HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-6-20, Page 3ter Waw Tahoe g aeet Massa. -At daybreak tale Iffy *rhe L ewpcf, t Dar old Joseph ea& Be eras row - ▪ he saw the po ko. I glen them a ram, Nv7 fir he tsar sad him, a ai and rowed r wastliaes. kit an wee kliFwad peg{ at mos be dal lees old man. He ktlpt ■ do all the talking. owed away is tie a la his drunker sits ot rowing to B wimp and slept Ignor tet that he mug Grimes. He a to return the boat s to No. 3 police Into court with the ng. but refused to rrtng to sit alone 1e ie a 'harp and negro. Ietwe•e 19 ■ very black and Ito • corner of the rk, all that could oyes. He was cool 1 were being tried his purk.b and le tbe proceedings. him that I:rim., tended that be tad thea He toll the t irimee after he l the proems of • charge on the ase•ultiog Mn curb more 'getout l«h. rens finished ('hied ✓ a charge against d.rket f.,r a.11ault ant I want t.. hold 11 •a.bfrrsing the tend e w Ul bs an la noon. The charge it you will depend rat " • to the jail, an. rhe the inquest. ' the tivo,$wst era NUM to the morgue 1 an autopsy i to determine the h. as then are ne ,tr1T muflbket tr y have strangled ling. or it may be disease and died nets jury. aftet f until trtaurroa 1 MONTREAL. .aha Floated ape e rimae- Montrea ,.Lm at at :tit � ;u JI.114 TM reefed at cot',. commit su *'Ick entity of oxalic Do hopes ere eo H.• has beer Ashton, the foot Pit r•.iibing F :l rberzlnr. of till ri on the charge EET CAR. 11s rooting and 1.d. hila jumping • wiser of Carlini 1,:, to -night. e 'teed his footless P front wheels him Instantly. FFIC. rale and Pro ed Abroad. ur still firm et hat still quote. ady, unchange.. a1: peas firm at She ala nl :.:ati it demand but 'o freight,. LTA. quiet. demom ly. torn dull. at 7s at, [tied Corn :l. ram M ::I'. Bacon. 4fht :ll .: short Chess, white • .':L: new 47. RY. lag cargoes - n. ail. Cargos, .morn. Mealy quiet: foreign Arm: Danube. good: mixes: Is :til: straight good cargoes to 941. was :F. 1, 3tts :tel, sat its firm. 1.iv I: corn. Arm]) sat -To L' k., qty chomp wore e: Mar+bfiekl. 1IOtl taxes a1 rket was very , when buyer. btainen sat rk were rot as i'P•r'ently de. e asing. The ^, an advance Items price that at least detained Got,.. .IS.1.11 horse s IMO wee has base a alas primal& 'ren•actlonn: Ifni axe. h*xe k see el Be1. •ar7 Weer teethes • THE HU RON SIGNAL, FRII)AYIUUiO. 1890. THE DOMINION IN BRIEF..1 NEWS OF THE WORLD i Best of A il Thera. DIasp...loe d tel, day, was over two sighs V Tessin. It is impacted that the a itbs oe ttat� meals. in Toronto will staelly bewailed. Vim Dogma 4 (Jtssbee, has gives birth to) ores girl'. Ibs wW realve the {Jewett bti*a 1. f ?Mer Deeeker, • farm band living snarl Hamllso., was k1Nsd by the k'eakfeg et aawap chain. The Aeal:h e.d Pram agent in (1M• seam that Sir John Mandenaki did out vote at the late elsstbs'. TM Maemer "Caspian," which has arrived at IfiaUtax, reports peeing large numbers u0 iesbaiyl ea the voyage west It Ili hew &aided to increase the staff of the Outarlo Lw school by th. appointments Of two additional lecturers. The gsbibgtcbocoer Mora of Halifax has been wreaked at Magdalene islands. The crew, all Canadians were saved. Urrrtethe, the Italian murderer, has heti captured In Ottawa. He killed a companion to the open street during • quarrel. The Convocation ot Toronto l.'aivenity was held this west. C'i•eoellur Host Ed- ward *slake delivered the annual 'Athena *.wart Tupper, ran of HP Charles denim that his father is cooing to Canada, as mat- ed by cable, to settle New (ouudl*ud's trouble. A number of Franciscan nooks from ?mace are exported to arrive next week W Ycstreal, where they will start a novitiate. Jesmes Jacques had hes arm *Lima severed trans kis hotly while working at a circular, saw in ea Oshawa f ctury. He will recover. Yomag's mill. N'iartum, was wally dr jubilee, the With anniversary of his elevation humbled by are @apposed incendiary: lose; to the dignity of archbishop in the Roots *4,1M10: inanrtd for $1,000 In lancaabtre and Ca, bone hierarchy. City ti( lw.w>.,n. A louden stockbroker's clerk named L. The boy `Teff, who wee burned at tbo eiao- fab was arrested on the eve of leaving for tion Leman at Stratford. u dead, and at the America. t ►u his person was found iF-5,000 Instance of the Crown Attorney an invstiga- worth of stolen boadu then will be mails. Your persons were kilted in (beta Rea The F►.k Jubilee singers have b ee.n treat- through an iron railing falling, while a reli- ct very badly in Nova !Scotia co amount ot glow proesesioo was passing. The railing their coke. Several hotels refused to receive was crowded with onlookers. niggers as guests. Fur hundred bosom were destroyed by During • thunderstorm which paned over are in the town of I►aksyee, tear Warsaw. Parry Soun., the house of J..hn Mol ies was Ten persons were Mined to death. The darer struck by lightning and his little daughter age to property is immense. Goeie instautly k1)0d. M. Cbnwtica, formerly {rune Minister of The Manitoba Land Tax full has been des nervi., is about to bring an action against elared ultra vires by the full court on no. his wife for divorce. Milan, the ex -king e[ count of the clause autir,rizeng the charge of Serola, b tumsd ae the oe-rspoodettt tea per cent, interest Three negrom, Tom Milks, Fletcher Holden Several washouts were reported last week and Henry Holden, were banged at linden, annelid by the terrible 'corns s T':» nowt Texas, for the munler of Jame McGregor a aurone was on the C. Y. R bstw,.•.t Owen white span. at Atlanta, Texas, in Ilecember. bead and Toronto. Mrs. Susan Ney, of Boston, aged 45, by _Thsims Cowen. blacksmith, Tyendiags, mistake, drank • glass of k monads in which oamn/Ibd asicfds by cutting his throat with 101015d ]tet.trychatne with the ioteatim aI a Haar. No carte V given. Hs flavor • Miring it hu her husband b'te died in • few wife and large family. A Ore on Raturday, supposed t. t» iaoends. The Duke of Orleans has arrived et iaver ary. at Mousoeln, in tits North-West, dr front Belgium. His father, the ('cunt ot struytd property to the value of Comm); i I Pans- and a put! fie Mt Mend+ awe itad blm upon the pier, and be was given a hearty re- ception hecaption Another .onfiict has taken place at Pres - tine, Mac'sd. ma, between Merriam and Arnauta Forty Serviette were killed and two hundred were matte prisoners by the Arrruta The House of Commons In committee on Tithes bill rejects -el it by :40 to 111:, • pro- posal arpuaal for an equitable revisi's of titbrw in Emil. Messing, of/bhas sulidsi le- accordance with the altered contition of bus - cause the flood carried ay his Toe hoose bawhry was mcls. whdch was stocked with ice to the valets of Mrs Rhoda Swayer has just died at Ows- ,000. He haves • wife and five children � tonna, Mian_ at the age of 101 yesra she A gang of burglars.. Ave in number, have was . cousin of C:eneral Robert E. Lee. sod been arrested at Cardinal A rumple -to kit site remeaiberei a vert uI General w nehols- at beefs was Mao captured. The rang had ton at ler father's home. eommitted several burglaries in the net1b- A 0rrib0 fight bas taken p Loo• in Momtaa•, Dor hood ; betwe n a bisty of reowbovsand a large band Advirev frau irydney, Caper Bre". stat* w Indians. The latter stole some four thous - that • strike is in progress among the work- and bud Pit cattle. The Indians were un- caw emp'oyed on the Caps Breton railway. ,mercifully slaughtered. Aa attempt to engage other mem uesrly led; In Quebec city the other day • golden wed - to a serious riot. Archbishop Fable hes bwite•1 a pastoral meted with the wens , .. .. as on the letter calling upon members of the Chunk r first marriage; and th. ims hackman con- veyed the party to the church. Mrs. Susan Ver. aged 42, of Roston, drank by mistake a glass of lemonade in which Moa -President Cleveised hes been elected • amber of the Century Club. The Eiglbb Chemed Tuned DW was *tad by a vote ue SA to itt Cholera Is rife at Usartab ,.a the 'riffle. A maitary omens has Ism pissed around the tow` The Seitisii (1 has resolved to adjourn Parliament .s the end ut July until the middle of lh;tub.r. Seem people weawdrowaed in Metes through Use apasttilg of • .atabual The party, all 7ate11 mea, were Seting. The American !troop@ .loeg the Mbxican trustier have been hearudad to ,boot tie Apache murderers on sight The l' .rts will send a . to Al- bania to :equity into the outrages alleged to have here. committed on Christi*. General Viscount Wuleeley has declined the chef cowmaud of the forces In India in succersimi to the Duke of l'annaugft )fir 1'bfllippa Fawcett, daughter of the late Prof Fuw,'ett, has fake. the hlgbeet booms at t .ciuteidge, Eng., University. Pnwident Carnot, of Fran e, has granted panwru to T2 . , mot to prison for offences in connection with recent Mnkee. The nortbbounl stage from Ukiah, ('aL, was rubbed by a loos highwayman. The robber secured $1,000 frau the Neth' Fargo box. Mr. Balfour is said to be preparing for p.bllc.tiou w America en article replying to Mr. Parnell's recant criticism of the Iron Land Purchase l.ilL Cardinal Manning celebrated his silver her Insured for about $4iI.000. 'Mertens estimated to he now over two b undred million feet of lumber in the river booms at Fredericuoo. N. B.. the largest amount ever there at use time Peter Davis the murderer of W I lase Emery will be bung in Belleville on Frd.y. The sheriff of Hastings is being Ileums% with applications to do the "job. - ding tau celebrated, the ceremony being re - yrs arrhdiaese of Montreal to do -.matin* ikttendin:; places cf amusement and excur` 5 on Sunday. Janes 1' 4 EH*ire. 'u. bier of the Erie Pail- there wee potson. She lnteaded her toad at Niagara Falls. has been misusing since to drink it, but by mistake the glace got June 5,14. He has just returned house, and changed 14be died in an hour. does not know where be has been. His ape Mra Marsh Randolph. aged 115. was arrest_ counts are all right•ed at Newcastle. Lawrence county, I'a , for R.-. J. R. (.undy, of Faerx Pentre• was trying to induce Samuel Kissinger to kill elected president of the London conference of Wm. S. Foltz, president of the Find National the Methodist church at Chatham by a 1335- yank, at that place. for #1.5c*1. A pies of j. city of i•1. Rev. Rigsby, formerly of Kindle insanity will be set up. vile, was elected secretary. Samuel Smith aced Jahn Saules of Micb- A stranger entered the resident•e et Gest. bgan have announced that on the 4th. Pit, Morula, Sarnia township, and stole #150. He July. they will *w:m a race tbnnigh the was pursued to the woods by Menai. and whirlpool at Nia,,.ira Falls. The rare will be neighb.'rs but hal amt baa° captured Meru» for $100 a side, which well just about pay had receives' the motley for cattle sold. their funeral expenses. Cough medlcfaes, Ayer's Cherry Peo. total le in greater deemed them •ver. bo prep•rattuu tor Thrust and Lung Troubles is so prompt la he elects. se agreeable to the taste, sad s0 widely inose, as this. it is the family oedl. sins la thousands of households. " I have .offered for year* from s bronchial trouble that. whenever I take cold or am sewers! to inclement weath- er, shows Basle byvery annoying ticklLoagg aeneetl00 1n the throat and by diiNeutty In breatkiee. I have tried • great many remedies. but mow don so well as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral which always elves omRt relic! In returns of my o mom sial Brame A. Heider, Inspector Public Reads. Parish Ter- re Butene. Ls. " I consider Ayer's Cberry Pectoral a most important remedy For Home Use. I have tested its curative power, in my family, many titers during the poet thirty years. and have never known it to tail. It will relieve the most serious affections of the throat and longs, whether in children or adults." - Mrs. M. G. Edgerly, Council Bluffs, Iowa. "Twenty years ago 1 was trouble.* with • disease of the lungs. Doctors afforded me no relief and considered my case hopeless. I then Began to use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and. before 1 bail finished one boffin. found relief. i coutiuued to take thee medicine until a cure was effected. i believe that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral saved my life."— Samuel Griggs, Waukegan, 111. •• Six rears ago 1 contracted a severe cold, which settled on my lunge and souti developed all the alarmiug syn toms of algkt sweats. bleeding lo( the lun• gs, pales in cheat and aides, and was so prsstratwl as to be confine) to my bed most of the time. After trying various prescriptions. without benefit. my physician Anally determined to give me Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I took it, and the effect was magical. I seemed to rally from the first dose of flits medic•iue, and. after using only three bottles, am as well and Mein.] as ever." - Rodney Jubnsou, Spriugncld, 111. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PREPARED BT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Masa. •old by all Druggists. Price 11 , ell Lot: co, ars DR. FOWLERS •EXT4-O' •WILD• TRRWBERRY CURES HOLERA holcra Morbus O Lr I C'aRa RAMPS It is rumoured in San Francisco that the Frderiek J .McLesd, an cx minister• trarui Canadian Pacific Steamship Company intends silty c•1 living with a woman in Cbicago res .rang steamer service b.twe a Vancouver ilea he bail ■ legal wife in Nova sootia, ha. awl San Frenriseo, the result of which. it v been aentertn4 to one year in the bowieof stated, w iU be a general slaughter of retest' correction at Chicago, tbe heaviest puniah- A young man named Owego Houghton anent provided by the statute. was killed on kit 2 cur. 14 Bogan, shout 19 In the British Rave of Commoes Use north from Mitchell. Ont., while ea- sir James Ferguaron, is reply to a at work kngging wieb Edward Ram- question regarding the Newfoundland die- Ths affair was the result of a quarrel. pure, tail the Government would readily rrIe, Ont, was flooded In . of mist to arbitration, but these were many [main drain caving In and rendered useless difficult preliminaries to be settled. or the charms ofd of the 1 During the progress of • ball et Arn.tadt, tall. The principal street et last arnumb Germany, a chandelier containing • Dumber two feetuwllr water. Losseatim•td•t of lamps fillet with poleviaum fell to the 000. floor in the midst of • crowd of daaean. Hare's foundry, Dingl.'s agricultural works Two ladies tun into the open air and were Coulthard A Co's agricultural works at burned 10 death, and thirteen otlwn were wa have been aheoat dmtroyed by de- esriously burouL which has come down the river with the The City d Rome, from New York for Al mused by resent ruins The Toe h Liverpool, during • deme tog ran on the this vi. iuit7 will reach MUM. Feltner rock and attatalned whom :damage, A despatch from Victoria, a c., says the Rut for the . . taken by tbecsptein, seal pirate in Itebring Sea areawl obs• with which he acted getting ahead of the United stats preview. when the accident occurred. • great fatality would have happened. Chart Framer, a ealooa entpkiye lm Balti- more, went down cellar lmeurda7 night to get • keg rot beer. Be ran against an electric light wire sad was killed. Iirma, hie em- ployer, mat to ser whet was the matter, and on touching P4asier's body was knotted senskm, bat was restored. WWI. fireman were swaged •xtlnguk+hiag • fire in • mall frame beildlag of the Peon- . ytvanie Globe and (iadtght company, .s Phlyddphtti the O*mes reached the storage, oases le which were twelve barrslt of peso Nae. A terrific explosion takers& Mess mea were caught in a shower toe btrdag oil and were badly earned. A asnbeh deputation wafted on the night Hos. Henry Chaplin, Peweat of the Hoard et Agricultural, sad asked *bat the restric- tions pieced epee the Impertattcse of Am- erican mteric an eat* heft Great Britain he modified. 1a reply Mr. Chaplin said the majority elf tuners favored the d tie n eae4eMw regulaUoaa, and he could mot hold oat sem hope of their modification. IA Dreads Chartroom, the t abilard QimaahwM.fr. mmMm��rstS rosy he the Dimrhmsut d Issas, towrtewe eslstl sant& la tleosAil► dim from Grwstla, rih'osem lues beam alae' Alan eta resit se fess Shur and Ilarberi= dsm•_-4 by the explosion of a gwaatiM et MO= kl� eta se the wsMs palest dynamites TM 4eaterdl7 wise was the . lit wee faslsutly NBA ♦ kw* wort ofMig,i, awe ft `b edMeveMss ChiaWr la the de ettaMay was Ile wawa Asea key ,-teas • ahwtsle had benglaa tutor isbdaMe wimp Web shat means d *_Miss by gr gay r all 4tgwgMuss. *Wag bM $7 era. wils elk wok. 1` h.e'.a. et die I arm.% l the i. Amiga 1 ssa `•f OILLEY & CO., Pnfrieten. Nemiltie. ties service by having • steamer to receive their catch a eking, too swift to be over- taken by the American gunboats A rnnnaway team collided near Walker - with • rig pied by Ira Benton Mn Litals of Mfildsto°•, throwing them out and badly injuring the tanner. rig was mashed to atoms The ladles the runaway teaming, but coats DW oat of the way. Jame Itafri, • country merchant from o.-., , arrived ha Montreal and after treamet- stem halos, was ready to proceed to He was met on the weft by a nam who played the meal game change scheme d Englktb money and ne- ed d the stronger of Ito A *re of a very atrium maters treks eat the Meetresl steak yards. Two sheds were destroyed, two mon dummied and 17 Lead d cat* wen lfiW sine eve Injured. Ices win arm mat to VA00; obverse by is obs Orem' Prink Rteet Os *ween et the made were Jar Aiken, Ropy ane A. Oleg oA See, Bremer- IARRIK A YSERTERY AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS iT IS SAFE PNC) P' '. A kLE FOR CHILDREN '' i THE BESTIARTH &CO. BAKING POWDER F1CT011, smuts to ((�j1cUElp{i gum Valves, "' " Ilea a Lead Pipe WU�IIIFried ►em1*t ►Mahe.. l.., $t1st Psays, af ere wl.d 1111,. amu. l5awatws, Oaky No Alum. sad Laasdr, UtMdM. Nothing lgjarue.s. toderich Steam Boiler Works Established ISe°. Chrystal & Bla srky ifTIIIFI Fi9UTRE. MonreceL. D.A.MGLLKI I.l S O° nIAN(l heal. .JNtNS(�Ftlhc ARMEE. VARNISHF SsAVANS 4SILVER MEDALS AWARDED MONTREAL CNADWICK' LBATHEROID SPOOLt !TEEL-LIREJ TRUNKS In rumple, 'mies'Lod .tl..ober ku.dt COTT011 > itis s^.atet For Hand arms!TRUNKS Machine Use. In the World. J. EYELEIGH & CO ITIS NO SUPERIOR. UPE1lOR MONTREAL, ASK FOR T. MM T.1sr ir. I 11'M HOTEL BALMORAL fONTREAliL. !tours Mme St_ owed the meet centred Wait elegantly furnished Theo:- la rue City. Acwa►vodatlen for 400 gnr.t., Rate. 1 O 17 U7000RtifF, St to al per day'. 1 , , V.si.a.fer PEARS' kbi Ws lar Ca:lia, J. PALMER R SON N'L.:1e.ale Datil ri of DRUGGISTS' SUUAORIES 17:3 VISE DACE ST., 100NTREAL .SOAP. DOMINION MEER >;OK.RD COMPANY. bfaauf.atwsn of AVIESTOSMILL BOARD steam Parkins, FRICTION PULLEY BOARD, ]"ajeje�}1rr/wf f ndioa RECKITT'S THE BEST FOR LAUNDRY UL.. PAPERS. wrapizg, LIENS R. • ice' .Q ALL v � SIZE$ ep oho `.% 44,, WEIGHT1 3 To ORDER // 44. a De9rucles SL Iib:.pFT, I1 tl OCs OMR ■ NOM, E JOHNSTON'S ll fU1nDBEEF 4 HE GREAT TRENGTH GiVEA PERFECT F000 Fon Tie[ SICK WARMING t. PVT*: MIS/kV:10 St A POW :Wet t4VIGORATCP PUBLIC NOTICE Another Targe consignment of Fresh Teas of superior quality. In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. REES PRICE 8 SON. Kay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. Goderich Foundry and Machine Works, RUNCIMAN BROS., - Proprietors. FLOUR MILLS BUILT ON THE LATEST IMPROVED SYSTEM. ln•i .t - ~epee a a laud••: o asr•+w•+••tom ae.ersee 00115 123105 r _M 01017. _ s!_w. may Mon tem• one. WE HAVE ON HAND FOR BALL: IMPROVED' LAND ,ROLLERS, HORSE POWERS, GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW CUT- TERS, PLOWS, &c. We are Manufacturing Improved New Model Mowers which are equal to the best. ve th m a trial and encour- age home manufacture. We Will Guarantee Satisfaction. It Will Pay you to use our new Steel Mouldboard Plows. Doty Engines and Boilers for sale. PAIRB SND CdSTINGlB OF' ALL MINDS. O -EO_ RRY The Furniture Dealer. is selling all Linda et furniture at the lowest possible prices. It is a wows* RR. es• sob. ser or well.I:nowo tact that Pie do drone RH re. lave Se Rein mom Y 0 las.• ow ewes 0 Rm. .5. ..n- ..r .ot taro ....4 r•• t..- gt..tw' .f u.. .4.wll-. 4 donna,* aria ew4 or W ow- ners. Tim csa.eei.e ,et wives ape powwow. Oa nicer to Manutactnren and dealers In Steam Boilers Balt fans Tanks, Host we, •iraov heroso,.nita.s.ttw.w.nw.:wy.sourise r ..•r•.r1..e._ . wwary Stook estacks. and all kinds of Sleet ..w,rkene+test..litwaRay at1••jw.a•,.wu•...e_ Iran N'Ork• RMt IM••Wert. L1 .15. V.l.0 rt^•`Y0i•sr••• drug.. improved Automatic cut -oft Coedits En. gine,. Upright and Horizon:al Engine., Ma- chinery and CVO iDip of every desieription. Braes Fitting*. Pipe acd Pipe Fittings con- etautly on baud. Mail orders will receive prompt attention. Weeks r Opp. 0. T. R. Mallen. Eh. Re1airs promptly attended to. P.O. BOX OW. Alf SCRAP IRON. The Aleut .rice in cash raid for ('est and Wrou;rht Scrap Iron. 1 hate on hand PLOWS & CASTINGS of various kinds. PIPE AND fi+ LL A ue GB, &C. R'areroouis near Victoria anon. e hnre'1. 07111.11... - heir u ABER. pe.U% a *Eta tow le om r tea well irdea.w 0 ersoo 4 aur. .the =tr.' .2 .eros. ors ream ie 1.see mew *so web wWily W ..4 ..es etMesseenesn e.. 'Om aweW .- Ind _ as _w .e7•. A. .w& roe .aha rawness we�t•�.M +� }� ,wFr,.,•_!• tames la •eleellawY.w/en,.moo awl We aalai_Mm~• Mae . Rid lbw •ma on ono week I oma w Ma.l 1.ammr ..'•eMawaw wa.�• HIRSTS PAIN EXTERMINRTOR HOUSEHOLD REMEDY. gtaea4Nss. *Mg. Dem 01r --t rlimiarsAmmer Sew . i Ire/r es Mk •essb hey �re•l relies eaew� srtM hereon, then tf pees. IMS set hetrf/.S1 14 gy l ` MaensmOrMMIMInellbtolletened �1N exesmeiVemal.reira.. am, ammo 11414Prelitheatell BUY ENVELOPES, 't NOTE HEADS, 11 LETTER PAPER. 4. Elll HEADS, ti Etc., Etc., at v THE SIGNAL' flf/TlCE. S=7-47-43fir. 1-' 1 PA_ for cash. He is also the leading Undertaker of the town. Embalming Flaw! always kept on hand. He also n ekes a,peeiatty of Picture Framing. (live him a call before purchasing Furniture elsewhere. and you will find out that ht does as he say►—sails cheap =OM CASI-3_ in thanking one and all for their past patronage he hopes to receive a rontinuance of the Baine. CPEO . BARRY, I -i amilton-st. NEW ARRIVAL - of Ism. oils l�'J `MlV's LATEST STY LLS. Remnanta to be Cleared Out. Perfect Fits sed Showy Shapes. H. DUNLOP 2187- The vest-st. Tailor. PLANING MILL The LATEST ESTANl1SNE0 I*55. Buchanan & Son, And BEST IS ANOV ACTr'RRR* —IN -- BASE, DOOR and BLIND Dealers la all kinds of LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES And builder's material of every description. School Furniture a Specialty Ott WU at "The SOl. AT THE SIGNAL. BRY ijanS WANTED �tELeIdrA�Buf PUSHING MIN Moen alai 'w Spleno 14 stock. 1nmlel• Role ori. My eklewnea have .... tv— men 1 s•tlles from $10n se $!S per week far Proof and TeetlmwW'. A —" Mag man wasted here at we. Li ernes •ail the best gam, la the Mrtat rite rev. E. YOUNG. Nare, rev. STYLE AND VARIETY • -0P SPRING McL E O D' S S� �tcii� lic1101111011 And Other Tested Remedies are becoming the Standard Medicines of the day. Parties calling or writing from all parte of Canada and the United? States for the System Renovator. It Deter fails to cure idioms, wok and impoverished blood. dyspepsia, rheumatism. leu e. f memory, bronchitis, consumption. gait stones, jaundice. kid- ney and urinary diseases, St Vitus' dance, female irregularities and general debility. Manufactered only by J. M. McLEI)D, Bole Patentee, better known as "The Old Doctor,") Newgate•st., Ofiderioh, Oat. The System Renovator is sold at 11.00 and $2.00 per bottle. SEASONABLE GOODS WILSON'S CAMPHOR leg. MALVINA CREAM. FOR TAJ, WALKER'S FRECKI.E DO:.''fROI F.R. ('RF.AM OF WITCH HAZEL. Foe HANI►tl AND FACL. ENGIN*. FMte4: R. A ARlN'a14 FZN�ST AT vv rt Preecrtrtion Dreg Mere. FINE PRINTING PAPERS AT SIGNAL GOOD ENVELOPES AT THE SIGNAL WEDGING STATIONERY AT SIGNAL 6000 WORN IS DONE AT SIGNAL THE TORONTO HOUSE, gratisc in The Sial. P- °.33E.461.' � Blauk No1�s al Sigh,