HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-6-20, Page 7PHE NEW 1 tea A wtasest with W the V [ERY AND stare. THE FASHIONS. vadat, el Jelelmme ta.t eta Weems the Fake Ma. The latest in veils is tar dotted and imegalerly with Rawl apvta Magee meet plaster. Tbsim was a time whoa tb. tint lady the hied earned a parasol with a coo- p tepid handle. Now it a may seg ladies who .arty A jaunty dress for travelling is of Steri olored camel's hair with stripes nog around the bottom of sheeny in • darker shade. e serenest butter dishes sre of ad- ied with , and they era aoeospw loves out mach lee.,ier this the linger Parasols are unusually pretty this see- n. The oeweet are of rause in various .ore, dotted with whits polka spots. wo er three rues are placed on the ., and rosettes are tied on the top of s stick and on the handle. Bonnets of tbe latest impnrtatiuo are othing but a mass of flowers. SatalI floral wreaths for the nook, with ods which are brought down over tee ,dice. ere used by young ladies wstb heir ball dresses instead of jewels. Coral red, wbiott is not unlike chenY tor, is • great favorite this season Yellow dandelions are much u• as hells at trimmings. Their fluffy seed re even more popular. batt. been Betterflies made of real lace eon oo all the spew,' hats. Ornaments made of quill feathers are tee for hat trimming dkercbiefa daintily embroidered Sewers are indulged nn key those take up the newest fads. Boots sod shoes of Parisian mase have .toted toes. The latest fancy is necklaces is a mrd t white silk having a slide of diamonds and ends studded with the same spark - hog jewels. Yellow is the new odor in writing pa- per, and should he .tamped with silver. The (runts of ball corteges •re orna- mented with jewelled plastrons made to tt tha figure. Cut steel is in use again for combs and tonnet trtmmtntts. It is considered bad firm for ladies in caching pantry to raise umbrellas, so they all provide themselves with msckin- oshes in case f a storm. All the nevi fashionable women wear :!.ir ekiri• flat in toe hack. a 111110hem- ,: behind than in front, and •lithe trust - long placed at the bottom. Hats and bonnets are now kept on the head by means of splendid jewelled pins. cotique dargers, and pins with gold, sil- ver, steel, sod copper, ,bell, and amber heads. The benefits of escallop Nevin may tw ;ready enhanced, if, at the same tune, the b:u.d is beteg cleansed and vital:ze.i i!v tkiuse of Ayer. Sarsaparilla. A etit., fresh vigor, sod buoys . stteud the use of this eoadert..s -eciciere. ed -fashioned French lawns. .mends with sew faces, onoir more en ,1•.p, in their lump, sheer f dd., the arm of the worriers of fashion as tL.y did will do my utmost to retain it, ton to all t.t-urimg as with their o the wing floods Marked y One Price. ARTMENT at Uryartweut beteg the KKY ring. MUNRO, raper and Haberdasher RTSON u,prnt for • �elelirared Teas ,1'e Handsome Volnmm 1 every 3 lbs. ibrary without feeling f LE SYRUP 117r. 3ERTSON, E AND MONTREAL STS. JfOUSANOS OF RATTLES N AWAY MILL hen 1 say Once 1 de .It mese to stop these des rims, seethes 1 iu es mads the Assam of pulses truantr eeeii tsrei.aecly to Owe the of cow reeeieiag a care. Seed et area a iitt.srratfiare-e-Iar-LHpdrs ARE present at a Moder? . Have it, Ware and Cutlery ever 'HE BAND. ;ON & Co. )K HERE! GOODS. Stow' , and are offering UFYl Es. FRUITS. 1St:ULNA ALWAYS ON BARD. ed out in a stupe to suit the CCIAL i . examine oar eta k. Goods de - Y & KING, OOIJLRICH. s T "THE HE BIGIh l T E HURON SMNAL, FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1890. TLbi� iiV ib y 1vts. t Mak& AN[IIIeLif. IM$H NIGHT IN THE HOUSE OF GOM- MON& I twit ewr Osegad WItt► Leta. - Tkrssts of Illeadlebeei-As ladles Half- way aubstdy-The ILlselera's Appreaaa -TA* Telegewpb Ceagree•' tr.rpiedty. Lamas, Jose $A. -la the Homs of Com - noon Iwigbl Mr. Balfour, replying to Mr Dillon, denied that the pone charged upon and clubbed the people of New Tipperary for Bgbtteg bonfires to celebrate the marriage of WtWs O'Brien The police, be said, put but the became because tiny fanned as ob ,trusties fa the street. Mews. OIII and Limey, Nationalists. quer tined Kr. Balfour rege7diug the UMvern• meat's system of "shadowing" tomes in Ire land. Tb.y wanted to know how slis•lowing could prevent boycotting. yr. 11sdfour repelled that no one was shadowed iiubse be was known to t.o eugaged is tuUramlauue. The (ioverutueut would petg iso to relate Use system o,rly on the esstiMba IML the Psn elhttw priorities' to (ilea tdr pNaols shsd.,wwl to ab.tam tram ltl0E64 rive. (Chetan from the gov- ern/mai samthertt ) Mr. nihil..: "lf after this brutal, abomin- able outrage there a bloud.b !d at will 1+ opts your heady" Mr. Parnell a..:e.1 Mr Balfour t., adopt the Eoglshthat every person se- emed is innocent until proven to bo gu.lty. i('beera 1 Mr. iintfour: '•\Will Mr. Parnell undertake that these baht':e shall not repeat their crisis. f" Thus gtsestiou brought out load l'arnellite cries of '•W hat .-rime"' and a trenwud•ow upriw on the Tarn.-llite site of the House. its i)illom he nu •!r excited sper.•h. Hr 4.e.muied Mr italfour and .h,tnats4••l an apology for the use of the word "came " A stormy -wee ensued, in which Mr. Gill aorusel Mr Ilall..ur of lying, and Mr (llad- :one ehall••u.;t.l hitt t.. prove his assertion that the Literals resorted to the ,practise! of ehab'wing. Mr Balfour .ut.aitute.l the wards: "1a• tiutidation and but done" for -crime." Finally the Speaker appealed to the Hou.* and the patter was dropped All Weft !west for Leve. Vitvta. June 1 ; -The .tr•hdrudiess Val- erie b. -day p uhlety r.an"rmed all claims er the throne of A'stria in ..seder that she might marry lir man oo nor rum'e. in. tore•muny took preen in the Imperial 1'oun,11 Chamber. It was an aff.eMun; se well as an impressive sew e. The Ar•hduebes. having Riad" her formal dcclartkw. which was duly attaebed and . tented to the Firtpt•ror and asesbeni of the imperial family ant said a loving hmmlrn.t wn obi make a true woman happier than • themes.' throws. The Em- peror trw.k his daughter in his arms and all present were deeply 1 inched. The inerraaa Army Hill. BEAI.ta, June It; --In the Reichstag Com- mitter oo tlw Army Lill trolay Herr Rick• errs moti,W to determine. she !veno eff-o-tive annually was rejected. 19 to 9. Itickert't metiers to reduce Gr.- lawn •,f weeir a twr year- wa• •so r_nrt*.t. 1• to lis. The fiat peragrsl.h of the loll was adopted in its orugintl form 17 1.. 11. Th•• remaining para- wrat.hs were agreed to and the entire bill was passed, 1', to 11 Is ft cholerw- Merman. June 18. -- Tre Governor of Val- etxtL jsjsq erimg from choleraic diarhh.rea. is the days tf our grandmothers.r• announced in the r,tate that it haat rot been proved 'eery pretty American alta,free^les for that the ddea. now prevailing at ia and h. use wmade up with Puebla de RoRat rs Asiatic choler are cattle and eollanear,gntmarepesand wsiat- send ti,tr, was no.-su i'- for alarm it was .ata of white pique, duck or butchers further stat..) that the is cant of Health had nen. or ecru camas. decorative art craze of the Eiglah ,, at the moment is wood carving. a ate which has been fostered by the senta.blwtation t.i Valencia sial hail taken sanutar% measures to prevent the spread of the diaeaa. !envy-4.ew. H M. Want rk el the South Kensington Simms Bartnrty June 10 --Henry it Stanley this dop>.rtweot of art stella. has leen tendered and has accepted the Gov - it is not to be denied, even street er.er-(;tnerzWiip cif the. r'. ug' Free Stat.. ons do trait a little in the beck, but lie will not enter upon his duties until the all that the fashion originated in the ',ginning of lout, motess he ob-oil be reaped ident of skirts being r.Isa'.d of stre's upon to sesuieo them earlier by King d bustles when flat backs first came in Leopold. Or ,treat • year ago. - -- !(averro . Mary. Nothing can be prettier for a hal! or Lo en os, June ill t hitt' eight persons he- bt mourning goes than roe of striped sides the parties and the offici- ite and gray silk, ope.•worked white stung clergyman an, l hie atteu.Lnu will be brutdery for a yoke and quimpe, and t at the niarripce of Bury Anderson k gra velvet bands, belt, collar sod bracers y to yr.:tavarro in the rinliarlan church to - tis to deepen the tone. morrow. There will be no bridesmaids. se back Imp butterfly flatters and Tree bride and groom will gout theirhoney- tishoe on tulle hats and bonnets, on moon w Venice. ing and d on the skirt., a nig Mills. low front of the bodice on tbeshould• Xxw 1 omk, - -1 hr. Worm esti- , esti- , and not ly it hovers over met.. that fully . •. • famili, were 'time,' parasol and the everting coiffure. by the . in tasting the census of he a;.i.hyne embroidery bands. bor- this city. and motifs, which c one in delicate - bailed colors, with gold and sliver ries in old poir.t c• ops stitches for grounds, are among the most bosuti- !ntngs that are put on summer ynw N. yptns green cloth gowns, harine et sleeves, collars and cuffs applique to the cloth with gold cord braid in Ili or intricate Greek patterns. k well with turbans or capotes to tel, and are suitable for any sort of liebt function. 'My father, at about the age of f f 7, t all the hair from the top of his heal. er one month's trial of Ayers Hair r, the hair began coming. and, in months, he had a fine growth of of the natural eohu."-P. J. Culler, togs Springs, N. Y. e latest npeninvs of crepes de chime e grounds of shaded effects in delicate tel tints, nn which are all sorts of nge (oriental designs, blobs of white t look like star dost or phnsphnres- t seri jelly, and irregular figurines of rentionslized objects irom the sky, h, air and caster. me Of the most a:q.isite gent and el setting seen in a Fourteenth street ow consist in the revival of what L led "inetsthle settiHR." Oma 1*11. ne, amethyst, ptmk nv y.1- Viz, npai or asset is sartaHsisi umoade, and no visible metal how the ooheien is assampiilMi. Tlrhbee.e, a. t r. H. K (+a. '7 take pleasure in esrtifying that 1 ye used its Fowler'. Z:teaet of Wild wherry in my family tog years illi its sure euro for diarrhtes and ism complaint both for ehiidtrs ami Iia Ma. Joao Me Mawnw, 2 Tknbbams, ()tit • m. Riley. Om ea Tsarist 01 ye" lase . Peal, Kiss, alms be mesh his forums% yleaday's mall dame.. At Torontot1.L e . 11. sag.Z Toronto_ .•• . ..-4n000gntlt-0 11 ryty 0uu0001100-0 1 Hum; rI1•mnvwa. At Hamilton el L s. w• . Aamlhon 100034010-• Lnokn. 000004000-1 linty • Fnlrnen : I m.merrl.-iheily. At .treed Rapids 21.1o:5 a (:rani! Rapids 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 10 Detroit 0a0ut0u0x-7 9 r,' (03 $mltb; (iltassWeii At H.w.m.\.L):n. W. Beano0000t0os0-a to 000000000-0 4 Philadelphia assess ammo: vickesy-Clemewb, At Innate. (t t. , sec aririme t►, w pL„es........ot coinorino n• naassaitis..0t100000 noise 0- a W 1lnhoblemieett: AttlmpA.L) a a Mirage /11000001- 7 9 .e0e 0001 -3 0 P*taratilharedton ge: res. Atm((tlk�as• (II.L. )1P.rn a. ■ (lakeao 011,0110000- i n Pitiable g e le4e000I-4 , Iauble•Nee* iieeker-leelger. At Few Yorh (tint. ): . n. Kew Iart 0341000!00 - ( 9 l�yyres eeneseel to 5 e Br°atphrslr Iknstsey: Terry-tiark• A( , (!t L ff a m. .1000tOtOz-: N C 001000000-3 s Vlan-KeenY: lintels dimmer. At tinware (A.A.)* R. a yrs . et,00011ft- s 0 60001 t 1 nix -Il It Itecieseuir Omeyo'P'oures; Berr-1100dre. At Phsadr__ (A.AJ . a /►,lnktket t0t000t00-$ s Brooklyn.. .00000030-6. 0 MenshoeMasten: 110ctil•wrb Toy. At ltewm (PIO: a w. ......... 0000/0!41-11 N 0tt041011r-11 17 ThesiMpais Ilesseareasty; a dice •ewes At sealers (i•. Lowered 5l • 0 0 s- i 16 1100olII410--0 9 Murphy: misass.i assure At MOM (P.L): a .. 000104lei- a 11 0tt11110es-M 10 Mask; llmp•Qeam. Al prvel 11u CF.L): a w. $It11e001-T 7 el•0e0101-0 f drew; U owEirtstg, Al (f.L): f s s 1. R. 0 0 4 11. rrepesed 011eelea be die Jews -Abd ane Ulna .,..d. OrrswA, Jane Il- 'G...r.l Assembly began the wart of tie mead week this mart lug at 054 o'clock. The rest of Ilatarday a(tenon, gad of Blmdsy lad a nslre hiag ffect upua the to mbern Tb. asses eseicae w lien uday evening• a C'oltgny Collage was in every senses woo.. and the bamday rat- s as a the lismk-su ret Church were largely attended. The Are natter that was brought afore our wort at Una morning's emeion was an 1•{arl case front foil bearing upon the eatwsu of a lot -noon fur • mw church. w AsewnWy, after considering all matters t, ,stung to the appeal, decide( of would be inadvisable just al present W grant penal". ..on to the petiuuuiug to I. - to ....s e w • new uta for the kmatim of the , ..y.atsl new church. A long discuselou was held over a proposal to establish a uu..iot to the Jews in 1',I.�tiuc. A a:rn of 48N1W/ is now in the mei, ..f the church for such • mission. it was reeved by Mr. Mortimer sari .d Toronto, seconded by Principal Mac - 1 .car hit Montreal, That • miaow Loth. Jews lis established, 1 oat Patau. be the &id and that Jerwa- 1.•rer be the I , also that all nat- ters relating to be plated un charge of • special committee of the Amem- 1.ly." Principal Grant, seceded by President forret, moved: ••That the General Assembly expresses gratification at the anew which has at- teu/erl the inquiries prosecuted by the Foreign Ifiseions Committee, and its special thanks to Mr. Mortimer Clark instructs the Fereieu Missions Committee to appoint a s decremnittee to prosecute inquiry further and especially to astwtaiu whether it would be desirable to cooperate with the Free Church Mission in Tibenas for • tune awl whether there are promising candidates for such • mission. and to report to the next lleneral .1 amen bly. " An to the amendment to send the whole matter down u, the Presbyteries to report Rein was voted down by a large majority, and ultimately Principal Grant's was carried over the original motion of Mr. 'Mortimer Clark by a majority of 114 to lit! and became the judg- ment of the court. 1 ru an invitation from Kingston the Gen- eral Assembly decided to meet next year in nor-Ltrnsskrse lat-y and within Ott: Ay.tsww'a ('hurcb there on the uuoeond Wednesday eday Ot June. The Aged and Infirm Ministers' Fund u div.ded into the Eastern and Western me- lions. er tions. In the maritime rec•uou the receipts are nate. Out of the fund lit aged unnisters have teen paid 0 =?4. 1n the western cruise thio trceipts, to $15,144, were made up of .. . J.,colkectiuns and donations. ministers' rtes, interest, in- veetnents and proceeds from the hymnal :examinee: The : . . part of the fund amounts to 411,3ri1. Sixty-seven annll:tAnts participated un the fund during the year. An effort is being made to cis" the endow- ment to i'1U1,(lllf). In the event of this sum being raised w;thin two years Sir Donald A. Smith promisee toward Lite fund Ir.looae• buriug the year Mn ('lark of Quebec left te the fund 44110(► acid Mrs. Nicol of Powderer iAl.uMl. At the evening sermon the ltank-etre t Church was filled from platform to donor After routine the matter of French was brought before the house in an elaborate report, covering the year's work. presented by Principal MacVicar et Montreal. All-in-all this hie Moen a year in this The funds, $•;1,:'t'., against $44.91:; the pre- vious year, are higher thhn those of any year in the history of the work. one of the features in the year's ree'rJ is the purchase of Coligny College, a ladies' college where young women may re- ceive a c rupetest training in French. Eng- lish, music, Ac., at moderate rtes, at a .,.et of 0•JII.000. The Pointe aux Trembles .*•h..o', the girl' school, the C.4p urtag- .1.• Parlia- ment. etc., are doing efficient ,melee. A new workman in the person of Ps •v. J. Taylor war appointed secretary at a salary of 01000, charged with the direction of the work generally and instructed to present the claims of the board to the church. ltev. Dr. Parsons and I)r. Burns spoke upon the re- port in cordial advocacy of the work gener- ally. The question cam up next. Rev. U Stiles Fraser, Convener of the Tem- perance Committee. press anted to the .s. rn- bly the result" of the• responses that had MID! to enquiries sent down to congrega- tions and . (In the .abject of -Temperance" there has a rule +on- clever speechifying. In the Supreme ('ours of the F Church there are • number of in men and another portion that might be allet "broad" ..o this quos. The committee brought in a number of Lions, wane of which were called in qe�u.ation. As the hour of adjournment ar**ed none of the members were just he ginning to warm up to the imties. Their ardor was restrained for the time bring 5. 9 e• t s ai s t . 0 e s. 4 1 5. 0 0 10 . t 9 5. 0 5 . 0 1 RELIGIOUS NOTES - Serenity end pun -be artednew are th. kind of peace that has meat of heaven. Infh,ite se are the varieties of life, so manifold are the paths te saintly chan- ter. He oho has sot food out bow directly er isdtrvntll to make.v.rything converge toward his s. al's tractifoation hes es y • t mewed the meaning of this lila. ■Lard'. Liniment ler prwmaa»ms. N..t alone to know, but to set aocord- lsg to thy knowledge, a thy destinetiw., prooleims the voice of inmost noel. Not for indolent Tattoo sad stu- dy of thyself, nor for brooding over v- uUJne o1 pity - -u. , der action was exist - MOW gureu thee ; thy actions, and thy eon alone, determilte thy worth. Ftchw mill+..', Ply TM. Slaughter House Flies in millions. Thy are safe, leanly and effectual 111. The Highest Geed. Doesyour soul regard earthly thimgr as the highest, and the business whish re- lates to them es your weightiest employ- ment 1 Then ,s )our soul like the aees. .if the see, shich are driven and blown by the wit d ; it is given up to eternal disquiet and tr■nsitnt change. For manifold end varied are earthly things, and whoever gives himself op to their domihuon, his soul is dragged hitter and thither in all dirtctioos by hope and fear by joy and eeurow, by desire for gain and by pain at loss, And how shield the grace of the Lord and bis pesos male their dwelling in such a disturbed soul ! Oh, my friends, whatever earthly calling way be allotted us -however spiritual in its fuuctione, however blessed in its ef- fects- if its drive us for- ward in breathless haste upon lune', I a h ; if we think we can Dever find tree to stand still and to think were we are and whither we will go, and to retl.•ct on the heavenly u d eternal c.hieerns of our immortal souls : if payer has lost its power and the Divine Word its charm. for hie, then we have cast away our life upon a fearful error, upon a fleeting dream ; then are we, with all our apple - nut r.chnees in bodily and spintnyl goods, really poor -very poor. (Y - have, like Martha, much care and trouble. but the highest good, which alone gives to our life its worth and sit:- ntticance, is waetiug.-Julius Muller. A Quebec Quake- Crwwtivn, Qui'., Jun! 10. --An earthquake shock was felt here at Tui this mornino. It moved from east to west. TORONTO TOPICS. A Lively Time In the )Methodist Confer- ence A 4ewapaper aenamliosx. Tosaoxvo, June 17. -The Toronto Method net Conference bad a lively time to -day over • n'mart of Mr. Joseph Tait, M.LA., at Matsrlay's meeting of laymen. to the effect that ne denomination was burdened with priestcnft so much as the Methodist. After a long and hot diecnedon it was finally decided that the remark was mad. in a Pickwieltanl sense and was mere ()biter dicta. A renlutinwn of cordial sympathy with and confidence in the minietry was passel and the conference nettled down quietly to routine. At , o'clock phi+ evening Willie (),born aged 17, living with his parents at No. L)rommnld-place, wee playing with some etwnpdniona on the bonen of I..gs west of she Northern elevator whin he mimed his foot- ing, fell tote the water anal was drowned. A general sleuthing of tie munkipal met - mates has brought the rte down M 14,54 Within the past four days the eity, and more particularly the West End. has Keno Bonded with bogus elver quarters. They hear date Pen and are almost perfect 1a ere..01 . pSerw b • gesubse a limUt 1. newspaper` dem over the annownomeet made the merit lea that Editor Edward Ferrier ham dssd bise.assellaa with The Mall endow Jolly 1 wet a become UMW ea/11evW writer on The Qb.*. 00000 tel- iiwitiiiiiiiii .60 1 001-I 0 it 1a atserMd test 1116 116dis•d (,lae0w.fgl0 dosed the trwamallsa, What's the Semen? The causes of summer complaint, diem hies, uysentery. cholera morbus, etc , ■re the excessive hest, eating green fruit, over exertion, ni.pure water and sudden chill. Dr Fowlet's Wild Strawberry is an infallible and pronipt cure for all be,ael cowvlaints from whatever cause, NEST OFFICE 1 Insurance, Conveyancing, Land, Loan and DIVISION COURA OFFICE C. SEAGER has renins -1 !obis hew office -Re' e Mc Lean l 'new thick c{ partite the market. MONEY TO LEND on Mortgage and N°1'-=. 7 Beauty CORNS, CORNS L desired and .thm1sd by .11. Ammo the Wage erhieh may haat he dame r eahaaoe personal basely le the dal, w of Ayer's Hair V Igor. 11 o matter what the solos d the hair, this preps - Fallon gives It a lar tr. gad phooey that adds greedy to its charm. Mhould the hair be We, harsh, dry, or terming gray, Ayer's Hale Vigor will restore the cola, brtag out a n ew growth. and render the old soft and shiny. for keeping the scalp clean, cool, and beslthy, there to so better is the market. " I am free to confess that a trial of Ayer's Hair V4pur has convinced Ile that it is a genuine article_ Iia use has not only canoed the hair of my wile and daughter to be Abundant and Glossy, but it has gives my rather stamped nine. tache a respectable length and appear- ance." - R. Brines, Oakland, Ohio. " My hair was oaring out ( without any assistance from my wife, either). I tried Ayer's Hair Vigor, ming only one Mottle, and I now have as fine a bead of hair as any one could wish fur." -R. T. Scbaatttou, Dickson, Tenn. " I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor in my family for a number of years, and re- gent it as the beat halt I know of. It keeps the reale clean, the hatr eon and lively, and preserves the original color. My wife ham used it for a long time with most satisfactory re- sults.' -Benjamin M. Johnsen, M.1)., Thomas Hill, Mo. " My hair was becoming harsh and dry, but after using half • Mottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor it grew black and glossy. I cannot express the joyand gratitude I feel." - Mabel C. Hary, Dh'iavan, Ill. Ayer's Hair Vigor, raalAaaD IT Or. J. C. Ayer et Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by Druggists sad Perfumers. 711Ei ._ fO LIE AL' I). CARLING'S ALE & PORTER CARLING'S BAVARIAN LAGER (Bottled) For Bale by G. H. PARSONS d A1.B14)N BId)CE. OODKRICH. HEALTH! is the first consideration: without it Life is not Worth Living. Defective plumbing is too often m coerce of many of the Ills the flesh is heir to. SAUNDERS&SON devo,e their time to following the lapel known methods of Sanitary Plumbing Awn House Drainage, and are eed.e oring io do ONLY FIRST-CLASS WORK 1l yen Intend patting In w., • or n'omh.rc however. 11111e ask them for s pore e. The Cheapest is not always the Best. tniock. a:l the r'.00tteri gypsum of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, r:i rry- irtgGt yrhi:tle:1v witho.it the eyeless*. ail he in u.-itise ani foul humors ef tko mecrettona' at the same tis. Correcting Acidity oe the Itolnmah, curing BiliouHH mm. Dys. =Headaches, Diswirtwe, urn, Con°'tipt'iticro. brynea0 of the aki:s, Drw* •)dine+,. at Yulei.mt± ., Jice. Balt EbouL , leryslpola3. 13cycftila. Flnttcriz'g of the Het rt. Nervousness, and Oen_ oral D.4't:ity • all time and many other so.,:.ar Complaisds viet( to tt.o My(Dinftay cif lIcraDOt7Y crimp MIL I(N is OIL. : mr1 o a. TmeatI. ...tent 7- C PeR_ BOOM CORNSI CASE'S Corn Cure eemoves all kind. of Ilard and ,(oh roma. Warts, ere., without pain oraettoeance. itis + olesure sect elfertu.d ren nI, then ie ne curil existing It wt; nut e',rr trotting roosery rt sod brunt h. (Inc. u.ed see ter wi he regretted ft.fuee oil euletltu*e. Full directions with each bottle. Trite :.o. ra&PAaab o. tet ret H. Spencer Case, chemist and hrusaisr. 1s king t. West tlaniito..Ont. Sold to F. Jordan. 'aha Great Remedy CATARRH. BRUGIVIANSIA a I TOWN PROPERTIES FOR SALE. *loo AND UPWARDS 1 have a lenge number of Itou.iea and Lots and Vacant Lands in the most desirable parts of the Town Fwl SALE costar. Xow is the time to assure property before the Big it :rh. The C. 1'. It. is touting aur . and Inc. si,ort time priers will have advanced beyond the reach of many. Call and -.e hist and Prices hrtore purchas- ing else x here. R. RADC'I.1FFE, Real Eatsre and General in+',ranee Agent OMrx West -n•., third door from Square. R Ticket and Telegraph Office. 5441. ARMSTRONG FAANIVG 11111 AND PUMP WORKS de best once in a While, tluiut to pay h•.- alta hal, a Floor article orn.' Warranted A SURE CURE! SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. It..I. K. GuItE. Sole Patentee and 51 GODSBICH. oN'r. WOOL, WOOL (HIGHEST PR10E PAID FOR WOOL" The Proprietors of the Godcrich Woolen Mull have nut their mill in thorough repair and are now prepared to noanulactere for the farmers at emit reaeon,hle priers that ii w ell nay you to beteg your wool and have it mane- laetnred. We stake ILA MISTS. rL.tll\W, !'dals and nasty all kinds of Tarn+. FANCY YARN CARPETS made to order. ,Moist:. faHN1si Ab. 11111(51 11101116 We have an nrnee on K wgston- 4. w here orders can he left and wool taken in. Your eetronlege i, re 41W,tfolly so!ir4ed. J. DICKSON & SON. :,ll. Len @UALITY ALWAYS WINS! As the Old Darkey said "I'se rayther Tiny more an' hal) ARMRTRONO'S IMPROVED Grain and Seed Cleaner is 'generally acknowledged ro to the hest ma. chine merle for thoroughly cleaning grain •nr1 seeds of all kinds. Separates all Noxious Seeds and chess from grain at one defining. Lacing and cleaning all timothy seed at the sarre time oat of any kind of grain. It riin tie fitted ea or. no mistier how old he rodi ie. and makes it do as ‘004 work or le tier than the Inoue improveri new mills knee n. lt allows no geed to be ti:ow n into the chaff It Cleans Speedily. ATEvery cleaner warranted to work as repre- sented or no Imo. so nrderieg by mail xi., ism*. wWith of phor end nuoe of maker of mid if esserenient. and If oboe has 4144$ elosie or tOe old faishwitt- eft hind shake. A large neat •y et FIRST-CLASS PUMPS on hand 1 from Meow,' 10,te imariered pine. :,;•,0 orders by mail promptly attended to. Shipped to any point. D DB/CBS ARMSTRONG BROS., GFoderioh, Ont. ATENTS CAVEATS, TRADE MARIS 111111COFTRISNTS / no a, nett . rated all Imaireas in the I' l'sten (race attended to at MODENA TN FP 103. Owe nines Is opposite the it Potent tle See, and we ran obtain Palliate la lent time Ursa those resent e from W RII I No rifpN. • vise ma to pateetshilite_ free of nee • arid led ON - we rake NQS:MARGE UN 'Winos, Liquors, itc We refer le the I G. H. PARSONS nem RUM te er the ia year (Iiir Tea TratIc Yon can get tip, BEST VALUE ! CHAS. A. NAIRN'S, CHANGE OF BUSINESS ! THE OLD AND RELIABLE /CAST AT. FLOUR AHD FEED STORK HAA CHANGED H •NDS. The irehlie are hereby notified that the ir Rae feed temineee formerly carried on try A.E. whit will carry It on In all Its twartehee at the I • niter the IMMIligereeiril of former promos - owe this Imeisseas has teem he moot suoreter fnl in int tine of any in town, wed a, the new pmprielOr has been denuded with It tor over eight reeve here will he no falling off in tow enemy formerly tr. Alleged la keoplast It la the treat rank. ifionds delivered ,o all parte rti= The latest and hest linen et always oe band and "Mee eseefe la VIRAL J. VlDBAN.. wmen for their 11 peerizediazijimi Cralait ales Mg itneeelninfal%e="1J. ▪ 4= sr= MB be faiuml la be a thanes's!, reliable Pima. RR