HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-6-6, Page 8Pr""" ----.--
We are the only ones who have purchased the new designs
for season 1890, l$1GLIBH and AMERICAN, at prices never so
low before.
Papers bought to sell for 7 and 8 cis., sold for 5 cts.
Papers bought to sell for • 12; cts., sold for 10 cts.
Papers bought to sell for - 15 cts., sold for 1Zcts.
Papers bought to sell for - 20 cts., sold for 15 & 18c.
Our 25 Cent Gilt Wall Papers
and at prices to tempt any purchaser.
Central Telephone Exchange, Cor. North-st. and Square.
Goderich. April tae, ilh0. tirT-tf
Items of Interest from over the
• Weekly sagest of the Cwilatif News Serv-
ed .p setter Beadees of "The algaal.•
run tied Peet. flipped and 4 ea -
leased from Rvery seed...
Mr ins. Risdnn left Wingh•m on Mon-
day morning of last week to join his
family in Detroit.
By the death of her aunt, Mies Bella
E. $oott, East Wawanosh, u heiress to •
handsome fortune
The rite of baptism was administered
at the taapltst church. Clinton, on Sun-
day evening, May 25th.
Mr John Delbridge, of Winchelsea,
delivered • beef cow in Exeter last wee&
which weighed 1,925 pounds.
Mn Thorns' Dennison, of the 14th
con.. McKillop, has been very seriously
ill with indamm•tiun of the lungs tor
some time.
Rev Geo. Needham, the minister to
whom the Egmnndvtlle congregatinu
have extended $ call. has accepted the
i a v it•tipn .
Mr Valentine Fisher's family, Col-
borne. have all had the measles extent
his wife and himself. They were all
down at ocoe.
Mn John Weir, of Seaforth,
and Mr Robert McLuen and .lohn Scott,
of Hassall, left on Tuesday of lest week
for Glasgow, Scotland.
Messrs Howard & Hamden, Exeter,
left on Tuesday of last week to com-
mence the erection of • very handsoine
and expensive church at Ilderton.
The Clinton Branch Bible Society has
devoted the sum of $100 to the Upper
Canada Bible Society. besides passing
some funds to their purchase account.
• owing to the . of measles
and whooping cough. the attendance at
S. S. No. 10, East Warrannsh, was down
as low as eeyen or eight pupils recently,
Mr James i)ke,attle boyer,nf Exeter.
shipped on Monday of last week eleven
carloads of first class fat cattle for the
English market, for which he paid over
$14.000 to the farmers of the vicinity.
Mr Campbell, a former resident of
Clinton, whose husband at one time kept
s tewelry store in London. and also ran
the old St. Nich•las Hotel 'n that city
for a white. died Thursday night.--Clin-
too Sew Era.
The Exeter grist mill. which is at pres-
ent undergoing repairs. including the
substitution of roller for the stone pro-
cess, will be completed by July 1st.
The mill will be ruu at its full capacity
of 100 bbls Ear day.
Mrs Gen. E. PAy left Clinton on Mon-
d iy morning of last week for St. C•tLar-
ines, where Mr I'ay is now residing.
She went "over -land.- taking • horse
and buggy. and would make her destine-
tioo in about four days driving.
The two sons of Mr Stnith,nf the L.,n•
don road, had • .arrow eriape from
drowning at Bayfield on the 24th. They
were out on the neer in a boat, it upset,
and. but for the assistance of a stranger,
they would have set a watery grave.
Mr John Gray. • laborer, war serinoe-
ly injured last week- by falling from the
residence of Mr ,las. Reynolds. on Vic -
t .ria-st., Wingham. He was taken
h one and medical aid precured, when it
was found that the spine was damaged.
to what extent it was Impossible •t the
time to my.
An accident happened a few days ago
by which • little boy. sen of Mr Morris
Harman, aeafnrth, received • cot on the
head from an axe in the hand of • little
girl named Collis. It was purely acci-
dental. A doctor was called and dressed
the wound properly, and the little fellow
is doing well.
Mr Wm. Jenkins, who resided on the
Huron road. &beet two end a half miles
from Clinton. pawed over to the silent
majority nn Sunday, May 25th, at the
kg. of ;ti years and ten m• nth*. He
was born in Devon and came to Canada
about forty year ago, first settling in
Darlington township. He cams to this
locality about le gases ago.
Mr Isabella (hese, neer Nile, Col-
borne township, is 94 year old, and. dor
ing the last Mx years, has pieced thirty
patch work quilts. Some •4 the blocks,
only five inches encore, hare sixteen
pieces. All has been sewed by hand,
and only one stitch at • time, and as
neatly dos. as • women of twenty could
do. Last winter she had la grippe, bet
as a general thing she has enjoyed res
ennably gond health. $h. i. • natty. of
Seotlaad, sad came to (`•nada in 1tt33,
living le Ce1boeaa veer shwa
Mr M. Parkinson, lately teacher of
Ryerson School, Toronto, and formerly
of the Parkhill High School staff, wee
promoted by the Toronto Board of Edu-
nation to be principal of one of the city
Public Schools. Mr Parkinson is son of
Mr Parkinson, formerly of Exeter.
On Sunday evening, while Mr B
Switzer, Goderich township, was driving
along the road, a dog bit the colt he
was driving, causing it to kick, striking
Mr Switzer • severe blow on the hand
Some time after the horse again became
tae and ran away, throwing
Ben. out and partially destroying the
At last accounts all the young mean
whc were so seriously injured on the
farm of Mr Garin Hamilton, Mullett,
the week before last, ars still living, al-
though there is very !little, it any, iin-
provemeot in the condition of any ..f
them, and the three who were most
seriously injured are still not expected
to recover.
& Whilst making bents in Mesa Verity
Sons foundry, Exeter, one day lately.
Mr Wm. Verity met with an accident
which might have cost him has life
Two mere were wielding eledos hammers
whsle Mr Verity held the object ; and
one of the hammers, gliding off the an-
vil, struck Mr V. on the breast. Had
he received the blow • little lower, he
would probably have been fatally in-
A sight of more than ordinary interest
was witnee•ed on the Maitland River •
few days ago. Mr Stephen Halstead,
who had iately been making syrup in
Colborne, left the kettle there. Deem-
ing the sap season over h. repaired to
the bush with horses and sleigh to bring
home the kettle. After loading It on
the sleigh and pl•ci- g • board across the
top he seated himself on the board and
proceeded to cross the river, which on
account of the recent rains bad swollen
to • greater intent than was at first sup-
posed. As he proceeded the water deep -
end, entered the sleigh, tilled it and
reached to his sides. In this way mat•
tars proceeded. An occasional agitated
chirp to the horses was observable. All
were only too glad to reach land.
The Court of Recision for the town-
ship of Colborne met in the township
hall on May 28. The members having
signed the declaration re.luired, the
following appeals were brought before
the court, viz : Jos 'McEwen. for over
t, in which matter the board
ooneid.rd not, and Vin Cunningham
for over assessment on lot 8, con 7. A
Young moved, seconded by J Taylor,
that the said lot 8 be lowered $200 -
Carried. The court then formed a
council for the despatch of reenter busi-
ness, the reeve in the chair, and mem-
bers all present. The minutes of last
meeting read acd affirmed. The clerk
was instructed to write the clerk of Ws.
wanosh for an explanation of drain tat.
The following accounts were parsed. viz :
John Notman, for 5 copies of the Revis-
ed Statutes, $25.23: David Bogie,repair-
ine culvert, $2; Hart .i Co., for print-
ing, $2.13; Ater Shields, repairing
culvert, $2; Sam Potter, repairing eel -
vert, $2; Isaac Fi.b.t, plan of B. M. V
bridge of last year, $1 The clerk was
instructed to write the trustees of S. S
Nos for a refund of $!o 50 of taxes which
belongs to S. S. No 1. The Colborne
Agricultural Society, 1 by
nine of its directors,applid to the board
for a grant. A Malloy moved, seconder'
by A Young. that the cam of $50 be
granted to aid the said society -Carried.
cew road beat, No 4ei, was made on
Thos Campbell's side road between 8th
and 9th coo. The council adjourned to
meet on July 5th, at 2 c'clock.
J. H. RlcaAan.i, cleric
Free to ear Lad, Menders,
The Carur.lwn Queen i• now haring Its
A•Ncat. FPei 1) of Chntos
Imported Flower Seeds: • large package
an immense number of rarest
varieties, together with TA. Q, ,,n ON
TRW. FOR tam&R wnnTns, will be sent
Fars to each of our reader forwarding
her address and only f3 2c. stamps to
cover *CTUAL nit Fire trial sub
seriptioos and Bre peeksgs' by mail or
espies (free of expense; to ,•Awe *n
Diktat in Cased* or i'. S., for only $1.
Th. (/wee is one of the finest illu.
tested Leder' Mawuines on this Cooti-
nest; it is devoted to Fashion, Art, Lite
stere, Flowers, the Toilet, Household
Hatters, and contains the Litest import-
ed Dengue for Fancy Work and Home
The Reed Distribeti.a for 1890 eon -
tingles TOR Tata MONT, pit.►. NJ lover
et bestride' Sewers can afford to miss it.
Address Tee CAI anlav Qessa.
1t Tomato, Cuda.
the masa Bees &reel De mh.e 1.. areas
Farts d Omar &
Movie Rer noes, Jur 4. -During Ia1
✓ ight's storm l.ghtalag struck the sous a
Richard Vatµ, douarsg over IMO dtemaP-
W Seton, June 4. -Lasa night the bsree
rid stabiles owasd by W. Carr were struck
by legbrlrtg and burned to the ground. He
ma■.pi by 1. setlsta-'e d rtgbbrws to
sere Or rook, hat Implements and grain
w ere all bet
Harwct.ta, Jur 4.-A heavy thunder-
storm pawn over glib vtllega last algid and
l0usedtataiy tulbwtag as maximally brilliant
flesh a lightai.g Tamm were mesa tsseeg
from the large owed by Wilbert
Murray t Co. The buohea brigade was
promptly formed and saseeaded V ouaaatwig
Ur denims to the banding bailding. Las
bbout g110,U00, murmur about MOPE
Twenty-five mu are taus thrown out old =
Usk at, June & -The a[ kit
night was the most dioramas town la them
parr for yearn Three barns with contests,
se tar as beard from, were dssroyed. 1)..
was .,wmd by Mathew Buchner, another by
W. W. Clinton, the thud by Peter Kemp.
• Wariest ea the X. a W. W.
lieett Goa, Jar 4. -Tb heavy rainstorm
d led sight washed away the bailer under
the N. & N. W. railway track tor • outrider -
able didaace at Jarvis cut, near Jarvis So
serious was the washout that • ballast train
was mot out from Hampton this minting to
repair the damage. Nut much delay to tramp
occurred. The train from the .outs, due bare
at,.Ip am., arrived at 1.:1U pm.
A Village Wrecked.
LiicoL.v, Nob , June 4. -Froin • pas-
senger wbo arrived from Bradshaw tai
morning it is learned only one person was
killed by the cyclone, • child. Two houses
My are left .tending in the village.
This nett Was Fatal.
PLEAT Soc.ND, Jun t -During• thunder-
hundrstorm which posed over this place this steep-
ing the house of Joseph McGee was strut*
by lightning and his little daughter Jane in-
stantly killed Another child due by es-
-caped although some little time afterwards
affected by the shock. The lightning ton a
hole through the root and smashed the par-
A Valuable Trotter tilled.
PIr►Iwnu n, ti J , June 4. -During a
tl hen this evening • tree
was blown down scrum the roadway.
11 carried down a live electric wire.
John Chandler's 9:*J11U trotter Rambo
r ..ill . r van back from the race track
by his trainer, George Smiler, shied at the
tree, ran into the wire and was killed.
Rambo had a record of
It Was Met to New Tork.
New Volta, June 4. -This was the hottest
Jur 4 for dO years. The mercury reached
03 degree. A remarkable but .bort lived
electric storm tonight somewhat cooled the
A. teens Cyclone.
MINNEAPOLIS, June t -A special o
The Tribuue from Chaster, Its, says a
cyclone ponied near this
place ht
31{ this afternoon. Arboolhouse wase woh
and completely demoiisbed Several pupil
were fatally injured.
auspicious Characters Flared t'ader eas-
velllaar. at Eat.rprl.e.
E , June 4. --On Saturday night
last the general store of A. Walker wise en-
tered by burglars and about $'J00 worth of
stuff consisting of suits of chores, watches,
jewelry, shirts, ties, socks and other haber-
dashery was tarried off. No trace was found
of tb. offenders, but yesterday three sus-
picious characters were arrested about •
mile from Enterprise and are held awaiting
They are young, between
21 and 2., years and slouchily drained.
t ion them was found • complete
burglar's outfit, powder, Jimmies, etc., and
ooe of the youths carrier 1 a bag of jewelry,
rings, brooches, etc., including • lads.'; gold
watch with • black guard with claigis of
gold. The youths are thought to be Ameri-
cana, as they seemed not to underst•wd the
MINIM of trials in this province.
Suspicion rests , u than as perons like
them were seen about the village for some
days before the robbery. None of Walker's
goods were found on them. but socks were
found on the railway near Moscow evtdeutly
dangled by them. A reward of Rio is of-
fered for the recovery of the goods. The
trials of the fellows will probably occur to-
M1. Mosey Wheedled hum Him -MI. Mind
al.. Abased.
Kurntrra, June 4. -A poor old man named
C. Jutt was before the Police Magistrate to-
day, charged with having stolen • coat from
desph Stephenson and selling it to H.
Mackey. This is the second time Jett has
ban charged with stealing. He is nearly n0
years of age and told a pitiful .tory. He
said tact when be was in the United States
he became sick, being afflicted with rheuma-
tism. According to • doctor's criers he
took whisky and opium and this &fleeted
his Jjp was unable to remember what
be aid with bis elotb..a.and had lost newty
the whole f them. He wits liab„ to take
things wit under the infiberee of 1i.0r0r
Gal opityn that did not belong to lime
When a young man he went thus the west-
ern states and conducted a sheep ranch..
This was a profitable whams and he a.•.piired
940,010. This money was whw.11..l ..o, „f
blm by • anri-in-law, who itelli,d him t-
ign paper. that '.Ural f„r his fund.. He is
now poor, adrift upon the world, and with-
out friends The magistrate allowed him to
go and ordered him to have the city. The
nayor gave the old man • railroad par.
The Ins Companies Must Pay the
London Aeyiusio ,wiese..
OTtawa. Jim.; 3 The appeal 10 the
Supreme court of the .};tna Insurance Coal.
paw against paying Imursn,-. on a putt
d the l.oalem Asylum building. hurried •
couple of years ago, has leen dinniseed with
caste The digaute arose in this way • The
Os*nijol'invsrnrnent had the main iniiddnp
Insured 1. • number oy eompanim Running
bark from the main btiilllug and connected
with it by a covered the
laundry, bakers and kite -ben These latter
were berried and the Governrmeet deasanl.d
insu.sod Hand in -Hand insurance Th. Qom. City
an.proMb dud insurance enesp nwA
up without obj.r,lai, but the
others refund to do so and were tu.df, the
( winning tae ram. The Atna
(onpasy appealed from n.mrt o mart, but
has hese ;filially beaten 1. all. the Stipreer
court ecnanming tae indgexmt of the marts
below that she words '1min b-Liidtsg"
severed them W,
Issas s ear ewe e•rrMender.
rl'T ie FLIuIST,-The reoedies ol per
sick oossaiiites have at ►eat baniehd the
measles from An slot. 1)01, use
(widen , f the ioenii peop'e who heti
oared their twos mewed their atten-
tion. In tkeir line t f retreat t,..ards
tl•ttford they 1 one portent
clueing his teens rather severely, but he
t. we geittn4 well, too, perhaps to see
dims take sal from Colborne aeries the
lake to lncle !law'. domain& The
nurses of the sick committee are now •0-
joying • holiday after an active spell of
.ia months with the grip and meavles,bet
are not, like the medicos. counting the
somwta to the green frust seawa for •
renewal of active wore.
Our popular friend, James Both, jr.,
has returned from a trip to the Eastern
States, after an atomics of several
moot k..
Miss Agnes McTavish, of Bruceti ld,
trade • visit to our burg, being the truest
of the Misses Allen. During her so-
journ she visited points of Interest In the
neigbbonag burg of Le.burn and was
pleased with the ferias in that locality.
Several waggon -load* of gipsies
put up to their old camping ground on
Ni t This time they did not
remain long enough to make • trade in
Psrioa.L.-Our townsman, D. Cum-
ming, has been appointed deputy re-
turning officer for N and No. 4, Coibon.e,
end writ discharge his duties as such oil
Thursday of this week at the election.
Mist Anna Luby. of Ooderich, viaitet
friends here this week,
II'rom our own correspondent.
Wednesday of last week the second
r i slag of th.,big barn of H. MacManus-
00 by 60 -which wound • few weeks ago
would take piece, was well attended.
there being many willing hands to finish
it, Over eighty men were present, who
divided off i0 two division, which were
led by James Bogie, jr., and Jame. Mac -
Manu., jr., as captains, the latter side
being the maniere. This raising was
rather a difficult one, bat in lees than
two hour and • half from starting the
bents were pot in hoisting as prevtooa
to it wine little time was spent in mak-
ing • Dlatform and putting the bents
ready for poising eprigbt. The height of
the new harm r 43 ft. It te the largest
..o the lake shore and the biggest of the
many built by John Macauley Several
of those pr.eent met with slight acci-
dents, but the presence of • large circle
of fair spectator, who watched the pro -
cowlings and assisted the hostess in pre
paring the sumptuous repast, soon caused
.hem to forget their hurts and bootees,
which vanished away when waited on at
sapper -Use by the fair ones.
The political meeting held in the hall
•n the interests of Mr G•rrow saw a fair
attendance of electors in the ward of
bosh opinions. but no speaker to reply
on behalf of Mr Roberta. Mr Garrote
was present and gave an able address on
the priseipal questions of the campaign,
particularly the Separate School gesstion.
At the close the chairman, D. Cumming.
called on several local debaters of the
Tory side to reply, bat they declined to
do so. The meeting closed with cheer
for the Reform andida'e and the (logien.
Miss Maggie Carner has goye to visit
relatives and friends at Weston for s
time. She will be much missed in our
social circle.
Miss Er. Dennis. of Hasfltnn, u
visiting her cousin, M se Mary Ration.
Mr and Mr. John Horton visited Mr
and Mrs G. H. Clutton in Stratford last
'Left over from last week.,
1ER,inr AL -Robert Foley enjoyed the
Queen's Birthday period by passing •
scenery in and about the iniand town of
Paris. His next trip that way will not
be for a sail on the Grand River, nor to
view the long bridge that spars its wa-
ter, nor yet to see the crops, but wiil
likely be on very important basinees
that will make • blank in the roll of the
fair ones of Brant county.
Mr and Mn T. A. Walker, of ('Iintno,
with their daughter Delia, are this week
enjoying the pleasant lake breezes ..f
Huron here. They are the guests of Mr
and Mre M. Foley.
Miss Jennie Morris. of Garbraid. Is
in our midst and visiting re.
Wives here.
eral days' visit seeing the views and
ST. A I (; I STI N E.
S'turday last, Mr Robert McAllister,
lot 21, eon ;, West Wawanah, meager -
Id some of his spring wheat, and found
that it measured three feet. He a!so
had clover which eneaeored twenty in-
che•. The crops in his section are uni-
formly good.
Mrs J. Hall, Morris, has • dock about
• year old that hes already laid fin eggs
and she is still d.-ing business at the old
of the echoer of Colborne. Airfield, 11'a wit;
remand else Nelle of the Hb.h Nchool of
Ooderirh will tt ke place at
On Friday, the 13th June,
The attraction. on the ocr•vfoo will COUSIN!
et juvenile races- a t sriety roamer. and trips
ea the lake with troth row and sail Moate.
Several talented speakele .111 be present.in-
elMlmg Mies W illtams and her band of .van
e monies] part of the program. ar eotn-
rantrd by • travel area. fmic the (iedertch
Prean Factory. will be exceedingly Interest.
>r (nDRRiCH MASA BAND has also
been engaged for the day.
iinner and tea will be erred at it and at t
o'clock. friss. ilete
Liberal t have beers made with
the various Ilrery dishier.
A cordial lavitatlos 1. extewd.d to alt.
Neither ale. win. *or spirituous liquors are
kept on the pmelaisae.
Mit %.e'? Cosaslttee.
Choice Goods
3:3_ a'cCORMACw
--- --
Niagara Falls, Buffalo,
Cleveland, Detroit, Pt. Hur-
on, Goderich, Sand Beach,
Tawas, Bay City, Saginaw
and intermediate points.
The Fast Steamer
leaves Ooderich as follows:
L AST •OI N I.. 5 r u. WONT BOUND, 9 a.m.
June 27. July 3, 11, 11, r.
July S. 13, 21. M. Aat. t. it TA ink
Arg. 4, 11. r. l•. Sept. S. 12, II.
Sept.., 1S.
FART:- Ooderlel. to Buffalo and return
Daly glees. including berth and meals; Round
Trip only 918.30.
For further information apply to
Se if.
WM. LEE, Agent,
Ooderich, Ont.
The Great Remedy
R. J. K. GORE,
sole Patentee and M
litadintiUtt.di and
GEORGE srsw.aao� Y etL�'
7..,.,, xa. imio,za:oot I
.a gn. ng ttr
in town at his storewhere he always has on Land • large stock of
3:Z2ST' Goods,
it will be to the public advantage to give hint a call before going
eliewhere. 2217 -
if you wish to keep up w:tt. the times dont purchase any Core OLD-FASHIONED
PFr.Ta�'=° A..M
has secured the Sole Agency for MESSER & WARD7+ celebrated Adjust bis Hand Shirts.
aN W
=1 PAi JAN ,
s \ W
'� 9� lALdll e r
. hate the finest more of Neckwear. Hata. Cope -Gal Ohms that era be purcb•stl asy
.iter». In ('filar. and ,nRs only the Newest German Makes, which mimes, any other i'Oets
0o the market. are handled.
Doa't fall to give me • call at the NEW STAND. ('ORNIR McLRANTI RIOCK.
22t1N f
Well -Selected Cigars.
if roe want • Choice cigar. ('iaaretes or tiaokl.g Tobacco,
BLACK & I t ♦ ,lee - igen leader 'eat Cigar& I. DREW CilSAltIT?JMi
41.1, i,.)LD TOBAccOis ore -half to tins.
In Imported Cigars a number of Leading Brands.
11 The Signal " for the remainder of
1890 for 60c. Subscribe at once.
Notice of changes m
at this Office not
Monday noon. Th
changes must be le
than Wednesday n
ual Advertisement
up to noon Thurso
Lead Settee&
AU nJrvtser wooer, in the .•
of Tela Sweat of Beech
Grinniewb at wrAicA us
u dtdryrd, or from idle
airy heroin is derived. 1
for at IM rule of .
erot'J each insertion, n
fluor ttrenty-lire cin&&
• b of enter•&
is brief local
Reward M. C. Cameron.
He alth- Saunders & Son.
A Fly Tiate- W. C. Goode.
Agents Wanted --May Broil
Tender Wasted -Jamb Cr
H wasted --Che
Great Redsdtes-J. A. Rel
Bpsrlal Arrival -W. Aches;
Fruit 1'res.rvias Powder -
r1UU NY lv T(
"A chore aeso.p ye.
da faith le U pr•
Yon can get anything in
phy at the handsomely
Pointed studio of Oeu.:tt.
A Donn PR1sUiIT.-The
you oaa make isply 10 b
D. MMdUhI tuddy. a
The Weenies Christian
meet In the basement of N.
every Tuesday afternoon.
3;3A business me llag at 1
c•n be had in the boot goe
styles that art allows If Ix
ham and leave your mus
Now that the election. t
1047 has settled down t
looks ple.a•nt once sae's,
ve the latent and test e
R. R. sallow* is • e1
Mar oil «st the
to.. &c.. pilMed
more than IMF 11
Wand It helps toads
and see saaeiss mid
,sat heavy Biu
�a {ha own to sees
rater and bee heyam
as 1t
•et f.ver•di
Tbuse who in
smes,s7 stelabs. wbo
Owe pools
Mr. A. B. Cornell
:trip to England.
Mr. Wm. (;wham
a visit t0 Cbesfey.
Mr W. T. Tates, o
town during the put
Mr. (Rev G. W
visited in town on 1
The county coonci
newt nett Tuesday al
Mrs E. E. Wade
of Mn A. Waddell'
Mr Jonathan Will
dent of Goderich, w
Mw Helena R'
Tuesday from Lake
The catch of pick
ink the past week
The General Seri
were on Thursday
Mr Robt. Gash
taken • situation in
Acheson & Co.
District Deputy
will visit Maple L.
Goderich, on the 2
Mr C. W. Ands
*nub & Co., now
rim Chia*, total
Miss Dully Wo
last week after a I
her sister, Mrs Mi
We are pleased
Alien Bates is abi
after sereral week
Mrs. Thos. Doi
hum, ars visiting
the former's sista
The Juniors, of
Junior*, of Gdei
day at the forms'
with an innings t
Yr.Harry Rea
now of Ayr, was
attending the
mother. the late
Dr M. Nichols
sakes the press
teeth • specialty.
9 a. m. for the
Kea: Aareb 1
their maw& eel
work ea 1141day
• Jane 10th. Tiy
gives melt week
The Mting
tee Moseley *vel
being only four
is Ube utsesd tit
hes fMIii to me
M. Ws.
bas, wars fa L
srrsssgSIMN s1
re. Usama+.
Sudsy. 1141
et N yeses. T
dia Tssstiay at