HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-6-20, Page 4• 4 THE HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1890. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE UntA mons ow. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. •*PITA$. (PAIS P) SIX MILLION DALLAS'S - B. E WALKER, GENERAL MANAoMr . • 0160 00.000. 0700.000. GODERICH BRANCH. ' A On11111Al BANKING Buss.sua l TWA IS*CTMO. FAmami NOUS D1scOuNTMD. Otte t.1ee0KD PAYA*LM AT AL, POWTS IN CANADA. AND TNM PRINCIPAL CIT IN Ts1M UNITMO STAYS& GMAT BINTAIN, FRANOg, Bensons, as SAVIRes SANE IMPARTMENT, DMPOSITS OF 51.00 AND UPWARD! RECEIVED, AND CURRENT NATE* OF INTIOEMT aiLowCD. ismiamaT AOOSO TO TMS 1111111HOSPAIL AT TMS MOO OF MAT ANO O■11 IN seem wow. SFuwl•l Afhwllset given taw the Oelleetkin of Oewswseisleil Mid Femmes' Sable Neter. �e futon fignal is Pcnt►Saal, EVERY FRIDAY MORNING$, AT MO AMMAN PRINTING oV?IC* : NORTH - STREET. UODERUCH. It is a wide-awake i t . devoted %D ooini) news ad the thassconation of w,e- f.l knowledge. RAT= e1 N Howi tjrT1eu $L05 a year ; 7k. for six months ; ilk. for throe :steatite If the.ub.crlptiuo is trot pard 1s. advance ubscriptioo will be . barged at the Este of 82.05 • year. AOTEMTm1Vi4 RATKO l.cwal and other casual adv loo. pet tw for tint inserttun. and 3 oeote per has for each subsequent insertion. Moabured by no•pareil scale. Local notices in aonpariel type Sc per has. Loral notices in ordinary reading type lc pe word. Business cards of six lines and under 8s per year. A of Loot, Found. Strayed. Rttutions 1 scant. tituatioo Wanted ar.d Business Chances Wanted. not exceeding 1 Lees nonpariel 81 per moth. Hon... on Sale and Farms on Sale. not to exceed 3 line.. 51 for first month, 50c per sub- sequent mouth. Larger adete in proportion. Any special notice. the object of which is to promote the pecuniary benefit of any o.idi- vedual or company. to be considered an ad and charged accordingly. These terms will in all pees be strictly ad• tiered to. Special rates for larger 1 nr as for extended period.. Sade ksowa as abs office of pubi catios- Jililio DEPAITUEUT. A tally equipped Jobbing OMlce is carried 1n mOn..iion with the ordinary neweesper Where first-class wort is turned out iMble a radon. Everything premises s flu Arian eY be done os. the ➢remises trate m poster to a visiting card. Ald none must be addressed to O. 35eC3fLL1feMT, liditorof THE Nixed. Telephone Cal. No. 30. Goderich Ont. HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1880. TIIE TARIFF (/l'E 'T/e-,,1', That the great fight st the next Do- minion election will be on the tariff question there is now no doubt. Other questions there may be that are likely to crop up, but all fade into insignificance when compared with the issue presented in Tariff Reform. It has taken years to open the eyes of the electorate, but at last full vision has come and the enor- mity of the r.scalities perpetrated upon the taxpayers under the guise of the protective tariff is now discernible to many who formerly failed to see it. In Hordh county tale lobed of the tariff has fallen heavtly,•nd in Gode- rich town the protective policy has smit- ten as with • curse. Not only has no benefit accrued to any industry carried on in car midst, but s positive injury has been inflicted on every line of business which aforetime was flourishing. Our lake trade has fallen away; our up -town industries have retrograded : our popula- ting has decreased; the snap has been taken out of our business men; and the outlook for the town is not w good as it was before the advent of the N. P.,which it was premised would bring blessings in its train. And as with (+oderich so with the rest of Huron, doe of the most wealthy and countiesin Ontario. In al. moat every municipality there has been a marked decrease in the popolation,and many families in every town, village and township can point to ow or more va- cant chairs in token of what the exodus which followed in the wake of the N.P. has done for them. We will be told by some of our super - loyal neighbors that we should not thus refer to the evil effects wrought by the tariff and its upon our county, because, forsooth, it is not right to spread broadcast the knowledge of onr present plight -it 4 disloyalty to our country to make public :he facts of the case And it will be told that our duty should be to hide the injury inflicted and to make the best of • bad showing so that a greater injury may not befall os. To all of which oar answer is that a: - though all the Tory Nero" may fiddle while the city is befog destroyed, yet 11111 TRE Rxtw•t. raise, yokes against the almost incalculable injury which has been inflicted upon this tows and wont, by the greatest corse that has befallen our country during fifty years. "Doc- tor. • said the pettiest, "your medias• is unpalatable, and 1 don't like to take it. ' "I know that, my (rimed," replied the doctor, '' bat yon have to take it or your last state will be worse than your present °middies." The knowledge of Ile feet that kir R S WILL.AMS, Memento town is not store at us than it a 1r Peso u a serious matter, but it is right that the case should be diagnosed sad the seat of the disease located, so that remedial measures may be taken at the earliest posaible moment. lWe want every bugloss' man, every 1 mechanic, every farmer, and every other worker who by brawn and brain eootri- totes to the material wealth of Huron Ito contrast the existing condition of the county with what it was previous Ito Iti 8 and be governed in his determit.- I Won to Tote at the next Dominion We - tion by the results as they manifest them- selves to him. The Taiationiet Most Go. L1owAi s majority is still going sp. Lest wesh, M we showed, he had nine - tees of a majority; eines that time • re- aming hes hues W is the Plisse Edward comedy sheik* end SraAoca, the Labor - al, hes bees deshired sleeted. This sbsmgs t1W hawse MOWAT's majority W 21 on • divides. Zest Bemuses and two or tree other enmities !eve yet to be heard tram, whish al Rive the ma- jority a further upward tesden:y. Tett Empire had the Rouges "os the run" previous to Tuesday morning last, and on Wednesday was busily emptied explaining w by Museum did not' 'go." Io the last Howe Moults had 17 of a ma- jority. jonty. The returns up to date show 47 ]tliaistesialish to 23 Opposi:ioo mam- ba If the Empire's eonsmmoi.1 profit is no WOW the its political prophet, the Tory chief organ 1s a terribly losing 000011111. A osseus is announced In the edito- rial t of the Globe. Mr J. b. Willison, a former resident of Huron, will become man•giog editor after July let, and Mr Et•w•1.0 FARRIER, the most gifted leader writer in Canada, will take a place on the staff as chief editorial writer. We to Mews Wlttt- SON and FIKRER upon having sn oppor- tunity afforded them of putting their undoubted talents to the beet possible nee, is also to be having scored the services of two such clever journalists. THE SIGNAL has been intimately •celuatoted with both gentle - and the Globe led on I•R. (A I -EN'S POSITION. two for • long term of years, and if they As we pointed out last weeL, it would do not prove to be • winning team in the almost appear that word has been passed ease of Libera; 1 and Tariff Reform to the Tory Drew to "make • sharp inside of the next two years it win be be- cause the electoral lump cannot be carve'• on the Protestant platform which leavened. Success to the l%Petr ander they stood upon durtog the recent Pro- vincial new election and adopt a conciliatory policy towards the R -Aman Catholics and IN last weeks Star Dome nameless au active opposition to the Equal Right- creature attempted to deny a statement en from now until the Dominion *lee- made by Mr MI GILUCCtaDT on the eveo- tions ersa1er. The Toronto Empire, the ing of election deli that during the tV,,,:a and tae lyamutof Spertatt.r have recent contest in West Heron the local been turning for the past week or two, Tory stompers showed and the small fry of the Tory press will himto get down to similar tactics before loss Already Principal Cavell has coos in tor scathing denunciation, and the Tories of Huron, who on the platforms during the recent campaign paid high tribute to his excellence and worth, will now not say a good word fur him. Even our local . has sot said • word to favor of Priocip•1 Csyse since the election, and none of its "plot. • 0 have spoken a word against his defamers. No, no; the Tory papers and their blathering cor- will now try to ,turn the back in the so-called Egos] Rights Association, and will for the next yest or so make big effort to keep the "Piib- testant horse" shot op io his stable, for fear of throwing the Old Mao at Ottawa. The Toronto !Nail gives voice on this question io the following: - The attacks of the Conservative papers upon Principal CAvre are intended to prejudice C agaioit the Equal }tights Association, of which he is the official head. The party managers feel that if the Equal Rights agitation continues to grow until the Dominion elealona come off it may do Sir JOHN some injury, just as it worked injury to Mr Nowa/. the other day. The word has gone out, therefore,for the organs to pelt Dr CA TEN with • of treachery to Mr Nektonic By this means it is hoped that C who look favorably upon the t may be induced to fall back into the traces. The only scrap of proof,if it can be called proof, which has been adduced in sup- port of ttte•charge of treachery is this, that some of the Mowat speakers made use of one or mon of Dr CA'EN"R pub- lished letters with the view of showing that he was hostile to Mr MEREDITH. The obvious answer i. that Dr CAVES never wrote • line which, fairly read and construed, cast any invidious reflection whatsoever opoo the Opposition or Its leader. Orb townsman, Mr F. W. Jon/tome, has been appointed junior Judge of West Algoma, and will leave for the "Soo," where he will hereafter reside, on or about the 1st of July. He was an ardent politician in his day, but now, having sought "the seclusion that an office grants, will forsake the vanities of the political world and henceforth devote his time and talents to severing legal Gor- dian knots for the litigious Algomans. He was born asd reared in (loderieh, and his departure takes from our town the lest cf a family which in days gone by wielded considerable influence, politioally and otherwise. Now would be an excellent time for the Equal Righta Awoolation of Toronto to establish breeches of their society in West Haeon. During the contest recent- ly closed nearly every Tory in the Riding professed to be enamoured of Equal Rights, and if they were not "femme" there is ac exoellent field here for the formation of asyersl thriving hrenehee to ripen for ambos bythe cast Dominion election. The editor of the Star has .fated ppobliely that the war against the hieesreh y and Jesuitical is to be fought to the hitter end, and we have no doubt if the F.leel Right" mis- •ionarie. were to weed their way hither be would be able to gime valuable assist - awe in Martin, • DALTON M.CARTHY branch in this seetioe. Dr Hauges, Reeve Roca, of Colborne. and Mr Ws. McCain would dosbtlw also eid is the week. the white feather so far as attending Reform meetings was concerned, except on one occaeios, while the Reform cause hada rep , at every on. <f the listed C. meetings where oppoeitlon was invited, save one. Will the editor of the Star or some respoosible person over his c ea signature dare make such a denial 1 1 t is all very well for Mr Nosouv from Colborne to send a bogus statement of that kind to the Star, but if he dare put his name to a repetition of the denial we will show how little he knows about the question at issue or anything else. This skulking behind • hedge and throwing missiles at an opponent in the open is not • very creditable act for so "pions' • professor as the Stara correspondent from Colborne. THE 'tor last week stated that a friend of THE 81.;Nato'. carried • green flag around the Square recently. For the Information of the Star and its readers we now state that no friend of THE SIG- NAL'S was ever guilty of such tomfoolery. Tac Si.►.tot is not the organ of the rag, flag and bobtail party. We neither wave flags of any color nor take stock in fools who delight in such absurdities. POLITICAL t .INTERS. THE TORS ORGANIZER. Toronto N. u•. Independent Tory :- A third mistake Mr Meredith made was having anything to du with the Birmingham crowd, who have bees barnacles on the party too long, and fol- low it for what they can make out of it. Bi might be able to organize a- hole-and-corner meeting in •-hole-and• corner of the ward, but when it comes to organizing in the country he is ridicul- ous, and to entrust to him the organi- zation of s whole province would be sui- "ids' in any man's cause. What does he know about organizing 1 Where did be lean. the tact, the finesse, the almost diplomatic skill which the organizer of a party should possess i He is • compara- tively new arrival in the country. A tow years ago he was • clerk in Mr Pat- rick Hughesdry goods shop, and next we hear of him es the organizer of • party which should be great, which ill - bestowed position he got through the operation of the machine in the Orange toiled uiion. THE extent/ 1N DANGER. i ntawa Pr.. Prrs,:- "The 1 aronto Eon - pirr, Sir John Maodonald's official organ, is being blamed by other Conservative for the diaster which the part met with on Thursday last. The 8t. John (',':.tar remarks that the iasoes rained by Mr Meredith and his followers were not of • character likely to recom- mend them to prudent people, who do not desire to ses tbi. Dominion torn in two by race and religious diRereooe.. The Toronto i;'ewptre, the Gavtte add., 'led the joarnalatic opposition. to Mr Mowat, and led it badly. Sipco Mr Levinger)* left this paper, it has been eoedocted so weakly as to be a positive ieiery to the Nominally under the editorship of aur Creighton. • meal politician who does sot appear to be • writer at all, it i. ut- terly ,destitute of editorial ability or • jade -Wet. Its only mi.sios, so for, Seema to have bees to sink wow for ita too ooet$diag stoskboldele.' Probab- ly we shall Soon lee Air John Macdonald publicly �� Empire, and eel• Eng opus the mom monopolists, enettsetosu and subsidy hunters to fur- nish him with mosey to start ■ new or - gas. How mss Sir Joke shirk the re- sponsibility foe the Empire's •eti•Fresab sad esti Oetb lie monads, 'The Iesptsu i• ' 40u i . I FINE PRINTING PIPERS AT SIOAAL J. A. Reid do Bro. will of- fer the following goods at a discount of from 10 to 20 per cent. off regular prices, dur- ing this and next week: --- Dress Goods, Prints, Ging- ham', Cotton Shirtings, Seersucker', Flannelettes or Shaker Flannels, Cretonnes and Lace Curtains. This is the beginning of a Great Dissolution of Partnership Sale. Look out for bar- gains. Jordan's Block. Oodertcb. June 13th, 1811. 1231 - THE MARKETS. B READSTUFFS AND PROVISIONS. c.seeto\ Priem. UonaatcY. June 19. 1350. Wheat, Standard .. 1 " 100 Flour. Passat Habitat Ian hi cwt. •• Straight .... -. " Family Oso i busk ........ ........... 020 R Pe.., i busk .................... 000 * Barley. i bassi .................. 0 to ml t0 O 7 00 R 8 M e 1111 M O 10* B rasowt 65 alesp es od SreM i cwt 1 550 tlWmseeaiep. •cwt 7 1000 " Wool0 00 ., 110'• 650•' els" 000 ' Butter • s ..e............. diemmesa teess, b eap..WA i des ,. (. ..... Dressed Hoes. i cwt............ Pelts Apples, a bush Flour Fall Wbeat,sew std old 911 to Spring Wheat 0 16 to 0/0 to 35 too 0 40 �to 0 II to 0 it to 500 to 300 to 000 .o onto 175 to ('11.4.. p.tatl.es June .... 85 50 to Barley . Oma Ap«M Noels* INC s Potatoes Butter Cordwood Beef .. Wool Pork �35 2 70 2 10 9 36 0 70 0 15 50 7s. 0 13 0 12 0 U 75 m 165 400 3 00 000 1w ti00 0 1 090 17. 1m el 010 0 35 9 50 0 13 0 12 700 I. ss. a mai Sestswl ekes Uestet. The receipts of live stock at the Montreal Stock Yards, Point St. Charles, for the week ending June 13th. 1810. were as follows :- Receipts - 1 Receipts of live dock at the Montreal Stock Yards,Pt. St Charms M• the week 2 Left over from pre- vious week 300 Total for week. ..... 3.130 Left on band .. ... . 4.1 e8 130 21e CO 5M 3c 51ft 3rd The receipts for the week at these yards were large with little chrngr to note in the trade, Butchers' stock was more plentifulbut with • good demand there was no material al- teration in values. The prices for sheep and lambs were steady with • larger supply. The hag market srems slowlybut steadily recover- ing from the otrects of tglut of three weeks ygo,and losing prices /thaw an advance over last wcek.We quote the following as being fair val. Cattle, elport Butches', good Batisko s'. medium Hutebers', call. SSheeep..... gram C To The North American Life Amoroso* CO.. 1 oronto. Garrt.asav,--I hereby beg to the receipt of the cheque for the fuli amount payable under policies 3,111 aria 7.050 on the We of my late sou. and further thank you for the prompt m in which it was paid. It refleem great credit on the integrity of the Company. 1ratefully )ours, JAMES REALE. Goderich. June 17. 1350. 1t. TENDERS WANTED. -TENDERS will be received by the 1 up to Monday evening next. 11rd into, for booth prfvlieges on the race coarse on Dominica �1t�atll T. GUN DRV. 1L Secretary. GODERICH WATERWORKS. NOTICE TO PERSONS USING THE W ATER- The collector is now making the first call and may be expected any day ; also for the benefit of those who may he out when he calls he will be In the office in the town hall on June 25th and July 2nd. from 9 o'clock to lies a.m. J. A. NAPTEI., It Collector. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Rr ISAAC CASHMAN' ESTATN. All outstanding hook accounts not paid by Joy Ii. Ins, will he placed in the beads of Division Court Clerk for collection. ROBERT GIBBONS, st-1e. Assignee. TENDERS WANTED. -TENDERS will be received for the erection of a church at Crow. m the Oh IIs of Ashf ald op to Wednesday, fah Jose. Tenders to be opened at !o'clock p.m. Plait sad sppeeccifi- catkin to be seen at JACOB ('KOT.11M11. DnneasuJame 10 1M1. r 10 P.O IOW NOTICE. -FR iit4H BUTTERMILK ea. be had daily at •the Ooderich cream- ery. Elugsto.-st.• at Seta per gallon. 0531. JOHN HANNAH. Manager. BICYCLE FOR SALE. -54 -INCH, bald bearings, in era -else' oondltlea. Fal.esree, mMnl ri, apply at Oso, Rhymes' drug T UNIER FOR SALE. Pine Lumber. Scantling. Mast M810 per thwarted. Heinleek Ls ber,Bosatliag. Plank, at 10 '• Plwe Shiegtes, 'Led sham,. 1 3S pecaere. Cedar " eel " . t " eleoseeabS. g.ds.U.es Its, tieaeeN ss, eurfeice pawns. 51 p.r thorniest. Pissed LLember. It IS Wilts Ash. RiwDwe.d and Birch est toer. rd. 1S- JOSEPH KiDII. Mi fC LESSONS. -M188 AGOiE 5c to etc yc to 5c lc to tic *to 3)c /1: to 51c 5 5.25 50 .00 to to 80./0 She People's Column. ARD OF THANKS OMer1NN leo prepared tm give; mmeek taw 1 eutr .1 Oak, W.l imansaZ e ILL__ ill -1, COLBORNE BROS. air NEW SPRING & SilulER 000flS. The newest things in Drays Goods, Prints, Sateen, Mu•lins-plain and embroidered, Oriental Embroidered Skirtings and Embroideries, All-over Lace, Black, White and Cream, Fancy Col'cl Muslims and American Challiea Mantle Cloths in all the leading colors, and a splen- did assortment in Black, Brocaded and Plain Merv's for Dress and Summer Jackets. We are snaking a specialty of Carpets and House Furnishings. Carpets, from 'tic. Hemp to $1.35 Wil - tons -the largest awrtment n town. We can show over one hundred sets of Lace Curtains, 3 to 4 ydi long, from $1.00 to $4.50. Madras, Mysore, MusTin and Fancy Curta n gin �� variety. Curtain Lace, cream and white, 12c. up. Our stock is large and complete in all lines. Ja►'We buy Butter, Eggs, Wool, Oats and Pea., and pay the highest market prion. COLBORNE -llt a 111 Situations Uacant WANTED -TWO OK THREE leanw to plow and harrow, must be stream heavy teatos,aad me. who understand their hostess. Apply at it. Ri1N3EN JOU FARM. ('olboree. ANTED AT ONCE. -A GOOD general servant, at Metlaad House, u 6tsi. 61.11. A GENTS RANTED -IE' Y O l' ti want to make money. take hold and belt our choice Nursery pock, Now is the tame, write us at once for terms MAY BROTHERS, 410 O. Nurserymen. Rochester. N.Y. WANTED. Three rood salesmen, either on salary or ootnmlssion. lodependent territory given to each. W choke of territory. -The more the merrter.t Address. MAY BROTHERS 56 ret Nurserymen. Rochester. N. Y. Dentistry. 1�1 j�,�(.NICHOL.MUN, L. s. DF.NT.tt ROOMS Eighth dour bclew the Post OIDce, West-st... Guugiuce. 21/25-1y DR. E. RICHARDSON, LD.S. SURGEON DENTIST. Geo sad Vitalised Air 1 for pain of teeth. Special attention toren to the of the Natural Teeth. (Mice - Up stain. Grand Opera Hones Bleck. Entrance on Wow -St.. Goderich. 2161 -le For Sale or to Let. L1ARM FOR SALE. --THAT VALU- ABLE farm known as loll No 11. con. 6. Goderich township, 00 acres of land, more or less. nearly all cleared, the re- mainder all bard wood. There is • good. lar frame house, two stories high.and • fine orchard and exoelleat lawn. with fine privet hedge and f ower-beds,on the premises, with a nun Der of beautiful fir trees on the front of the lot. Terms reasonable. For particulars apply on the premises or D3 letter to MA ROA RE? (Y►NNORK. Ott• Goderich P. 0. VOR SAL& -LOT 52, ADJOINING 1/• Ur Ure's Frame cottage, containing five large roos in main apartment: besides kite• en. room pantry and summer -kitchen and good cellar. hard and soft water on the pre - wises, woodshed, • few fruit trees and several large shade trees. For further particulars ap- ply to MRS J. Bt'SWELL, 56 2m. Lighthouse-at..Ooderich. 1j; (1K SALE. -THAT COMMODIOl'S house on North-st..at present occupied by the subscriber. costasning eight rooms he sides kitchen. pantry, closets and good .'eller. Hard and soh water on the premises and good stable and driving sheds. iCxcelleat orchard. The site is ooe of the most desirable in town. Also that 8 -roomed house on Caledonian Ter- race with good cellar and other convenience. There Is • rood half acre la attached to each house. Terms to suit purchasers. Apply to 49 tf. MRA. SWIFT. North-st. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned will offer for sale the fol- lowing eery desirable farm, consisting of the easterly 130 acres of Block "F.- In the 7th oon- cession of the Township of Colborne, in the County of Huron. This ferns is situat- ed 4( miles from Goderich. and 1 miles from ('arlow, cn the Main Gravel !toad. There is a good frame house. 14- stor'eys almost new. f bycontalninegg 7 rooms a large barn. 10 ' 42. with eyWle shed. 42 by 11. attached, and one of the finest orchards in the township. 11 ie watered by a never -failing spring creek and • good well About 110acre,cleared and free from .lumps. '.ere Is no waste land of an kind on the pplaca Good school within 80 rods of the Will be sold on reasonable term.. For terms and farther pp•artrticul•n apply to JNO. BRM('KR fep,{l DO K. Pro or JOSEPH McKEOW NN' Ooder cD. 6- m the premises, LMRST•CLASB BRICK HOUSE AND 1: LOT FOR SALE ON ST. PATRICK ST. -About two initiates walk from the Nears. Two stories high, brick addition In the rear 11 storks higgh, building covered with slate. Main building has 3 large rooms on first Rat, upstairs there are 5 large moms. in the rear addition there are kitchen. pantry. washroom. Upstairs, girls room and bathrot.se /Use geed cellar. Apply to the L wise will giro all nocestary informaible btf. DA NUM GORDON. FOR SAL& Rei kill of lot 101, Arthur Street- with small bnek cottage thereon, B(-ILDINQ Love. -191. 191. 911. KS, Klgle Street, St. Andrews Ward. GIL miser of Hoo. and Britannia Road. ries aakalt lstory hs� ea Keays Street. lot Several lots In heed's Survey. opposite •ew Stew Grovels. via : Nes 12, st. M. M. et, 54, M, et es, App AUbthtse •Mos at LOW RATES, et et DA VisON k JOHNSTON 3Bebical. j DRS.SHANNON & SHANNON, 1.." e05ep Promisor. Stas A r, peel Oedsriet A. C. en•wwow. eBay NON. R 1!Awfil - THs HURON HOTEL. Ail k ils esesineeallea ter the sreag e lAnSaCee adseew.lsswarA EMM h� bites sed Nw essonimadaslos Lrauelline Snit*. 111 URAND TRUNK RAILWAY.. Trains erodes sad depart at Sedwtel M to lows: Mall Mai cad *�.................. Mined • MUD Mm Mixed...,.. ....................... 1 etEFA1R. Mail 7 Ms.s M.u.ad Eapeam..................... IJ$ p.m 5111. f ................................ 4.411 pan loans anti insurance. N. LEWIS, Barrister, Proctor in J. Maritime Court ; Mosey to loan .t 31 percent. private funds Straight loan, i. - knot yearly. tests Tory moderate. Ih ser F J. T. NAFTEL, L!PE, FIRE A ti D AC('ibSX T IN - SURA ScE -S1'RA.I'('E *WEFT, x North British It Mercantil. Liverpool, London t Globe ,• Norwich Unica North American Life ; and Accsde:.t hest• anise of North America. Lowest Rate.. Losses settled ppyrot►mpt11�� Money to Loan os. Farm and Town Proo.rty (' �11e done. Property valued, etc. "e- ('or. Nortbst. and Square. Aodarich. 74- $200,000 PRIVATE Fl; NDti To leve en tats ad teem 0 est Interer. Nm =ter UM Company memos of Canada Canada11 Credit Company, the London I4em Oe onsar of Canada. I.tetest.1 01 and 7 per toot. N. B. --Borrowers cam obtain ieeseey la day, if tate satisfactory. 11/MDAVISON t JOHNSTON, Berruten eec..Oodertcb 8600,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO TP CAMERON HOLT ACAMEJt0N, Asa rich. yes MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE .mount of Private Fonds for tnvo.tseo st lowest rates oa eretclees Mortgages Appil toGAftROW t PROUDFOOT R. RADCLIFFE, GENERAL INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE AND MONEY WANING AGENT Only Pfrefctese Cessys.fss ar moral to Lend on straight boas � e lowest rate of interest wasp. la any way to suit the oorrower.NY square West Street EAodebd aper 5-tfasro Legal. C A M P I O N, BARRISTER, F' Solicitor Notary Public, e t a °Mce-Over Jordan'. Drag More, the rooms formerly occupied by Judge Isoyle. 2518 C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, d. R. °ace, earner of Square and WM Dues$ Oedrvieh, over telegraph Omme- P14 rate .ands to lend at el par cent. 4055 GARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR RISTERS Attorneys, Solicitors, Ooderleh J. T. °arrow, W. Proudfoot. 17 CAMERON, R)LT & CAMERON, lode C. oliciteIs Chancery. tc. 0. Camerae, C C. Rip Q C.: P1 1751- M. t- Auctioneering. JOHN KNOT) G" ENERAL AUO- TIONESR and Lead Valuator, Oeden1t Ont Having bad 0oosiderable impedance to be emotes nearlsg trade, he is la a position bctarge with thorough sattdactloa W cos Perles entrusted to hint. Order's left at arils'. Rote 1. or seat by mall to my addrem odar P. 0.. carefully attended to. JOHN KNOX Cont• Anctloassr. 188e Amusements. U•1 ODERTCH MECHANICS' INSTI TUTE LIBRARY AND RICA DIN 0 , oar. of Zest street sad Square tog Op.. been 1 to a p.m., ad front 7 to is p.m ABOUT 2000 VOLS IN LIBRARY Leading Deify, Weekly mod IlJw•trated Payers, Mae urww•a, do..., on File. MEMBERSHIP TICKET, ONLY ••I.M, panting tree use of Library aad Reath,• UtwaApplication rtan.nform•e`sbevattp received >>d T. WEATHKpR,�A.{LD. ORO. STIV ) p, Oodertek. Marck�Intk ells. oat. Societies. 11 EUREKA COUNCiL, NO 1034.,GO�D�• sates at 74O d ea ' = 'hslimykg Hyl. Sews. Sedalia. Ont. 1111111111 111111 8611 s