HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-5-16, Page 8THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY'. X Y 11 ipp0
/01,1101 JO_ -•vuAJurt.r
Wt, are the only ones who have purchae.d the new designs
for (.eta•+• •u 1800, FN' 1L. - H and AMERICAN, at prices never 60
"low boffin,.
Papers bou;ht to sell for 7 and 8 cts., sold for 5 cts.
Papers bought to sell for - 12' cts., sold for 10 cts.
Pal ers bought to sell for 15 cts., sold for 12'.cts.
Papers bought to sell for - 20 cts., sold for 15 & 18c.
Our 23 Cent Gilt Wall Papers
Itl'Itl'lt F;VI RI'IIUI.I
Our FLA. 1 ,-4/"Ir-.J and EMBOSSED PAPERS are Elegant
and 4.1. piicoe to tempt any purchaser.
('rn'rtl TeIehl,..ne Exchange, Cur. \until-nt.:aid Sulfate.
tied.rich. April lieh. fait.
DIEM ddlatereat from over the
.t Wr.ktt 9144..1 .robe 1'. 1*1) \eco• •Niro
ed .p •.welt trader. of "The •tenni."
rite writ rot,■e. 4114 .• 1 .tad 1.0...
dea.ed Imes Evers drown.
31,h 'I C. 'CIS !Inmate, It 11 1%'edeies(iay
of 'set week for 11 . h , vie the
/ 8. Krs.ler, ma'am, t;,. y, has gone tr.
the ''Sam,," where toe ..11 work at los
trade sol snowier.
K'ibt Prue 1. .In .:rev .... . s:>.
He hoe been en the Parry Sound district
for over three years.
S mood Lord, the will known cheese
Maker. c.mine'.e.•.I operations a1 13,1 -
more I ,.•I••, v INS week.
E 11 T•m'kma, of Bay City, Mich.,
was it, Rrue•rl. I,st week. He took his
Gtt1e.lau,ili. r 1.ck atith hint.
W 11. 1i. k•• n It eseel., hart porches
Ole r nd.•i,•.- . f E F.. Heade, 1%.1-
u,street It will make a very com-
fortable keine.
Mr and M. • 8 F. ,fohosnn...1 Bran-
d in, Manifesto., .ere in Seafood. last week
spending a f -w ,lays wail tht r brother,
Mr U J,.h•...n.
Mn Arthe Veal a 1 fhm11 . I:rn.*cls.
»mem ed to Fenton. . u'hies• on Tues-
day of loot week, where 11. v put pose
snaking their Lome.
Re. Jut-. R cosi A. t., net a.e!., was
s.tnmot•t• 1 to Peet Kirin ra ice his
father. who i.:11. The et'd ret tlemaw is
stir at 70 years of ase.
Mr D 1). Wilson and the %isms R;1
sun, f+;• eforth, left nn Wednesday morn
jag of last w -.'k f ,r New York, from
whence they sail for the old country.
Albert Looking, Grey, has taken a
situation .n the Grand Trunk railway
n ear Guelph. His brother Robert is
working in the vicinity of .slolesworth.
A child .•f station ager• Hammond. ,
Blyth, whilst playing recently in a field
war kicked ,in the forehead by a horse,
that was runniut around hope. A phy•
sicisn pat foot stitches into the 'minded
Mr Jaynes D. Edgar. sen of Mr .lames
Edgar. of Novick. and • stu:iret of
Knox College, Toronto, is .tate ned ter
the wooer six months at New Dundee.
in charge of the Presbyterian congre
cation there.
From the »Dxort of the closing exercises
at Mineola' College, Winnipeg. we learn
that Mr (leorge Lockhart, bon of Mr G. I
Lockhart, of McKilk.p, poised. het third
yesr with credit to himself. and in gond f
s:acaine in his classes.
Arch. McCallum, whn has Leen frnrk
ing for the last four years in the mines
in,Algoma, arrived in Morris on Satur-
day. 3rd inst.. for • three weeks' visit.
Mr McCsllnm.doee not intend returning
1,. the twines. his intention being to >;v
r< the Northwest in the course of a
nir.nt l or so.
Mts. McNaughton, of 11•Brien County,
.we, who with rather members of the
limit) Ir ft Mckillop for the West some
seven or eight years apo, armed in Me-
l\ dl j last w.. k on a . nail. Mina Mc-
' iu:•t.t.,n u s nonce of Mr..l:,hn 17owpn,
and her many former friends Nill weartlly
welcome her hack to .IcKillop.
We are sorry, to learn that Mr Th. man
Hendry, recently .1 Seaforth.naw of Hu-
✓ on County. Michigan, is granl•,ally be-
coming weaker aa the painful malady'
with which Le is afflicted advances
He Is now confined to bed, and•st times
suffering great pain. Hisn..n, Albert and
(:ea.rge were -ecently over visiting their
The Sesf.,rth cre•amr•ry will be started
,-e Thursday neat, when the cream cath
.'ren will start on their r'^_alar
We are glad to state that there at, twire
as many patrons to commence with this
year as lent. The hotter kr the lint
three months has already hewn s•.Id,
and will realise to the patrors l•: crus
per pound. --- Seaforth Exposit.,r.
The Mambo fie, •.r,1 makes the f..11, w.
int reference to • former Ilur rite, who
is oleo a brother of Mr A. loam:. • f
Seafcrfh "George Voting, ih- well
known Blenheim bridge builder and con
traction, has leased the Lamberton farm
• t Cbesterffetd, eowtsining l50 acrea,snd
is going to carry ••n farming on a big
semle. H. still retains control of the r4)
sal' homestead also, and awns some pro-
perty in Platteville. Th. Lamberton
farm is one •.1 the hnest In ftlenheim
t .wn•hip. having been sold shred 11. res
yeses eg•, for `19,000. Mr Young is •
washer, and his friend; will
wish him prosperity in Iii fall vsdtsr..
!M City 1.t *tree. Ohio, 1. Sweet by •
rwne.a Mwrrten...
CLataraa, May l4& -A leader special
from Akre'', 0., says: At 534 ibis evening
in the attidst of • met twi4Jk cloudburst this
city was etr.rk by the wont tornado which
IMO ever bona known hereabouts, exeeptn g,
perhaps, the Shams cyckaae of a mouth app,.
The norm struck the u.utlse -n part of the
city and tore through the fifth, fourth sad
mrv,od wards, doing damage which cannot be
.stiulat.d at this writing, but fully IW bead -
Ings are completely demolished and hundreds
mors are badly dau..gid. The hutae of
lbminhnk (:reader at Crows and Wa$tdttgto•-
strsata was unroofed and Mra (feeder was
slightly injured_ John lidlsr's tomo, • few
dna n tweak » ae alta s demolished, s• won
Juaspa Bigger's and lends lihafl'r'e house/.
Pawing along Brows', Kline and Wheeler -
streets a doom ..r coo, - houses were more or
leer damaged, some I. sg movwt bodily from
their foundations an s :hen eoutpl.tely its
tooled. 'Thomas Gil .;;an's hoes% in King -
street was smashed. 'rimy Mennett's house
i0 Grant -greet was tur,wnl topsy-turvy and
Prof. Egla.rt of Bechtel College ,alculat.ed
that the torna.do travelled it the rate .4 four
miles a minute nu that eta track r4
about • mile and n half through this
city was traversed in little more than
twenty essontie moved 111 51(0015
■ straight line C., elan a well settled
part .4 the city grid scat cely a foot .1 the
wain a:dd a half tut is strewn with apliuter.d
Gouge timbers, brekru furniture, uprooted
tress and levelk-t tarns . and outbotuws.
About T5 p erso m m all are out of house and
Mn It. M. Racey and family left Clinton
oar Wedwevd•y of last week for Tuscoro-
ra, when they will spends week before
peeing Mr Ramey at Geneva, 4 )hio, at
which place they expect to reside for the
future. Mr Dartnell has gone t ng-
.t•.n for the i.r-sent. Mrs It a
lady who will he missed, and the good
wishes of a large.eircle go with her.
(Rohr. Laidlaw, of Solomon City, Kan -
s.., formerly of Brussels, writes the
.114or of the Pod as follows :-"It is
with deepest sorrow that I write to in-
f•,►m you of the depth of our youoireat
roil, John. He died on April 17th, aged
18 year, 5 m. ntha and 14 days. His
ailment was spinal rrritstiou, tome which
he suffered the most terrible pain for
over six mesas. The test of us are
aft weti.
Mr James Lo.gwoeth, of the 2nd cron•
cession. Morrs,hsd a very valuable two
year -old -snit coo injured a few days ago
hat it had to be killed. The animal got
o .t of the yard and ran out to the Huron
Road at Irtshtown, and in jamping over
a picket fence got i npaled no the pickets.
The poor brute remitter(' in this posiuoo
until seen by a neighbor, who had to
break dawn the fence before he could
relieve it.
Mr John McMann, Seaforth, sent a
load of very tine horse@ to Detroit on
Monday of last week. In the Int was
a gelding which weighed 1,50 Iia.
About two weeks ago he shipped a four
year old colt that weighed 1,630 lbs.
:luring the past month Mr McMann hu
a..Id out of his stables at Seaforth over
u honer. the most of them going to the
States. That represents a Rood lot of
1 the evening of last week W. Roddick
and Jno. Hewitt, of Brussels, hitched up
their broncho. to • buggy and started for
Ethel. When near their destination the
bolt fastening one side ..f the pole to the
rug came out and the result was a shy off
two the witch and an upset. Mr Rod-
dick was thrown against • wire fence
which cut las head. Mr Hewitt was
more fdrtunate and was not much the
worse for alighting so unceremoniously.
The ponies did not get away. Thr
snake • dandy little team and are good
From o.:r own correapondcat.
The I:ev ,las. Carrie will (D. V. preach
the annual autumn in the Episcopa.
hurch here to the society of Foresterm,
n Sables: h next, loth Inst., at 3 o clock
p.m. A gr.od attendance in respectfully
11:.me I:umor has it that there is an-
other marriage ceremony to take place
shortly in this village.
Mr 1'. Hamlin s new residence and
store are in rapid progress towards cnm-
pletion- Mr .1. (:ay is the contractor.
When finished it will add very much to
the appearance of our Main-st. Thsie
are other buildings in progress.
ELF., rt•.' -1•;'..-or'.\i'Ar Cot rN• ion -
Accn.rdmg D- announcement by poster..
the Reform meeting, which is the
first of a series, was held here r n Tue.
dap.the 13th lust, in Mr .loan Msllough'.
hall. There was a large turnout of the
ratepayers of this and surroundu.,
neighborhood --even (r 'pm St. Helen.
Meagre A. Stewart, T. Somerville, Wm
Cameron and others were present The
Reform candidate fur the West ittdinv
of Hur. n, Mr J. T. Darrow, 1,
l;oderich, introduced himself in a mold.
modest manger, hut with telling effect,
after which he took up and expstitete•t
on the principal topics of the p.Iitiesl
arena at 1 resent, and in a manner which
to those present, not being tot. partisan,
was pleasing In the piatn,l .gical and emir
statements made by him. Mr .1. M.
R •berts, the Conservative candidate, was
invited. of present. to give hie views on
the political gmestione cf the day: not
being present a cordial invitation era
riven to any or all to speak for him. As
none thought proper to do so, the old
political war-horse, M. C. Cameron,
Esq., of Goderich, was Balled upon, and
in response took the platform, when he
entered folly into the public nowt
of the day with vigorous and Inetd re
marks, showing the manner in which the
business .•f the Province of Ontario fitu
leen conducted under the Mowat admi
nitration donne the last 1$ years ('has
(limn. Ent., ex r..e.,preseded over the
meeting is a satisfactory manner. We
noticed among other present the
editor of Tu. Rtn:IA1,, D. Mc
(Zilhceddy, who is • leading prop in the
Reform mom in the Riding. The meet
in was brneeht to • clow by a vote of
thanks to the chairman and speakers
three cheers for the Queen, Mr Mneat
and Mr (arrow, the rand'aate Th.
order maintained donne the meeting was
excellent: great credit is thereto» deer
all present
Ili Lia .I il,i.r
A List of Ontario, 1. •. That Will It.. -.'ins
1.... ermine. t A•.Liesuce.
OT •Ira, May I: -The railway ruttishly
r'eenlutions were 1:n,1 on the table of the
Hous, Friday evening. They provide for
these subside. to n eitnrro toads at oho usual
rate of $:t,JtU per our•:
Montreal & Ottawa t 16,000
Waterloo Junction
Railway from W,ual%tnek t , Chatham
ria Loudou.in lieu ofaubddy grant-
ed for railway from lape.t.otl to
Ch ttbane 25(1,000
Ottawa & M.rrisbirg 1ti6,400
Erie & Huron 'from Petioles to fire,
den (hl Springs' :0,500
Brockville, Westport & Sault :ate
Marie S;,000
Manitoulin & North Sbcww UIS,tee
Port Arthur, Duluth k Western 16.000
Lrke Erie & niTrvlt Kiser 140,0110
Lindley, Bob.aygerwt & Pontypool51,900
Kingston. Smith's Falls it Ottawa115,900
Ottawa & Parry Sound 98,000
Bay of quite d: Lake Nipicing tkiAUO
C,b.urg, Northumberland et Pacific96,000
The total for Outario is $1,-131,000. Que-
bec gets i2,272.000 granted to sixteen enter-
nterprises, New Brunswick f367,e100 to seen*
roans. Nova Scotia $-.5I),00) to two roads,
British Columbia 11E2000 to the Kootenay
road, and Prince Edward Island t1$.000 to
one road. The grand total is tI.+•18,000.
The newts are all to be . . . within
two years from July tat next.
Sur John Macdonald in mower to a quer
tion on the order paper announced that the
(. . had concluded to remove the
export duty on pine and spruce logs in the
event of the United States educing the
import duty nn sawn timber to it per 11100
feet. An imtimaion to this effect will les•
tout to the authorities at W ashiogt,u.
'1'h. IILMrt. a,-. 0.. y s y
• min ended •. •. k f. r t!•,- •, a• 0
Monday. CI Edgar heee.ay-
Boni art r. gnu.. ..
Mn Pratt, Morris, was thrown out et
• bn.vsy the o bei 4.1.t b► • t ,. y hots
•rad her should. r so. dt.l„ ••'r.' Her
en who esu 1•10. III th.. upset, .Kap.d
Oil Thursday Mat lat. 11.. (dm, and
-haus;• of Wu.. intik, %l.rri-, et•i,. sol.f
Ly public suet ton. .l,••, ph (". ►t pot -
chased the former, which c..r.stsr.,.i 150
, 125 141 wh.t:h le elwr. d 'd .•
gu'd stair of cultivanou, Th.. , rite
paid was $5.000.
The oomms•ity in general learned with
deep r t • 1 th- .or+.t. ••1 Non W.,.
Rational, concession 4,Turntwrry, which
occurred on Sunday alert tug, 4th iu.t ,
after two or three d.ys. .I r -s ... 1.
Mrs Y.elewi was s nuneh.•r . f Wr. a
.Ner Preehvters.n lhur.li and he,
funeral to Wm:liter cemetery on the
rue.Aay follow mg was largely art. -11.1,.o
fir Eagleson mind his tauatl, of four
ch,Idrwn have the sympathy of all to then
Ed. Warrell, of Neaark, N J., was in
Broesela l.•t we.k H.- 1,,:.t t.ru ..ver
o., Ills rad mission ..2 .o.o.mpaul roil the
✓ evraon of Ii'a brother .J.,..., I..en..•rly r
rw,Aent cf lirus.a•I•,00 thew I..? hen1114
place at (toren". The deceased d'e l at
Newark, nu. .April '26. h. .•f f,vrl. aced
27 years. He was ill ,Dly .". •.t 10
day, Mr 5'arrell I. It litu•u!. 6 .c.u-
•,fo and has tern its the employ ..f mil..
.trent railway cerepanv tor. r .n•'e 11. i
was a well develop.ti roar w. igloo ; , v. r
I 'ac,1
201 ie•unde. The tutrrn,rot took
on May 1st.
Choice Goods
8 MacCO22MAC_,„,
7oha M. Pioud-oot
ta giving the
in town at hie au re. where he always tow on hand a large stock of
It will he to the pulmlic advantage to give him a call before going
- - OF -
A Falteo Woman Take. a Fatal those at
Toaster". May 12.-1.1n Torrance, who
lived in tarn shed rooms at e:m Y rage street
with Frank ]Lwin, c..rnmitte.l %ui.•id. early
Satur.lay morning by taking laudanum. The
deal woman was about 'J• years of age and
(new hat handsome. Il.'r real name was 1.15
Itutherforl and she, was a Dative of Califor-
nia. She had been an inmate cif various gill-
ed resorts in several cities in the Gulden State,
in Ruffn)t, Mrxttral and Toronto. She had
been living with M ., r., aims. last Januar
311.'.i- has leen in T..ronto for about a year
and a half, coning here, it is said, with 0160,-
tr.i that belonged to parties in Columbus,
Int it•• (-ompr ••.l with his -creditors"
by giving up half , f that snot and has Inen
mined st,d, He has a ought the sishoo xer Sr.
►,e,ni. enol Ela M.'rton. loth of which an
now in the coal t,a•le for has benefit. An in-
quest will he bell.
It transpired y».t.•r.l.y thnt the a:3mo)
bowls .tnl'n in New 1-..rk by it Wigan H.
Guam were the property of the 1.ritiah
Anx•rie•a let .,ranee o'engviqy o1 this tat
M• -ors 1Lt•hi•,
(soloing & Ludwig for
John Becker hive issue r a writ n;;ain.t James
Living,.t•,n. )1 C. for South tVaLerIea for
j`..no for aii.,nattog the aff.•.•tems of Mre.
Meeker from her husband. Mrs locker is the
youogewt daughter of Mr. Livingston as I was
privntely married to Becker alien t last t hrist-
u m% at tibake'.peare Hecker was then a dry-
greel% clerk at Baden. the horme o1 the Liv-
Ingetrnia After the eerernnnr the n•wly-
wv.Ikd pair retuned to their re:I-waive
hnnn.t, intending to keep the marriage. •
tenet fora time. The news reacted Mr
Livingstn, however, veru stem and the irate
father sent his.laug.,ter to friends in Michi-
gan,and hess,re•e k'pt her from living with
her hu.bnnd. iteek-r Ilan several tones ate
tempted to ascot hi- matiral rights to Mrs.
ft.'s society but has .on worsted min his at-
tempts by the obdurate M. 1'. )tis. Bucker,
it seem•., is in syvopnthy with her hnt.and
and entourage. his pr•.rnt action. An fn-
Juncti•n, restraintnp; the father from .'.cert
ing hi. parental anth,rity was silo applied
for r.-tenlay. Tne rase will be tried a5
T.wrniio at beet amines,
tan t•tertew•se. Perish In the Flame. ha
• Row Toe k ,ieat. P....e Ho....
t'ArA, may 1'5. -- The (logisngn (omity
Poor Ileums a: Preston was burnt lad Thurs-
day -right nt 11 o'clock and the live. of ten .4
obs iom,t•ee win lost The fire etane.l in the
inane deportment. All the deiartrnettts tti
the in'tit,it , w..recrowded it it ran well
be imagined vont the rese•ue of the potty
errfNur•- mane of tiwm okt am: very foible
and other. wlel with fear and terror,
which ridded to their 'roans delu.iona,
was by no meal'. 'ill easy task.
The h.lieee were entirely 'nnsumwl et'.pt the
mink. !. - per Ilall was m Norwi -k In flew
1144•rnr,nn. t-p.nn returning to Pr'n.ton M
was welting a ! ,nch•.n when one of the at-
tendants ran in and exclaimed: '•1te are all
on urn -. K serer 11.11 Ind the e'tendanta
hnne.liately tett to work ('seeing the in-
mates some o1 whom '.wird«I nealr•rially In
saving the otter' None .4 the prior 'groin
or hen...h eld effer•ta were oared Nothing
rsn.aina het the cistern in the cellar
Th.- acme at the burning wan indw•vlbable
and the horror of 1.'ngo.. P'ntnt woe. rwwn,
arN.�l en a smeller ,•als I*.wd..tt.d and
terror 'Stricken inmates wandered erwrnd the
horning piles In • hopek'w manner Tim
great wtiexdeen iedld ,g. lit rap the hills ter
mom armlet , The tkxenr will hold ma In -
Your Vote and lull :encs are most re -
epee fully solici•ed for
I, tlaappe.acbuog E- . r:... for
tarty Legislature.
to eceeaent application for T..n. Freckles. Sunburn and all ItouabaNs dr CM ▪ AL.
A tonic ohs.: In. iftoratrs the• 1 tares: it c Organs, Improves the Apoet are. ar..t t, • ne.Pr tailing
remedy for impurity of the le.s,1. As an anciethr and touts .t is us...quailed.
traits. • - . sorts.
otice of c
at this (
Monday 1
than Wel
ual Adve
up to no
11 alswwoe coo
of Tilt Slue
tainletenb al
is changed, te
ury beset t
for at fAe
neond eadl i
than twenty
imperfect a 6
GEORGE-- Rn....��TAS,
A reversal of the centralizing policy
ehtch grasps power and patronage
oor the Government at the nape se of
municipal and local authorities.
A secret ballot to put an elm to iu•
timtdation and bribery.
Removing the licensing syetrm from
p•rtisao control and putting an end t.,
ne sandals which have arisen under the
present system.
Attentt to the imprnve•1ent
condition of the working man.
To sanction by voice and cute a!I
legislation that has for its object th,
curtailing of the drink tntbc.
A policy a-Oserving our timber
✓ eeourosa instead 4f drawing on them
es an encouragement to extravagar:c,
A larger representation of the agricul-
tural and merlantile interests in the
Non-partisan management of the
Eduattonal Department, and
A thoroughly earnest and honest sop-
liort of the platform of Mr t:' 1t. Mere-
dith, as enunciated by him in the city
•f London and throughout the Province
doting the present campaign. The
principles contained in that platform I
believe, my friends, cover the whole
ground rf that grand and glorious grin
aiple, ''F.yua) Itlghts to every man -
sciecial and preferential privileges
for none, civil and religious liberty to
W edneader.
e11 to Mies A.
ship of Gado
u r -In Godes
wife of Walt
eco Ones -C. tl
rd -G. C. Rot
ottee- Peter A
sated -Mn R
portal -W. Ael
amenable Ooos
oregage Bale--
ale_rand Opera Ho
If woo wish to keep rap with the grates dust purchase any mere OLL'FARRlGNED
ell lltt t, for
A! Rw r.rcit��-SAM
"A elders a
d.' /at
Now lathe Om
wart dens u
A O000 Pisa
oaa make I
to D. McGill
Tin Woman's
the bassi
ery rueedev
Ines. i
bIW Hees a
De neatest. Hi
.sh snits in te
hum's wad-
e tan always 1.
R. R. tallows
tan iimuldinp
Wes toterms
epitome and
West eovelu
MsiroWta eaa
kc.. to..
e more them
r, and it bel
sad see nam
and code
Swede a c
fler sprayts
rlir cro 0
ent sad r
s a, ways los
Ye Fred. J1
t for Sesicn
Mr 8. J. Rb
n on Mond
Mra H. E.
urned to T.
V. regret to
H. Speen.,
ion of the
number o
t to Manch
assist in a a
he trestees
pore overbill
(ding et an
re Rstteoi
cefield, wen
douse of M
r and Mn
1 on Monde
Jordan's o
. Some', i
:b in Assn
ery, on Set
Inas secured the Sole Agency for MRSMICIt S: WARD'S Celebrated AdiuM ler hand Shirts.
lour obedient servant,
,1. 4I. RoutRr-
flit:LiABLIE PUSHING MEN town choio
Nursery stork, (templets assortment
;pleadid oppo-tanity offered for Seri.,/
work. My salesmen have good saoceea
..any .r•Ihng rem. 1100 to $211) pet week
=.•nil for Proof and rrstimuniale. A good
"tithing titan wanted hete at once. LAber(►
Terms and the hest gond. in the market.
.( rite F'It F:U. E. YOUNG. Nurw)man
;.,. nester. N. \.
M MIES 04 $NthT$f n
,W Si he
131111 T.
1 have the Knelt veer '1 Ncr.wear. Hateraps wad Gloves that rat be perckased se)
w sere. In t'odlaresad t. ate eny tate Newest Genera Makes. vi bath outlaw say other solidi!
on the narkct. are handturt.
Lent fad to tive uses caner the NEW STAND. CO!'\F,R Et LEAN'S ft 1.0r 1:
Med f A. E. PRIDHAM.
kc tiron signal
to Pl'wl.latlEO
We are Rep:enishing our stock daily It now comprieee the
Lr.trstt No:-elti.•s :..
With their Trimmings. Also LADIES" SUMMER ( DB.R-
4`' ::m.
MISS E. BOLAND, „e. street.
A1' ITa !ROAM ral$1',00 nrr8C5:
It Is a wide-awake lural newspaper. devote
t county news and the disssninatien of W►
fol knowledge.
$1.30 a year: 7So. for .ix months : lac. for
nee.- menthe. if der enb.wript ion i. not paid
in levan.'. uhscriptloa will be charged at
the rate of $2.00 • year.
• R'TF.0
Lena) anti other rested ad • iIM.
per lone for first insertion. and 3 cents per line
for each .nhecgnent insertion. Measured by
nonpareil .rale.
Local notices. In nonpariel type Se per line.
Loral notice. in ordinary reading ti pe Ic pe
Rn.inees cards of six lines and under ifs per
Advertisements of host. Fennel. Strayed
situations Vie -ant. Sttnatf.t Wanted and
Itwaine.a Chances W■qted. sot exceeding a
inw. nonparfel $1 per nevus h.
Honaew ow sale and Farina nn Sale. not to
•oared 5lines. $I for nest month. Aar per alb
.eineent month. larger advt. in proportion.
Any special melee. the object of which ie to
memoir the pecuniary heneft of any ,cdi
Ideal nr company. to be rs,naidered as ad
earl charred accordingly.
These terms will la .11 mere he "trimly a4 -
seised to.
Speeelal rates Inc larger a or
• ' few extended period, :tide
aaown at the eine of publkwttoa.
A folly equipped Jobbing Allis'► is carried
to In .•nwnwct ion with the not
'.mammas whew •res -elan, work N turned ent
d re•_owable rain. gve'rvtNoe la fhb picot
cog env eau be deem ea theta's him am
rr.wsiaatd ter past. a 'Wing narl
All r.wHw•aWtien• mess be a.U.Mmil t.
H amessA teen*.
miser Twit litewat
re ikOhee• (70. N. le OdsirIsh Oat
.E. Hodg
in Good
itnunials u
ins Carrie
is last week
(;.rrss, mail
r Laxton,
e in the sal
o. S•turtle
will reside i
Raw B. L
.rob, km am
discourse f
Mr E. Hodg
organ fa.
11y to town
ted by Mr
Harry Rams,
yen, will be t
Monday ns:
(pose of pot
res. Mersa
E. F. Ma
Moos., w.
.ps.d the sums
p Tits Bslaut
Hee. N Wei
bolus .es.s. i
R. Thomps.'s
do LJS knt:
K811se'e "Ory
1Rilsly's haws
Well -Selected Cigars.
1. you want a (t n : l igar. l ,tare::. nr Smoking Totaeco.
RI.A('t: Sr TAN, 'be acknowledged :sada of :r (mare. Fir'.L I)ItlS9 (i0.t1(E r'rlg,
01.2. (401.1. rob.tu'( t) mn osr tall y, aro 1 tine
In Imported Cigars a number of Leading Brands.
AT -
A large and well assorted stock of the LATEST STYLES of
Spring and Simmer Millinery.
Please call and inspect. No trouble to show goods.
;0 rte 1 t.