HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-5-16, Page 5AND,1, g lee - ; Can era IS t f. ,r in -1 5 tu- fty ./.v - n ide pion ; Incur - Mr ly alert, rte, ►rich. low eon oan .rel eed .rich TO God Gg 'PNp ;NT the at tee alt• 'SR, e t c. own. 4kc rare• SaPre le IAR 4. M. ON, r the WAN. 751 STI IN . etc p -m RY rftof Ki.a • by seamy 4,4E ,r of rade T. H- lsat Mt.• the n of Nwl. lake arty. rnef art* de. 19- 1 at- MW- tlme sera area t John Acheson. STAPLE and FANCY Dia GOODS. BURN TIIIS IN YOUR MKMOliY OUR GOODS ARE RIGHT OUR PRICES ARE CLOSE! OUR TERMS ARE 5 PER CENT. FOR CASH ! JOHN ACHESON. ARISE AND SHINE! li.wterieh. Acrd I:,Ib. INCIO. To THE I'cnt-u • This is to certify that I have orad the Fermium Polish prepared by W C. heodr. for several years, and find it superior to an other 1 herr ever tried. Aayoee an use it and if the simple directions are followed it wilt inmates a ri Aimee furniture, piano asn.etc., to their original polish every time. Kettle/be should use 11 der'nw hoiew-.leaning. JNU. NRUI'11 Y .. unutare Itealer. LARGE BOTTLE FOR !Mets. Dye Stuffs, Horse & Cattle Medicines FINE PRESCRIPTION WOL:K. W. C. GOODE, ALBION BLIOCK, C 2LIeT. TTC. SEPARATE SCHOOLS SUPPORT. IDS to 6uisb will be !:old, and then w• .ball see another u.an.m,.ih barn in Lee - whir Mw'1 T.ry wrgaa. "1'11*e Srtep,r- burn. It will be nue of the largest are eeh.wts Art awed of th: many Fut together o) The amendments to the Separate Jule Macauley as a framer amid builder Schools Act which were made law by sl bathe. John has built quite a num- the Mowat Government provide : bar durlug his experience as a 0erFenter That the moo. ipal clerk shall keep an for ever • quarter of a century in Buru:;. alphabetical lint of all not:cee sc..: 1. that they desire to support VILE. Separate Schools : alio nil notnxs of rroa Our own eorre.pnadcnt. those withdrawing such support This t Our enterpttMss nommen, o H Dodd, LboaaO. eco r of rd shall remain ' pen to 11"4"1"11- 11.1"11l7 1" go Lintel into the public ec.'tiun• m .uuiacturr of peeps and thereby give All notices mutt he carefully Sled. na another neve wdnetry. ,The oe.tce left by the aisesse.r is to DUNLOP r the wording, •'You are essee ed as a From our own - _ 1. rate School suppottter, er "1-00 are Tile genal fame ret M. O'Meara, nue aseeesed as a Public Sch ..1 supporter, of a*radise sr. O4dench township, was as the caw may be, to that each rater an ,,ur midst the week ; not, however, to sea hi. w on.ps were, er still to swo- on the mint, of the csudidatea for this R•otng in the cem'ng election, but • tittle bird whisper. Michael meow hero nese, whtch may result in a new addition to the beuedict torciea of Goderich town - do not so give n. lice are presumed to ship. be supporters of Public !churn's. Our architect and Chas. Morris, ham - The •tatemeot to the assessor under er, with their united staff of workmen .1. of sec. 48 of obs Separate Schools c.eaeseed this week pr.paring the' t mean., and always means. • .raft timbers f •1 the new barn of D. Lawson. ffient, if not by the ratepayer himself, he to repl.►ce ilia one destroyed by fire at his auth.ority end not „hers Kto the New Year. This beau will be built unauthorized perw'n could ever under us awoework. the law answer for any ratepayer how be _ was to he rated for ach of tax. PURI A1.K I- T. The Municipal Council is gives power Fn•tn urow11, . to inquire into slid correct errors. aimAbout tete only subject for debate the usual appeals he the Court of Re- 'amongst , ur p•-iittcuns at presnt a as vision aud Cuuuty Jude an prorid.d po wnether t,arrow a majority will be for. over 5011 or not. The weight of argue What is wrong with these Fro`i•mns 1 went s uu the affirmative Bide. FequU Righters, you say : "Every The schooner Ent.rpruc is engaged in drawing wheat from Kincardine to this port for Meheffy ■ mill. Owing to the shallow water in the harbor the schooner has to he unleaded at the outer end of the dock. The arrival - f the dredge is eagerly looked for. Pour A L:. s r . '.or•r.rs No. 299, I 0.0. T. --Thea child . Joe Mayweed i■ pro- gressing favorably, w tar as obtaining new member is concerned, but as re- gards regular attendance and enthusiasm in Its work will die an early and un- natural death unless a change for the better takes place shortly. ('..me up, Joe, and ions. "one new life into the Bring MacAilister along. AN Oviteari;Hr.- We observe that in Mr Barrow`s announcement to the el.c payer will n .t fail to take notice if ems- takes iatakes are .lade. The asseewr must be guided by the, list of notices.eut t., the clerk in ■seer - le ming who are to be ases.ed as Separ- ate Schist 1 supporters : therefore a'I era J II \ �It1N.1t.• F1111),11', MAY 16 1890. �f.1.Lt1E MURPHY'S SLAYER RUN TO EARTH IN A MICHIGAN LUM• BER TOWN. Toner Charles E. sn.waa, Wwrmerty of Toner t.. 1. the heed. et the hunk ! 1'.11..- M. Cass far• es its Crime -low Me was Tramiel. Museiguow, Mick, May 1,L -Early ebh morning the police .,t ebb city received e st telegram froinspector Byrom of Nevi Yo. k city y asking treat to arrest • man hen catling bunged Achard A. Arthur for mum moueder. The order was moue mn od out and '.lrtbur" lu.:k.d up Later be ounteesei W cruue- Aecerding to kis story b. Ind bora Uviogas In New York two yeerewite a woaa about 5years eara uM mused Mane Murphy. Three weo;a ago last Mood:4 might h. met her out pr.'uwuadulg with a pu lioewan anal the three went into a saloon. A quarrel soon followed atef "-Arthur" jerked out • peeked knife and slabbed Umar woman iu the neck- She diel almost immediately 1u the excitement "Arthur" escaped and a auaged to spend two days in the city with- out beteg erreste d. Theca be left there, person must be assumed t, be a supprt err of the Public tichu..Ie. unless, being e kaolin Cetbclic, he by written endue given by himself er by h:s agent duly authorized in that behalf, declares him- self a supporter of Separate Schmitt.- What ,hmla 'What more definite assertion uf your claim in this regard could you desire than that given you by Mr Mowat•s Iegis- lati-.n I Mr Meredith • hill wile not nearly to comprehensive. It was lilt a leaslatire measure, but, ignoring the fact that what it pretended to select was already the law of the land, it was built for elee- tion..rinr purpoeos to deceive the cred- ulous and uninformed. It provided, in. d, that a inan right by giving this • notice hectme a Separate 17•:houl ton of this Riding '•f the places where he supporter. Oh, yes ' , will hold meetings during the campaign. But it provided no mean. wherehy he the nave of Port Albert is n included. ever could change back and become a We trust that this has been an over- swpporter of Public Schools ' sight on the part of Mr l►xrrow, for we ple who have heen mommas t• listen psi old and historic viilsggltg being left in the f P t n Danger ave the honest and IiatnMrmed P". fail to imagine any other reason for this army r. re, e.tanttsm I the shade, and that sinal t • clearing in the ever seen the text of the Sep:rate Schools baotwoods, to which we might well c,m- Aet and regulations, the interpretation pare that nest of traitors, Dungannon, put by the court spell the engine! clauses ;placed yon the 6■►. This and the amendments which have been matter must its attended to. outlined aroma printed in any of the Tory papers that are jet pow earnint promised boodle and fat 1,11)0•s ti fan nine the fires of fanaticism Why don t they print them The acts would rive them the ,.e LEVER. R.N. heat our oar •nrreapondent. )irs John Hillier, of Guderich, united rdstivwi ken last week. `in our last week's items we omitted tbe name of R'Fulf rd ss • pall hearer st the funeral of the late Mn Jame* Horton. We alai wish to say that she tame from 'Lanarkshire, instead of from ?,shire, Scotland, and that James 'schen has removed from New York to ►���iittt•tilt lite Maria, where he now rendes with Archibald Strachan, whose name we forgot to aentaon Inst week as a brother of the deceased. 60 he 60 is the sire of a new barn is cower of areetioa by 11 MsManue. Os Friday the timbers of the frwndatinn and the first shay were riled es the sit. by • luny bee of the lake Rhein boys, aeppolrt.d by a few Labs al Can menial st. aad some bleak sheep of Des • ley, 1s a few weeks' time emotber rips COMING CANDIDATES. likerth Leaa_ rk C N.laat. Din Pr.si.a .f Carl.tew Flare- ALAIONTe. May ll -- A courgettes of the l.ttierai-Coeservatte. Am.a-tatwn fes North Lanark was held to -day at'( far the fn'rpuw of ae wit•et t �didaM p lamrl�Ta the coming Pr* � Willem enial,dlsl Andrew Willof Appleton, v� preitd ds of the North Lanark ('eneAmstarrvativAmstarUut t, occupied the chair. Theis nines were pr.aeuted: Dr. R V. Presidia, Carleton Piece. James Hosarnuui, Jr.. Almonte, wU Liam Mebane Mayer of Almouts, it. Ruga mond, Alamos's: James Duds, Dalhousie: D. !Sheppard, l'arloton !'lace Short speeches wen male by the amu noes, ell retiring 1 favor of Ur. Preemie who received the unmet mons tele of the ousiveuntios. J. Meed Olaf.) 1w Wear luwnr.e. l'oetemiiwuop, May 14. -Tim lteto'rmers orf Wd . Sinter. held their eoave•ntien here to -day to erl..•t a ta.wti late to contest tbit riding for the AswmWy. !Several prominent nominated.Reformers were nminated, but all with drew in favor' .f J. Herd of Cle emure, wbe auw ei received the uiuunoawtinat . of tlu a.oveutton. Mr. Hued..sell Ataepts. Piety A KTll c a, May 14. -targe H. Mao traveling through various ptaors on his way ds,sei, ex -mayor of Port Artaur, war this to Miebegau. He is a printer by tradeand tarunng chorea as the C. rand' timedwas at timed Rapids tart week hunting work. date to oppose Jamg. Jame,. /'ounce in this riding He faded to got a job. but from information Mr. Maedonwll has accepted. hem derived lohim by the T .. , 1 t'muo their knowledge .4 his whereabouts Two More Torosto t'aadldate. was obtained by the New York police. Tweet..., Mav 1.5.- The Conservative cua- last Saturday "Artlutr' came to Musks- •rut141.4111n lt night renoutinat.,t the two, ts goau,! got i jut, 10 totit "nor on a muco- Clarks. 1..r 11aWui e• Aeriny. This a:. • se.ee 114E paper, where he woe working wheu ar- modulates 111 tLe Held. rested lir is abasut 'ti year's old. medium A Third 1'andl.lnte 111 Hamilton. Hale aad quiet lur.kityt. He says he will R" 11 aeite,,e, May 14.- Tru• spxaul commit hack to New York, plead guilty and take los HA\111.1, R, FLg. 14th, 188!). This is t., certify tbat the piano used for my concert in Hamilton, Ont., nn Feb. 13 h, 18s9 a Chicketing Grand) was pot in order by Mr K Hodgkise, of Hamilton, and was to perfect condition, the facing bate good and erectly as I desired it. 1 cheerfully 1 hint to those wishing good towing. O. ALiuvi (ha. This is to certify tbat Mr E. Hodgkiea lowered, to the entire eatufeotioo of all the the pitch of the piano used at the rendering of "Under the Palmar' to within a few wares • f half a tone. so that the t aught be le concert with the pipe organ ; and that with an evenoeeof 1 and pre- eisioo in pitch which sneak highly for his skill as • plane tuner. To all reilairing his ■•rvicee in this repaint', i can and do out cheerfully recommend him. MA4'1, P. HALL*, (ninth Master, Nrrth-et Meth. Cherish. Oederi 'h, April 22nd. 1000. Other references-- Mr C. A. limber, Yr H. Spence sol Dr. S. Ri bemuse. tee from the Equal Itighte' Association, ap punishment.. pointed to interview the two caaiulate's fa Jealousy drove him to te eriiur. Ile the Provincial Assembly, reported 1, the as aeons tohave been deeply in ins with the sociatiew last r' -uing. Thr committee ex. girl •cud carries with him one of herdker regret at the uur•tisfactor} repaea eh„•[s eel:h to pensee very highly. Ne av veil fr both Mr. Gilwuu and Mr. We nante here as Arthur but is kuown Stinson and rrr,mim.•aded that the ave ria the alta. of (haste. E. Huchauan, while Ids tibring out a candidate. A long d on us•w 10 Dozen Men's Merino real name is John Jackson, Ile will be held Cion followed, Int the report of the cenimit l to jail until the New York ofleen, arrive to :HP' tit 3f/c.,N-ort.l 50c. take him home. Ise win adopted- E. A. Colyuaenn :s spokes n IRuehat.an. it will he reenemberol.formerly. as likely to get th. newuimati•w. MULLETT. Tram oar owe oarrespasiterit. Mn A. S. Sperling. of Onellsrieh, • visiting her author, Mrs Molrien. Yrs R. Spree;_.,, cnlldren lift on Twirl/ to joia her huebaud in Mau' grebe. 114. F•rlrs Isisb.d seeding last week. Oscars► rather slow yet. Raw winds and • U Was have presented rapid growth. The peddler here begun their roam. !s again. Eggs are eery plentiful, thoegI the price la more than liugly swish. Alb. rt Shafer, Or• . its ' he fro aero l..t bet inset•. Mw III a It use. lithe •, f. r .w.. ye•►s. 1 •• said he wt . ,.0 ,1 ..1 U'i( ... b. e , "Al LIMO i'1YL.. •••..-'t 1 t •:4 a' • .' 1 ',she home the tont H • Weil. hoe far to go fit her 4 , , To...1. v . f eel, , it • .. bred now, the prr.I.Asty uf Peter Il avow .1ltla cue.. Dray bawd ts• he k .-.0 .. • a,r.lo,t of hailed te••rre..••••le. A soot ,,.rtet• area Ii ' . V •.r,o.ue: W...Ij. II, ley, .d ,, - • 1..... •., has rival. :nnMdelan-r oro,.. .r'" reit le mon 111 .4.11444 localities. a- .' M ea1d o. 'le Loth. infectious 5*- ..ourahle. W. ACHESON & SON 1V vv 0 OR=. -REPEAT ua' TRESS Ci-00IDS LF BLACK AND COLORS, w e•ntoly mew deg! Ts Fa•: shad, •. NEW DREGS TRIMMINGS, ' 1. trains, Fr:a-e. *feel and rplet..l'd .nine to ALL SILK BLACK aad COLORED MOIRES. Owe resets' lines in t tthlit • QUILTS, TOWELS azd TABLE LINENS are a wonderful ads erttaps. it for u SPECIAL PURCHASE. lived in Toronto and 1' -ft here a few rr.ts ago to avoid arrest for dabbing hu' a ifs oar Yurµ.e-.tree!, opposite Albert Hall. AU trees of biro war lost until the story of the aurlrr of Statute Murphy in New York throe weeks ago alpuatv.d Be the pallor's 1 TRIPLE MURDER. A Stealthy Farmer, Hi. Kir. sad son Found with o.n.1..•d Throat.. It. t alleged that hest.. e.r.l under oath in W A4HIN. ToN, Pa., 'lav 14. --John I'r.Iu.•h, Iketun 10 years ago that he wasanaturaliau a wealthy [ernes ager ::,, his wife. age,! :u I American citizen, atrl that Ile has not since and hi. cant Andrew. aged .ii, were loon• become • naturalized snbjeet of Her Majesty. by neighbors early this morning their bels at R.'nUeysvilie with their throats PREACHER WHITMAN TO ANSHER tut. Andrew's head mat been mashed witt - -' a club. The bodies were 'add and Use velum 111. Opponent• Thrown Oat .1 a Church bad evidently been murdered some hour. But They (►r gat•I.r a ('.cert. The evident purpose was robbery. No chisel Jorier, Ill , May 14 --Trouble bee broker out afresh in the First Baptist Church. A Marta (:et. a Reach.. I disturbance ce occurr d at a meeting of the (, a Zruree May 14---1 'n application of Mr. ' society last night which was little better ('1.•apieth•. M -I'., eruu -e-I for Murio.rntenced than le riot. Twelve of the merit prominent to be hanged on Mav I'i, a stay of proms& aembert. were suspended because they cooti ings was granted ye.tenday until Jun. H tinned for a council of ministers to settle th. Argument on a writ of error will be made be• i dispute bet ween Rev. Edward Whitman, tit fore the full bench of the Court of queen's . pastor. and these who are opposed to him be Hooch to brag up theyueetiewe.o( alwueiea cease of his record Mr. Whitman is bpm of improper evidence ami the roman. ilin;; al, self oppt..evl1osubmitting his ease toaovuinri: • juror to who;n a proper objection had these anti his fallowing refute- to receive tbe c.A aria taken. flpdinge of the Charlottetown IP.lis1. chureb Snaith t.. he Hanged June 14 which expelled biro. Lnrta ov, o int.. May 1 S. --Henry %aper el• To m•• Mr. Whitman eligible to All the Pulpit who murdere.l his wi.e .,o Feb 1' lice, kat h„ followers formally recveived him e a meetnln•r and resAvnl to blot out his pad been found guilty and h ran• e,l Gu ►n reeord. right or wroug. banged on Jntw 14. The cpp ositioo. which eomlrisve the lead CONDEMNED THOUGH INNOCENT. ing members of the church. those who have deed here for yaws and built up the church. Serve. A Mea Sixteen lases b Prison �es have tb.ni.eh.rs esilevt tiin council, which it a Harder He Hid Nom Cesmmit. to be composed of the pastor and one lay A te ii•SeA, iia.. May 14. -Mr. Willem delegate (nun 341 sister churches. Sttrnicker was discharged ye'derdav frogs The conned .s to et/Heider whether th. the penitentiary at F.enpire, (;a., witere be action of the ehur•h here in taking the paatol served 11/ years.( a life .ontewr for a mutt is legal. whether the action of the Charlotte der of which he was inn'.•ent. tows ('hurrh in expelling him was wel Kt•vuteen years ago Henry Pisan' n wet grounded, whether the expulsion and empire murdered iu Rorke Comity. and. .uspiaim retitle on Starnicker-Ice having had a dill♦ cult wick hint a few weeks before -he -war arrested. tru-1 and e'.ovieta t. lie always protested bis mn•••.ne.'. 11, worked for it May 1.a. yeses in the "oil mere and q:arrtru A BULL CRAZE IM BOSTON, last week a man 11111ied t'rnne of NOVA SCOTIA NOMINATIONS. A 1 .111 11.1.1 Entered in 11,e liner for th. Proving -L.1 Assembly. HALIFAX, May 14. -This era.: the Prov in real nenti iatiou Jay. Theme will be a run test in every riding. The -Liberals dam that rapt. .1. K. Smith, one of the Conser- vative candidates iu Shelburne. is not r itritiub .ubj.ct and therefore disqualitteci mo. ..f members without trial is legal. and whether the obur•h s eiety, as now constitu ted. c. the rigbetul p ssewa,r of the churet property. Tits imuncil will c neene in Joliet Burke t'•utnte had a number of wltuser •rho Heaw-Eaters on the Stork Vachang. celled in and be c.'nfoose 1 on hi • death Leer Their Wit.. tet tl.at he had sworn talvely grain,: Star B *T0,. May 14. -Randy iu the history of nicker It was upon his Gwtinn'ny mar, stork speculation in Rarest.&, has a twill rraa nicker was .vnlvieto1. When thew lett, ,jttih' lib. that of to •lad •srurred. TM were prop•ri. pre.-nt. 1 to t:ovcrn,N i;ord.m "peeing wa• n l.nm attended with wild ex be rsr.lone•t r•tarniek•-r citement which both the tears and bulls in The poor ismn ,ay. no one . rt ltw'ribe hi: i .R.rtually emlea cored 10 cheek. Thouoantk Gelint^s when be ass went to and while iu ties , of shares were thrown out, but the market p.nitrntiarye wile he knew that he was tm only he.itand momentarily nee the move n.. •• et of the crime for which he hes water gent grew nuttl it became a mad scramble it 1.1 years, 1:e says he ht very grsteful tial which everybody partiripntod. The sides at ti.r natter has at Wet been cleared up. 1 12'i p.m. aggn'ga/e.I Derr c4.1851 shire. nearly 1 ,(Kat more than any bents... erne TORONTO TOPICS dome here in the sem. time. Bond trance• Martie% ,IeI.eon Cotwu.ItledforTrial Tw1 linos mer'. •.µ,pr), ale. a Ismer rerr•l. The sudden Heath.. - report that Atrli.awl had etsvrnel du en ToRoere, `.lay 1:,.- Martha Mclean oro trance into St. Louie those h $ ralwbk rh,rge•i in fir. P.Ih•,e ('hart yest.r.my with ttaitk alliance contributed 1ireatly to tip • a ty attempting t. kill N. J. Ilatetiiiw'n, het dbslisnt• rt.-re/int I.•. -'r. at his machine shop in lacer ('attlug W.,.fern Itat... 11101141 ,tr„•t •1e April jh het. Hutrb,uu. t pp►. u„ tom, May 14 -Tlin 1(is.clrf i'u•ifi• told th • ,bury of the attempt on his pas wet the Rnrlin.:ton fi l l'tiney CIS t . life and of .his relations with the gir Kamm e (v and oslua w .tern point„ an.' Am i'g thio past year. He said be bad ►ad hag made a rate of I:. 1't to lViwtita, Kari intimate r•lnti.ws with bar, bet tient , other road, will full, w- protm•ed to marry her. He had finally di. ; ('nn u.••. liar e. emseerierr rats t, eanlal her. the girl had often threatened western pont. are now (o•wo; then they bare been for years '11,••Lor in to:. today give n otir•• of a further r•ductie. in the rote from i.ht a,.. to Rt. i'ai to rt, which is f: 1.,w••r than the present .pend cies.. fare No e.oa, did the (lineage), M1lw., see bear of the red:Minn thenotlwy n.ad.• s t'! rat. apoplexy. ' 1.. Connell Muff's. (tmah* sunt Kair:ws City Williams yore i., nae of the proprietor rel cid a rate of A ..r► to ` i..i x city. the Black Bull Hotel. filed stelenly potently K (Cm.. May 14. --The Alton, afternoon from the bursting"( a 1.1...1 tromp! Walaah & \pterrine res idle here met to e At Pbip Rp,hn. the gambler, arre.t.al by rate to Kt. Lorain made by the "V." . eater i)ete.tive Davis oto the charge of vagrancy hem through the efforts of hs counsel, Mr W (i. Murdoch. .ueee. Ie.d in obtaining hell himself in AIM and J'.hn is Alm The case ram. up at th. Wine court yeatertay, tett w remand was granted until T.,eday next. to take poi.on sinew be b arame .c quaint.s with her. Magi.trate (loiter rommitt., Martha for trial whinge pail. The charge of attempting suicide a.tuinst her was no pre...', I. lir John I'. Hurr..11. ,one of Toronto's old ret practitioner., died suddenly yesterday n Shirf :, 1'4et•:..7!,t ret ullrnit half price, sell - Fine New Groceries. ‘4,14/ g.vea. Htgb W ACHESON & SON. True O1..e' .:read OMe.r.. Pt. ( feta. May 11. The (hand .L011* el Loyal True Blues, in aeaioe hen today, .i.rsed thea officers. 0.111.-11. irewa.S. Tanrr^ D.0.111.--Oe..ge c HIB, 'femme (iniad Chap --IL t a"7tr•• t..rrwtoe. Wand Tres -a. lhasi sg. Lindsay. primed Nor -R- Itg.Mn. Tswwr. Weed D J C - ,t• S. Je.bww. Haman l tarns TOM -Ibsen' Mahe Milhillasu I OteileaTpW -t. WeemmplA lrrl0l■a da 7 THE NEWEST OFTHENEW! In a few• day. hence 1 will he prepared 1. .t:ow it 4.011111st.• .t-...rtr..t,.t with toil the New Efi'cct. in the different de$•art•ncnte. GLOVES. F IN HOSIERY AND PAI4ASOLI . A. to ual w.1:1.14 None-vete,r 4: tire. i feel tbet 1 ha.e won the Coarden -e of the Pehliee and eat do my utmevt 13 retain it, sod will oat every legitimate tueaus to . r Entire Satiate. ti.m to a:t favoring me with thew pat: urn;, -c. 1 still and .Jnars will ashore to the - Ackncwledged Honest Principle of having Goods Marked in Plain Figures and Strictly One Price. SMALL WARES DEPARTMENT Ft••r.• • rs a erst..nam et attention, stet .le•ervedty so. that Department t.e;n. the K k: t NOTI. to .ol the rest. The Anglo-Cawadlaa cote n ty all• .4.. -invTarAi-, Mo" 14 rt was rnnr.r'.l in netting etre!". L• -Ins that th. monism .d t F. (4anit to England his so far town ane s-- ful. • el that Ira se 4Lt... •n. with th • Rngliuh syndi at. toe the absrrp.ti•'n of ►h metes trail. of Canada at the prier. .•t 510.0 0,000 b likely to become as aXrnr- plbbmd sant • tfldaet.•. C DOont-$n, May 14 - Th. .vwiv rethsn eserch s at \'s•te•ri• cottag..iflaw$ scoter. R Jsebann tlanror•( delivered the a a' • 9. - tory. After the rarvne.w,y .J oast -rring the d•oRre'•• (lane eller R,trw•.h d0 $vers' 1 his attest in Ihs aeewawg there WAS a .smear• 101{.11e at the Arlb 4I.... Tall oaks front se•.irns spring'. ALEX MUNRO 20034 Draper and Haberdalsher. JOHNSTON CAREY Begs to laf.een, the i'eople of boderich and Vi.•inity that he has Enlarged and Greatly Improved 11,e Store lately occupit•t1 !,y A. Wirtiock L Co.. slaking it (;ur of the Best Eqiipped Shoe Stores in d.' county, wl:ere he inten.IN to carry stn tit.. Rim 8; s!: ,•' hil.in• in all itrl vari(xlr+ lirutt.rl4:•v, vv r.��lcsale Retail_ z' Boots d:, Shoes rade t9 Measure, and Repairing neatly executed. I took Cord. I took Sick. 1 Took SCOTT'S EMULSION ItISULT: I take Rest. take IlLy AID 1 All V1O011OO1 ItNOO GH TO TAKE ANYTHING 1 CAN LAT MY HANDS ON; ��rrttgghh�� ilia tool 140a Spot` Emuhion of Putt'a Cod aver i and Hypohitesof me an �.r,.,+,.t•�!. Nor opt. CITIIED KY Illie'fir ■.'AL (,` %flat Der sidle ttx (11., AND Is NOM evr'Q10 FLUSH ON MY BONES AT THU RATS Or A POUND A DAT. I TAKE IT J1MT Al SASSILY AS 1 DO MILK." sow. hearse ie pat up .aty to reline Oglerw�g�w by all Drtyglwa at SEs... pow. S(OTT rr ROWAIF, Rcllernik• I't111 i;il•i' 1 Is 'a "The 1[lil.n lf17•ly PURIFY Y')b'tt RIANID ANI) E4JOl (.000 119:4I.T11 H\' t'tllN(i CASE's Sarsaparilla llillers! 3 I', • . ,.Y. .., L!. 1 nn.; . . 1 car • • ,r11 rod "l t'nh.w1it s 11 a1. I ,. r• a 'nal .s renis,! i•• tt�e lit.;•ariry of the 'this'd. where the LUNGS, LIVER & KIDNEYS, rnr, ' tonal Organ. are not waited M- . tuns hair o1 repair. This valuable (tots pound .0 e, Kidney and hirer Complaint.. l'fmld.., Erni/issue the Skin. Ilona, Vamp,. Innn.t on. Itilinitw. 11/ep.p•a. pack Stowlaeh, ns. of .1le.p. Nrnragtla. 1`ala• In the theca and hark. Loss of Appro., ianettor. Pita'* N'eaknera. lerrine... (:. i.ersl !Debility. 11 .0 • gentle regalallne poogs hyo. as well al • tool.. pnwwwiag !tie peculiar merit of ming a. • powerful *trent la relevlwg C.ugsVd e and chronic ■eaammstieS el the fiver ase at: the V Werra' Orgasm arrThis vateable Prepareti•s excites the whole *peens 5•-ra a *wand rigorous •slice. gis ins tom. and b Is the sl.o-m 4.bl11 tared hl 41......�ral��r Verb a Iron prots•r - tion trots at'aeks/MtrrWln•1.1a changes.! the seenof rano*, and of life i�... directions with *eh Mole. frier Y. esiw end II 00 per Hnt:le. r $sero ovt . PIT H. SPENCER CASE, l hen.ou .not ihnrritw. No. .g West King -.L. Han.11tas�Guthrie.. Sold by 1 Jordan. sha. all Rnbto'.•rts. Th _ • .i5,nal ►t for the remainder of I.-,90 for 75c. Subscribe at once..,