HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-6-20, Page 1sow
Notice of changes must be left
at this Office not later than
Monday noon. The copy for
changes must be left not later
than Wednesday noon. Cas-
ual Advertisements accepted
up to noon Thursday of each
laud Sella •a.
AU advance notices in the lowl culumwa
of Tet Stamm of vieeti,.ys or enter-
tainments at 'Auk UN admission fee
is eharyed, ur from which ape: un-
ary benefit is derisrd. must be paid
fur at the rote of 011E rent per
word earl. insertion. no .-large less
than taw,,ty-µse cents. Where aJ-
rertisente°ta of entertaioi,iertta are
inserted u brief toss! frill Ise yi en
- -
ewtsn. At Oakville. on Frim,, the 6th
inst., Mrs Henn ilosband. in the 1;01
year of her age
ee -J. A. NafteL
anted.-Maitlaad Hoose.
anted -Ridgewood Fenn.
faders Wanted -T. ()uadrn.
def Tusks - James Neale
irtwees's Notice -Hobert Uibbaie.
••A chieraaaaaf re. salvia' notes,
I e' Issfa hell prose it."
With •camera arts "neat' to take in the captain M Nicholson. The club is now Ctaarle• j,issard,tftephen.paid last year 1, REPORT sat' Ru +n •,Hxta.to t.:[. (.f G..derich, i, sixty-eight years of age him •n address from the commal during
corporation ea and the anility to work it, prepared to receive challenges tram Moved by Mr Prondfoct, seconded by
Htewart "fears sae toe- Eilber, that the name of Dr J. B G rsrt.tNEN: - I beg to submit to you and quite infirm. His term is thirty its pr,foenc aeon, and that Messrs.
!n rchued two, bier-
the mover,
The Misses McGillrceddy left on "MEM COUNTY COUNCIL.
Wedneedey on • tuunth's visit to friends1 a lis, meals
iu Turman. The sesame Jame tMrtea !sasses r /maul Jlaiateaauee
re Base.
U. McoILLIC• 1A Y[AH.•et ussm,
Estimated expenditures fur 189.) - y nor consideration my ropurt of your the vacant position, and that the ballot-
Admnistratioo of Justice ....$ .,0IM) i0 comity gate!. There are at present con ing be continued until one of the apple-
- 00 hoed o the Rwl seven prisoners, air cote has a majority of the whole nurse
2,400 00 males and one female. The latter, Mary bar of ballots cut, and that the first ap
2 300 00 Brady, hes beau repeatedly reported plecant to receive such majority be de•
2,000 00 to you. She is from McKillop tem,- clewed by the warden appointed.
800 00 alis , and was committed from there as a The report of the clerk on the gaol
Owners of horses are invite.! to speed
their hovers on the race course from mow The council met pursuant w adjourn- School Management
until July 1st. The track is in good went from last meeting, the warder to Lunatin and Charities P
condition and precti.e au it will keep up the chair. Members all prewut except Sitlanes and C„orad Fees4 200 W vagrant and has been re -commuted for statistics was read and referred to
5011 00 the *l- htb time by Mayor Butler. of lenience committee.
600 00 Goderich. She is week•minded, has no ',AUL srATI4Ti•'r.
800 00 friends ea far as we know, and w • tit The resort shows that in Ittd7 81 pea
3,500 W subject for a house of refuge. of the sons were committed for 3,991 days to
300 00 males two are vagrants, one W [n. Me- the aggregate; '2'2 of these were vagrants
3,000 00 Innis, committed by Mayor Buller ter committed fair ism days, and 13 were
300 00 sixty days, the other Charles Andrews, insane persons. The avenge daily cost
;,0 00 committed by Wen. Lewis and Charles „f food per head was 1013 cents, and the
Brown, of the township of Stephen. for total cwt per head, including official sal -
thirty days. The other three are insane, artes,was bti cents per day. In 1if88 13it
the interest 1) 1) Wils..n, Seafurth. Cusuu¢eueias
Fur the convenience of shippers Con- The mummies ..f the lot mating were Stationery and Preemie
solar ageneses of the C..nsul•t.• here wi.l read awl approved• Crown tt finesses
shortly be e•tat•hshed at Clinton and
Lettere from the Delray -Minister of High Schools
Wmgbant. The names of the persons Education and Mrs Malloch were read Agricultural
*elected w be stents will be duly made and ordered to be pled Boundary Linea
known Application u( Mr Tom to hate East
Model Schools
1)r. Shannot' an? Holmes wore en Wawauosh added to his inspectorate was
Division Court Jury Fee
Toreneo during the week giving expert nail aid referred to the acheol coneRepairs County Buildings
d f M Janes teaumony till the condition
n r • miller. Headband Bridges
Hyslop, injured :n the celebrated St. Applications from Meows Parke. iii„. Sterling d Bridges
euterwt 16,000 00 have all been examined and reported ow peno” were committed for 5,071 days ,
GArordiva'er ray, Turnbull, Burgess, Rob rune sinking by the sheriff, and are now awaiting reet theca 50 were vagrants committed for
Miss Jaw Graham, who had been re- and ect'.r,n ware received for the P. S fund 3.300 00 mural to the asylum. The remaining 2.708 days, and 13 were snow pweons
siding tr. the United States tar some inspectorship of North Huron and re N. G. R. Dob,ntures, interest 700 00 male is awaiting trisl for horse stealing. The average cwt of food per day was
yeah, sensed in Goderich lot walk ferrel to the school committee. sinking l would further report that all the cloth- 101, cents per head, and tl'o total daily
and will •pend the summer in the prat- Petition of the trustees of S. S. No. fund 1 !L4 00 ing and bedding applies grated by you coat was 4G cts. per heed. In the
cost Mr J in Canaan, the a the guest t. Hwy, awned
i te decision of the at the January meetin; have been Rot year 1ti89 i;5 peruses were committed
The bedtick•, pillows, sheet. and towels
for • total of 3.174 days : 27 of these
ofbJ KH.ara
rganfm, large the
bound) of Hay, refusing to see Less estimated ..$1,ue 47 prison its andabor. t, the were vagrants committed for 1,193days,
The Kara organ factory base! all team, large the biwndanes Ut the section, wee Roguery Office see.. ,60 17 were all made by
wheel will arrive on the excursion train read and referred to the school aim- PPeddlers' Licensee.. 400 woman's dresses and underclothing and and 10 were iomins penunu. The •ver-
tumurruw, will play s baseball match mirtse. 1.,0 00 the shirts and pillow -slips I had 10 get age daily mist of f"od per head was lU'
!enol 12 made sandotherwise. o hill for the making coo, and the tuts! deity cost was t;ti cts-
with the Goderich club on the agricul- Petition No. from Mr any and other of (merest a per head.
tar•l grounds, at 2 u'alocl'. A Rood S. S. Nu, 1, Hay and Stanley, t0 mules Surplus, 1889 . - . •$3 _92 3,t of these will be presented to you, duly
game is expected. Aemieaiuo, !Oct•. ; alterations, was read and referred t0 the certified. The locks ordered by you The report of the special committee in
utieu few. school committee. Moved by Mr McLean, seeuaded bF have al•., beau got, and the porch the reference to the unitary improvements,
Remember the Mission Band's mile of Application if t . H. Harvey to he Mr Raiz, thst Mr Manning be appoint- pith side of the la a t s quarters on etc ,sat the a,urt house was road and n
y pupilbeen put up a per contract. A.1 has ferrel to the finance se ws.ttee.
o • rk'clock,
this (e lee) re moon inK 4 nominated as • county to the edl a son the school
to lel! Jir D.D. g cu s pea y Moved by Mr. Torrance, seconded by
church. in the work
ectal of Knox Agricultural t the special
le was read and re- place on the school •sad printing nom- which is respectfully submitted
rvoinW. Du r:+or, Ga once' Mr. Cook, that bylaw Nu.:i of 1889, te-
chnrch. Boys' work a alesstui Also feA steMpntpeoiinsane indigent persons mi Moved by M 'Manning, seconded by 181N)• yuinng sleigh rnnn.n to bs three feet
the anau,ia, 1 tartainmetAt •11lJDfpe y Header Goderich, June 3rd, -
at 7:30 o'clock. Tickeu, 10 coots, in- supported ow the county was ream, atl the 1 n a apk, r Referred w the
aludiuR refreahmerta. ing the following, and referred to the eon be placed upon the r lualizati.,o c••m- Gzelezeam:-Since my report of June road and bridge committee.
finance ooamitten : mitten to act in the place of D D. Wil- 3rd to you I have further to state that Moved by Mr. Felber, seconded by
BA+t BALL. -The h,IYoutig ars the David i.issmsn. r.Y. per week 1 ° fit son during the latter ssbeenee. Carried. three more prisonersfu haus been received Mr. Manning, that, harlot learned that
1:)". elected cur the Young res. 1 . t t Harris. Morrow. Orel• per month. - I . The ropurt of MrAnsley, road cum: -
into the gaol -all males. Two of these our former colleague, Mr Fred. learned
W. John-
base ball club for the year 1tS'10 : Poli Harris Howick, Der month. 6' ' are awaiting trial for larceny, the third, stun has been appointed junior judge
Secretary, A. Mcleod ; tr«aaurer, D. rbe alle RayMonis,lin per annum . td+ m ter ed to the rued andbridgecamme John 10rnt._ committed u a vagrant
McPhail ; honorary captain, R. Vidian ; •sans McPhail. tioderech, per week 2 t. tee for the fourteenth time by Mayor Boiler, pay him • tribute of respect by giving
for the District cf Algoma, this council
Ouoo Psswe,cT.-Tie moat sacro! tih )
uni,r teems. Mr this, mysecond report for the year 18) days. t eeterda. I pis Beck, Yroudfuo ,
can maks V to qct. s Wirt Pea. AP.1'RrtL11Tft1.1N Asn council
mend Whitely Abraham
be Smith
ontuted for that of Mr ill theim improvements which you ordered rel of fresh shell lime for sanitary pier and the clerk be •committee to draft
McORlfctiddT. agent. Oodericn. members of the annoy council intend Abraham t+mith the school and print P the address.
cu be made at your January roasting pweu, a till for which will be presented 1
An application of the sheriff for a tele-
phone at the gaol was read and referred
to the gaol and court house committee.
to .,
The Woman's Christian Temperance t -pion waking Mr F. W. Johnston the rocs- Carred. tc you dol certified.
1OR have been placed under co,utract and
lei in the basement of .00h -at Neta church punt of an address this ' Frilay) after- A petition from the teachers in the y F
cry Tuesday afternoon. will be completed •t an earl date. The Respectfully submitted,
0 h rt nom between 3 and 4 vicinity of Wroxeter to have an entrance south e p h Clintony iron bridge W Dickson, Gaoler.
e meeting a x. noon in a cram n extension tote
c elevation examination s in ro iter was re was awarded to L. Hardy,of Exeter,
le a;c , t,•.. printed et [his omce for •cry and referred to the school ccmtmttee. Moved by Mr Sanden,mi+ondted by Mr Commissioner's orders paid since Jan-
mora than [nes weeeise t it7 for the to the position w junior Judge e ber Cook, that the warden and clerk, on be- wry lot were referred W the finance
Roma. The new .lodge was a member A petition from the trustees and for $350: the stonework •t the Clinton
r ►.d it hetes to advertise ice apeslaany F y is that bridge was awarded to F. Guttridge, half of this council, petition the Lieu- committee.
tid sae ssmotes and are[ pr.°.. of county council fur man tars. others of S S No. 5, H• praying f h $q ,0 cubic yard The The accounts of THE HURON Sn.NA1.
tsebhiest, the fates[ the cheapest and le tenant Governor of Ontario in Council
to return all unexpended montes which and John Ansley sere referred to the
R win W x
Merchants can net their Biu Heade. Letter o'clock, the occasion being his el exam held Huron coon
F RnuY, Jt \t 27TH -The concert and an alteration be made in that section, Sea art • • pe
h school contracts for Gre
y's bridge cn the Ni
deatga, in material and in workman-
o.a be always found at the taibriag r► entertainment under the auspices of was tread and referred to the rood and Buckley's on the L.3 R. m they received from this county for the
The summer is here and all Harare i• Ref piracies, will - u o t
lean that n the sera love hears the my tug, June Y7te a at might o'- finance was read and refereed to the erect the verandah at the cottage to the A number of accounts were referred t)
thin sol w ar at this time of the Tear: cl..•ce. Besides lural talent some fin-- --ecce committee: ja1 y the fins •
iatoment of J. Prid►am, tee lbopls's Goderich Corps, Cadet Tamplan of Tem- commutes. repeat of the county Ashfield were given to Rnbt. Jamieson,
bierper we of eofonioq itis Scott Act.
be held next Friday even The following rep Howick at fj 4 each Tne contract t Referred to the finance commit ee.
l and was let to John Welker to he rare committee
sad It on •sallow•. class outside help Comp
sat if you wast t latest in photos an has been secured. Ad IMPORT Or •'Ut'NTr Ai UITOR+- leted for $25. The Contract tU
are framesbebe •urera • We, the 1, auditors for A communication from the secretary
It foie are on the line 01 water mase•. 40111 mission, only 10.:: children, 5c. Pr, -erect the drawer racks in the vat it the of Clinton Collegiate lnetuute, entiat
t diphtheria or fever tell you that your welt coeds to be expended for the beoebt of your count respectfully all beg lease to ioq that there was a vacancy on the board
contaminated with surface water. Go to1 P 1 registry ot4'e was 'Inst D' D. K
sunder* rt tion. the sanitary plumbers. and the Corps. report that we have carefully examined Strachan, 1: ,detach, at Sri tents caused by the resignation of Mr Pay,
re your water ser rimiem attended 'o. All A DCe.+TE ON AN txxAnoN. -The clue- the books and vouchers of your crosser- each drawer. Tie comet even- was read and referred to the school
et twee tight end prk. A low as ►, WO' rig meeting of the High School Literary er. aad after comparing the various en• eel of the cottony sof Perth has iso taken i commutes. '
er.t with good work. A full supply on Fridayevening with thepeeper vouchers,
reels ramie, sen • - action with regarA t ,rhe erecting "t i then adjourned till Vl'ednes-
, be
finance committee.
Moved by Mr. Dulmage, seconded by
Mr Cook, that io the event of any muni-
cipality's appealing from the equalization
of the assessments for the cunent year,
the final equalization of the
rola be loft to the decieinn of the county
judge. Carried.
Moved by Mr Kay, seconded by Mr
Kydd, that this ccuncil do now adjourn
until 1:30 o'clock p.m.. and that the bal-
t a sprinklers, etc tall Society will be held tries therein any lot Ifs then taken fur the •ppnintinent of
2 P we hare much pleasure in reporting the Council )
tesce them. of next week, June , ilio On lbs so- Po !3 the bridge on the county y b. ono+ry, day at tea a.m. a Public School Itapectur. Canned.
e people make a mistake in buying a gram for the seining n •debate on the same correct, showing a b•laoce of avh tween I:ray and E mt. consequently 1 :N) „duck p.m.
p robber nose. You should cam ••d see on hand on the 31st of December, 1889, then hu not been anytwinq deme to the .Romeo UAY-tvEnSE-t+s.
■iy Ki t Tretona 4 R.ua osecred.manutae- fullowioq subject : it I'.euates tout an -The iruncil resumed, the warden in
red at mesion• %. J. Those cream cans or vexation to the United :irate. would be of $1,269 tib, which balance we frond at matter. I have iavued the foll•ipinq Ord- The comms! met pursuant to adj''urr, the chair.
my own maaataeture are extra .alae. The mon berne6cial to l;anada tow [ndepen- the credit of your treasurer at the Cana- en since JAouary let to June 1, th,1893: 1 mint, the warden in the chair. Alt the A ball..t was taken f, r the warden
varier of cooking novae in the p than Bank of Commerce, Goderich. µ e
county. from all the leading • donee, Imperial Federation, or it. res• -Daniel McPain, repairing approaches enuncilton were present except Mean. mint of an [uspector of Public Scheele
Coal oil, wholesale, at Petrv ia ossa+- sent relation to Great Bntatn.' have also audited the Public and High to 18 -Mile river bridge, L. K. R. A.h-, D. D. Wilson and 1'. Kelly. for North Huron, which resulted in Mr
It 4. N. llAvi+.
BRIEFLETS. Gax.ATE,(T EVENT OF THR Sga'to t.— School accounts, and find them correct, field, g•8; John Mole, cleaning jam from The minute. of the precious say were Rubbe being dec.ared elected upon the
at the Summer Carnival, T nemtu, June 30:h, and herewith attached you will find a Manchester bridge and filling washout, 1 read end approved, fifth ballot by a m+tority of tear.
The July 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Cheap ezcur• statement showing the balances in the $9 Wm. Lasham, repairing tions and the application of Mr. 'Morgan fur the _Moved by Mr Kay, seconded by Mr
poblre.ehoolscommeswd this week. iu lion rates, Grand Trunk. Tickets and bands of the township treasurers on the approaches to Maitland bridge, $7.G3:. Inspectorship of North Nur. n was re•
Kydd, that Jame. Edgar Ski°mer, of the
Mr Allan Seeger. of O. clink of Cos- particulars can be had from H. Arm- 1st of March, 1890. In conclusion, we Robert Menzies, repairing two brtdgee, ferred to the school committee. township of 1'abnrae, become •ward of
merce stag Stratford, was in town during strong, town ticket aeon, G. T. R , again hare much pleasure in testifying to boundary between Grey and Elma, Co. The tint report of the .chs -1 commit- the county, he being an indigent, insane
Cunard manner in whish f H re's half, $5 ' Joseph Allenson, tea was read and adopted.o and his parents not being able to
fog the week. is your time for • cheap trap. First-class P.t. H. RAs'• Llrrx ' Auditors.M each of the applicants P" P
tion. Jasa,, PATTor J Thos. Veal, repairing Elmville bridge, Inspector sf Public Schools for East c„mmissivaec was read and referred to
Senator A. W. (iZilvie was in town Goderich, March 31st, 18 0. 7 0 ots ; Richard Bailey, repainnq Bay the . uatilecatiue
field and Hall's bridges, 22.25. John
Huron end o 1 the gaol and court house committee.
daring the plot week, the guest of Mr. PRo>,rT PAYMrST or PULt+ .-Io of each as („flow.: -R. }ars -Lt close Moved by Mr Johnston, seconded by
M. Hutchison. another column will be found a card of Statement of the benne* of school
We regret to learn that Rev.11. L thanks from our townsman, Mr Jas. morals+ e° the hands of township tremor -of Gleno, repairing bridge on gravel road certificate, Grade A, as a Public School
Mr Girvin, that • pair of handcuffs be
path of Dungannon, 21 lion Rich Tich teacher, 13 ears' in Public provided for John Taylor, amicable at
le at• Heals, to the North American Life As en from 188'J. boron, spikes owed in Maitland bridge y
2 104 24 floor, $1 lee50maid
B. Foster, repairing an High Schools R. W. ),iurray -1st the ileo Refected to the finance com-
3+)4 r'p Holme.ville bridge, $13 48: Alex. Mos. claw oertiscate, Grade A. as • Public mitt".
391 00 turd, 1200 feet bridge flooring, $13 60 : School. teacher, bed certificate as a' On motion of Messrs Beacom and Bis-
Robs. Jamieson, bringing .pile driver specialist English l and4 years'
exper attto u cl kca.m.il j ourned until Thursday
alien • from Ktntail to Vt ingham, $3; R ibt. e°w 1° } nblic, Model H h Kchocls.
Rev Mr. i,eRear oocopeed tinrth-et. also dtwrve. credit for his activity io Stephan. 189 70 Jas Turnbull -11. A.. Toronto Iniwer- Txt. a nay -rH t: t'tt
EmitWee W•wanuo hlino►' Smith, laying top !!osis on $811' ; Pity specialist in Ergle.h, classics, The c•,wtoel met pursuant to adjourn -
Methodist chcrcfi pulpit very acceptably procuring so prompt •set amen West Wswanaah 22 93
bridge and .piked for isms, 28 t:U ; F ' gold medallist in meat, the warden is the chair. Ail the
Howick 51 23 Amens Be,.,2000 feet bridge fl•,orioR, French and German ;
n Jordan and children have return- BA Ra►Lt..-An exciting bsesballmodern languages : 8 lean c•oanallors were present except Nesse
Morris S4 Od delivered at Brussels bridge, $15; A in Public Schools (2 in rural schools. 6 in Wilson and Kelly. The previous day's
from Montreal, whether she had gone match was baseball
onfthe Saturday
of the from G. Brown, laying floors of Wroxeter and graded schools), and 22 ie Schools.
' to attecd the oboegsies of her mother. Goderich baael>•11 club on Katotdsy I•*t, Tho following 1Highminutes were read and approval.
between the legal Gghts of the town and the county treasurer was read and re Day'. bridges, $14.73: F. & G. Giacomo H H. Burgess --1st class certificate, An epwere ion from Mr D. McDonald,
Mile Tillie Graham has returned from the breed ua legals, or as mock of it as farted to the finance committee :- 11,000 feet bridge flooring, 2101 50; W. Grade A, as • Public School teacher ; 12 Deputy !'sown Clerk, for more cttie. and
Toronto, where she had been pursuing
was to be found in Goderich outside of Tthe,4URan+ ATATRAIF.XT. L Henry, 210 lb.. spike., Wiartoo and ears as • Public School vault roam, was road and referred to the
her ni coccal s:udiea during the put toot the saga! fraternity. R*selt-Iswyen, G[trTLRYRN :-I submit herewith the Day bndtre floor., $1: 30: John Walker, F gat.! and coon house committee,
eeeetiag verandah •t gaol cottage, $23 teacher. David Robb Martin-
number cf accounts were referred to
months. Terms -Mr and Mn H. N. Roberta, of 18; outsiders, 4. The feature of the d I catch on nd bass i easel at•temwt of cullectioos from moo- cats, (trace A. as a PublictuserSchool teach-
should be a considerable nuns ern certificate as assistant neuter m Huth the finance arm+nittee.
• resident lands for the portion of the year bar r t repairs mads to bridge. and at,
rich• 1 or Collegiate Isetituts ; specialist i In motion of Meson C wk and
the week, ' agent Allan, Dominion and Cuw the very oro peso
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Reid, Vingham, ocean mail steam rs. Very low eicor- your treasurer's books have been kept. for balance or. amount of repairing ap- rc HOOL ANn rntN iN,. , n>lttt'TER. provide for themselves. Referred to the
were the guests of Mr. John Reid dor- cion rates Muntroel to Liverp" .1. Now All of which is respectfully.ubmitted. preaches to Clinton bridge, $li ; J .hn µ e have examined the certificates of finance teme committee.
cClennsn rebuilding pile driver, $30: for the position of A supplementary
sport of the road
Hutton contracted la grippe sent •nnntx Co., for the prompt payment of
tending conference recently. policies for $2,000 on the life of his sun, Township of Ashfield.
Mr. 0. Drummond, of the Bank of H. James, who was recently killed by Hallett
Montreal, was in Toronto last week at -
the Globe train Dear A[nmico. The local
tending the nuptials of hie sed t F.J.T.Naftel of the Company "
settlement of the
ing and evening Sunday last. claims.
to; are spending a few days in town, the
guests of 1Kr Geo. Drummond, of the
Bank of Montreal.
Mr and Mrs J. D. Gordon, of St.
Thomas, were visiting at the residenee
of the formes s permits, Mr and Mrs D.
Gordon, this week.
Dr M. Nicholson, the West-st. dentist,
makes the , of the natural
teeth a specialty. Gas admin:etered from
9 a. m. for the painless manatees co
teeth. ing voice A similar law would be of request that you grant to your warden l0 can
to Canada. With the powerviatfoe of parties who thea injure the ?richt er. J. µlana -1st sass cent- Rev A. and Mn Patter,
Mrs (Rev)advantage and myself the meal to borrow
G. F. Salton had son, sof P ile of euett •law ilia credit system $23 to meet ea m, gentlemen,
until the onunty Property• J world aka teens- Beate, gee A, as a Pebltc School teach- non, were in town yesterday on their
Waterloo, are the meats pare11eased that a oolitic porch be erected at
Mr cod Mn Gordon, 81. Patrick's -stn would be greatly narrowed, to the ad- 225,taxearo perm e e Ism, gesre ant, your the entrance e t the registry Mies. The er : R. A of Toronto t nivenity : condi- way hums from the M*thodut Cooler -
$ waotyle of all. obsdrsot nervent, fastest of money likely M required eats as master in High Schools and *nee at Stretford.
Mt Balton also paid the tows a A re ELsrrttro ewe 13r none. Nero -roe troll Ww. Hours'', Co. Treace for the year 1890 for likely
tobridges, epre quohw Collegiate institot*s ; sysoeelut in Eng- Mn Chu. RlecLstuoe, of the (; > sly eh1
visit Messrs
ins senile. NM" Hceow.-Tbs election of thed lint ; 19 yarn sx is Pain and i)rltan Co., has nm• vied hes tamely to
Yeses R. W. MoKwnsie and W. Remoid ingrset.v (•x North Hsroe, trade StsAett.est ool{setseas from nee -rime and regain to the eoonty bail Ings, le- j Ka&c.ls 4117 n Inetiotee. town from Clinton,kid the house iem
t e Guelph Mother the death of ale. Malloch, deet leads between Jan. 1st and April eladisg 215(1 for removing the au from J W Yoegaet -1st atsss
certificate. East -it. formerly P y
b 1'i Rhynas
by Sorroeste Clerk McDonald. Hattenem coding April 30th, and of sash on hand M
-Hoieea sod P. M•Icotn.00, Chilton and available to mast earrect exnendi• bridges
this summer, and e y of the in natural history, botany and agrtcol- Mooney the council sdiuurned until 4
and S. Malcomoon. bndgea that aro two or throe years old ry ; o'clock p.m., to allow the deguebt mom
ten. 1 have to report that Wow the will Dire to be tightened and it would crani chemist let alas• certificate in
in the fist week in Jaly, weekly pay- ybe advisable to cover with itch or tar n g mittens to Ret to work.
will be int of the year i have loaned on int dural, etc., o, Nilita College, in
moots for all working peopleat f, per cent. $13,2110 00. of the • liable to h•'Id water. In many stun ; 16 yeah in Peblic
mine by law in the Stats of this amount nearly 28,0110 was taken
1.0« II here noticed that the railing and Sch«,b and 9 yeah in High Mr G. A. Thorpe arrived last gator-
Tock. The curious feature in the Schools. E W. Bowe -1st class cera day from Detroit to spend a week's boli•
of this act was that for three from fiend. icor current expeoditore, the Rwanda of bridges and aro cer-
tificate, Grads A, as • Public School days i° tows.
pps•eumim•gg. opponents of it tried to pro- sinking food account being exhausted. being wilfully destr< *d or in orad, and Rev '.V• A. YunnR• rentor of St. Geer
mt,otla the opponen This money was lying in the bank at 3 the ootilfu def . skis away. i teacher ; medallist of C'oIIinRwood
"Int u coming to a vote, bat wbee rt r cent. and well in all probability b* (:oll.grate Inatitete winner sat (Iuveronr- ge s eh°soh, is attende t the At. Ga e -
did it was carried with only coo dissent- per
before needed. I have glen to think it would have a goof et<ect it •the Generai• medal for general proficiency : '''''Y
nod et London•
ononty would offer a reward for the eon- as Public Scha,l F (Ua
SeraMeld attended A
the river •t t of which m wt ex Grade A, as a Public School teaser : G. M. tip,
2 s!i 11 2 All sf is CO. Cott,
Tel". °IPs' as a Public and High Sovietise pl. xn'. -D D
24 M 11 Whigha i, ?one Airmen,890. Co. Cote, Schmid teas&w, All the spplwaets ex- Bro. Geis. Pattersan will 1 visit Maple
tib 15 tl►iag&ale, Jew 16th, 1890. slept H. H. Bugloss and J. W. Morten Leaf Lodge, No. 27, A
512 31 Moved by Mr Hees, secirded b7 itis redeem esg1 ee feces the Sdneatios- day evening next ; all brothels are re-
lti N; that they are hested t o be enema. A noise Weide
.wile. thtt the ices•! grant rat 2!$0 el DepaetISM eboniy of the in beton and Workmen unix will be
be given - Me .sectio. Hl a k.ekwp ie dale qualified ler tie gNNies of inapeo-
IA 2838
l the villageGnomes
a 7.aree&, is Hay. Referred tor, and year oomlmitese f s the eve- held in Bisebam a Grove, Goderie&.
to the 6nanes eommittw. donee before them believe that the two Teesdale the followie# day, a 2441.
22 25 The "'awl.° "part of Jails• Dieksnw ..iraed a" aye q their en whoctt all beneksts.
62 ffi I wee read and refereed to the jail and asrtl$cet a a" set pNiess a a mile a" invited. Being along your bootee
The aomleitto of mssagewtest well Orc-
20 " court how eomletteem mist all the masses a 111E fen ttt1116e11, and side the tea sod entree (sen. W• i►ot:-
Rercer eAnaOLn. t*ssoatnsed that the cornett bs et Ier son. Reorxder, No. 27
2815 $51 GRneenagaR : -Herewith 1 *bait for Amiga from atlsot,tpt these appWMb
last week as the vacant by
dist Oosferenee rsPn' caused a rfpsle of euntement at the
`ewtetives of North-lt. and Victoria -et. pasty coattail pt&tseing Bering the
o&sremsa rgspeotrwsly. weak. At filet it was believed that Mr.
The muteins Anstiess at (Iodises& will - park, the efficient principal of Goderieb
leo& os Moeda?,October 6th, before Model tichonl, wile he the prebskls
$1, Jellies Me ultimo*Thultimo*seis
les lean, bet on Tuesday a e of a ase-
Cbaawy u&tings will het en Friday, Mle .eetioe of the eonnsil wee held, and
Neese• 144, before r Obsessllor it was determined to res Mr. Bros ea
Temrrenewom,--The Teeny Wamaas'.
Christian Temtnraase Thelon will hold
s speeded msstirrf w Vesiy, Jsiwlled,
m. sharp, ht the reeeptine roes
ei deft ;v en. Ah the Mainbsre are
regasstsa v„ „_ premed.
the somtsee of that wing. The remelt
wee that the ebetioa foe the wisest -.
ties simmered down to a oostest ballroom
Mrged Mr Brew, of
To Robb,,y of
Meows* s
Toronto, Hers
Co., w►ie& secs •sally decided ie favor
of the former by a vote of 15 to 1S.
30th, 1820:-
Goderich Tp