HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-6-6, Page 3HINTS. --lywiwa : One tear et Oahe of Mom, ane mite nae -reit cup el .ill, ereaa tartar, eme-Milf iter eaosel to inti -Twsr, emMeer,eri el a asp d aoar , three cups of fiver, Hake in layers and ecu race. - Two cups of powder. of sweet silk, three our tablespoonfuls of eggs (bade* separate - Fels of baking powder, extract no cops of sugar. one t these to a cream ; add well Mateo), one cup cups dour silted with of baking powder, eve resins ; bake about -ltee befit of gelatine, pint of milk, three cup of sugar, three pints of milk, sumer beat the whites h and, when boiling, or to tante. Two mope of ,sugar k,tbree-fourths cup of p.onful mem, one ten - .i, one teaspoonful of e teacup of seeded and in door ; try with and bake until well Iugredienta tine kin over utght, three ✓ area, one pinch cI sett, milk and yolks weeoutand davor to cooked and a little nee of the eggs to • through it. g. -One cup of mo- , one cup ..f suet, up ,f milk, one cup of currant", half a cope of dont, one two team w has or dish ad,cativas of worms, Syrup meets them fully. Imo the electric Income. tit tor the Lundun way hare, on trial, e ret moving the load - of twenty -lire miles of • in d cathartic re necessary to keep the body healthy. 1 d Buda Peach tok- en) brur xs is has tS "hese to twice the etas on neighboring iron. Difference of ed cause. re strengthened by Cherry Pectoral Singer, actors, and this permeation the y for irritation and rt and Junes and for oral organs. %% Ingham. accordieg turns. slightly de - ear. The fallowing from the awes.- ue of real property, property, triti.NOO;, 1. .5°°,307total Feasters. natural la tattoo, in and nerve tonic. ,ibe value of re cannot be over. a care f.,r cutlet - liver disease*, im- me•a, nervous and • best that money 2 pylas Jeke. Edward, what do by the Sturm and t in Germany they y dear. Con. MI M, B. B. B. will core B. B. B. will core B. B. B. will core H. B. B. wi11 cure R. B. B. will core D. B. 1:. will care ill be had from the '1 !beta. a box of cigar., hank ou. Ioyo. t1No. dear, 1 t the man said he bele on hand. - r a resident of eve always .sod ly household, and 'caned, fur etas. meter. lo4Nrs A. MIr(fw. Kr the `rM►d 1• 11411,111111 alt,, for biw Woe; mason, Catitor- t 1HE HIM SIGNAL. M'Ri1)AY, JUNE 6. I$90. THE DOMINION IN BRIEF, NEWS OF THE WORLD ar- rived h at gr denies "Campos." Me • tegmen The *alenfill L', Opposition IIL''"" a..dtt w.- TIM were ilegged le Mes poise Bile■ e peaty - K°tf•Ma 1s•lfaynr Bsaagneed, ed NMa lineal. •kat bddeleme t aulted lien the Mercer ranks. Clensed the proms* dine the Area - of 1Os+tg.s Mei omlrmad 14,*T1 ale! ow far the cadetships NeyNerdMilitary Colima will Mkt were Jean 11th. ties bemired and thirty ti men► girt have Brockville date th. Edinburgh 'I Hoe., A great lu. ober Armor d.M1b, Wade M Co., if tjasbec, are reported to be tlmatnially selghl n...d Liabilities about 0>:,W0,01M N11.C1ara Ward, a few days prior to her aarr*p with Priam l'arsstan-Chimay, Isgdeasettlement on Ilse t'eat's of $1W,W0. Tb. Duke and D.tbes. et Cocaauget and party visited Banff Netiumal park on Satur- day, tad departed for the east is the even - The clot... $.4. deg has adjourned satU Jere b (load Umbers Iismsssk lltip eribt•d•t• r 'l1Ve Pet paike ew' -pho • Mars watch 0S belies Aasawya H. M. Manley' has received the & U. degree from Cambridge Ualveralth. The enema race between the Clip et Bowes. Meanie mad Alain war Walt by tie errs ...led A nampmay bas hem argadeed la l/effdo to tsetse • new proem at converting wrap iron into inset Iepen,r r►Illlas will dart for Peterhof Amgen 1 i He will be the guest of the ewer Mufti ten days. The L'. N. Tara' Bill has been repealed to the Home. Om or two dight were agreed tat The greatest depaatt of ing. a crid gentleman named Thomas Wiles, whose bearing was sadly unpaired, was struck by a train on the O. T. la neer Ayl- mer ase iastaatly kilted The Montreal; mien Lacers had a meet- ing, aid decided to sok the Luke of Con- naught to review the volunteers ou the coca ewe of kw visit to that city. Mr. W. D. Balfour bas oumaanoed a crim- inal Ilbel salt against Lr. Whit., of the Easel Review. for remarks mate in connec- tion with the political midst. On fittmdety morning Jams Heals, grocer. of Went 7lmwtu Junctia., wad Anse& by a special mesas un the timed Trunk railway neer Hist park and instantly killed. A party sit young people boating on the river at Ldadom, Ont., tot too near tbe dam at Spriagfleid, and were washed over. Adam Johnstone and Ida Doherty were drowned. One hundred head of cattle beluoging to the Lister Kaye rancbe at Bellew. ie. N W, T., leaned south drama a wwwet.xm IgA winter and the remains of ' 4 bead have been found. The meeting of Roman Catholic* Mid la Tomato Sunday attermuom decided that it would be inexpedient to bring out • wadi - date for the Outurtu Haus in the present election. Annaia h ugeae, • sailor, t oatmitt..i st:lcde oe the steamsbfp Beta at Halifax. He wee • rennin watch oaten hist, b managed to secure a rope and ban himself. Maggie Milford was tried .t Toe.pmto at the general serious on a charge of fortune-telling brought under an act of George IL Sin was admitted to bail penning argument of conn - eel in the cede The a.year-old eon of John Allan, 650 Yom , street, Toronto, was shot and fatally injured by hes ;-year-aid sister. The retie bad been loaded by the tatter, and lett with- in reecho( the child. Mrs. Robinson, wife of Rev. J. H. Robin - sou, one of the oldest Methodist ministers in Canada died at the residence of her son -lies! law Prof Menders, Director of the experi- mental tare at Ottawa. The Winnipeg Advisory Board haadecided on Scriptural readings for the Public Schools. .fruMnanter Tupper says no . . Hon hese received at Ottawa conttrnung the repor , Behring Soo A cablegram allboUlleal trait the new Bnush gunboat Tbruwb, I by Pence George, mom of the Prince of Wale. kgs sailed for Halite:. tis will be attache) to the North Aa.neae equndron The burial graded d the Indians of North British 1 olumble, that is the forest where they bang up the boding of Moir dead, bar been destroyed by tire, and the metres an terribly incensed against the white*. Officials of the Hudson Bay railway wbc bare arrived in Wmmnipeg from Views sate that time company have wale such au .1 w,tb the lhermion as will ensure the . . - . of the roar. Mr. !Westin W -Man, at New Fort, laid the cornier stone of the new Methodist church at Waterbu yesterday, and afterwards lectured to a large au.ti.n r in the toes hall on the artf wall between Canada and the United bates. The murine Department has forwards: three gold watch.ni to the British Minister at meWaal agta. f. r . to three fisher n at Noun Bristol for net. 0t bravery in connection with the wreck of the Olean Belle off Digby, N. a The 1; of the different been inv itsd,to nominate repro ✓ otative' to the permanent governing body or general council of the Imperial institute. Ontario and Quebec will nominate two and the other provinces one each. The Duke of Connaught and Tarty 1.11 Vancouver Friday morning, ani greatly ' enjoyed the .renery of the Rocky Mountains, . which they declared to be equal to that d Awiteerl.nd. They arrived in Winnipeg ten Monday. and will reach Niagara Falls o e • the 2r1 int. A IBMs over $12,000 has been smbseribed le Ottawa toward.. the lady Stanley home for trained nurses. Steps are now taring taken procure a suitable site on which to erect suitable building, and within a few weeks the promoters intend to apply for a (charter . of incorporation. A laborer named Haenel Terris*, aged 42, was :murdered in Bt. Johan, N. 8. by Tbeo- d..re Watt. He was stabbed in the dark with a large knife. The crime was the re suit of a drunks. squabble. The polies. cap- tured apturgid time murderer ea be was trying to es. cape from the city. A terrible affair is reported from Mlle Rod, Qua A went to his bone drunk sad brutally assaulted him wire, wbo w. eeetenta The result wee that else gave birth to a still -born child, and at last us - counts was in as state sad can- not recover. Tb city police have the manse la band, but refuse to give nems or parties'. hint The teamb - of At. Joseph's Cetbotie school Wheeling, 6.m filed an answer to the sp el- eeiles ter .a injunction to premed him cou- nseling rrYsioue exercises is W. ecbonl es be - leg • violation of the new Aehnol act. The .sower omaelsdes: '"11. ehanet regards the lobus Scheer Act es salt for the purpose of edneating their chYlnq and the children et Raglan CatheYe Oberelli. 1 pray, there- fore; le be al missd WEh ay caste of the a 1L" M A break ocrarlyd la the gen casts near WhItstowa. 10. Y., whish welkin away a portion of the New York Ceseral kseba and • train embed tato the water. Care are Memo abort le bad shape and the keels heavy. Vaille an the ma 4 wM be allayed two media Marten Weper Taylor, egad 1R gr+& itaegbM► of the re• Samir. Wagner, sed a.igaat.d the onsep4•cy, wed indeed Me uglier d J, R 'fatter, et the Waver Ce r { whams to watch the mommeale et Mare Ug., was tlrealled dewsendihrdissed wffh the view et asking hies. by . Hafted Mahn t... weggw to 11ewt.! after as temsplrets+ W pied pommel -s fl emday evtlslah. Shelved Meares Miura ef Perdiesed they were to guru. Se brig The driver of as weeps Wes arrested. Meet theelseelen eta sew puss, ever [Geed ie the Vatted Matra has been opened a Calhoun county, 13 l.'. The ease against T. V. Powder's., J. R. Byrne and Peter Wien- at Urea.tburg, Pa, for .- crime .oy, bas talk•. M. Nnatereau wbis from Paris that he Me contracted for the ousupieuut of the Panama canal in tour years. Tb Presbyterian General Assembly of the United Sates has deckled to append a cors - suttee on the reviruru qustwa George Francis Titin has arrived at T.• coma, bavieg curried the earth n si7 days 1$ hours 3 minutes and .; seconds 11e bill providing fur the weeldy pay- ment arment of wages by has hese sign- ed by the Governor of New York. The Oram Convention of the Order of Railway Conductors finished up its In eines at Roulesater,K. Y., sadadljourned. The uaasoally harry rains of the past tem day. wee steed • great deal of damage in the country wurrouadaag W ilke.barrie, Ps. W. K dart,agent for .everal coal cow pa.tes io New York, hes disappeared. There is a shortage do his accounts of about $:n►; ta10. Tbe monster ttseetiug which it war. propos- ed to bold in the new Town Hall of Tipperary Sunday has been proclaimed by the tioveru- meat. A despatch from Buenos Ayres says twen- ty tax parsons were killed and forty -ons wounded in the noosed .ring at Posh A Iegre. Sir Alfred Kirby. of the Deptford distillery works at London, has failed The debilities are estimated at Mitt, and the amen rrt,IR - -- - -- ----- BYsp Dnas}wsike, at Cracow, and Bit. bop Montalto, of Lausanne, Switzerland, will be raised at the Cardinalate at the Juan copulatory. ry. The jury in the ease of Rev. Father Dent against Cb.. l'arwasa, in Brooklyn, for libel, returned a verdict awarding Fathe,t Dent $1. A traveling dentist went to Lima. (Min some days ago with • new system of extract- ing teeth. All his patients were taken with blood poisoning. Baron von Orave.roath, of Major Wive mane's expedition, is now spending his lease of absence trona Southeast Africa w recruit Ing in Germany. Comptroller Onaban, of Chicago. ha. found that the city bas beee cheated out of hundreds of thosuends of dollars of Interco by its treasurer& Patrick Maley, Hamilton. 0., shot tint killed hes eon Georg., aged :.:p, and then shot himself dead at Seven Mile. The two bat quarrelled over some money. The San Francisco Chronicle says: A party of capitalists, including P. D. Armour, opt Chicago, will establl.h • pork packing enc beet canning Mame near this city, In the Italian camber of Deputies yester day Meatier C'rispi mud an enquiry bra bem ordewed into the question of granting Sate aristance to the L George a Turner was arrested in New York ou a telegram from the Chief of pol ice of Seattle, W•ehittgtnn Territory, charg Ing him with the larceny of $15,000. Four l:ormens, who were &nested at Rigs • abort time ago. charged with political of fences, and condemned to exile in Siberia have been liberated by order of the Czar. The engineers sed firemen employed it mining the pumping engines at the mine. et Pilsen, Bohemia, have stopped work, fa.r ing violence at the hands of the striking miner& The Vienna of the Lois i .i Times learns that all the powers exn•l,t France having ,• uchuded 1 tree tis with Turk.> upon the beats of a Axe.; tariff. A tragedy occurred at &rosy. Cls.. result ing in the death of Mrs. B. Littlefield an. County Surveyor McCall, at the hands o. the woman's husband. Infidelity on het part was the cause. Despatches from Acheen say the Demi lost three killed and fourteen wounded in s futile attempt W recover a position 1r•on which they bad been driven by the satires The latter last fourteen killed. The prayers that ascended on Sunday from every city, town and harslet of the north we stem Nates for rain and for the genera welfare of the trope, were anticipated bl drenching *bowers that fell, it is believer. upon every square of .oi1 is the spring wheat belt. M- Eyraud arrived in Havana frim Mexico three days ago, and his identity being die covered be was denounced by his French land lady and arrested. He attempted Grackle it the police ogles by cutting a vein to his arta with hie eye -glass. lie . that h. is Michael Kyraud. Mansfield King, the elf-confeweed murder ere horse thief and alIaronnd criminal In jag .t Clayton. Ma, has beefs identified es the man Wells who forced Cashier Moffatt of the Flirt National Bank of Deaver to hand over $21,000 in malt in March. 1806, at the point o1 • revolver. Keg has eostessed that he rob bed Mnffate The Ann Premien Chronicle devotes four solemn to an alleged conspiracy to= Lower California and to lewd -- debt republic, to he followed by to the United Sates. Istar.Md in Lower California ands and raises .end well-known chimes of Loa Angeles and San Ciego, it alleges, were involved. Nearly fifty canal boats, the majority W which ere loaded with be, etre d•utaad by the beak In the C'bampWn Canal near ambiance We. northward -bowed beaten term .lease a anathemas line twee Watt Troy to Mechanicsville. Two bookad boats are delayed. The break will be n► paired by Saturday. The eremea 4 the third break at MecheataevISe ince navigation At the trial of the pe,rofss charged with meapring against the EmtrsrtLr Roeser. mint, Manager Parana deed that Ramie was Impliested la the plat Me asssrtd that [term, formerly essembaaa•d of Sala, Beauty la desired and admitted by all. Amoss the tamp which ay base be done se embalm* personal beauty le the dally ups el Ayer's Bair Tiger. 140 smatter what the ague et the hair, dile prep. - ratio. gives 1t a 1.e- tre and pliaeey that adds greatly to *se charm. Should the hair be thin, harsh, dry, or tansies gray. Ayers Hair Vigor will restore the color, leriog out a •ar„� new growth. and render the old suit and shiny. fur keeping the scalp clean, cool. and healthy, there is ae better in the market. " I atm free to maims that a trial of Ayer's Hair Vigor has convinced me that it is a genuine article. Its a had nut only caused the hair of my wile and daughter to be Abundant and Glossy, but it has given my rather stunted mus- tache a respectable length sed appear- ance." - It Britton, ()Aloud, Ohio. •• My hair was ostia, out (without any assistance from illy wife. either). 1 tried Ayer's Hair Vigor, using only one bottle, and I sew have a* 'Inc a head of hair as any one could wish tor.'• -Al. T. 8ctmittou, Dickson, Team. " I have used Aver's Hair Vigor in my family fur • number of years. and te- trad it as the beat hair pre;a ration I know of. It keeps the scalp clean, the hair soft and lively, and preserves the original color. My wife has aced it for a long time with most ,.atisfacsor re- gatta.' - Benjamin M. Johnson, M. D., Thomas Hill. Mo. "• 111 hair was beeoming harwh and dry. tint after using half a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor it grew black and glossy. I aanvot express the joy sad gra111n.1 I feel." - Mabel C. Hardy. Lelavas, Ill. Ayer's Hair Vigor, raR,Aa*D DT Or. J. C. Ayer i Co., Lowell, Mass. MN by Druggists sad Perlamers. 'ROMOTES +IBESTiON. ACTS ON THE BOWELS. I. i d 1:., 14 : :VI II. CURES DYSPEPSIA. CURES DYSPEPSIA. Mr. Ned McNeil, of LcitL, Out.. wr.tee Dx•a 5:tu.-For .errs cad �aan1.ufferedtrnm,lv.{ -p.1. in tr worst fonu.k •&.i after trying all mean. in my p.,w,.r to no purpose I was 1..r.u..l.•ri by Meads to try 14.5.11 . which I dirt, and atter u.is.g t,uttles 1 Irmo .osplesdy cored. ures CONSTIPATION Cures CONSTIPATION Cures CONSTIPATION tESULATES THE OYER, 11Ia6M NMawvery. NU. Stas. -I have triad your 5.8.5. with groat income for eonatipate,a and pain in niy bead. The second dose made me ever so much better. My bowel, new move freely and the pun in nn l.e.d has left n.. and tneveryMwly with clic tense dwea.0 1 recou,tmend b. B. B. Miss F WT.t.tawa, 445 Mout 5t Toronto. Cures BILIOUSNESS. Colles BILIOUSNESS. Cures BILIOUSNESS. tE8U1ATES THE KIDNEYS. P11tS TIE BUM Meat Proof. Arae, -1 we. troubled for fiat pear. with Lives complaint 1 1..1 a great deal of inedic.ur wa.ck did we tea rood and 1 v... getting worse alt the tine- ,,,111 ine❑:,111 1 vied Surd:rk bl,.wl Ratters. After taking 1..rn bottles I nun new well 1 caw shoo event. mend it for the cure d10..'*. F firs.- cr. H.wk.t..ms, Ont. Cures Cures Cures HEADACHE. HEADACHE HEADACHE, e THaBESTGARTH&CO. BAKING POWDER1FI,cT� -+1.r r suwuts (1 Kars �t�01111 keds 18ex (oak's 1'lIWIIL.k. , lflrrm leM ptespn f ere Type, riW 1416, No Alga,. Crean Septettes, Dairy Neth.ag Iglaris.s. ami tasaky 1110.14. . ITIILE1 EIEIINMEN. S 4onyetgaL ' A 'resits Cam. Tirol Pin. 1 we/ very tree w,tit haa.texha awl pain in raj beck. ui.' ltaa.ls and Geer swelled so 1 eould do tip wart My d.Wt-in law advised me to try B. 8. 1t tc,•., ..n• botth 1 telt so 7:,1. ,, •.t:.r watt gni nee mor. I ,:n now wad. and sea work et well a. eget. Ann* Byway" Tilsonbnrg. 001. CARRt4;E VAPNtShi:,;R!'"E tis 4 SUE a*NUEO • rd^N'1P�AL CHADWICK'S LST $' IOID SPOOL: STcEL-LIMED TRUNKS Cures BAD BLOOD. Cures BAD BLOOD. Cures BAD BLOOD. Bad Stood may Mee tram ram{ e~ Sae Steesseb. 8. LHyyrp 11 Gt4a d mmiteing all ideal awe. H I RSTS PAIN EXTERMINATOR 80II8EHOLD it=YZDY. 15.m,Noe. •.t. Nam 2.•-• have ...a 7•41 =1.. •v r aH a/ -s.1. •aa. aasa .i• �.se�w eerie psis. t emend mit he enamel is fn me 8...e. N sen .easeeme.e M t•1\e meld es he a Arose -swam asvieM.b.b lssae..la$d s Teem isimper.6e AS. ail. nal by all 1Iratillaata b.F WLLE1 & Co., P,,,timsis, MfNNi1L. COTTO$ For Hand craw' Machine Lie. :i&S NO SUPERRIOR. ASK F R :T. L Sample, Ludi..' and all other kw.... Lem fps r•:iz:;� TRUNKS 1n the World. 1. ETELEIGII & C9 MONTREAL, Mitt Uii tis 1);'it'1 HOT L BALMORAL. MONTISEA L. Notre Teen.. St.. MIA et tie moat .esti.* a..4 elettaatly furnished Motel. ku tea City. AocommodaUers for 400 ell»t.. Rate.* 8t0ODR';F , 12 to = 3per day. tJ. , l acavet PEARS' (J.121.1 J. PALIAER&SON Wholesale Imp'tn of DEMISTS' SU1fDR1ES 1i:3 Mit DL1E r., MONTREAL. LEATHER LEA nn BOARD COMPANY. ldaeuf.....es , of AS**ESTDS M!LLNDARD amain Peektisg. FR;CTlOi1 PULLEY Bohan, tabiraP-rf. frie.:nw RECKITT'S BLUE THE BEST FOR LAUNDRY USZ. PAPERS. WrappSng, HEY l(1s, ISL X71 J. A I. SIZES LCD wtIGM yo 014060 f1$t001lt �? lli'-P8111Rt _sssMO TMw Sana 100519115 117rUP.01061.IF THE GREAT TRE1!6TH GIVER �PERFEef f3C0 je foa nit situ • WARMING b rich al3eSpttkAu 1 A A5v,t.Ort._ Ir4VIGo ,•-ro a fesape � the strewed. ea .de•aie4., d a d r rau.•aweas ,arw,wemb w art madrs. 1.01.1 MINN- .sea ...a• . Cagy Ora ati=i leale owe am alms sea as alma an ra.o.. 6.4111 ewests r oboe ser goals r edeaw..ot-r•wnarllea.a. sae .a... lraof - l =SIM emel mi of leo en. 1!e Mem fmg .s de'• amo w•+are a1r mines PUBLIC NOTICE Another larger Consignment of Fresh Teas of superior quality. In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. REES PRICE & SON. Kay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. Goderich Foundry and Machine Works, .bows u. Maee gen of r. Yat a a a A .15..r. selde- .y..uWeeM b ea/Jo any. w...1na10 Maw yes Yen so era. sus tie i•+l.t0 o Any d Mak naw she wan. ,.... re^ewr. Marr •••••11114 Oa. w. ale Mem■. W LLa • CO., Ma aN, rown.Lro. -y- ENVELOPES, ENVELOPES, NOTE HE"OS, LETTER PAPER. BILL HEADS, Ktc.. THE SAIL OR' RUNOIMAN BROS., Proprietors. FLOUR MILLS BUILT ON THE UTEST IMPROVED SYSTEM. Wt sky, 010 IMOD IIS SALE: IMPROVED LAND ROLLERS, HORSE POWERS, GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW CUT- TERS, PLOWS, &c. We are Manufacturing Improved New Model Mowers which are equal to the best. wive th:•n a trial and encour- age home manufacture. PLANING MILL ESTANLISMED 1156 Buchman & Son, li ANC/ACTT-RI M SASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers 1n all kinds of LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES And ballAer's materiel of every descriptio.. School Furniture a Specialty W.XlaNi J..L .�.� Men to tate order' for Nursery Mack. ea Salary er Comsleslan. 1 nae make • eueeasele SALESMAN Mas one who will work sad fellow my M. lens Will rnrwish handsome melt free. and nay your salary nr tt••�t esiaisn every w ,ea. K rite fee term. at 0.10. Ndt E. 0. GRAHAM. N unssy neon. Teremta. lent We Will Chlarantee Satisfaction, It Will Pay you to use our new Steel Mouldboard Plows. Doty Engines and Boilers for Bale. RICP.&IRB,dND CdBTINt3S OF ALL ZCINDB- The Furniture Dealer, is selling all kinds et furniture •t the lowest possible prices. It le a well-known fact that be tor cash. He isaleo the leading Undertaker o(tbe town. Embalming Ptu'd always kept ea band. He ales "rakesa specialty of Picture t naming. Oive him • call before . Furniture ebewh•re, and 1 ou will find out that he does as he era s -sells cheap =OM ie Clunking one and all for their past patronage. Le hopes to receive a coatlausace •f Ihp Klee. a -Eo. BARRY, �iamilton-13t_ NEW ARRIVAL MCL E O D' S -ot S\sl1 Ptclloalor Ailh Other Di ° And Tested Remedies LATEST STYLES. Remnants to be Cleared Oat. Perteet Fit. and Showy Shape.. H. DUNLOP, L,9 The West -at. Ta:lor. The LATEST And BEST STYLE AND VARIETY -or...-. SPRING are becoming the Standard Medicines of the day. Parties calling or writing from all parts of Canada and the t-oited States for the System Renovator. It niter fails to cure i.nosre, weak and i l blood, dyspepsia, rheumatism. lou cf memory, bronchitis, consumption, gall stones. jaundice, kid- ney and urinary diseases, St Vitus' dance, female and get.eral dehikty. Manaf.etored only by J. IN. McLEOD, Sol. Patentee, (better known as "The Old Doctor:') Newgate -et., Ciod•rieb, 5 )ret. The System Renovator is .old at 11.00 and $2.00 per bottle. SEISONIBLE -110088 ! W11 9e)\ i .'AII1.11OIt ICE. MALVINA f'SIEAM, FOR TAN. WALK it'd FRECKLE DESTROY ER. CREAM OF WITCH HAZEL. rot HANIr-1 ANi) FACE. VICLINO. V$Z'4.w. a.$e5 a• Ir KIST PE NNS .A T 001.0 01 AR 04 .4"g. vv Preecrietien 1►rtsr Stare. O11Y D AT THE SiGNAL. 6000 WARN IS DONE AT SIGNAL THE TORONTO HOUSE, FiNE PRINTING PAPERS AT SIGNAL WEDDING STATIONEN T AT SIGNAL 6000 ENVELOPES AT TIE SIGNAL 1 "%Gk. gpettaalt>r egete .teri redtaletiImMI.M. tl laertr 7.76"; Wormy is at Noks at Signal, • w