HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-6-20, Page 2THE HURON SIGNAL 1.1(11)AY, JI r E 20. A.
WT CLAkW TU 11. fl PL$T,
"Bat you have know■ me so abort a
ti1z.--oul7 siz week. -how w k possible
the yea tae lots nee 1"
How is it pliable 1 )Rather ask
how is it pom►bis 10 avoid 4 vita you 1
And besides, is it really tie very ineom-
preheosib10 Avfe 1 Yoe have known ea
lust the were *We et time, and yet -
yet --1 haw, t+_1&J to hope that yos-
that you le((• teat, dear. Ob ! Avis, is
the sweet hope tidal Have 1 deceived
myself 1 Or will you indeed a ufira it
by promising to be, some happy day, may
wife 1
tie would have caught and clasped the
fair girl in his arms, but .he, keeping
him back by s gesture of her little hand,
while her great dark eyes were tied with
be.eschiwg earnestness upuu his loos,
answered :
"It is not what I wish -or even what
you wish -that must be thought of, Mr
Roy, bat your mother -your mother,
who has bee• like • mother to me also,
so good, o geoeruw. '.`.'hat would she
A voids, tremulous yet *+ern, inter-
rupted her -a tort:• that mule them start
and tura in atone c,nfwio,.
"She would say that you are right in
cerise her, Avis, and that she is
glad of this proof of your gratitude ; hr
the rest, Roy Livingstone's mother looks ,
further than her owe family circle, and
higher than to • poor dependent, how- ,
ever good or fair, when she seeks a
bride for her only eon and s future mis-
tress for 'The Laurels.' Leave us, Avis.
I do not blame you, child ; forget this
folly, it had been no fault of yours. 1
will speak to you further presently - wait
in my room.
"And so," she went on, turning to her
son, when Avis, silently weeping, had
left them -"and In this is the result of
yo ur artist folly. You would paint my
pretty companiri's picture, forsooth,and
while so doing here stolen her heart and
lost your own. I might have Invoked for
this : I should have been more careful -
But do you hope that I shall tolerate
such fully t I overheard you ask the
girl, just now, to be your wife !"
"You did." The young man answer-
ed gently, but with a resolution that was
uomutatahle. "1 love her, and will
marry her."
"With.wtrayoneeent }_._kill
mother's bleevin: ? Is this the affection
-the duty of n'v own child ' My will
set at defiance- a
He put his arms around her.
"I shall sever set you at defiance. t
mother, and least of all for Avis s sake. a
she is too gr.od, too sreently attached to c
you, t : do aught that could wound you. u
But will you not have for us,
also, muther ? We 1.re. Avis has
to you as a daughter always : let it be s
mine to make her so, indeed. Where •
could yo•1 ever and a child .,, truly yours T
--whose mind is ..f your own pure train-
ing ? I love her with a love that will not h
change. l'uleas you give me Avis fn a h
wife 1 shall not marry."
"Aosurd "' Mrs Livin.stot.e's
flashed scornfully. ' When our gat
arrive today you will find many far
perior to Avis. A f,undlin_ ' It is
her poverty- we are ries enough -
her birth.'
..% a know nothing of it, and I c
uothiug. It is herself I love.
"Listen, Rey. The lady's proud f
softened as she laiI one white hand
her son's shoulder, while his arm s
around her fondly. "Yuu are my o
child ; all my hopes are boutd u
you. Let us not ivarrei about this 1.
0 ish girl. She is dear to me, also.
us take time to think. Compare
girl with others. When our quests
tone. if you are in the same mind,
will see what is best for ail. Will
promise •
"Ti wait for your consent until t
guests are gone f Yes, I can prom
that. "
"And meantime not to speak of this
")'hat's harder, mother. ifut if y
will tell her that y.0 may consent, I w
obey you
"I will tell her every word that
reseed between us," said Mn Lori
And she meant to keep her promise.
But Avis w ti not waiting for her, as s
had expected. The girl had gone to h
own room, sending to Mrs Livin:atone
piteous little message of excuse H
head ached. Might she he all' wed
keep in her own chamber
The lady smiled.
"I will set her heart at rest t•.•m
row." she whispered. "Ail will be w
to -morrow.'
But wh to tont'•rrow came a sad s
ptise caws wjth it. Avis had disc
bad grow. .o rare, stole to hie hNr said
shone like • light is ►w His moth-
er, machine him, .sails/, too, well
"1..h. oot besetif.11"eke wbi.pttled
to him. "kite woad map a htr nerd
imam. geese fee The ljwesltl, Rol
MO the gloom ness Msit to his lea
OS he ifsewered,"Ril .e*g
Vises woof (BIS
year ego. 1 have •=kkaart Acrd
memo. transfer they o'
'Roy ' cried that slew, worry
of Ito.* Brandon-`'Moy,ha,e you
u p painting I Y mimed to be a wabt
Ooty • year ago, I remember, you
enthusiastic about some picture that
(c. brtog you lemon Whet has beam
u i Are yrs an artist nu limiter('
There was silence for a few *ecu
then Roy an.wered,.luietly and gray
"I painted the picture, but n
pet it on szIubit►so. My mother
it in the library. I have never
since. '
A kind of chill fell on the arm
instinctively they felt that they were
dangerous ground. Even the beat
happy voice tout a eater tune as
questioned, gently
"May I see the picture, Roy r'
He acre without • word and led
way to the library, the questa all tol
ing, led by Rose Brandon. Leet o
came Mrs Lnsng.toue with her
friend, Mn Grey. • fair, sad wit
with silver hair. She was a great 1
lid; an le grief had pre
upon her heart for years and br
down her fragile body. She leaned h
ily on Mrs Livingstone's strong arm.
"What u the picture'" she asked
"The portrait of one whom I re
and loved as my own child; and w
we unaccountably bat, °tried to an
happy ling. She was
lovely creature, and was to hare
Rey's wife. tometimes I fear he
never marry now
13y this time they had reached
library. (lf the many paintings on
wall only one was concealed by a h
curtain ; Ito y drew the crimson f
aside. An excla nation from Mrs 0
and Rose Brandon. and a murmur of
nitration from all the rest, bore witn
to the loveliness of the image that
Mrs Grey pressed ()retard eagerly,
weakness seeming for the time fore
ten. She leaned on Mn Livingsto
trembling violently. her quivering
letld•, 1
I sever .host►t of yea She had lett
ahs said, in order that he might fora
Imo Shinano me ..'a reforrmce her ow
former merit Mea.. who, while otiose
lag for Aria `oee7 wey.ilesh.sd to tell
s.ythi.g that She girl had lett ssmissaled
k. she *sae* we, sad dwelt with
ever aloes 1 islet and .tad, poor child,
but safe amid ki.dly eared for. I left
her at hong with 14. and mother whoa I
name away, 13he i. there •tow.«
Roy L ylM•ko.e ca.gbt bur heads i
hie and pressed than to his lips.
"God blew yak Rosa r be cried
hoarse with trmotiw. "Toe hare gives
me back happeness and lova Mn (Frey
I will brag your daughter to you. 1 gt
by the train that leaves is half an hour
before nightfall you shall fold her i
ads ; your mom Adieu, all !" and he was
sly . gone.
has The dusky gray of an autumn twi-
paiatad light filled the lamely school room that
aftertiaoe, bet occasionally fleshes of
?•n: light, from a small but cheerful fire, fell
on on lbs •loader girlish figure that sat be
sty's fore it iu a low arm -chair, her soft, pale
she cheek supported by one little hand, her
eyes fix on the glowing coals. A
world of longiog love and food regret
the was in those great dark eyes, that saw
low- not .hat they waxed apex, but were
1 all looking far away into the past. Think -
old ing of Roy -always thinking of Roy •
man. where was be 1 How fared het Had
n1*- be forgotten Avis 1 Alas, poor Avis
ed could not forget ! Hark ! what was
..ken that 1 A footstep s1' the La!l outside
oar- the door. Nothing in that to make
the eyes so bright and the pale cheek
her. flush to vivid crima.0 ! Ah ! but it
ared had eounded like Roy's fo..trlep. Roy`•
horn footstep -hers -what idle dreaming !
un- What str$oge tricks fancy played her
• oftentimes. She could clear her eyes,
boon and hide her face in her bands, as now -
will now, partly for shame at her own fund
folly --and fancy, oh, such things !
the Fancy The Laurels her happy home unce
the more, and Mn L her kind
e'•v7 adopted mother ! Fancy Roy's tender
R.mor•e i• •..•...
luu..•eot 1.,.r 1. .. q.ovn•1
Praia* it ,... . • Well • ..1 ,•„1
Budget, i•,.. .. .4 ,t.
Paha.** ...d 1 , .ntr a•• q•.es
OeuwsWanty i. .,,tin cwt pad Who.*
• imitatr.,n.
A womeul'. sh. ugh. is passo.h's peso
• leg knell
You can reset. •.,,pi.hts only auk ..
=sane, ball
Raper*. c.. •e.. h• • .I..wty •.•d ..t cite
n oust of mistake.
Everybody'. huge %aid ro..u. open,.
into all out downs.
Grief a.uuls the second., Lappu„".-
forgets the h•,ura
'untie and loving look ; recall the very
rey words he spoke -his earnest tone -his
ad- sigh
we What was that ? That was not fancy,
was surely 1 Si.. act quite still -her face still
covered by her hands -and listened ; a
her sigh bad sounded cb,ss beside her,
0t- bre tithed like the very echo of her dream;
nee and now a voice -oh, heaven, what
Ilps ccige ! whispered her name.
✓ ise "Avis ! look at me, Avis
She turned -she rose -gazed for one
•s moment in his face as if bewildered; then
es. with a cry of love and joy unutterable:
in "Roy ! my beloved sprang to the arms,
tom on the breast o.f her true Inver.
17• "You have found me she cried.
tie "You have found me '"
f "Never' t.. hoar you again, Aris:
Ir, Never again ' '
-a "And your mother ' '
7, Her great eyes searched his face time
et. idly, anxiously.
"She will welcome you as 1 do. We
1. shall part no tot re. You will learn,
to dear, that she never meant to part ua.
ee And anrther waits for you. Oh, come.
love, to the heart that aches to welcome
'tr you -to the arms of your own true moth -
rt. :"
Toe portrait of a hraceful girl, fair
lily -dower; the lovely, wistful ey
with a world of loving tenderness
heir midnight depths, looked out f
tace of exquisite beauty, bat as leo
lear and pale; a tender, dimpling ern
gin the scarlet lips, a trailing spray
scarlet bl,eaows in the blue -black ha
been soft and glossy as the raven's wing
imple robe of white, and on one love!
n .wy arm a curious .olden brace!
his was all.
Mrs Grey stood like one entrance
er agitation visible to all. Her delica
ands were tightly licked together, h
breath csme in quick gasps.
eyes "How like : she "1*
eats strangely like : In heaven's name, w
au- isshe f'
not "My adopted daughter,' Mrs Lirin
but stone replied, for I;.�y nad turned an
so silence, overcome by the sight of t
are beauty he had loved and I.at. "Tavel
years as I took her -thee five years o
ace --from a poor old h,herman dose on t
on Beach, three or four miles away. 1
tole had rescued her from the sea un t
my night id • great scam, two years befog
p in and had cherisbed and cared for her is
ole derly : nut finding sickness and old a
Let fast robbing him of health and .trengt
the he sought to tinct a friend for his Iitt
are gal -in cue. lwag;nation cannot pictu
we anything loreher than the child w
you then. I loved her at lint sight,and has
loved hor always. I adopted, educate
aur her, and brought her up as my own.
ire ' have the clothes she wore when she w
' found, but they furnish n clew to h
to parentage, but on her arm, clasped tirmi
above the elbow, was a bracelet ; it tit
ou her slender wrist now : you see eh
all wears it in the portrait ; upon it is
single word -the old fisherman took i
has to be her name, and so called her ; w
ng- never changed it. 'A :is was the word
and 'Avis she u ruled -'-
t cry from airs Grey interrupts
he her ; she sank i1.':n her knees before th
er picture with outstretched arms.
a "Avis she cried. ''My child -it is
er my child ! Fourteen years ago the cruel
to sea washed her end her tether from my
i arms. The wave• restored him dead,
but she was sten no more. Where is
r- 1 she --oh, where is she 1 And the clothes
ell ' she wore 1
She sank back into Roy's supporting
Ir- arms speechless, almost insensible. Me
to Livingstone hastened from the rom,
returned ly with the little
meta►, Weeping with love and joy
long bereaved metherldentiti d them
Blessed he the merciful !leaven that
kept her safely, and restored Ler to
after all these years ' And you nig
red, turning to Mrs Livingstone,
.w shall 1 thank you for your lore
care i (1h : bring her to me. Let
clasp nor once more in my arms.
y do you hesitate ' I atn strong
ugh. joy does not kill. What is itl'
continued, wildly, gazing with grow -
fear upon the pale, averted faces of
her ani son. "Has harm befallen
child 1 Have 1 found her only to
her 1 Alia! my daughter: Where
he '"
ore Brandon sprang to her side.
Be calm, she cried. "lvis is safe
well, N , harm has come to her.
en to me. I can tell you where to
1'oa It was Roy that spoke.
,t know Avis 1"
knew her well, but I have never
n, until this moment, of her cott-
on with this family. Why have
kept your Ines and grief a secret,
1 1 coild hare helped you hs.. 1
n your Irouhlea, long ago
tis needy a year sine. she came to
in answer to so advertisement for
sic governess for little ids Moth-
s sick when first she ealled, and
gtient Iy i received her. She was e0
beanufol and insolent, and yet sn .ad
and friendless, that my whole heart
went out to her (sows the Son. Rhe
in. the simple stony .1 her adoption
e nd of Ray's Inve and here, bet
.heel mentioning a single name, se that
g' Only one month later a brilliant trid-
de al party aroused t.. joy and mirth the
he slutnbering ech^es of The Laurels.
re And who s, fair as Avis, the sweetId
bride, with her troup of lovely brides-
he meld•, of whom lt,se Brandon laughed
le and blushed, the merry chief ? Who s,
he rich, so proud, so happy as Avis now t
e• Avis, the Foundling, found, indeed. at
° last, and by her own true mother. Avis,
Qe the Lott, restored to all wh.. loved"aod t
h, mourned her. Avis, the joyful bride of 1
le the generous, noble lover, who in the
re days of her poverty and -
as in spite of time, and absence. and silence,
.e and desertion -loved her faithfully and •
d truly to the last.
I The t stint Teed.
as As a large toad raked up recently in
er i my garden blinked in his friendly saw,
y 1 tnentally congratulated myself on lav- h
s ing such a useful assistant. Toad. may
e be 1 by keeping about tha b
a garden small pieces of boards of old
t shingles, held two or three inches from 1
e the ground by blocks c r atones. Ile-
, neath these shady retreats our homely
insect -destroyer deliehts to squat while r
d p'y.ng his trade. Boys and girls, be f
e g..od to the toads. In France the d•
0overnmeot maintains small lettered ha
boards informing the people that toads g
and some other reptiles and insects} r
are among their hest friends, anti what 1r,
records they have made. -- Experience. E
When h ve itsslf
more It u gray to be "sur. meet Indiscreet interest in the fortunes of
To be rah is to he bold with. u. the opponents of the then in
shame and without skill. power. Every one knows, too, how before
c en can etre tie
velem during the electiwr• he displayed a
A re. Jude. raper Charges taws Qs.en'.
M.rreseetapr. With Seng a Renee
oar hese p..bs• rsrats.e-11.w tae
matt 1*. I• Invaded.
Sr Jose's, Nfld., June le. -Tb. H•e.M
Mara* the rasa of Beverw O'Brien It
says: Sir Tar..'. l .'Bras hos not the as -
wear to understand the difficulties of our
po nsioa, the heart to sympathise with the
dtatmss of this people he is called w guvere,cr
the ouuras. to advocate their clams m that
quarter whin- .lore they Ian be redressed.
but worse Mau all that be has incurred the
vsbesas,t'movies of being s violent parti-
san of • political party Iivm before the
general elections he took no pains to ou°onal
the dhllke he felt to his constitutional ad-
Brant but one ng.•ry to us, we can
nothing by death.
Do you kit •w what duty is 1 I
what •e erect of others.
Revenge is always the weak plra.
of a little, narrow mind.
The power of couteniplatiuu ere**
Reprove your friend s.. secret,
praise him openly
The true university o! these days i
oollectl30 of books
What appear to be calamities are of
the sources of fortune
Our greatest glory is not in never
ing, but in rising every time we fall.
Every duty, even the least duty,
wolves the whole principle ot obedsen
Practise in life whatever you pray f
and God will give it to you more anis
To be agreeable in society 11 is nec
tory not to are and not to remem
many things.
There are many indications of wor
but Dr Low's Worm Syrup meets th
in every case successfully. 1m.
Harsh counsels have no (trial ; th
are like hammers which are always
pulsed by the anvil•.
I.sw a. _Bnlph,u Soap u in elate
toilet article, and cleanses sod pun
the skin mart effectually. Imo
Heaven leaves a touch of the angel.
all little children, to reward those alio
them for their inevitable cares.
( occasional doses of $ good eathar
like Burdock Pills are necessary to k
the blond pure and the body healthy.
Trouble puts up a great many pack
and you must carry some one :.f the
There is no sandal so thick and well a
pasted but scum the: rn will strike Ihruu
it .
Enrich the blond by the use of M
burl s Beref. Iron and Wine, which au
plies the necessary blood building mate
at. 1 sit.
11'astefulnese is a sin. %Chat se ba
we haveon trust ; we are stewards, n
owners. and it is our duty to use all et
conscientious discretion as the 1'ropnet
Why allow your life to be made mise
able by buzzing insects when Willem
Fly I'ads will anrihilate them and git
you peace. Try them. S old by all dru
gists. Im.
Patience strengthens the spirit, sera
ens the temper, stifles anger, eztsnguis
es envy, subdues wile : it bridles th
ongue. restrains the hand, and tram
es upon temptations.
Many think that sleep is lost time
But the style of your work will I
mightily affected by the style of you
lumber, Sound Asleep is the sister
Wide Awake. deep a not a .ubtree
ion ; it is an addition.
1. s. Sir Hobert Tburburn', ramie-neut./1 be was se-
rudowed to consult with Sir William White -
way upws matters of state and too take
I is his opinion in defiance o.f that given by his
Executive l'«unm'iL 1t' is equally notorious
urn that he suppressed front hu ks.euIive all
knowhedg• of important despatches which be
l y
had received trent the Colonial fake and
held them over fur the ,tirwderatiuu of the
new Council.
and :t.. bitter and a partisan was
be that his late advisers unanimously signed
• • • formal protest agema hint and ferwar1•.l
tt to the (Wound t illi. -e Sir Ter•um t t'Brwen
too would make • bed t;overuer of Newfound -
laud, even in the piping trines of peace, but
in this e'awit of trouble and danger his pre -
Ail smoke.. us Imperils not ..Wy the
free.iom and prosperity of the rk.uy but
in the honor and d omtnion of Britain herself.
ce %1,'e complain t.f hint because he has in-
variably •aenflowl the immanent interests
or, of Newfoundland t, the tmndsU•te
I'd- and teaaporary necessities of lmp.er-
nit pdicy. We eomplain of him
es teases he has permitted himself to be enrage
bur a pliant inatri:nent 'i the hands..( the leader
of • political fa.•ton in the country, hut
ms, ur newt serious grievance against bun it
that he has e.,udoawf the most outrageous
eta tele 44 fore" •u prion
V ai„ upon our soil and
ey At this critical juncture the unaccredited
rr • agent of Frame has anpr.arh.•.l far Gen near
the gar of His Excellency (ear the safety °f
ret no. .•,dont or the maintenance of British
suareutacy ..ver it
Evading the Salt Lar.
in Sr. J.nN'-. Ned . June l,i --Many ingeni
ut "tit shifts a'id .ewer have toren invented 1.
evade the pr.evisiuns of the fait sot, but the
.•leverrwt of them all e. the following: .4
tic Newfoundland creel procures a license in
err) one of onr I•.rts to carry cargo, herring t.:
1 Beater.. She takes her load on board but
• ander fall. prteu.e ref .trees of weather
in. she deviates ' /r•sn her nein. and
d- .11s at St. P Terre. A• ,..,n as
g alt. arrives there she is attached unser pro-
tege of the French court (..r an shag...1 debt
il• to • St. Nene trader ,,g course the. debt is
purely fictiti.ua Under ..rder o1 tide court
p the cargo of (scarring is ,..i.1 in St Pierre at
r' public auction and • large pr. -e as reitheel.
The slap is r•b•n...l errdu thr the•
ve reptant !rw'kets the 'posts and the law..ef
"t N..wfusmdlan.lare .u',•eesfullyevnd,•1 Thi.
th trick ha+ been p-rfonneil several tinges. It i
or is a •..•nom. natter when the pr.r-.... of a
forur n ....art 01 justiee t. avasl.sl of to evade
✓ . the po..titr enaetmcnt..1 a tinted legit
s latus
SHl[LD's OA►TUtetO.
1IWs t er Gamer' Danah When Tay*
hese Cursed) -.Aa loners Segue.
Ealtu os hem la, -.At daybreak thls
warming iesherlsb , was to ••igset.
.d d hang re+os+ble liar aid Joseph
Urinate' Mab, wee eapeased, He was row.
las is the match sad when he saw the pole►
meati be ppm a sport and pay them a rase.
Before b. W gone eery far be was
overtakes Tb. polio* .d hits, •
proceeding to which ghhelde objected, aad
they put bra, into their heat and rowed hitt
to 1la.tteu'a The primmer weediest. but he
was surprised when be ewe Wormed that
Grimm was dead At that tame he did not
dsey that he struck the old sera H. kept
quiet mad let the oumuabiwdoeMthe telhlwg.
1t appears that tlbaeids rowed away la the
boat atter It. lett the husks. la W drunken
cosdltion be was not capita* at rowing tc
the boat -house, so he f.a Wisp sed slept
par.fully until daybreak, ignorant that be
would he atrrsted for killing Grimes. UFe
was on his way to Bastion's to return the boat
when he was arrested.
The pollee took 1111.ld. to Ito. 8 pollee
dation. He was ushered into court with the
other penmen this morning. hut refused to
•..siale with then, preferring to sit aloes
on the .,rood beach. H. i. • sharp and
rather gaol-k,oking young negro, between it
and 3111 years of age. H. is very black and
when he budded bime.lf bb • carter of the
dock, wbk-h was rather dark, all that could
be seen were his flashing eyes. He was cool
and when the other came were being tried
he sat with his hands in his pockets and
appeared to he interested in the procsedtage.
Chief McKinnon informed hire that Grime.
was dead, and Shields pretended that be had
not heard the Wows until then. He told tin
chief that Ire dM not drik. (:rimes after bs
threw him of, the Auer in the presence of
Mrs. Hedge. There wee a charge on char
docket against Shields for amaultiig Mrs.
Hedges, hut it was ea n much more serious
obarge that les was retnnndled.
When the other ease. were ttniabed ('beef
McKinnon said. "There u • charge against
Zechariah Shields on the d.rkee for assault
ing Mrs. Hedge.. At present I want to hold
Item on • charge of murder.'
Police Magistrate I'ah.11 .a1lnw.ing the
primmer "hue you understand
Shtells .11.1 not say a word
Chief 31.•Ks°am• "There will la an In-
quest at '_ ,e'cl•.•k chi. afternoon. The charge
that will 1.e brought against you w111 depend
upon the result of the. inquest."
Shiri.l. was then removed to the jail, ant:
will n-,uetu then- until after the tnqued.
This morning .lir body of the ,1+ws.1 we.
taken teen lira Hedges' house to the morgue
at the city h,yrtal Until an autopsy i.
held it will 1e inpese,bl• to determine the
exact enuv of thistles' .death, as there are ni
narks ..f violence ori the Ludy su1Rcueot tr
roue death. Shields nay have strangle.
hire when titer were struggling. or it may he
that the old man had heart disease mud died
frrn the excitement
This afternoon the ...tuner. jury. after
vteassugthe b•dy,adj. gime.'until t- m..rrow
night et
The New :Ica ger 1 mint. Lunn I-1.,alr,l a,
f,3 -Attempted suicide.
Mocraz.to. June 1.: -The new Montre&
can haw been,guat,-1 in Lu.b'n ■1 "at .•v
per cent. The win "out is 11:.•ia,,,s•t Tbt
an of,two years ago was effected at et: .
11. 1'. Wood attempted to commit suicide
to -day by swallowing a quabtity of oxalh
cid. He is still alive, but no hope. are en
.rtained r f
is recovery. He has Freer
nnkiug heavily of late.
Brady. laird, leeein and Ashton• the font
rly in the year, will he trawl oti the charge
f conspiring to commit logo •n� .
London Pointer Misses NI. rootlet ane
1. Instantly Killed.
LONnnr, c int.. June 1.1-W1'btk jumping •.1
reeving street gar at the corner of ('arhn1
std Baehmend-streets at r', b.night.
painter mune.' F:. Fiehlen missed his fc•.tine
1.1 fell under the rag. The front where,
riled ..ver his bdy, killipg him instantly.
railing /"ewo,re• of the germs am Pro.
dare Mnrkeis at Hume and Abroad.
TennNT.., .Imre 1:. - E:gs aro still firm at
`c to l:k. Ituttrr is .came but still
1''c to 1:.•. Wheat is steady, unchange.'
prim: barley purely nominal. pas Ilan at
k' on Northern and r1.' . Ms llanl: oats
ten at Nb to air: bran in fair demand but
ot much offering. 512 Toronto freights.
I.1VP:avant. RARCrTi.
iivrrpn�.! re(srta: .Cheat quiet. firman.
or; hoiden triter moderately. torn dull.
demand poor. Spring wheat 7s :Id, rd
nter ;s, No t ('a1. 7. 1 1-:k1. Coro :is sol
em :s til. Pork .ts ode lard :tis. nacos.
.trig clear. heavy, (lie &I; light ate: short
heir _hs. rot. Tallow Yd. 9141 Cheese, white.
I, rats: new 1f,: colored, old, L:L: new 47i
t- ' 1 Ft AU,. June lti.-
File Smith of lo. over r,•
i\ Valve, the lia11aa .Telt embezzler. of ev
The Winner to tee Pitted Against t«dfrey-
or K arero-- .1 tare }lighter.
h- 1 sod Jai Italy of Nhilad 1 b f .
toruow c-bara.!raetrnsed .1 roi,toi'tgt F
.• p is cud rt to-
e night iu the .trlingten Athletic Clio fora "•
to purse of ers.e, and the• club lot %Valiant 0
Muldoon. siii.1b's traitor, east un the
e. outside that Idly would wow. A party of
of, •s, suciudue,; Muldoon, I•i.bt It.ch•, Al .t
r , smith. Ha:y Meloy, J:mmy 11'•eely and
4 I Phil Lynch were prsa•ut tr•ru New Fork
. t City.
Smith knocked out f•aly in six conning. a
• Daly was outslaewl from the start. The
• w inner will prvetably Ix- pat"' against t:o,l. at
trey. the• c°lon•1 fighter .o1 !tend. er Jek.•
1 Kalrate. That matter nests in this way. The
Puritan .tthlete. Club of long Island City
stands ready to offer a purse of #sat for a L
go between the winner at Ituffalu and t.ed-
✓ )'int r /ted -Smith 1..1 and Toady tried for 1
the will lout didn't reach After geed! in- at
Evils in the jo;lrney of lite are like th
ills which alarm travellers upon th
✓ oa.l : they appear great at • distance
ut when we approach then: we find tha
hey are far less formidable than we .tar
Merely s"wree-
Tn rr1F l.nrroc .-Please inform you
eaders that I have a positive remedy
or the above °awed disease. Iiy its
mely use thousands of hopeless case.
vee been permanently cured. I shall he
lad to send two battles of my remedy
65.1 to ■rey of your readers who have
.nsumpti,n if .Ley will send me their
xpre.s and 1 .O. address.
Respectfully, Da T. A. Sto• : .r,
161 W. Adelaide et., Toronto, t 1 rt.
neat Tey With Tear Lye..
Many people are troubled with itching
es and try all sorts of washes. The
e is one of the moat valuable organs of
e body. Unfortunately for areleh
manicy, it is also one of the most de -
ate. It does neat pay to trifle with at.
e best way to treat itching is to use •
I, weak salt water wash every few
urs. 1f this does no good, go to a
yaici•n who makes a specialty of eye
teeases,- New York Journal.
tdU.r Pesabtr.ea
the Delhi 1.p..., f' r -a well-known
irnalist-says: ''I consider Burdock
.•d (titters the hest medicine ►node,
d would not he without it on any
mint. It should be kept in every
use in the land. 2,
• Bleach for the Swank.
There is an old fashioned preparation
ich ..ur grandmothers made for
itening the hands says the New leak
Freer, Two cakes of old-time brown
nd.or, soap, a wineglan of (legman
nen* and a wtneglase of lemon juice
red. In a day or two the liquid be-
e incorporated with the soap so that
mixture could be no 'sided into a
e. Tbnmgh old, this is an admirable
partition or bleach f.,r removing stains
m the hands.
peareot, but
"That ) 'nay not cause gill grief . r gar
pain -you who have hem t•. me a true the
mother -i fly from a temptation that all.
would to ye too strong if 1 remained. ,
When I am gone your son will seo.n for- has
get me. 1 prat+ God that he may ---fur me
hie sake. But i shall not f• rget, nor fns
cease to love you. Farewell, dearest "hi
friend.. 'Furciv• year little Av 1.." and
This was all ; and she had gone -leave rd*
Ing n.. trace, tnakin: no further sign. Wh
In vain Roy sni:!rt f •r her, even with enn
the help of detertiees: having left home she
and come to the city for that purpose. inc
while his mother, no less anxious for the mut
safety of the lost girl, made what excuse my
she could to her assemble( greets for hit lose
absence. .)her month of weary search. is a
ing he returned, heartsick and discour- It
• N news,' he sai.1, in answer to his and
mother's *naives q•lestione ; "nor will List
there ever be. 1 have lost all hops of find
Ending her."
A year had passe,( since gentle Avis "I
disappeared, and once more • gay party know
of merry guests made The Laurels bright need
and cheerio(, foremast among them gnu
Rae Brand�,n, the beauty and heiress (goy
and Mlle. A great termite was she know
with stately Mrs Livingstone, and there "1
were not wasting those who named her us,
as the future mistress cf the splendid • mu
hot somewhat gloomy house which her er w
beauty and joyous latiahter male so e. mew
.area R,y Livingstone "s brow,
ich the aloud of dwpp,i.leaent
egret had grown habitat!, shared
hat m his afloat -eyes look in her
proud loveliness; sed es its list«w"
her Mhmiltd talk, MN antis, that
C. C. kp H.etcn. & Co.
Vire.-I was formerly a resident of 'ay
, 1'..rt Ls Tour and have always used t
Minard's Liniment ito my household. and i hn
know it to be the best remedy for ewer- (Ii
cenctes of erdioary character. m
Norway, Me, JO.EI'H A. prow•. co
to wh
and r
M to
Abeat •eapwal.bg. +I t►f
scraps cf fat meat and "dabs .•f spoil-
grass have been added to the soap- 1 .t
years. Why not obviate all the un- ah
• pleasant part of soopmaking by letting T,,
of lye and throw the 111110110 in that from nal
day to day ' It will always be sweet, and when soapmaking time arrives more lye nam
should he added. and all boiled up to. tha
gether. Thus rine will have clean snap cai,
made of sweet material. -- A rhea.
The Polities! filleallea
Has not materially changed within the
bun year, but Wilsons Wild Cherry is
bectornine better known foray week se a
MI* for Coughs, Colds, Whoopine
Cough, Croup, Loss nf Toicie and other
&Mations of the Thmat, Cleat and
Lange. For twenty years this reliable
mediate' hae hem used is moons of
laminas with the greatest Nees* Sold
by all druggists Oet the geseie• is
whits wrappers sail,
A child may be suffocated by • tad
attack of Croup. Wileon's Wild Cherry
gives immediate relief and quickly mires
Croup, Whooping Coush, Cold in the
Head, Firosehitie and similar diseases. '
Om a bottle and keep it la the house, it
may save your child's life as it has dcae
is many emas. It is en pleasant that
children bake it like syrup. For
sad Odds in adult. it has no erisal.C°1118t
the geasine ia white wrappers.
fighting Smith got the toyt el it and *cored in
a push down before the round Amami. r•
See..nd round -This woo gi VP and take. fi
Smith snitch the harder blows and seemed n
t.. have Daly at 611 merey. He :planted
a riglot Minder on Italy's mug that dazzled
Thiel mind -it veto elearly appwrent that
Daly was I. Daly clinehed to ui
avoid . fie was kneeked down p
and lay several 'moments before his seconds 1
e4411,1 izet hint on lox fei.t again.
urt h r. end -Smith Inroad (hay at
the outlet hit" hi. corner and into lin ed.
e hair. where he int pmecless. Then Smith
let him get up and walk to centre. e. that
before Daly was fairly on his feet. Cries. of on
"foul- were heard and the referee warned no
end wetal have get another if Daly 'tad got „In
up in tinie.
Fifth round-Rruith sent Daly to gretind MI
teeth round --Daly was again knocked and prase
posh.' down until the ch.e. of the num'. Xs
emit h struck more blows which were alleged erre-
to he foul.
Seventh round -Daly was knocked down Ile,
repeatedly and finally' on a clinch, when
Smith refused to break away at the referee's n
order, Delyfferconds tried to (faint the nen ti„,
os a foul for their man, but the referee die- 1•••
allowed it, omit Italy failing to come to centre km,‘
gave the fight and purse to Mmith.
EA Smith's mune it familiar to the follow- corn
ere of the prias ring in the east, for the brash
moon that be, to all practical porpoise, ma
once wt. If VIA Oreoug• IA Itioneho, the mow
"Marine," in 'newt order at lienrer lit411 niung
little or nothing known of the young man. co,
Re wee born in F.ngliand 94 years ago, pipc
SIM& 5 far inehes high, and whom in two
ecindition weighetTh pounds Halo probably
se plucky and game a fighter as any
who era slispped hito the ring. Nobody Is ism%
more enthusiastic over his abeffty as • pug,- Lit
lest than the inan who Meeks bin traitaleig,
II•nutroat, June -On dares of elate 17 Ines
hag Jame Denied in the heck the Prohni retell
jrje=salsorierel. The 'poem
heat. quiet 101.1 COM. Oil. Career,
pitaaage- it heat, slow ; open. steady
rk Lane- English wheat, quiet; foreign.
tot; flour. inset 1 ye : spit, g. grid: Miller:
merican corn. 17e11.1 17. ad; sinsigbi
ntieriota !bile To, was :Me, good carries
without wilted, .gr titis 9411,, was :tie
nt end following month, :154 rm, wet
41. French erountry markets finn.
utralo reporte: Mane of chrome were
vzilentr.kla,114e1541/4,!tkare nivat inesii,e;uxhIsstirab.afieldes
esti' Jost before the chop, vthen buyere
tanned bidding lively and Innineet wa•
Reports from New York were aa
'anteing charaeter. and apparently de.
I for good ehomme Is ire -rasing. The
prim le animated at sgge., as advance
jy,e over last week. The esteems price
ael is flfite. It WWI nine -wed that at last
et the leading facterim obtaine.i
tie Falls opera: Them has lam •
gee market and a better feeling prevails
milers anti buyer& Tranesetions:
411P tots IS IOW Ne, 17 lotalNes
oh commismeou; total Mtn hoses.,
&Meta -Sales tun fir Ow
sold .1biallie,atead‘re.paokages at Ashy M lie II
Settee -e• pertains er•••••ry bake
arum is •
Therese Dieu proem*.
Gay, west/nit two lathe in les
It le expected that the •
mamas in Torosto dessily
IAn. Gaguou of geisha, has
three girls. tibe will rem&
Peter Deselter, • farm ham
Meantime, wee Idled by the
Anna °Milt
Ths Amonated Press ages
steles that Sir John Mandunal.
at the late elestions.
The atesater -Caspian." whl
at liable:, reports peeing Mr
loshesp as the voyage west.
It luis been decided to filers
the Outarto Law school by te
of two &Simonet iectureirs.
The Goblin/ Mina t
been wrecked at Magdelens
crew, all Canadians were save
Oristione, the Italian mired
captured la Ottawa. lie kill
in the epee street during • q
ltbu Coarteation of Toro
was held this week. Chase.
ward Blake delivered the ant
finewart Tupper, eon of Mr
that his father is netting to
ed by cable, to settle Newiouu
A number of Franciscan
France are expreted to arrim
Mentzeoll. where they will sta
James Jacques hal hitt arm
from his booly while working
saw in an Innen& factory. 1
Young's nen, %Visit -ton,
stroyel by Are supposed ir
1114,01M: unwired for 111,0110
The boy Neff. who was bur
tion bonfire at Stratford. is
instance a the Crown Attora
bon will be made.
The Fie Jubilee singers k
a very badly in Nova Scott
their eokw. Several hotels r
nigger, as guest*.
Parry Souni. the bowie of .
struck by lightning and his
Goan instantly killed..
The Mauitoba Land Tax I
cared ultra wires by the 1.
comae of the clause authorial
ten per cent, interest
Several wash -outs were re
canoed by the terrible s'ol
serious was on the C. P. It
Monad and Toronto.
Thaw Cowes. blackern
committed seicide by cutting
a razor No cams is given
wife and large family.
A are on Saturday, suppom
ary. at Moosonsin, in the
istroyed property to the. vs
Insured for about 114e.00).
Thereon% estivate.' to be
hundred millhia feet of lum
booms at Fredericton N.
amount ever there at one tit
Peter Davis the munie
Emory will be hung in "'elk
The sheriff of Hastings is
with applications to do the
cause the flood cernedarrte
Emile Massing, of
effiloh was stocked with
000. He leaves • wife al
A gang of burglars. Ave :
been arreeted at Cardinal.
Advice§ from Sydney, C
that a .trike in program
MOW Inip.ortml the Cam
An attempt to engage (Abel
to a atrium; riot.
Archbishop Fabre hew
letter calling upon member
the archdiocese of Montre
attending pines ef &muss
Jame. P. olliaire,,ushier
road at Niagara Fain, has
June 5:11. He has just rie
does net know where he hi
counts are all right.
elated president of the Lin
the Methodist church et (
)(laity of Ol. Rev. Rigsby,
A stranger entered tbe
Mamie, Sarnia township, i
was pursued to the woor
neigh b..ni but has not ban
h ad reorient the money to
It is rumoured in San
Canadian Pacific tetesanshi
resuming steamer tondos
and San Francisco, the re
' toted, will be a spare' el
A young man named
was kilied on lot 2 cor. 1,
miles north froto Mitchel
at work logging wi
ord. The affair was the
Barrie, Out., was Goode
the main drain glaring In a
or the carrying off a
fall. The principal st
two feet near water.
Hare's foundry, Dingle%
and Coulthard & Co's asp
Oshawa have boon alma
bets o hich bas come Sow
so.,mi -tuned by recent
this vicinity will mach
A despatch from Victor
seal pirates in Batwing I
mating &hada' the 1.7a
their catch of skies, too
taken by the American
Mrs. Little a
out and badly ta
rig ass seembed to
w the nmemessf teem
out °Calmar.
law RIK a country
anted is Keeton
Souse nett
mita wbo
a cheque ot
stranger of On
the Montreal stook
destroyed, two ma
ot oath' were Itilh
ken will amenat
he the Oven
maroon et the eatil
Hops. stal A. On
Mallard Chasabertaia,
easesellted wields hi
treader rest et lee a
doing Yak ea to
Se was tram
la the old cosi
had bergai
ipso 10 Illere
barray et bat