HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-4-18, Page 8c THE HUR(PI! SIGNAL, VFIDAY. APRIL 1P, 1890. WE HAVE COT THE GRIP WALL PAPERS AND WE PROPOSE TO KEEP IT. We are the only one who have purchased the new design* for season 1890, ENGLISH and AMERICAN, at prices never oto low before. Papers bought to sell for 7 and 8 cts., sold for 5 cts. Papers bought to sell for - 12 cts., sold for 10 cts. Papers bought to sell for - 15 cis., sold for 12',cts. Papers bought to sell for - 20 cts., sold for 15 & 18c. Our 25 Cent Gilt Well Papers 8C'RPRISb rVKRYBOD1 Our FLI'TTERED and EMBOSS '.D PAPERS are Elegant and at prices to tempt any purchaser. FRASER & 15O11TEi1. Central Telephone Exchange, Cor. North-st. and Square. llodsrloh. April 10 h. ltl90. 2tI7-tf Th L `'111F p e striking carpenters in Chicago have ,1 EWS OF '1 11 E WORLD. ORLD. i'w''kets at all the .repots and most of the Stanley arrived at ('amass on Saturday. A french syndicate ',names. to bridge the Marquis Ten.;, the e,•Iet rnte'l Chinese 1'atsman, :- de el. The Samoan treaty wit. formally signed on )!stomal est Herlio. A cyclone at Norfolk, 1 thio killed a girl Ind injured five others O'Connor and Stansbury ore to row nn the ra a,natta on June All the piowen recognize :. a blockade of lbs Dahontlan triad by France. It is stated that President Harrison will be 1 eandidate tie re-election in Ir102. Republican 'senators lave been elected in tires, Finiaterre and Ariege, France. M. t henard, a . of a Fn.rtrb Itewsoaper. hat bean expelled from Route. A denottcb from Buenos Avow announces ;tis of the Argentine ministry A Zanzibar despatch says the t;.•roans are breyarutg to attest Kilns, on the Inst_ Tbere is said to be a strong probability that be carpenters of Milwaukee will strike May k The nun on the being island ('ity Bank mn- p/Luec1 on `latunlay. and all demands were lest Prince Itu.narek is credited with describ- lag hi. last days in Berlin as a Rrst•claas bassi. • Mr. John Dillon. the Irish Nationalist, kiilwl tr. m New York .•n Saturday fur Seale. It is prnp,.ed to erect • monument la ti Mary of for late 1M. l'ronif, murdered in rhkagn. ' l:e•.rrgr Fields, colored, was hanged at Scran- ton, Mb... fur the murder of Jennie Moody, TLe, Voesierbe %eining says the uensirt regulation in Alves -Lorraine will Monty be abdio)bed. Samuel J. Randall, the noted Democratic Pn taetiuni, t C. ,. . �. , died at 11•ashing- tos .on Saturday morning. The Britith steamer t m• akosi, from Lon- !im for Port Natal, has been wrecked near Alcoa! ay. No lives were kat lives luau',. in Berlin are alarmed at the effect of the McKinley bill, should it pew lbrouell the American ('ongrcw. There have Leen heavy floods in New Routh 1t ilea. which have caut.d loge of life a[nl r. 1101 ik- tElilti,, 1 .'frfpert y. I)r. fart:.. Stanley'. compel/le in, is retorted h.have .asl.1 that Polon Pasha will become ibnd from 1 tract wit bin a year. The I'oite.t :'at.,. Wars and Menne Cam- tnittr*• will re. omueeml the Tariff Kill to the Blouse. .% minority report will tie made. A dsapiit.5 from Philadelphia nays that there w•ll pnrbnhic not 1e any inerrant) in the Rind priers of anthracite coal this .pring. A large ma••hciw .hop, belonging to tbe G•w' A Taylor Man.:fectnnng • n., war le.trod at Bi k' ayes N 1' 1.. ti t"l tr rias, suburban towns. Tbe strike is costing them 1145,000 to $40,000 per week. Tbe man ere contending for the recognition of the union. The United States Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce sat for two hours dinner Mug the report prepared by Mr. C'uU..m, the Chairman, with reference to the t ;rand Trunk and Canadian Pacific. The report was belt over fora week. A soap in C.4lenhagen, hawed Phlliipsen, arrested for insurance frauds, las roistered that he et:. „;11".1 • Me tlerk named Meyer and sent e body in a packing case to America Meyer tar.. been miming sines January 7. On that the Straits' of Mack - lime are free of ioe, the tag grain riser, which had been waiting at Chicago for that an - before sailing for Buffalo asid other lake porta, weighed ancbss- and stood Wednesday.away upon their tripe Wednesday. Tbe freight .. and brakemen on the St Louis division of the Mobile & Ohio Railway have struck for overtime and rtand- ard wages Engineers and firemen receive extra pay for overtime, and the . . tied brakemen want to by brought in hue with thew. The true cause of the accident to the Cityso :t Paris was diovered on Saturday when die was dry-docked at Birkenhead. Th. abaft '.l the starboard propeller was broken close ;n the blade of the propeller, and the sudden ideas.? of strain thus occasioned caused the :'otkspr of the starboard engine. Anotaer capture of tea (,'hirers. was made ue.dav morning. They wens entering the arbor of San Diego, CaL, in a fisherman's boat froen Lower California when they were stopped by Customs officers. e Chinamen 'apturtd are part of those trauefernd to the Heaver Newborn from the steamer City of inkling in San Francisco barber. LEEK RN. From our own t. There was a raising of • driving house m and storehouse to keep farm ,ple•at menta in at Mr John Hortdn's ton Sur day afternoon last. by It's. W, Y Campbell, el Ho'.vev il.e, NEW A R R I VA L I •n Friday, the 26th of April. in the M.th'.Juml.t .berth berg. se-Dc'•►g 7:30 o'clock pni As itisthelett ;t' s▪ ol . for this peas,..., and an in 'tibiae'. a lenge sedum. is anurlpo•:ed .l e the ,.stili. 1. trill The Division Court at Dliuran y. arn>o t&tardil8ha mai. held All 1 take note. The weather this week is assuming the ap1.atence of j iyuu. 'prom owe. F..rm- •s and the les; hos y tribes .reverygage beefily sad in their respective spheres of duty; eves, reptile., au.:b as • frogs, etc., are making tb.-awlves to be heard in no..a I degree. lu (ant, all nature e is .stiug itself with its vernal attire. Hall, joyous spring ' 1f Mae It.,rior has pot it right. there will be tw,. of nor r.specu'e cinema united in the hind* of matrimony ere our neat Su more it be ' Msy a pros p -opus and happy mown bpi their portion!is the einerre snap .•f .•1 their •.q',.tst- 111iCei r' d will -+takers. As Ott public high oils are by means of good weather improving, traveling u b. cosoi011 m..re pl.•a•wur. The disciples of Es"nlaptus, haring. through *k.11aul 'r -a .us -it. restored to nralth n.'arly all t it invalids in This 10- eslity, are takisw a r.117 i.. the meantime. which, we Keaton will be en j�.ye•t by them. W. ars sorry to have to %.wive that Niw Har ow, daoth•.'r ..f .1.m.* Hari. ',Kiel, Ashfield, is in a p .-•i state of hearth 11 .• hope that eh. will a, ,,,i h,. rr.'ored Rood health. 11 .r enterptiatng I,.r,• grec . t,. Mr 1', Hs i.lrn, is in .king prel•ar.n'.ns for he construction ..t s new d eelhng house and store, which, when coini•lete'l will change the aspect of our main sheet Moro auocess to hon Master Arthur ' .,, son .1 Mr J. Martin, hotel ker u t.ehn s.. win to. a visit to his forme. ..shoot -mater, chums v d last week. He Ickes Wingbam, but Dungannon better. The entertainment under the auspices of No. 213, I O.G.T., on Friday nigh, of last week. saw $ fair attendance u. spite of the bad roads. H (:. H,.rt...., a pioneer member of the lodge. occupied the chair. We might cote that he 1 a, just returned from a sojourn ..1 sever. years in the Queen City - -Toronto.- - where he has taken a course of study 11. pharinacy. and will now reside in Gods rich for a time. Plover.' of the Nile lodge took part in the program. The Dutch dialogue* of Bro. !'otter sere well rendered, and his dialogue w.th Bro McKnight, -The C. at .d a T. in''- stone, was a c: pita) lat. tiro .1 dheparJ gave • recitation to g nd bible. and later gave a pleasing reply to th code of thanks tendert d to the t lode for their assistance in the conduct N-.•reinitious are twang made in Rome to of the program. J. 11. Williams, Dun - leader the opening of the expoi.itinn of Ineal lop, a well-known vocalist, smug tern Industries ucxt month a very notable affair. popular songs during the evening to The nttc,nld.,ped workmen of Vienna made good voice The chairman added to the Is-jrwta.l attetnl.ts to hold mcetin;,'i, but were harmony by singing a song in goad style, ?.eveutarl trots, assembling, by pntr"ls of es- and also gave an address on some of the ram. miseries est int he bad seen it. herr is a to ribk' outbreak (4 spotted Toronto. A solo by Sister Mary C.e.k !ever in Morganville. Ky. It is particularly was sweetly rendered. Miss Horton 'n 1d t.. o bit tren, of whore a large number presided at the organ, and acted as roc- )aVe .11e.1. co.panist for the instrumental select l..rd ni.d Inds `niielloTe. who wort' not tions, supported by A. Thurlow and J. 11.77007n.ol veer,• r••f777w1 adm e.i.m to the Hoxton on the violin. She Ow ably t n.uuci at Mo.•n. 1',sr1.1. and the EnighIJ Pre- pe,furmed h.t part in a dialnrue. "The ..,.r was lughIy iil1i,,s.nt. Cit. Boarder in the Country," supported Mnnisur, ('ltapttn has uc intnrlesl in the by K. B. Williams as "Farmer Hopper.' esti-h l'arllatnsu. n 1,111 ',lacing further res- Tne tatter's 0o churning 'est.oes.mthe imp diet lon . 1 tattle no •i!)- drew from the audience roars of laugh nen* of p Aro palernwn.a ter. Mi.. Linfield, W. Folioed and In . of the loonk'r of • Turk at John Linheld also showed up to good Moo, in ('rate, 11l'hristiane have hem .r- advantage it their delineations of charec- 5 moil with a vi, w to e•oanp ellim; them to re resp The debate which was to have t, al ter name of the mnnlerer• been held did not Dome off, as some o1 M Ik rnKiuiir, formerly w member of .be the debaters were enable to be present, 1 r•'neb Chamber of Deputies, ant M. Fd- bot the subject was spoken to by John 1 ., d,, er stor 01 the Matin, fou., a duel Tiffin and John Ltnklster on the negative 1, ;•dw.rd,i was venues ied in the atm The full Romper ho* Is., -n a ..rated Hover and affirmative,. subiet lien. bo tra i� debate, *object, "Resolved, that brie ks 1' T •crit ares. is plat., AUBURN. From our own co It.. A. M.Nl s.., who has been on visit W the Old t'•'..ntre, is e.l'ectr'si to fill the Pettit •r al. pulpit on Sunday, April •l; . C ',' e►ist mill i. now w..rkingl.t toll blas' ureter the .s ipsru.•eu-leuce 4.1 Mr A. E C,.I•.. lieeently a trig.- qu.6tity of Pds,,o lis hard wheat hs► t.r't. im- pure,, sad. with the roll -r lir .Com% and . O 'ern irnprovemeut., t.,.• product of Vancheetem nulla 1. rapidly e,.wuIli to the front. All that we want t.oe a direct shipment by the C.P. R. Another industry that ie looming is the stare bua"iras'hies, Mr Collis has e ndemic en. 11. .s ,.ow turnlug cut shout 341,000 'navel in- day for the nee patent barrel men,,f,c. ,re -i by Mr Jia eph Niihatus, of (;. Jeneh. .nil the pros pecte ire that a huger output will soon be made. _ W. H. Mor, wife and niece removed from bruarl. on Siturdsy, :• I, inst. l'hat hay.• gone to Kurn. _,... ss, the me..ut.u.t: until Mr Al -,.w di -roles whet., ,.e •1.! Esser p --root ,..tit. p•,... r'mot, friends to sod r.uuuoi Cni,re•., s'1,1. tires on•.-; r'11'. a r .r on etas tma E.w as l*n !: ff sib. Ness 1..•r. re.•alled read have MOT* inflaenaa over man than (:rims .verism ' •- I. Petersburg, to amid in the Ministry t1 the company he keeps," will be debated e. hereafter st either this pho. or hila Ile wildest prrysled In ('hi. The musical eeleetinas rendered by a ct,,,g,n t.arbet nn Saturday over rim pork quartette of No. 213 were good, parti- rTK. The corner ie rah! to have hasps elderly "Spring Inas Come," and "That . kid frees New York. l',rk jumped to is Gln' the latter teeing one of the bed selections sung at mitertain- menta herr DUNGANNON. Vivre our•wn Mr Silas Whiten and family lett hers last week for Orithe, where ha has so - cured s gond position. ( tons, to his having left bore then is a gond opening for a good punter in this village and Ip mbty. None bet • good one need ap day• Mn Sheppard, of Ash6•14, who resides adjoint tophis eilleg•,is ill. Roma well adraweed in sweet. she sod her husband are be.o.itsg frail end helpless. The lettere - whist, "'settees" -tresis. .he atltloir ed ther1 P. s., oral be Ole „ with JFnmee's ronadential toe, igwltrfdaed 1 .l to buil) . at Moat ifer'ks and tit blennee. 1s the cwt .4 Valais, fir the protection of the ,er ..►eirty.lve per amt. of the whole coop in y roomier in versa bas been tkstroyedby tea (111. .4 thews /vesture. M similar to • tis.., .t a hioch tog .ad the outer. Y the. ',Won lady )peg. Pais, Hopwood to to Irpirod by Ped tartar\ ese,veary, mays there r Ie� ef ,mellgolty of an mreem mkt 1tmo w.et1 Wneemy. to • .1t t'dlleerb g reform bars bees pr• 1 t y the llrsro ll•11 1�(rty prime; liberty at e.eMMtre sod et newel's*, and • r.t11r11Wtls 1M ed ow•iwtc.al r.r*gd1a11.a FIN idi TAILORING 4s. 4t,7�J �w N101 LARGE STOCK OF LATEST STY L;:S. R.ewuaata to be (lean d lout. 1'e. fect l its and Showy Shape.. H. DUNLOP, tl*7- The alert-st. Tailor The LATEST Ana BEST STYLE AND VARIETY SPRING TRY fl]JS Choice Goods TO SELECT FROM $_ avtacCORMAC. THE COMING SHIRT. 1f you wu1. to keep up Mih the tones dont purchase any more OLD -res HIONIKD BHIKTs. for A_ Res PRSRHAM has secured the Sole Agency sur *IMM O(& WABL*$ (Yleb,ated Adjust tale Hand Shirts. COMING SHIRE. THE COMING SHIRT. THE THE TORONIU HOUSE, COMING SHIRT. P_ C'r)EA Manager. 1 *tory cottage Nice Cottage ( South-st- d mews - To Rent roi acre eery eon riebls. Rantoul) k ria.. 1i story frame Another Cottage-eruom*.kit. hen & pantry -good I To Rent liar fruit sees . Vent only $1.50. Many Other!, fornz.riies to rent or MONEY To Lend , t er7 law Are You Insured ? Insure your property in the London Assurance Corporal ion .England)In- corporated A.D. 17iD one of the staunchest compo- aes in the World. F i est-••lses Canadian ('ompanira else repre eut- .d. Laws liberally ad, joined and promptly paid. C. SEAGER, Agent at Goderich. •!:Ir "AC!< CAANOT WITHER HER, remarked an old grotleman, as he Raul fondly upon the etm.ely little woman by his side; "but frankly." be continued, "at one time i was afraid cosmetic, would. The rally little woman, in order to appear youthful paltered her face with different varieties, of whitewash. yclept 'balms,' ' creams,' lotiotr.' rte.- " Yes," interrupted the 11 woman. 1 did, until my skim tae like parchment ani ea pimply and coarse.' 'Wel( rase the listener, What do you use now/ ' Use," was the reply. "nothing but common .sage and Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. (x,mmon sense told use that If my blood was pun, liver actlye. appetite and digestion good, that the outward woman would take on the Atte of health. The' Discovery' did all these thing and actually rejuvenated Inc." ifyou would passion a c hoe from bloteben, pimples. eruptions. yellow spots and roughness, use the "Golden Med- ical Discovery.' it Y 1 to do all that It le claimed to, or see d ter It will be rets Cermet t. 1l1 . by WO•r.o' Dtt Man. awe. - $500 �wEo for an incurable new of Ca- tarrI In *be Mead by tbe M Gr. Sege'a Catarrh Its rand. wows. and beanies ears thewont oaenb no meta? of er toms eteme et. By druggists. M orate. 77.7..411.1N1 Men to take order. for Nor •• r, ..k, on Salary or ('on.swfon. I can mak- s •,.• cecwfu SALESMAN of say one who will work and ?DIM,. my in- *trantioes. Will furnish h•n'wen. nntnt him. mkt joy year salary orcun.miaaoun etery were. Writ. for term% 51 o•.... SI el *. () GRAHAM. N.Irrryman. Toronto, Ont PLANING MILL tif1151 Buchanan & Son, w 211 SASH, DOOR ani BLIND neaten r an knots ..r LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES Aetl btw/eele melleriel of every drawAtom School Furniture a apeaialty SEND FOR CATALOGUE. 1154 QUEEN STREET EAST, - TORONTO. n th.s vans 4,.. -'.1)41s) C. P. R_ $00M TOWN PROERTIFS FOR SALE. $100 AND UPWARDS I here a large number of norms and lois and Vacant lAnds in he most desirable pans of the Town -Tea *ALL Chit ie. Now is the time to seeun property before the Hie Rush. The C. 1'. It i• coming sure, mud in a short time price' will hese adtaneed beyond the reach of many. fall and see 1.1u sod Prices before purchas- ing eleewhe,c. R RA DCL1 FFE, Real Estate and Gen.ral Insurance Agent °Mee West -eat.. third door from Square. 1'. 1', It Ticket and Telegraph Office, SI-tf. SHIRT PAT JAN (5E MgN�q�T ME8SER &WARD GALT 0, COXING SHIRT. COMING SHIR... COMING SHIRT. 1 have the finest range of Neckwear. Hata. ('ape and Gloves that can be p,,r•'ltased any e'ere. In Collar. and Cuffs on!y the Newest German Makes. which surgeon any other good• on the market. are handled. Don't fall to give me a call at the NEW STAND. CORNER McLEAN'S KI.00C. A. E. PRIDHAM. Prof. Dorenwend Coming %Pith 5 - .mm •n., dap .Ia7 o. HAIR GOODS! Aar HE WILL. Hg AT • THE ALBION HOTEL, ON FRIDAY, APRIL 25th, %.'m,. every lady should make It • special pp•.dot to call and see the Profasones gee .ales. Ilia a .ortsaeet t►M .laic will be gip. tater.Ma. Asap. eteareoreo, Won.• IFip, Teepees, lr.: articles of which every lady alw'nIA bare orae r Mbar for the sae of health. awl eaoaomy. Eve's if .he be. .a abeemesi growth of hair she sks.M lave see1e�rile► to .test the r.q of a sir, 4* a difficultbeeddromid is awe stye hair. 1itt XM11 a dldlcalt saris. a• mew MC tea ben.aM et wearied/Hair needs fi se e�- =vt� es Pref. tea.d ass. the. ti)SNea elle whether they Woad te bey 1rMb tr tear de am erg •s.etbhg pew they Itlaem es. sad while taw* Is s• ep--`- West es well to Imre pert'' -p" �.• whet ere bald, Pref. ess Wig• that ere alts stare two.. sad amas las twi s.1.. A Mil !th to Mew Meese win bewail meld ALL sass vette sew Ow Profs a 1 tkav Anse 1111111. wOtonst�es,..,wI�e�MM�`atbeM�� �i 11.0111W VA the ata/M es Maw Slat f W E LFbD I.T Well -Selected Cigars. • 1f you want a 1'hmce Cigar, cigarette or Smoking Tobacco. WE CAN SUIT ANY TASTE. KLA('K tat TAN. the acknewhydeirdleaderr�f lk. Cigar+.. FILL DRESS CIGARETTIW. 01.1) aft. -svltAlW in use half pound tins. In Imported Cigars a number of Leading Brands. F. JORDAN, - MEDICAL HALL. JUST OPENED AT - MISSES YATES, A large and well assorted stock of the LATEST STYLES of Spring and Summer Millinery. Please call and inspect. No trouble to show goods. OUR OPENING OF Spring Mflflnery It Jl lake place 01. Tuesday and Wednesday, April 1st and 2nd, 1890. Th. -se date* will allow Ladies to leave their onion in time to secure their HATS aria BONNETS for ater. Nae int its, the.FIoe.st ise)eec-IIon of our Geode sad Styles, which in aide all the latest not .hies. 4� :tm. MISS E. BOLAND, W�t Street. 7 RS_ S A I,.,KELD 1C.Il here a grand opening on FRIDAY & SATURDAY, APRIL 11th & 12th, when she will show a large asd varied snorteaeat of NEW SPRI `G MILLINERY. Comprising Straw Hata, Flowers, Laces, Ribbons, etc.. etc. Her Spring Stock is now oomplete in all branches. Special attention is directed to her line of BLACK STRAW BONNETS, At 50 cts. each. Good Quality at a LOW FIGURE. THE PHARMACYI HEADQUARTERS FOR Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumes, Sachet Powders, Hair, Tooth and Rail Brushes, Rubber and Horn Combs, Sponges,,- Toilet Articles, Etc., Etc. ALPO A FiN* AiMORTM*N7 OT GIBSON'S ENGLISH CANDIES. Tis mum* I PATRIOT acamonfas AMAMI T$ of STOWE- CEO. RHYNAS, ioa*sows.LOM. RSV -THIRD TEAR. / TO ADVERT] Notice of changes r at this Office not Monday noon. T chanes must be 1 than Weanesday ual Advertisemen up to noon Thurs week Loral tQ edroaee notices in the of '1tits BIO.AI. of mart' Minutest' at which ea charged, or frena icAi ory belirilt is derived, for et the rot* of word each internus, n. than tustaty-Icer rents. rertisemeo t. of .Merl inserted u brief lural fees MARRIEC ( I<serm - Wootca•a. - At church, Dearer, Colored the Items. Marshall. Reel Bartels to M Bluest t daughter of Mr Y. Wo rich. Oat- NEW at NEW ADVERTISI enders C. A. Humber w Lost A. J. Masesr. umber for Bale -Jos. Kidd Found -Moe at. (h reformers' Atte•tioa-K. L ora Coaventios-Chas. tamer Dry Ooods - W. As TOWN fro a elders swum. ye. di/Oita AtsW pre A Goon Pasts.. -The res make to to give u D. McGillicuddy. an The Woman: Chrlstlw'I fa the basement of Na ver Tuesday atteraoo0. es, mess meeting at I. There are s number of ware's this week. aad at silk, diamond muses. n Of sight uta Prices res ter yoenslt. Lower thaa McGintare Oldest aad beet 1. gentle Prldbaa•s. Look at the a oeoe oder your epriag irk your neighbor. Trues are (efflux sultry matter of politica. but Moatrealsa. and Sea Ileum to .bow as ewes blasts, rte.. equal to the Morcbast* oat get t t.eir sada, Re:. etc., printed at u1e more than their get and 1l helps to adve and sae .amplee and t 1t you are getting water *orations made in your e the beer &Saunders a plumber on hand all ly Brat -class work. Tb goal work Oive then dor irue work. BRIEFLE' Milo Bruce left .n 1 o vals. Mr P. Kelly, reeve own last week. Mr 8. J. Reid, of 1 two dunng tL. week. Mir Lily Pretty, of ng at the p.reatal resi Mr R. Heard, of Kort visit to the town A number of new at ut up in front of store raring the week. The W. C. T. t . of ranging for a public m, Further particulars 1.t Meir. C. Blackston he organ factory, droi tying visit on 8aturdt sib's Williams, who her sister, Mrs Roes R her home at K*nardin Ret Jos Kige. of B. L Hutton, of Vic church, eichanged pill The London Italian ading in town durini his is the third time ,:nrhoh. Mrs Lostit, '.f nil bar parents, Mr and We regret to learn tht Verlag from a severe it Mr Jas. Nesbitt h Davis' employ to take City. He was one cf the Goderich gun els] The assessor is a down at his own tali only person you comp high an opinion of i Now 1s the time tri privies, osaspools, wen requiring cleaning. all planes must be pal before May 13th. Mr Howard Cot hi with Mr T. D.tlor cierkiag with him. the most active play. Heroo lemon's club. Mr 8. R. McDsa* trsl school, has rent place me the Huron 1 o pted by Mt W.. 1 r Ramose! Morrie to 'whip. ■a , Mieh., is vial rekeives in town and Yr R. 8, William am Rask of Commeree land of his birth os. i Wednesday (fit. Ge este rose of high t plates of honor os tie