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11011 NUKBYlt� L )
show that the Retutstees have carried thing went off in direct contrast to the
56 seats, the C 30, and there Tory jutilee over the Domiaiaa election
an five from which returns have n.,! in 1887.
mane is of sufficient renewoa to place the Following .re
candidates 00 ape rads ur the other of THE RETURN?. :
the political fence. Addington, Reid, lax).
Some well-known politicians have. Cardwell, Letonui.
• however, dropped from the saddle, sod Carleton, Monk.
it will be harped with regret that Mr Duffenu, Barr i.E. R.', 390 plurality.
Mower has lust two of his trusted col- Duodsa, Whitney.Durham East, Campbell (E. 1:.
leagues at the Cabinet Board in the per- Kneel Numb. Sol. Whit., 600.
m�, sons of Hon. J. M. Gtsxux, of Hamilton, Elgin East, Godwin.
1 he S ormn is Past --We ve Had and Hou. CHAS. DmcRi, of West Simtwe. Elgin West, McColl. 200.
Our Fun • But while lir
MowAT has suffered in the Frunten•c, Smith. 250.,
Grated Bush, 200.
(sheat of these
gentlemen • brace of Gro, Centre, Iturke.
The Grits, You See Were "on the Mr Ycsitoir.+ trusted lieutenant. Hamilton, Stinson, 84.
hey Ran So Well to Let You
There's No Such Thing as "Mowat
Must Go.'
"His Hour Has Come" --Once More
You See
ii have bitten the dust and the Halton, Kerns, 160.
He Is Not Dead Politically
Legislative halls that knew them will heatKingston, M1Ywst, Claetcal)c,fe,• 28. 100.
'aeon no mon the prteence of !weds Sr,utb, Dr Preston.
Cital..Ton, of North Grey, and Festoon, Lanark South, Mcleoadban,
of Granville. Up in Grey the "Grits Lennox, Meacham.
were on the run" to the extent of 350 Ltnooln, Hiecott, 122.
against the Empire
's A.undoo, Meredith,
u[ • majority KMiddleeez East, Tooley, 56.
assuaging editor. Mnskuka, Marter,100.
Nearer dome we have cause for coo- Northumberland East, Willoughby. 210.
gratulation. Old Huron has kept firm Oetatio North, GI . 200.
Prince Edward, Johnson, 50.
in tke faith, and sends three straight Renfrew North, Dunlop, 81.
of the G t in J• T. Storage West, Wylie, 421.
°ARROW, THOMAS U1&+oN, and ARclta Samoa East, Miscampbell. 307.
Butnor. In West Huron Mr GARRow Toronto, H. E. Clarke.
made • grand tight, and, despite the ern.• Toronto, EF. Clarke.
Welland, McCleary, 100.
ployment of the meanest tactics on the e1tNLrrERIAt.
part of opponents, and base treachery idioms East, Lyon, 212.
oo the part of • few alleged Liberals of Algoma West, Comma.
bigoted end intolerant natures, has been Brant South, Hardy, 626.
Bent North, 1Yood, f'at'al.
successful in keeping thea is Bruce Centra, Dack, 200.
hoe by something better than its normal Bruce North, Porter, 340.
majority. Mr GARRow rap against an Broca South, O'Connor, 900.
admittedly strong mac, for no Tory cin- Brookville. Fraser. 626.
Cornwall, Mack, 330.
didate ever before placed in the field ex• Durham W eat, Lockhart.
ceded Mr Hoaxers in character, ability, Egret South, Balfour, 2)0.
or in the strength of the cries which Grey North, Cleland, 330.
were rabid to influence the electorate in Grey South. Hunter, 150.
Glengarry. Rayside, 3u0.
his favor. GAERow had not the prestige Hastings E.et, Vermilyea.
of beiog an old parliamentarian and a Hastings North, Hood, acclamation.
Cabinet Minister, but came as • new Huron West, Ostrow, 99.
meati leatees.
AU mina Ree Netirel in tAe 1o(41 rdwmita
of Tal S[ut1At. of *meting.* or enter-
taiNErent* at which an admission fee
is charged, ur front which ich a peewit -
soy benefit u derived, must b. paid
for at the rote of ow rent per
hued eacA insertion, no rimer les*
than twenty -lire rent*. Where ad.
rertiarateNta of enterfui N mimes ore
inerts! a 6r4 local trill be yi. i.
He's Built Upona Different Man
; L return by • &did and sub-
ntar"Grand s Ideal Old staotial majority is a tribute not only to
his personal worth, but to the cause
n man into the politic•I arena, and hie Huron East, Gibson, 650.
He Feared
And Beat
Not Brazen Foes to which he espoused.
Them Fairly in the shone this morning as brightly se ever
The battle has been fought and won,
sod the Province is still safe. The sun
It e loon on the countetaan-
before and t g
Huron South, Bishop, 1.)0.
Haldimand, Baiter, 300.
Hastings West, Biggar, 150.
Kent East, Ferguson, 290.
L ambton West, McKenzie, 500.
L•ouk North, Caldwell, 188.
L•nbton East, McKenzie, 25.
Monck, Harcourt, 442.
Middlesex North, Waters, 100
Middlesex West, G. W. Rose, 42.
Norfolk North, Frsemsn, 311.
ass of our Tory friends ha, to mum, its Norfolk South, Charlton, 50
radiance to pall. Once mon an appeal to Nipiesing, Loughran.
Now Hides its Head. RED
Race and Creed by Mr MEREDITH has Narthomberlana Wait. Field, 43;
fLactbeen rad it has bn proved Ottawa, Bronson. 1400.
The "Protestant Horse" is Worse
Than Dead.
And Neve. More Will Strife be
Between the Orange and the
And Jew and Gentile, French and
Can in our Broad Ontario Work.
failed of a
, a
that Sense and Worth bear the palm,
and Bigotry and I are not
words to conjure majorities and capture
Old Huron is safe ; Ontario is not in
danger : MowAT won't go.
Ontario South, Dryden, 145.
Oxford South, Dr McKay, 1000.
Ozford North, Mowat, acclamation.
Parry Sound, Sharpe, 140.
Prescott, Evanturel, acclamation.
Peel, Chisholm, 130
Perth South, Ballantyne, 400.
Perth North. Dr Ahrens, 93.
Peterboro' West, Stratton, 574.
Peterboro' East, Blezard.
Shortly after 5 o'clock the Conserv- Roofrew South, Dowling, 1i;8.
Rosse11 Robiltud
tives of the section began to show up in Siocoe'Centra, 1'attcn, 200.
large numbers. but when it was found Toronto, Tait.
that Godarich bad remained firm in the Victoria East, Campbell.
faith, that the Saltford Tory vote had Victoria West, McKay, 400
that the abnormal opposition R entworth f )uth
dropped.. Wentworth North. Dr McMahon, 2'"i
DA Susi ab. bebovedwire of A. El. Hayisos•
aged 31 year and s month..
JAcMa ietb IMO, Florence third daughter
of J. W. Jackman. aged 17 )ear and 3
DuvLR -In Dearborn. Mich.. on Tuesday.
June Std. William F. Doyle. aged 34 years.
ne Ph.
Kay-la'sry James. youngest werich. on °olW m. Kay.
axed 17 years.
m•junties expected from Wingham and Waterloo South, Moore.
Picnic --Peter Stuart.
Notice- John Hannah.
ltxcunto.•---Wm. Lee.
Notice -W, A. Welting.
Notice- Peter Adamson
Removal -Mies McGregor.
Ploy Wanted -J. H. Wl11Lms.
Insect Powders -Geo. Rhynes.
Bicycle for 'isle - neo. phymas.
Property for gale --Clue. Cummings. Galt.
gl.3e A TZAR.
Mr Adams, a son ut John Adams, of
Byfield, and now • pe.'mtneot lawyer of
Iowa, was .tsttiog friends in Bayfield and
Goderich this week.
Dr Whitely was elected
by socl•matiuo on Wednesday last by
the withdrawal of Mr J. 11. Colborne
from the contest.
Mrs Aon Morrie, • former well-known
resident of (Iodesiob, left this week 1. r
W•Ikerville, when she will be the guest
of her daughter, Mn E C. Russell.
The Cadet Templar, of T
who now number over fifty eeembsre,
and who are making rapid pregrses In
their drill practice under the iglstrec-
lion of Mr Geo Stewart, intend giving aa
entertainment at an early data, of which
further nolto* will be givea nest week.
Mr John Kay, of the Bank of Com-
merce, Guelph, arrived in town on
Wedneeday evening to attend the fone-
ral of his brother Harry, who died on
tkat day. The deceased was well known
and highly respected by every class of
the community. He was the youngest
sun of our townsman Mr W. Kay.
i have been made by
Wm. Lee, our enterprising wharfinger,
t.. secure another passenger boat, the
City of Windsor, to run into Goderish
dunnq the summer season. The City of
Windsor will run from %Windsor to AI-
,t.,ma )ills, calling at intermediate
meetingof the Farmers' 'institute of
West Huron will be held in the village
of Lu.desboru' on Thursday, June 26th,
commencing at 10 o'clock a.m. Amongst
those who will address the gather-
iag•will be: H. W. Phipps, on "Forest-
ry;" A. McD. Allan, on "Horticulture
and Agriculture;" A. Saunden,on"Profits
of Small Fruit Growing;" Mr. McMillan,
of Toronto, on "Emigration to the
Northwest," end other prominwt
speakers. All are invited to attend the
open meeting in the *woolen, when •
suitable will be provided.
The officers for the nett Institut. year
will be elected et this manias.
On Trinity Sunday an event of unusual
interest took place in St.George's church,
it being the occasion of the ordination of
a number of students to the desoonste
and two deacons to the priesthood.
After • discourse suitable to the occasion
had been delivered by Rev. W. A.
Young. His Lordship Bebop Baldwin,
sssieted by Archdeacon Sandys and Rev.
Mt Young, performed the ordination
ceremony. In the afternoon His Lord-
ship officiated in St. Stephen's church,
Goderich township, and in the evening
Archdeacon Sandys occupied the pulpit
in St. George's. The singing of both
services was excellent, and very appro-
priate to the occssioo, which shows that
Mr Dowding, the , u well -
fitted for the position. Following aro
the gentlemen otdained: Priests -Messrs
Thompson and Reidy; deacons -Messrs
W. R. Diehl, L. 0. Diehl, Corbett.
Goldburg, Sims, Wood, Hale. Ghent,
Sermon, Cooperwaite and Whelan,
Tes WHtxruvo Coco EgT.-The con-
ceit miler the auspices of the Young Pee-
ple's Association of North-st. Methodist
church oe the evening of Friday last, in
the Grand Opens Hoose, wee well at-
tended. The whistling of Mir Mc-
M.nis was the feature of the evening,
..` As' faithahe fl print it.,notes.
And still there is a great demand for out -
ail* views taken by Geo. Stewart's large
A Goo) PRESET. -The most useful gift
you tan mate is to give • Wirt Pen. Ap-
,.ly to D. McGillicuddy, agent. Ooderich.
The Woman's t'briatian Temperance unite'
,meet in the basement of North -.t Meta chorea
every Tuesday afternoon. I'
tom, business meeting et 3.
F. .1. i'ridhem can 1ursisb Grits or Teries
with either Monet or Meredith outlast prices
Latest stylaa flood
that defy .
Quality and Deet • ip.
Merchants era get their Bill Heads. Letter
Heads, kc.. tic.. rioted at this once for very
little more than they generally pa for th.
paper. and it helps to advertise their o.stn�.
C.0 and see samples and get prices.
cians bare been running up and down the
commission lines looking atter popularity it.
R. Sal)owe has attended to his studio and suc-
urceeded in gaining for himself the popular
The majority of the people go to 9aandersk
ions to get theirlsuppfies for the house. They
carry the targe, stook of stoyes end (lowers
in the town and their prices are always right.
A Nock of extra weight milkl and crassness'
sell kept. BRIEFLETS.
Mrs E. E. Wade, Brussels, was visit-
ing in Goderich last weak.
Mn Geo. Richardson left on Monday
to visit relatives at Loedon.
I Miss L-1 Vanstone, ltrusse's, was
visiting in (oderich Last week.
Rev G. F. and Mn Felton. of Water-
loo, were visiting in town this weak.
Tho regular meeting of the town coun-
cil will be held this (Friday) evening.
Mn George Parks, of Goderich, was
visiting fnsnds in Seaforth last week.
Mery John and Patrick Lynn made
• flying visit to Blyth on Saturday last.
Mr John Elwood ham gone to Toronto
to take a positiou in the Bank of Com-
Miss Tessie Tye left on Wednedav for 1 and was cue of the most interest -
St. Paol, to visit her sister, )hr, C. L. ever
Mr A. Smith arrived in town on Fri-
day last after a lengthy trip to the Unit-
- el States.
Mr H. Pollock. who recent) removed
Clinton had not materialized, and that Waterloo North, Snider, 700. to Springfield, Ohio, from Gcderich, is
Blyth had tied where a Tory majority Wellington West, Allan. l spending • two weeks' visit here.
Wellington South, Guthrie, 657.
of 21 had previously existed, there was Miss MoManis, the lady whistler, end
Wellington East, Clarke, 273. (Jarrow% Roberts.
Methodist church last Sunday evening.
when it was 'maned from Hamilton that York East, Smith, 519.
Mr David Cluff, who has been work -
Hon J. K. GINVON was defeated, Dr York West, Gilmour, 60,
no hal to Gilead for them. Later on,her sister assisted the choir of North-st.
balmYork North, Davis, 800.
Houma' raised the drooping spirits of
hie friends by stating in his inimitable Goderich.
• way, "The first of Mr MowAT', Cabinet Hallett . 47
And Harmony Remain Alway
wixt Creeds Forever and a Day
. Ministate has gone.' and the smile on East Wawsnosh 75
the • cf some of his West' tl awsno.h . .. 27
. 04
�r ft satellites was fully a yard wide. Lata Goderich township 1 0
0o u the returns came in to Victoria CTlbnrne 0
And Bigotry Bows Down its Head Hal' the Conservative headquarters, a Wingham
And Shows it is but Poorly Bred.
wet blanket was spread over their may
anticipations, said very early in the
evening the i, � returns from
outside points lust their interest to Tory
The Reformers, on the oontrary, took
things coolly and calmly from the start. I
Thar retorns were received at the
Grand Opera Hoose, when a large gath-
ering waited patiently while the reports ,
earns in, varying the mnootony by rous-
ing cheers as the favorable returns con -
tinned to come in. When it was as-
sured that Mosta. would not go and
Clinton New Era.
255 150 The Godench lacrosse club feel very 1871, when she resigned. During the
THIS members of the county council
proud of their victory over Lucknow, on time she was connected with the
the 26th : but wait till they meet our Guelph schools she gave the utmost
were alt anxious to take part in the Pm- boys, and then their stock will be below satisfaction to the Board of Sch. of
.'anodal electron on Thursday
and with Clinton New Fr& Trustees and to Abe parents of children
this object in view when they met on par.-Clinton
tog and unique
heard in Godench. The whistling was
meet effectively done, and in the
"Mocking Bird and "Last Roes of
Summer" aught the sadienoe greatly.
Excellent sults were also rendered by
Dr Richardson and Mr E. C. Belcher ;
a humorous reading, "Jesnies Kaye at
Balmoral," was capitally given by Mr S.
Maloomson, and a couple of excellent
recitations were given with tine feel-
ing and powerful portrayal by Mn
A. E. Pridham, who stands in the
ing at the Godench organ •factory for front rank of reciter* m this part of
some time, moved his family to that the Province. The Young People of
town this weak. -Clinton New Era. North-st. Methodist church are to be con
Dr M. Nicholson, the West-st. dentist, 1 gratulated on the success which attend -
O makes the of the natural • d their concert.
O teeth • specialty. Gas administered from DEATH AT I'Evr.r1N.iI 1•nEYE The
O 9 a. m. for the painless extraction of earl news reached this city on Friday
of the death at 1' Ishene of
litre (Rev! H. Currie (nee Mary
Walker). She came f Com Goderich to
this city in 18Oet to take charge of the
senior girls' school, and efficiently ppeerr•
termed her duti.s up to September,
91 teeth.
29 Mr John Stony, of Goderich, who has
O 19 been working at the (hakes organ fac-
O 17 tory, has rented • house owned by Mr
O 0 W. Cantelnn. and will reside here.-
WinRonoon has been appointed entreated to her care, sol when she left
ad' t est the &,ard adopted • reeo-
Tuesday tektite otion to )nate o m foreman of Mr N. Dyment s Iuother I expressiven
theimemban1hnweveree atAm kthen wi 1 yard here, in place rat Mr Anse Retinal,andt)their satisfaction with the prr regard e brew
who left on Saturday to take charge of i
M • "hereafter' to this action when the Mr Dymont's yard at Kincardine. made by her pupils, as evidenc at
municipal elections come on. public examinstions, and • number of
e� Lotto RTE. -Sheriff Gibbons on Mnnwhom lifted certificates se teacher• from
(;n,ch TEi.. -James tt'ileon, of West day brought into our office a sample gifthe snood] Boer( .�1 F.:.miners. After
«'awutoah, aha with stealing •man rye' polled on Ratorda,. May 31, which she Idt aha cit] she was Or • time
charged net 5 in. He is of opinion
col i. ifr,•k-
frim James Pollard, of the Mme town- mond 4 fp teat_ her to an advanced Bch
And Mowat'• Hour Has Come--- G•RMnw'i hoar had Dome mews i►af Honor that the crop of Cereals for 1R'M) b. Its N. Y., and •ten the Ladies'
t.ollaee, kta
• - , town -
n m 9.0 '
' to t Maws. Subsequently rhe
Compton. has been made that boys Lured the Rev Hogb Curie, of eh.
1„ called upon to address the hares Rather- ooiwstanoes were that prisoner stole the aro p to robbing birds nests.Pres mean aAaroh, who lad •charge
Ontario's Safe, tt Hurrah, Hurrah ! nag and sack mode a short bat eotb�*ias-
horse from Pollard and dro•• to Pilk- basedbyt
inetoo, hear Elora, when he teed( the are may not M aware that they ran for several yeah In Needy, in the county
tie address congratulating the elector. on stolen animal to one Thomas tycoon°, the risk of being fined li�N) for .hat they of ('army, before rem Needy to l'etsst t
the monism of the contest, not only in fnr soother horse. Conehble I)ay, of term fon. Boys oauvht at it should b. go isheoe. The decamped
leaves her
Wirt Huron. but throughout the Peer- Wingbam, sad Pollard, the owner GOON handed over to the authorities to be ho.bsnd 1.T' daughter and aged father
stolen horse, followed prisoner and mac- dealt with• sod sister to rr.nurt th.tr los& The
ince' ended in arresting biro et Milton, Hal- Rev George Riehsrdson left on Mon- (moms•( was a daughter of Mr John
A large bonfire in front of Mr Gas- ton enemy. at the modem. of his father- day for Stratford, when the Guelph Walser, former!, head master of the
sow's residence, Montreal -et., pre the in-law. Prisoner wee found guilty of conference of the Methodist church is High school at St Thomas, and who ie
rising generation •n opportunity to 1.1 b'vse-sting• and remanded until Jona seeding this year. His pulpa in North- still alive and resides in that eft]. She
i' teal mal -emeses. There 10th for :7 tepee. The ease erste( et. Mstbodat ehuroh will be fi11ed nett baa one siebr Mr, Wm. Hart) residing
end tarp hes b1 Mr R' A Armeer»g In eM is lha oily. who, toe.tber wily read=
was neo d' ey, so Mortal ewe of cute • were � their w (rlenda-Geelpb -
sig.bos,ds, no blsckgserdism, bet emery- ia evert during the trial. in the evening. y
G A RRnw sod MCOnmerriDT were loudly
ante, nes u one of the best for years.
Judge Toms on Tuesday Iasi. The cit
He'll Stay_
"Ties o'olmk" on Thursday. June 5, From Neat t to West -from North to
8, his pissed and gore. The voice of Soetb- the ebdatrsst%on has been deep
the people las bees heard, bad yet and strobe, sod today, after one of the
Ouvuz IYowAi. 'floor has not some," sive exciting Produmial eostiMe cisme
in the genes that the Tories looked for. Oonlederstioe, the veteran Premier of
O.ee more the sleeted 14 °Mario Ontario 4.ds that he Mill peeresses the
hare go.. to the polls, and with no se- eonfide.es of the great simpletons of kis
metals mead have they endorsed the Proviso* in no unmistakable m etier.
polity el Ontario's Ot.ld Old Mae. Up to the proses! time the tater.*
their po it e • quite an eietter.a.t • nom ay
wordd of , of W w•nosh present morning and Rey J.A.Anderson B A., other member., will have the .Piped+) of