The Huron Signal, 1890-7-11, Page 1AILORING GE STOOK OP ce Goods 0 BKL$CT FROM avna.cCOMIVLAC.. tied by the liquors and the of and every is by ata. altos, Wears yet out arrived summit oily ea- govwruur of is knraed that tuwnsbip, who lug tee Pastes, se week tbor- ts say that he t- of time and louger it would his life Two have shows had W be shot fitted Mr Pal to secure the to soigne. to a praspactive t tit. (Mardian n-tp,t.ed at t has ate been art Hist a a t, w ewes of the 1 try the Cann 4:r r Dt.c:^.as wsa ion win 1.e ac :col t.a abaci auy tuEms nue PORT ALEEET. free °arum alertosaibel Mr Robert Graben, lilt oo Monday to wait 1rieede in Tweet*. Oaoar Heehaw% has gone to fishing Wand* at the north. Miss Victoria Hawkins, of Loodo., is here. ing her holidays with her permit' Mr Peter Stewart, teacher, No 5, Col- borne, and Kiss Hattie Andrews, of Sbeppardtoo school, Mated our school Friday last. Jae Hawkins. er., we regret to say, Quest suffering severely with eest of t tongue. Mr Wigttni yacht, with a party of Ood.rich beaus and belies on board, psis this port a visit one night last week. 0611 again. Dominion Day passed off in an un- usually quiet manes litre. The Oold.- rich noes were no doubt eh. sett* of attraction for pleasure molten. Never- theless some three lumina more or hew, from the neighboring book - woods villages, Dungannon, Doy do brook, *to, *pest a very pleasant aod ptotitable time bare, fishing, boating, Na yr R. R. 3allowe, photographer, Goderich, paid a business visit to this village on Thursday last and "seemed the abadow" of the 60 odd papal' whisk oar preemie very able teacher, Mee ANN Burrows, bas soder her sista* School closes on Friday and this yon lady will spend the followi.g six weds with her parents at Sb•ppardtoe wad is visiting friends and acgsbiaa.au, i. Crediton, Ont, and Detroit, Mien. School report for Jaw: -Pert mooed, let John Nellie; god, Eva Chaff; 3rd, Becky McMillan. Junior ,estomd--1st, Maude McConnell; 2ed,Fanny Hawkins; 3rd Hattie Marlowe Sr. mood -let. Tory Hawking; 2d, Lanni Therlow., 3d, John Quaid. Third Cls --1't, Will Bennett, 2d, Alphy Bennett, 3d Walter Hawkins. Fourth Class -10, Mary and Lime Stevenson, ties; 2d Wdl Dee - wan Adjustable Braes Connections. HYDRANTS OF CARIOUS PATTLRNS. 50 CENTS WE WILL SEND SIGNAL" 'O ANY ADDRESS ME REMAINDER OF 1890. he full benefit of this offer at once. ite to "The Signal,,, en- Subscription and ddress in full. DEVOTE TO COU TO ADYERTIUU. Notice of changes must be left at this Office not later than Monday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Wednesday noon. Cas- ual Advertisements accepted up to noon Thursday of each week West xesseee. All advance notion is the Ma s, wens of Tres Boma of nwas*I or ossfer- tews.i. its at solid enednimi is ti - tory 4 .ejU orfrogs fderied, must 6s paid far at the rote of one rest per word each insertion, tee rlter/e lea than t.oewty-flee cents. When ail- eertieessewte of entertainments an intoned a brief local aoitl ie yiaeo BORN. Lunot.-At Onderich a tib cif into we wits et W. J. Katy. of a son. Psastss.-O. Tbureday. the Ird Inst.. the offset .1. W. Pearse. Nel.oe.t.. Brom. tea. et a Daughter. DIED - SLACK -In Arpeatior. KaLaaa. os Tuesday. July tib. 111110. Charles W. Slack. aged SO yenta The tamestwililll Mane ane trees ream/see 011ie late Thas Dark. Wiet.4 July 11th, of 1e'ook p.m, is w C d Come - tory. MITtsooa-At Oodeticb, July Rh. Norsk Sey- mour aged r year.. The teaeeal at ticktack Friday tt•oraiag.J u1y 11 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice -R. Y. AttrtlL ffsr tla10 - *re A tklae. grossed -Mrs W. J. Klay. Dees Geode -W. Achessa it SDs, Tenders Wanted -Moues tarn. B.ist#ds Coaster -Kee It. B. Smith. TOWN TOPICS. "A etude eau yy re. teem' a.1 In' /silk he'll Irma it." A Goole Psasswr.-T . meet metal ph Fero east mate Is to gips a Wirt Pen. Ap- /1y to G. McGillicuddy. Nowa Ooderlcb. Stewett hn't -tames views for the Fair.- but be is prepared to do the ea reasonable terms. He is sot a ,wire. talcs. The is wail epos a and these woo w$.t to get ssaeoaabte sults made ehoeld set OW M min epos tis people's tailor. F. J. PM - ham, vibe leads the prooseekie is hie visa Fr can wet their Bari H letter &o.. Re.. Wasted at this Dike for very than they rresendly pat =le �r am anal It hip. to veil ertise their GM sod see samples sad iter prions The report that R. R. Sallow* ',mahout to moo em d the plataretrseiag buetasss Is Sart etereef. He doss am hpartionlar him photoneglect in the t>! Nas a Wedeln picture training but he compelled to discharge ever permeate bear with to for • lea We are getting • first-class man from on Modal nest. We have on hand a of hose. lawn sprinkleea Hydrants eery plumber's wan. Ws do only /Melees work. Waned) Jae Secxo® A Sus. BRIEFLETS. Miss 11. Great lett on Wednesday Wet to visit friends in Detroit. Garnet Fraser, who has been visiting is town, left by the Lora on Saturday hat for hie home In Detroit. kit Charles Smith returned to Montreal on 8etorday after • two weetre visit at the asternel residence, Colborne street. Misr Blair, teacher in'ethe central school, who was seriously ill the past two weeks, is, we are pleased to record, steadily improving. Mr and Mn Rees Pricey of Goderleh, left oo Wednesday last, via the steamer Compass, for the Soo, where they rotted visiting their eon Fred. Mr Jobe Lyon, of California, whip has hese residing in Goderich for some time, left tee Saturday hist fon Detroit, when b. has secured a situation. Mies Jessie Thomson, who hes been att dding the kindergarten school at has returned home for race - story to attending the Normal Toronto. The Bible Christian church, two miles east of Bermiller, bee porebaeed of Geo. W. Thompson, local agent for the Gode- risk Organ Co., one of those beautiful dispel organa Simone to them. Mr A. Doff, of this town, who has bees teaching .t Cbeep.ide, toasty of Heldi.and, is spends*[ hie vacation with kis family in town. He has a decided profanes, for the Huron Tract. Berri :nen r Enwrap. -The inspect- or of the Western Aesoreeoe Co. was in .town lest Thursday acrd made • setis- =settlarest with Mr P. MoEwet► lag thieve at bin emit works. The lire that sassed Mr i1Le2wed's loss start- ed in the derrick. H. stat. ea Wiwottno.-Rev T. M. OsembeilI a l..mol, of Bt. by so mmaanyy,peeokpl ie go o . will meow, Nertk-a1. Methodist .kns4 pdgtt 8uoday nest, morning sod rvwi y Rev Geo. RiokasI.o.. will or estpp IM St Nary. pulpit lbs mine day. LIMAS BastDan -Qetr hied-weekieg krelhee■--the legalfeaieediy--•n wow tbeiir wanes vacation. Tbe Alm ere timed it 3 p.m. AeratJ1 shits io at exempt er e ' shred should govern themselves ate Baseamere ihavere-Tb• mmansel d this Le " Supper dol, D.Y., be Mr posed la Knox (Mob, as at Uwe. DD•• Me Kamm will sea. dead elm eervise The .er. vire .NI be bold tide (1Yksg . at 7:30 Oink, when ger e.$L, R.ewy, B,D., et Leadssber.d, WMptsad► ; NEWS Mr Will Hetchiest's, of the Winnipeg Mille, ie in Were for a week or two after M abseoce of two years. H• repops above lively in the Prams Province, and looks for • big yield of agricultural pro- duct. there. A WILL -BMW HORSE -We clip the fnllowieg from fswaton's 2,pirit of the Turf, published at Chicago, which refers toe well-known Goderich hone, owned by Meeh Aikeobeed & Gundry: -"Ie ?.snow registered as thormothbred 1 If s. what is bio pedigree and in what book 1" R S. '•Alts.-(1)He is registered in Vol V Bruce's Amerman Steed Book; is • eon of imp Mortimer ; dam Zoo Zoo, by itap A.straltan ; 2d dam by L.xingtvu ; 3J dam M im? Yorkshire. We like hie breathed. Hs Otte Tibia ALL THE Saws -The Clinton Nair firm thus refers to tits building operation of a former resident of Goderinh : Mr 8. 8. Couper has been awarded the contract for the erection of a new house for Mr P. Quigley, Mullett; Mr Cooper put one up for Mr Tiahe (Quitley's brother -In-law) and it is to be the tune as that floe. Where Sam doge one job it is usually • rwoem•od for soothes. What's pealing the boys i. why Pat Quigley wants • new bowie whoa be has se Doe to occupy it, but eves if be Rots • new one, bo will treed a Mrlatuahto keep it dry. Exe *ssor ►sons Wo oreitoce - About 400 sa.ursioniw from %ood.tock, prin- cipally employees of Kars'. organ factory and Panel -eon's agricultural un - phrasal work. came to Goderich Tues- day morning at 10 o'clock on a special taro of eleven coaches. They at once prnesedd to Harbor Park, where a pro- gram 01 athlete: *ports and games was successfully carried out The games led .boat 4 pow, , after which a number of the visitors availed themselves of flee opportunity to take • ten mile excursion on the lake on the steamer Roberts, which .11 heartily se- joyd. The excuraiooiets left for boom .bortly atter 6 p.m , by the O. T.R. ,well pl••sed with their visit to Heron's count? town. Sr ruAv EvtNINo DISCOURSE.. -Leet Sunday eeeoen1 In Vietona-st. Method- ist Church, Rev B. L. Hutton rave a crisp, interesting and instructive dis- course on "Our rich and heritage " He compared the former time* with the present, gave a tribute of honor to the early pioneers who ars rapidly passing away, and pointed out the souses of thankfulness to God. All honor to the flag that bears the maple leaf. Canada u the future granary of the world ; the beet grazing land ; the. pnme.t barley, the heaviest oats, the beet potatoes are all to be found sed produoad in this Dominion. He ended h is diluents by urging his hearers to be true to God, to lire unselfish lives, and to cultivate • national, patriotic feeling. Mr Hutton's theme for sett Sunday will be "Eppt's gift to flee world." A Gamy/owe Rem sbtsb. -Word was mooned this week that the G. T. R. . sthonties, in answer to the represeat- •tions made by the Board of Trade, re- garding the unfair rtes charged for loin - bee freights from Goderich, had decided to make a reduction on {he rates to ell point, served by Goderich, and ou the closing of navigation a further change will be made which wilt place the dealers here oo a et.11 non equitable basis ore compared wok other distributing ow - tree. It will be remembered that a d.teration from the Board of Trade ac- companied by Mayor Butter met Bir Joseph Hickson on the oceaaioo of his visit to Goderich a tew weeks ago, and emphasised at some tenth the unitise dieoritsination, which could only have the.ffiot of completely killi*dthe lumber trade here. That the representations time made were just u shown by this prompt reply from the railway official', which makes it possible for our lumber dealer tc compete with other points of shipment. A Precious CUM -Before we went to prem last week report was aroaod that Mr Thomas Gibbing,, a well-known resident of Clinton, had beam drowned in the vicinity of the old International salt - work.. Ws looked into the cue at the time, but the evidence of the troth of the rumor was art sofaient to iodate ss to retake public, reference to flee mat- ter. So far as we have been able to learn the fans are these: Gibbing• Dame to Oodereob on Dominion Day osten- sibly to visit Maeda whir reside berm. On • stomp neer the Totereational salt - block was found his *oat add, close to that hie hat was picked ep, bort no trace of Gibbing. eo.Id be found. Near the pier esu an cld now in wkieh some sur - Weed he had beset rowing aid bad fal- ba out, bet there was *tithing farther to bear out tale theory. Mo.. time was meet "4 the vitamin, of the sup- posed that wee Odom given e p, add tdhs of eshide oe drowsed by besides! �. It is now believed Willa a it of gametal &benefice or hememess,hes goes to porta reeks tl8 aid We tate pl..i.� of the hat and ens a9 the plebs dbmeei IPSO with the desks Si giving ore air of IItby drowsily te bis dimppeeream btie been easertefeed Mat Dom the dig of kis dinappemee he a sow mit of Mot bore. egg he adored the bsury of a ekes Blairs cued bate SSI. h it else elated that be lo.b half` from Galeria the raw day, Merle Kr bee bee Imbed tepee se a mem ltoatged mid egtight is sib messes Miestasal epos bis Meet maim ebelaiely ulv. ea act of leybhry le W *age. GOI)ER.ICH, ONT., FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1890. AND cEHEL 1NTELL'IGEN I D. 1duOI LICCWe DY Runles. s Remorse res fluxOowe.- We are) Dr M. Nicholson, the West -et. dentist, Ilion S. noot EsTu*No t LIANA. -The ( TOWN COUNCIL. pleased to learn that amongst recent re- makes the preeer•atioa .1 the natural examusttone for entra.ea to the High I — - sapient* of the tit1 • id Q C , wsa Mr tt W. ! teeth • spectalt y. (1u wdutta.•tered from School to West Huron tooklace last ■ Late et ebe ate aeptar Beet-■otate- P . ■ t. C. Hawtltoo, of Regina, N. W.T , we11 9 a. in. for the pensions extraction of e nd favorably kouwn la Ouderieb-ref teeth. which town, by -the -way, he is • native, Mr and Mn Thom and infant .on, of We oungntelate our former t,.wu•msn Montreal, were outing Mrs s'hun's per - e pos baring obt•roed the much coveted gouge M, end Mrs it,. Hutcn.on ibis distinction. Mr Thom returned to Montreal PAwnsu AWAY -Mise Non Seymo.ar, us Tuesday but Mrs Thom .std child will sorter of our former townsman, Mr Tentatu ben for • ooupta 01 months to William Seymour. died in Goderiah un nojoy our bracing air. 3rd , and 3 for matriculation Wednesday. She had bean an invalid for A \ens FAo s lar Kitox CecAca TAW A BARGAIN C0(NTet -B7 reference some time, aad same to G.,deriuh in the pawn.: -Iter hT Junes, of Bru..els, ossa to the announcement on our eighth page h bo'W o.f recup•reIing b1 change art .sir, P the pulpit of I►sos oburoh very oro- it will be sees that Mrs R. B. Smith ham and on motion was roterred is the 6 - week. lei wrote at Gudert*, 43 a r en w - Exeter and 28 at Dungannon. The list The regular.b meeting Fr was held is the *mud abamber on Friday stowing last. will appear Debt week. The members prawn were : The Bretons rot Crnrirn arta - The mayor, reeve, deputy -reeve, and o.3ua- writiog fur osrtiSatea opened Tuesdayetllors Caat.M., Murrey. Campion, morning last in the Court mica, uud•r Thumpwo, Keid, N.tisl, Pridham, the sad*gemeot of Inspector Toms Humber, Hult, Dunlop, and Niebolaon. Then were 22 writing or god ; u3 or ' The miaow* of last meeting sen road, approved aad signed Thos report for Jump read showed a balance on hand of $289.23 but disease had too great a hold of her ceptebly on Sunday morning. Mr Janet established • hsrgain counter at the Glee - and she succumbed. The funeral will take plana this (Friday) morning at 9 o'clock. ArroINTso CO.wia.IoaiR -Mr J. G. Ward, .1 Dungannon, was In town Mon- day last, and received a parchment wh;ch eatittes him to act as commissioner for the taking of of bail, or affidavits. or affirmations or depositions or Goleta -in declarations in and fur the ....a:w wu.r...ew has passed lour score and three mile goo House, when Berlin womb, ribbose, The street inspector reported that the arates, bet hu natural foram are still Iaoer, a. , oars b. had at geouin• bar- drain from Wm Lee's house to harbor vigorous and his powers ere unseated. gains. Early coders secure the beat _ km you'd be 43 rude. We 1 he will coca flemasa* selects' occupy Moved by Nicholson, seconded by pulpit for the three ensuing Sabbaths Obtt.-Td. remain. of Charles E. R.ed, that the street inspector's report b SoccuitroL STAAwstuia FsaTIYAL.- Slack, *Dative of Goderich, many years put • resident .1 bot for refuted to the public works committee Th.at young orng •re oPls of o'r ed. Mi,abd State*, arrived foon Argentio., Kangas, - withpoweruotu act, by the Neave, eucceee of their strawberry festival burday last. He had been aitiog fur ;wooded by the d , that the some months back, and pseud away 00 report be referred to the pubuco works Tuesday lot. He will be buried from eomw.itt. to get so estimate of the the residenoe of the late Thus Dart the wet of putting in the drain, sod also to (Friday) afternoon at 3 o'oluck, ascertain at $ntit- SATiarttp WITH 785 cul,GE -The edwill contrwhibumoue% the parties bete toward. the Duct. many friends of Mr Samuel Over. The t sac carried. formerly of this town, but now manages _ Report of Nr Hood, sexton of the of the Sommer resort at Northfield. eewetery, for JUIN., wa* oro follows : No. Mare., (built for the accnmmuds;i.•n of ,,,f dull5 ; *bikinis, 2. thou* who attend the Moody meetino,o The total No. of i fur 6 months will be'pleased to know that h* is ending June 30th sue 55 ; for the ansae tholt oghly satisfied with hie cbaoge in period last year, 23. On motion the re- life, and has no desire "'Lawyer to poet was received and flied, - return to his former occupation.A communication was road from Rol a.Ht Batons* tar Goptuurai a Rzescrr- Baird, Kincardine. ngwg'ipg lb. oy..- zoo Powss.-Mr Wm. Seymour, of De- oil to appoint August 14th a civic holi- truit, formerly a well-known and ea- day Filed. teemed resident of Goderich, is spend- Mrs M. A. Bailey asked for a re ing a week or two in town, 1 duction of water rate. Referred to we - by his wife and family. Lot year about terworka committee. this t;me Mr Seymour spent • few weeks Mrs Connors asked for an increase in in Goderich to recruit his health after. bet all for keeping John Lemont. three months' illness in Detroit the pre- Moved by Holt, seconded by the virus spring, and so satisfactory were neve, that the ion of Mn the results that he has had neither ache Connors be referred to the relief officers Friday. The day was wet and winds County of Huron. The lot cold, yet the attendance was good and Mn Ward will prove a boom to the pen- the social wsa in many respects all that pie of hie section, endues many of them could be desired. The lady club swing - mileage. en, under Mr Bundy, ger.' great .51..- A STttcsnto FAMILY. -We regret to faction. The evening's ecjoyment was learn that four members of the family of marred by the cold, high winds prevail - Mt W. R. Robertson have been stricken dog, is of which the grounds down with Pose during the peat week, could not be illuminated. The young but hops soon to hear 11 the recovery of people are very grateful to Mr Bawden all the patients. Amongst them is Sir for the use of his house and groanda. Will Robertson, well and favorably Proceeds, $42.66. known through his connection with the A BtAt:TlrcL s . Pu rt"ea business ofbze of Tee SIGNAL_ He and e bees jNt nOelyd from Mr Weld his family have the full Simpatby of gar ditor sed t of the earner il enro staff' orof ndo, crd SrsAtewsst.v Socket - The snoiel held payddaMan.ate,, a LoDopynofOat.his, asubsoriptiWinni- n under the auspices of the Y P. S. C. E , ofpicture, caned "Canada's Pride." Tot North -et. Methodist church Tuesday I picture s 24x3t; inches, and show* a evening last, on the beautiful grounds of beautiful landscape. In the foreground Mt Johnston Carey;AW well attended are the portraits of nice celebrated and so enjoyable dime was spent. 1a draught horses. The ownership and the addition to refreshment* consisting art c f each burse u concisely atnwberriea, cake and ice cream, an in- given. The picture itself u • very tine Wresting musical program am presented original sograrieg, and ia the beet thing as (otlowu :-Orahestrs ; rola, it rot flea kind ever issued in America nor pato etnee. He is now over here for Cooke ; instrumental duet, Misses Mar- Teowho wish to receive copies inn°me of the oldr.ese off Lala Huron. uron. a -this bracing and Curran ; sok, Miss Graham, and tropes by seeding five new sutecnbera b several other selections by the orchestra, et $1.03, each will receive one by express Pesur Scoot Boast) Mtxrtaeo.- which were greatly appreciated. Vot. in • handsome frame, either gilt, cherry, 1 be monthly as•etiag of the public of thanks were paced to Mr Carey for antique oak or.eb. school board was held in the library on else of grounds, and to those who had A Fatal alrm Et enrt -The ublteh- Monday evening, members all present. furnished the mesioal program. era of The Cut.aJiun (rtaeen will gtie. free The principal's report, showing the aver - A Goon Senear te.-Mrs McWhin- trip to Lrurone to flee o sending age +258-- Doe for Jane, 548 -boys 290, girls 258 --esu filed Account of Fraser sfil,ctd with Peralysis, mind by Ma strutted from lettere contained in theit Porter, 110.50, wsa ordered to be Lead's System Renovator and Eusphe- nwme of their well-known .napasine. Herbert paid. An applicationr the position of from Mr W. ale A. McLen .ns$Lini eneek1aited whn Th. (.aua•fiun cistern. Additional praxes, assistant during then tautumnsl two, Woo hist Sonia, consisting of saver tea arta ,Id *etches, war a.sularlarly afflicted for over two china dinner sets, portiere curtains, years. Mr Solomon Raoul was so silk dresses, a atttle cl. o ks, woad many appointed by the board. Mies Blair's other useful and i slu otos articles will room was urderd to be resited daring left home .bout midnight g flan be ewerde3 to order of merit. with the I fare nod the r y Pled mood as authority is deetdtnq the c..nto•st. extreme kindness extended to him by Every one .endio, a list of nut leu then ow", of Bntoa towwihip, about one year them the largest number op person coo- g` read and the gentlemen unanimously elated that be, 1 by his eon, t vacation, the chairman and Memo arriving in Goderich the following ereoing. Highly t; abater a l nabndged Uictinnat to be Crabb, Swanson and McKenzie being appointed a committee for purchasing seats. Several alterations and repairs were referred to the contingent oomtoit- tee, and the Board adjourned. MID -SUMMER PROMOTIONS. leash or Es/ 1. Codertef Pub.Rte School. The f.ollowiny are the names of pupils who were successful at the recent pro- motion examinations. The names are given in the order of merit. Froin Junior to Senior IV. -B Mitch- ell, M Campbell, T Craigia, C Le Touael, A McIver, E Graham, T Knee.haw, J Dickson, D Fisher, D McIver, W Me- Creech, H Johnston, B McEw.n, C Orr, F Bates, B Guest, and F Raid (equal). From III ohms to Junior IV. -B Robinson, J McPherson, H Martin, H Williams, B Breckenndge, C Hyslop, K Horton, M Crat,=, D Nesbit, N Retain and F Boonamy (equal), B Stitt, M Bates, J Miller. !v Hillier. S1 Green. A Knox and A Wallace (equal) From Junior III to Middle III. -W Park, A Matheson, R Morrison, G Bissett, M Dolman, H Spence, W Knee - shalt. A Pretty, C Mdse., R Coutts, M Molvr, and M Hyslop :equal), A Mc- Donald, D Tichborne and W Hayden (equal), R Shepherd, and S Wyatt, ;equal), D Straiton, and J Waddell `equal), (, 8011, E Donn, J Martin, P' Brophy, A Breeksnridge, G McGregor, A Kneesbaw, M McDonald, C McSweso, E Neftel, A Healey, l) Buchanan. $9 90 ; J. M Prosdtoot, $6.60 Th. From St. Davide Ward School to the a000wn1 of O. P. St John for $ 9.75 was Central. -M Burley, E 8.11.14, F Beds, reoomendd to be laid over for further F Horton, B Hillier,E Farrow,M Brown, ooneidersttoe. F Munroe, J Noting, K Niven* Moved by the reeve, mewled by From 8t. Andrew's Ward School to Thompson, that the report of the finance the Central. -E Craig, J McDonald, R committee he adopted. Carred. McCaughan, B McLean, J Morrison,IN . Moved byCampion, esoondd by Buek•ern, D Campbell, F Videaa. A Nicholeoe, tt the question of pa ing Wm McCallum 25c per day for sting oars ofithe fin engine be referred to the fin oomeittse, Carried. Moved by Niebobon, sounded by Dunlop, that the repairing of drain on Arthur 8t, lam referred to peblie works eo n.itte. to report to the couted. Carried. Moved by Holt seconded by Campion, that the water works and electric light eo..mittes be instructed to plans a small sprinkling fountain at the dick. Carried. It was moved end carried that the matter of peeing small hydrants as ear - Win pleas for the convenience of water takers be left in the hands of the water works and electric light committee for eonniile.stiod. Carried. The soused tied •d)oureed. the Colborn House proprietary. return- ed home nett day io good shape, with his supply of the above named medicines. Moral : Go thou and do likewise. 2t On. STtr HIung*.-Following are the n ames of pupils who were successful at the recent promotion examination of the Separate School, in order of went. From Jon. IV to Sen. 1V. -Kea Dean, James Payne, Retro Curry, John Tighe, Ann McDougall, Ellen Neslon, Frank Munson ; from Sen. III to Jun. IV. - Dora Oampion, James O'Rourke, Willie Curtin, Annie MoCormed, Joseph Doyle, Ellen Webb, Jim Hurley ; from Jun. III to Sen. III. -Maggie Payne, Fred. Shannon, Ambrose Lyan, times Lynn ; from II to Ju. III. -Ed. Tighe, Rose Oalingh.r, Dees Chisholm. Eugene Dead, John Phalie, Teresa Doyle, Maggio Har- ley. erley, Maid Curry, Delia Burns ; from I Reader, Pan II, to II Rieder - Mary Dean, Mary .Curry, Eddie Cue - pion, John Notion, Terse McEvoy, Magpie Williamson ; from I Reader, Part I, to Part II Roeder -Mamie Mr Bride, May Payne, Joe Lynn, May Tighe, Ann McDonald. portant mutters to the public the Presby- TtrtNlNo rex Tasman. -Recently the eery adjourned to meet in Carmel well-known Goderich trotter, "Grey church, Hensdl, on the 2nd Tuesday in Tobe," was in London at th.'racs* in that September. city, sod swats everything before kin in OuNot Asntrts*.ar.-The Orange - his class. Oa the 3th inst.. the bona moo of Gudevion, with mews] lodsss fres of "Grey Tobe" were questioned by from a distance, attended Divine service • Mr W. H. Btrrell, who thought him- lad Sunday afternoon at three *'clock. self an expert on horse -fish. This is the way Mr T. 8. Johnston, owner of "Oe.y Tobe," gets batt at 31r Birrell, and makes the cue one of "_put up or shut up" :-In the Free Press of Sstarday, July 5th I observe on individual named W. H. Birrell, who officiated as one of the timekeepers at the mess on the Western Fair Park on the 1st inet, mays :-"The hetes entered as 'Dewy Tobe' had a te- eord of 2 18, and has been known foe setae time as 'Grey Bennie.' " With all deb deference to Mr &well's alleged knowledge of horses I beg to data that he in not adythiag like so elver id kis surmise se he thiake he la 'Grey Bes- sie" le a "weever" and stands Duly 15 Mede high, while"Grey Tobe" is a white hoose and Stands 16 beads bigb. ' Tobi" is sot and never was "Grey ' sed it Mr Birre11 este lied $100 be Mak up his rash statement, I will sever ft, and hand kis mosey over after- wards to the Loudon General HaupiW or any tether matins Away. lir IMrrbq i esmmhfag of • "week (skis" sisals, sed believes that all hers *waste are bail W Iamb way. A He yews ego be mate to tier lows end fes the rah 01 a eng.r, Mingle ka "RAO a," sad pasiat 14. sneer the mine of "BUly �BiirtrnNllf He woe Metalled d sit the time, creed bre beets Beare Oodeeieb banes ever shwa. T. B. Joon row. owes, of "Ore, T.M." Oodee4h, July 7, 1.000. thin ten words will rroetve a present. I Contest open to only. E.'. close $1 fur one year. or send nine 3e. stamp,forlillustratd utak/mid presents and three months' trial to the Quem. Address Thu t :media, Breen, 58 Bay at., Toronto Ont. 111 otos I'amterrttY. --The regular meeting of the Presbytery of Huron wits held in Knox church, Godertch, Tuesday Int, July Sty. Mr Fletcher was ap- pointed , but in his 'buttes Mr Acheson was requested to take the chair. Minutes of last meeting were read and signed. On behalf of the com- mittee on superintendence of students, Mr Martin stated that he had notified Mr McMillan to report at the September meeting. Mr Sutherland gave notice of motion regarding the attitude of people in pryer during public worship. A eomoittee was appointed consisting of J. S. Henderson, R. Hendereor, Simons sod Sutherland to nominate standing summates'. Mr Fear, of the Method- ist church, Nile, was present, and was invited to be a oorre.ponding member. After some diccsemon on several swim. The attendance was very large; the buddies' will comfortably Best 600, and it waa tilled to to utmost oapesity. It is earnestly reported that never so large .n audience sembted in mad church. Rev. B. je Hotton, pester, was the preacher.'Rio selected text was the Bret three verses of the tenth eb.par of Rev.latton of St John. We learn that to the majorit the dieooarse give satisfaction. 111* need no *lube and threw no Moses. The style was more uuei✓esstivs of thought than any dogmatic idg. He elaimd to be no fanatic, oaths, woald he may anything Wadi** to fasatieisee. As with referents. to the enemy of whisk ()rangiest was the "witch -dog' while the speaker desired to he bold, fearless and anoompromiuinj he would not be out -aided or u*jest. On the side of the repined eeesy were sprits noble. pure and spiritul. The enemy was neither Devil ace the Lord Iemrmata. It was a matter of diverse opiates whether the alarm -bell need be wrung may. Doe's try "wolf, wolf !" if thea be fes weN. Zeal should always he immeepede l by knowledge tad dib- etsetbs. Yr Mottos occupied t fall boar is the delivery of ►M dissodrue, bat the .adM..e were ate weary and es fie ea ire esu learn if all speaker. M Ora mea watt. es diswwd t, jest anupe1*1 fa their newts er Kr loess ftiasdt- M wool is to bomb & read better days mail dawn. of St. David's ward. Carried. A petition was read from Joseph Kidd and others requesting the souncil to put in a tile drain from North -et. down Nel- son-st., to the main drain on Waterloo e t., the petitioners offering to contribute $75 towards the fist of such drain. Moved by Nicholson, seem:dd by Dunlop that the petition be referred too the public works committee to report to the council. Carried. The following amounts were red sod referred to the finance committee : Geo. Nubergall $123 ; Fraser & Porter, $2.- 85 ; A Garishore, $18'.10 ; R. Clark, $3. The account of Wm. Campbell for post- age, $.3 35, wag ordered to to be paid. The following reports of committee were read: From the water works and electric light committee. Moved by Holt, seconded by Mornay that the report be taken up clause by clause. Carried. Moved by Holt seconded by Thomp- son that the matter of purchasing metal begins or repsriog the present ones be left in the hands of the water works and electric light committee to do as they ase fit, with power to act at once. Car- ried. Moved by Humber, seonnded bJ Dunlop that Wm Babb and E Pabcoolt be charged $It; each for water rte. Carried. Moved by Thompson, seconded by Neftel, that the application of J Foes, be n ot allowed. Carried. Moved by Humber, seconded by Dunlop that a reduction of $12 be made in J Miller's water nor, that being the amount he is overcharged. Carried. Moved by Holt,.e000dd by Canteloo, that the eletric light be run until 12 o'dock every second Friday night during the summer months, to s000mmodate parties holding assembles in the British Exchange Hotel, said parties to pay a arm not exoeeding ;.ic per night when using the light. Carried. Moved by Humber, seconded by Dunlop that the report u amended be adopted. Carried. The repot of the finance committee was read, recommending the following ppay..na : Joe Kidd, $103.69 ; John Bobinaon, $14.50 ; Hotot 3tuiAL, Johaeton, J Wiesiaa From 8t Patrick's Ward School to the Central. -0 Bridgett,G Smith, A Dailey O Bark well, B /barman, F Graham, Dailey, Waters, E Acheson, M Pessingtos, E Robinson, F Bailey, T Sakes, W Me- E woo. From Jennie to Renton class, Room III. A Nisbet, R Watson, T Bridget, J Glover, C McGregor, E Artkir, 0 Robertson, M N. 8 Straiton, J Dean, A Moore, C De Pendry, L Jobastoo, E Me0asghau, 0 Grant, K Allem. From routes to Senior slam Roou IV. R Young, C Dunlop, R Shervead, C Robseleou, W Hyslop, M Maher, 1 P M Bsesugs, T Gilled, 1 Gnat, Meviesr. W Nehmen. Trove II Bank to III Book, Room V. -1Stowe, M Dab°. A Maeoahy, A Welk, R Bl..tt, E Bingbasa, E keid, A K.Doesld, M Roberts, W Bleak, J, Vivian, E Robissoa Trots R Book to RI Nook, Room VL -0 flexiderd, L Omen, G Strbag, D tette, Y Prins,$ W Melissa, Y flbereaa, _ Cheet, A Duff, R Robesbts 0 Kirk- beide irk- Hn... T Drafty,illjOi.10 , Hen "flea" $.ixot.-H. T. Butler, who w eneseumonieady retired tam porrily from the bedew by tthhee iftra editor sad S -Times libel is h bereft. flaetford Son, 1M Kwheat for jeseelissl. Memo toad emeles.sete V IM Clash Cly. Whet Nettie harm bow le tars ma s geed bel paper Y he teats a,