HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-5-16, Page 1firtX1Te
EVOTEasy c
Notice of changes must be left
at this Office not later than
Monday noon. The copy for
changes must be left not later
than Wednesday noon. Cas-
ual Advertisements accepted
up to noon Thursday of each
All OJr4Hrr Hubert i,1 the l,.evs1 columns
of Tag SIG$A1 of iwerti,up or rooter•
fninn.ei.ta sit [whirl, on ado issan, fee
is eA.i, ed, .,r fr.wi which n pecHHi-
erry be'.elit is •ienr .I. muse lw pip
Iw' at the rote of one tent per
wort each i,e.ertion, so rlirtje fru
thio. firentu-tier rent*. Where .,.l-
tvrtjocose uts ..F etote rtari„meths ore
iu.ertett .i ,kaki -.J..01 ,rill be girth
PRot'peoor. 1►n May 2nd. 11911. the wife of
Jotta M. 1 wudfoot. of a ..on.
Vt ,in IofR
l (•{(. on the 5th of May. 1510.
he w
obs 64o*id. of a daughter.
Astisaauv - At the Manse, Goderich. on the
evening of Monday. the 1:th inst.. Airs An-
derson. of a son.
JON .+ Rct.t. At the residence of the bride's
eonsin, Mrs W. E. ferry, 3131 Wentworth
avenue. Chicago. by Rev Canon Fatales,
F•Isnny IL. youngest daughter r' Henn)
Hell. Goderich. to Edward c ..r.ngton
,',ones. 1r., of t'sicsrgo.
Lost -Dr. G. l'. Shannon.
For rale- Mn J. Boswell.
Dry Goods- John Acheson.
Servant Wanted- Mrs Polley.
('ook Wanted -Mrs Galloway.
To the If -lectors -J. M. Roberts.
Groceries. etc. -J. M. Proudtoot.
d•lesmrn Wasted- May Brothers.
Salesmen Wanted -Fred. K. Young.
Court of Revision -J. H. Rickards.
Good Morning. (,.dies!- J. A. Heidi Bro.
A "! ,hi r, onnwp ire, takiw' sotto.
/a' fait, hill preat it."
For photo*. groups. outside views. enlarged
pictures. novelties. picture fomes. etc.. call
upon Geo. Stewart at hie studio.
A Goon PRas&NT.-The most useful gift
you can make is to give a Wirt Pen. Ap-
ply to U. McGillicuddy, agent. Goderich.
The Woman's l'hiistlen Temperance t'Mon
meet in the basement of North -sI Meth church
ever m
Tuesday afternoon. Prsyereeung at
21.30, business martian at3.
Campaign snits for Grits. Tories. Fqual
Itightersand every other class of the com-
munity turned out on short notice. and in
good style by V. .1. 1'ridbaim. the people's
Merchants can wet their Rill Heads, Letter
Heade. Arc.. kr.. prfrted at this °Aloe for very
little moire than they generally pay for the
paper. and it helps to advertise their business.
Cali and see samples and eget prices,
With the excitement that is now on there
will be quite • strain upon the mind of the
public from now nat.! the Mb of June. but so
far as flue Rork In photos and eveellent
monldints are concerned. R. 1t. Hallows w
now elected by • large majority.
New CauuiRY. Saunders k Ron have
pude arrangements with Mr Hannah. of the
Goderich creamery-, to supply his patrons
with extra siroue milk and cream cans. stand-
ard gauge. at special pries. Farmers wtio are
supplying the creamery should call and Rel
supplied at once. Next door to the post om&c.
Mies Burgess returned to Tomato on
Mrs W. T. Vides returned to her home
at Winghsm this week.
Res (:. W. !Lacey, of Blyth, was in
town Wednesday last.
Dr Redford Richardson arrived last
Saturday from Toronto.
Mr W. R. Robertson has returned
frim a three weeks' visit to Nova
Dr M Nicholson, the West-st dentist,
makes the preservation of the natural
teeth • specialty. Gas administered from'
9 a. iu. fur the painless extract ..i
1:u• W. H. Pole was in town during
the past week in the Interest of his took,
"Anglo -Israel '"The rev gentleman was
formerly a pastor of .Nortli-st. Methodist
Taergk4N.- .-The Y. W. C. T. V.
will bold a special meeting on Monday,
May 19t1e, in George Stewart's reception
r,c•m at 7:30 sharp. All the member,
are invited to he pr soot, as there is
important business W come tefurs them.
Among thou who took passage on the
steamer I'uited Empire on as trip north
on Wednesday was Charlie Gree:, who
has secured a situation as compositor
0o the Port Arthur Sentinel. Charlie
learned his trade at Ina t1NONAL othce,
and proved himself good hand during
his term here.
Law Swum EXAMINATION:. -At the
law exsmuial at Osit.a,du Hall lest
week Goderich students were very auc-
cessful. Mr H. J. D. Cooke took the
highest marks to the second intermediate
examination, Mr J. D. Swanson did
the same in the first intermediate
and Mr G. F. Blair also pawed the bit-
ter examination very creditably. Well
done !
RE-TCtltltn Faun Ks*wATIN - Mr W.
McGregor on Tuesday arrived here from
Keewatin, where he had been working
for the put seven months for the Kee-
watin & Lake of the Woods Milling Co.
He will not return to the West, as he
pref::s this part of the country to the
Lake of the Woods district. He says it
is the intention of Harry and Charlie
Donagh, who left Goderich .t the same
time as Mr McGregor, to return home
about the latter end of June,
lest volume issued of Aldep,s Manifold
Cyclopedia is fully up t3 the high stand-
ard of the preceding volumes, and readers
will be pleased to learn el the rapid pro-
tases the work is now making; strong
financial allies hays recently been secured Hed ford iticharas,a will take part, an beginning -for he hooked upon the Mr Cameron resumed his seat ho was
in the publishing department, two large -dditioe to the leading talent of the town. heritage .•f a free born country heartily congratulated on the success of
printing offices are now at work upon it, The tableaux will be under the lad w Ontario. notwithstanding the his effort by many of his old fr,euds and
and the publication is to be hastened to direction of Miss Sephie Nllliato.. drawbacks that in some sections stir- supporters
completion with all the speed that &bun- which is a guarantee of their being well rotund it, as one of the best that could be The meeting closed with a vote of
dant resource and energy can give it.worth seeing. 'lir R S. \\ sal:isms has hal. As s boy he had deco honestly thanks to the chairmen, and cheers for
the menaitetnent of the whole concert what hitt hand had found t" do, and now,
and we deuht n. t will furnish au recoil-
when of more mature years he had to
lent entertainment. lah..r iu s more arduous and shat ass
a -t he a 1, .l mord respi•nable
A you
Nu ' 4O(IM'a re considere
Su . sit of position, he endeavored t . b1• g..ierned
the brightest woruen er New 1•urk, Jin by the ►ewe h.•nrsry;erre and 0.154•
Isatoel blslloo, who, perhaps, lnows mors t • t .,s re (d for tar w,'tars sit
Thr .snilarJ re:estl.tkon. hays i n 4n a4- GARROW T II E MAN, followers on the queen •0 of the appoint i
teudud to around town durine the fast smut of regutrare, di rise rust
ee ! batlids. do: . was t!.eu combatted, atted, aster
Cm rat oit-h•wo1 LSoard wiU ask the city
of the Campaign a' which the L. nor heenw • uesu,ro was gvt•
Tn. •nl;ims N, ,Inv.• these Barrel -soak-. (..r t'!Y,�u► this suss.
ing machines ■t the factory of Mr,to.eph I)t1Pj;annon. +[afro up. and the absurdity the
'chime of the ToryIttIe.aLs full et- James Caro -alien. • farmer living near
',Yrllia el hes placed
and will he nu- Po y
y P P'� A Last• aUradawre of (tlertar. Mr Aar. ~ed The ,tueatlun of tela; eracce N•p•Dte• dial suddenly•
mediately tared to it,on' Ito d to establish • wurp,rary r.
QURRN a BIRTHDAY CRU ,'iTIoN - row's • ala ►dare., .kr • I t,egislatioa was also ably handled, andProtPam
w x pN the s ler wave an editorial (puucn t.tg. ter children in Toronto.
In compliance with a largely -segued re• duo. •t r•dwau ase.....1 ire: Pas A annb,rut Quebec olttri•ur roS•.owuwith
Ike tensor Igesislua npreela(from the ': r• • T oral); ,. eodorrtog tt.e
t.y u i..ameran. action ••f the Mowat it raiment oat this' • aa.od arae► 011a gnppd.
• Dipbthm'i, i, makiuig gnat ramage+ in the
esuutry ar,uud lusts, Quebe..
Tb« ('.myon Blank Act bas passed its third
[leading to the Huu.e of t'.,uttw,nw
Iccsuoo. Q.Um eyntoptawediesdJu.lnraly. ohn W. Reyna,
h f h 1 f rt h L
N.:aai6► all the Tory Ean.l li ghten hours' notice ..f the meeting had been' from all shades of puhtieiaaa, and her TbeQtrebec nominations have been fleet
have turned in to help the retgulJr Mont- given there was a large turnout of the hupud un election day to for June Wand voting.ou the 17th.
hace & euetM•
neer / 1 Tury convention', chi• .lectiun• residents of the village acid of the farm- I ponding vote teem the palling Wb -diel- ButTsn'o (tits c'.)mtcil bas "tett l0 e:dud•+
1'he meeting at C�u,t.,u Tuesday last im, section t„r tides around. cion to this section. Laud and pr:lwts•
Canadians from ;working on
ought a. have sat Minium :otr, b1r- Mr Chas. (11r vin, the tc•ertn e5- rd app!at e
biosis. rt .l that the a, -Calle.( F:yaal It.wve of West \\ awsnush, occupied the The oppunn.•n candidate, . r arty rat T1s wash -•r iu Manitoba is 15.450.101 sA t
g C ) chair and iutrtuluced the speakers.
fatssrs oaast .,ter the bright pori.
Rights dod a in Huron was only intend -his friends were at this janctn:r invited `
ed to catch gull,bie Grits -the Tures. ate • Mr (,arrow, the nominee of the 1:r- t.. re 1 but as die cana:late was ai•sei.t !si'ty
solid for party. form CouYenti: n .•1 \fest Huruu, was 1 y1 The st+ik •r, at the Kingston [oun.try will
and m.. ,roe'amused a desire n• sneak
A Itedee Yot?No Masi. - Cemhris the tints ken, and was enthuatastiult i ptobel.Iy ti , t., wort .,u tis• t,•ru,. sit obs
pus y j fur him. the chiasma. nest eeaed u{ ,.0 1 evmpseny.
Neu•.:-'• Mr Wilson, student of Knox received. Ile Load he repaired no intro- 1 Mr M. C. Cameron. of Godertch, who
celleve, Toronto, is sups) slug .he (Wetlnn 43 the audience, u nearly every was greeted meet enthuss.ticwt.y on
Presbyterian church here for the sammrr. one Lef.•re him knew him either person• c.oticg forward. He got note the y :es-
Theugh only in his third year Mr ally er by repute. He would say. how- duos of the day in short order, and made
tt'dson gives promise of a brilliant future. ever, that altheugb he had gained some- one of those viger,ous and inspirri lit
as much we would say from his esrumt what of a reputation in the prolusion political .idressee wrich lava made his
teal for his chosen work u from his ■hich it was his privilege to be connect- name a hoosehol f word throughnet Nu-
Necator', 'ft
f Newton boil •narrow
abilities.. Trioe refers to Mr Jae m\'ils•no, ed with, neverthe'ess he could boast of run county. He was to capital f. rm, r+c,.p„ by being thrown be. Nadi tau oar+
sell known in Golerich and v.cuuty. We the fact that he was a farmer's boy, hay• and when he made • c..nipanaon beteeei, a iii..' inn.•,u'.n.
are glad to hear of his success. ing been born on •farm and reared then the record of the 11•,wst (; eCrr,meut A lir ftrndowlt, of the Ytllage of Blair,
LeAvn o. Towx.-Owing to the failure until he was eighteen year' old, sad h&v• and that of Sir John %1s:d,•r.ald he 1 Grit . die.1 front the etrei•t. of a ►i4 k from a
of Mr N. Dyment, the lumber dealer, to lug taken his turn at plowing, harrowing, brought cheer after cheer from the lute horse last 1t.duo...lay.
obtain sufficient dock•rrenn at this port logging, fallowing and every other and enthusiastic audience. lie sh. wed The strikers in the Toronto building trail.
to enable him to carry ..n sutliaent busi- work necessarily known to farm life, and that not a charge of venality or extnva claim that the strike Ls practically over, an 1
nese to keep a regular foreman employed, being fully couversaut with tate wants Bance could be brought against *h. Mow- that they have won it.
we understand Mr Rees Butell, who has and re.ttarements of the farming c...1• • at administration, and the t pp,•utton Jacob :Werner, a retired farmer and an M i
for some years superintended the yard triunity. His father and brother .till I were forced to rely upon appeals to reli- settler of New llamburg, dad from injuries
at Guderich, will remeye t.. Kiuc•rdine, farmed on the old homestead, and hp gious prejudice to gun supporter* for rertved m • runaway.
Mr and Mrs I:utsll will be much greatest pleasure now was .hen that them in the present contest. The serer. John S Ar•bibald and John Foster, tee
missed by • wide circle of friends whore p•trtton of the year came round when he ate school question and the French in well-known citizensot Halifax, have been
they have gained during their residence c mold run down t, the odd familiar home the schools were fully discussed, and so stricken with par'slysr
and pot himself once mon in touch with ably weethe case for the Government Mr• Large. widow of the murderwS ani.
ra 1Ot Lo w YssPRtraas
quisitton Mere, Butler has pnwlaimod
Monday, M.y 24: h, es the date for Use
celebration of the fare.'. Birthday In
GudrncL. Oil ihis dart the spri,.> said he would carry away with him a
Dun -
mutiny .0P(ies'a DWI.' at F' ark will b« The nret public meeting of the cam- ( pleasant memory o1 his meeting at Dun-
h•W, a'l30 re prizes being oK.•red for the pu;gt. to the Reform interest was held I' ganron. where In his maiden effort u a
here '.ti Tuesday evening last \otwith 1 candidate for political honors he had re-
' standing t o alit that only e y -eq t ceired sac!: lu:d sttentton and fair play
('slotun Denton, of Iluut0 41., Bae launch-
ed a u.ew .Leaner a:e.l uant•.1 ' tt Eremites
Mies Cecelia Met.'alle, of Elgtn, lied her
spine utj',rel by having[ a chair pulled frau
outer b,..
THE La 'Weise Co'.cCRT.-The Huron
the siahts,acenes and vocation of the lung- presented Coo many present who had sion•ry to Japan, will return to Canada m
lacrosse club's concert r n Tuesday even
ago. 1. was ,faits true that he had been come tainted with so called Elea' Rights JOY, CmTh.,mas Grwenway, titaY fur • Year- Pirmier nI Man,
ing next promisee to be rano of the brat fairly successful in his chosen profession sentiments were inoculated with the trait, Is m Toron o rap matter'
but that never caused him to forget his connected
of the ...soot Mr Hndglias, the cote R spirit of the speakers tulenu ci and fair play with inimrgtatiun to Manitols.
braced ten"r late of liarniltun top Dr leu pretentious but equally honorable which enunciated. When
A Kingston paper says that s .i..olist ls•s
arrive.[ from Toronto to treat the teeth t'1
Roily Moffat, now in peretentiary.
The funeral of Dr William Alkeran, the
oldest moaned . tn Canada, took
place at }towntanvil4' Thursday.
Ft is annown+ed in Toronto that Mr. Henry
W. Darling will retire from the presidency
of the Hank of Commerce at the June meet-
News Ilse reecbeil (Maws that the Im-
perial Go'.rnment has, or is about to, die
allow the l'auwltan Copyright Aet of last
reaop,e hace wonueree now • wore om
ouch superior merit and magnitude, and
so handsomely and thoroughly well got
up -a rival of the Britannica, Johnson,
Appleton and the rest -amid be pub-
lished at all, at prides so rein•T kable low,
and searchers after knowledge, as well
u the publishers, are to be congr•tul+ted
upon the Tutor promise of success. A 40 -
volume Cyclopedia, including an Una
bridged Dictionary of language,large type,
'emend thousand illustrations -all for
f?'30 00, and even that in such easy in-
stalments as one pleases to ask, almost,
is a great thing for the public ' Speci-
men pages sent free to any applicant, by
the publisher. John P. Alden, New Yolk,
Chicago and Atlanta.
I►Rm art.-Brussel• Pod: -It falls
Mowat, Darrow and the Queen.
• %amber et Iateremi.. Items ricked 1p
at Gibe Late Front.
t'c Saturday the schr. Lady MacJon•
about woola4 s dress and hennas than 41.1080 i, who r up:. t•:••1 1.i u that had •Id, bound for Cohingwood wi:h coal,I Tybo proprietor of the Queen's hostel at
any other woman in America, has been characterized t::m r, '.:a dui ,_f .usenet carne into the harbor for shelter, acd re- Fr.xdori. non, N. H., has been sent U. jail for
added /how t/o the editorial
aIff of �Philadelphia. A. r Ates opp-ortuuutea. ..s... t i. ;, it r.ls that mained until Monday. ! threw month. for s third violation of the
Mallon is an experienced editorial writer, s Lawyer, tf so h mesa .ran, bad fee• The eche. t ►ntario arrived nn !.ttnrdsy moat Act.
and will conduct one of the fullest and ha cl end toy in htake acIi•4 a wnuodata. to from li f MOW iomi,erlforJ.a.er with \\ dliams 180.000
40 'mai* a rigor, dy in Linreln Tint hs al�ispw•andl511
strongest (eshu.n department[ m the rt] antogouisud i..in to p.- uncal sad very fast trip. lest ing here on Satiat . 1 opp,.e hum and a grit ,auSHlnte is to tsu
Ju•rrnal ever attempted to a :•.neral uis¢- eneiai friend., and s nit•ttiues •he as. 3rd ins[., and returning t.- this port to I nominated.
.roue. Her new pnati,u nialea h,r the tagtudrsm did not cease .1.rn the suit just seven days. She carried a full load i Burglar, pulereel Mee. ()yore's'', hotel to
beet -paid fashion -writer u. the cuuntq. was ended. But shy do old a lawyer both ways. On Tuesday the Ontario I Caldouta, Inn., ••o Thursday night and
Mn Mallon a young, pretty. and ora of be blataed for h•'ce.tly and c�•nseism- ailed. light, for Cellingw...-d. to load tilled tb«(natIce, with the Ia.,-t in the hour,
the best-known wumele in Nes Yurk testate worktre in the interest of his lumber fur Detroit. but gut on money.
T'or to as hi
society. .tient ! If he fatted in his duty to The Behr. Kolfa a on Sunday bran bt Frsd G. Br,woing, elnmunq on
oras lot this week to chronicle the de g g hone., has be,'n arrested in Buffalo, charged
Tut LATL Jogged Kite.. --(tar resideee bis client he weld not be 1,•: ked salon a. in !►[,000 feet .011
f lumber from ProvideTxe
teas of an old and very worthy citizenwith ,:ea be s arre s and Barn•+, tr,u,. Mirb-
ut the person of Wrr. Vionstone. The will learn with deep revert that Joseph an honorable mac ; and if he acted •B.y. After nrlaadio¢ a H Ser rd's
grim messenger summoned him away on.
Friday morning, about :. o'clock. About
four years ago the deceased .. ]
tfail in health.and the decline gradually
increased on him despite medical attend-
ance. He was hardly ever confined to
Bed, however, and the day previcos to
his death had partaken of his meals with
the family. Cot geetion of the lungs
hastened the end. Mr Vanstone was Fiera
tn the t'arish of Noteworthy, Devonshire,
Borland, June lath, 1833, and came to
Canada with his father's family in 1+143,
locating in Colborne township, Huron
County, where they book up land and as-
sisted in the development of that section.
Mn Capt J. C. McLean and son left
When 17 year'
Wednesday last to visit re'atives at ,\nile. went to Piper's
age the subject of this
aiprr'a millll,. near (iode-
4 carnia, erich, to learn the milling business and
Mr' H. Rothwell and children re- three years after bought the mill at 1.4 -
turned on Saturday from a visit to mondville. On June 28th, 18:>a, he was
Brooetield. u,.ited in merriage to Miss Margaret
tine of ti's latest orders received by Johns. Mrs Vanstonedied onJunel$th,
the (:oderict. ' Irg•n Co. is from Kirktnn, 1874. Mr Vanatene came to Brussels in
fu: a piano Min organ. lti(4 and purchased the Fishieigh grist
Arrangements are in prom -see for fur-
and saw mills. During the 20 years he
ther increasing the capital and enlarging' was to business the retiring in IMO Ps
the output sof 'the Goderich (Arran Cu. favor '.1 his sone, ) he pmved himself well
Kranz chunk (Sana of Hope will give gtesl,fied to look after his interests and
s closing entertainment tonight in the pluckily battle against reverses. He was
lecture room of the church, commenting to
big hearted man and was always reedy
tO lend • helping band to every goodat 8 o'clock. A collection will be taken
at the clues. All are invited, cause' When Brussel. was incorporated
the deceased was elected to a most et
Recerer'so Tuuo DMRRRI-We are the municipal Hoard. He took agrest
plesetd to learn that amongst the sue- interest in the advenesment of this plena
easeful candidates at the recent confer- and did all in his power to assist in its
ring of degrees in Victoria University, growth. in the month of May, 1878,Mr
I d ed t t married t M Th
Kidd, Esq , late of Dublin, has reseed the best interests of tis client he sure'] yards .he returned, light, to Providence
away from the troubles ani raves •.f ought to '.echo to censure. In this Bay on Tuesday.
earth to • brighter inhere. The news ars contest he was eppn.e.i by bl r it berts, The eche Sophie arrived on Monday
rived on Saturday, 3rd. and was eurcuiat- an old and intimate friend, with whom from Toledo with 434) tans of c•:a! fur the
ed on Sabbath and sent a thrill of sorrow there could be ne disagreement excryet North American (;hem.cat Co. She
through this part of the country. ulnae nn the matter of p. liucal divergence. „tied Iigbt, on Wednesday for Mei-
deceased gentleman was so long aft l: ,leets Ile I... led upon u a highly land to load lumber for Courtright.
known. Mr Kidd tiled at the n,Ei ion°, respectable business roan. *riot he sty will be absent all sumo. r.
of his son Qsage at Stout City. atter a was perfectly sur. that durtrg this The 'tr. I ne-r" Empire on its trip Pa 1►e. ar 11.1 $w*olen ami Norway ha.
nottia ..n Wednesday took on, besides Kong
lengthened illness. It seems that he 00 chance
[hero wnclu be foil. or rises and misceilaaeous freight, dirr''twl his arehimf.t to forward for th•
took la grippe early in the winter and he no chance for anything but an amicable f alt, Toronto Cniv,•raity library a ^dbvtion'd
never thoroughly recurerei from it, and al rrement to disagree upon pohticat Evac earlwds o Norwegian and Swedish publications.
at last It put a period to his lnn.rtal questions so far u the audidates were The tog Dispatch is making Go•ierfch The bwctevsin rethe ibriia,be public `t,•boni•
career. The deceased was a native d concerned, He (Mr Gummi was the her headquarters while hshine s uth of were notified to .in.- otfoue religious most
Dublin, entland, and came t.• t. anal. nominee .1 the gnat arty am ; este to Hayfield. onus, wh0•h have u..uwlly been held on the
when twenty year. ••f age, settling our west fiaruu-the party at the head of Tho dredge Challenge lasg been work• opening ou the arts■'Is in thismorning.
Toronto. He afreraards reni, red t-, the which Hun. Oliver IYL'eat stood ,n the 1>:g between the pier' during the Werk. Hon. \C 1t': Lord, on• ,e1 the fathers rat
spot where Dublts now .;ands, and built 1'i -seiner of Vagraf. The pets polity Capt Dencey, who has seen the new r-,epin•+1.1•• gov'rnnsmt iii P. E. !eland, a
up what woe known as [..snobs k,which of Illegal eve engrafted upon the puke] steamer for the Keatty iu,e now tr. course pearlier ' 1 `4.r 1,'gislature f"'' n quarter of
was afterwards changed chrome'. his it.-' o f ti:e Guverntaeet of Ontario during the of c•nstruction rear carnia. esya that it •"tihu'a' mo 1 • J. 1 . t.v sixty year"' laciest,
fluence ,n that of t)at.l,n. in r•emrm past eighteen jars, and there was net promisee to make a tine Boat. H, serer, aged t• •
bone. of los ostler cry. He had s very :n the whole eft erieoce of nations anoth• so much work is required on it ret that • I".11y lterl••v, •lies Mrs. Blain, the (-anti-
large general store in Dublin, Inc of the. er such (sample • f distinct tI dtvielualtty he thinks it will not be rowdy to start • d«ii''e"'"i•O w:t.s •utonslisotau Ilpolha m
forest of the kind in the country. Hr' and continuity in ('ti a For the eight- until August. at the earliest calculation. jail for obtsnuug neoil•ynMlerfal.4'pr.'t I
bought everything a farmer had to 5li eon years during which Monist had lad -• laws i,w•m:..r from Rev. lir. C.ehraM•
and sold him erewg that he nolo red. ' the Government r. mulear.n, the conduct THE EDITOR'S TABLE. hestBrai oil.
Heals. had the salt works •t that p;r.ce ..f affairs 14.1 beer. axes and economical. TL- I1. ;I T• k•ph'me Company will begin at
se well east Seiferth and (;od.ricP.hence .AI1 dem,* were pro tected and no special A were •r awe Abseil •.w rabUutless. ori'" th,. • on+tT.n4inn of t.'lrpoh ti•' Hoses be
he was designated the "salt king.' He lecielauon had been ad..t;ted. He then nal Nave rens. le Mand. , tweet 'e...ti.•.' ittaw-a, telep al line. r
likewise engaged In the lumber business dealt mph the Mechanics L,en Law and inevel.t.- moose; aut. br..ekr. tort the Ifni.au.•••xp.et-.al and
dmetbe er
forsereh,• to se linea ere
expansively and had • !ire of Boats pile the Factory Act, where M his mind the I The numbers of Ti+• Itis Soes Ayr for Use i At tM• Innho A «loss (1*..klvwt.wl : ae•
ing on the lakes. He was by •ail odds week had beer, protected fr•m the strong , ;ted and 1Crih of Ma] contain 0. J(letiee,vs. the Frank of ('wenn ern, air
the most of Orden.,
business ticks. in The hnancta: s ins n o f the :Hewitt b Flerbert `..racer, �',u fr+ ,lit f :,,tH d moody this part of Ontarnt and was well known Government was linen t f bye snd de• y p rz- favor fur 4'•xatoos arnwt, was deriu4t m
tbroa hoot Canada. In 1872 Mr Kidd had honest criticism Ir. fact, s, strongKtng ant htimater : A Mtdnigbe C.ra favor rat eb plam(iR, tM jury n•turning a
R venation, r „ 4, ...p• a ,, q : Leaves from a venhrt ter Meeitot damawet
a ntested South Perth in the C'on.erva- • was the Government entrenched behind Diary on the Karon River. F ,t -..nice ; ! In the Monett* murder trial 1* -tore Judge
five interest, but was defeated by hie op- good legislation that t..e I►ppositien had , A surrey Home. -t'..','.noi ; Twenty Rus at l.' **nal. on ti•tnnlsy, while the
ponent, James Trus, Kat., M. P. Mr to resort to . policy during the t'reinDt', Yeses of Political Satire, and Poets and jurors wore at hm,lison. ,o,•.d them !dipped
Coboore. two n nor residents received ars one was mum n n Thomas Kidd was always a staunch Conservative campaign which he regretted to State: Puritans, .i/a. n..';e... - A Slave -i eskt •way from th^ nw*tabk'snd only eleven
honor. Mr R. P. H•11. obtaining the ds Grills, of Galt, who .onivw him. Five in solitus and • Roman Catholic in regi• smacked !tritely of lace and creed. It i in lti.'0, ' u,,,1.,1$ ; John Kenyon and his rwtul int., sort, and wltMntggh ole mics
gree of M. A. and Mr B. Richardson obs children, W. F., Mn Adam Good, Misses 4nc'n About own months ago Mr. Kidd had been done before ! same extent. ; Friend., and Dryden, Tempi. 11.i ; Five a1Ogg mss same in • few minute. after, this
ftnding hie health taitrnz rem, eJ to hot in the electron contests now , n it Months in Sonth Afnw, jl/„n,n,'a ; The j'" sad be hail so option but to adpwrt.
tainingM. D. Lily and Addie, of Rrnesela, and C. R , the trial fill reit soiree
of Southampton,are the other rnemben of Stoat City. iia►, where the yoanglsr .was befog pushed forward by *rime es. ( Poetry of the Century . A Rett'oepsat •H,m. Mr. 1'r. nlerg+i�t, in an interview wt
"New HRAv'Rws A.O New F.tarrt."-- the fetidly. The Liners! took plass on ' portion rat his family were residing. his called politicians as the great (.cine of 1 end Anticipation, L•,avre i/evr ; Das-' 'q•inni ardm thtgin s interview
sons George and Lewis having engaged the campaign. Such should not be. It in in Nature, Leneonee's ; Oa the Pity that
s oda ft ander Inc ens cxs of g .^1 nn say tbwt thus ('wih.olGa thr.NrghoHit the
aeI M.•I:rath. of Toronto.
Junes Colville, a well-known and promi-
nent former .1 the township of 4' bark.', 14'4
Outplay at the age of 7'.. 1le had resided in
the height*. wiliest 4.: year..
A Canadian l'acitto Itailwny niry.'y feay.•e
Winnipeg ..h,•rtly b. 1..•ate a line through
('row', Nest Pass. R..•ky Mountains. Th•,
The Rev Dr Poole, who is .pending a
few daysto Goderich, will teach in the • u y in business in that place. Mr Joewph would be beeter if something could be Brow .�w\t Work Again, rrfete. ;
P the A. F.& A. M., of which the deceased
North M. hfethndist church next SatoKidd, jr., being still enlaced in the salt done to bnng all tissue and creeds to. . What .\nxritan Cyclones can do, ait4
was a member. Rev. H. Fsellery, Ft. A.,
beth morning on "The New Heaven and • bwMnas in Goderich Deceased was ; i tether rather than divide them into. hos- The bltstaken identity oaf Mr Willis.
x New Earth.' Dr Poole was a pastor in service and Rthis was .followed fleeted the ' years of age at the time ..1 his death. r tis camps. He believed tr. E teal itiehl* Black, S' Jew, • ; Scientific Contene-
as.. n;.' funeral ...r.4... 1..1 hy Wa kind hearted, charitable nun and
that ice lived M a good old silts. He was -[roe F'•!nal Rights -in that Met cos II which would help to sued up this
tn *anon, by James Bryce, and Auld Wig tinraww•. Montreal and Torino., and they e11
pr ince intend !. take no Mott... whateree
Id the mimed law, bit to go on as though it
lam/ not exist. Whfle in the east 1 c,neniteel
' gay ..nnetitntineid Iawyer.,.cjsw'tnity to
Ithis church some years ago. Many will
Foe pleased to hear him On this,nterest-
in theme.
. g 1r1. Sinclair, Muter or tax .conn ■ e.wp, could ass any deserving person in want 'gnat nation and nuke it one to b. proud 'Marc.:.i.1110
"sons and Daughter', and On Muntwy night ns the ....flatn train on
Rroeesls There wars 2R ifeethr•n from if he had the .vans 1. relieve thein. .'f. Loud applause The ' .taboo n( .' s
A WAnrn.n Coutes !-The Toronto Seatorth, led by Rm. }huff, 1111.11. M., Pa I The Courting of Dina% hha id, ' and do Canadian Haeffle Railway wee pasting
a]. d the whistling sloist, Mass A from !Myth, 7 from Wroseter, 10 from Hu sets of kindnw will long be re separate school 1*¢lslah..n was then poetry. For hfty•toro nos.b.re of eigty- between ottawa and F'ap,lrie•nvill.' w first
anis, who will appear Kara On Tilsfewel end 30 Aston to Brussels, membered in this part of the country.. taken up and folly dim -weed, d, the opinies nor large pages each (or more [baa 'PIA** ►*15'll "r "am"' (. odfrfag! Firo.'i ar-
pp belonging Hs might well heels said like one of old of Rev l'r+nei fay Caren. Prestdeat of 3.3re) pages a year 1 the sntisrription pries penpt"i n. commit mirk!. by cutting Ids
lrlday, May 30: "dela. McM•nis all in appropriate regalia. 711 Brussels whoa shoot to yield op the vital flame, the 1� nal 'befits Ass ctstum,being cited throat on each skis with two remora. interim
trills cwt her notes with the facility and Rand headed the long procession to the ,.f have lost allbutwhat I gave suss wherein M drdatea aAl is low while f.,r •1(► :r0 M• paha *rrltemr„t wide rammed and As was removed
aweMneel of a canary.- The chimer, eemet.ry playing the '1$eiliaa" hymn y - Ibh.rs o4rr to sand any one of IM bo the baggage car. I h. arrival h•we M was
Tow. 'Rhe is a bantiful own and "Nearer myGod to Thee." Mn. - a' Th. meson -es sewed in rnesr 1'e Feeney. Agwrrgels0 P4 00 ieroelhlies •.r wellies twk.'n r..tbw Not» (tames Hrrp141, w►eta►ie
y. -' young rMwd% appear to he wtiefar'ory as does the
kirof Sae , and in the Vanatnne and daughters will montane' to Jae. Brown, Grey, has liaise& for a a..w1ata( ,n■ rat taw .•sclera rr.t>'.•('ee tepara'e with Tho 1..-.,.e Ao F.r a ysar. both re„ncery i. doubt:el. He racers to mobs
asip.ss, power. pitch, and parity of bur make their home in their imenfsrtahls ursi of yeses, the farm recently owned o. .se' suppereers.' postpaid. bitten & Co , Ro atoa, ate any .tat.rnent, hot be has the da
Wage she is wewdetf*l." madman on the banks of the Maitland. by V. Siemer'. I The rrotientit n of Kr Meredith acd his the publishers. j parson of unsound mini