The Huron Signal, 1890-5-2, Page 8WE HAVE COT THE GRIP
We are the only ones who have .. . hatted the new designs
for season 1890, SNGLIBH and AMERICAN, at proes never so
low before.
Papers bought to sell for 7 and 8 cts., sold for 5 cts.
Papers bought to sell for - 12%, cts., sold for 10 cts.
Papers bought to sell for 15 cts., sold for .18:.cts.
Papers bought to sell for - 20 cts., sold for 15 & 18c.
Our 25 Cent Gilt Wall Papers
and at prices to tempt any purchaser.
Central Telephone Exchange, Cur. North-st. and Square.
Ooderich, April Ieth, 111101
Items of Interest from over the
A Weekly 1101xe.t of the loamy \eweWert-
ed up teens. Readers .f "the algaal."
rue .ad eclat. ('lipped wed tea•
seamed from tier, Piccolos.
Mr James Troyer, of Ilru*all, la sow-
ing his farm in flex.- ti
Mrs Luke, 1 tth con., (:Fey
township, in ill with heart disease sod
Harry Dickson, Rruseel., started f o►
Dakota un Tuesday. 22nd ult. We wish
bum pr...perity.
Robt Orr, %Vmgham,hsareturned fhom
his trip t.• the 'topical climes, much nu -
proved in health.
Mr J.•hn T Anderson, ..f Gotland]
•nwr ship, has left for a visit to his
friends in Dakota.
Mrs Campbell, sr , of Henfryn, the
other day .lipped en the nuwp platform.
breaking her right arm
Jno. Clark and McKay Bas., nt Grey
township, have left Brussels for Mich).
rpm, where they go to push their for-
Richard C.' X, 12th con., (:ray, hes
gone to Washington Territory on a pros-
pecting tour. Jas. Jeninen has rented
his faros.
AI r John Dowser and family, Bruce -
field, have removed to Clint•.n, where he
ham accepted a position in the Oakes or-
gan fect,•ly.
The family of Chas. Holland, 1' ort
Huron, had a narrow escape front death
one night lately from escaping gas from
W. R Carr, V. S., Westfield, left for
1'•scle Sate'* duusiuions last week.
Dr Ilordon,' of Auburn, has removed
to Luckuow, where he will reside m
fut ure.
Mrs J. Gilbrlith. McKillop, was
thrown from a buggy st Winthrop mad
ratty badly shakeu up.
A young man named Cantslon, of
C Infos, was holding • horse by the bridle
t:.e other day, when it made an effort to
.et away and tore his hand pretty badly
THE HURON 810N#L, FRIDAY, MAY 2, t : 91
What the Unhappy .sea es 4. Kepty 1.
lir. nersw..
tinci.aCavc. Ont.. Apen 87. -:fever since
January *4, Ir0N., tieo date of the limlrh mur-
der lana, bee our Itttte town bean thrown into
JINX • (tale of excitement as it le las jai
RIM over the triple droweisig ease of Thom
day roman* last, The mere that, is written
about the care the •Fore terrible it appears.
Fancy • father m the pvwerkue of all kw
taculties a few hours before the oc urnearce
drteming Ma tare. lnuucrnt ehlldrrrt W •
water barrel, then attempting suicide, •ad
atter a few hour, tegelstav .
mid you have the whole ease in a uutatell.
All We wee done without way conceivable
cause. The snnlerer-be cowed be called
by any eboleer nater -was In his right abed
on tiaturt1ay and said Ise wished to make his
wflL This was said tghte medical attendant,
Dr. Norton The doctor asked bout bow
many he had to provide for. Murruuu sill:
•'There are only three mow, nay wife and
Alexander rind Sadie.
,Khat about the three little childnenr•
seal the doctor.
He said: "r►sy are dead: did yeti `tot
show therm to . '
Your reporter was present to -day when
Dr. Nnr4n tried 4, get Morrison to tell
something about Ibe lesgedy He is eery
week, but pet (-etly conscious all that takes
place sound bine. Ep.. stated toeley that he
had no recollect ken of cononitting the deed.
When asked if it mold have been deur by any
one Hee he replied, no, hi thought not He
Oates that he renwnibers nothing about Mr.
Lindsey beiug 'u .o place .0 Wedueaday
seeming. (In being a,to'd if it hal ever .v
curre,l to hint that Ow three younger.' chil-
dren woukl be a burden to his wife in case of
his death, be. replied that he had thought
"Jaid it ever occur to you," said the doctor,
"that it would br much better for the. little
coos if they were out .d the way'
'.Yes,' he alsw`ered: he hal thought of
A iter. Gewtlrutan Xhosa. Comfort war mot
('4.rartrris.ed by rrw.Ir. r.'
Temente, April r --Thr jury returned •
verdict in the great St.l;s•orgraccident trial on
Thursday lest. home 41 quartions were rut- ;
miffed by the judge and tee the answers re -
••ewe Resew
7. tv -11.3.
OreJ ere ►1 u rodeo
seeder -m 15 I I'M
A,k.,h •tin I, •, et.e
b , t u/•ss ha 1.4 t .. •
%..r1 allot a .' . .•..•
1 • •ter Yh
a •
a•yrp'e.••.we.•r • 1 •
i.• N/ 11 hex. •ea
tis •1.,.1 1,r 4•.e
Ida r.44 all. Ikear•
,a ••NI 10 hsCw lb
a Lg 1rk ..t.l r•
Ise •% , „
es • II•s.•e pt
The Beretta stave now leaves Brussele turned counsel will argue as to whose
at I:.:il) p.m. instead of in the morning verdict tJwuld te. Enc b bode clams that the
Sidings entitle them to a verdict The gen-
This change wilt Kite setlsfeation to the end °Wow b, that ibis vrrdN•t of the jury
,ees of the north. as tenables them
1 1 leans other against the l)rencl Trunk, tr
to get their mail eat :ler, as the cuui,.e- that it drtu,itely stems that the ttre on the
duos are better. engine wee too thin, that the steed of tee;
On Tuesday t1 last week 0. A. Dead- train was tax, great. and that the brakeswsgw
mot,, Brusact., had shipped to him a not applied aeon enough. The tent and the
purr bred Jersey heifer and Dr T. (l. Inst statements were ones that could only be
Holmes of the seine place, a pure bred made atter careful consideratkenof the evid-
J cow and calf also a ha,f bred eoee stte
submd to the court, 1 ut there has
auty, ever once the disaster, that the
The many friends of Mr Joseph White speed of the train, at the time of the accident,
head, of Clinton, will tersorry to learn sm. too great
that his wife continues very 111 She has Theetbodist e,rkwiaticalcnurt which ex -
net neon able to take any solid nourish- •mined the charger; ag,-ainat Itev. Dr. Stone
went for a month, and consequently L returned the following finding: -"In thecae,
BM. h reduced ut flesh sud strength of Rev Jaynes South against Rom. D. Stone.
charging him with imprudent conduct intend -
The death is announced, in South -e mg immorality,the committee, after careful
•n.p on, of Mr John McDonald. once • mveetigntmen of the tact. find Suit the charge
resident of Bayfield. Deceased was • of conduct intending intrnraltty is not Me-
rrsey certainly been a feeling throughout the cum
.l.,., -y and Ayrsh•re.
fi h•rman, and was •Tway■ genial aro wua,p Rut in the judgement of the rom-
ku.d hearted wherever he went. Re mitten fir. tonne's conduct in thtsinnrinrwee
leave• a wife and large family to mourh not characterised by the prudence and wire
hes loss. done that shotki mark the deportment of •
We regret to announce the death of a ('hrts(rn minister.- Dr. Stone tunnel: .d -
very old resident of Bluevale, in the per niittr.1 .,n ezrtntnatlao that he had kissed
son of Mr McGee, who paved jutted) Mrs' Jennings' hand. He natant nothing by
away on Friday evening, 18th ult. Anout it but in his free, openhearted, sympathetic
three ears ago he received • rel t. way was trying to.. Jennings
over thedomestichue-
] Pa ] broils between Mr. Jennings and her her
stroke which confined him to toe bed bent. He (.41 deeply intrrertsd in Goth of
ever since. them and oohed to restore peace and hex -
The Dominick Reynolds farms r n the moray in the family. On the other hand.
a creel stove. 5th coon. 41 Hullett have just been .old Mrs. Jennings in her testimony gave as her
Mee W,n Elle.. Br.lasels, was sum- Mr ( teen Fiynn buy. the 100 acre. firth °Pintail dud the doctor us-ent a gull ,kill
looped to Sup. aw, Mich., en Tuesday of the stone house, bank barn, d`.c.. for more in kissing her bad.
lot weak to see her stn, who was which he pay -a $s 000, and Mr John Rey- Met- Principal McGregor of McMaster
seri us injured. violets buys the humored with bank taro. College died on Friday in St. Luke's them pal
On Tuesd• 2 2nd alt . .1 nn. ratter- a .
rattt t2ti00. New York city. He hal gone there to have
y• -= op npet••ta.n perform,,) Der disease of the
eon, of l)rr•' township, Irl` Brussels for 1)0 �aturdat, 19th ult., Ale:. Harold ap4ne.
Killeiney. Man . where he goes seeking ca. I. le, infant son of Robert ;loon.
a •ritable location for a home. It easel., died, aged one year, mi. e AMONG THE POLITICIANS.
Peter Sinclair, Mill at. Brussels, who mouths cud twenty-eight days. The c. H. atarklntewh Elected by a Plurality
had hien laid up for the past six weeks litter fellow hod been ill for about •earl otSee Over !qua! Righter Hay.
with rheutnatir freer. is .isle to get shout• we. k• with g•atrse fever, followed by
a Isttle+ now. although quite poorly yet. ' enlargement of the liver. 4trrawA, April _+.--Th,rk,•ion don Satar-
elay to fill the sent ter Ottawa Pity in tae
E. E. Wade end family. Brussels, will' Mum Jessie Roes, who hes hero in the min.., .4 foam ul.•.a•ant by thook•atb
very probably remove 1.• 4 Iwen S•.u1:1 111 employ of A. flood, l:ruseele. for an..It of the late Wiliam l'..slum Parley el'on.s re -
the liter future. Mr '.S J.,, removal three yeare,has accepted a position in M'' suited itt the return of Charts. Herbert Mae -
will cause a v acancy en the school
A. I1. Kay.. f 1) mane, a former resi•
dent of `(rime'.. was thene last week
aiding lets .otter, Mrs .1. 11. Grant, in
pickier, preparatory too r.moval to Win-
Mrs John (;email and family, the
Messrs ('rysler and 11 Hawking, wbo
left :Yingham last summer for le•ouisna,
hay, returned quite satisfied to remain
10 l
itev W. E. Krtr, of Owen Sonne, was
in Brussels for a week De ten -tide tai
ieg a course at the Montreal Theological
College whets hu terns expires at hia
present station.
On Thursday of last week the Der
;reeves family removed from !trussed% too
Paisley. They hate resided at Brussels
for the pest f.,ur years, and have betn
very worthy ciu,ehs.
.Ino. Hargreaves was in Brunel• last
week assisting is the pecking and re•
moving of Mrs Harer.ares' household .
streets to hooky. lie ha. Inst none of
Lis old Dine populsnt y r Brussels.
The trustees ..1 the school near the
Molesworth cemetery. Ore', have en-
gaged Mau Morrison, from MrK11Lop, to
..creed Mr McKee, who is now ....end -
rag the f leen Sound ('ollrgiate Inst ,tut..
Andrew Simpson has removed from his
farm, near Jamestown, Grey township,
to Wawarl.eeh t-wn•htlo, where hr recent
Iy p irehaeed a 10(4 acre to. Ila eon in
law will work the farm in Grey t•..n
The English church peepieof Wt `them
have purchased the property .1 E. IL
Tahlot, on nervier of .I.2hn and Centre
Street., nearly] oppatt• the par.. nage.
This is where the new church will be
Tuesday evening of iw•t week Ael-
jetant Cousins and esteem Hr.,wn so -
sated in the Salvation Army pore me at
Beetroots. Mrs Grilliths ann W. list._
Men were re-■ppreinted sergeant* for the
enrpa. H. Ream etas again sppwotnted
to the Aire of sees pigmy.
Laren's boot and shore afore [to Guelp h. kintesh tl'.u., by 1114* v.4e
She will leave in the course of a we. -I. Mackintosh IW',m_•. .• .2teet
or 50 Mie R; es will no doubt her an Hay ;Equal Might....-
$ quisition to the Royal city. We el- (lapdog. t141..... Uhl
petted she would become a permaneI t
resident in Brussel., but hr may g i aft,: Plurality for Nackinto.b over Hay.. ....NOI,
her to Guelph. 'bryaer_ i242
Majority against Meckintoeh
Mrs ds... Haycroft end daughter. The Liberal ren.hdnte tame within four
Mts. Lini' Ross and Mrs J. A. Mc- ono., pus .1.—posit In the Protestant
l!iaughton, Brunel.. have gone to Wo. and English emotion* of the city the Equal
Kansas, for a visit. The ("river 'tight. vote was very hires. and Hey meowed
goes with the hope of the change of at. a majority. /Its total vote was nine•• up of
pro.irg bsoeficial to her health. M. Equ•tl itgliters, .is,•.,ntente•1 I'.niervatavew
AicNsughton s father is ill and her von awl I.ihnals. The French vote n•mainwl
is largely on his account. They left practically unchanged. nut 51110 vote. leas `ham
Bru.sels on the horning train an Wed- last, .., tt.,n wen. Lolled len Lower Town--
hesday. 2:3rd ult. the French lection.
Among the bilin which received royal no-
LEEHL RY. rent I.4 weekwas the one incorporating the
firming..t it .1.1- 1 in Tnurslay the Hague in
From nor own crorrast,ondent. committee of the whole eonwidere.i Mr.
Mr and Mrs Hanes, of Ihwiericl,, were I•hapktali, hill to further amend the Fran -
the guests of their brother -In law, J. (1 chew :too. Mr. Chaldean .114 -Owed that its
Clutton, this week. intent wee G, 'simplify the working 41 the
Mrs Wm. Clutton has gone to Gall to art and to reduce the ex pewee of
see ons o1 her Dieters there, who is its operations. He announced that there
seriously ill weak! be no expense We year and that the
next general el ctceM might be expected
Mies earful hers,of the 4th Non., (lode t o hr hrkl on the fats reviee,l between Jute
rich township, is visiting relatives here :Wand it.. :11, ictal. These would be reedy
this week. to ample time, a. this Home .111 not expire
The I 0.11.T., No. 21:1, have male wait Morel, :(1, 1*1i in oriar to saes tiro
only two charges it their officers for the sei Iruhl• Ile. m ry hilts eintaiu_.
new term, 11I•] 1st --- g p; ing ties enang.r nnad, by the reviltllQ uAlrees
w.ankl Is p.rintnt for ',• .. tis. tater, at ND Io1°"14N abeam.. W.C. T .and H. A . Horton:,Vs rating ,,. in pia,f at the ('
S., tis• other officers bring the Dame se.
hef•re. Duringthe I g. fo rd re,.n. O Inn aneroid no longer tr 1t but
past quarter the lead I in work electoral district tut
formed a new lodge at )'ort Albers, would be otherwise made readily seveadble
which a working fairly well, holding it. 1 en all desiring to wthein. The work having
meetings at Port Albert and known as! wen Owen.
become ke e onerous us lir th..rt ►w am. better
the Albert lode., len. 299, 1 11 G.T known, the remuneration .4 the revising of -
The lodge here also h.d • suer..dui en• Boors will he dimin,ah.d or e•1.. their rum
terlaioment in April last, and at tits
present time a number .1 toe members
are otn:ending ter several prises in •
writing contest by writing • nunner til
espies in books got f.,r the purpose.
uritingo thhe lmudenrndtis . theThoo
onikghtwsill m4tuivg-
4S..II•urutphrrou,wIenty.,Lwaiborh thwwasprra
nr that
will decide what havinj the annual pia lunile•r from a entrfw' e. Idnpwing.lpIt• ortu duty
n.e, venerslly hold about the end of this ..n ko , dwukl pear oil duty .jgr.-
month. teal th•n•f,.r that the te•om1n.oi t:nvrrttlwent
From now till after the coling day .*.,.;d makes pe Irani to the( of
each a sker in the coming Avelino will the I;m'e.l state. tie." cur exiewt duty one
he studying daily the voters' list in his k.g. stool" 1.• rr ^"v"1i1 to • 1nit,rl MIs,...
.ehdsrblon. therioe,nieut wrote sort we their import duty
oat Is.nle r t o 01
Mr .1 It.illy and (.mile have rismner d
from here after • ts_,der,re of aero. Wr Jn., 1 .`IAc1.i: .1..11.01,404o+
on 1 ti»r • w u In
month. to (larbraId. The ho kn-.wen;g c.t1 a:.• .ort m Iv cna 1-• in 111.
etre Ls LIt Me,.i ok•y fait twlertw r pn wvi *4- Hews of
her. has hw.r rented by D. Titerlew I Itweesoo tuvst.Mit Mr 11irl',,., i vmune-
(art dhows,whereat... bit J. fitrae►an. I news wonUJ recAr• c end locate L
A peculiar *evident reeentl• happ..n.•d
• horse helonting to Moan T irnbuIl R
lt•11ant wtr. Rrassela Th. pond of ,one
el the s of the w,g••n rhtered at the
beck of one nl the fermi lees and ranee
nut .t the animal's brews The
was wiled to attend the anieial,
oorrvs 'BARNUM.
Mad women naturally look forward to
ttWrimoey as their proper sphere In life. but
they abuuld constantly r r In miand • pr Hat a
fair, rosy face, bright
well-developed form, are the best passports
4o a happy marriage. All those wasting dY-
orders, weaknesses, and functional Irr ulari-
tles peculiar to tb.•tr sex, drsroy beauty
and attraotivenem and se oke life miserable_
Anunfailing a eclat for tame maladies le to
be found in Dr. Pierce'. Msvorite Prescription.
It V the only medicine for women, add by
druggists, ander a positive gtsarease•
from the manufacturers. that It will give
etiefeedon in every case, or money will be re-
fu.ded. This guarantee has been printed o0
the hottle-wrappers, and faithfully carried
out for man &,ars. fil.w pee Beene, or sic
Bottles fur Xi
(:opyrljkt. OK by WORLD'. DIS Yam Ass'L
Purely Vegetable !
Perfectly Harmless t
$sali.•t, Mangiest Eaeteat t• Sake.
Ow Otiny, tlugar-coated l eilet a door. emus
Sick Headache'. Bilious Headache, Consupe-
ties,elude iof OOthe
. Btacus Attrees ad and all
1ti- sits a vial. by druggists -
Equal Rights Association
A Convention of the Ire -ease( the above As
n a ill be het ' u, 1 he
Tuesday, Msy 13th, :8)0,
Al lee. A 4.11.4%4'1.. A V
Yor tis,• 1111.14...• •,1 .- .-u., ri ..g ,•,.. 11 nrrao,f•
tion and the Form rt... •d a . •fiwntm 11"ane1..
A rete-seersilr neonewe of the 1'r.. inch.!
Association will be presew ..tut address tis
A puouc meeting wall be held in theerewiag
in tis•• 1•o*,. 11ad at s pore., oaten addresses
will be den sered on 11,r y11.1U••iq agitttrd Py
he aero. isuon. A repre-eidatinn of 1:, or 20
(con •...d. • •in.hty a de -lured.
By authority of the
tx.('ems. of ere.. t«K.
1 .ton. April, It00 J1-21.
bar will he reduced and an endeavor will be
ado Oehler.. • grater number of judges art
as .01..r.
in Friday the bill wry read a third time
Mr. Charlton die.* attention to the pr.-
viaon of th-• 11 •K.nlee hill that the Faded
REFOII\1 fu\If',S1IO\
A t•.,nv•nt?na of •h•• i:rtormin of West
Il..ruu ails Ir. Iaid in the
MONDAY, IiIAY 5th, 1890,
Cholce Goods
$_ avtacCORMAC.
3J1.31 01 10633,
an excellent application for Tin.
Frreckles, SunburuvSrlw Roand ughness oughness of the Bala.
aZTDTA.s' S:.00D A8) STOY41.03 SITT3118,
\ touio that hie gorated the Mama Ivo Organs. Imp•orrs the Appetite, •ad u • neverfaUtng
remedy for luipunty of the 111o.N�
.As au alseratiee and tonic it he unequalled.
tJl' 4T'Itt.l'k1VE:U'- -
X0V:tT 011 OLIV13 soar,
M•oulactured at, and I,,irorld from SYRIA. to a lu.let Soap it is unexcelled.
FMK E. • - tart•- per (take.
GEORGE RHYNAS, Chemist and Druggist,
At the hnuref I u'.2 c k p.m.. .hsro, for the
to rt...- • .•f Nornit•ating .. 5 it of •4,.. our the
Ie•:rl4Ptit• Assembly. to r..11.•. :he it diel
... tar inl.•rseta et the. 1 te.ral Nasty ..lid Gaud
illiel r. aurum.
As large and repveeentati ee • ('figment 101, a.
i. taw•asM.• :.. 4.411.41 1ars... a n •w si ore,.. Li•' ive
will have to le. ch•.,en. a• Hon A. Y. Kom
has dr. i.i.d to r• -tire front p dowel Ili- .
Erich 1•.. long rluh•Diridua is rttitled/o ap- t'. roe d. h-tuce..
••601/11 240 11: THI. Hl EN ••
.1: sol. w•. S. r. cast ri 11"// .1
1.3 -td,
la PVaLIPN$t
aT 173. 5TKAM 1•NINT1Sr: (W1,111
It is a wide-awake local newspaper. devoted
t3 eunnty Imes and the disserrtteat ten or tow --
fel tows ledge.
RATIO Op al :
41.30 • year : ;Sc. for six month.; 41.-, ke-
orAram mouth.. R the subscription 1. not paid
in advance ule.,ription will to iLargrd Fit
the rate of 142.00a l ear.
If you aisle to keep 1p with the firmae don't pm. hese •ny mere OLD-FASHIONED
tor AtiAiVZ PFS
.aa 'secured the Sole Agency f•,r \IESSY1t 1 4V.41tI I -rated Adjust ale hand ebirte.
ate►• kAA
1 hare the finest rang. ••t Neekaear. Hato. Caps and (.1..-. es that ram be pun limed any
akere. In Cnll•..r-.nd l'aRs only the Newest Herman Make.. which surpass any other goods
o• the market, are handled.
falai fail to gore use a call at the NEW STAND. l'VItNEIR Mt1.t:AN'S I11.0('E
&OftarisI RATFiI
Legal and over rasnal ad renieem•nt•. 10r. 1
per line for first insertion. sod 3 rents per Ila• ,
for each subsequent iu.erttun. Mc•.nrsd b)
no,.irr•il satah..
Local netters in empanel type per line.
Loral not -lees in ordinary reading lira 1c pe
iholiness cards of di lines and ender 45 per
Advenirment-5 of Lost. Found. strayed.
4.Iuat.uus Vacant. S.twlmn Wanted and
!homes* Chances Wanted. not esti coding 9
Ines nont,•rtel 111 per month.
Honsn on .tale and Farms on Salo. act to
rimed a lines. ill for tiro month. SQ- per sub
w,q n.nnt month. larger edits in proportion.
Any .pertat notice. the oldec1 of which is to
remote the pecuniary benefit of any tacit
virtual or rnmpany. to be engendered an ad
rertisem•nt met rimmed acordlawly.
These terms will le .11 lades he strictly •d-
eered to.
rlpecial rates for larger ad%erikeewee.ta, sr
edr•niarmentr for extended period_ made
known at the office of publication.
A fully .gnipp•d Jobbing (Midn le carried
.a In connection with the ordinary newspaper
hw,(wees where •rstrl•ua work is ferried out
N Maannahlr rates. Everything le the prim
tnf lino ren he dome en th. 4,41111111.1011 from as
Wenelnat.e p..r.r to • Ylaltkaaard
All nest M weaned is
O. e
mow Tut threat
[IN-r•a1 lad. We IL Oed.rieh pet.
Well -Selected Cigars.
If you want a choke Cigar. l'g,tarette w Flout:'ing Tobacco.
/MACK' T.% N. the aknowgt
le•.td!leadernt ('ii<ar.. FI I.I. Ii10E$w CL•K
VLD (.ULI. '1-ul(ACl V In nor ..aim (..end tits
In Imported Cigars a number of Leading Brands.
AT -
A large and well assorted stock of the LATEST STYLES o f
Spring and Summer Millinery.
Please call and inspect. No trouble to show goods.
Spring MIIIInery
Will t ike place on
Tuesday and Wednesday, April 1st and 2nd, 1890.
Thede entre will allow Ladies to leave their orders in time to secure their .HATS aaA
BONNETS inrlt. 14*.
frioaret. iespeetlon of our (bard. wad Styles. which Inaode all the latest taor-
491 3n.
MISS E. BOLAND, Rest Rtnet.
it .11 harm • grand opeaiag on
when she will •how a large and varlet aasortmeat sf
Comprising Straw Hata, Flowers, Lace(`, Ribbons, .to., stn. Her
Spring Stock is now complete is all branches. Special attention
is directed to her line of
At 50 cts. each. Good Quality at s LOW FIGURE.