HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-6-20, Page 8• THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. JUNE 0, SEE HOW 'I' ► PRESERVE 256 POUNDS OF FRUIT TOMATOES, Or two (2) nexrels of Cidex FOR ONE DOLLAR. ONE ($1) PACKAGE OF THE tau flits Friail Psiog Ponder and Lirid WILL DO IT_ One (25c.) Packag a will Preserve 32 lbs of Fruit or 15 gallons Cider. Full directions inside each package. Try the Preserving Powder and Liquid. You will like it. You will find it lees than half the trouble and expense of any other method, more reliable and accommodating, and the T .1 Fruit, etc., even Superior to the Beet "Canned or r I" Fruit, etc. For Cider it is cheap and decidedly tha beat known method of keeping it sweet. FRASER & PORTE. , Sole Agents for Canada, Book /Sellers anis Stationers, Central Telephone Exchange. ?forth Side of Court House Square, GonERIt:H, ()NT COUNTY CURRENCY. Items of Interest from over the County. 4 Weekly Digest .r the feisty \ewe derv• op se salt Seeders of -The signal." rim mad rel■t. ('lipped amid (f.a. leased from Every twetlea. Mrs Samuel Pearson, Bruaseb,intends taking a trip to Manitoba, where .he will monads few _ mouthsvisiting with her children. Bert Gerry, Brussels, had the misfor- tune to clip the end off one of the tin- ges on his left hand with the large . hears in the tin shop. Mr Wylie, Moevale, who had his hand badly crushed at Jno. Campbells two weeks ago, is doing well although minus part of that useful member. N. T. Ritchie, Civil Engineer, who left Wingham • short time ago for the West, is now busily engaged at his pro- fession in Salt Lake, I tah. Robert Howard, jr., end James EInigh have left Myth to Reek their fortunes in the N. W. T., Calgary being their destination at present. Mrs tiarry Stewart, of Longmont, Colorado, accumpa.tted by her two sons, is at present vision; her father•in-law, Mr Jas. Stewart, of Tuckersmtth. T. Fletcher and wife, Dr Holmes, Miss E. E. Kerr. the Moses Moore, and W. H. Kerr and wife, Brussels, attended the I;ielph Conference, in session at Stratford. tin Saturday.: th inst.. James Moore, Blyth, received • telegram from Penn- yslvanta stating that his son Thomas had met with an accident by falling from the scaffold in a derrick. W. E. Groves, Principal of Wingham Feblie School for the past seven years, has sent to his resignation. having oh - tamed the pasition of tint assistant to the Ryerson school, Toronto, tin Friday. Gth inst., David Campbell, loth oon., Grey, last • valuable heavy draught mare tr..m inflammation. She was found dead in the tield Friday morn- ing. She was valued at $130. The boot and shire and grocery stock of Adam (boot, Brussels, was sold at Toronto on Tuesday, lleth inst. Mies A. vaustone was the purchaser at cents on the dollar. The stock amounts to over 84,000. There is a change of racers at the Salvation Army barracks of Brussels. Captain 0,01vie and Lieutenant Mc- Cullough go to Parkhill and ('apt. Kemp, of Watford, takes command of the Brussels contingent. (1. W. Green and wife, of Kingsville, formerly of Brussels, are visiting at the letter place. Mr Green .pends about half the year in North Carolina pushing I is business in hickory timber. He has ..•me great storms to tell about the nl.*. Postmaster Farrow, Brussels. sowed a pound of English barley as an experi- ment. After a mouth a growth the .talks measured 16 inches. The pros- pects for s good crop of barley in the ;e.:ality are favorable it too nisch rain does not spoil it. R G. Wilson, Brussels, hoe gone on a prospecting visit to Salt Lake City, Utah Mr Wilson is no Mormon, but Roes west to see his brother and look out for • business opening. Mrs Wilson and son will continue to reside in Brussels fur a time at least. S m.body played a remarkably 'fanny' trick recently by dropping a lighted match into the letter bot at the poet since. The result was a letter was par- tially burned before the match went out. it will not be a very fenny matter if the party is found out--Itrussels lout. Milton Godfrey, son of Rer Mr (..d trey, of Bluevnk, in his second year in law and third Year in Arta examination of Toronto 1 nirersity, obtained first alarm honer, in all the .oh)ects, winning the Edward Blake scholarship of 450 00. We congratulate him on his success. Mr Wm. Armstrong, a young and enterprising farmer of Hallett township. wt. resides on the boundary between Hallett and McKillop, has been awarded • bronze modal for rote of the best farms in a (hetrtet of six nounties. This farm is referred to by the as hesatifally situ- ated, with well located and convenient heildiegs. Thera is also • number of maple sad evenPoon treee for shade and onsainesit. The place as sten well Mocked with harem, sheep and pigs and well teased. Andrew Paterson, Wingham, left for Manitoba on Wedossday of last week. Mr John Dorsey, Seaforth, has solo his fine family and driving horse to Mr John Way, of Stratford, for $165. Mr James Gillespie. Seaforth, has purchased a tine driving colt, two years old, from Mr James Milts., of McKillop, for $125. Dr and Mn Newkirk, of Bay City. Michigan, are visiting at Fontelle Han, Seaforth, the residence of Mr Wm. Campbell, Mn Newkirk's father. Mn Wilson, sr., of Silver Creek, fell on Saturday, 7th suet., and sprained her foot so severely that she has since le- quired to get around with a crotch. The Beaver lacrosse club, Seaforth, visited Bright on Friday. 6th inst., to play a schedule match with the team of that place, and were defeated by four straight goals. Mr and Mrs M. Y. McLean, Seaforth. left last week for Ottawa. Mr McLean went as a delegate from the Huron Presbytery to the meeting of the Presby rerun General Assembly, at 1)ttaws. UMr T. F. Coleman, Seafortb, has pur- chased a very handsome pair of driving horses. H. got them in the neighbor- hood of Stratford. They are hath, bays, well tr•tched and splendid travelers. Xe have much pleasure in congrato,- ating M. Cavanagh, L D. S , on the acquirement of his new degree. viz : J. I). .. He was down at Toronto this week attending the Convocation cere- monies. We Lupe Dr Cavanagh will become • permanent citizen of Brussels. -Brussels Poet. On Saturday, 7th inst., occurred the death of Mr John Kyle, of Tucker - smith, son of Mr Win, Kyle, of the town line. near Seaforth. He was in his usual spirts the day before, having been in Klippen, and was seen by a number of his acyuaiotauoee. H, leaves • wife and five spall childern to mourn has death. Iter W. K. Shortt, Congregstior.sl minister, well-known and highly esteem- ed by all who know him, has tendered his resignation as pastor of the Wingham church and minister in Congretadonal I pion. He has returned to the Metho- dist body and placed himself under the conenol of the Kingston conference, which will appoint him to a charge. 10n the night of June Gbh Robert Scott. loth con., Grey, had a sheep killed by (loos in his barnyard, and on the night of Jens 9th Alexander Stewart, 16th con., gree. had six Iambs killed outright an -4 six others badly injured not twenty rods from his dwelling. The dogs are not known, but the supposition is that the sheep and lambs were killed by the same dog or dogs. This is • warning to farmers to have their sheep and lambs enclosed at night. it is our duty this week to chronicle the demise of one of Morris' oldest and most respected residents in the person of Mn .John Jackson, of the 8th conces- sion. Mn Jackson had been confined with dropsy f or the last fife months, ant her death was not unexpected. She bore her sufferings with Christian endur- • oce until death relieved her on Friday afternoon, 6th inst. The remains were followed to their tut resting place in Brussels cemetery on the following Sun- day afternoon by upwards of one hundred carriages. Mrs Jaeason was 65 years of age, and leases a family of six men and four women to mourn the Iaogs of a kind mother and a warm friend. COUNTY COURT. I4,•for.• Din Senor Judge Toms. %% Illtam Heywood, the boy charged w ith larceny, was up for sentence on Tuesday morning. The Judge took a lenient view of the case and allowed the lad to go on suspended sentence, w ith the understanding that if he com- mitted any subsequent offence he would be sent to the Reformatory for five years. Geri Patterson, • botcher, of E;mnnd- ville, charged with stealing • cow from John Aikens, .1. 1'., of the township of Logan, and bringing it into Tockeremith, was rap on remand. The evidence was pretty straight against the primmer, bat Ilia Honor appeared to have doubts of the possibility of identifying • cow by the skin, Loofa ofa and horns, and gave the accused the benefit of the doubt. M. C. Cameron, (1 C , for pcu:bner. Capt. J. T. McAdam, a well-known journalist, steamboats, and at one time secretary of the Ontario Legislators pr"" watery, war in town dome the week, awaiting the arrival of the Dari• pew .n mule to Winaipse. His mops now is "Down with Railway Mneopo• link.. sed "Up with National Oea;raey. DUNGANNON. Treat our urea IL - On .ht last Sabbath quite w oomb.r of ow citizens, also some from the Sego, village and surrauodiug district attended the vamp meeting whisk is be - int held under the seanioea of the Nile Slcthooist church in Mr (le,. Currseci grove. t,.a.'ehip of Colborne. We ars credibly Wormed that then eau a very largo ouuwurse of people present ,.0 that day. The municipal council of West Wawa nosh will meet in th• town hall on Saturday, 21e, for the purpose of trans- acting business. Mr Goo. Walker, of Corrie. is at pres- ent visiting his parents, Mr and Mrs Jae. Walker, of ibis villsoe, and seems to en joy himself immensely. Hs is somewhat surprised at the treat . as well as the rapid growth, of our hamlet. 'rhe municipal council of the township of As►tield will meet oo Wednesday, the 25th. Statute labor, weeding garden. and house cleaning are the .order of the day to the meantime. Mr Anthony Black sustained gotta a loss last week in losing a nne cow worth about forty -tire dollars, which died from milk fever. It is pleasing to be able to note th.' Mrs Jae McMath, to whom we referred in our last as bettor so very til, is becom- ing 000valeeosot Weather at present is all that can be desired, being very favora'le to vr,t.-ta- ttcnt, so much that the crops are iu it e meantime 'rowing rapidly. Iin Tuesday, lthh inst., the director* .f the Dungannon Agricultural Uriviog Park Association held a meeting in th. court room here, to take into consider- ation the report of the commove. appointed to purchase grounds suitable for the purpose of show ground and driving park. It was decided to parotid* such grounds from Mr ",n Maltough, J. P., as being the most suitable. Ala • • report was received from+the committee ajpointed to select plans and 'multi - cations for suitable buildings to erect thereon. Business in that line is assum inst a practical shape, and ere long proper accommodations for agricultural shows and public meetings will be provided. I'OPLAR ROW. From our own . , .. t. Mrs l; J. Howell, of Desmoines. Iowa, accompanied by her two daughter., is visiting her sister, Mr. Harry Morris Mrs McMurcbie and daughter, of Clinton, are the guest. of Mr Geo. Mor- ris. H ULLETT. From our own correspondeat. A number of people from these pens attended the Nile camp meeting on Sun day. There will be no service in (1. Methodist churches here next Sunday on all may have an opportunity to attend the camp meeting. Fall wheat is heading out nicely now Both grain and fruit crops are looking splendid. Farmers finished their mad work 1a.t week and are now busy inch the root ground. The annual picnic of the Methodic, and Baptist churches of the Bent I n. will he held on the 26th inst., in J,.hi. 13:ttfs grounds. Bees have begun to swarm. There are good prospects of a large yield of hooey this year. WEST WAWANOSH. Council met according to adjournment. Members all present excepting Mr Todd. Minutes of former meeting were ap- proved. Moved by Mr Lockhart, sec- onded by Mr Gibson, that the amount of municipal grant remaining unpaid to the Separate School for 1888 be paid. Car sed. The council revolved itself into a court of revision. The follo*ir g had dogs struck off :--Alex. Purvis, T. Beg- ley, C. Milner, D. Duu,ovan and T. Mc- Ituberts. The assessment of Gro. Beadle, E L. 19, con. was reduced 8100. lin motion of Messrs Lockhart and Gibson, the assessor's salary was paid. Mr Laidlaw's request tr be al- lowed to do bis statute labor nn blind line between lots 27, con. la and 14, was granted. Lumber was granted to Wei. Dunkeld for 13 rods piping for ditch on road oppcsite 14, coo. 3. A petition signed by D. Alton and 18 other rate- payers asked for a grant towards cutting hill opposite 14, con. 8 and 9 ; laid over. The reeve and deputy were appointed to investigate claim of Wm. Thorn for compensation fur road deviation sed fcr stone being thrown ..n his land by path - masters. The treasure:'s statement showed balance and receipts :.f $180 06, and expenditures 831.45, leaving $148.- 61 on hand. Dr Case and Jas. Walker asked for • grant towards building side- walk in Dungannon. 83.1 au granted. the people of Dungannon raising 81(5 for same purpose. A communication was read from the township solicitor r.- late gravelauit. Moved by Mr Gibson, sec• ooded by Mr Hailey, that gravel bylaw be repealed. Motion lust. Moved by the reeve, seconded by Mr Gibson, that $700 be expended oo the mads for cur- rent year, to bo divided on the conces- sions in proportion to their assessed value. Carried. The members of coun- cil were appointed road commissioners as follows :--The , boundary lines and con. first ; Messrs Gibson and Bailie, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6: Messrs Todd sed Lockhart, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14. Moved by Mr Lock- hart, seconded by the reeve, that the clerk instruct pathmasters before takiac gravel from pita to make arrangements with the owners' for the taking of the gravel at 7 cents per yd., and in case of owners retooling to call on thew terms that none be takes from the pits of those objecting. Carried. The following ac- counts were paid :-Edward Rrophv, gravel end damage to road, $11.15; W. A. Wilson, •aesesing, $100 ; Jas. Rogan, printing for year. $40 ; Jno. Moss, damage, to bode sod property removing gravel, $12. Coertleil addarned to meet June 21st R. K. MILi.ei:, Clerk. Mr Thomas Kidd, Sod neth, has boos gwatsd s prwveativ. oiloer ..d ie - ember of foods fee Ontario ntdiiei tie Domisios Lased Remise Depetwg.t. THE CLAREMONT DISASTER FINE TAILORING DEATH LURKED (H GREEN RIVER'S SWOLLEN Wel ERS. rise ]lea I►roeued is Mist Was rrevias to the Kee...t !'teed. • 1•uey breams Mr. Joh. Wart... yr.. lu.pestor of bridges, nue et the ferias. Ton►mTo. June to --A few tuber west of the little village of Claremont was the wens of a tomb& railway disaster •.•t the line of thel'aua.liau Pacific Pailwav just before and - alight of Tuesday. The accident :s t. be ascribed only to the late heavy nim, for the entre and oaaacienti.ue precautions were taken by the °Atrial* of the road in hooking atter the safety of the traveling public. Thies utiles wt of Locust Hill. the station formerly known as (reen ftiver, at mileage 's mat of Tomtits., is • cols tr1 t•r,saing limn River and ercrtart at a height .1 about 30 Get from the water. Thi+ Breen River is little more than u creek, except vibes swollen, es tt has been of late, by very h eavy downpours of ran. •Cbe culvert which crosses it in n *„I. i Rosati ,.f uttwatry anti We .U.i rat „,ii ..• l,. its p•rfe'-t sometimes and safety . , ,. , . • entertained Tt.e leu•- dattuw, doe undermined L) the heavyttrete, W tly neuited. Ott .t ass report,.) that • culvert rat... ..,.,u:rte t.e.0 that "tacit gave way was w ■11 tti e.te con Iii,'n. In- spector ut bridges John It anises, ,,sodded to visit this cut.ert and detailed locomotive flat Ito) to visa the place There were then on board . .,r. !': anleu . J..iut, :.iG.n• engineer; tie,,, . I.ser. Memel,. .1. 3.1.wt- arty, section torruuu : nous.' led tNUJ David 11i haruder. root i,eu Own The ens ui•• :,, ns e tit lite lir! culvert, which t. matte .hstiuee,t.,.e the it,, which the Wen bet u. trashed 14. iieq.t sh •rt l) lee. fore 11!v p..u. i'recinely at t I d. at% t'ul- vert must LoveetdlaI.ett, for •luras the body of the engt. --. r e:i.t i „ •-1 hes ea:• b was found to nen.- - .pp .1 „t tear• mood . All the,arupun> •.I the• Ca., !.•,e.h•d .',nog Ntrhwender , .. hu r alwd oast nthe.i. Trains and worhu•u were de,ti•.tche.l from Toronto, and d rout the whole of rt•.tt•r,iay work went oo . ith,att to terrupt nun AL an early hour v• -te•r,n) nesls,ior ti mks body waa reinvest some dedanos down Ike -creek. At Y,,, Engineer Attou's d efy was recovered. The surround- ings at • night- - preeeutedr and novel appearance. The trunk of a ltrg. true was set on fire and serve.) to light the wore - nen in eteleavoring to rst,ver the bole.% ILIA in the issues, wt.'e of the perengers from the express train to the special provided W convey them to Toronto. The only survivor. David Nighweuder, seems t., to s inowttat cwf.trd as to the manner of lo. escape. In ono interview be says that d• ;uritis. from the. engine into the water, anti in anal te-r statement says that he simply fell frust tie- engine and thus escaped. Inspector H.anicr,,wh,wr body wasbruugnt to I'arkdals yesterday. had lat•u with the company .l.' a Iris t.,yp,rsl anti was regar,l ed as owe of t teir meat truxtwurtby ..tficiali. His home war at Sit \iellwturneaveoue, the, city. He was a ntarn,.l IOW:, as were also Engineer Anon and Fireman l)iiver, both •.1 West Toronto. JrlWaukee' father is still with the company engaged as tie arid timber inspector. ierctiou men live Lear Locust Hid. The Montreal express, due to leave the city at tit's last evening, did not get away until 10;. It went out over the Grand Trunk tracks to Teterboro• where it will take the C P. line- A Grand Trunk eugutu drew the train, which was manned by a Grand Trunk crew. No interruption in traffic is anticipated C.- day. rday. A CAROLINA WRECK. Brakes and !steam Couldn't Hold This Trate Hack Three Men Billed. ASlllt r,I.Le, N.C., June las.-Perhaps the most destructive wreck in the how tory of the Western North loan.- lino Railroa-1 oecurrcd a1 Metros• station at the'icthern side of ftaluda Moun- tain. about :a notes from this city. ou the I A.hev.lte .1: Spartanburg division last night. ' Engineers iinyra and Turnatall and Fire- man Taylor were killed. The injured were. Flagman 0. Boc,ck and Co ttdut•tu Rickett,, two colored brakemen named Foster ami Gnenbe. painful but not dangenen wounds, From Cie apex of satuda Mountain to Melrose, the scene of the aceid.nt, a dutane.' of more than three mils.., there is a Nail of fully 93, feet This fact has made the railroad authorities especially .are fel at this point and an engine is kept constantly there to kelp alt trains rap and down the mountain. The track was very wet last night when a coal train started .lows. and sero after begin ping the descent it b ecane er. drug that the twelve Lomed cars were t,o much for Loth engines to hold with all brakes down. The speed gradually gtiiekene-t under the heavy pretaure until a apeeei of an tour ens reached. when the tr'ac•kw spread and tie entire train p;:in. e l headlong down the mountain with n ternble crash. burying beneath the br, ken ,girt crow ties and earth the brave fellows who had stool to their teats The Inas t, the company in engines and cars alone will reach $7 .,000 THE RATE WAR Chicago t Gravid Trask MsMing Away at tam lake .here People. Cinc•rin, June 18. -The Chicago & (;rand Trunk has not given up the tight on dressed beef rats.. Private advice* from Wash- ington to.tay stated that this rompany bad given notice of its intention t, adopt a raw or :in cerate per 1.10 punts, Chicago to fl'.10n via Montreal, biginniug June on Thin is the date on which the Pocent rats. of tbs. other roads become. effect- ive. As socia •s the Lake Shore people re- ceived this bnt.11igenes they called • special meting of the Chicago committee .1 the Central Truffle Aesectatio• and announced that they would mut tb. 311 coot rate .1 the Chicago t (Iran. Trutsk. taking *fraction* W. imm.- diatela after the nww,ting the (tread Trunk sant a notion to the Interstate Commerce Association a further reduction in the Melted beef rate to 33 omits taking effect Jane . Peter Deets* Last flay Relight u.t. Joss 1t►- P for lbs .treeetins at Pear Davb area smarty eowipt s- ed. The wafotd W baa ssweed Is the jail yawl amid the sutlssee will he carried out at ablest g Venn& Ffiese mrshag. Tim primes er'. Mbar willed Wm WI week mod b two Hears sad brolbreieiaw WWI emir lnt tae► ,stall et him ebb arrest LARGE STOCK OF Choke Goods TO SELECT FROM e2/lacCORZ.C. A .C. PURE PARIS GREEN, HELLEBORE and INSECT POWDER AT GEORC+= Y .i T .S' URCO STORE. ACIILo\'8 BLOCK. OODERI('H. IiUBU SN. From nur own . t. It is rumored that Joe Hess, the far - ilium' temperance orator, is ging Into • quiet retreat front labor for several a eek• .t the Point F.ritt. as the guest of its genial host, J .J. Wright. C F. Straub.* of Goderich, gave our ourg a pleaaaut v:sit this week. Wm. Green, son of • former resiloot, David Green, now 1,1 Dakota, a vutting .ming relatives and friends on Butter- nut Rule. Quite a number here intend to be pre- selu_aunng thisweal al Abu camp_ meet - .nt raring held , u the Mouutgrove Farm. ,sear Nle Communion service will be held in the Presbyterian church the brat Sabbath to July. The pastor, Rev J. A. Anderson, hope* to tee an addition to the meutber- ship, with the present ones. at the ser. rets. Mrs G. H. Clutton- of Stretford, .tut ed relatives here last week. THE 1'I. Nl,'.-The union picnic ,.f the echo- • at our far-famed summer resort. the Point Farm, was a decided success, over 2,000 persons attending it. The ttuusements arid sports, with bats for pleasure ails, were the same as last year The trustees missed the counsel* of the teachers in getting up the.ports,the wor- thy members of the boards of Educts eau having to manage them themselves. (tor veteran trustee Hetherington was at the hoboand,aided by several of hesbreth- ren, managed all with success. In ad- dition to the sports was the mimic of the baud from Goderich, which added cheer- fulness to the busy bnstie of the rase multitude, who moved everywhere anti all over the grounds, heartily enj yirg themselves. I►at:cttg was loot omitted, artd on the long .era„dah u.eny fret were in motion t•, the strains of the vt•'liue of A. Tnunlow and It . Jleithee, Mies Williams, who at the New Year in mission work Rae s . successful tit mak• Inst many tee that tlie twin tow waywasthe heat, was present sod gay. a recitation. A large number .,1 (;odert:li High $chs.,! *choler* sere peeset•t, under the charge of the head teacher, :Nr 11 1 Siring; also a Cadet corpa -.f ;uvebile teuperanor workers from the cicular town, under theleadersh;;..d Geo. Stew- art, who put then thr.•ngh • course of do 1, which they performed like army veteran.. Mine h,et. J. J. Wright, ably discharged hu duties and everybody lor.k• forward to IL picnic .•f this kind annually at the Pint Farmwiththe same success. An organ to the Goderich make underwent the pressure of * me fair unt- simians' nimble finger* on its keys. the music from it giving general eeti.tsctioor, and • hope that the new factory ne w making ire bow for public patronago, w ill become the hest of all the manufacture re of the kind in the Domsaion. Stop that CHRONIC COUGH NOW! P er if you An not it may flee..s con- Gmeer▪ eve. i•,r C Wim% Via, A•rserew/ DeMftfp and then l• nothing like -seer SCOTT'S EMULSION Of Pare Cod Liver Oil and HYroPNOSPNITI$ Oi x•a.a• aural Soder It le alme s as p --M, as lank. Tar better tats ether soealteI Zmu •)ons. A waasattl Ikea pMomr. SCOTT S EMULSION feet amp (n • aetwsea2. awe, mod pre Tae /'wewlaa• add ti aft Thioles es Mee. sed *fuse. Ut*TT a Iew))L ielbvns. A lE SAND . of will! la• paid to any tele who will Eire •vides.• as will lead to the res. lotlea of persons &dung Is *harp's Creek. A pelt' to M C. "AM►ROK, 0 bks. 1►R. RH £1WKOK, Odrbb• BOOTS & SHOES Spring is about opening and the Ladies of Goderich and Vicinity will be want- ing something nice in foot- wear. I have the largest and best stock it has ever been my pleasure to show. All the leading lines and styles in Kid, Dongola, and other fine material, in Com mon Sense and Opera Toe. In Staple Goods an im- mense stock, suitable for Town and Country wear. Prices lower than ever. In goods of my own Man- ufacture I carry a large stock, many lines of which I have been selling at whole- sale for several years, hav- ing sent large shipments t British Columbia and other points. Ordered Work 1 . ceives my special attention, and I am determined to give you the very best that can be made. I have customers in this branch of my business from Montreal to the Paci- fic Coast. Repairing promptly at- tended to and neatly done. To the Shoe Trade of Huron District : I have a stock of goods larger than is carried by many of the jobbers, and buying my goods in large quantities for cash I will sell to you at job- ber's prices or less. Caor write for quotations on any lines you may be needing. Leather and findings in any quantities from a quart of pegs or a pair of half - soles to fifty sides of sole leather. E. DOWNING, cr. Last-st. and Square. Dederick). GRAND PLEASURE EXCURSIONS ! ro Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit, Pt. Hur- on, Goderich, Sand Beach, Tawas, Bay City, Saginaw and intermediate points. The Fast Steamer LORA, WILLIAM ROACH Master, hear.. OoMrbb es follows: tasT Boren. $ r... emu aotxo. a kat. Jane t•. July A. W. x . I esti re hulktvssrt >•s l Trip te may Yu Miss Sys Gorry WI. 01•11024derVitt Olds July 3.ILto. r., nit t 1! >R maim E is. H. Wit 4