The Huron Signal, 1890-5-2, Page 5• MI JOHN AOtu±SON SPECIALTIES For Today, Tomorrow & Next Wook Black Satin Merveilleua, 85c. per y'd ; regular price, $1.25. LADIES' RIBBED UNDER -VESTS ! 20c. each ; very Cheap. Cream ora. TTet For 124c. per yard ; Taped Edge. We have every facility that money and brain's can procure to introduoe into our stook GOODS at BOTTOM PRICBS. Tl e above lines are worth your attention. JOHN ACHESON. ARISE ANO SHINE! (iodericb. April !Sub. lieu. To THe Prtette : This is to certify that 1 have used the Furniture Pulirb prepared by C. I'. Goode td .et'rel > ears, sod and t superior to mit oi her l have ever tri Anyone cal nee it sed it the simple directions are followtd it will iwc,rrd in restoring Iorsiture. pian. caeee.etc., to their original polish every time. Everyone rho told we it during hour• eM.i.iorr JNO. HItItPHY Fu.ouure Dealer. LARGE BOTTLE FOR 25cts. THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, MAY `, 1890. MURDERERS OW GUN ALL ELECTROCUTION8INDEFINITELY POSTPONED. It .Iudg. Wallace Mad Wawa SWUM &.mai- ler Would Now 1d. De.d - *Kerney M.ewaa Ueellu.•. t. Tell WM ray. Mao Whoa M. tamps Abut Cho Low. At:■car, April M. -Jud Wallace, who -'wood the writ of balsam corpus and there- by di.el.pnluted the .dentists sal delayed Emend, 'r drum, .aplains bis action as fot- ••Yestrr4ay • reputable lawyer tome before me and said that he waft -tang for K.tnml.r'r Buffalo counsel 1. appear'ts. for a writ of Lah.as corpus for Witham Krwrtuler, c u- dswued to wager the .xtnawe penalty of the law by electricity, iu violation of the clause la the ebeatiWtiva prohibiting say punka - mist of r. cruel and inhuunan nature. The application was made to a United States -oust, as Learing upou • United States cou- .1it.ult.,nei provision. ••Thr p.liuw was incomplete in one of It• detail.," ciestinued Judge Wallace: 'tit did tet bra Kemmles•a signature. However, here war a luau cos iMnnsd to die --perhaps already the as.te.os of the lower coin t had bow execute& 11 seamed peculiar to no. al•u fust such applitstlan bad not been mete .at her. 1 he parties could have done wt two Int title. ago tasted of waiting till the lest he neLt--tarhaps even until a Unto when a w. it of bateaa ci rpus would he of no 1....:.t to the party in . w bone interest ■t• phi, et esu was suede. •'1 hold grant • writ of two nature., one returuaL e to me Imnae.tiately outride of the euti t. mad another r, t:tr'nabie at , the next term of the Circuit Court to are held in Jule at Canandaigua I rc..oh'ed, despite the ir- regular nature a th., petition. to grant the writ rt:urnabh, at the regular term of Lite rou:rt. and signed the saute, but del not affix the judicial rel ,•TLis writ, in its jileoniplete form. 1 sent to the Clerk of the feted States Circuit Court of the Northern I/strict t.f New York at Utica, math a letter of uwtructi ei to bun U, proceed d to Auburn and ,attsf y Mined( Dye Stuffs, Horse & Cattle Medicines that the petition for tee appluat,on of the writ was regular and in de In due form. and 1f se, to s•,-ure Ketitteler'saigintur• t•• tar - petition and to attach the judicial seal to the ur.t, caking the iustrummea% operative. ) "This, I presume. Les been done. but I ami out io•n••taally aware of the face and I d,•e,re 4 thi.t nothing; 1.e amid o1 this matter tutilepeel live information has been treeiv,si twit ell Matra boil have been (-televised with," FINE PRESCRIPTION WORK. W. C. GOODE, ALBION BLOCK CSI3EMIST_ ETC. DU SGANNON. had the lama le tree •01 . bed of my tsar. ledge, information and behalf WILL/All K tttttt.sa Swore to befen sr tale Iltah day of Aped. 1.011: lk lk MCNtut, notary pabltc, °Wigs musty. - 1 istervlswesd Attorney Roger M. Mbar * .bo as the whoa world knows* optimal Juane Walhice's retieseme ally the seen of the kswyet s.auri g the reagdts, ls nomWle acting for 1„•mmler but le paid by Gems us- known taknown chews "Wbo is your client in this case, Mr. Selo` Maar 1 asked. "Keiw lar " h. replied "But`irrb i has employed your' "That 1 atm not at liberty to .sate. It was not the W Company . they had teething to do with the case at alt "Are you dole( it for glory r "No, 1 am nut Yue mud remember that them are 'even! prisoners In Slut; Sing and 1'liuteal awaiting artateuoe for murder and H 1 eau get Ketuwirr Ire. -ani a favorable dr ew,n would do tbie-they would gu free under the sane ruling." "The writ was grant* don the question of the . lily a the law. At first !guru it looks as 11 the question naiad was the same as the Court of Appeals had already pealed upon, but them is a natural differ- ence. The Court of Appeals says in its derision that the only question it decides 6 the eowtttutiuttallty of the law of 1,RtK iroviding for electrical execution under the State law The court beta that the question whether 11e law imposed a cruel and unusual punlabnwent u. • legislative and not a judicial question of facts on the evidence taken to a extent on that wbjeet. The writ of baleen (' 'pus is not tnteland to waive the .luratk,n tauter the State constitu- tion. The federal courts have no jurtelietina over that quediew. 11s oojsct is to determine whether the law violates the eighth and four- teenth 1 is. the federal constitu- tion. The eighth (..ntslu+ the same proviw.•Is forbidding cruel and inhu- man puni.lun.-ut fee (-rune as that contained in the state constitution. "The f.xorteeuth provides that no state „Call panne rnfur .any law &bri.11t- tremnorowe • Front emir own e. n 1. usedmg, gardening and pnliticaare the Nm. C..rrey !as ineremo•d his lent i 7 principal topics here at eat , the purchase ..f about half au mere friar. Mr Simon Pentland, eon of Mr Tho. j Wei. McVettie. Pentland. occupied the pulpit of Rev A. 1 Mr Cautelon is fencing in the mill Putter here net last S.bbath. I v.rd Trio y.rJ tree •rgi rally part Mr Walters, of Uoderieh• was through Mr Cantelou'. firm and returued to, bin here last week on a visit lc' his daughter. • when the Doll was renamed. 'Ira Wm. Varner and Lowly, Fenner* err hretti. well on with thei E=•reeve Chas. Glrvin has pureharrd awe In hcr.. It Las boob a good *peon. InepectnrTout's driving mare. He a; fur work. ,,leased with hie purchase, as she same j The a:.chin fe.er a tn.rchirf 111 s to suit him to a knock down. ; sont.ru•.,ty. Meeh interest i• tsasi:vat- The monthiv meeting of the directors . ad 111 the tw.hwri.t/nm •o ►,e iretu to float. - f the West Wawanwh Mutual Fire l..neh OU the Lth u,st wearier Co. will be held in the court i bole cocoa holds it• rl•artetly mrr•- r Nom here on Tuesday, May Gtb. ilex here err Solidly m.•n.ing. Nile has We are informed that, owing ht propi 'ores 300 member. more They are deet - tioue weather, quits ■ number of farmers ly tooter' -ted in the couuing camp. :n this hash's, are through seedier,. Mr A state. of Mus %%Atone.. ey•uprli.., Diaher beimt the of the tire, if not first, died soddenly :tomtit. , Roth ult. TO hnish. tin Wednesday of last week an em DUNLOP ployee of Mr (le•.. Horne, ('ran.for'l, From our own . nerved J. S•eele, had the M.•1• rens 1.. M,...ces hold the f .rt es our c,mmura- ine* • putt of one of his digits by\. 'rhes ck committee are no the hop ,omieg in contact with the ahintle ten lu.g t . a unwher of cares. One .•1 machine. ( the little 1..:k• and two cases of person - Mr G. S. Woods, principal in oUT nesting the end of their teens are haul. s •2.ticol. owing to larup•siu•• was un- • rather a renew, rano of it; the utter able to perform hie doom, and in copse- !cases are pnogrrIsung fairly well. morn of which school was closed fora List week tae sawmill started up short time. Havin•,e Ioeconte somewhat *tam for 18i0 le real good earnest, with • t he u again .1 work. a full at.6..1 hand*, a number of whom A meeting will be held in this village, were employed In cutting and pilus m Friday, Nay 2nd, at 7:30 p.m., for staves. The rapid wino es of the big saw the ourpn*e of app'•inting delegates to sire guided gracefully by W. Morrish, u reprea.nt voters in th►s municipality at head sawyer , J Pennehaker, tail set" the Reform cententi•tn to be held to ver: and engineer, J. deftly, Wm, tiuderich. on Monday, Nlay 5th, at I Neibergall is at his old pest as bits tiers ,clock p.m. A good attendance is re- manager, *hied he has Ito ably tilled fate *tactfully solicited. the past eight years for hia father, Oen A pleasant evening was spent on WAJ- Nelbeergsll, who, since he has purchaari. nesdty Ina et the residence of Mr. Thos the sawmill, hiss extruded cur (nmhee Pentland, of Asbhetd, the occasion hr• trade, shipping large orders to various ing a marriage ceremony to wheh his places to t)wane. daughter, Nue Mary Pentland. and Mr. He Auto til. *:c' A few days eyf., .1. Erwin were united in the b,.n,ls of Me Geo ',dorm vets tat tiarbraid seining Rev. A. Potter, &..rated his brother Joseph, and ft's now likely by Rev. W. F. Campbell, tied the nun- :the latter intends going with the former tel knot. We extend our hearty con ! on hi. trip to D,kota, ozonised ssver.l tnt°lations tc the rung couple, hoping oaks ago In Tar. i1'•NAI.. Both are Ro- the, will have at. end ,yable and pr .epos tut to rake a t.o months holiday from oto .oico. their fame. The latter will alai view Division Court was Laid here ort $attar- Manitoba and see• hip eon Edwin, who a 11110 day,26th ult., when a large attendauceof settled there. Each on his ntuii will :rwreeted pastier, u well as those '.1 the be able to give a gond account of the class called spectators, was present. treat wheat fields of the 1'nit.d 4 )wiog to want of time a number of came States and Canada. For many years was traversed to belt meetInt of C••urt. Nr Joseph Morris tans grown some Ilia'HumorJudge Doyle presided. Two of the lastest crops of fall wheat •.f the legal fraternity of Lotckoow, were in this township, preparing the present, ss also, two from G•derich. We ground for it with every care and rules - presume that people bringing such frivol vstton, and at lea true be goes will therai n full wave on the h nettling maunder- prairie and may then we whleb *the hest Judje \Valise* dal not give the name of the lows• : who has been instrumental ii re- cur/mg curing the rr.pite for I.eutmler, brit he .p.ke sl•wly and temperate. l_ a- a ran a ho :s say- ing all he feria can he t:.:•!. The petition for the wit 4.1 wee. niep tic, made nnh-r meetings ::oi o• :O.; of too Reeked Htaiutrs of the United Stetetm, :. at follows To the Jedges of fee Circled Cow/ ,.f 15.• ("Alf,/ Mates for the Northern Ih.trr't of .Nce Fedi The petition of William K..a.0 l r respect- fully shows: }lest -That 1. in a einem of the United States and 1+ deprived of his liberty by flexed,• F. 1/unsex'. agent and o.ar.irn of Auburn j1 -iron at Auburn, in the ,-tad north- er Watt -wt. tat New York. who thn-atens and is t.Is ut to put bent. rid Krmmtrr, to death by cower i to pas. through the tads of how, the said K.•.ntuler, a eu.rent u[ eleetrw.ty of 1011h not out^natty in tee opmaxl .•f maul I)ur•tnn to ...awe ,loath. and that he, the mid K.:touter, is thus bell in eu.t,aly :as.( de - Ing the privileges and ituunluiti,,'-1 citizens of the United States, and it mei pr,•vides: 'Nor shall any i»-r...n be deprived of life. liberty . r propert without dowr ta.a'. ..w.r,mf the I.' There 1tisiextr. of the federalcuntittit1,11, an•l tai•- nuts of l'ung'e+, 10+.41 to enforce them. ,•in.:.ower the 1'ircwt lLuer of the United State, to inquire whether a state. law is a viulaUen of three provisions, as an independent and original question." Mr. Sherman further mid: ••Notwith- siatsling that the Court of Appeals has de - tinned to pans judicially upon tlw guete eon Mother the evidence taken prove, that this punsdtment is ernel the fedi ra1 ,I courts are bound to nter tnitw the queetiof It has not yet been judicially decided that is or i cruel in fat crel It is my expectation that the federal court. will h consider autevrlenoe as may he adduced on that point. and if they differ fn n the Lrgielature and determine that 11 is a cruel as well Otto unumual iwuiahe hleent they will M- aitre the law I awl dtw•targ.• him under the writ." ••What will are the result if the Inw „ pr'o' bounced unconstitutional!- ••Kenmtler will go fret. Precisely that same questi n bee been decided by the ('curt of Appeals. If the electrical execution lawus is utt stained Ken nil,•r can stalk forth from .V,.I.uru prison c.od no one say ban n*v." 1111. writ had n o, h -•:i nowt yesterday 'Centiliter would hevo Men beyond the reach of legal protest \Vnr,leu leirst•n hart de- cided et have the k,llintt o eeur t.tween J' _ p.m. TL, slay anti t;' , n.111. Wedne..lay. The W. ACHESON & SON DRY GOODS. We uaouace m the oepiale arrival of our .toes of SUMMER DRY GOODS. OHBALL-WOOL OHALLIES, 1• the toast 1--daome drama* cod shade. produced. N a. r oiled fast milers. HANDSOME DRESS COSTUMES and DRESS GOODS, $•west trimu,iuga W usto match Jt A rause of BLACK GRENADINES, iia uutuu and PI I1 111141 bought at • little o,er half pews. FRENCH KID GLOVES, Itlaak and colored. Complete NINE BUTTON SUEDE GLOVES, to Llack amt (awaitAU uses. THREE VERY SPECIAL LINES OF WHITE QUILTS. SHEETINGS, WHITE & GREY COTTONS, AT LOWEST PRICES 1!J GODERICH. preset of l.o, liberty ammo his will awl in Anal tet of the ,:i.luratts had learn du ccs ,i•{at.uu of ton( e .1,41.4.1in o''t f t!.e ole. The wr.nl.:. exec a sp right - United States. ly cult oabout1 at :a,) peun1. 1•, for G'r 1•oad-Thr (arta, vestment log thr&teut in- death chitin' icor, and wit lout the pre: iminr arie of him, sail Kemmlcr, sod the claim .'r air of plattingon the five (severing gave him a thorny by virtue o f v. tech be far,.i•teint d shock from the elynuuuo. The animal went are ae (ohne.: 1Ie ion. c.wv:tied ir1 the over as if he wan a hog. Not a wound. not a ('oare ed flyer and T. 'meter of the c.•wity tremor. Ile r r was like .aifrown. Even the of l -j- iu the State , f New York, of the eyes wive no signs of lou. but simply stoat crane of murder in the first degree. axn- ,0.i11. mittt4 late 1..t. 1•`*: and a trnrrant ba- The gement' rem...urns of opinion a't'om; besethomed mein thej':dt.ment of .nod yen- the lanl• wyer+ Mer.. is that Keen•r stoat, victimU. tadlours'• a, au-..intin; the week very Idtiie show of getting oro. His stay at b u within a ho,coleus" .u.t 1.• rx•euted, the iso t. simply a tem perary suspension of ti (r*nlan'1 III aid 1'tirdon todo et e.uit , l sentt t1.* and to the end t!:,• hi;tbs•at court of upon *woe dee des w itLin the gaudw,-•k he eau. - %he Intl eat decile in favor of ehctr,etty. inz to pesos Riming!' tl :• 10.1y of hint. the Keiniul•r did not kw.... shit an attempt t. raid Wilhelm h•mm- mk•r, a ereht d el.tn d alae - has 5 -are awall to 1.- made. The total o n lit a od sof irwtit uutenrity to t*p n drath and to that .0 ct war, t4kt•:t 10 amu Ly t�iwt the apl.lieatiou of met current of deo-- Uurstss, ales simply' t old him to o„ii !to trinity be continued until be, the rat•l Wil- name to 11. la to Kemml•r, be dead. Saiweek expires weeexpires on the 3rd slay of May, lek10. s SHOT INA POLICE COURT. Tarot -The only authority of law for !aid A Hen.phi. N onia Kilts Iler husband arrtte,Ite WPM Mid conviction i. a ,tatute of et. 11e Manr Mand. In the tek. toe !tate of [es. York. elapter Ceti, of the Mr:'te•we. April :ill. -Jake ..ek'-, mon, n lees of testi. entitled. ".Vn Aet to amen.. nobelxu. 'Lief. highwayman mil train Wu: e:ie.n1 4:11. 4141, :et:, :.n I. tete, :Irl, :n17.:e&e , rot -,leer, wan arrested Mon4ay night ehar..nl (ICluf the (axle of 1'rituinsl Pns•wture in with wife bating. Tots nu:.rnin when ale• retie 'tin U. the in$iet:on id' the death penalty care was ealk'.l in pollee ...net the primmer and to provide nwsuia for flu, tuna -non of and his wife were 'nailing aide by wile. such fealty.- Ackerman make to I.. r and handed her a 1'.:rrtls - Said stntute is in conflictWilli taw written r,-. tired for clean rioter?. TM cnr,di:i.otn of the Unite.' State., in that the w„nein Len, L.•r newt f.s an mallet to hien• H'ZNE LIN FNB %V. lav ite tea to call and we our goods tai priers. General Groceries. W. ACHESON & SON. I iglu : t Tice ',kid for liutter and taus. LOOK HERE ! LOOK HERE ! NEW FI E M. � Ii W GOODS • vv I . .�irl?��' en=1 T ,...t oped ons • GROCERY and RRAKI.ItY oe Kingston Street, and are eft -tire Dm gasa. in NEN BLACK. Uk11.N sed JAPAN 'Titer.. t 01.4EK+, FItt 11S. el I/ARS Mc. All kinds of !Lala •M. iaM. t OKLA V. ri oma TAmCY cease AND saris:,LWeze OM ZAND• tint) the beet material lewd in all . sowerof Pelting e. a•1 turned ...1 in a shape lo suit Ike •beret f•atio*,us palate. WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY. Itotterand Eggs taken in r*cban.e kir Il•sod•. ('111 nn! exult, a n r 'tae/:. floods de- livered to any part of town on abortest ext-stblr tuner. puLil:,u.u•i impee d thcr.1.y is ere,' nil Whit he hn l ars•ty anti (heti wituoat tenni unto -Ital. is, that t!t•retry the oriel state itig drew a rev ,Ivor 1..,tit bele-nth her alai.lges the privile;•es nod iminun,t..is of ; and lir kerbing . inl.l iwithin hin, few hire. the .aid KefnnlIot, In Lin exempt fr .as lled cr. ' ilei unusual puauhuaent Ger crines•. the trigger. Hefore m.yote roup in - 1 .:.!i-tiald statute, moreover, i, in e.xt- torten, sip. deed two moue shot, at Acker - (•(r M • w th the oad to:i•n ill of the Pet man who had fail. n to th 11'1"1. and was Met wrtttttsg in n r•ny. An hour later be war Moto. to float the pun:. lrnc nt smitten' there' by deprives him. the sail Ktennul•r, of leo life diad. A, kyrt.nn had ...weed in ttrnite.tiar without dee panties* of law, not only In this, i 1, is leer date.. Ifo+ ,',oleo were very las cases into court would evince some ...wary*, ; n n that the said awtlnwl of 'tat mg hire to death numerous, lie ern` wnntr.l nt (►neha f... ,ommon sense y is unlawful, lett alto in thin that the judicial the robbery of Merge:es silk dory. (Ir. woreemodnes between themselves and he system - his or the our sickAmericas - off growing isuntL,n of fixing tlr• e1.te he uatlu u A,'krrsaa''.xn" from n family more nofiled in the end. wheat. Already our sick committee u,...„4,1111of t'am.Iem, fM. Sb" ha• tenet tot yeah rt p tb•r•Ly taken ('toll tate rnurt .te c4 aur 1 The funeral of the late Miss Janet totting a medicine chest reedy for the uo rn exacuure .1l r or bona moot -tem inmate of rartrnw leonlx tbroumfisoruac tan Rutherford, daughtertIVa of Nr fnhn travellers, not fbrari:int • beetle tar e11 tnls;iptte npnn Wein otwl•anal awl unse ....entry but alwgtva a staunch friend d her V of our ter•famed ts,nie, en that they can hualanrl, nr.twithdan'lint his ''flet treat Rutherford, West Vawano she near St, eouutatek taotr•. 1j1at ,tar killed him, she says, brueI ehn Helens, took place un Tues.'s', 'xltb put to dight any ailment flat may beset �, f Umuftil ' tse tilt. Her remains, escorted by s very theta t n their too'. \'nor peti'.itner IT 2232 fro WHITELY & KiNG, 61 N .- f. i\ r . UUUKRICH. THE NEWEST OF THE NEWI In a few days hence 1 will he preearee: to ... ort how u Complete Altna t' with all the New t. Effect. in 11.e different depar.ents. GLOVES, FINE HOSIERY A N D As real, will be a Noticeable Future. i feel that I have wen 1Le ('nnGd. n.. of the Public. and ail% do no utmost to retain .' and will ususeevery Ieglti.watrnue•an,+iia Mae YuUn• )attafatt' to sl: fit uring Inc rill h the io,& pat rt,'. I still stet .tlesye will adhere W the I Acknowledged Honest Principle of having Goods Marked re a a. farad b 1"."14.1 moils"' her it tar got out. - nen nu1W wfot*miri and h* deteotlnu oiler large eoittege of eorro.unt relatives, the warned aforesaid are now void and of uo 1 Illy Myer. Knock. 'but Hopper. friends and acquaintanoee. were interred This is to mortify that Mr E. Hodtkies force or validity and trays that this bettor- Mil aroma. Va., April 34 -It took Billy in I)ungannein oemetsry. R or Mr An- lowered, to the entire estiafacttoe of all au., ,.curt do forthwith Mow the writ of Myers. the Illinois 4 y,lone, Z miniere to derson, poster of St. Helens 1'renby the performers, the pitch , of the piano ha how. orpus to tk. mitt ('barter 1'. ihtrwwn, ka,sdt out i&ek floppier. The kir,ck.wt blow titian church, co,dueted the .•bsegnies used at the rendering of "Under the tiered ares w•anlvn asateeemld, Pequiring him reline sullenly and snrprtrrad the local aortaai in a very impre.ve manner. The Paine" to within a few waves ' 1 half a to t•nalitee the hndy of him, mid W lllam Hopper had the longer meek and seemed bereaved parents, sisters and brothers tone, an that the instrument might be in )•mater, bider* tbiee Ui't$tennr• time to be mach the tetter porter, though his b.ow. have the sincere sympathy of the cots concert with the pipe organ ; and that desirjuau•I in said writ, awe to ,abide wluat larked puel.hteg pow. -r. Then were several munity in their sad efilie.iat. with so evenneesoltemperament and pre- shall be awanle.l by Wad ,•.tart 111 the hundred perr'et` present. The fight was for Asreviousl annnuced, Rev W. F. °*ion in pitch which sneak highly for Am 1Dst 1"ra 10 roArgl Queenst,uwinner rT rules, the winr ter pp y h , skill as a f'aw toner T., all re pairinx p, p,l *t tlxe unset1111'shetpeve VOW H waw. tele 7'i and the Inner 'S'. per emir(4 the wet Campbell delivered the lecture on for 1 bis nervine* in thin eapamty, 1 san once 'Trifle.," on Friday ed last week In the to t .tw met nt add wain the .til of ser- receipt, times we., veiled doth Methodist church Th. reverend gentle -do linnet cheerfully reenmmead him. tlr-,rt to tee 1:o ml. of I leer and Terminer ,tf netted flyer.' taiv snowed many red inertia Mao advanced some FraGtieal, useful and awn t 1 , Watts. the manly of Brie, ani tie- clerk thereof. He seta 1 .1 stiff inure front the opening std untellitent ides* on the eehjae•, whish Moir -Master, North -et Meth. Church. ,.on,,nan'iing it or him (orwlth to ratify 1., began to rnalt ht. nein haul He Imaged wan very attractive, and if acted upon (itadan"h, Apel RRnd, }(f00 tart 1 ireuit trust Of the United Niotea true away at Hopper and .u.ldanty shod his right more R.n.r.Ily would resell is eau•tietg coplmof the 1pJIIPubesi. recons. render. arra out bard, landing .p.nre ori the paint Of • hither et/indeed of morel and tel' Other references -Nr C. A. H,mber, 1 in old court remaining under Hopper's chin. and the New Yorker wens hfe to society. Ile 111e whole the looter* Mr H. Spetres &.d Dr. 1. Ridmtdaoa. sr by virtue of wbtlt'h islet William Kenimler down gave general e.liehatien in all premed. *now rlrprl' ed et his liberty by arise of I 11144011 'a t' There was a fur eedissea % Ai.' Wm. Messer and sib •td their lath, said .oust. Allyl yes petitioners well Wer Mowy.awl. April :et.- Two thousand per into enn*iderettns the beet' time of year.da Afar Cot• fdltaevl• cow •t Ham May etc eras Ailed Windsor Hall this aftwearms alive The pastor n Rey A. Potter, retitled over the meettrtgdose, at the use of wheal • ue.aisaoss tied hearty vote of that!, was teedersd tc the l et.rsr. in Plain Figures and Strictly One Price. SMALL WARD=S DEPARTMENT ite• Iteres a laeire tar tat Attention. %UTI: to al) the reel. 2004 ail ..,o,il� 1,1 ilia! Ii,pirtmrut 1r.:,K she kt.t Tall oak: lion. adorns !trite.... ALEX. MUNRO, Drapor and Hal;rrdxnho:'. OHNSTON CAREY Inc;. to Intorno :hr 1'.- . . et t:u.leri.• 1 s-14 V twit* that Lc has Enlarged and Greatly improved .x , • Won resewtly tc new an os111i&t with re- eno'w rN l'syt+na, as. -111111110.E rn- esxtvneatk,n rot Welkin university. Use facial- rz to Cores rye, whish Iwo Wee trot*. i Mt, Lein, •only selene say.: 1 'm Os pill tin nt law. whom aid wt mitag for IM her rosea .he had the nineehs l..t flan' .teal r is. the feamMs ; 1 int time in lie Wharf elf tr ttAa Mater. love read the mare sad hen M Aglker: 1 lard Pirsakey .a.N•ed ride(' e d D.C.L Me Store later' oe,npi••.l i0. .1 iltlydoek 1: Cu., making it 0118 of the Best EH1pp8d Shoe Scores in the county, where he intends to carry on tl,n Y,a,)t dr Shot.bu flue` ,w n1I it., various Lratleltcs, vv nelcs� le c Raril_ f,!" Boats Si. Shoes trade to Measure, :.nal Repairing neatly executed. Stop tb t CHRONIC COUGH NOw! I Yew 11 roe An not It may Deanna eeen- eumpti,e. For ( fterefishi. General T$4Wp and We N. Drsee.rs, there Is Dotklat 1111. 800Tf'S EMULSION Of Petro Cod Liver 011 and HYPOPHOSPHITE$ ,f Lias.* Mos d /orae._ 11 1s atm".t a. ,.alasanle AA milt ear totter than other r..allad Emulate'.. A wonderful 'sell pn,deesr. scowl; BNULOION fe pier •sp to a traumas ed.r . r.pprr. ••err wad tri lav lie,ewra•. /lord eF e11 D•wleras ori s'...wd AMOR 1101111' a flew s r_ '.lava.. ::t; -y A COPARISOR! "I Advertise in The Signal," "I Don't. ,Vhfriisc la T LiE Signa 1. The Sid, nal " for the remainder of 1890 for 7E.c. Subscribe at once.