HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-5-16, Page 44 THE HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1890. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE EFTYaeeeSEo 1117. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. CAPITAL (PAID UP) SIX MILLION DOLLARS - MST, B. E.. WALKER, GENERAL MdAILM,dI. iS.000.000. S700.000v GODERICH BRANCH. A GENERAL BANKING BulNEM TRANSACTED. FAN,ILNS' NOTES MISCOUNTED. DRAFTS 1MUED PAYABLE AT ALS POINT. IN CANADA, AND THE PRINCIPAL CITIES 1N THE Werra() STATER, GREAT BRITAIN, FRANCE. BERMUDA, Ac SAYINGS RANK DEPARTMENT. DEPOSIT* OF $LOO AND UPWARDS RECEIVED, AND CURRENT RATES Or INTEREST Ai _Owl°. NTEta1*T *0010 TO TME PRIMO$PAL AT THE IND OP NAY AND NOYENSER IN EACH TEAR. SpeMal Attention given lo tie Oelfeo01o.. of C IBI Paper. and Farnster's' *Mee Motes. HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, MAY 1e;, IS:00. rc- WEST HURON e REFORI IEETLNGS MR. J. T. GARROW, the Reform (and.d.te for ;\ est Huron. w.11 r,old meetings as follow from now 10 the end of the Campaign: t:ILANTS )S&'HOOLHOI''E. Aehekld. Pri- day. May lab. at 730 p. art .CINGSHItl1KO;. Saturday. Msy t71h. at 7 7.9 p.m. ( LINTON. Monday. May 19. at 4 p m. W INGHAM. Tuewday, May D. at 0 p.m. hMITH . 1411.1. Wednesday. May .1. at : JA p.m. SI'. A I Y:USTINE, Thcr'.iay.:day. 2.:.t 7.Y) p m. HOOV'ER'S SCHOOL HOUSE. E. V':s:ta- nosh. Friday. May .'3. at 7:30 p.m. tiKLGKAVF Saturday. May .1. at 7.70 p.r •. ItENMILLKR. Monday. May X, at 7'4p.tn. '.ONDKSHO1tO. Tuesday. May . a: C 30p.ne. BLVTH. Wednesday. May 'a, at b p.m. LKKBI' RN. Thursday. May D. at 7:30 p.er. AUR(RN. Friday. May :111, at 734 p.rt, HOLMES V I I.I.E. Gotlerich Township, ,a: or. fay, May :Slat. at 7.:0 p.m. PORT AI.I4EILT. Monday. June:ed. a: 7_: 18.1r. OODE►tICH, V.-edneadar. J:ine,. at R p.m. The Opposat on . am! date n pt -.'ed to at- tend. OUR TICKET. t,r PtcE.tlrK-HI r'. S WILL.AMS, MANAGER I EN THAT MEAN 5&METHISt:' Even the Tory papers have ones. to the conclusion that the phrase ' Moeai Most Go, Is only a hoodoo so far as their party is concerned, The iotelli cent electorate evidently "Need not :he voice of the charmer, charm he never so wisely, but look to soba facts and e:,itd acts rather than Beets oatchcrtes, and abortive attempts aro kindle the tires of intolerance with the flames of bigctry. Some •.f the Tory press, notably the E r . �• H'... ej and Hamilton Spe.'aror are mannfaetering new phrases, as follows: Th. Eo.p.,. says -" The Grits are on the run.' The W. L, breathes out ''His hour ' has come. The `1,. -'cf r shrieks -"rfu Jay cf reckoning is here. Tttt '1cirAt .ndor.ee each and every battle yell of its esteemed •: ,ry too - itemporaries. The Grits nee uA ala 1'4,4 is • true bill, and has been true since 18:1. They Ihave kept moving at a lively gait in front of the precession ever since that date, land after the :ah of June it will be found ' they are still no laggards. but have dis- tanced their uld•fugy Tory competitors by a largo roe;osity. Verily, o nts tit. , a the rue. Ilia i.' or 1,u. corer. This little pleas- antry is supposed to refer to Hum. 0E15 Lt. Mow 47, and is believed t» have been iuvented by a yoting end ambitious newspaperman named W. F. Ms, LEAN. _ of Toronto. For being the alleged father of this "whoop -up the brilliant young iournalist has been given an opportunity to pose as a parliamentary candidate in the Tory interest to the county of Went-; worth tr .:n now until the :.th of June. After that date the legend •' il. - • - �•.., I duan will be in bold relief upon young MA.tombstone. and he will once mune De obscure and unknown behind ' j the im a.i .� ren ,t of/ the rot a l F'e 7 .dttotiat eJlomos. As for !fowl'', his hoar came before the W. .!.i • young man was uorn, fur he was a man ataongst men years before the advent .,f that brilliant jewel of journalism and high-souled em- bodiment 0f editorial integrity and con- sistett y. Moss a: s hour came when he was elevated to the Bench of bis Prov iuce, which he adorned for years. Hit hour came when, at the call of his Prov ince, he laid aside the ermine of the judicial itpvintn.eut arid grasped with a steariy hated and clear brain the helm of the Provincial ship. His hour came when. at the expiration of the tint par- liament. he was called upon in l t(e, h to reticle: an account of his atewart:ahip, and re:eit'ed the endersemont. "well done, good and faithful servant. Hie hour again carne in 1879, and again was hie mune endorsed. hr 1M:; his hour casae once more, and although on that occ.si,n W iLiLIAM Rai ,'H ME.rrt.rrn en- deavored to make capital out of the "Facts for the Irish Electors, Ontario remained loyal to her most patriotic son. His hour came in 1886 when Mekeiorii, chagrined at the failure of his attempt of '83, changed front in the natter of religious intolerance and vainly not on beats enol spurs to ride the Protestant horse. The intelligent, broad-minded electorate would have none of it, and again was Mower endorsed. His boor has again c .me, and, as of yore. a palm of victory awaits him on the 5th of June The appeal to bigotry and religious in- tolerance will once more fail of elect, and it w ill be demonstrated to the Tory press and politicians that empty catch- aie. avail not against honest worth, in- tegrity and ability. lm the �language oning ia Arm, and Niowtr, the man of clean character and unsullied politioal reputation, will again le so - den -bed by a grstefal Province and a de - toted people. Let un have a few more apt gtint•tiotw 1 from our esteemed Tnry co:+temporaries. IN. For %VL.T H1•KON-J. T. GARPOW. For Etsr Ruane --T, GGIEISON. 1ILE U1' (;ABRolr^.c .ti.f./t►R/Tl'. Up to the present the opposition to GARS .w-_andtiature:wars every et: - deuce of being a'•blutf, by the oppose ion, and it would almost seem that the no ni- 'iateei of a candidate by the Smiths Hp war intends m it to fill :invention 'd e up what would otherwise be -a blank space is the E,ar,.•'• list of candidates in con• etituenciee than f -,r any ether p:irp'iee. Nevertheless, it will not do to be lulled into inactivity ay the apparent in- action of our opponents. \."hat is want- ed this election is t o roll up a ma, .Pity .n west Huron that will put the con- etituency hereafter beyot:I a ;•eradven- ture when a call to the polls is made. We have as our standard -hearer s roan in whose integrity and honor all can safe- ly abide: aroan who can be relied upon by all parties to do what is honed: and c.o. rect . and a tnan not hidebound by par- tisan polities. Vie hare a man who has been trio: in public plate and position and who has not been f ,und wanting one who has occupied the highest trust in the county netted. of I'•rliatncntary bonen-the warden• chair -with ere-' dit to himself and bene.: to iluron : • man who today stands second to few in oaten() in breadth of intelligence, in-' tegrity of porpse,and •'iilay to ;.Lee his tie.* on record. With such a man for • ctndtds'a, and with a party platform the: a;.1 Pals not to I bigotry and intolerance,hut tea presenta- tion tf the claims ut the test govern - went in the wor'd, there should he int:, doubt of a majority for Reform in 11 est Huror that would :n the future deter all opp,siri ti in West Huron. ' Pile up the majority f r (; ,gow nn the 5th of June. Noes who value :he principles of glue' Rights will len.i themselves to any •ioirter method, er r•ermtt t'te Assorts , tion to become an instrument to the hands of designing men f .r the advance• I ment of party. Should anything , 1 This kind be attempted in any place every tree member •4 the Asseciateon will re- gard it as base and immoral, and as fitted to do tree -iambi. darner. to a moat neem. wiry movement. Ti all men ..f any party who have shown no interest is our t.rgan- irali• n till they imagine that it might be used for pereomal or party end.. conscien- tious ane intelligent friend. of Equal Rights will witto a wide berth. --Rev. Dr. Coven. Ma R. E, C,. * u, of Tomato, Mis,- ntTR'a " " Finan.. Minister, said is hie leathery address, "We distil went a .'n 1. Catholic vete this el.e tine And yet ha howls shoot Egos' Rights for all. J (7Aaktst HoLwuml, a fresh toting • lawyer of Toronto, is matino a triumphal march through Routh Huron, if we are to believe the telegraphic re- ports to the Tory press. But we don t believe the reports publish- ed. and opine that the florid, high- ly -elevated, fall blooded, richly•roundeth 'esteem's descriptive of the ' hero's' visit to the Runny Routh of the county ere selections 'from the esndh dates campaign addflits. 04estti is, evidently "blowing his horn,- so that I rho aodalois folk lea Tenet* tray be led to believe that he hes the tangent easee• of saptering South Hiroo. if tivatk Heron mold be wrested from the Re- formers mea like MASSY EeLsaa sed Dr RoLuss world set Mead aside arid ase the .1u0.4 u( eletory pet epos the brow a comparatively mamas° young Tor- onto lawyer. When the good old B,auor cf South Heron lays hands on tbs poli- tical neophyte' h. will disabuse him of the ides that any Tory -legal fledgling ,,r oth•rwiae--has a soft snap in that sol- id Reform ,St IJuOL QUESTION IN I.LIE1.. A great deal is stated at the pree.ot time by interested parties on the matter of the school question in Ontario, sod an effort is being made to disguise the real bearing of the ossa by a mass of useless verbiage. To a'aplify the matter sod reduce the question to the soon of even the ascot obtuse we give the following seminary. which contains the essence of the case : -- 1 Minister of Education Ross, of his own tuition. five years ago took steps to secure the teaching of English in all the ',choa is of the province, and his ar- to secure this end have worked very satisfactorily. It cannot he long before every child to Ontario wbo gees to school at all will be able to read in Eogtise. 2. There is nc question between the Reform and Tory parties regarding the abolition of the separate schools. That cannot be effected without an act of the Imperial Parliament, and that act can only be obtained if at alt at the soliei• ration of the Dominion 'Parliament. Mr Meredith hu admitted this. 3. The law of Ontario makes every ratepayer, Protestant and Catholic, • aopporter of t':- i•ohhc schools, un- til the, ratepayer gives written no - tics to the municipal clerk that he desires to be exempted from pub- lic school taxes and assessed for separ- ate school taxes. The aes.'saor has to be guided hy thelist,kept in the clerk'sof6ce, of those who have given notice. and the asseumcct paper has to .how each rate• payer whether he is put down for the nubile or the separate schools. All the Tory talk about making Catholics support separate schiede against their will is so much bosh. The law. as we have stated it above with retard to the necessity of notice. is now rod has always been the law. A JL'At:6:t it SE if irfl•.�. There is a lesson for us all in the words of Mr .l,tatice,tRew, in delivering judg- ment at Lindsay the other day. in the ease of Cooper .. Hughes The Judge said :- "Let :lie say a wcud about this con- stant attack upon the Roman Catholic Church. Some of you tray have strong Protestant feeling, but is there a man who dare say that the Church to which he happens to belong contains all the truth and nothing of error 1 Is there any c:'e der..,minstion of Christians that today has all the truth, or a17:rims as truth all that their fathers and fore- fathers ah:rmed as truths . Dues Dot the advancement and enlightenmept which comes from years of study of God's Word and religion. teachings show that many of as hare yet many things to learn, and that we are Holy mn lite c.cOsao shore picking up the pebbles ani beyond us Iles the large sea .,f truth And es. any one of us ivy that a!! is error out- side of us Let us be t derant each of, the other s oproiona, beaus., if we b.• Ilene as we have been taught. we feel as- sured sured that in the Great Day no one will are approved because he is a Romeo Catholic or because he is a Protestant. because he is an Anglian, Presbyterian, Methodist or a Baptist. but stately be cause. he is • Christian, having observed the roles of right and wrong and done his duty to his oeighb.r, and. so far as he has instruction. his duty to his God. And it is no advatitage t'. • community and it.a no advents** to the member of the o,mmuuity, n'. advan•sete to Protes- tants .r )rangernen , r to any other class, to make foul soggeetit ns with reference to those'of another faith. It is not wise, it to not politic : it does nc good o it creates ill -feeling, stirs up diseebeibos and causes those with whom we must live not t, live with us in that *pint of frienJ.hip that Ought to mark the c., on n:unicat,one of neighbors. And Mr Meredith himself, in calmer mood, has declared : - "I say that the man or party in • country like this, where wehave peopleof different races and religion., who would raise • cry of that kind is an enemy, not .'nly to his coun- try, but to his God In this country we are all e.,tul before the law. Roman Cethohca and i'.-oteatants stand coast in the eye of the law so far as the exercise e•f their religion is ceon- eerned, and while as a Protestant i stood hy my faith and righta, 1 arse eTtally etl. bog to give the same right. ti. my Rom- an Catholic fellow -citizens, and 1 would be false to ray Protestant convicts ns if 1 adopted cr promulgated any other trews than these. KiNI;SBRIDt;E Meath our own - , . A political meeting in ;the interest of Mr ()arrow, the Reform candidate, n billed for this place on Retarder evening nett at 730. The bills for the (lppori- Ilon candidate are also out, bat it looks as is he is Nome to give Kingsbridge and Rt. Aeves, :fie the:go-by for meetings, and depend upon private canvass_ The tooth of the late Father W15. soreso, f .rmerly parish priest here, cast • gloom over this section recently An extended obituary notice will appear nett week. Auctloneenng. aJilOHN KN4F , MINIMAL Ali.- and !And Tal-saler, Oo,t,'lrlt .tEL fed had rens$ l.rabte •spertesee 1- M ieneerings trade. he I. in •• petition '.4 t Irorough sat isfact tete all mea entrusted to him. (orders left al wetter Hn'e I. sr asst hy mall to or addre. Msriet P O.. dnretaU; •tfeded 1.. JOHN KVOX lown» Anetlos•sr. 1101 gUOD YORNIRI, UM! Would you like to buy a Dress about $2.30 or $3100, equal in ap- to what would cost you r.IJOanocre 13.00 in some stores, or would you prefer buying one at 14.00 or 13.00 equal itt appearance to as eight or ten dollar dress 1 If you desire to do either of the above, kindly call and see our stock. Would you like a good pair Silk Gloves for 2hc.; a pair Everfast Black Seamless Hose for 25c.; a doz. Pure Linen White Handker- chiefs for 60c.; a Good Corset for 50c. or an Undervest for 15c, We have the Golds! We buy at -the Lowest Prices and sell at the swall(st possible profit' Call and see our Stock. We shall be glad to see you. J. A. REID & BRO. Jord.n's Klock. (:odericb. May IS(h, IoW. !l31 - THE MARKETS. BREAOSTUFFS AND PROVISIONS. tt:•dertrb Prices. 000.Mrcu, May 15. 1140 Wheat. Standard . .... .. ... 1 W•• 1 no Flour, Palest Huesca •c wt. • Straight . . ... . ...... .. " Family Dark i bush ........ ........... 030 A Pars. i bush 0 ai et Barley, i bush... .......... 0 W es Potatoes ...1/ brash .......... 40 ,e 701te U 11 4 v• 0104 3 e1 Bran le cwt 13 I Choi ped Stuff, i cwt150 " Screenings. Y cwt O 10 " 310" 1 20 " Wool .... .......... S 10 " ?hrroskias.. i 00 " Dressed Rocky cwt S :(I Andes. 4 bush 0 W " • g,. (rah uupuked y dos! .. L ase .... ..................... Wood ... ....... .... ... Ylt. 2 70 2 eit it 35 D 70 0 4.5 w 60 0 Id 0 9 0 12 75 c5 1 6/I 60 4 to 3 00 oto 1 L; 6 el 0 1)0 tHmLua t♦esestMN.. 1fay13 S tour tis 5e w J :1D Fall Wheett,new and old 100 to 1 W Harley Spring Wisest 0 IO to 10 Ostt S 3l to O so Iles .. OSS to 0 so t e/tee Iwiater) per. bio 1 SO to 3 00 I'ouatoee .. 010 to n .4 Putter 0 15 10 0 :Li Eats 0 Rto 0)0 .55 Hsy 500 to t10 ('ordwood 3 00 to / OD Hrrf ... C. OD .o 000 q not... a 41°75 n t0 0 ta) Pork ... 1 75 to OJ M.elrr.t Cellae Merkel. The receipts of live stock at the Montre-a Stet k Nerds. Point St. Charing. for the week ending May 9th. POO. were as follows: - 0. __ Ite•eeipteof lice '.tock at the A Montreal stork 1'arda,l't, St (ailee, for the Wer'bk 44i 611 41: Left over from pre- vioue week 131 Total for week :021 hat all 512 Lefton hand lila The increased number of cattle at these yards for the week were princippaslly for export pars pose : quite • number of taeae changed hands at an ateraxe of iy eta. per Ib. The butcher tnarkrt was not over supplied. hay mg a arm tick. nothing being left over. Sheep .••sere. fit i . ,n good demand. prices Ain gu,ng 10. ailing oaf in receipts of calves, bat Mill plentifuL We ,'tote the following as being fair val- ue.• Cattle. export 5c to Sic Butchers' + 1 to Se• Butchers. medium is Boucher., , eul:a *beep . }{ � ( Yell i15.mt5ewt IS•reP Market. Mal 12. --The horse- trade -ontinuea active owing to :he demand for shipment to the t'nited et son. sial during the past week there were sent from erns the line 47a baste, oot 514 which tor an average. A 1110112 each. The bigbeM) rgc Priced lot was )S horse• whicha541 an lowest prig lot was 13h twat only 51.010 or as averaged h. le to ate 31e to 'ale It • to Se - 52.00 to x:..00 - he People's Column. . ' 1 J l TX. (- BET the lWaEEJNn :T,HnE, MI - and the lows of Goderich. a pair of rutting spectacles. Asy prison find ;agent! rettuning ✓ ank to the undersigned will be amply re- warded for hie trnnbte. 3d 11. 1►R G. 1'. SH.tNNON. (iodcncb. C101 RT IIF REVISION - COL looser ono -Nettie. The ('Son of Revision for the township of Colborne will be held in the town Will. Car- low. on May glib. at SIoelo:k airs. :.at. J. H. RI(.'IIAHI,', clerk, t RT. -I H.k'VE DECIDED T4' OR. GANIZF.a sketching etaas. rommen- t mg Monday. June 2nd. and eor.tinuing for 10 woks; three leaner, each week from 10 oeloek a.m. to 3 orloek p.m. The aketchlea will be in any of the follow mg 'out. hart.: In pencil loin and ink. sepia. •nil s. .51,r rotorFew., twelve dollars. payable in ad ranee. 1'r i rate hams can also be idiom in all branehea Perspective, geometry• model. memory. freehand. flower drawing. etc. Fcrfather nen waters address 5b Jt MI"S JICFFItgy, Goderieh. rr'RE PARK HOUSE SUMMER 11 RESORT. GODRRI('H. -1 big to intimate 1.+fhe public that 1 have taken the lark Bootle. and inked to enrol:me it •a • summer mart and hoarding hnnsr. 1 hope to receive 'hr genernu• support which has hitherto born re:coded to it. AIIts W. D. rHANNoN, 54-) f, (oderie h. COURT IIF REViSION. \Mire Is hereby 'teen that the ('onrt of iterIstee tor the Town of Gnderlch will be held in the Town Hall. on Friday. the :nth .tat of May. Malt, at 10.1 .-lo.-k .a the forenoon. WM. MIT( 'HF:1.1.. Town Clerk. Oederich. May 7111. 11/4111. St4t 1 UMBER FOR SALE. Pine �la II..emtbe ', l0w sntlte. Heml.rk Lsieber.Semtlingat 4 SlO per thousand. Plank. N le •• Pine ShindUlA *d dem.. 1* per sgtrare. Cedar lrtd " 1.1 " .. 7 14..n...t5, Redsroltaea tar tpeM sans. Surfer•r, Pleating. 0 1 Op, thnna•nd. Planed Lomita. 12 M White Ash. Rrwwnrnl and Hirer rot to order. 3t Jost.' PH ICIOD `1I KfC LILVIONs MISR AMITE 1 ruous 1N te prepared to wire mode Iso•nn, on the piano or organ. For parti- cular,. inquire at Geo. 55' Thtwnson's Meade store. x1441. 0000 WORK IS DONE AT SIGNAL FINE PRINTING PAPERS AT SIGNAL WEDDING STATIONERY AT SIGNAL 111 COLBORNE BROS. HES SPRING & R coons. The newest things in Dress Goods, Prints, Sateen., Idualins-plain and embroidered, Oriental Embroidered Skirtings and Embroideries, All-over Lace, Black, White and Cream, Fancy Cold Muslims and Atnerican C'hallieu Mantle Cloths in all the leading colors, and a splen- did assortment in Black, Brocaded and Plain Mery for Dress and Summer Jacket.~. We are making a specialty of Carpet! and House Furnishings. Carpets from 1ik Helnp to 11.33 Wil - tons -the largest assortment an town We can show over one hundred sets of Lace Curtains, 3 vas long, from 11.00 to $4.50. Madras, Mysore, Muslin an 'ancy Cur- taT in T"variety. Curtain Lace, cream and white, 12c. ult. Our stock is large and complete in all line.. po-We buy Butter, Eggs, Wool, Oats, Barley and Peas, and pay the highest market price. COLBORNE BROS. 111 Sttuations Vacant. 1vTANTEO.-A u(OD OEMERAL servant. Apply immediately to 54 It. 1111**. A. 111. POLLEN. UTANTED. A 000D COO K wanted by Mia Turner, by the 13th of June. o r od wage. gi feu to a suitable person. Apply 56tf. MRSOALLOWAV. \'ANTED. ew smod salesenn, eat bar on salary or .vommiThssiuu. ladelseadsat terntory glee• to each. Write at aeon 1.r terms, amu secure ,choice of territory, "Thsaure the nwrrter.- Address. MAY BH4114 56 st Nureerymea, Klt()Tocbesterg, I . Y. . GENT WANTED. -FOA (iOUE-� L rich and vkinity. to sell the "IIef" and "ISumto,uu' organs surd i'ianos. Salary or vwuun.seion paid to a g�oIood alai. 5531 Set1TT pipe:. Snake' h. Dentistry. NI NICHOLSON, LD.S. BENT AI. ROOMS Eighth door below toe Poet Office, \t-e.'.rt., Gol,relcu. L1r25-t)• DR. E. RICHARIMiON, LD.S. lJ I1 804,05 UE\TIFT. Oa. and Vitalised Air administered for painleasextractPig ofteeth.•pe.ia1attention given to the preservation of the Natural Teeth. Omre - l'p again. Grand Open liouae Klock. Entrance oo Weet- Kt.. litederieh. :151-1y For Sate or to Let. FARMS FOR SALL Ihave a number of farms force'•• .n differ* int parts of Ontario. As lou Are .nare. farms were never su eh'•ap in this province ae at the present time. and if you want a farm 1 would recommend you to buy now. 1f your mesas are hmited 1 can sell y o1 a farm on a small cash payment.giring you 'dray of time to PIT balers' of parttime money- at a low rate of in- terest. res . t hue enabling t art c r r e, rc a bum of your own most coolly. u If you hap meas and do not re• hire credit 1 can Kt w you sa good eatue.for y. ur nary as you eon get elsewhere. 1 will gladly send you deieriptions of farms for sale in any Ior•nlity as hearing from u.. JOHN J. PATON. 1210.1y sl King A. eat. 'I uronte, 141OR SALK.--IA IT 52, ADJI►iNINO DT Cr•'s frame .otters. evwstaining Ore large rooson Is tna.n apartment: besides kitch- en. bedroom. pantry and summer-cacnra and MOW cellar. Hord and soft water on the pre - tarn woedsed. • few fruit trees and several large shade trees. For further p rt,. uteri ap- ply to MKSJ.HI•.W1•;Lt.. -4 no. Lighthon.e-.t.. Godrr:ah. r11wt► Hul'SEs TO -LET AND ()NE A for sale. Apply to k. C'. IIAi'14, _5671 - Ooe+erich. OR SALE. --THAT l'tpNNt1LIO1'S hou.e me North -..Lai pr. -went oeoepied by .e soh.-rih'r. containing elgbt room.. be- side. kitchen. pantry. elusets and wood collar. Hard and soft water on the eremite. and good stable and driving sheds. Exe•ellesr 0n,.atd, The site is one of the most desirable in low,. Aero that &roomed house on ('aledonian Ter- ms, with',w•d cellar soil other enn%enienee. There Y. good half acre lot attacked to each home. Terms to vu:' parcbarn. Apply to M 14. MICR. !+Wft•T. Nort boo. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned will oder for ask the 1.4. low'ag s'rry desirable farm, consisting of rho ea.terl y 170 area of Block ' • F." to the 7th h eue- cessinn of the Town.hi of I'olhurne, in the orI Loans an insurance. NEta' (IFF1C'E. INSURANCE. CONVEYANCiNO LAND. WAN sad DIVISION COURT (l 1ilcE. 1'• Seager bee removed to his new o1Bce- itubt. McLwa's new block, opposite the nun Let. \luny to lend on Moritage and notes. Y1 ee u. 1,,,N. LEWIS, Barrister, Proctor in J. Maritime noun ; M wiry to loan .t Si per cent_ pri.ate farads. sontight Loan. in- terest yearl). Colas very moderate. For particutani call personally or write. :1 CT J. T. NAFTEL, LIFE, FIRE .1S IP -1 CY 1 Ld.V T JX- NUR.4.V E -It3EVT, li. 1 North British & Meroaetit. Livrepnoe, London k Globe; Norwich Union: North American Life ; acid Acewest hood - mina of North America. a. Lowest hates. Learn settled promptly Money to laws os Farm and Town Property Cunt cyst/eine dune. Property valued!. etc. 011 re- Cor. Nona -at. awl S,uare, Gudertcb, (:200,000 PRIVATE Fl NUS To len, on farm and town property, at !ow est inters.'. Mortgages purchased- Xq outs mission chased agents for the Trust and Loan Company of ('ands. the Canada Landed Credit Company. the London Les Company of 1'anadr. Interest. 6. epi and ; per rent. V. H. Banisters can obtain mosey in day, it title satisfactory. 1970 LAV!SON k JCHNSTON, Barristers &t•.. Godericb 500,000 Ti ) U ►-t, N. APPLY TO CAMERON 1tOur aCAMY,I44JN, God rich. ,735 t IUNEY• TO LEiD -A LARGE Bm.aat of Private Meade for inye.'meo At lewws rates oa sot -claw Mortgages Apply toGAR ROW & PROUDFOOT R, RADCLIFF'E, GE\ERAL INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE ANP MONEY LOANING AGENT Only First-class Companies RepresentedMAn,yto Lend un .trsiwht Na., a, 11 e lowest rate of interest gutng. iu any way '0 •u.t St. w'rrower. OFF1('h;--Second door from Square West Street (iodsri••h. 11141 Legal. ('A.Sl1'ION, BARRf$TER, J SO►ieitor, Notary l'nbli.. e t C. Ocher bier Jordan's I,ruie Rrnre, the rooms formerly ',recopied by Judge 11071e. ayE C. HAYS, SOLICiTOR;. Ae ' R. Ofil.'e. corner of Square and West street, Oodsrich. over telegraph °dice. The rate funds to lend at 8 per test. 2450- (1 ARROW (160. (1ARR(OW & PROUDFoOT, BAR tn.-yrs:Itstttornrri, Solicitors, ! Ooderich J. T. Garrote, 11'. I'roudfoot, I; CAMERON, HJLT & CAMER;►N, Nal Barristers, Solicitor. in Chancery. kr, 3oderl b. 31. C. cam••ron, V.t.'.; 1'. Nott, M. 0. Cameron,. C ('. Rosa. 1751- TRebical. iRK. SHANNOIf & SHANNON, 1J Pnywlcians Silft011141, Arrnuchrn ax. wiles at Dr. /thermoses reeidenee near the gang Ooderieh O. 1'. ERAtrxos. J. R. l(trAr- SON, 1751 ( mint. of Huron. his farm is situate Amusements. .•'. 1+ miles from (derkh and 1't I . n the Main urea nide. from t'ar mw • Road. There is a good frame hour, Ifs .toys, almost new, 20 by :i, containing 7 rooms a large tarn, 011 by 12, with cattle stied. 12 by 1/, atta.'hed. and one of the fined orchard. in the township. It is watered by r• a nevcfa.hng spring ere•k and ■ wood wel About 110 acres cleared and free (non stomp*. There is no waste land of any kind on the place. Geed school within A rods of the I 0011... Will b' .nld on reaaonahle terms. For terms and further part.. oleo •pp,y to JNO. KItI.('kK\itI1Nip: Proprietor. ('o,lcrich. orb JOSEPH MAK IG)11'X. on the premises, L11R$T CLAMS BRiCK HOUSE AND ru Los. PGR BALK ON RT. PATRIrE ST. -About two minutes walk from the Square. Twn stories high, brick addition in the rear I�.tnrfes high. hnllding erect with slate. Main boiMing hs+ 1 large rooms on Rot flat, o airs d., there are 51arrooms. In the near addition then- are kit - Mn t tale, girls room and hat rem: Ado good t e.l1., Appld t It I h n M , w e witt 1 ►!`11)DERh)H MECHANICS' INST., IVJirTI TE 1.1BitAKA' AND ItEAWIN I ROOMas , cor. of ht street and Square ley .lairs. Open from 1 to R p.m., and from 7 to 10 p.m ABOUT '1000 \'(►LS IN LiBRARY Lendit.n IInilrt, Treel.''4 marl Illwafmted 1'n/»rr, Af.uor_inea, d -r., on File. MFAIII•:It'HpP TICKET. ONLY 011.00. granting free use of library and ita.ti,n • Itnom. dppti-atinn for membership received 1'3 1.ituarian. in rooms. T. WEATHE RAll►. DEO. NTiVENA, I're.ident. Secretary Ooderieh. Marsh 12th R•S. Legal Sales. 1.p+ . pant, wawhronn, h\ `1. ANI/ IAT i\ GODERi('H. wire all rteeesrary Iwformwtioh Under and In atf. I/AN1I1.00RIK)N,• pnr•nanee of the power of swk ennrwined fn • ewnain mnetgawe nada FIR I3ALS - b..tohn 1. Ih•ee.m. de.•e .sd. •ad Henry T. K. 1• Teams. dated the 1! h day of March, ISD 'which will he petitioned al the time a ass.. Wed half of Mt 702. Arthur F•recr, -with I there wia be 'old hT public antlers at the mall prick tornado thereon. I Reitlak Ex -hallo. Hae• In Hoa' 'town of 'town SALK (IF 1101 !; Bu 11.1)1M0 Lone. Mt, 174. 244. 743, Elsie (Indar}eh. an 4antr1a7. the 17th day of H47 Street, Pt. Andrews Ward. Ott. rinser of Homo and 0-lteor.Ia r.0.4, • Frame I story booms a Keay• Street, 1° hen lead. Several Iota In Ree'l's Surrey, opposite sew Show Grwtmda via. Nos EE, U. ri. e0, Ol. 5t, at, 54, ss. AA1 the stove at COW RATOM. 10 it nA se V IRON t JOR5STo711 Isms. at two n, lock In the afternoon. by John Rom. A'etl.merr. the fot.nwing property. sir : IMI running mtmher 1*), in the Town of Gedench. enntslning one garter of an Mare of land more or leas. This IM 11 a very de. Arable one and welt ait'ut) d. There are op. nn It $ lar*.• frame hoose with kitchen at- taehed. Is good noadttla, wad ether bo rove mesa.. Terms and rnnditlosse shade known at time of sole. HI Mesank HURON HOTEL, _._ �w kM, ndiiaian aand aMe.:.. �amee/ea k Holt. plarrlovrs. Uederleh. or to the under- .nel. R. C RATS. G.o,lerf. h Vedsr'.Nolirlanr. . May Oh soar. IAO • roar/ l sad arr.ws44_' god btu sell Y ken md .anu�lY� ae.sea��t+ttti R"4". °''Wnsi' Dui ' arloWe 0000 ENVELOPES AT THE SIGNAL Joh srerss, BURN Ti• 0� 0 0 Jlil ARI TO Tog Pceu. ' Thi C. Goode. for several year use it and if the simple do eases.rtc.. to their original LARG Dye Stuffs FI W. C. GOA SEPARATE SCHOO Why Opal Tory arras. ale 1ek.ds Act goads The amendments t Schools Act which wee the Mowat Governmeu That the municipal c alphabetical last of all that they Separate Schools: al those withdrawing sucl book of record shall public inspection. All notices must he The notice left i.y t r the wording. "Ye rate Scheid supp.n assessed as • Public M the case may he, st payer will not fail to t takes are nude. The assessor must 1 list of notices sent to t taming wbo are to be ata Scbu.I supporter. : do not so giro n, lice be supporters of Pubii', Theits tomeh t to tt a of ere. 48 of the igt means, and sleep Rent, if not by the rat du authority and 111• unauthorized person c the law answer for any was to be rated for ech The Municipal C'oun to inquire into and c-' the usual appeals 10 viuum and County Jog: for. What is wrong with Fquel Richton, y, person must be assun.e er of the Public ticha.l Roman Catholic, he given by himself or h authorized in that bele sets supporter of 8 What mors definite claim in this regard than that given you by tati-'n i Mr Meredith • hill It wi measure, but, ignori what it pretended fa the law of the land, it tinneerin6 porticoes to slows and uninformed. d, that a man mfg • notice become 'appellee. 4 ►h, yes ' But it provided n" ever could change ha ss. porter of Public Sc Have the honest and pie who have been int the cry of "Protests ever seen the teal of th Act and regulations, put by the court spoil t and the amendments outlined above prints( Tory papers that are promised boodle and Hing the tires of fanatt Why don 1 they prig The acts would rive LEEBI Prom m•ir o nr nrre pOn Mrs John Hillier.. relatives here last wee a in our last week a i the name or R 'FuIf,M at the funeral of tht Horton. We ale., wit tame from i.inarksbir ',shire, Scotland, rschan has removed salt ti'e Marie, whet, with Arnhihald Stew& es forget to menus broth", ..f the decease ('0hq',Aisthe sire coarse of ereatina bl tin Friday the timber' and the dost ',dory • rite by • bee, bee of boys, .eypnrted by • msasial el aid sottao 1 iep le a few weeks'