HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-6-6, Page 7s
�E1� p L•
we Maes the Tads TM. Ay ler tains.
Ste haven'% Suede: olahee nee• A writer Ili i n e Medico/ Record al .
•r1 number of mesa • In. L •tax has pr
Mined tee soaking SUMP ter mak-
eat laid a deicer W Inc alt owe tet'
we're very theaktul that we bate
tariff yet.
ke te bay some farm machines, bet
,Mees so sweep.
would lever pal far them. /or all
sell le cheap
,mesam tell us that we needn't cvee
we're very lucky. slant we have the
If 7et-
a mtrlgege osi the fano that's pretty
y due;
✓ ora remote It, sad the futures
blue ;
w sad thew in thoughtless spells we
7 sear forme
akfut we should be to know we have
tart$ yet.
en election day's at hand we'll come
lar and near
to the mime old ticket we have voted
by year.
sae we ell are getting deeper Into
we lore the g, os. p. - it gives es tariff
t'hicago Herald.
7 •f Jailing. that 14111 latera is
Hie Fair res.
kites returning trout Paris say ,bat
rooted bodices on day dresses are
in vogue, and that before the
of next season they will be seven
bore. Must of the bodices have
surplice -front., which °.ver all
might Naiad of the west-Itning
b. Some have wide even, like
on English cutsway jackets, and
revers join a collar whtoh not i.-
ly covers the upper part of the
ets. Fir dressy wear the folds ou
e are of net or lace, with ha.d-
retctotre irdh► as a butch.
lob bridesmaids are wearing L one
costumes of primrose -yellow tulle
elle, silk, with deep rolling col-
t green velvet and *oft Tests of
crepe de Chine, crewed and re-
with orange satin ribbons, "thick
at the left side with many loopsda of the .eine. The lung Kluves,
:go, and slipper. of Danish kid are
saute n
e brilliant shade. Lae
sndt hen e of yellow satin braid '
Jed faced with greets velvet sod
uoted by white °fetich pleases
low ddd„dila.
%owave will be greatly worn this eo
both in simple and elaborate A
The front. of the Bolero, and je
jacket are variations of the le
r, the cats style rounding at the th
the other cot *goer* and eudtn; at l
t. The Condor jersey partakes a
lero es Spanish geode, and the ou
ons" are trimmed with straight
sitor braid. The Portland a •
for made stockinette jersey with
sleet es very much ratted on the
en. It has revers and a Medici
of velvet. This will forma useful
0t tor bums wear on cool days all
r, and,.. it is made in all the lath-
e colors, it will probably and 'mini.
,ng the luxurious tea gown. and %A
pock' dresses shown by a well. 1..s
importer, is ane of the cream th
airrtte. The straight skirt, quite v1
in b ordered with a dee? Persian ch
wrought in points. A soon of
est u made with a softly folded
, fastened diagonally, the skirt
in t:reek fashion on the left aide, op
•rdered with narrower galloon, the th
coming to the edge of the drapery. wi
tdestaahedsleerea,full .l the top, act
over diaphanous sleeves of rich ca
alk net. The folds of bode*, int
III ars held by a Targe gold buckle anent
the waist. No de.cnptien can
the grace and distinction of
.en which would delight the eye*
a must 01144441•1 14 ,..dap in eerie
- forms of ootids He .tate• that in so
den heara..g•s yr 1440 ..1 mice tit psilocin
epeaken 0r SI ,r•r+ from °olds, re.rel 1
an hour or M,, as It 11 ,eagle, may .
atm obtained tf "fowl des letwg, p,4
Bally 'walk w.,.. . situp of buns 11,
else of a ;aro• p: • t, . Pout tare.,
four grains, haw 10 the mouth fot 1.
esiwatss Wore a epreku,g ,.r •iigwg. Th
produces • prole,* eer•rrtloll Of sal it., •.,
"watering" of teem urn end thr.ml-
pvubalsly re::unng the voice or tone 1
the dried violet chord. ; pot as tee••
nog.' tomes back tee mewing antes to a
Ante wheu 1t is too dry.
restage et mese.
One of the (a, onto remedies new ad-
vocated for people she are suffering from
general weak omit er exhalation sit tie
nervous 57.101 m IS "Clorei . u( soeue
This hon 10.41 het•u a resettif .•d *merst-
ty to the large cities, where the isicri-
stve brat, shut in by high brick bmlue
tags and reflected trout pavement, drives
every one who, 0410 Ko t.. seek the breeze
of ae••hore and tm.wnt.io. It is in the
awutry, 10 remote hamlet., where for
monotonous grind of daily lib offers
Intl• vanatiou to the sena* or the
thoughts, that a change of sewn. is qua!
lap benrticlal. A well known mrd.cal
authority is Ml strMOW an advocate of
change that he says r "Change you,
climate, ti you can : tf you cannot d•
that, change your house ; failing your
Isos••, cLaage your room ; and if not
your room, thee rearrange your furni-
tYre." Jlleny ati ofd person's years aid
power of rijoyine,.t have been happily
pr.dotiged by woe changes ..f scene
Malty a Mau, wort) out with the worry
and ;eastern of hussies•, has taken a rest
awry from s.!1 care and returned to
work refreshed and able to accompina l
far mere than he c..uld have done had
be s.rigg'••d on with jsded nerves Sud
a eared bran.. If Inseible every family
. h mid go away owe, a year ter • monda
stay under different eurruw.diuge ; If
thus I• ant paint le, cheeps of a •eek et
a 10110 will probsbly save you a ducts
Mil if hate "•p
)� tlrcdtag- �'TQt1..tYrlrlt-TO
health. if tits week is not possible, an
,ccaeional quiet picnic with the familybor
r a few neighs out 111a green tomer
or mountain or by scene silvery lake will
do wooden in rnniriulg the spirits Make
many such exp editwoe as you can
urine the seamier to once * week if
,ssibls Sud you sill hod them more
tlluseieus .9 build up the strength thou
toy tonic that can he administered. If
prrsitle get different rood for the family
s.cbfin esfrom vh trteyare daily ■c
stowed te, even if .• is Mot as delicate
char.°. of gond will Often stimulate a
died al peel(., It is strange 1,uw trmpi-
tg plain food which is differeut from
at of the 414117 tab:* often is. The*ep*r of • famous h .tet, where the mi-
ne is the adm irat:ou of every trav'el•er,
co admitted, e'.,.tideltrully, that be
becavr.e so cloyed birnevlf with a long
°a,riudandyed dict et et en tie dandy f,•,,1
cooked by his chef this Le err: out to the
country once in .while and ordered a
good b.iltd diorite from an old inn in
the barkw•o.ds, "and no food ever tastes
w. deltci.,us(y as :hat at the time," he
said ; '•ye • I know it would sane c,Ares.
fare if I' was ac.•ust..med to it. When I
go hack home the hotel food is all neht. •'
hen chit• n:on or gr/ wn people begin to
o appetite and seem listless, better
an s •pan' tonic for the blood is a
sit at • distance, where there is complete
*age of scene and foxy,.
fare .1 tw
The taxing down of curtains in the
ant, tune. and pre1ar.ye them so that
ey may be nits arched in the autumn
,hoot cre:uo or opt t is • work of more
w1 importance than readjuatine these
me whin the hone. is to be put again
o winter dress. Chenille draperies
snrrially to invite the depredations
of moths, but a mitt:e precaution will put
these tiny deep niers to dight. Chenille
curtains should never be wiped off, co -
should they be shaken rigorously. When
taken down, the curtains should be laid
at fell length over a clean sheet stretched
opal the floor, then thoroughly brushed
rpt both *dee with • moderately acid
clothes -brush. Now sponge beth sides
thorourhly n!! tepid water, to which
I hse been added t. n taoltepo' nfuls of ter -
patinae. Ley them carefully away tat
shelves or in tang cede boxes. India
silk or pongee curtains, if much soiled,
can be cleansed by robbing them lightly
with the hands through lukewarm suds
made of pure white leap. This meat be
dans) quickly, and the curtains rinsed
..vend tone. afterwards in clear, cold
water. The next process is to wring
them out. fold and roll tightly in a dry
cloth. Can most be takes to iron them
Rightly before they are quite dry.
ivantities of deep blue and
red American calicoes are .old for
tam and seaside dresses. The Lig-
on these bright and dark grounds
sprites, cross ban, keys and
creams in white. Then the trim-
s white braid, sad sometimes the
cellars, bele, and pockets are of
redm or white dock.
eon cotton dress fabric. cashmere
Ir made to imitate w x•I cloth.
••onds of these stuff, are always
ted, while the floral designs are
te colon and clients effects,
la are not cheep goods, but are
1n. for summer even.
•nm, tea gowns and morning robes.
velvet detachable cuffs and collars
resent a rich and dressy appear -
French lawns that are in vegme
re not made op as wash gowns.
eratumes of ceremony, the doh•
issue, with ita while r r tinted
and its elgnisitely flowered and tern
designs, Ming made over glace N
the color of the flowers --lavender, Ing
000, green or yellow -to 'match
reyoentie, roeee, jrequile sir
as the came may be. Then the
MN are Isom, surbroidery and
lease Tllap Wasik
Do not aliue milek cows to drink ice -
ever drive milch cows or any tattoo -
stock faster that' a walk.
ttere.gth and Metal.
o great muscular strength or .gid- it in
roe in the welts of physeal Peer. .olid
see should be regarded a ineiden• Ii
1_,". ini, subordinate to the @ere
ogy which the exercise has the
• To e:ereise for ste.rgth aloe*, If
..,,sate it se the °hied aim, is an ham
Ale blender. There ie n0 Dec•
y.inhgiotl, casual relation be•
ngth and health- indeed, It is
a fact that professional athletes
detective in ems bodily cease,
67 geoeeally die early is 1de
thew heart or lung trnsbte. D.
t *stein eats of m.ielee to the
n of others rakes the l...o.lar
SSgmmetnoel sad interferes
nweges ie dhatribeties of the goa-
tt,dtsate develop -
Lit poem Walls kW sasat-
7 trees th. testasl vital er-
d thee It frogs n
stly osiers that
m striae ed store 11014.1 Wort
at hags toil, sad death resells.
You have Ito need of a dog in briasing
the cattle home from pastures.
If you desire your cows to do their
test at the pail, gine them a tretieest
change of food.
To sell milk pays better than to make
to Lotter or cheese sod sell it as
your tow is in heat and has been
ed. keep het conned away from
you ere meeieally inoli.ed yaw may
1n • law tope. The cow will co te-
aNea fnm,nattng.
After you hare brushed the odder
dean, milk the cow as fast as you os0
sad milk her clean to the rest drop.
Whoa gently used, the rtttH'7-eo-b
and brash are pot a .eadfd (lit sack
oowe 1e they an for wcrk haws.
Your cows will o.rtainly fail oil in
their rib .elm honied in a warm
whir dories tortoises, or cold weather.
If Mere than este milker Y eispleyed
do not .mute°* with his. Yea or hs
will have to stop sed ask, "What did rout
say r
o to
Me medre edslmene tee M -°,seas.
f .,.-
.etta.dt.g Treas. in Seems -Thinly Cls.
awes aeon tat (Daiwa ..d Ilet.k.
1u*Ton, May M. -The puttee coasmksdu.-
ere uuti4d the Naar dealers et this city
three weeks ase that after ID days the fifth
ou.diuue of Usetr It seems which thr sake of liquors over public
bars, wou)d be eltlftweed, and remmina ended
that the ban be removed witch that
time. Governor Brackett called attention
in his annelid asemege to the prvvidua Of
th• taw, which bad been uueefuroed for
Mien yuan, TM twenty days' .trap has
expired, and for the first ume is the history
of Huston it was impossible for • man to get
a dunk melees he eat down. It made no
difference when h. 0t, but it d must ce
do without his ' " There Mabee
a kit of fen and • fat orf swearing over the
new order at things. Very few take Madly
W the cheese, The only really happy ernes
are the carpenters and dealer, in tables and
chairs and wire scree... Wields the brat few
Myr MAIM tabbm and 50,000 chain
have been lists 'touted among the vari-
ous aalcvns until they Wyk not
unlike regular eating Maass, but
of .'ourse they take up room, and is
wore that\ one bar room today the familiar
cell • Scat" nada the thirsty nee wise were
waiting think they were IP a barber shop.
' Home of the changes neede are ludicrus..
lite store. the exterior of which wee adorned
with the sign in large letters, **Family wise
store," appears now with .8111 larger letters
ab.,ve the original sign, "Lunch -ram."
'Blank*. Lyuor dere" becomes " Mania cafe,"
and r. utl.
111e cent rel acceptance of the term "food.'
wwuu to be the dictioosry definition, •.sub-
.tan.ne eaten for nourtehnt.nt," and these
substances eased in the main of crackers
and chase, with oocadonally a dish of beans
ora Plateof trrdinrx A big place, formerly
tsmi'.d -lk,herty's barroom," now comes out
with an elaborate four-page bell of fare.
Ilere are extracts from it:
Hard made kn.•n.. ith lager. 10 cents.
Hand crackers and eb ...We *1(1 &IP, 5 cents
Hard clackers and cheese. with omni I*orbon.
10 tents,
Bard crsr.c•n wet chasm. with Holland Kin.
15 teats.
Hard °sackers. rad .'1.r.ae, with feat of 1•laret.
s ueau.
And se on over two pages, crackers and
cheese, with something else. Several liquor
dealers In the west scud have also caused a
tall of tare to be printed, which reads sump _ -
thing Eike this:
lager Marr and trackers, 5 ctmte.
.ale and crackers, scents.
whisky and crackers, le tents.
Kum 140.1 tractors, 10...t..
10 some of the cheaper barroom' the
greateet sport was at the noon hour when the
laborers wanted their glow of beer beton
eating. Many did not wait for chairs but
eat down ou anyUlmg on.ve.ient and wen
served as comfortable as possible. Now ani
theta a big ,tars in overais would sit down en,
on the foss, I like • tailor and '4
take hisleek as the Sultan taker kis n,Cer.
M.aawhile the great 1 and un-
quenchable crowd that could Hod no seata at
all swayed against the barred bars and vent-
ed their good and iL'bumor in comment&
upon the enforcement of what had been con-
sidered an obsolete law.
Blood DLIMMa are cured by
the persevering use ofI Sp"
is about °pelting
Basapariis meds i'' and th es of Goderich
Tile modloine is as Alterative. sed
cause* a radical chamois the system. and Vicinity will be want -
TL. process, la some cases, may not be lug something nice in foot -
quite su rapid as la others ; but. with
the result fl* ~Was ' wear. I have the largest
send these testtmo*lala : - and best stock it has ever
"• For two years 1 stiffened free a se-
vere para la my right stile, and had been my pleasure to show.
other dyspepsroublesia
cant by a nrrpld hirer All the leading lines and
and dvepepria After d several
medicines a Lair trial withersl a cure, E � Dongola, in Kid, Donand
began to lake Avera thosapartllr. I -�p�+mr
was greatly benefited th
by e ant bottle, other fine material, in Com -
and atter coking Ore bottles I was tam-
Leeltel, cured." -Juke W. Bemuse ie mon Sense and Opera Toe.
wrenee se, Lowell, Mass. Goods
In Staple
lawtMay a large carbuncle broke outan im-
on y atm The usual remedial* had se mense stock,suitable for
effect and I was confined to my lied for
eight weeks. A friend Induced tee to try Town and Country wear.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Less than three
bottles healed the son. In all m, ex pe- Prices lower than ever.
ranee with medicine, I never won mon
Wonderful Results.
Another marked effect of the use of this
medicine was the of my
sight." - Mrs. l'arrie Adams, Holly
Springs, Texas.
I had a dry scaly humor for yeah,
sad suffered terribly; and. as sot, broth-
er and slater were similar) acted, I
presume the malady is hereditary. list
winter, Lr. Tyri.n, (of Fernandina,
recommended me to take Ayer's
Sarsaperil)a, and continue it fora year.
For flee months I took it dally. I have
not had a blemish upon my Dorf for the
last three months." -T. L Wiley, 146
Chambers sl., New York City.
" Last fall and winter I was troubled
with a dull. heavy pain in my side. I
del not notice It much at first, but it
gradually grew worse until it became
almost unbearable. Inning the latter
part of this time, disorders of the stom-
ach and liver increased my trembles. I
began taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and,
after faithfully continuing the use of
this medicine for surae months, the pain
dmsappcared and 1 was completely
cured." -Mn. Augusta A. Furbuab,
HsverLlll, Mase.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
ls*TAK to ay
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Masts
Pries e 1 . illi bathes. K Werth. • beta&
C_ P. I -i._ BOOM .
i here a large number of Itoaae' and Lots
1 Vacant Laids to the mast desirable parts
the Town -Inn atac irsear.
Now IS the time to secure property before
'he 114 Rush. The C. P. R. is corneae, sure.
sed in a skirt time nrioes will have advanced
beyond the reeeh of manor.
Pall anti see Liss and Prices before purchas-
ing elsewhere.
itentreat Deem Doodler Ysewaa.
New Yonrt, May :F}. -•-Join Keenan, the
Dimmerck Of the County Democracy, who
ran of to Canada four years ago in antici-
pation of an indictment for brining the
niambersof the ••boodle" Board of Aldermen
cf Pied, has returned to the city and yester-
day went through Vas farce of .,
himself to the dist•. tet attorney.
Altbeagh Keenan was popularly supposed
to have handled the Bruadway railroad
"boodle," which was distributed among the
alderman who voted away the valuable fran-
chise, be aim not indicted until Oct, Il), 1196.
He was in Montreal then and has since bora
a fugitive from justice. He is now un d40,-
000 bonds to answer to the tndictn.ent
against him when It tt calked. But Cot Fel-
lows has practically admitted that there i
n r prcepect of trying Kerman. and it is pro-
bably only a question of a few days hen all
proceedings against him will be dronpal.
1t was rumored to -day that ex -Aid. hemp
Ivey had retuned to the city from Canada
aril would give bail under the indictment
charging him with bribery in connection
with ties Broadway railroad grant in 1t"t4.
The Remit .fisselety.
t 1TTAw*, May ;apt, -Thr• Royal Snetety as-
sembled again this morning. [h. Kingsford
was elected • fellow on motioe of Mr. Sand-
ford Flaming. A resolution was adopted
praying the Governor-General to ask the
Imprrial (' . .. for the rectstant•e of
the f Royal to settle the exert
',milted. of Montreal The reports of the
Natural History Society of Montreal, His-
torical Society of Nova Scotia and !tors
Boogie institute were presented. A telegram
offering the use of rooms in the I.egistative
buildings, Quebec, for the society's meeting
next year was read and tabled for future oo.-
Athletic Iterer.t• Rreke..
R'oecior vee. Mas:,. , May 2s. --The annual
meld meeting of the New England inter-
collegiate institution was held here to -4.y.
Eight rc.ords were broken. ate being the
world's amateur record. This was the stand-
ing high jump. in whichIL Crook of Willtants
clearest feet 1'•1 inches, the previous record
bring 5 feet I y inches, made by W. Sores in
A ne{etd. *pealed.
Wiwtwuow, May 74 --Jnaeph Lang)dr,
living sear Colchester village, trial to new
nit suicide by banging. Edward Athens
funnel his body -.tpeaded in • stable, and to
his haste to cut the reps he elm rut the toes
d the Sapp sed dead as. and the tern fell
a cueidetabte diseases Soder floor. I Angelis
was brought amend by the d,eson and is
dill afire, but Is h a precarious roodition.
Tion Paa-Aeseriean Saws,
W . , May dim -F fee
Hitt today introduced the bill to Garry into
effect the . d the Inter
national America. Conformer. for the inror
ptwstio. of the 1 1 Amerir.a
The Renate Cnmmitte. stn (nanew will ha.
Ida comiderstfon of the tariff bill to -marrow
iner.fag at 10 o'cloek.
Mme,, tared.
To Tal bnITna - 1'.eW infra your
readers that i hire a positive reared,
Nei the shove n*aned disease. ily It's
timely one thousands of hopeless" eases
bas. bees aermaoeetly eared. I .hall M
glad to seed tau h• flea of my moody
rasa to say .1 y., or readers who love
en.aa.pti on if they will easel as their
Eiprees erd F.O. address.
Reepertfolly, Ds T. A. Storrs,
l y 144 W. Adak& a t., Tomato, O.t,
I:rel Rotate and General Insurance Agent
,)Alec Wilt-t4t., third door from Square,
R Ticket and Telegraph (y111, e. 5t -t1,
In goods of my own Man-
ufacture I carry a large
stink, many lines of which
I have been selling at whole-
sale for several years, hav-
ing sent large shipments to
British Columbia and other
Ordered Work receives
my special attention, and I
am determined to give you
the very best that can be
made. I have customers in
this branch of my business
from Montreal to the Paci-
fic Coast.
Repairing promptly at-
tended to and neatly done.
To the Shoe Trade of
Huron District : I have a
stock of goods larger than
is carried by many of the
jobbers, and buying my'
goods in large quantities for
cash I will sell to you at 'o
ber's prices or Less. Call o
write for quotations on an
lines yor may be needing.
Leather and .findings •
any quantities from a guar
of pegs or a pair of hal
soles to fifty sides of sol
Boderich Steam Boiler Works o Aaet-stn and �•ntarc. Gafericl ,
1 »tat,;laked 1440.
Chysta1 & Bla,ck, QUALITY
and dealers to
*ewe Holten'. ;.,1 Pars*, Tank,, i'eat�rs. ALWAYS WINS
i'u:okutackr, cud e1i kiwL' of bias,
Inn, Work.
in.proved Automatic rucof Corltea En.
wince. Upright and Horizontal Engle'.,.
o1.0 ry and Castings of c very description.
Hra•s Fitting'. Pipe and Pipe Fittings cote
sisterly on hand.
Mall orient oil! receive prompt et Leotwa,
Warts. I app. 4:. T. It. Beatles.
Lai. Repair. promptly ateended to.
As the Old Darkey said :
Cruelties Buis,.
Tralasarrife*ad depart at Qodetwk es r
tem* :
assI vs
Mall and Zzprees .1.1.
Mail .. ....... tee.'war,
1�lRag ....... ...... .n oon.,...,...tinsa
Mini and SAoress............. .. . 1yt w...
Mitre f..............................spm
Tee heftiest un. r sir cash pa..l fur Cate sad
wrought Surap iron.
1 have on land
of 1 erases kinds.
PIPE AND ,t ,< ,< xLIGS, &c.
tt'arcnn.to, Lc.: '.".,coria t+tre('l Church.
C..a.. ,t� u ABER.
tit' n is a wet
...a .s the wend r ,
•r••.•p.. w„wr.w Non,
•,r.0 iO11.0tr.
bmillolt .a.....,.
w111 mega .aa . as, t
tenni wl... 005 rs.... r
•el I,.5 5 p am wore . s
�h uor ons.
.:.:►a aYeswtiafd
eon 1M.. *5 1.s, r watt
r IN r.. ,sew. sets. sod. roe
.•et d.. 64 .......••• ',float ••• roil w. Ora W.v:-yen
a...s. ..d os rod Oar ar� y..-•1••e•,w.r....dr
A.4•104.5 lu*./orrr,, Yc►►N! twy•u.. Wu ..we ns°,.
y/ sir on a.. ,well- Weppsy .11 ..p5. re. 5..s. Aa..
rank lww .rl, r yon ,...ald rt. to ..... •• 14 i« . •. con
,us s•_ ane ts d -0.«n.. i.�,...,
Mimeo t e es. a ill S. 1•..rtland, °[alae.
a TR
-- "'4.0 -
"I'se ray'thi'r pay more an' hab
P.O. BOX 381. de best once in a while, than to
pay less and hab a poor article
ARIRTRON1'S IMPROVED Our Tia Trade ijllbkd!
Grain and Seed Cearier
is generally acknowledged to be the lest .'rte.
chine bode for thorough!; cleaning grain and
seeds of all kinds.
Separates all Noxious Seeds
and chess from grain at nuc cleaning. eaating
and cleaning all timothy seed at the same
cuss out of any kind of grain. It can be fitted
into any fanning mill without lessee ung the
shoe, no matter how old the n,i11 is, and
makes it do as goon work or better tem the
mo>1 mml.mrs.i eetr mills known.
11 allows no seed to be bbwr. into the chaff
It Cleans Speedily.
forKvery cleaner warranted to work as repre-
epro-sented or no pale. %3
in a •drring by mail (rive inside width of
shy ,• :1.d name of maker of mill if t•nsrenient,
and It -hos. hes side stare or the old taahion-
ed hind shake. --__
A larm,e quantity of
nn hand manufactured from Alroma white
Quartered pine.
bltloe-e orders by mail promptly attended
to. Shipped to any point.
Ci-oderioh, Ont.
Yu,' can get tilt.
HAS C'HAKOE1111Kiyt.
The public are hereby notified that the floor
ane: teed Main, ma formerly' carried ea by A. F:,
l' ,limo has been purchased by
wio wilt carry it 011 in alt Its branches at the
old stand, Kant -at. near the tiQartre.
1'ne.r the muartem,wm of former pr..prw
toroth*. healers' hsa Men the moat •n.•eere
ful in its tine of any in town. aad as the new
it n proprietor has been dent,ded with it for
over eight TJease, there will be ao Wilier off in
the energy formerly ozblhited la timelier It in
PATENTS `1M.. sat rank.
Goods delivered to all pasta of the town.
The late*.ra sad heat IoM of flour and ,eel
always est had aad ening* seeds In mason.
1 take *hi*revert nnity of ,honking my ell, -
1041414 far lbw ltbnral patronage ienog my
Ogwaltee is a Its the 1%e. ('aleft Of. ipof the isat at Flour and Feed
aad we ear obtain P51 01. in has time Wien. and also take pleasure in recommend-
shoe.' remote from if ARlll.W IY)N. 'Off w1, seo.yewor. Mr Thos. J. t Owen. who
Rend MOI)RL OR h,RA M:Tel , We se. X1'(11 he fiend to he s t horougkly rein**, wan.
visees to 4lateetelba iss Ire* of , haw see 17-11 A.
We make At/CNA/tar UNLRAA W OR -
TA IN P.* rx.vr.
We refer, awe te the Pers a.terethe nap.
Order Div_ and to officials of the
Mee. Poe circular, advice.
f detewem to swaged delete le year
K Oew.t,, writ* to
C As1111•11 Ate..
flnawatee Penal Often Waahla•t..Iy Q.
Obtained, and all business In the 1 .A. Palen
(Mao attended to at MOORRATA: VEILS.
•,l*I LAGER�d�ciso �u Tb� Simi. 1h► !1G. H. PARSONS
• ♦Ie1NOi1 SLOG'S. 1707)LRId'p.
.. .11.1...1\1. .
Tic Chsavesi lug Under the Su
Land, Loan and
hits .'emoted to Lie nee ofD,•.r_ Rob! McLean's
incw block. opposite the market.
on Mortgage and Note.,
Ie 1$,
uron tiptal
to Pt'tLt.HRo
AT 1T• NTRAH P0I4(TI4.e orrIct:
It is • wide-awake local newspaper. devoted
to count, news and the dissemination of me-
tal knowledge.
SATE* OF utkaa't1rTlosr
$1.I111 a yrsr ; 75e. for ale months: tar. for
the mouths. 1f the subornptic. is *01 paid
in vicar,.'.' uh.crlptba *ill be charted at
the rate of *Lae year.
assitsvaiso saws
I and other casual
per How for Ate; Insertion. and 3 rents per Hee
for esch aniseq+uent inaertle:n. Mwsurcd hT
aaapareil sale,
Loral notices in eonpariel type 5l* per line.
Local notices in ordinary reading type lc pe
iturinetes cards of six lines and under w per
Arf of f,0at. round. Strayed
Sheaf 101114 1 *rant, tilt tation 1i anted anal
Susinees Chatters Wanted. no: exceedieg e
Mesa nonparlel e1 per moat hs
Hewes os. Kale and Farms os Rale, net is
exe"ed I Hies, $l for first momth, Sac per sale
taleelcat month. larger ads to in proportion.
Any special sone*, the &tact of whish t* re
e semis• the pecuniary twueet of any nicht•
vide& or company. to 1,r, ...ndderrd an *d•
sad charred a.,vndIn*lye
Theis terms will la all cases be strictly ad -
hand to
�InD(v fatty for ext. r roe for extended period. made
the °Rice of publication.
Iti0�101 SEPAST•ENT.
A fab efuts,ed Jnhhlag (N1rw is carried
e oaMisltri wr I t h t lir o04i.ar�
gat cls.. wort yt aeut
ICverylh(wg Is ptat-
ea for premien M
*ea rat g(a eared.
AN esra.hiYa.i mast be .ddesseed to
.e.Mktl eat»..
Edtlret Toe leas*L
Tel-I.ene DALIN. bei Gobs,,* Osti.