HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-6-6, Page 44 THE HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1890. T1/E CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE QT..H.1t.. f„ 1.,. MEAD Oip1O4 TORONTO W TAI maw aP) UU towels N4iAM aney. Ib E. WALKER, 0 Hate Men*m tt 110114000.0011. 117.0..... GODERICH BRANCH. t A .EIMRAL BAJm,N° eUSin S TIONSIACTED. FAmrsar NOrss O0ootllnT10. DsAFTs MIND liATA*La AT ALS POSITS os CANADA. AMD TON seiscu►K DIMS tee Tee UNrTIO STAVI , GI AT II1rTA11. FRANCS. IMIUMNI1eA, M •AUNSS SAM K►ARTINIPIT. DEPOSITS OF $LOO AMD UPWA113S Utctry[p, ANO CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST ALLOWED. •elT.M1111T AMNIA" T• Tien PaINSIPAL AT Teen MO or .Ar ASO SVU SSS IN ■ MO VMS. OpeMM Af 41New gives IS Nee 041110 •411•0 of ileewwseeNal Peps. nM IenwerN Idle Nonam, ti u ttON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 15)0. OUR TICKET. For Pashas -HON. 0. MOWAT. Foe Wort Houma -J. T. GAitROW. Far Sass Bttox-T. GIBSON. Fos Bora result -ARCH BISHOP. AFTER THE BATTLE. Now that the elections .re over it will be in order w lock at some of the pe- culiarities that have bee* iodolged in by the prase and speakers on both aides. We admit that tbe teode*cy when the blood is warm is to have the Adamant warped to some extent, but there ie no Tewson why any one should be blinded by party to each an extent that Do good can be seen in the other party. Fortseately,isthis section of H think the tendency to belittle opponents, and to falsify the record has been lees Indelged in than in almost any cobstitu• envy, and from personal knowledge of the press and platform we know of very little that o.n cons between the friend- lies* of l in the conflict which existed ptevios to the contest True, there has been.troog discussion, sad easiest men have striven, •cocrding to their light, to present their aide of the question, but is few if in any cases have personal relations between the speakon bee changed. and the election in West Huron for 1890 doses with • better footle, existing between all the participants than ever existed after a previoa campaign. All through the the meet ing. held in the interest of each party have been of the moot orderly cb•rsct.r, and in every instance a fair hearing bee been extended to the speakers on each aide. During the contest the Tories import- ed some stompers to help them through. and had men like H. E. Croatia, of Toronto, Liras, of Oshawa, and Gaza - ORT, of Toronto, to aid and •mist Dr House, Jerrie MITCHELL, Dr Swex- Ito:t, H. W. BALL, of Godericb ; Wil CLwo •ad HARRY Meese, of Wingbes, and Fairs Msnvtr, of Blyth. The Reformers, on the other hand, did the work within themssles. and in addition to the excellent part played by the can- didate, J. T. Oakum, such men a M. C. CArsamr, Hoo A. M. Roan, 1). Mt:- GILWCUDDY and F. Brat, of Goderieb; A. H. MANWItu., of Clintoc; Dr SLOAN• of Blyth, and that well-known political warhorse, Jos Sae s ty1LLs, ex -M. P., of Lecknow, faced the music .t each and every point. Only one Tory meeting on the published list went by default, and that was through • misunderstanding. Oo the other hand, at only one of Mr GAtaow's meetings was there any oppo- sition, and only one of the Tory speakers managed to screw op course to attend. "(fur friends the enemy" appeared to have • wholesale horror of joint di.coesion, and hated terribly to be met face to face, and bays the questions dis- cussed openly and above board by repre- sentatives of both parties. The reason advanced was that there was • lack of speakers in the Tory party, bot, de- spite the fact that no Tory orators could be .found to attend liberal meshes, there was always • plethora at the Tory meetings -in some cases from four to six speakers being present. We aro of opinion that free speech was sot wanted, and that nor depended more upon the ptoses of un- derhand methods than upon the advo- cacy of their leans. The resit in West Huron shows, however, that bone.t dmesseioo and honorable work will always carry the day, when bigotry, intolerance and Weeder form the stock in trade of the other side Mr OeaaOw has come through tie eoatsat without • smirch epos hie rope tatio., and has aoeeseded is bolding the riding by soothing like its nor- mal majority. we osegmt■late the electors of West Herm on the neer. Tea Oos.srvetive party will have to ren the next eledl.. for Sir Joist with "Fasts for the Ilri.h Niemen" ms eam- *MD 6tentete. The Egssi Rights style of doing !mimeos areal Nit the Tabs is Damasks sisals& • • . R. S WILLAMS. Memeoc t. R eh for GAaltow and Mower. Welts the 'patter witb the Tory rooster this week. He's kind of droop- 's', like. MUUZDlrs'. Cabinet ba gone op Salt ?Creek, and so has the reputation a • prophet of every Tory stomper in On- tario. Jim L. HU•Ows. i. • sadder and wiser tan. He slipped upon en Orange Peel yesterday and dislocated hie ;political anatomy. 11CITs • Bamber of Carrow hate are Dow jauntily worn by jubilant Reform- ers. The Tories are satisfied with "cow .- bre•kfaeta. " MsaEDITE got it in the neck yester- day, and isn't half as pretty as he looked in the picture shown by Dr Holmes at Dungannon Wednesday night. r Now, Mr FIAT= Mlr, y•tr, of Blyth, secretary of the Earl Rights Associa- tion of Heron, set your little run and go after Sir Joint, Your hoar has came. IT will now be in order for the Hamilton Spectator to tell Mr MER.PITH that be has proved himself to boa leader who doesn't lead, and ask him to retire from the political arms THE so -caned Reform Egad Right.n who voted against Mr Gellaow There - day, have crawled under the barn today, and are ashamed to let even their wives know that they were such fools as to be chol♦0d with such absurd catch cries and appa.b to bigotry Any man may make • fool of himself, but he hates to let the neighbors know it. COMMUNICATIONS. We do not hold lige for the opinions of our Corr.trlbu- ton _ `\ tc this 1 them- selves to public q kW - Neve C.stl.sdy. Editor of the Huron Signal. Qederlch. I notice that there is general satisfac- tion expressed in the Oseedian papers lemmas the G is increasing its Krauts. lo this step we all rejoice. Our country is lane and there is room for million. more. In fact, we could dump into Canada the entire population of Europe and then add to that the popel•tion of the United States and Mexico without being crowd- ed. Our labor unions, of the variorum; orders. need not fear the importation of muscle from abroad. The whole history of migration to new countries shows that where muscle appears in large quanti- ties there capital is hound in correspond- ing amount.. Canada needs two thing.: muscle and mousy. This means labor and capital. We have • few foolish people who ay we need only capital. The is • serious blunder end arise e'from selfishness or ignorance - generally from both, with • double por- tion of the former. Though from Ontario many are moving out West- ward to Manitoba, Assinaboia, Alber- ta, 8 and British Colum- bia, still there is plenty of room in this Province. Our Ontario people are not migrating because they are over- crowded, but because they are enterprie ing and think they can improve by a change. There are cheap farts. and plenty of them. There are farms every .ore of which can be cultivated, in 0.. tsrio tom, that an be had for $5 per acre. The climate is good, the .oil rich and railway f•eilities ample. Take Chalk Ricer on the ('. P. R for in -1 dance. The station Bpd village are wrrnunded by good stretches of land. True, close to the village is • large stretch of and. But there is plenty of good cheep land near, and first -elms public road. . This is only one place out of many. The general climate is bracing and healthful. Psr- haps one of the we•keees.. of the age is sot absent from • lane clamp o1 Onta- rio's yoeng people. Ton many wish to maks a living and bosoms rich without f•ithfel labor and long oontimeed hard bot healthful toil. Few who are willing to "beetle to" treed fail in Ohxtario or .eek a ehantre. Bat those who think a change Would be good on adamant of climate can gain within the bounds of our Waders provisoes all they regains. Between the Maritime Provinces and the Paise omen me be found climate mooch in all beet varying degrees 6t for meet people who ought to I've • little Seeger. Keay in the past have foolish- ly and rashly real into the States .eek- ieg better things. Tea. 01 clammed@ M.. r.ters.d sed nosy others weld bet are not able. True. seem wisely sleeted, and faithfully labored, and have ...seeded so that they do as need may further eha.e. But the se.e meal meld mad weld have seeeeeded iR C•ade if ohmage meet Boma, thee eo to our own Wast, yearn, man. L ODLru. AT Tim KAROOR. A 5.es*T or 1 Mine seas risked SP M MSe1a The eat. Kelley dewed ler Linesed- ma tee Felday to lead ask he Owm Sound. Th. air. Mabee departed as Moe - day with a cargo of help■ and staves fur Mr Jus Wilkens' tains at Purt ?reek. The sebr. J. M. Carter arrived os Toads tram Thesaloe with 250,000 feet of leasteer for Mr N. Dynamic Af- ter unloading .he cisersJ, light, for Thanatos. On Wednesday the dr. United E. - pre arrived from Sarnia with passes - gees sod freight on its meth -bound trip w Dwtuth. The shr. Cataract, Copt S.tberland, lay ofi the pieta y.eteedy, and Mrs Sstherleed and homily embarked fur a trip on the lakes Owls' to the presses of traffic the steamer Imam did wt, as apnoeas& reach this port os Timed•y last, but will call oe Jaw 27th on bee trip from Seg- insw to Beffido. The Meaner City of Windsor, run- ning between Windsor and Algoma Mille and calling at porta oe the Can.di•n side, will make her first call at God.ricb shortly. Mr Johu Morton, dealer in pressed hay, has about two hundred tune of that commodity at the docks ready for ship- ment. Mr M. is pressing the hey busi- es,. A carload of Liverpool rook salt ar- rived here lac weak and wee shipped per steamer to Manitoba, to be used on a large cattle mock* owned by an English syndicate. A PRESENTATION. Mr L 1 01gtw Reort.e. • Marti .f Eases frees Maeslteen 'meads. The following from the H&milton Times of May nth refers to . gentl.mas who 8.. recently become a resident of Goderioh :- "Mr Ed. tlodgkiss, wb3 for the pat bre years hes been emaciated with the Church of the Ascension chuir,hayinq left this city to take up bie abode in (lode - rich, • number of members of the choir and 000gree.iiou hes, taken 11 tonity of their kindly helloes toward him for his future welfare, and, as a mark of their esteem, have purchas- ed and forwarded to him a handsome silver-plated water pitcher and cup, whie5 the following 8.t., mad reply sill explain : LalTI L HAMILTON, Oni., May 19th, 1990. Mr Edward Hodgkies, Goderich, Ont. : P.*. M. Hon.&1irt,-By to -day's ex- press is sent you a silver-plated water pitcher and lop, a. • memento of the kiodly relations exi•tiog fur many years between you and the choir and congrega- tion of the Church of the Ascension. We pray you will accept with this the assurance of our hearty good wishes sod hopes for your future happiness and success in your new sphere of labor. -Respectfully yours, D. BARTON, Air. Pcwi4, on behalf of the committee. SLY. Gouas,t:,, Ont, May 20th, 18910 Mr Demi Minnie Powis * t, Bears., -It u with pleasure 1 the receipt of your kind letter of the 19th Inst., also the beautiful silver water pitcher and cup, which you so kindly expressed to in Coining as it dee at this time, sod so ily, thereby proving to me the many warm (Heads left behind In the *holt and of the Church of the Asooaioo, the gift is 1 more than I too *sprees by mere words. and will ever reviled me of the many pleasant of the pat Eve years with the choir 4.1 the Church of the Ascension. Again thank- ing my treads through you, and hop- ing the choir say continue to prosper in the future as to the past, I remain yours truly, E. HODGElxs HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. The Neesper. Meet and Adjoins Mate Eaerrese the resections. The council met on Tuesday lad, June 3rd, in the council room in the mart hoose, pursuant to t, The warden in the chair. The following councillors were present Messrs Gir- vis, Griffin, Stothers, Castle, Kelly, iraba'a, Mcblurchie, Manning, Beck, Malloy Bassett, Proudfoat, Cox, Br- oom, Milne, Oliver, MrJan•, Hess, Hey rock, Cook, Dulmsee Jacques, Britton Scott, Beenewee, Morrison, Mooney Howe, Henderson, Torras, Errs Ratz, Eilber, Shritt, Mclean, Weber, McPherson, Thompeoe, Kay, Kpdd, ylor, Anderson, Johnston, Loobart regory, McKenzie and Sanders The minutes of the last day of the Jas cry meeting were read end *pprewed . The warden addressed the c,uneil on the lamented death of the late Mr Mal- loch, I. P. K. for North Huron, and the necessity of the appointment of a suces- M,r to the once ; on the removal of the am of timber in the river Maitland at 'iogbam the eotelizatioo of the assess - mat rolls, and die plans, Ma, for the hastier and sanitary i of the court boos and regi.tr office. Moved by Mr MoMurchie. seconded by Mr Kay, that the warden be empow- ered to issue hie order to the legal repro - 'intense of the late D M. Malloch, Inspector of Schools for North Horoe,for the amount in fell of the quarter a eatery let April, 1ft9t0, and that the clerk, on beim!? of them 0000cil, be in steamed to Does imitate with the Eds.- timid Department at Toronto and request the mid Department to act in the same manner, and that rule No. C2 be suspended for this perptw-_Uarri.d. Moved by Mr Kelly, 'wooded by Mr Meaning, thee tbte council do cew ad- journ to meet again oe Toeeday, the 17th inet , .t 2 o'clock p m i'poe the names being called for there voted for the motive -Messrs Onhavi, Man- ning, Merritt, Jaegees. Mooney. Bee - newels, Hess, Detains, Err•tt, Oreg. cry, Beseoes, Beek, Tomas, Bissett, Howe, Morrison, Insist, Tesler, Boy- ▪ , Ellber, Thesspeon. rmedfoot, Swim, H Ta 0 New Goods opened this week, and marked as follows: -A line of Fine Ginghauls, Sc per yd., worth 12i, warranted fast colors; Cotton Shirtings 30 inches wide, 12ic. per yd., worth 15c.; a; bale of (hey Cotton, 7c. per yd., worth 10c., Silk and Taffeta Gloves, 25c. per pair, worn. 35c. We mark all our goods at Close Cash Prices. We don't add 10• on for the pur- pose of giving 5`, off We are always pleased to show good- whether you purchase or not J. A. REID & BRO. Jordan" Block. Qedericb. My 31th, 110. 1761. THE MARKETS. BREADSTUFFS AND PROVISIONS. Gederle* Malta. tiODatWC.. June S. 1150. Wheat, thaadard 1 0,5 . 1 N Flour• Patent Hu.garian 111 cwt. 2 N 70 110 se N • J 3a 0 m • 070 Barley,* bash .................. 0 N• 0 W Potatoes r desk ..-sass... M • 60 Har. ti tom ...................... 7N• 7N Butter • a ...................... 0 10 et 0 13 K Qa. QW t.Meked • des .. 20 1. t1 0 11 Uses 0b• 012 e :i. .................... ▪ • 06 Met teil Mw•;e*cut ...... ...... t 1000 !00" 4t. !30" 300 0." 001 •cwt...... _.._ •15" • 01144 1, tie"' U. • t .....sa Wood........ . ............... ... Wool Pelta A Mamas J une S. r*lI le to 5 SI WW heat..ew and .M Flour •• Sl . to 101 Wheat 1 N to Otey '500 4110 Pe.. 03ab o Potatoes 0t0b Butter D 15 to sass. o e to 300 to •3 00 to Nen wool 0 N to Pork .. ( 7 s to Cordwood Beef .. 1 Oe 0b 0 to 311 9w o 1. 0 le 700 0s •N 6N *.sserea1 Meese Rartet (Report y the Movitreat Horse Exchange. Point S*. Charles.) The receipts of horses via G. T. FL for the week endiag May Met were 174; lett over hem Previous week. N ; total Mr week. NI; .hipped d the week. 113; left for the city. 36 ; sales the Mable. 31 ; ea heed, 3t The kens trade tor the week u them stabler, though dull. was better thea WPM, ally 1e.8.d forst this season. a far as num- bers •ren sentiwwed. but prices coshes low, sad oatisek for next week quiet. MThere have been received per t48. "Alcides" port po ies which were shipped per G. T. Ry. to Indianapolis, Ind. Mesterei Seek Ui►aet. The receipts of live stock at the Montreal Stock Yards. Point St. Charles. for the week ending May 3Iet. 1000. were a follows :- I' • , Receipuoflive stock atthe � z .: it keel Stock Yards, Pt. 81 t hartes for the Lett weeover from pre - 7.929 316 pas 104 you week 131 N 273 Total for week . . 3.001 301 tett 101 Left on band 000 ftp 440 Despite unfavorable reports from the other aide receipts cooties large. Trade for the week hes beer uaateady and prion closed. if sodas. lower. But few butcher' cattle wets received: however. this thorium was mom than and th the over supply of shippers; swims 1n many caw selling her iatead of .k There a no t 1n the hog mar et worth speaking of. lbs receipts of calves falling oft. We quote the following a being fair rel. OM Bartle, export Butcher'. good . Butchers'. medium Butcher*. mils sass . i *b.ep lit to if Calves ei b tic to So ice to tic to 4e to 34. SEN to IN She People's Column. %N- OTICE. -W. A. WHITING, OF' L Mildmay.the lionised pedlar.ia now mak- ing his rounds is the town, with a large as- sortm.'nt of trefnl household articles at�{c.,. t that are very cheap. iSt7 t 111 J W COLBORNE BROS. BES SP1IING & SORB 0001S. The newest things in Drees Goods. Prints, Sateen, Muslin -plain and embroidered, Oriental Embroidered Skirtings and Embroideries, All-over Lace, Black, White and Cream, Fancy Cold Muslin and American Challiea Mantle Cloths in all the leading colors, and a splen- did assortment in Black, Brocaded and Plain Merv's for Dress and Summer Jacket. We arc making a specialty of Carpets and House Furnishing&. Carpets from 1211e. Hemp to 11.85 Wil - tons -the largest assortment n town. We cans i caw over one hundred sets of Lace Curtain, 3 to 4 yds long, from 11.00 to 14,50. Madras, Mysore, M*isl and Fancy CurtainT'a In goof variety. Curtain Lace, cream and white. 12c. up. Our stock is large and complete in all linea Atl►-W. buy Butter, Eggs, Wool, Oat. and Peer, and pay the highest market price. >1 COLBORNE BROS. SII TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes must be left at this Office not later than Monday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Wednesday noon. Cas- ual Advertisements accepted up to noon Thursday of each week Situations Uacant. DOY WANTED. -AN APPRENTICE D to learn barbering. Apply to Melt J. H. WILu•ms. WANTED. Three rood salesmen either ns saner or tioesmlesio.. i territory given to each Write at /ace dr tortes lad Bemire choloe of territory. The Imre the merrier." Address MAY BROTHERS* 30 tit Nurserymen. Rochester. N. Y. Dentistry. M. N ICHOLSON, L D. S. DENTAL ROOMS Eighth dor halter the Pon Moe. Weet.t, °oogator. 3S61y DR. E. RICHARDSON, LD.S. BUROEON DENTIST. Gee and Vitalise Air - 1 tor paint et teeth Special smokes Tenth to the d the Nuns! OISoe- Up mane. °s•ad Opera Horne Block. Entrees es W..t-86. °odencb. 2111-1v For Sale or to Let. VALUABLE PROPERTY IN THE �V Tows of Oodertch for sale by tender. Situated oo Napier street, known a the I,ewt• Trebbte blacksmith shop and d welkin There u a good frame hose and stable sad blacksmith shop end lance lot. 0s. ►•11 u be paid 1a cash: balance may realm a mon- gage at 0 per oast. per amuse for twit) years. Toads* will be received for the above proper- ty up to J. 13th fiat., the lowest or any Moder not neo.s.atil accepted. Addrese �2t. CIAB. ('l'MMING. Balt. FARM FOR SALE. -THAT VALU ABLE farm known a lot No 11. coo. 0• Ooderlch township. comprl.tng 00 acres or land. more or les nearly all cleared. the re. malnder .11 hard wood. Ther is a good. large frame house, two stories hi`h.aad • lee orchard and excellent lawn, with One privet hennaed dower- bedaon the premises, with • ■a.her of beautiful Or trees on the frost of the lot Terms reasonable. For particulars emir on the premises or by letter to MARGARET ('ONNORA. 60-4t. Ooderlcb P. O. L OR SALL-LOT 52, ADJOINING L Ilr *Ire's Frame cottage. ooslaialag are buts roans is mina spertmait; besides hitch. en. bedroom, pantry and au.mer-kitchen and Rood wilier. Hard and soft water os the pre. mises,woodshed. a few fruit trees sad several !arse shade trees, For further/•rtic■lar* es - 911 ,o MRt! J. nuswatL. ie Lighthouse -at. Gederlch. FOR SALE. -THAT COMMODIOUS house o. North -stet present seined b7 he subscriber teatsislag Maid NOTICE. -FRESH BUTTERMILK can be had daily at 'the Oodertch craam- err. Kl.gato.-•t. at seta. per Ra1loa. MME. JOHN HANNAH, Manager. BICYCLE FOR SALE. -114 -INCH, belFor pertlrul rd bearings. •tO�%yam ids .bre. Qoderlch. REMOVAL - ON ANI) AFTSR Monday neat_ June 91h. Mies M.p�mr� dressmaker. will occupy the rooms .b.,.. r Nahel'a Insurance e. Ratrasee that on Nrt*-et. Ftiv. app�etoe weatsd. A to mit 3le0kIDQOR N• t T °TICE. -SEALED TENDERS 1 Stn he received by the ■adenyrned on behalf et the trustees et Qoderich Y1gh School mill Saturday, the 14th inst.. for *Me erection •mf a gymea.luvi and certain attrac- tions In the present building to make It suit - alike fora ('ollisiate lastlt■te. Separate Mo- dem required for both wad •d brick gym. nseism. Piss and .peslgust�s oven at my otic,. The lowest et say tender notnot aee..aarlly accepted.. PRBR ADAMPON. Jose 4th. lt00:. tier', H. 8. Trustees. N It 1 UMBER FOR SALE. Pine Lumber. 8n aitllsg. Past u . SN per thousand, Heenleek Lwvibsr.8 ailing, P*nk, at •• Pette Mingles, eked el.m, .. .111 36 per pare. • Cedar .• ret .. 1 N .. . � " 1 M " .. Seoseseaae Msd.ete..s as tll*eseerese. series P asspx tbemessd. limed Lumber. 112 el Whit/ Ask. Ressweed ad Kies cut to order. JOSEPH Kinn. ',f'USic LE88O1f8.--i JM A0G1E 11 TN pneyrsesM��.n 0eesln miles Ismer* at Gen Tr. Tho....'. lemmas et the ane b- rtyv.. Ashram Kay. W, H reek Kell w''o• and McM,mhi•--- Ag _Mesa. Weber, McLsee, Owe, Jobestee, gook, Headereon. (lints. Slathers, Rata, Oliver, Merbee me, Seeders, McKeerim, Castle, Malloy, Miles- 16The sootier was . ly sante. .sd theedj, + TIiM HURON Born. T►Ia ens •aeeed ., 18 heel kat . rmgdt`d evltsg tk.■Iwty........�. saseeses.dmtle.. tiessasneestse tar le` M1t e is eat •.ed Neese. •ed.t.h.Oat a N' Mer • sides kitchen, pantry. closets sad ger/ *Aar. Hard and soft water on tke premisss saiyo.d Mable sod drivi .8.d.. selleet tlr0fatd The site 1s one offihe moot deinera.jjjjm0 d Iowa. Also that broomee, hoose on Cased-.&.. Ter lace with good cellar and other e0semideser. Teets is • rood half acre lot eineeh.4 to each hones. Terme to Melt purchasers. Apply to le tf. MIma. 8WIPr. Nort het. VARY FOR SALL The 1 w111 tiger for sale the fol- tiwtas very.... olds isles. of the . r 1� Bess or R1oek ••r.- in tk. n of the Township sr ('elborse, he the sty of Hurn.. This farm a Stu.t- 4i nines from Ooderieb, and ti from Carlow. cm the Main Gravel Bead. Than is a good frame house, i. ssswya, almost new. M b contalaing 7 reuses shed, 1! • tl j� harm, IiD by 12. with cattle attached, and one of the finest orchards in the township. It la watered by a sever -filling spring creek end • Rood well A8.ui steams ctosr54 and tree fresn stimpla, ths pi1'1�huosrsre Seed school wiste land thin SI any hied d the velli he @Woe reassemble terms. Tor tonne and further particular, apply to JNO. RRECKENIUDG or` JOSEPH McK WN: a the prelsess. FIRST-CLA814 BRiCK HOUSE AND LAT FOR SALE ON ST. PATIUCK ST -Minot two eilautre walk tee. the Square. Two stories high. brick addition Is the rear Wearies_ Alsb.luilding sewed woe .4mn ■Dippa.11tss. hallI Iire hete hhasaStares ramose emit fit sddillen then are kI ►st7,t�r L the astir U sad�Z■!dy. AA ■ani. les good lis . Apply to the msd`'w''d''g`sa�d. who t ill give till blfaccessary i.hrmatm, DANIEL GORDON. FOR BALL wWa t halfoeat� illt.Arrthur Serest withw acct r fats 1N OL art. Md. EllinSest Street. et ward. rl ase ■er et Maw w arismankt stead. .. ban bled. 11 Mss abeams ea Es** am1° Shen le metro lawyer.. essea see S. U y bravo t * �TEtK W 2ATIROW t JOwxsmN 111 Loans anb insurance. EN. LEWIS, Barrister, Proctor in . Maritime Court ; Maly to loan .1 per oast. privets funds. Straight loan, S - tens yearly. Coate very moderate. For particulars call personalty or write, In FJ. T.NAFTEL, LIFE, FIRE AND ACCIDENT I Y- SCRANCE AGENT, B North British 4 M.es.W4. Llrerfs.l. Guidon It Globe, Norwich Valois; North .A e.. IJlle ; saAccident hoer - um et America. Lowest Rates Loess settled ppernsesesP Mosey to Lean on Farm .ad Tows Proa.rty Cosveyanc Property etc. 0S.'w-tor. North -et. •ad Square. weeerieb. 71- ,000 PRIVATE FUNDS To tat. a tars. •sd town ptap.rty, at levy eter the Trust and Lean ast Worst.0ertegsss•.- .s meri deale oem Ne r.dh (7sm)tsayOsarada, the Carada Leaded . the `Leaden Lops Comps, of Camila. 1sreteaet. 0, S ead 7 pr set. N. I1.-Ilerr•wes can obtain mosey ts day. it use tti7o DAVIOO OHNBTON, Bsrrt.t+re fie.. Osdercm 000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO W CAMERON HOL f t CAMERON Gel rich. N MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE amount of Private roads for 40veat.s. It lowest rites oa • Mortgages to QARROW t PROL, D'DFFOOTT Apply RADCLIFFE, R. GENERAL INSURANCE, REAL ESTATZ AID MONEY LOANINO AGENT Ovary Pir.r-da.. Cbaspeake 1epr.s10.d ow mosey to lead es straight Issas et tee lowest rate of interest gulag, V say way se suit te. oorrowr. °rgN- mese der fromt�tm,yWteGoderich,- Legal. C A M P I O N, BARRISTER, /• Solicitor. Notary Public, e t c. Oche 01 er Jordan's lung Store. the seise formerly occupied by Judge Doyle. 11321 C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, de R. Oboe. corner ell Square end Meet street Oodertch. over telegraph cam Fra unds to lead u e per vent. 1 5 GARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR. It 'STIRS Atterseyu Solicitors, Qoderlch J. T. °arrow, W. Proudfoot. 17 CAMERON, H 3LT & CAMERON, Aarr'Mere. Solicltore 1n C ry Ote. 3odericb. M. C. p.era, Q.C.; Pe Holt, M. G. Cameron. C ('. Roes. 1751. Auctioneering. JOHN KNOX GENERAL ACC- . TiONKKR and rand Valuator. 0odericb oat. Havlag had considerable experience tee he auctioneeriag trade. he U is a position lecher.e with thorough satisfaction all cum Winona entrusted to hi.. Order• left at arum'. Hotel. or seat by mall to my address deriC8 P. O., carefully 'kneaded t., JOHN KNO5 Connt• Anrtleeeer. Dei Amusements. GODERICH MICRAAICS' 'NMTUTS LIBRARY AND READIN rRra . o. of Et street and Square tut staiOpen from 1 to 0 p.m.. and from 7 to le p.m ABOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY Leading Daily, Weekly mud Illustrated Papers, o;casimes, deo., on File. MEMBERSHiP r1CKET. ONLY Si.s. grantee tree use of Library and Radle• Application far 'aovi►sesbl/ received by Libreria*. in reams. T. WSATHERA 0350. ST1TENl, Secretary Gederieh. NIL Meeks!. MIANNON A SHANNON. ariwls- Legal Sales. MoRTGAG1 BALL Udr and try virtse of eke pewee emttlswmd N • Mer1Mu .seesy ■tb. let mmeseeirve-� 87 251 dy of aaau1*, 1v, Ian :: �.l ttssrfs�bhsr 4.,., *0t i vl . ai will be amid res •tssetas M Hw.l • 10 58. Tewa d ~NC close 1.y of Joss. •s ayse� P-.., the OOUewfay r units* half of the east belt ei let aweab r ewe eke f4st e�s dt .wits r les . 4 t1eStitt" t .( t M■S deneft toe awhr gyn.":eek ort wet i rtt.r..hiss.. wen aW • ee ..esskslslt Q ten mare ~ Isfhsettmte Mss flay. 1g1L • COOS OIOY It ONE IT $1 6110.11 II "1. W," John Acl T,dPLE and FANNC BURN THIS IN YUP 10IIR GOODS AB OUR PRICES Al OUR TERMS A CENT. FOR JO±IN C: GOODE, THE ] WW help you clean hos CLIMAX FURNIT Itseotieat ter Restoring Furuitere Our Metal Poli • cleans stab rode and all mita/ Vann NM= AND Tt IMI 07 / 0II1 OWIri LI1 PRESCRIPTION W Oh FLOWER SEEDS, W. C. Goode, - - - NILE. ' at m ear awn Pr Mrs Mathews, ar., is worse. Erysi- Ki l.. ha set in, her face being very M' nful from it. effects. D' Mr Cushion and Mr W. Morrow have .a steed in and plowed up the old mill - .rd. Our village keeps on iog. Mosel* Jackman departed this life last p, omday seeing, aged 17ears and • w months. The burial took place in cemetery on Saturday. This second daughter Mr J•csman hae in six weeks The family have the 'apathy of all in their wore bereave - Wm Morrow is laid up jest now from M affects of • hart received some time Charles Girvin wait to district trivet - ng, and Thoma Berns goes to Confer - from Nile circuit. et Nile made . good at die- L meeting, returner 11,900 raised ft all purposes, and 126 increase to tl benbip for the past year. neat prep•rstiboe are being made for u ti asap meeting. The committee has 11 *red 14 tents, which they hire fur ;11 each, mad are getting a taber.•cle, ' d x 60 feet, in which to hold the meet- ug• in ass of min, Mr Currey's grove ti • • beautiful place in wl.icb to hold . soh a meeting. The L O. L is making preparation m or celebrating "tet Glorious Twelfth " t is not yet decided where they will c as b7 Pr R D. A 8, in bl •t tt u brute. DUNGANNON. From our own correspondent. Dame Nature is at present arrayed in se most gorgeous apparel, sod holds ortb prospects which are to all classes f the community very cheering, so- y to those who are apt tom -amble. As the time for election draws near sir politicians of bite and low mental litre seem to become more excited. e sincerely hope that they will ooedoct lemmatise decently and in good ordr,a eth gond citizens. 1. a number of Oar oitiz.a were t t at the political meeting. held oo t ay evening at Port Albert by the i rrrw candidate, Mr narrow. and ex- 1 themselves well ati6ed with he bones:, straightforward manner in f Inch he diseased the objeetioue of and t made by the opponents of t he ; on. Buyer Mowat'. administration 1 f the public affairs of the Prnyinc for I be lad 18 years As election mattes are on hand • t russet. all other business in the main t quiet; therefore nothing is trnwpiring worthy of note. t As the two great indrntmetta of 'ego- I tion •re and have been all 1bat meld be desired, prospects of an abundant ' op of fruit, steak, •eco. , sever wets ' better. • Tena 81015AL M •esiowly looked lo, 'slily by a member of our inh•bitasts e.ma lea patsies. As the Ret A Potter Is sway to Cos- ines, Mr Mordoek, .wdaat, is this Slags. s wee usoelesd from the pal- oe tholes Sabbeth, is to oeeepy the ge.tb.ae sspit next Sabbath the fitle as.tb.r eser■apesdast- y last wasmade • red letter dell history of this village by the est - e el a mew weber in the Presby- titri.e ebeel. The Tse•ooyseatedy tr.*ala1io. of the Rev D. 0. Came to Strnbeee, had lasted for tally five the. is Marsh Ws re- : permkssios to .odsrN_o j1.s • at the May nes iog of the Maths. - Wry s •mU was pretestedby laboring the Rev Mr ,thenn laiotht4g IlId4.ay, as *be Flushes Presbytery. eon ens wani.oes aid hearty, eel essepted y Nov Mr ?Urban'. The iss4 the in4estios few the Tie Presbytery ..k is Dew Aural es slay 27th