HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-6-6, Page 51. GOODS. it., Sateen', :mbroidered lack, White an Challie& ma a eplen- $ Merv's for and House 11.85 Wil- t can show 4 yds long, and Fancy Cream and IEA. Pea., and los. 111 insurance. terrier, Prtoetoe in d t. Mew; 4 man eiibi leas is tally s writ. slot 'D ACt7DJ1VT IV - GENT, Brite a Merceatile Hobe- Norwich Vara; •t"1 Aoaideat leas- . sees settled ptempy� sad Tows A..ert Property valued. etc. -.nd Square, oodertcb. 74 - rig Ft NMI Iowa property, at w owe for th. and NeLena aurCamels traded ae Irmo footway T per e..t. money ,1111=1.rmey Ib IOHNM7ON, metra oab,..6ed.rfob AN. APPLY TO r a CSI LRON, G ND. -A LARGE • Feuds for !overawe thus DFOOTM«tgege• Ara) LANCE, It ASD O &KING AGENT •• awies r•IshtIowa, atus Wing. is .ay way to d deer from Square pal. , BARRISTER, nary Public, e t e. geioyle.W ma SOLICITOR, Eel if Square .ad West tele cwt. 01110e. 3 eyes DUDFOOT, B A R w. w. Prouud foot. 17 . T & CAMERON, ire la Cbsnoe,y, etc. eras. (i.e.; P. Hen, M. 1751- • teering. GENERAL AUO- d Valuator, 0sdn 1 Id esW: a pa iparties satisfaction all cos aim. Order's left at at eyatteueded tto o. JOHN neer. test ments. .HANICS' IESTI T AND READiN treat sad Squire lug and from 7 to rpm ;8 IN LIBRARY kiy and IUwshwf d es, &c., on File. K AT. ONLY Si.M. Afar sty said Roadie • tweets* received by Oho. t1TTVVito. Secreted, ns. ice!. r a sHal10111, m rueastdAe.pt"abeer;.. t&.. smolder!" R, o: flet Sales. 1. �1 motet he tromp_ sae A.D.t .,d . wife gamont p... tutee (mewM 4M M retro oaf Osd .las,es theJoet.b,wlat the ea 1- da. est half of fart member L oIraset_ avers of aeeea, weal skid low'ehhiip 01 warmer* lam W w John Acheson. TAME and FANCY DRY GOODS. BORN THIS IN YOUR MKMORY ! 1OUR GOODS ARE RIGHT ! OUR PRICKS ARE CLOSE! OUR TERMS ARE 5 P88 OMIT. FOR CASK 1 JO ±±N OHESON. !rL GOODS, Ti DRUGGIST, W W Wp yo. cie•a 51t"s.41 yeas w oar CLIMAX FURNITURE POLISH 1 L.o.lest ter Reetorinw F.rslt.re. Ifaa7 to are. CHEAP I Our Metal Polishing Paste naive cleans stair rods and all metal work. Rept is bulk. nares$ 07 LI DI, 0171 01eyr LZTTLI WV= PUsa. 10152 >I[s PRESCRIPTION WORK, TELEPHONE: - FLOWER SEEDS, GARDEN SEEDS. W. C. Goode, - - - - - Albion Block. NILE. m war ewe Mn Mathews, sr., is worse. Eryei- 1as hs. set in, her face being eery n(ul from it. effects. Mr Cantelon and Mr W. Morrow have cooed in and plowed up the old milli- ard. Our village keep. oa improving. )lossie Jackman departed this lite Iasi ssday mooing, aged 17ears and a w months. The burial took place in cemetery on Saturday. This .cooed daughter Mr Jackman has in .ix week. The family have the "apathy of all in their wore bereave - Wm Morrow is laid up just now from he affects of a hart received some time Charles Girvin went to district t.eet- ng, acid Thomas Berri goes to Cooler- ( roux Nile circ. it. Nile made a good at die - riot meeting, reternine 81,1100 sited all purposes, and 126 increase in harshly for the past year. test pt.p•rstiobe are being made for ramp omitting. The committee has .red 14 trouts, which they hire lur each, sed are getting a taberaade, x 60 feet, in which to held the =set- up in ohne of sin, Mr Currry's grove s hessian' plane in wLicb to bold ns5 a meeting. Th. L O. L 1. making or eslebrating "the Morita' Twelfth " t 1. not yet decided where they will brat. DUNGANNON. From our owe Daae Nature is at prompt arrayed in ler must gorgeoo apparel, and holds orth prospects which are to all classes 1 the community very chewing, se - 'ally to those who are apt to grumble. As the time for election dews bear or polittoiaos of high and low mental libre seem to become mon excited. • sincerely hope that they will conduct Ives decently and in good order,sa Mb gond citizens. THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, JUNE 6. 1890. SAINFOIN'S DERBY. TORONTO TOPSG$. The Dere se oe....pve Vett-st«tw lower HOW THE Mll a INCE WAS WON Tb .lett d his hays' Mlnebew Priam ANG LOST. Ararat, Deka d Ooneaugbt and ettrwthears tee r..eae wee awl Totmpom loosen a Vika le stemma-Tbe redress of 4e. erre- aa. yaws- Tee 0.5..saa issste.e BMW Mir. LONDON, June 4. -The ons hooded and eleventh Derby rte at Epsom dorms to -day was ....t'}rrsiag ` its resale .. Y7 one of Pomfbly sot la may d tae eimier *veneer newt yeas W the favorite kern rewired as o mare • .tenet, and It M net recorded that any favorite has bum. mo 1 , beaten. Com- paratively otpar tively aps•ktsg embody thought of Sea- toia as a winner, though the I and the k.owtng ones believed he would res wood and backed bat accosting/3, Tlrou bout the race and belong K teweloot displayed • vicious temper. Whim aerie' the flaw M became so i.u.oeable that he almost threw W rider sad made two at.- Mope trTempe to bile the rider of R.tbboal, and Me ronsequs.i hulling up cvatribw$d largely to the retiree b7 which he was bootee. The rain which prevailed in the earlier part of the day militated against the attend- ance, though it wee Lair as compared with previous Derby At an early boar in the morning the rood was Bled with vehicles at every kind trona • head barrow to • tour -Is -hand end everybody was is holiday humor. Tb rough el.meat has boom the gnat ..Mack elf labrest and soav n.ti.. daring obs past week. The Royal party is composed of the Doha, Proem Louise, be- riflery wk. r •..geed of the Red" Prow d ends. 11da►}�i..er.l etY Jobs McNeil, equerry le M. Ii M., Col W. F. Cava" Military iseresery, lira caveat", and Dr. KJIkdt7, We physicists to the royal h oesbeid They hooded es We and e1 May at Vancouver ea their way Irma from fads, where the Dake w Cemmat der-4.-Clisf d %Mssy. Heir .rat albeit It fee been • flying oma, has her • tr trop hearer •ad the Duke will awry to Eager with him • good 'pines of. the Domtaioe Its resources, 5u. 4tality, wealth, mad maga} ore, la Toronto whene the royal party ✓ ayed for two or Wes days their ^monon was very eatbudestie. The city was pally /•corned Aeocmpaai ed by the Mayr mad other high ;anemias the Dub drove armed the eK7, remised addresses and veined .11 imam% d isterest-- Macae. The royal petty dined (krvertamer Mows, sad leached afEb W (lemma Cobmnl oa TLaeday eve.fog MERINO HOSE & UNDERVESTB • greased grab/ review of Toronto's pa O0irP. the toe..'. Oona ear Grenadiers wee Mid oared, the Duke's hotel, the (loss's Thomas&and ar nsauds oI propie wltasmd the sight, bbd it w worth witneesiag. A brilliant party in fru uniform were gathered off • stand erected a treat of the hotel A scum oro of d•erheg electric light■ lit up Um sows. Under the grand ole tree. covered r W. ACHESON & SON 1V i w Ws leve J17NT RECEIVED par Mentreel Lipner; • Use In Fine Parasols ! henget late et a Discount. AIM • Reeds is LADIES' AND MISSES' took espaeel detigbt as usual in I with lo:urta.t foliage, between walls r their exquWtsly droned better' with mud, daueely packed humanity Ms ettlainI flour, eta, but oil the whole there was kin •oidisry w rcird. Twice peel tis (.i 4.I borne May thea el eustomsr7 n the coo• roost handsome soWir moo they went 1 W m The heavy downpour r rain colt The boys acquitted 1rm•Ives well and t eldest, with the first race cel the day de thoroughly deserved the thsadesw d w strayed the taaual vivacity of the sots praise with which their efforts were nae r- at the course, mad the occupants of ed The old veteran• with their own brad the splendidly appointed carriages were. were .leo prewar and received much .1 competed to take their luncheon order t shoo tram the Prince H. lampseted thin, the eheiter of mmbrells& Tb. raip , boob hands with each of the old warriors, . leo curtailed the amount of Meting from •••'i melted tient pMaaaat gwt5t,tee oar carriage to another which is a prominent That magaieewt body the Toronto Otis Brigade were ale° inspected by lits Royal feature of the Derby. and .. iY much H gbsst The Dob and party rafted o[ the cargo good keeling th.ract0rietio off rim co- W �1v Ca.adtao Yacht Club hour. calk# was resat As • tools, ► i1 4 hater os a the .v1510g 711005 ..er»s4y made the bed d the rtw.M.s !Ararur who is . btga mucic-a-bauak tie salts./ corm indulged a quid I,r tar Masonic order attended a nteoptiou naelrtletrsea M tI. eapnesa s'" tboss horn favor` ..Md addressed the looel Master Hs Ind • Iitl hi" i yi' SiM from wadi ti)• _Eared rid ----- Mese of it, but wNa laps -inn" MEYm' d Sweteci ..�i1-• /10/141-4-41-11;71y asthma►. ore likes it or nor .oetion, that or ole 110 pI.Tioo• Derby. ' one has to go through a large amount of e only :ai of them have beep won by the hard work Intensely wearing though it be, if favorite& • p•r.o••i'• happens to be of Royal baud Orwell led to Me distance post Hen On Heturd.y Niagara Falls was visited a, Baintoin drew to the [root and eosins on Sunday evening the royal train with t won by t1 , ala beagle. Thio i proctor burden steamed out of Torero on its W•• a aedll beawna. le !ford and (h'wm:L +ay suet Montreal and Ottawa with • few Barefoot the [averfts, came in fourth Th• o e ter eters wW beveiled I Kon Prince Ar bur mart of the room created the most to ..ni his party Vse this bowitabls mores of meadow excitement. Nmrefoot bed bees the moi•' toe "Marne Aagebd" The backed to win to the extent off hundreds of ' Part7 wow' is W Pirate cars of thole . at 2 o'clock, and wee 000atiteted with prayer by the Mcd.stor, Rev Mr Mo - Kat. of L.eksow. Nedertcwt :-Rev. A McK•y,I. M•cNah,F. A. Mclennan, I. Davidson, K. McDonald, R. G. Ander- son, minetere, and Mr Be.Dett, elder. On the motto. v/ Rev Mr Asdernon, sec- onded by Mr Bower, Ree Mr Carrie, 0.1 the English chinch, and Rev Mr Potter and Mr Irvine were invited to sit as . . members. The Pres- bytery appointed Rev K. McDonald to preach at the induction to room of Rev Mr McKay, of Bernie, who hart not c -ns.. The Rev Mr MacDonald, of Ashfield, cbume for his text Exodus *vii : Bet .q., and delivered a most vividand inspiriting sermon. Rev Mr McLennan, Mnderetor of the Session 0f Dosgennon and Port Albert during the vacancy, then detailed the several step takes by them while under his Rev Mr D.vds io, of La.R•tde, addressed the minister at length, detailing the qualities necessary fora e.00.••f.l ministry, and the duties that would rest aeon the minister. Af- terwards Rev Mr McLennan addressed the 1, showing them theobli- g.tions under which they would lie, and the duties which they would require to discharge towards their pastor. The Moderatn toes dismissed the congrega- tion and .her meeting with the elders mid managers of the the Presbytery was closed. In the .mooing a concert was held ia the cherch, the scutal program being .capped br the choir of Knox ebareh, Godereb. Dur- ing the evening, thej5.v F. A. McLen- Dan, Rev Mr Carrie, Rev R. 8. G. An - den ao, Rem Mr Potter aye shortad- drentee, •bile the new pastor, Rev Mr Fairbairn, spoke • few feeling words se as i to his pastorate b.r•. The Rev Mr McLennan was presented with an address of thanks by the Session and , for hie servio..mon them dialog the vacancy. The selections rendered by the choir .ue executed is a very pleasing aryls). while the solos and i J musto were thoroughly ew- ioyed by the ..diene.. The Rev F. McLennan, chairman, read a letter trona the Rev D. G. Cameron, formerly minia- tte a number of our oitireas were ter cf the owngregatios,oOu�g�tD llatiDg tat the political =saline. held 00 them 0s the of arof the y evening at Port Albert by the induction of 1r Fairbairn. The oon- t,rm candidate, Mr (Jarrow. and ex- Rogation 1 the Isom by themselves well satisfied with pamisg a vote of thanks to Mr Q4.mertn he homes:, straightforward owner in for his kind , and the in- hioh be diammed the objactions or and tweet he still takes in the welfare of the mad* by the oppo.eota of . As the chairman bad to h• on. Oliver Moral's administration leave before the intending program was f the public affairs of the Proyince for felly .xhsueted, the Rev Mr Carrie was b. last 18 invited to piu.ide, which he did with FM'S As sterile mattes are on hand a t ••td•con• The .eating closed with remelt. ale east bedside is tb• maim rotas of thanks to thea who bed taken i is the Rev Mr Fairbairn part ftenekwea. by The Barong chat; lit rlw maim kali sot.'. on bra work bore sada- a.apMO0 (Lower) (toast ) Ashy of said o :le conereplatios., whilenot oval with D f As the too mos r at .arta- m'"'• !sir gait'. by Dom Jobe. through cb, together high freights, lion are and have hem all that maid a• �sg eatbostaatie •fad very hearty (what (Levet our shippers ewe planed to a d1 b. /erred, prospects of an abundant In the resption of their sew Folder. The great went h.. been cbangsd tam in competing with United Stave earls tap es fruit, o pests oto., Bever were Mr Fairbairn brinp with list s good as tiidfashioned maintained ehereeter ea a hard worker and as sero- by British tper mare. who were bepp) TWENTY-FIVE KILLED• met'sr and faithful .mister of the Gospel. mowg5 to ..joy the prestige of harsh bred Tong SN1*IAL M a..iowly looked lot It ie the hope of all that bho e say be e- mad rood te • Derby winter, to • guarantee eekly by • nsmber of oar inbabitaata woeful among us and that the work of .rake worth 41000 sovereign, •d yesterday .d numerous pares*. the Lord stay prosper is hie hand. tree rotas each. As the Rev A Potter is sway to Coo _ The stake roar with 11911 ekiri, of ivied w /.mated .e 10 sovereigns sane ..d t bourne& of pomade. App.( hr bsokan primer 0l the C.P.R. Van Horne and Sir were large numbers or the aristocratic OsOrse Slephen The can s midst far eros and they suffered keverd7. The time t are varttable Pala". o' wheel' and the Royal party thus travel summered by 01 the race wee tl4f/ 4,S Tee race for eery 0omtart podbe. It would be very the Steals; Stake ons woo by Rotbachild'e sorry H con y t•vorite ,ode wear Bampsio.e Lord !Larch 1 ChtuchW'e la w b• d.+•Sgd a a railwa7 smash up. •u verses 9, MAamr'm March Past 3. • pilot ergo* glides half • nee or w Tat MAST STAMM,. ahead ce the royal train Tete Duke of 5000 aovereiges for the winner, 500 ewer will probably mail for boots in the "Parisian.' signs for the nominator of the wiaar,300 ova in • work's time wag= for the owner of the moon/, and 20i TM °Jstarb electiore are now the all ars sovereigns for We owner of tea third. For sorbing topic. Kec.oes are army. exciting, colts 9 .tome, and fillies tl stow 9 pound.: but the cue promises to be more for 3 -year-old by •aberriptioa d 50 sovereigns o then ever. This r due no doubt to t4.• each. halt forfeit if dacared by the file Pretence in the flet/ a • oew P•rt7-0o1 the- Tuesday in January, i(*0, and 10 ovreigs* hew Party for that ie the Temperance party, but the Equal Righters In Toronto the coo- .„,.. I1 efeclar.oi by the ant Tuesday in Jana ted is et unusual interest. This 1 think M cry, '.. any °•rPlus n be paid to the eland" oth tie wger number .d candidates ulnar. About • .t as/ • half starting mad P•r'al°• whieb are in the train Me high level starred post aside Seven candidates in all will mak Thr J. Porter's d c t4aia[a4. ores eprtagat4d- the electors for their votes on the 5th. They Panda wsat.l are E. Dougls Armour, barrister and We - Mr IwNvre s i e L Iter/ b7 Triraa -Ir li.m Ball. wood merchant , the Nae.. t Deed Barrett 1 Bights element: E. F. ('Larks the Duke of W be Orwell. Baal Or Equal ler. W A. 1mr7's b c Bereft.* Sy w t genal mayor of the city and H. F diep.��g -1411 Toote.........Ttddisrd • Clarke, who are the two Conservation cao- JJam�is w ine& b c Kirkham, b Chaster- dWtee Frank Mires, hardware usercbwt, la Primes/• wee • who t the wleye of "l=arirda's Mr. p� Baird's 5 c "km Oafs. b Baud list mew P,uty" the Temperance' people, .red Al -4 • Mr. M. J. Corbdq'a bre Rather. bra= trod McDougall, barrister and Joseph Tait vsrJ. Horeytboee 8..1.0• • baker the two Reformer standard Mr. J. ea•v*7'•♦ c mammas, h seal Or Osborne • bearers At the eat election the 0 two Clarke. and John 1.sy. • liber'•' Betting: 44 se , tiai.foi., 15 to 1 Le were elected over two Lebo( isndidfatea Nord, 100 to 1 Orwell, 1 to 2 Barefoot, 40 ea 1 This Year nearly every ouditl•te charm. 40 Ratbbm•1, Mart.gou mad (olds. owe, 100 to be the labor representative and it is hard to 1 Kirkham. my who will get this important vote. A re - TIM well -named colt was bred by the markable thing about tee Toronto eecttco Quer, and sold with Her Majesty's yearlings is that although three members are rout W the Parliament to represent this great city, st the annual sole of Per Saldtra ikota the intelligent and otherwise fixed voters aro mrd "i"isnot 11, ta. near of • not allowed w vote for more than two. This u fawiows clover ger ince grows in Ebglad, very strange and unnatural and should b .red • eon of 8prl.geeMl, wbeee darn won remised. It is hard to say who will get in. T'Iridia, is retrace well named Sainfoin A Itis always hard to prophecy to 1be0140n glance at fats pedigree will show that he is remit& They ares a g..'1 rule very royally bred. exclusive of the tact that he surprising affairs, and 4 do not neo any tea- r fared in Her Majesty's paddocka son why they should not be equally o one Perhaps no bony ever showed in bis (wretch- mora son the bens of o many claire winners The fecal year or business year for our Slnckwe0. M The Mew hanks sided on Saturday last and (1.5551, (Leger) money M therefore emnewhat scarce. Money ler is expected to be much higher this coming i i Bribery, by The 1A554 summer than usual. From present out -looks everything Is going w be much higher. A barge amount a money will be disbursed Kamm. by (lrtasdo. 1 3 ( i this weak, s the half -yearly &widen ds � ' ►•7 We offer them mt SPECIALLY LOW PRICES. W. ACHESON & SON. TO THE LADIES. Try Our Oxford Shoes FOR SUMMER WEAR. They •rr;v arrested sot to slip op and down os the reel. which cannot (be geoid of any orb :r snaky. Pyrrhus !tint of Palmyra. i (D.157) t r. lord(iuden. by Kewmlarert agere t Lager ) 1 F Mineral, by H•tapies. 111,750,00W and three payable on and atter Mondry, amount to c )neMillion rue quarters: Just fancy that vast sum. in half yearly dividend. too. Lucky people w indeed Mom who invest in lank 'Marrs Tom cattle season has opened .t to chippers. In d the bevy sbipm01t. From the `[tales, se well s from hen. British pries have declined courier- ' ably, and instances are recorded of some of our exporter' M'bo will loos $10 to $ .).bad. High priers were paid early in the sesoe, Our _I usset Oxford Shoes ere • decided mwoor. Ther. M aerie( like them for wanner wear. THEY ARE ALL OUR OWN MAKE ! were er•s••k Mr Murdock. 5511054.51, is 15.. (h Monde 4lest sea Mr Monday .MitiR 1M at f5 sti.erolg.. Dad : M erru tome ilktgt", se wee .w meed Erttna tb pal- Tloell Morris, fell or was therms from Weida ed the stab w worth 5450 oy- oa the hat Sabbath, is to oscopy the a ins/ of mason soder the boom, bet "g•• b We eraser. the Atli hist.sad w Mall, in efed. Hie hod woe L. Nerd. the eonthat In the water bet - badly er..bed sad lis ribs drives tete his on we, seed eke& far aura,* r the pro• mother esrreopesdoat. labs.. Re Beed only aabort lima party d the Preach tgrims.a Y. ..y leak woe .jade s rod IMfror day d b New by Tristan, dem IA NeAs a two - history of tJaia village b7 tb ale• CbristopMr Ekins, lot ll, leo.. 13, wad old b eared six tomw sod won fear. poor of • sew oor 4s ti• Pteaby, lime towoehip, h.. perebetat.d a tt.re like termed in harem de Rotkeehfld'e stable wise chunk b oe'oy Hell calf from o.. Dowd - sad carried the Rotherhnd blue •ad prim. 's0aO0�' Br•ssla as/ will therefore R1.ebsm.'e pulpit sat Sabbath The emoted he'd J 50 SSTtreaelatios of the Rev . O. 1Late ht.odtaee "Ha m.lu.ble b...d into that R• .sada here Met (dais year a tit. Nate - to Strabane, had lasted for felly AveWyss, of Ir is .lso we T'ro T1rr.m.d Aare..•. red. rtes.. M find h. I Masa w ma �te. ion Methene Aptteldse.�sWys wry, issioe to s.edroeste i. nail to= floc. Is tot" of a Pete bed roow, �na elf the With./ M Mr Diadems. restr.t 155 May l wee Pr Pal °lovas is leevi.g W • theIlse m oar ons• thou 1abeAell be t� • +1 t b. gals to fib* Ryw•t" . the Ree Mr + '7. Trieste, mint ._ 'bot meatae. There If oldies', cs the 8.sgael Pill tl r 1 fel this Tie mall woe wntiesoie eel heeetp. sad trot" error iwo.ty a09Msstians eimopeed y Rey Kr Tallhahe. The eits..tio., bat Mr Orem ler the leaky the ed oke tea ast weft Therere eightmooe e Newie intwk l lea Ts. Presbytery mails fi• wheel, lie alis W whlh blahs, and guaranteed to Rive satisfaction All ripe sewed free of chars.. 14001.•14 8bos of a superior quality made to order. JOHNSTON CAREY As Awf.t !.thread Ambient 4. call- 1sr.la. Pim, Yummimtl, June 91-O.ne of the awes horrible railroad aeohdents on record Is or curer new here. A kcal train front Oak- land to Asa Fre coon ran through an opts drawbridge over the Has Antonia river. The eagtne toed., and ohm era car elle4 with paemeger' plunged dew. the •wtnl Mtn the deep waters. The weight Mob weal ng brewer' the Snit oar sad them malodor orbit train and thus hundreds of Ives wens saved. Boats were soon on the wens sal the cep of the oar which silt Ms Etat dive into the river. Seat - ad, was we awe and the war+ a remain was 0.. pew w ere 1y ht et bade nuasher . They Karrvat, was .nomad b estr.lontwed kart cwt tt blamed writ fatally. tt M r Orwea lworka OswnOada, m1.rM . Twwtystrsded beams bee. bees recovered. tli times but we only onse as a teeoy.5. Tap eagoost and L_m were awed. La- dd. dd. - 9..m werse...r prweua The nowt whew' weak 1111E -Lard • Wane veb.sls.le were MAK promo" d *1.'' smiles. ISM -Look. ae w•Mrb t. 'I Orna•nd. ISS$ -lir. "Ab4gMY' lie.. Yerh • away Meet NM ass t7wl.r, Mowry ti._lpe.a 11110- b e[ 1.thisre • love Ayabbei 111111 -Deb. at PrtWb Dna. Time. J• w. elver d Werth Lark Obtlet. oremba re, kolas deowe /earl is Wbolesle and Retail Manufacturer and Dealer in Boots and Shoe.. 5147 1 ♦ THE NEWEST OF THE NEW 1 In . few day. hence 1 will he prepared to show • Complete Assortment with all the now Ktfr. t. in the different department. GLOVES, FINE HOSIERY AND PA.MASO2.1S, A.h.ual. will bel. Noticeable Feature. 1 feel that 1 bate won ebe CwAdencer the Public. and w ill do my utrnet to retain it, sod will we every legitimate means to give Entire satisfaction to all favoring me with their pet ronag.. 1 stlu and always will adhere to the Acknowledged Honest Principle of having Goods Marked _ in Plain Figures and Strictly One Price. SMALL WARES DEPARTMENT rtr•ce ... s large there of anemias and deservedly w. that Department being the Ael NOT!. ,, .a the rat. Asia el M., Re- Leel hove his boor Tall oak,: from acorns spring ALEX. MUNRO Bermuda Bottled. "Ter .ons p a Sorters.. [f da .ea 11 will not no rp...4tile remeteelinseire Ilmo manoy." elk It niosmowdalot. try - BCOTPB EMULSION OR PURE NORWEGIAN OOD LIVE& Off. sawearM ear M Vrf.da 1451 Sank ter mow wb•e 0011$UMPT1ON, Bronchitis, Conej • or Severe Coil ltotanamine le Nee= etilealo NOW It= eirM Mod a Ea. as _ b Milkmen lat sei.I.wwtta�alr 1 . tom.yen sorra' • Meonflin. Monotone. 'Wines, L u.cx's, $5C e'UR .A1 Of HY G. H. PARSONS ALPO ,K H1 1(*. GO1.LRZCr. Societies. • logioks op./1,404 EUREKA rotlye1L, ono 1 11RIM - Mese tare meMNg events., atfle to 6 street 1000 AT TNE SIGNAL UG STAT�IOSEM AT SICUAL Draper and Haberdasher. PURIFY T•')CR BLOOD AND LNJOI: 000D 84ALTH BY L'13INO CASTE Sllrsaprilla Biliers! A Purely Vegetable Compound that Cares ere tied of Unhealthy Humor and 7ns.a' that is named bythe Impurity of the Bloo. where the LUNGS, LIVER & KIDNEYS, And other Vital Organs are .et walled be. yon/ the bops of repair. This valuable Cleat - pound cures Kldsey and Liver Com ata. Pimples, Eruptions of tb. Bks. Hotta. Comer. patios. Afllo.anemm. Ilympen.i. Web Blsmneb. Loss of .kava. N.1 Appetite. Lemmnor. Female as la Me Weep and Reek. Isom of Appel Weakness. Dietitians. General Debility. It is • gonna revilersiag p.e�tive, .1;0 as . tonk�, s the pecull•e aatltte as • powerful. seem ■ ;lie rim Osagsstiw and Chronic nflamm•th.. of the Liver and al: the V4txral Organs. iIThis valuable Preparation excites the whole system to a new and vteev.ee sauna. g irtag tree mad droner to the systems debili- tated by disease. and woods • great protec- tion' from attacks that orIgtaate la change• et the season. of climate sad of life. 7.11 directions with rich aceto. Price 30 esnu mad 11.55 per Bottle. -r*Rr*n&Dotrt.T NT- H. SPENCER CASE, Chemist and Prvrurrg�ggMpstt No. 50 Wer King•et., 44..Seoa Osumi* Hold by F. Jerrie. Refute all SubNitetea woos, WOOL! HIGHEST PRICK I'Airi FOR W(K`1. The Proprietor' et ta5 Osdertch Weston Mm have put their mill a thorough regale sad sre sew or.Mr'•d to swtaeetuse tor the farmers at ewe r,aaaa.hae pries that It eat Per y.0 to brag year wool and Mee N memo Metered. We make B1.ABa1TS. ria.eata. room ale ranee. .11 kiwi. of Y arse. FANCY YARN CARPETS made to order. ersallaae:. C.INI0 t"8/ Dirges 'Owe We have ns eWM• en K lairre+s. where orders eon to rah sea wen$ tale. 45. Your pstre'•se 4• raweelftdly slie4bd. .1. DIC LSON & SON. 114`