The Huron Signal, 1890-5-2, Page 3N it le pea � ea A. wad b. heseiltag 1 Maim our OsYlereis best- diedSista hat sever. .4 deal d tis. Several t 4. N stay a fair lieges to a mid the ted thieve the pis Ithy nodi- aoil an al- ma. More Africa, and h a dgreo order pre, pip• e► re r, as large e fueled is he seal io- ta as (atrial e raised fle :e Eris e.-' and rocky IN he just t sod bask a out or a this way. , it is sham - mess might adthe la- the .tart. ▪ regularly . It would business. Alit a seal very cold o f WOWS- Theywill th. eddie roia, ass* are many ad by law. it is warm months fa could be , to which a they most woold be ?rosea over. ..r from 1b 1 come to sr op, the td not hoe widest/ of no sugars mothers on and Cans - o to misled - oaeti . other die - shed. Act food purify - tars, which c•riag .11 . e, kidney. Fatly Sam mail present oral to his smiths op- s sod there el to get op, the sadness coma' face n a round- s from his imt.d Sam, rr spoke a The good - smile sad I'm a W bat and the million ne, is going nl fashion is built for 9 esidt that armed some- ' craft. Mr It is an im- s ver with a Lina double 1 room and besides hit- •' quarters. aisbed sad rt sod e000 - n s models two power - water it is lain s speed now being sad will b. . time Mr family and in fell fortis a Belfast had drunk "0ft.. 1' mouths T' It might be s the broa- dest irrita- moved, may p'ar remedl 7 Pectoral, eapeetot- z stiles deep Isle the • p lcei feet higher It two mil - aid be sub - b. lard'. Liai- stsbl•, I tag I knew Ire rm. that • bag reeem- J. L R. it the best have ewer Maio.resy • • THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1Rl0. TRANSATLANTICIDVICES. ARR1V4l 011 VICTORIA AT i11AARMSTADT. • r.e,rb.t Hers..', threes -TM .kt.pee- eLlaa's MYM.ry ti,M.--aunt Theme ...esseei -the s+..et we as an- aremev-lees t. ata.ry M lorw.esls. Beaus, April 96.-Qseea Vios.ria arrived at Daminatedt today. She woe received at He newsy Mello. by the mrMtpal eethari- t e ass other psomir+t o Maolate A guard es honor was also pretest .ad mAt•d Her 1184101. QsrsNh Tear. Patna, April !d. -TM orale ma wbieb (Ureot was traveling from Ajeo oto, Corsica, was psevested from reachhg Mode os dor by the deraiMsat of the trate preceding it. At Corte, 31 .dam southwest of B•sUa, M. (:areae received Use mtmkip•t authori- ties He mode an address, in which be con- gratulated them that the dissuasions is Conk* hed.odd sod that only • Preach posey *alMd by patriutte rammed. The was Ill ally cleared, and wises tis rer*fad Mantas he was weioamed Oa lstmasa. crowd An Italian naval .evaders IJfai ht the harbor frod a salute in honor d p the oldeat aoeeaed by the akepterldna. April m. -The i2kupteckma triune, ed • bill introduced by tar Govern - retaining ter military purposes one twesti.tk at all the moseys received by direct oaexafios until $00,000 has been 1. It has also voted $100,000 for e.tabli.bteg a new powder factory. Bank eater.,. Psnt.hed. Lott DOS , April SI. -Three Americans, vias fb.ir nam. as Prank Lackner, W il- Sm1H and ('hark :Lobinn.0, were to- t orf , to rob Bank (lark stone of • beg containing L.1UD0 worth .if cheeks, mots and gold, and sentenced to 17 mo.He' f t The Trowels Reverse is Dahomey. Peau, April a -t)tdriial &spat -ins con- firm the report of a Preach reveres in Dahomey. un white MOD was killed and 9D native allies were wounded. The Antipodean Floods. Brower, SAW.. April 2,( -Tb• flood camel by the overflow of the Derain; River is subsiding. A fund has beau u,amed for the bso.at of the ..Borers by the flood. The Mame' D.maad.. Pasts, April2L-Tbs'S1 Etienne Miners' Cosgrrm has resolved to demand • working day d eight hours sed saltorm wages in all msBhries and if theme Oman& were not com- plied with to strike on May Day. TM Dish Porters' rarlke. Coss, April 9S -The railway porters' strike is spreading to other towns. The situ - attoo is serious. Whipped by Si. Loots, April 'A -Advice. from the Ciddismw Patio. my • large bud of Wkim- mlp ..Wed • wide section of the erotism e[ ths rwesrvatbo last night, whipped • d mase and gave tb.m notice to quit Nation `five days. A number of other who were not whipped were notified iove in ten days. Never Te. Las. to Wed. HAT'S LAltn1'O, April 9s -Robert Barnes, aged 76 years, was married today to lira Sallie Smith, aged 99 years, of Atlantic City. Many relatives and friends were present and the happy couple tripped the light fantastic to old-time music. Killed by a Teat. PncagtuNG. April 11a -Mrs. John Ludgate, about e0 years old, was killed to - Uy by s Grand Trunk train thia•ntormooa walking on the track Jule east of the 8be loves a b wbasd and two daughters. A Tease Cyelose. Atsrnr, Tee., April 93. -The little town of tyle, 9D mils south of here, was visited by a cyclone Yat night and many houses 1 and several swept away. Several persons were Injured but none Another c.P.a.rare y. W urneo., April 20. -Another Canadian Pacific Railroad surveying staff ie in town. It le reported that they will .er.n a read to A from • point co the C.nediem Pad& Ileilway dose to Windsor. ■Saar's taaameat relieves %esralpa. The Teacheri Who advised ler pupils to strsegthse Ilek alai by the use of Ayer's Oar- appreci.td w truth Het hes b 1. a..sattal to metatal viper. For persons of delicate sad Sothis esawaallos, whether yosa or old, this madMfas in remarkably le.eddal. ito use yes get Ayer's Mrs.MetUo. " )tigrr,J spring and tall 1 tats a nam - her of Manse of Ayer'. Sarsaparilla, and am tanked." - Mrs. James Ii. Tr..ian. Stessksa, Mas. I Dave takes Ayer's Sarsaparilla with great hesetlt to my vassal hmiltb .' • -1ft.. Thine L. Cr.z•r, Palmyra, Md. "101!' daughter, twelve years of sage, hassudered trot, We Wry de They Advertise T The man who conducts his business on the theory that it doesn't pay, and he can't afford to advertise, sets up his judgment in opposition to that of all tee best business men in the world. With a few years' in otndoctiog a small business on • few thousand dollars capital, he assumes to know more thousands of men whose hourly ions aggregate more than bis dt• is. year, and .ho have made their mil- lions by pursuing a course that he says doesn't pay. 1f .dvertisinz doesn't pay, why is it that the most successful of every town, large and small, are aha heaviest advertisers 1 If advertisiot deems: pay, who dose the most boos.ssi It it doesn't pay to adrsrt's., shy do the heaviest busio sa firms in the world ap•.l millions in that way? Is it bemuse t want to donate those minima of dollen to the and magasins publishers, or because they don't know as mach about boldness as the ldz-for-s- dollar 'S '' in • ooentry town, who says money spent in advertising is thrown away or donated to the men to whom it is paid 1 Soeh talk is simply rioiaelous. and it requires more than the ••rage petwoes to disuse tbe propoei- of whether advertising pay or oot ith that kind of mar.. Ilii eom- t self -.meek in ssnmine that ha news mor. than the whole titaness world is lasgbabls, ..d aoudads es of mu who proved t0. world doesn't ve by planing • p.mpkis on a sed Baines it s11 siabt. -Prise,- rehears. Prise►rehear•. year tronaPast J • General Debility. A few weeks sham, we began to give her Ayer's Sana 'la. Her health lam neatly Impeove" -Mrs. Harriet H. �.1 Battles, South Chelmsford, liars. "About a year ago 1 began using Ayer's Sarsaparilla as a remedy for debility and neuralgia resulting from malarial exposure Is the army. I was in a very bad coodltlon, but six bottles of the s Sar- saparilla, with occasional dosof Ayer's Pill., have greatly improved my health. 1 ion now able to work, and feel that I cannot say. too much for your excellent remedies. ' - F. A. Piukbam, South Moluncus, ode. " My daughter, sixteen years old, is using Ayers sarsaparilla with good ef- fect-' - Rev. 8. J. Graham. !'sited Brethren Church, Buckhannun, W. Va. ",1 suffered from our mai Mho. Are some .1 yore tan Mlle to resew her .l1 the boa .ti.M.eiessst. t Mill ora some Saes abs aim Marred et whim he wee • little boy ; it i. ee.1$'s short emirs of the (`,omalasdneeet. : 1: Theo .halt not have more oe4 but taw 1 Mere as idol bow the boor. Nervous Prostration, with lame back and headache. and Dare been much besetlted by the u.e of Ayer's 8arwparills. 1 am now SD years of and am satisfied that mypresent health and prolonged life are due to the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla." - Lucy Moffitt, Hillingly, Conn. Mrs. Ann H. Farnsworth, a lady 79 ears old. So. Woodstock, Vt., write. : "After several weeks' suffering from nervous 1 procured a bottle of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and before I bad taken half of It my usual health returned." Ayer's Sarsaparilla, • Dr. J. C. Ayer k Co., LowelIi Mus. Pries $1; Hs betties. 9*. Worth Pia Louie* Nice Cottage i 10.tMbtMritweaar To Rentj>rle`.ta:1:.'rt.i, Another Cottage 'i nor' n..l. .-.r,�er.a,Ylwtteo To Rent a patter, ,read Many i rul • • wee Seat may 14.311. 1'roe.rtWe to rest or Otheri to r, ..bo. MONEY To Lend'ra"�. very bus 3. Take not the name of God in vaio. 4. Nor dare :he Sabbath day pro- fane. 5. Give both thy parents honor due. 4. Take heed that you no murder do. 7. Abstain from words and deeds uo- cretin. 8. Nor steal though thou art poor and mean. 9 Nor male • wilful lie nor lore it 10. What is thy oelghbor's do Dot oov.1 -Exchange. 'sours your y La the London cone corporatists IEastandl 1.- ,•ouf Are You t e te*unchrntd A.U. 171 -ase ooespas Insured ? 1.-• f r; t -Claim ,.or1d Canadian l7omptats also iv premed. ed. -prer.rt- ed. Inose liberally .4. t.&.teal and prompt!) paid. VA: Iy. SEALER, Agent at Goderich. W_>,421..N .� ..� Men to tot r onlrr■ for N,.rerry ,.w. -k. on elslary ur 4 on, nu..f,.n. i can [Hake • rucct art u SALESMAN 01 501 Mr who will work and follow ■tnhli.ae. Wall furni.b harnlo,ne uulat fasa/'IraitF SOW Irian, .,r c..m.tlrwa .very wit11 4 flee 141r/1111111 on, .•. St 9l Oft *1*U. Nursery mil Toronto. ttnt NEW ARRIVAL I UV B -r GOODS LATEST STYLLS. Remosnt• to be Cleared Out. Perfect kit. and Showy Shapes. H. DUNLOP SST- The West+L Tailor. The LATEST And BEST STYLE AND VARIETY SPRING DRY ;uns -aT- THE TORONTU HOUSE, P_ 0 wirwi/erm:i. , Manager DZcLEOD's Sys� licootor SEND FOR CATALOGUE. 1164 QUEEN STREET EAST, - TOROITO. Mention this Pner B. B. B. Burdock Blood Bitters L a purely vegetable compound, pis perfect mipowsrsover all the orgasm of the system, and ooutrol ing their moots Mona. It mo purifies the blood that it CURES All blood honors and diseases, from a coon - mem plmgi. b the worst scrofulous more. and thlasiml> ed with its unrivalled regulating. ella.slag and purifying influence on the eseaseras of the liver, kidneys, bowels and ameillsr unequalled as • cure for all sllasaam of it SKIN From one to two bottles will caro boil.. pimples, blotches, nettle rash, scurf, tetter, and all the simple forms of skin disease From two to four bottles will cure salt rhea or eczema, shingle', erysipelas, ttloen, ab - masses, running sores,and all skin ernpt• •oos It is notio.able that sufferers from akin DISEASES 3 ONTI"L V • RVi!JS THEII;E8T'6ARTH COIL BAKING POWDER num sIR1Lls furs Dearly always aggravated by intolerable itching. bat this quickly subsides on the removal of the disease by B.B B. Passing yrs to ggrrasver yet prevalent diseases, *sok s. snt0102001 swelling., humors and And Other Tested Remedies are becoming the Standard Mmdieises of the day. Potties toiling or with'. frons all poets of maria sod the iInited States - for the System Sdseotor. It sever l.ils to errs Lame, walk and impov.rfetted blood. dyspepsia, rheumatism, lose el memory, brosditia, eoessmptics, sell alone*, jeasdiee kid soy sad urinary dineemem, St Viten' *a81$% fNemle inegdrt1m cad morel • Y weed hely 411.1.4111. YeL110D, Bol. n Moos sem- 1.' The s•�•• $msnt$a is nM at *1.M .•td * per 000 SCROFULA YdE01'S WIEli va:t[se rtes • LAWN* May O4yCoots 1IpiLL1.MBti Smorstsis Wiry No Alum. Vas.il& '�°d wtarl.m. TREAL. WHIM IiE1TUTh . COD , We have undoubted proof that from thus io d:bottles used internally and byoutward application (diluted if the .kin is brakun) W the •Rested parts, will effect a ears. Thi gnat sunt oo of B. B. B. is to regulate the Iver, kidneys, bowels and blood. to cornet acidity and wrong action of the stomach. and to open the duio.-way. of the system :o off all clogged and impure .errs ions, •Ibwin4 nature thus to aid recovery and remove without fail BAD BLOOD o.A.MECAtIla 8 De CAFRIAGE VAG!VISP`)&.►,^,'"ty 4 SILVER MEDALSAINARUO] MONTREAL CHADWICK'S L ATll lOD SPOOL !TrEL-1.11110 iflllh3 la Samna. L, i'-.' sal `'�'<r COTTON=ky - Lea= For Hand arue,T R U N K B Maclaine, Like. 14 the World. HIS NO SOPER:0:1. J. ETELEIGH C3 MONTRCAL, ASK FOR :T. 3Gi11<:1 L biliousness. dyspepeu,aire headache, dropsy. rheumatism. end every ipsties of disease arising from disordered liver, kidneys, stomach, bowels and blood. We guarantee every bottle of B. B. B. Should any person be dissatisfied atter using the dna bottle, we will refund the money on rraw"' ll or by letter. We will also be glad to send testimonials and in- formation proving the effects of B. B B. in the above named diseases, on application Ss T. MILBURN & CO.. Toronto, O.. , HIRSTS PAIN EXTERMINATOR erpill42&.47 E0II3ZZOLD JIMMY. glamttMts. ser. Deer Mer reed year Pats la m7 fnm/ff for eenrythims Mat a fa 147 M al. O 2.0,4 with. aaeb ea4:easka.i olds 40.mmatiem, apr line and Merne. TwN>laebe..sd wbee+v.r nMre tm • a. I weskit see be wt4betet lia way sees..t sass 1 at setae wowed en be a t -.•1•.e artld..tb.e h brwsas gad exr.rs.1 1.0.,,..10 .4 r a ttett*TD • M. irre. Pr.bSM* sa ane . Nod by all draall.ls. F GALLEY & CO , Proplillut, Menthes. HOTEL BALMORAL. MONTREAL. :Tole .lame 9t., ors of the most .r,.Mt and elo eretly furnished Hotels 1.4 tow tatty. L• .11n..for .40„ijur,t.. 1tasess 8 TT• 11 t to la per day. . r intuitive ATTENTION ! Every facility for��� turning out FIRST CLASS PRINT - ING at "THE SIGNAL." Blaat Bit: at "Tit 8tia1." Blain Notes al Sial Route BiIIs,Cards, Etc., Printed at The Signal. PEARS' isa 1 o LLU. Ell teas tf'tt 1u 01142. COMPANY. J.PALIIER&SDN ,faacf �Yurenel Wholesale Imo.tr•of seeEST.".,.r..usc.aD 0006[1STS' SU>FUBIES 1743 Int r., adeno vertu. .MONTREAL. FRICTION PULLEY BOARD, SOAP. RECKITT'S BLOL. THa HEST FOR 1.AU$L^.Y 15L PAPERS. Wrapping, Xenia, IIE�VS IOHTSLONS' (�FLUIrlbEFF :THE GREAT TT?EN6T11 61VE1 'PERFECT FOOD C.7 THE .ACK -/� ARMING a .t.117 t.7cSeEvjrRA ;ri H Pow&tin I'IVIGORAToR to ••• r tee: ..w resew e.lt raw eat'-., of law et inassme wale am ae.r..som• is • •4*• er me Se dela Ibi•• •••=••,.r ••=2 20e.1110D ..d�if **Ye- ns tenets, •r am .w q,ww.e• d. wr..mr eke v.'eeed. PUBLIC NOTICE Another Targe consignment of Fresh Teas of suerior quality. In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the public by peddlers and others, we a e offering.Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. REES PRICE & SON. n ear ta, es,•.a .rt •f w 0.t . r . ped, dwNe a.o rip - aro •mss w•.tanewr..r.�. ...•r••Weft Ne e.s1S. M r t••• sec oven O 01 O.Ware. ,t.... i.5r.w..r.... w• e. •s,•••• a w. l*4.-. m .0 zxr-r • Cu_ saw sewn re.ru■.. revs BU 7 ENVELOPES, NOTE HEADS, • LETTER PAPER. BILL HEADS, F.te.. Etc., at THE SIGNAL P$ UTIM9 OFFICE. Kay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. CODERICH SEED EMPORIUM 1 "QUALITY FIRST !" Is Our Motto. THE LARGEST IAD BEST SELECTED STOCK 0? SEEDS IN THE COUNTY. Our Field and Garden $Seeds have been Selected with the Greatest care and hare been v. prucu-ed from the; \Valer Se['vice & I�rpai�� The undersigned is prepared to undertake the putting in of tWater Services in connection with the Town System to Dwell- ings and other Buildings. Also REPAIRS Best Growers on the Continent. OUR STOCK OP SEED GRAM To Steam Engines, Mills, Fac- tories and Machinervof all kind. Prices reasonable. Satisfac- tion Guaranteed WILSON SALKELD. 21.141 PLANING MILL EST/IIJ$1 L9 IVA. Buchanan & Son, K•NUT Arrvassa Comprise' all the leading varieties. tummy PEAS --Runner, Crown, Golden Vine and Mummy. OATS -Banner. Giant Swedish and Black Peerless. SPRING WHEAT -Colorado. White Russian and Ladoga (see Prof. Saunders' report of last named variety.) BASO, DOOR and BLIND Dealers 1. all 01.1. el LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES Asad wow", tet•t.riai of .vary ds ..beers. full aaaot'tmente School Faraitare a Specialty' WE CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION to our deeds and Seed Grain and Reepectfully Aolict an inspection of our Stock. IMPLEMENT DEPARTMENT We have in .tock • full Ione es all the leading Manufacturers. - Binders, Reapers, Mowers, Drills, Rakes, Disk Harrows, Gang Ploughs, Cultivators. and all Steel Sulky Ploughs. This Department will be represented la the Surrou•dieg district by MR. ANGUS McKINNON, OF COLBORNE. A Fell Stook a( FM 0 V ice: Gt.i.idi. kept constantly on hand. • OGILVIES & HiJTCHISON'S Crown Jewel Flour, 92.23 per c.t-t. Bent Valse in the market Good, delivered to any peri o< the tows and Satisfaction Gives. WM. BuRROWS 9 A Peuo1 Sared, a 1enuy Ened. EsTABLIBHEI 50 Y31ELARB- I still take the lead in special value in DRESS GOODS Dread Melton, from 9c. per yard up, Twill Melton., Stripe Foule and Amazon Cloths, Stripe and (leek Costume Clothi,Velvets, Ribbons, &c 11111111.111111111111 SPECIAL VALVE, ' Tweeds, full Rem Overcoats very low, Good Quality, ;Nearly all (lone, Price Sells Them. In Grocery Department, In Team especially, I Take the Lead,both in Qualit and Prices. Pure Un- adulterated Coffee only kept, price, Hoc. per Ib. Pure Spices only kept. In My Hardware Department I have a full sasortraent. Glass. my own importation, from 7x9 to 34z58, full supply. Crewcut Saws, bet Wagon and Buggy Gear. 0od.rie►, Soy. lath, 1188. SQUAIts