbow et the Deperewoot 01 Worts, wee bred r err tondos . Wiwi lees ea iron who was his neighborr neighbor sad WOO as sieving a lea eraa el Me holm avetiooklng 1>ft Ae.W o'I meadow • lerrbes te Oa 4. m's tedpateoa w.meweet et fib 41111111111110 et Periamsat f. teeemeel es web the purr beam t. tie Hort► west, tea tlBlrlla Ommeele ware why be ebe.w besot tic sabre eerwei a—limen yi 1ltiQy�t.r heed—wb 1st Ws fin W ..toward set be showed to go twat Two eoeolmq II -...I lre.s agd thaw toga, N 1 *ober% lrm.*, send ansate e, ware drowsed at Monett* wh11e sailing M a piffle as to MA hist, whles ailedesd task. These lobss wit were with these Neap s& ilei were as p ray.sl with Near that they AM We she the stem sea* was dao Islet THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1890. 3 Zoe Y worth om cent per pound in M. Louie, Mu. P. T. Barsiun has jnetedsbrated lila sight lath birthday. The palm have killed sena rad dogs in Dow York city Meta Chadwick, the social, ememesht, is dead la Louden. Baron W messes dudes that he hos teed - g rad kis redilation. • new athirst, etsong y protectionist, has bean formed it Spain The cholera epidemic la Valencia, Spain, has alightly taorsmeed. Itis market for print cloth b reported quieted Fall River, Ws Joseph Greeley, a well-known Breton mer- chant, d.ed July 4, Med 70. Count kalaoky, the Austrian prime minis- ter, who was reported ill, M worm. Terrific rains have Wien in tits interior of Austria and gnat dosage has been dura. Mix Redvrn Buller will, it Is said, succeed Lord Woleetey as djut.tnt-geseral of the arwy. The Rome Tritium reports that England has offered and Italy has accepted ltuakuu ✓ ad viciuity e. c —. unsati.n fur Somali. The cholera retina from Valencia chow a total tel 'fir new issue and la deaths on Satur- day, anti a total of 21 new omens and 18 deaths on Sunday. The pope has ooaartwd Archbishop Corri- gar's action in regard to Dr. Burnell, and the latter will be tr wafered from his urban to a rural parish. The Peabody institute at Danvers, Mea, was burned, pus d73,uu0. The are was camel by painters, who were bwuing the uid paint Crum the building. Disastrous Solids are reported in the Prov- ince of Tomah, Western Siberia. Many lives have been lost and a large amount of prop- e rty has been destroyed. All the perilous poisoned by eating ice seam bought at the,store of D. Briuek.•na, in New York, ate oing well No letal result* •re anticipated. It is stated that the formal transfer of Heligoland to Germany will be attended by an elaborate naval display. The Wanders are u..euig pathetic picas again.[ the tram ter. Austrian end Hungarian merchants, through the exports .society, are prupanrg • petatwo a, Cuuut lkaluoky to take reprisals in the evert of the McKinley bill becoming law. The physical ctrditioa of the i o w is die coning. Hi tined look_ Notwith tandiug his &deemeed age, the vete arable waiters intellect remains *unwittingly active. Eyrauu4, who was recently taken to Patio trout Havana, has uunt.asad to baring murd- ered (iouffe. He stated that Gabrielle, tea mistress, helped him to place the body of the murdered mea in the trunk. Mn E. Winner and ora J. E. Hammond, of Rochester, N. V., were out boating with W. W. Frye, of Bradford, Pa., at the first oared piece The boat upset and the Idle. were druwnad, Frye wee mead. to with the request of Amer: Ica, Genusny and England, King Oscar. of Sweden, has nominated Conrad ('ederkrant: fur the post of Chien Judice of hansom The appointee is now an assistant judge in Stock- holm[. Mr. Caine, who was recently defeated at Barrow-la-Fur..a, bas wntten to Mr. Wed - tame, that be tae returned to the (;ladto.koo iiarty. and that be will accept the principle of Home Rule, while reewvung liberty as to detail. Judge 1 of Philadelphia, in a long judgnssnt, alarmed the conviction in the cane of a t+art.r who wee deed fur Son - day staving. The judge held flat Sunday skavmg war neither • work of necessity nor charity. TN captains of incoming ocean steamers by the Ili. Lawreooe route report that the n avigation of the Strait. Of Bells -IgM is ex- ceedingly dengexous owing to the presence of numerous icebergs and the prevalence of Leavy top. During the pad two weeks then have been 144 cease of cholera and :41 death, from the disease in Spain. The medical authorities are d opinf•o that the deems will not spread turthar. The latest cans arae of a more malignant nature. lira. Swum, r white woman, and Noah Robin/ma, a negro, have been placed under arrest at Greenville.. 14.11'., and will be taker buck to their home in Newtoo, N. C. They •lop.eda week ago, and stnle some mosey be- longing o-longing to the it . te:an.'s husband, and. if his health will permit, Mr. W. H. Smith will continue( kr until the end of the ser+inr, after which his place will be fined by Mr. Balfour, the presort Secretary for Ireland, art be will probably be succeed- ed by fair Michael Hicks-Bsaok. Steven Smith, an Aka. was arrested In London for the theft of the *nese of the Dukead Ditchers of Edinburgh which were abstracted from their agartmeete at Edin- burgh during their absence at the opening of the Electrical Exhibition about May 1. ('barks Bens*., bookkeeper of the Scan - die hank, of Minseapnlb, Minn , has been miring since Wednesday lad. Or the even- ing of his disappears, as the sate was being locked, he entered end took a pack- age containing 114300 in bank notes, and die - appeared. Miss Annie Brewster, a society girl, of New York, who came out to Japan to eWt Lar brother-in-law, Secretary R.amy, hes gone o -n apl.rure trip to Hiberia, ga(rg from Nagasaki to Vladivostock. It is the first ass kaown or a young American lady going to the Siberian frontier, except for missionary work. The iksafnahlp Galveston, d Sunderland, bound for Montreal with • cargo of Gaal, Y ashore in Contrectwur Channel. The agents have received a request for sesletaee, but to -particulars cit the accident. A tog and lighters lett port for the some of the miehap, with a view to taking out • portion of the dranded'a .hip's cargo. Th. Royal (4sographlal Society gave a banquet In honor of Betury M Mtaaky. Mir M. E. Grant Dom, the President at the soci- ety, in toasting the gawp, said that Stanley, perhaps, had found as outlet for the surplus popslatlos of England and Ammons Mr. Stanley, replying, maid that plasty of work remained for the society to tic in Aurins Mr- M. S Caine, who edged W seat Noir Barrow-inpltrasse in ardor to lest the bolbeirs d hie OneatltsaN on the Beaming hill was badly dse.bei Teta robe was su follow.: Dunes. (ladeto.ient, 1104; Wahl- weight aitweight (fkrnsrrvaldwe, 1,80; Calm Q1hw.q, iHtD. 1a 109e Mr. Calms woodwind by s robe of 11,%19, ag$Led 1,111 Isar Alawos& (Ma.. Itdsl- Tremble le krrRebag op la eebilme. *ea. h le seated that sant f.4.e ire• bar. Nem Wald le tic U. t. ewooi b slft se tor also rmwele bus* ad MO. At ttR the they w.1 tet. + sat: thee same des W her whored te rserbres.a M to- subs" ►sial, era Nle abetd that Rhe Cern O. afters twee Ohne eat two spelt Apr a ama.s .masa armee, is robe M. Mina Thr le b els.e.be Italy be fliedisee Ask For Ayer's S arsaparilla, sad he Imre you VI Me whim you want the Nat tilau&p.r10!• With iia tarty roam d ...a..phed em- cees a the cure 4 Blood Diseases. you caa make no mis- take In preferring Ayer's Sarsaparilla to any other. The fore -lamer of Mod. era blood medicines, Ayer's Barsapartjla is stili the most pop- ular, being In greal- er demand than all others combined. •• Ayer's ▪ Sarsaparilla is eallln faster than ever before. I never hesitate to recommend it." W. WLtmau,DuggAlbany,d. " 1 am este in saying that my sales of Ayer's Sarsaparilla lar excel thole of any other, seed it gives thorough aatt.tac- tion."— L. H. Bush, Dee Moines, Iowa. Ayer's Sarsaparilla and Ayer's Pills are the best selling medicines in my •tore. I can /, t them twtascfrn- tioualy." — C. ilk us, Pharmacist, Roseland, 111. •' We have told Ayer's Sarsaparilla here for over thirty years and alwa,d s recommend it when asked to Iar.e the best blood -purifier." — W. T. McLean, Druggist, Augusta, Ohio. " I have sold your medicines for the last seventeen years, and always keep them in stock, as they are staples. • There 1a nothing w goofor the youth- ful blood' as Ayer's Sarsaparilla."— R. L. Parker, Fox Lake, Wis. " Ayer's Sarsaparilla gives the best satisfaction of any medicine I have 1n stock. I 1 it, or, ea the Doctors .a • I prescribe it over the counter.' It never lath to meet the cases for which I It, even where the doctors' have been of no avail."—€1. i. alhouu, Monmouth, Kansas. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, r'AAPAASD fir Dr. J. C. Ayes & Co.. Lowell. Mass. Prim 111; eta bottles, 11L Worth 4, a bout.. •� ~ai r`•t . ke. .a WILL CUird tit RELIEVE lILIOUS A ES4 D YSFER!A, INDIGESTION JAIINL'ICE. ERYSIPELAS. SALT RNEUit, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, ?.,'SY. FLUTT ffRIN1 OF THE .HEART, AC!DiTY OF ''HE 8TORACH, ORI bf88 OF THE SKIN, And every *peel., or ~see erten` Beim disordered l V:-4, hiD.4EYe, 5TAYA� BOW t-? OR b_000, Y. MILBURN it Cr. Toe Gederich Steam Boiler Works Established 1150. Chrystal & Black 1 and dealers fa Steam Boilers. Salt Pans. Tanks, Heat ars. Smokestacks and ell kinds of Sheet kron Work. improvd Automatic cntofi Carlini En- g ines. Uptight and Horiron!al Engines. Ms- chlnery and Castings of etery description. Brass PitUnga, Pipe art Pipe Fittings con- stantly on hand. Mail orders will receive prompt atteotaa. II WW1 I App. Gt. T. S. Madam. TS. Repairs promptly attended to. P.O. BOX 381. Ino g 50c. -5,947- New Subscribers are wanted by Jan. 1st, 1891 And ag an :ndneement we will mail to any address in Canada, United States or Great Britain THE THEOEST BAKING POWDER YcUMI'S SEI IE (dors Frleud GARTH RO. FACTORY SUP?LiES V.Ms, bee 8 LelMil Less Pulley alas, NW. let hep, Fine Peep. WW ■I% No Alum. Creme Reprstem Daly Nothueg Igjetri•e.- sad Lamer, weans. 1E1111E1 EIIIITT lER. ONT11[A' ' D.A.M.CA Ki LL & a° M:+NUrL1C TU hit -'J OF Hl. CARRIAGE VARNISHES II PAPS 4S1LVER MEUALSAWARUED M^NTPr"l. CHAOWIcK'si LBAuBROID sPoor' eNEID..+ N.aa au weer twd COTTON ttig W4r:A lulus i�t:stect For Hand and TRUNKS Machine t tile,. la the World H!S NO SUPERIOR -J. BIELEIGH & CO MONTREAL A o R :r 30131iixs fei O1 ban H n�l BALMORAL. MONTREAL. Heal Dame St- nee et the moot -ventral .. d elegantly garnished Hotrts City. Acoorasaadetiw+ for 400 Itatp• WOODRUFF, Q SI I to j 3 per day. a7. t M seyor PEARS' isle in ba =ail, J.PALMER&SON R"holeaala Imp'tre of ORUSCISTS' SUNDRIES 1713 IC7'.E DIEM, MONTREAL SOAP. 00441141ON LEATHER BARD COMPANY. Int of ASBESTOScum ARO fhtessa Peening. FRICTION PULLEY BOARD, r;. 4 te PecreetF-i-tioe RECKI1TS BLUL. 1111E HEST FOR LAUNDRY USK. PAPERS. Arappltg, > JOHNSPBS rLUIOBEEE THE GREAT TRENGTH 61 PE rECT roan OR THS SICK ARM Ma 0 TRITIetSBtef Rea A POWERFUL INVIGORATO$ otbR wept w poor nater. w eau N law._,wo ORM im it ioh sock -roM.w Ooly tlm elo wow to es -moo or nolo win of •. doom MIreehim nMi alms rto M we poo... �.44eass—,s...'��er- .l.ms fir aMB 1 wisd TOO a.et.weet wt Woo em .f r ,. de.Maai�p.1 N1Y balk is•essiskilssetealeisie..awr-w. waass sarins r.o � �a�am i. 5.34 Au de.. W.sw, eon s. +.n,.wilul-- setear••n•e•• win r r.. w.ea dmpo_.lrea Wows. II 1111. LI. a IT L• CW..... e.t?••W*,.a.a PUBLIC NOTICE Another Targe consignment of Fresh Teas of superior quality. In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. ' REES PRICE & SON. Bay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. Goderich Foundry and Machine Works, RUNCIMAN BROS., - Proprietors. • FLOUR HILLS BUiLT ON THE LATEST IMPROVED SYSTEM. %t"E HAV* ON HAND FOR SALA : IMPROVED LAND ROLLERS HORSE POWERS, GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW CUT- TERS, PLOWS, &c. We are Manufacturing Improved New Model Mowers which are equal to the best. 0' ve th m a trial and encour- age home manufacture. We Will Guarantee Satisfaction. It Will Pay you to use our new Steel Mouldboard Plows Doty Engines and Boilers for sale. RICP .LRB &ND C &BTINC3-B OB' bLL =INDB. GE O_ BgRRY The Furniture Dealer. is selling all kinds of furniture at the lowest possible prices- Ir Is • wet -known fact that be (lr'r-i■rrerA for cash. He balsa the leading Undertaker ofthe town. Embalming Plaid always kept an hand. He also m mks a specialty of Picture Framing. Give him • call beim pert-ha/leg Furniture elsewhere, and you ivill :.y3 out that he does as be says --cells cheap PLANINGMILL In thanking one and all for their pad patronage he bops to receive • of the C O. BARRY. Hamilton -Bt. ESTAl1USNE0 MSS. Buchanan & Son, MANUT ACTt-ACR• SASS, DOOR and BLIND Dealers la all kinds of LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES And builders material of erary description. NEW ARRIVAL CARLING'S - -of— ALE & PORTER 1123113 GOODS CARLING'S BAVARIAN Dun LAGER (Bottled) For e by LATEST STYLES. Gg.alH. PARSONS School Furniture a Specialty itewnsats to h Cleared Ont. Perfect HIRSTS PAIN EXTERMINATOR ILL POSITIVELY CURE CHIPS, P111511 TIE STIMICB Rowel Ccaplalats, aarrboea --4ND A1.1 SUMMER COMPLAINTS KEEP E HOUS`EE. IN 11011.0 SY ALL DEALERS. Pita sad Showy Shapes. H. DUNLOP r NV- The Wet -et. Tailor The LATEST And DEBT STYLE AND VARIETY HorouSi�ua_WATER sEREs! SPRING �`°" �PiPe:DBY GOODS For the remainder of -1890- 50c. Adjustable Braga Oonnections. HYDRANTS OP VAR1Ot'a PATTERNS. ilhilas tie menet is at recd w Wigwams agar V ist ria Strout (huts . WOOING STATIONER AT SINK �1T THE TORONTO HOUSE, P. .- tae...,. <. �.., ,na. :... ... w -➢`.r 3:a]s_!$ Ia...l 5::).13:)=.11.1, Manager Iq ALBiON BLOCK. GODBRICH. • _s 13 T.7 ENVELOPES, NOTE HUS, LETTER PAPER. BILL HEADS, Etc.. Etc., at TER SIGIAL w WIC Oil •1Ai.fawTu. I-.ie•ow aee"/t eO am � � 4:5M t1.. 418. _ern �e fie �.�.weawee . ala Ae i -. roc see•M r ~ 'e* 3441b.en esstups ptseo. es _ etre faet.aaw.i� i�sr ws�Ae sfin� ►i. w 'i�.:i� s.*t MfaK 1Ir W!nes, Liquors, &o rola «AL.M HT G. H. PARSONS ALMOON BLOCK. 000*RIC*.