The Huron Signal, 1890-5-16, Page 3D.A.PECAIKI LL 8. CG to rUL.,Iujoi. U •• CARRIAGE VARNISh e" 4SIDIER MEGAi.3A0 ahUECf MONTREAL THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1590. —NEWS OF THE WORLD, Diana lash IUFli eater Vb. Qum hee arrived at Windsor The Diddle Meq strike Y seat Tee reside general Greiree rdant The parrert regulations a Alsace will Morley r O. EdltNew York, Iles signal the kilos area. e..rmta Mr. Wane O'Brien will marry Madame Itaiowilek $$ the end d Jia use Bouasgsr rare that he her no ia- testluo of ret•raies to ,ranee at p ramst The reseeh s or the mrd.wd Dr. amnia interred at Otalvrry sem eery, Chicago. y try Treasurer J. E. Murry, of Allure, short in We amounts from $17,000 to of &asrsthroughout the northern Illinois coal aside has bun de - moa A feature oe May day h, Paris was the very of many Reitan agit•ture woe( worker.. The United States trprems Court at &shingles has admitted ex- President ('.ve- to practice. Vienna workmen appointed 1,1100 of their e mber to act es m.rrals and preserve on May day. Rev. Woe Boras who preacbed the funeral of Dswlol Webster, died at Jackson - ills ILL, aged 74. Bop Bogor. of Kalesnaaoo, Mich., who as .abeam with paralysis ea April 21, 1It is elrtlMsW that there has been • re• cream of $1.7118,000 in the United rotates debt sires AprU 1. A BL 1Petteiburg despatch says it is ez- M.p.er William's visit there will over three weal& are being takes to bring the am of within the jut -Werra et the Unit - States Suprema Court Itylaad T. Brown, one of the best wee eci..tha in lodiana, died on Friday t Iudianapolia in bix eird year. It u reported that the Wells Fargo express on a Southern Pacific train was Tkurday aught of $45,000 at Eagle - Ora Tex. F.min Pasha claims be has been • victim at the bands of Stra- y from the nsowsut the latter r.acb.d Zanzibar. Senator Jame. B. Beck, of Aentueky, dropped dead in the Baltimore and Potomac trainer station at W askingtuo o. : saturdey •nemoon. Tb. Minnesota Penmen' Alliance has arra proposal to twine for the Mani- toba farmers at five cent. per pound I.m than the ruling price. Eight thocuewd coke workers in the Soott- rale, P. region thr.eteo to strike ma account of an alleged grievance against the Frick Coke Canipany. Moms Fraley the St Louis grab mace- rator, who failed a few weeks aro. Ms can - promised with his creditors on . anis of e.0 axle on the dollar. The fact Oast Ilam moray is being em- ployed to foment disorder among the work- men in Paris is likely to sow bittera.m be- tw.m the two Radom. A special committee of the Chicago Board of Triode has reported, teeammsrMag the 1pm.dlate of • telegraph hoe w&York for board purpose. Tear, aged 50, of Mo.eow. Maim, seriously wounded his wits, aged a1, and then blew his own brains art the other day tames his his wi!. nrg.d him to se to work. Helen Druvray Ward., the actress, and her husiand, John Ward, at New York signed articles of aepaeetiou on terms .tidactory to each and in a .putt of friendless; to arab ether. This is a final .spar•tio.. The expedition under Mr. Jackson, . n a- dlsr of the East Africa Company, hat ar- ✓ ived at Uganda and cosch.ded treating Mwsnga and other rides, piscine exclusively under British inlweooe. New York wrier jury has' indicted yin l'ulti.er, John H. Cockrill, Julius SChamts re and James F. Graham, of the World, fcr criminal libel in cuonectior with the Stewart estate. Ex -Judge Hoary Hilton js the complainant Warden Dunstan, of Auburn, N. Y., says that he had made 1 to have Yemmler executed on Tuesday night or Wednesday morning, and tad the writ not arrived when it del the would bays been carried out A spar.ieI d.epatcb from Wasbbgtoa says evkdeoce was given beton the Cosmittee to the effect that in New England the Canadian. Wore taken there're of Ameri- cans, art' that at Gloucester 73 per cent. of the fishermen are Canadians. The Bank of America of Pb1.adelphia has closed its doors. Twelve branchee to differ ens parts of the city were shut up simultan- eously. The bend is closely allied to the In- surance Company of America and several other financial institutions of Philadelphia In the United State. Senate, a concurrent resolution was reported requesting the Pre- sident to negotiate with Great Britain and Mexico with • view of as urt.g treaty rip- elationn for the entry, into the 1J fared Sates of Gine.. from ('.nada and Vito Lower House of the Prussian Diet. the hill authorizing the Government to re - lain the remoras which hers accrued through the et. ppage oe Sate payments to Ceded ie priests and to pay the interest tae'e ea to t:.e Catholic chtuch, was sheered to a oammlt•e compered of twentyeiz members. The Supreme Court of Michigan has de Med the entire liquor law, as amended by the lad Legislature ccs year ego, Invalid owing to a legal technicality. Tide law raked the tax of retail dales in spirit coon *peers from $:100 to MOO, and oortadned oho more stringent ea the sal.s e l druggists. Anther new I aradian enterprise was an - sienna$ in Landes, Eng., Saturday, called tri Lake Superior Q...'s Silver Mining Com- pany. Its obNeap is to acquire and develop mining property in the Theodor day District Ti. capital is Li74,000. Th. >baglesh hoard Is fairly good. Mr. John McDonald of Win- eip.g is tee only Camera member of 17.. toes& managing board The wealthiest eoav&ct who ever won. PiR[D ON FROM AMS118H. aa..1 Marries et N•Naaa Ove • lessors Mase► to Now UAem r. Mew Ouiaapa, la, May e. An agsnept at where* . saraastaattea, battered to be the reesaa of sa 11.8.s ve sada, warn trade Man early hoer s4 ..10 sad moulted 1e fay serious wenntiag of three tees Might Mamas osppd in the revedoes bstsrtme were rtdtiw sq iplarrdeavease be • lieges at the alga. when they reached the aim- mdies at CWbur..- ret • party of mos weredi amara$ la the shadows of aha Groan down the oeatire of the two wide avenues. As the wagon approached the party wader the trees opened Are upon the men in the vehicle, and for • minute there was ► sharp Itdlad•, a shots brag Arid altogether. Most of Me sees osier from the mew lying a wait, four or Ave bring Arid is return by the man in the wagon The people Irving in the ssigeburbood mashed Grum their boom to sequin Leto the aurae of the ,hoots. blit before they arrived on the scene the ..esi& ante bad disappeared 11 was discovered oast three of the saes on the wages - Tosy Matrongo, Viscera Caruso and Belvedere Boacers—wen badly wounded. Cameo was shot is the right Ing near the hip 'joint, Magri/ago reo.ivd a bullet In the left leg be- low the rise and Noreen was worded a the lett hip. AL the bullets were of large calibre, having been fired from rifles or muskets and caused uglyssd serious wounda The other eve men in the wages seeped Wiry by jumping to the grouad as soon as the gtiag began and lying down Theme MSG noted that they were so greatly ear- priest arpries$ at the attack and the whole elleir hspp.oad in so short • space of time that they were unable to obtain • view ce the saerhna so that they might be identified. They were at • lora they said. to account for the murderous •es•ult, but owe of them estimated that there wawa ill -feeling between them sad the Provsnaeo gsag. Adbg upon this hint and upon other Me polios arrested 10 men, and °barged them with the assault. These are Viscera Provenzano, Peter Peivenaao, George Proveuano, Joe Provenzano, Tony Jumpo- rire, A. Pelhgreni, Nicholas Giglio, Peter Salvador, Charles Adonlo and Salvador Giglio. The nes under arrest took the matter stoically, said they knew nothing about the affair and were prepared to ea - titbit& alibis when they were given an nomination. The cause of the attach is believed to grow out of the rivalry between the Matrssgsa and the P in their bestsesa Many disputes have .lready occurred between the rival parties and one or two shooting scrapes have followed. Lying in wait with intent to ktU in capital crime in Louisiana, but it is doubtful if any ooavictions will result from this affair, as it will be difficult to secure testimony against the criminals, whoever they easy he. It is evident that the police will receive little ..ozone from the araulted party, as they pram. to be ignorant of their aesaionte. The general opinion is that they will seek vengeance in their own way. CRAZED BY "GREEN GOODS." Mr. Mesa* of North Corollas Was Too Nervosa for that Sart of Bwiaw. New Moue, May &—J. J. Hogue of Grover Clevelead county, N.C., end his brother in law, IL F. Hambrigbt, who is said to be • wealthy planter, arrived at the Continental Hotel in Newark early on Fri- day morning. They won homespun clette- trg and looked travel -worn. Hambright is a powerfully built man and weighs 225 pouads. Hogue is a much smaller man, of • very nervous H•mrtght carried • small black satchel, which Dever left his hand to the billiard - room of the boteh, after breakfast, the two men whimpered w meek and appeared to les .o absorbed in business that the polios were notified to keep an eye on them. Detectives Ward and Cosgrove were detailed They noticed that a maw named Watson appeared to have a great deal of bodoem with the strangers, and that Ire - quint cvnferncrs were held in room No. ;ti. Watson is the agent of • "green goods arm," but the police do not know him. Hogue was particularly nervous Saturday morning. The men were evidently waiting for Waco. He didn't come, and Ham - bright went " over to New York to see the rights." He had hardly left the hotel before Hogue seemed to kiss all eelf-contnd. He wandered away and was not beard of again until Detective Gregory of New Brunswick, N.J., found him in that city acting like a lunatic. As the detective approached Hogue to erne him Hogue drew • revolver, but tiregory was too quick for him. At the eta - tum house he calmed down sufficient- ly to tell something about him- self. He said that he and Ham - bright had Dome worth to deal wit& the ".green goods" men. When his brother -4n - law lett him he became seized with the idea that be was about to be arrested It seemed to him as if every person he met was about to make him • prisoner. How he reached New Brunswick he did not know, but he thought be must have walked, as • ticket that he bad purchase at the Market -street station was dill in his pocket and had trot been punched Hogue had two 38 calibre re- volvers, every chamber loaded, and about MO in gold coin and • lot of counterfeit bid► He afterward s&owd the polies wham MIO in good money was sewed in t8. lining of hr vest Whew Hambrlght returned to the Coutl- n• ntal Hotel after his trip to New York he was surprised to learn that Hogue had not been even .ince the morning. He finally re ported the ease to the pollee, who learned where Hogue was. Hambrtght was allowed 10 go to New Brunswick, and afterward started for the south with Hogue. The circular which brought the two mem lir* said aha green goods were made frees sailer plates, and were of coarse, lie distinguishable from lawful money. Beauty Is dewed sod admired by all. Among the tamp which shy beet be dora r sora.. persuaal Mast, is the Jody one sf Ayer's Mau Yager No matter w lira the eeie of the halt, this preps - ratios gives It • los ire sad pliancy that adds greatly to ire charr abu•ld the hair he thin. harsh, dry. or terra, gray. Ayer's Hale Vigor will restore the ruler, bring out • sew growth, and reader the old soft and .Way. Fur keit ping the scalp clear, cool, and healthy, were la ao better la the market. " I am free to eoafeea that a trial of Ayer's Hair Vigor has coavion.' ase that it is • gentile. article. 14 use Ila• not uuly cawed the hair of my wile and daughter to be Abundant and Glossy THERE T BAKING POEDER FACTORY MIMES Win U tes Alton. hag w,. . I[TlllEl EIE111f11N, Valera hes d, W Pipe 1110109piI.1 at.,r, let Peep, tunips. KW$tN4 MF.re DMy tad lame, tonsils. 636 CYTO STMT. MONTRLAI.. 1 CHADWICK'S LEATBROID but it bee gives my rather stunted mus- tache a respectable Ieugtb &n.l appear- sace."—I. Britton, Oakland. Ohio. " My hair was coming out ( without an, aaslstaace Irons nay wife. either!. I tried Ayer's Hair Vigor. wing only ot nae node, sad I now here as fine a head of Bair as any one could wish lot." —it T. &hmittuu, Dickson. Teas. " L hays used Ayer's Hair Vigor in my family for a number of years, and re- gard it as the boat hair preparation I know of. It keep* the scalp clean, the hair soft and lively, and preserves t8e original color. My wife has used it for a low{ bene with most re - wilts ' — Benjamin M. Johuwn, M. D.. Thomas Hill. Mu My hair was becoming harsh and dry, but atter using half a bottle of Ayer's Haar Vigor It grew Meek and glossy I cannot express the joy anal gratitude I feel." — Mabel C. Rarely. Delavan. 111. Ayer's Hair Vigor, Parsed Ht. Ia.arasee Demtotn, May 9.—Joseph Omgrw s. sn employe of the Detroit Electric Light awl Power Company, was told by the raper!._ Mndent to go to she rawer eat sad cot eros of O dra tier was discharged from Joliet, Ill tlw wfn. of the lightning arimeir--o arty Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mus. Said by Druggists and Perfemera B. B. B. Burdock Blood Bitters L a purely vegetable compound. possessing perkiest regulating powersover all the orgaog of 18. system, and oontroling their secre- tions. I1 so purifies the blood that it genera, and rah f w Ndw Torii to .rail tl for with which he was familiar. As hoar aer- $w/wrhtn.i He „wiled • roll d bins ward he was farad dead balde the arteA,. amouatlag b seam, stow giv1g awry The shook of • tbeusaad vette from • live la - Wend liwodred dollars to convict sseort{s0.a eandesneet Ught wire had lat.s.ntty killed has fdi.m heir to over halt a million bite- A emer1 buret eget os the traraagor er b 8wItearlee d. fie was seat ng tram the right band showed where the deadly amid Wyaw and for owe yefor forgery. hal touched him. The company roan es .d1 - despatch 10 Mm.s. Las, Higgins= a: hr...pioyes' lire for Nana cm. Bones, says the Canadian Paellas cam- t.ovo's Toaag terra= a engbtmere. Puy MI!". le isme sas,000,dt0 leer pee DTaAuT, in, May Il—Ills Taylor, the 14 - rent boss oa the Dstlwtk, Moth Rhone sad si.ta er< W. P. Ilaarohs, living arc Aileadc and the Marquette, H atm and f&fe etftmptad sald•rd. b, e►eoptl her - reed. sad ter the bonds. i siert with • r.volvtr. They will tire ail the M. O. hear ern Mr ebur lv she but 1" INI'll remover. Her sad loan. moving alloy he Ds f th, toa eat t•r�.trwett.. was prempad b od- dball, and At1r.Ye hal ahead d the arra! �t floe will r tar additional merry a bitter- Aellreadelley, Mongft os hies tmbsppy love tremae and was sow mama is the wog et lair. pia ' erased'% SMtmMt oar sate avrewbesv. CURES All blood =more and diseases, from a com- mon pimple to the worst scrofulous eon, and dais esmhi- ".ith its unrivalled regulating, -.Mrsirg and purifying infiueaoe on the ssmetions of the liver, kidneys, bowels and skin, resider it =equalled es • cure for •11 diseases of We SKIN From one to two bottles will care bolls, pimples, blot :hes, nettle rash, scurf, tetter, and all the simple forms of skin disaas. From two to four bottles will cure melt rams or eczema, shingles, erysipelas, doers, ab- aosaaes, running aotes,and all skin eraptiesa It is =thimble that sufferers from skis DISEASES iire nearly always aggravated by intolerable itching, bat this quickly subsided on the removal of the disease by II 13 B Paving m to graver yet prevalent diseases, such NI scrofulous swellings, humors and SCROFULA We hare undoubted proof that from three to six bottles need internally and by outward application (diluted if the skin is broken) to the affected parte, will effect a cure. The Meat mission of B. B. B. is to regulate the aver, kidneys, bowels and blood, to correct acidity and wrong action of the stomach. sad to open the sluice -ways of the system 0 carry off all clogged and impure secre tions, allowing nature thus to aid re00rtq and remove without fail BAD BLOOD Liver oomplaint, Messner, d,spel.i•.sisk 6eed, and every Teem etaleiralle ffkreflebred liver. kidney% �� tad blood. We gnataatse every 01 B. B. B. Bhou dl any person be diusMsied after using the dem bottle, we will r• moths money on .1.0 g d tmearal 1r►Wn- so be 1•d to le and d is. formation pre v t1O tills eI B. B B. in the above wamrtlalleillie& w application b T. M ILBD3111 *CO.. 004 Tomato. Ono Sr POOLI STEEL -MO TANKS [n Sana*. ladles' rad aU .A►rr k u.4s. COTTON Lotter I7:►:. For Hoard ane T R U N Ks Machine Use. In the World - lits 110 SUPERIOR.J' BYELEIGIACO MONTReAL, *Baron :T. SOttr1n.IOL1tC0.1t1'l HOTEL BALMORAL. MONTREAL. Metre Dams at.. nae a( the most worm* and elegantly flarwl.h*d Hotels in lb. City. A for 400 go.04. 1RaM*e 3 Q 'WOODRUFF, $g toss per day. . e Maumee H I RSTS, PALA EXTERMINATgR HOUSEHOLD REMEDY, teamlltea, ram Dam (dor-1 have used year rase `.iaa 15 my aeons Y : e iveted /tf.a .* .'ang&%.4'eids temenesttea, a sena .sateBerea M T.bae1.. era ' Wahl. 1 west set be without it 1e my boas.. 1 re.. /t to tino wowed to he a gree -vale art 1�ar+M,b h, ece Ra. STN At awe reae (•p•arrel.lbttteu ser . . sold by .11 dsglst.. ‘''F DAILEY & CO , Proprietors, Hamilton. PEARS RI 1111101 Cush. J.PALMER&SON Wholesale Imp'tn of DRUGGISTS' SUMRIES 174.3 b E I/JA !T.. MONTREAL . DOMINION LEATHER BOARD COMPANY. Manoiatlure.a of ASBESTOS MILLAOARD rasa.. rwektogt. FRICTION PULLEY BOARD, 7" . ,.:, I e'f ref ri.A:o. RECKITT'S BLUL, THE BEET FOR LAUNDRY USE. PAPERS Wrapping, NES illr-PeOWL errs tie•. Mem Oti,Nzi[O�NS FW I OBEEF TOE GREAT TREN6TH GI VEA hmfAhet F0o0 +`on nit 51C1(WARMING a enstuStriRA ;[ A P�JIi°grut isviooRATOR 3 PUBLIC NOTICE Another Targe consignment of Fresh Teas of superior quality. In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. newt Ia :1000. h..•� 8. r .e 144.41.. SI maill4114 rel Wait/. arid.. wear arse one .a.. •0101 ~ear Ye owe w Os Arm A. yes .sr..r le wens 4 r Ora err sorb 1. a.r M —far s 1 . 00- �nersefe..Mieyr ewers rue. Y�. M. ae+arrs Mw e.iri ee all. soNwt.e on slaw REES PRICE & SON. Hay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. Goderich Foundry and Machine Works, er... a. .e.ws roan of is. Ilii. elm • Mae, ewer from ertA.- ••• r lowwary 1....•y. w. .Wr a damo wrue ...a. .e p ...so. ser se boa boiler 10I asa- a..rn.e.* e.a. m0001 .e... W. pow en moons Aider. 1144w. ■ .AUdrr • c0.. nes sa11k r..rura. nue. V Vt . arai J Mee to take orders for Nursery Meek. ea a.lary or Commission. 1 eau sake • 5100eesfe SALESMAN et say rime w w week and fellow ray ia- sruat,esr WIl M heademee =Oh tree, .ad pq year eatery et oemmdra1oa every ware. Write if1 �t terven u race. 71 to I. O. °RANA1i. thuusrymaa. Toronto. Oat Rlank Not al Signal. BIIT ENVELOPES, NOTE HEADS, A LETTER PAPER, BILL HEA S, Etc.. Etc., at THE 3IU111L pillion OFFICE. RUNOIMAN BROS., - Proprietors. FLOUR MILLS BUILT OM THE UTEST IMPROVED SYSTEM. Wg HAYK ON HAND FOlt BALE. IMPROVED LAND ROLLERS, HORSE POWERS, GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW CUT- TERS, POLWS, &e. We are Manufacturing Imp .d New Model Mowers which are equal to the best. Give them a trial and encour- age home manufacture. We Will Guarantee Satisfaction. It Will Pay you to use our new Steel Mouldboard Plows. Doty Engines and Boilers for sale. REPAIRS AND C A ITINC38 OF' ALL E O_ BARRY The Furniture Dealer. ie selling all kinds of furniture at the lowest possible prices. It 1. • well-known fact that be L_ s. 1 T >S cam= .= for cash. He is also the leading Undertaker of the town. Embalming Fluid alware kept on hand. 11e also n akesa epeetalt of Picture Framing. Give him a call before Furniture elsewhere. and you will And out that ht does u he says—sells cheap =OR Cts' `— In thanking one and all for their past patronage he hopes to receive a continuaece of the eau/e. C -E 0. BARRY, Hamilton-st. MISS O ME E O N Hashed the cleat productions ,n SPRING MILLINERY Arriving weekly since the 1st of March, and will continue to re- ceive consignments of all the latest novelties in headwear the mar- kets afford throughout the busy season. Owing to . of business she will not have an opening this Spring, but can show all the leading hnes every day. MISS CAMERON, Corner of Newgate and Hamilton•+'.&.. off the Square. :0-2m Walcr Smiu& Parirs A Poll1 Sated, a Peool EaTued� The undersigned is prepared to undertake the putting in of tWater Services in connection with the Town System toDwell- ings and -other Buildings. Also REPAIRS To Steam Engines, Mills, Fac- tories and Machinery of all kind. Prices reasonable. Satisfac- tion Guaranteed WILSON SALKELD. Mot ESTABLISHED 50 YEARS - I still take the lead in special value in DRESS GOODS i)resl Melton, from 9c. per yard up, Twill Meltons, Stripe Foulc and An,azon Clothes, Stripe and Check Costuate Cloths,Velvets, Ribbons, be MEN'S SUITS KPBCIAL VAL('E. PLANING MILL Tweed., full linen. Overcoats very lbw, (Goo.! duality. (}one, Price Sells Them. ESTASLIS1f10 KSS. dearly all I� In Grocery Department, Buchananr In Teas especially, l Take the Lead,hoth in Quality/and Pric.e%. Pure Un- r.rtrrit JI ems adulterated) Coffee only kept, price, 30c. per Ib. 'Pura Spices only kept. SASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealer 1■ 6.11 knots of LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES Ad beireg. material et every descertlea. School Fariitare d Specialty In My Hardware Department I have • full assortment Glass, my mon importation, from 7x9 to 34x58, full anpply. Cronscut Saws, Wagon and Buggy (leant full ►ttaortment. C. CRABS edanMk, Noy. k, ISN. SQU pLRI