HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-4-18, Page 7r ohm. three Warp sees set trek: Me they. *ins apes u. beak - It will ant swore. it will sat stay len sped; f$ din to woad or slay. Fee spates west, es otos forgo By time ; bat It Itme rade d arc• la Ober hawre i thus mill, lad tieing week lar poi se ttL l od the lest sppnrtaalty. Mat o.mstk batik se sore te IMe. le vela Imes w.Nset. 1. vain dust years. rause tiaras will nevermore rioters.' EL brooks, le the Ceotury. HE POET'S CORNER.. •a •,.b lkaslaa. THE FASHIONS. • t'arertt7 et Jousts. IMI wits footrest $. sett s. a. The erect of s.,me of the new beaded and spangled este sod nausea for auwmer dancing dresses reminds Duo of the robes wore by fairies in '•Mideutnmer Night's .hem." Those neem, in their great de limey, hardly tat for the weer and tear of the ball -room, as in the giddy mates of the dance the pretty pendants are likely to come to grief, and the shat destruc- tion and tn.ls of temper, as these orna- mmate *etch and interlace with those on ether flying toilets 1 But these textiles are very temptieg,as the tints are lovely, and toilets formed of these .re made up over clinging Chios silks the shade of the di.ph.nmm drooping,. Acoordi w -pleated skirts are .till well wore, either in plain or bordered mater iris; also straight, full skirts of net or itrope, withrows of moireor other rib- bon as a border. A black net skirt of this make, Over surab or moire, is • good for general afternoon wear os r•esigneni r the Dsing season, is popularity still apparent, and anything is gown? ' or wraps that te once well in fashion is /artily Hunte di. lsoed before it has run through two or three someone at lest. that was you. Hag milit.ey si.11ig elle.•.-- I'HE HURON SI IAL FRIDAY, APRIL 18 1890. .t 11 4*, ., • a r '4Wo- •'t..I . ..Marin, paroestare frost. Mid the bit, sag bio 1111/, taw, 1 .11 i Our chun ti know, tae• pastor pr. news and au' we at. ' salary. 1; church a... to give y••• of a blu••i Goose tout a • to a *anew 1/r, RILL. • uuce u, 4 . tau With s.,t►c the to.,, e t ,. If you and oh -1/n nay r a1 each .a ••e 4 u to •t1.e lea• and woases . •• tiny ..thrr .n.• cau,rlit o• rcudger.,'' he • boa wale b S1nsr,,, 'crl to 11 .4 mese, ties , Pau' •I„ 1 There .re quite • number tat novel ways for ornamenting fens for wedding. and dancing parties. The 1 1 gauge fan. are many of them mounted ern very light ...cod. tine -half the far to covered with large and loosely made Sower., 5.;nte resembling hollyhock• formed of pink or white alk crepe, th. foliage being dainty and not that of the dower proper. The foliage, winch ta often of smilax, is art wired in spire) fashion along esch rib, allowing the gauze to show between each tr►al. The hollyhocks or other Sowers .re close y ma/eed, giving a very Buhl effect to th.- other half of the fan. Apricot and ashes -of -rose. waists .f faille or bengaline stilt aro worn with •.rutty Venetian jackets of russet •n Eiffel red English cloth. The silk rm- bro,dery on the edges of the cloth is . heavy that the wool te nut viable. it., ed. green Jackets in the same shape have to violet or rose-colored toreador er.t•, ...de full in front and tiuished with a ve, vet girdle. Demure little Jackets for L ... ten tears are unblock or dove -gni velvet, with white vets covered with Mole,. hraidwork or pessementerie. Some of these have fall sleeves to the elbow, with tight nit -sleeves of the milk from thence to the wrists, those overlaid with the p.mementene or covered almost entirely with embroidery. ree41 1Mseens Mere. A boy Is sosethiag like • pierce of iron, .limb, 44, to rook Oats. Is •ol worth w.a*b, our is it of very mak w; bet the .....re u is seed the mese valuable it ...muses A bar of iron that is worth i '••' • i i t £1 1s* Its asters! mato is worth £2 n,•.4 g• ...dr into horse shoes; mad alter it \.,,•I,• " .-. thrung h the different prossesss by . S • . hmh it a made lu•. Doodles ire vale* b o • meowed aaad to £70, Made into pen- s t .. de 11 .don of wou.d he worth £1100, end •e• • I . • r..huoe wheels fur watches, 00,000. t• a 1••.1 !husk of that, boys; • piece of iron ._ - 14 • is comparatively worthies* can be • u - ler I ped tow snob valuable material! •1... • Mut the iron has to go through • great d .e.1 of hammering, and besting. and roll- l•-• in,,, a.,d pwuaduig,aod polishing; and so, • • 1 .••u are to become awful and educated tat i, . I(' • 1 1.11.0, t•.0 moat go through • long pours* .. Mir a o' 1 t . „dy sod training. The more time you t •w ) pr et.i ,•.• 0 ul hard study, the better material . N .t• . ; •, ..,11 make The iron does not haw* f, y...i.... ,_,•thrr.uvhhalf somocktobemade into 4 ' - • •••• •11(.e• a1 it dose to be converted Iuto • 4 care watch sponge; but think how ...ft Ione tamable it is : Which would ...0 ,.liar be, hone shoe or watch i.r M41 1 It depends up tat 1-..0 can b. -come whatever you will. Zhu s ... ler, +' •..preparatpreparationyour time of preparation fur manhu.xl. Irly 411-1141 •.t, L).. not t bink that 1 would have you settle • r•temoos , 1 1. ..w., to hard study all the time, without t• d, 54 hr 4.-- , intervals -of fun. Nut • bit of it. 1 1 the nth t.'11 1.6e 1u see boys halm• good time, endI . • 0,•• .1 Ina: 1 . I show d be very sorry for you to grow old f •r . i1 114 fl • et r,. your time; but you have ample II. 4. '• r. k. t ' . ,.p• rtunlly for study and play, ton, and .fir 1 , •114..•.... 11 4.. n .4 .a..t to neglect the former for • the O.•tilts .Ire sake of the latter. I h •1 5.,,' aoderich F sundry and Machine Works, RUNCIMAN BROS., - Proprietors. FLOUR MILLS BUILT ON THE LATEST IMPROVED SYSTEM. v.: 11 Vie. uv HAND FOR SALE: IMPROVED LAND ROLLERS, HORSE POWERS, GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW CUT- TERS, POLWS, &c. We are Manufacturing line, u .1 New Model Mowers which are equal to the best.' five them a trial and encour- age home manufacture. We Will Guaraintee Satisfaction. It Will Pay you to use nur new Steel Mouldboard Plows. Doty Engined and Boilers for sale. REPAIFB AND C&BTIT•T OF ALL BUY YOUR QUALITY LoDg-StaDding BOOT & SHOES Blood Diseases are cured by the peraavering use of Ayer's This os. is sa Alterative, sad causes a radical ekes.* in the system. The prom..., in some cases. may not bs nano w rapid as in others ; but, with persistence. the welt is certala. Read these test1muuials . - " For two years I offered from • se- vere pain In any right Olde, and had other troubles caused by • torpid liver and dyspepsia Atter ghiwg several medicines a lair trial without • cure, 1 began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I was greatly benefited by the first bottle, and attar taking five bottles 1 was com- Lapletely cured." -John W. Healuu, :• wrence at., Lowell, Mats. Let May • large carbuncle broke out on my arm. The usual remedies had no exert and 1 was confined to my heal fur eight weeks. A friend Induced the to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Leas than three bottles healed the sore. la all my expe- rience with wedictar, 1 sever saw more Wonderful Results. Another marked effect of the use of this medicine was the strengthening of my sight." - Mrs. Curie Adams, Holly Springs, Texan. ' I had a dry scaly humor for years, and suffered terribly ; and. as my broth- er and stater were similarly &Met el, I presume the malady is hereditary. Luau winter, Dr. Tyrun, (of Fernandina. ren,mmende,l me to take Ayer's Sarsaperilla, and continue it foraear. For five muotlu I took it daily. 1 hay. not had ►blemish upon my body for the 1st three muotlu.' T. Z. Wiley, 146 Chambers .1., New York City. " fist 1a11 and winter i was troubled with a dull, heavy pain in my side. I did not notice it much at first, but it gradually grew worse until It became almost unbearable. During the latter part of this time, disorders of the stom- ach and liver incresed my troubles. I began taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and. after faithfully continuing the usn of the medicine lar some months, the pain disappeared and I was completely cured." - Mrs. Augusta A. Furbuah, Haverhill. Masa. Ayer's Sarsaparilla PkErAaiU ay Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Masa Pi saes; .ta bottle., 8S. Wenh 11.5 a Mora. Spring is about opening and the Ladies of Gtiodericli and Vicinity will be want- ing something nice in foot wear. I have the largest and best stock it has ever been my pleasure to show. All the leading lines and styles in Kid, Dongola, and other fine material, in Com mon Sense and Opera Toe. In Staple Goods an int mense stock suitable foi Town and Country wear. Prices lower than ever. In goods of my own Man- ufacture I carry a large stock, many lines of which I have been selling at whole- sale for several years, hav- ing sent large shipments to British Columbia and other points. Ordered Work receives my special attention, and I am determined to give you the very best that can be made. I have customers in this branch of' my business from Montreal to the Paci- fic Coast. Repairing promptly at tended to and neatly done. To the Shoe Trade of Huron District : I have e, stock of goods larger than is carried by many of the Roderieh Steam Boiler Wog k8 jobbers, and buying my goods in large quantities for Established IMO.cash I will sell to you at 'ob- i Cal ' write for quotations on any Chrystal & Black bei s prices or less or Manufacturers and dealers in lines you may be needing. Steam Boiler.. Salt fans. Tanks. flea 1/'r Smokestack•. and .11 kind, of Shirt Leather and findings in Iron Improved Automatic cut -oft Co -1;•. Fb any quantities from a quart uhinery and Castings of every dr?cnput_n. of pegs or a pair of half - traveuult. .1 4 • 1.14411,• a /141 m. 1•.• Mout a•.• 1/..r sad Nlxr.l. . ltl.r•1...... t e a 6, e 5 •e ,41 • t14,1 yl list • m UPI s ..LEO CittiLl NG LAG .H. I' . 3 10 HOURS eines. l'pright and llorisontal Fng:n••••. M Braes Fitting.. Pipe and Pipe Fittings e alertly on hand. soles to fifty sides of sole Mill ureters wi receive prompt attention Meeks t *pp. L. T. E. Wallen. giL Keusir, promptly attended to. P.O. BOX 361 !1V - TEAS, COFFEES and SUGARS A pretty fashion prevails jai& now of -AT THE - tremolo' • graceful little French tole* of velvet -reeds green being a favorite color --the front of which is adorned with • full aigrette .1 line green 1. liege Maidenhair fern in shaded tints of velvet is much used in these aigrettes. The slender fern sprays stand .r..1. a1/ d into the heart of the cluster are variously placed tone or three pale pink roses, t small cluster of violets, • few bnirht lobelia blossomy, • hyacinth spray or some bright daffodils. The flowers are tutors+, and are changed to .'tit various occasion., ,'r to tone or make • pretty contrast with the costume. These channtu,g little headdresses ere called ttutioee t. gime, but they are also worn at church wed • ding.. flower shows, afternoon teas, and at the open. Some. tot' the latter pur- pose, have pale tan or white velvet crowns, overlaid with go'd network ors silver psesementerie. A pretty little "matinee Value, held. np recently for approbation and admiihation, was made of w"stem•gresn•• velvet, trlmnsld with forest -moss and erocuser, tooth yellow an! violet. It is everywhere the f.,sh, 1/i in these days to cover all small fancy tahle.,inpar- bor, hall or drawing room. The brilliant - Ir polished mabogsey or rosewood aur- aces which were the delight of our Grandmother., and a test of vita nr in- TO 1z S�• ��`t'�' •L�d•i���r different housekeeping, are as carefully bidden from view as they would have been in the days of yore had the table displayed a badly defaced surface. A-eL - -- - vet and plush arestill inconstantare table -covers for table-table-coversaand scarfs, but there are ' many new and beautiful fabrics, in sill: tied Oriental tisanes ---striped nr with an all-over design, in which gold and copper Thr F urn.tnre i1a1n. is selling all kinds el furniture at the lowest pomitle prices. 1t itt a are richly • 1 with superb well•knowo feet that be Eastern colors. Awing les exporoive movers are those ie silk and "roll mei• tares in quaint patterns, with here and there long hits of white ..r colored .ilk Or wool lett looms as if the wearer had liar red,. He bale* the leading 1 ndrrtaker of the town. Kmbalming Fluid always kept nn unwittingly omitted to blend them into h.wd• 111/ a1s n aker a specialty of r'Icture Taming. otve him a call before purrhsln, the design. Full-length curtains crime Furniture el.ewhere. sd yon t1/ 11 fled Don that Irl doom s he say. veils cheap to match these .carte, many of the colon , , R to those sewn in iroari chins A eanplete ensteste lest trete the tail - in th lankiest Dee and an for their past patronage he hopes to rw•eive • ronuatataceof the e hands ie made of a dam quality 4 ,cmc. seen'stweed. The walkitl� jacket 1. CIE 0. $ARRYy 8.miltOII-Bt. esigod to wear with othergewn., being ode of dark green cloth. The loose b are lined with silver-grey silk shot nth greet. The dress bodice is fitted ith two waistooSt, one of pale ecru dud silk nrerlald with green and fold macho brawl; the other of milk senped Ilan had the !abet productions in Atte and green alternately. Tbg oollar somewhat high, and strictly M*diei in p., .till, whollyeelike the military 1•r which has a popular so loss. . eh snore beeolateg as a role the neck bend, which, instead narrowing tram bam to upper is sate with an •wlward we se it rises teasels the ,�sseeeeem k. s is height st ths sols, wow theside.Whse hits ?zit eel seek trills were more is ilighiee, theles ser1111 tgr�eyd�M kids what wM j gettitit et se. Misfits seek--she hit et IM WOO/ 1 Cermet et Semple end Ilstalats..u„ M ills aware- 1114sI Plate Glass Grocery. HIGHEST PRICE PAID for good au I Lag. and EGGS. McLEAN'S NEW BLOCK, South Side of' Courthouse Square. I_ N_ CASSIDA.Y, r.oderlch, Mar.. Stb, It'gS. leather. E. DOWNING, 1'. r. Eastat. and �';' *T. God• '. ALWAYS WINS ! "I"'oNs MAGIC PAIN CUR As the Old Darkey said : "I'se ravther !lay more an' hab de best once in a while, than to pay les- and hal) a pour article Three doors uveal of British Exchange Hotel' GODERICH• Oor Title I)uihII! COME ONE, COME ALL! and get bar'_taini, as I am offering my entire Stock of DRY GOODS at COST, as I amu going out of that line of business to make mors, room for G RCERIES, & c ., CRC KERY, FLU R AND FEED. Be sure and give a call at the cort.er of Victoria & Nelson streets before purchasing elsewhere. (fader.. Jan. 23. inn. 1517. 1� s• - r T IS C�erlswirMrM TOR MISS CAMERON SPRING MILLINERY Arriving weekly sins the lot of March, and will oontinue to re *sive consignments of all the latest novelties in headwear the mar- kets afford throughout the busy season. Owing to pressure of business elle will not have an opening this Spring, but can *bow all the leading lines every day MISS CAMERON, You can get the BEST VALUE ! -- A1- CBeS A. NATRN'S, GROCER. • JOtCUL Sreclittt Cures Rkeuwat tSfl) SCRAP IRON. fur ail k:nd• of pain. Price' -i cents. ItOWXS HALrtAM OF WILD t'HF!:I:I HARK for l'ougb. and Colds, !'rice WILNti1t 9 Cords Buns liarr no am-KAl'HIL ■ T ON R Ito . N rue for Oster.y ".1' ,t rontatni torllnnalalr from inelro•n ,r r ••• eau « arood nom 5 le ne•.b .4ty a„• nceos. folly eon& Annery . be b" entre e M •seatrey. A null Ifrin11M for \11..41 J0 . '.15155 Wit" eats r.•M•.n by 1b0 taw • f era torn r - • bomb Ma MI* t"e:r own laws now a•a. .t0 IL beth, .•..n 1/"a $TNteSl expert Can without .t. A.IW,tw asa ci:eant SSSS. grerT pile who own*: .a• e•we .ane. N •W to p01 t w ...ew•.a.. 15 l ..,.4., A amberter r wr*G• 501.01.51 iAw l.1: CO., mN M 144 a. t:asal •a.• C14•ero. CHiG T_"a OLL FLOUR AN The prrh!ie n•. -:n -1/..H. Intl 1,4..4 bu.114-.s (•.1 u, 4 mita i!is 1.•. ,. tour• , .. ' THOS. J who eel carr, 44141 riled. Kant . , 111 1` lob r t 1.1/ 1111,1.114-•41 hn.incas has 0 foil to Ila lint cif any t• • tondo -true 1.Aw b1/•.1 • "ser. .8141 r ear., the ti y I the 1'n.l'4. Iorruwrh • . - for front rank. thaw*. drl.ver.•t '1'M Wiest and 11/-• • • '1 al./apaon hau,1 .girl . t Tota.. , It• mums say rim:a owns IP. for Children. a stood remedy for Whooping Cough. Price 1S cents. The Alen•et price in cash paid for Cast sad t► rondo 14 -rap bon. I have ea band Purest DI tom only used in Physicians' Prescriptions at W SON' S PLOWS & CASTINGS of vert__• kiss► PIPE AND FITTINGS, tate. Wartwlwrse near V Ietoffa Rt re, (burek. 0. A.. HUMBER. ' Prexrivtion 1)rng `store. A COOK BOOK FREE By toff to any l* semen miter works slots. W -ns, ichardsen a Ca.. MontrsaL ARMSTRONG FANNIIG MILL AND PUMP WORKS ARISTRONG'S IMPROVED Grain and Seed Cleaner Itake this one ,rtuu••, toots for their l(11.'n.; 1..itrearlotorodp he_ I Store, and alsotyke pl..'. Ie 4443' .t:••,•:•:ver. %4r 1I,..- wlll Min+, n.! to he it I t . 1- t . I in generea:- is knnwletlrrd to lie the l,•.• tom chin/. mad.. tar thoroughly cleaning .•.rain and seed.. of alt Linde. -IT- Separates all Noxious Seeds and r•hrw from grain eat one cleaning. Irving and cleaning. all timothy wed at the mane time hit of and klbd of grain. 11 ran be fitted into any fanning mill without removing •her, no matter how old •he m111 is. and maker. it do an gond work or better than the Moist improved new mills known. It allow, no seed to be blown into the chaff It Cleans Speedily. aP*very cleaner warramed to work as repro tented or so .ate. -1.1 is ordering by mail give Londe w dill M 1 .hos and nnlae of maker of mill if convenient. sad if shoe has shit shake er the old (a.hlon ,d hind shake. it 1. u •1/M rule 'w tor inn sed • 1 „ wele t t Id, 0 EJOY Goofl I1P1&TK- Sarsapanlia Bilters! every kind of t Mom', h• 11cm... and t , a..• a .t•.wn unit Itut.or's• , f ,' , Wood. PURIFY -r`,i• t 4lotaWe romoon••d eu,r• 440:111'1 and I,.rrf ('Mnl,l.ft,.. I'!mplen. brupt .4 Ms ?kin. loot)... 4'.' .tirnU•n . Ilitiou.nea. Dys- pepsiy. 14t k W'ools..1. 11... of :.t1/. p. %rural- gia, l'atr.•:u the !totes,*0,1 Pat k. 1.9.444 of Ap- ptbe. L'arNtfnr. I --male WeakliestI515 - Se.l,t:rneral (artlht,, YOUR It is a gentle reciart tot letrvati.e, as Well s a tonic. psi*1e.•ing the prr-ullar 1/netit of ag{r ing ate a p.m ••rtul agent in r. In sing Conges- tion and 4 hnn.ic inflammation or'thr Liver and all the Vt. -*rat BLOOD feral. relit.' di I'repnratlnn • %tiles the whale .ywtete to a nes and . igurouni 04 Inv 4,•nr anti s•rertlflh to the system debili- tated by don a v. atwi afore. a great protec- tion from attar:,* that uritrlt*•r in .•baaae• o1 the w -art". ,it c!at.le ono of life. The beef Soma Medicine sold. M till direelim.. with each bee t I• . 1': it ,• 'A colas and e1 A'. Heftier. all '-..1..n4e tie. 4' ." 4'Aal 4 r • H. SPENCER CASE lintoCion, 4 not„r:o. f Sold by F. Jordan. --t E nen mew aa.11d eiFin win 14 •,. b `•• w.�r.bfl U k§ Ia 45.:oes1: 1 •M+....,1/• w.. ...4 wan, Mtn, pin.n barring dun. b M1• won wed.* ser' T` ""i who. eta ?ISM la I•,.nty w. mann MO My.tbeb ..•Sr 4m1 .U,r►M N Mee. Me Uwe( M?.. ', - r pier or tie ow Oreo. An Ur wart y+• serf 41. 14. I. Jog, .51 g,. 1/w. 1. liar Who NI -yon! *we1.SM•nem.•..Arno y..-rMI•tg,yan•.na in nimaib1.sial. aw:yr Aka Win on roan •taw. ...• .44.51, W ens ,.e an. noon. w. pay S1 .Opr. w•.fbs... an.r Pr. Y. o.. 1 ief,.. • •••••41Y• Mr w In *orb M. . Ma =MO* 1 i'Z = irl e. % ;tZli e, hi A `arae nuantity ail FIRST-CLASS PUMPS on hand manufactured from Algoma white quartered pine. ang_t by mail promptly attended to. Shipped to soy point. ADDRE1313 ARMSTRONG BROS., G'oderioh, Ont. 17-R PATENTS MEATS. Tilif $*M1 AMO 1211111CNIS pp��saal1nheehaw erl, sad all hesIn the Va. Pates t]�lie •neetd ta st MODKR 4 TS FIC/Mf. filo we oar i u. t). Palest (N Mae tMes twaMte }1►W/*HHIMOOI7 `lase SOW oL r�i3i'i�s' to vim s ta r. W..«ar�4� to t�1m1� � he •• 1N� rseseweem n ,�rtflM tweet awn N • !� II 4f mw. stat. we Opener. menet* 0000 IOU IS DONE AT SIGIAL 1 ommetai t"�i� :. Dae• NE7I GAS APRIL. SAUNDERS&SON WALL PAPER KALSOMINE ! WINDOW SHADES ' MIXED PAINTS! BARC}AINS 17( AL1. LI MIDI. '!'fie Cwt Him OOtr tie Se