HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-4-18, Page 61
ThS... woes§ kaowlsa.
A Is. oyster shall* aid remote eIislc-
sa bell' the vale.
illsdeamsiiime cistern water may
much impn•ted by baugiste a bo
charcoal la it.
To relllete patio splashes from wis•
duo.. me...tet mita • •Irosi,t soktil ln; of
undo end rub hard
An ex.:emelt levied, her •'m, even
of '•nae Maud luv, is t . 1htebeu melted
lard with preiared shall, .old use asa
Glow may be cut with any her.. tool,
like • :Meet, ler 11111ture, 1` lopsC ,.1-
*tautly wet wire cempbor dtasulvodti
sprits of torp Mine.
Fur rel 115
removes,' :mint from 1lll'� • Illll
tun' of use, meted tat hew to tour puuuds
of pw'•.h and sat quern; of water is
Moat et8uie.t. Other prop,ettuss of
the Mme maternal• do net do a) well.
A French remedy be 'manages is •
t.• ma;Ie front thie•le 'alussums, • lumh-
kr1ut .•f tea three tinges a day. racial
notalgia can 1)t+ mo -.h alleviated by ap
platens • warm poutticl .d the seine bits-
At Invslu*Me R needy for l',ld.. --4
drops spirit. of cau.ph•.r, 1 te,s•,e,nful
of guitar A quhldli,et eater. 1)ow, de. -ort
op'' rani every 13 uunutre - adults:
teaspe.tful for child of It) years; for it: -
fatty 20 dr •;o.
Papenug Whitewashed \V>tii's. --- D.a-
snlve tee emits' worth of glue in two
thirds of • poi of water, awe..,, .he will.
clean with a Meilen, then wet with the
gime water, esker a whitewash hrrtsne
When dry, p.,.er in the usual way.
Reale ly for Sprsius -- Break the
white of an ogle int., a ...over, mei stir it
with • lump .4 alum until tt bscI.mts
thick; spre•u It on a than cloth sad .;,-
ply. &pually good ter tion.. or ,ether
anneals. If immediately after the in-
jury, it will give rel: f at once. Bet it
is of great value 1 applied even ...use
time afar the injury.
Pencil for Writing on Maw, etc.—Thr
new eeocila iutruducrd by Faber f
oridol upon truer., 1)' .111 cud ••iota'-',
is red, white sad telae, are made by
melons. t.tguthei aperm.cati, four parts.
tallow, tl.ree pyrite; and wax, 1.0 porte
and uuleting the mixture with white
lead, r. -d lead, or Premien blue, as
desired. These pencils are, convenient
I n the laboratory, and Live the trouble
of labeling.
Oil of peppermint is an exoeller i
thine to keep el the house A little ap-
plied to a born will a.tt.n relieve the
pate. It is an exeelleut inae itatur for
plants. Etvht drop. .,f Oil to a quell ..f
tepid w+tter, sprit, kle the plants thorough-
ly. For worms 11. the ,. t', pour a little
on the earth 1 know of a largo bit
where all the pirate were infected with
aphis, which was c. n.i letely tid of them
in a.ingle tight by this Knees..
•omrmade eletweeni.
An ssoellent and safe eminent, trough
simple, for weak backs. the result of s
fall ..r overwork, is made of two ounces
of alcohol, two ouuces of hartshorn, and
two tablespoonfuls rf •alt, mixed in a
quart f rainwater and torched. Rub
the back freely with o nigh: and morn-
ing. t If course 1,1 any ser1•.o4 case of
•trate a physician should Le sent for:
but a simple home remedy like this is
sootheee. and can de no harm.
Item. tar Ise Toilet Table.
Ons of the best tooth powder. ie emu -
poise(' of equal parts 1.1 prepared chalk
and pumice stone and half the quantity
of anis root.
A lasting, pleasant powder for sachets
is comp•.ed of an ounce of French violet
powder and an ounce of pulverised orris
The teeth of a child or adult should
never he neglected. The most serium
disease* of the throat have been
traced to decaying teeth. It is better
economy to pay • little mcre au.] employ
an expert dentist than to be • sufferer
from the inbspenrnce 1,1 a quack. The
trilling of a nerve and tiling et the tooth
afterwards is an extremely delicate
piece of betimes, which should be
done by a man who has principle enough
to do his work honestly. After killing
the nerve, every particle of the dead
nerve matter must lee removed. 1 ideas
this is done with the greatest care, bits
of the nerve remain. snd after the tooth
isafihed decay, and throw off poiamuus
hoses. which may permanently blacken
the tooth ••r affect the health by produc-
ing serious dieeses of the Rune one of
the least of which is a . ulcer.
Dandy Illiaaers.
EY MARY 1'; Ittilr rtItatiNe,
In these bills of fare for farmhouse
dinners we will „try to convert the
material found in the rutal !wine into
tempting savory meale.
In order to accomplish this result, care
and attention to details must be given.
Dainty cooking and 'erring will render
a simple dinner into an inviting feast.
Clean. white table cloth and napkins,
pretty well kept tablewitre ore necessary
for every tneal.
For dinner today, we will have the
following : - Bean 'time mock sausage,
mashed potate. stewed turnips, apple
sane* nr apple jelly, mixed soled, crack-
ers, cheese, cream pie. apples, nuts, :cof-
fee. etc.
Bean Soap.-- Pick neer and wash otm
• pint of beans. Place in kettle, with two
sinarte of cold water, two chopped onions,
one-half teacup ehopped salt pork. moo
even tea•poon pepper. pinch of Demmer
savery. it at hand. Boil until beans ant
soft, then prow through a colander. and
retorts to kettle. Add one qeart of rich
milk, melt. it era/mosey. and beii bee
manatee. Servo hot at once.
Mock Sausages—Cat thin slices of salt
pork, and freshen in equal parts of ',my
nsilk and cold water for twenty four
bears. Place in a frying pen. sprtnkle
with pepperonis's, and one chopped onion.
IPry entil a light brown, stirring 'con-
stantly. then add an* pint of bniling wa-
ter. Beil five minutes and serve hot is
gravity boat. There are two to throe
of making mock eatteagre of salt
=I, hut thig is very simple awl good.
sbegrost Tornipe. -- Cat in small piens
=stirs t gears. dhow'.
mod add am piss of milk. two table -
yuan hatter, gait snit popper t. seams.
Sart. het.
Mashed Palate. —Boil palate's is halt-
ed water after was►1sR sed pulling.
Whoa tsSder driest anted rah, *ddlsg lir
e ach demo potatoes ase -bait t.acep hot
milk, sad two tablespoons melted
butter. Beat all well. together, and
serve hot.
Mixed Salad --Chop Smokwo potatoes,
woe -halt Targe hest, ose.balf turnip, add
• little cabbage, if at head three tabl.-
sp.uo. ham or pork fat, and six table
spoon. vinegar, Salt, pepper and mwtard
to sarins. serve sold
Cream Pie—Line plate with good
crest, and bake ; when cold fill with the
telluwsne : Cream for pie, two teacups
-west milk, piama os stove, in double
boiler, when but add one teacup sugar,
Iwo wall -beaten eggs, one -hal( teacup of
dour mild smooth, is • little cold milk,
a pities of batter, size of a butter nut
Bol until thick, stirring oxen•tautly,
when cold, flavor with two tea.po.,ns
leluou extract, and plans In crust. Th•
top of the vie may be frosted, if desired.
Cheesier Coeeks mad !'olds
And all Diseases of the Throat and
Lunge can b. cuted by the ase of Soott's
Emulsion, es it contains the healing vir-
istues of Cud Liver Oil and tiypuphoe
phos in their fullest form. Se. what
W. S. Muer, M D., L It C. t'., etc..
Crura, N. S., says : "After three years'
I consider Soott'a Emulsion
ane of the very best in the market
Very excellent In Throat affections "
Sold by all Druggists, 50c,.and $1. 4
The parish regl.tries of England c,•n-
o*u1 ...mequeer names. Among them
.nay be mentioned F...t Bath, PaKAI
Limb, River Jordan, Morning Dew, teff
sprint/ Dear, and Smith Follows, one
ro.. Many and Not Wanted Jamas wet..
'he names given to the Isvt two °Ail Ire,
.•f a large family. E Iward Byng T.11t-
do Forward Jewitt appears in une record.
end from rix to ten baptismal uawas are
(sequently found.
fay Tao do tetter.
When attacked by croup, son throat,
l is. , neuralgia, apraioe,
bruises, burns or any kits of pain or
soreness, con you do better than use Val-
le. Oil 1 Itis a medicine which never
fails to etre sti.fe :tion. It ie magical
w Its power ever pain, and is the mimic
and beet remedy where soreness and tn.
'flsmmat ion exist. '>
Dare T.sr sweeties.
Don't threw away your old rubber
bo.•te and ahoee,sys an exchauge. Sive
them for the agent? of the chewing gum
factories, who are now buying them up
111 all parts of the world. Pulverized
rubber boots and over.hoe.,dayored with
vanilla, , and other estrscta,
hake the choicest of chewing gum.
Listed to • ree1'e Paradise.
Many neglect slight of dis-
ease, hepiug that nature will realer*
health. True, nature will aid, but she
must also be aided by cuing Burdock
Blood Bitter*, from I' to 2 bottler of
which is sufficient to cure any ordinary
case of impure blood, , dys-
pepsia, liver complaint, kidney cow-
olaiot, debility, etc. 2
garb Woman Body as tiresrie •starry.
The French Academy of Selectee has
discovered by that each hu-
man body is in itself an electric battery.
one electro being represented by the head
sod the other by the feet. Therefore it
is the proper thing to sleep with one's
head to the north and feet to the south.
Cem1.g aerate.
Corning . is foreshadewea
by a hacking ceu,ph, night sweats, pain
in the chest, etc. Arrest its pros/nee at
once by taking Hawyard'. Pectoral Bal-
sam. which never fails to cure coughs,
cold., bronchitis, hoarseness, etc., and
even in confirmed affords
grateful relief.
Bestroylaa; tae iadlari Taste.
Indy Dufferigl, in her clever book re-
lating her of "Vice -Regal
Life in Indio." says that the English are
rapidly spoiling the exquisite taste of th.
East Indians by sending .-ut dolls dress. d
in the height of (aabioo and English -
made clothing to distribute among the
children in the acetals.
Bow Dyspepsia le Cared.
1 suffered from dyspepsia. and wee
weak and miserable with what the do. -
tor said was nervous debility. Seeing
Burdock Blood Bitten advertised i tried
it, and after taking three bottles feel
perfectly restored to health.
Mev J. H. SNIn,a.
2 Kleinburg, teat.
.4 neat system of telegraphy ha. a
sending' t with tec keys, each
of which makes one of the weight or
carved lines used in Keenan letters. It
is claimed to have sent a seventy-six
word mentstre in twenty-five seventh
and pnnted them in plain et er-
• Cress
Oil as a sure cars for rheeniation.
had it for some tinse, and was cured hi
saint/ part ot one bottle. I can also re-
commend it for chilblains, burns, frost
bites, sprsina, bruises, one
Olen Almond, Que.
Visiting foreigner —"My men, why is
all this dirt heaped up semi -periodically
on the street.,"
Laborer—"It • elaisie the streets we
Foreigner --Bet why don't they haul it
off Mislead of Nevin: it to be mattered
and earaped sp again?'
thertakin' the bread out of a poor laborite
man's mouth
To rat Some .—Please isfoirs your
readers that 1 have a positive remedy
for the above namol disease. Br its
timely me thousands ot hopeless game
have been oenagesently eared. I *ball be
glad to mod two betties of my reasealy
man to any of row readers who hare
eoesemptiee if ty will seed inti their
Inpreas sod P. 0. address.
ly 164 W. Adelaide Tomato, Oat.
Items of Interest from over the
• Weekly Brew' of tie roomy lir a• sort/•
ed up so Mott Rea -. of "Tim a/eaaL'
esti and Poled. eltlimmod sued t'.n-
d.soud Isom Every s'twlea.
Mr Daytime and family, of Sta.ky,
have removed to Manitoba.
Isaac Fitzpatrick left Brussels fur D. -
ver, Colored.), uu Wednesday of Let
Mr Ed. ilodgkw, of Hamilton, bet
fo.werly of Chews, ha* been engaged
as geese her the flodench Orgies" Co.
Mr A. W. Meir, of Clinton, has pas-
sed, very creditab•y, the primary exam -
Mammals of 1foGtll Medical Colleb.,Mo.
Mr Sattnn, section ho•e on the G. T
R , near Wtoghuu, by purchased L.
Anderson's farm, cut. G, Turntwrry, for
p; 000.
G. L Ball, 1. 1) S., of Tonicity, has
diepoeed of his dental practice in Set -
forth to Dr Belden, wbu took possession
kat week.
Mrs E tmund :tanning, of L oodm-
bore, is 80 years old •:Id revel- used
spsotselea She e.o see to read as well
as any young to,•rsen
Mr Gmi. Sentinel. who moved
to London last 1.11, has returned
to Wiughant to take charge of Mr Geo
McKenzie'• bro,•tu factory.
Samuel Prarsun, hrtasela• an .:1d and
w ell-Itnoen residers, is on the sick list
f•oo what appears to be paralysis. Mr
Pearson has been a very hearty tun
The many friends of tIr J septi 1G •r
tis, Hullett, •r.. filed 1.; see 1110 smuGng
a u'tenance aro.In l attain after being
confined to the house for some time with
s out f,.ot.
Mr B. Reynolds. late proprietor of the
Mansion Hou►., Exeter, left with his
family on Tuesday of last week fur Clin-
ton, where he has purchased • livery
busies..., and will in future reside.
Mr Wm. H. Medd, of the llth con.,
Hullett, tin eels the homestead and he
stock and implements; we believe it is
his intention to mere with his family to
Listowel, near where his br^her a liv-
The Rev R. McC.oh, Rector of Chinet
Church, Petrels, and formerly of Bay-
field, who would have been the unani-
mous choice of St James Church, Inver
soli, has decided not to sever his connec
tion with Petrolea, and has notified the
vestry of St. James Church accordingly.
W Kelly, Bru..el.,has gooe to Escanaba,
Mich , where he saw an opportunity of
bettering hie a financially
and thus put himself in • positi,o t4
meet all pis ti. We with him
•uoceee. Geo. Wbybrew, a former
Brueselite, ie a lsadiog builder and con-
tractor in Esm•oeba.
Mr Benjamin Philip., Hay, has pur-
chased from Mr John Reit'. of Heneall,
the old Reith homestead, farm on the
2.4 c,ncessir n of Hay, for $5.500.
This farm contains 100 acres, has gn,.d
buildings and is one of the choicest
ferns in the township. It waa purchas-
ed a little over a year ago for $6,500
Word has been received that Messrs
Robt. Riley and Jne. Cnutts, who left
Winghem per G. T. R for Neepawa,
Man., no March 18th, with their families
and effects, arrived at destination in
excellent shape the following blonder
morning• !weeny male the run trent G
T. R. station, Winehate, to Neepswa nn
the very quick time for ct-lonut 1rsine ld
five and three quarter days.
..:°.m BABY CARRIAGES �a«`a�s.
Aa Arab W1ae.
ttemambsr. throe utas moo ad r
arrow .w apes W track -
1 will on swarm it will not stay
o mesh; It Aim to wooed or slay.
Wass ward... maws fotUe t
Moo ; bow It bao pertabed aa,
s titbit( bailie 'tl' *Hag •ei
Ed doing week star geed tie ill.
Arias lost spportsalty,
That arm.th bank au sours to tine.
Halm Lisa wo'p.st la vain dad y
throe wltl weverm.u. rotten•"
—L Brooks. la theC+
• tarkty .f Antilop Mat Will
see trarMle
The effect ..I some of the new
and spangled use" sod gauzes her
dancing dresses reminds nue of t
worm by fairies in '•Mideutnmer
.)ream." These seem, in their i
ltcacy, hardly in fur cite wear an
the ball -room, ae in the giddy
the deem the pretty peedenle at
to come to grim(, and then .hat
tion and tnala of temper, as the
omits catch sad interlace with 1
other flying toilets 1 But these
are very tempting,ae the tints at
and toilets funned of them ars 1
over dinging China Atka the aha
diaphanous drspings.
Acoordi.w-pleated skirts are a
worn, either in plain ur borders
tr`lyra; ales straight, full skirts of
erePs, with rows of wee. or of
bee sa a border. A black net
this make, over torah or moire.
...taws, for general a(oern°
or the coming season, as its p
is still apparent, and anything t
or wraps that te once well to ti
rarely .tulle di.plao.d befog. it
through two tr three ..snout
There ars quite a number
ways for ornamenting fana for
sod daneine parties. The to
gauze fans are many of them ens
very light mood. One-half the
covered .itII large slid Luna
dowers, semi., re.etiblt,g h
formed of pink ur white alk c
foliage beteg dainty and 11.1
the dower proper. The foliage
•often of smilax, is ar,a•tged
fashion along each rite alio
genre re, show between tach tt
hollyhocks or other flowers al
massed, giving a very light elle
.ether half of the tau.
Apricot and 'thee- .f -rote.
(aIle ur bengaline stik •re w
; retty Venetian jackets t.f
Eiffel rod English cloth. The
bnndery on 'he edges of the cl
heavy that the wo..l is not vial
eaa-green jackets in the same
• violet or trate colored toren
:ads fill in (rent and tiuished
vet girdle. Demure little jacks
tee tears are ofiblack or dove-gt
with write vent. oovervtl w
hratdwork or
thew have fall sleeve. to the e
tight cwt -sleeves of the .ilk fr
to the wrist., shots overlaid
or covered elm ,
A pretty fashion prevaile jot
wearing a graceful hale Freoc
velvet—reseda green being
color --the front of which is ad,
• full aigrette of tine gree
Maidenhair fern in shaded tin!
la much used in these **Kral
slender fern sprays stand .tecl
the heart of the cluster are
placed twc or three pole pink ria
cluster of violets, a few bog
Biome me, a hyacinth spray
bright daffodils. The flowers •
and are changed to silt varlet)
or to tone or make • pretty cin
the costume. Thew charm
headdresses are called nation
but they are also worn at chi
dings. flower show., afternoon
at the open. Some. far the
pose. have pale tan or wt
crowns. over
td with gid o
silver .t oxo
"matinee t•olue, held op re
approbation and sdmiYation,
reen velvet, true
foreand crummier, to
the frshior
days to cover all 'militancy to
bit, hall or drawing ronin. Th
ly polished maheigasy .,r rose
which were the deter
grandmothers, and a test of e
idifferent 1 tag, are so
hidden from view as they •
been in the days of yore had
displayed a badly defaced surf
vet and plush are still in COt
for table -covers and scarfs, be
many new and beautiful (•brio
and Oriental tissue. --stuped,
all-over design, in which gold
ar. richly int.rmiorl.d wt
Eastern colon An.nng Iess
covert are those in silk and
tons in quaint patterns, with
there long bits of white or c
or wool lett loose as if the e
unwittingly omitted to blend
the design. Full-length car
to match these scarf.. many .,
eorre.prchina. es.ding to the seen
A complete costume joie fr
'S bands is made of a tine
nese'. tweed. The walkint
cosigned to wear with other g
.do of dark green cloth.
ta are lined with altar -gr
ith great,. The dress bode
itb two ws able's e, one of
dad silk overlaid with gree
mimes braid; the other of
Atte and green alternately.
somewhat high, and .trieth
pa, .till, whollynalike t
lar whieh ha. priptlh
*eh more beenetieg a
the seek head, whit
narrowing from Mee
is eat. with an
fie as it rises tew5.& the
k sssNpia 2ewa tl . al
sail seek trills wet
dittos. tilos served to Mdt
sat singk - $ polder yrltM
caul`. seek - • e CST', herb
Cheapest, Best and Largest
Modern warfare now calls fer s.nail•
bore rodeo having an initial velecity el
2000 feet per seeped.
The swan is the longest -lived hire. am"
it is asserted that it has reached the age
of three hundred years
Laalaseat Mead.
Na animal can see in the dark Seale
have eyes extremely senettive to light et
low intensity. Such ato see in places
which we pronete ce dark, but there
must be lotus light prompt.
A French acietitist, who has been
studying the hands of manual laborers,
finds that very Marked physics! peculiar-
ities are engendered by the pursuit ..f
Sending pictures telegrat h is ••:/e
.1 the latest Itirentiohr. The esliebt
pent. of the pet Mr sue ett•tortied he •
"'Alibates. aed the deeills are filo-. in
--eh, the deseriptive load. added.
James T . eldest son. of Mr Samuel
Dicks. n, postmaider Sesforth, died at
the eevly age of 20 years. 1 month and
10 dap, nit Monday, the 24th ult. He
was a young man t.f good edocation and
bright promise aril his sad death has
cast a wheel) liver the town. His death
was ceused by luez disease. •Ith which
he had been afflicted fer Wine time, and
ores looked forward to for 1101013 months
as en event certainly to occur.
An ingenions sw1t d'e is being worked
pen with a double I. a I plays an import-
ant part. Thu pen carries twe kinds 'nf
ink,on• of which will fade. the other will
ars written in the ink which fade*, and
the farmer's signature with the perman-
ent, and the document finally fieures ss a
not• of hand, which is discounted let the
neerest bank, and the farmer has to pa:.
Meesrs. William and darned Berry.
Hensall, who h•ve resided there ler
e▪ xteosively engseed in the hone) emot-
e is., left last week. Mr Wm Berry
his removed to the McCartney farm ott
the Mdl It Tuckersinith. which he
has rented for a term of years. Mr
James Berry, haring purchased NI acres
from his brotheron-biw, Mr Wise, on
the Heron Road, Tuckersmith, has re-
moved to it.
W. take the following frem a recent
Reid him recoired from Mum Mary Me -
E wen. ezeestrix cif the last will 01 the
late Mrs Catherine McFwen, of Exeter,
Eirantreliestion, $500, and the remeinder
f tr the Foreign Mission Fund." hire
McElwee was the wtdow of the 6te Dec-
can Meliwen, f Flsy, one of the pioneer
residents of this eoenty, and mother of
the Messrs McKeon. tif Hay, near Hen-
sel!, see Mr Peter McKeon, nt McKie
lop. The bequest is almost generous one
and will stand a. a permanent memorial
of the Christian liberality of the worthy
A thoroughbred Jersey one belonging
to Mr John Hannah, of Tuckersmith,
hut • larly good milk record.
During the peat seamen she gave
for nine and • half menthe, and during
that tame she Irani 4,(100 IM. nf
and fifteen and a half poen& of milk
produeed a posed of better. ftles thee
produeed 310 lbe. of better, whieh at en
seems pries of 17 vents per pound
would- Rialto the yiold of tin sow ia mak
4b4 for the season, besides Ilse skim
41%11! ;auntie:* would be worth a enneider-
She received only the mine
feed and oars as Mr Hannah's other
cows. This is the kind of animals
oer dairyrnett should keep if they want
to make dairying pey.
At a recent hat.nuet tendered to the
Pan-Aulenion dee-gales is Lee in he
cent 'erbium! 0, re displayol, anomie
which was Attire tieon,
set • rose.: with • if livsithontse is;
the disoince. elide t.ny lamps p'ated a•
woe rn.•ei p!. sesta 1, witness
Stock in Goderich !
totistqapnoll suRtul
Please inform emir readers that I harm &positive rdiody ter the ahem named
&masa By its wady use inousands ot hop less cases hove bees canna...Fatly eared. I shall
be elati to send two bottles of try remedy FAZE to any of yaw readers alio bare coo
elamption II thee will seol we their Express and Post Mc, Address, iteemetamg,
T. A. swotted. aa.c., eats meet aismeuse at* voitonrro. ovrrimita
Ho you sleepers,
Rub your peepers
Don't be creepers
Bargain reapers
NOW'S the time to bny.
i:id TABLES. LOUNGE:P. kr.
My aim hot alw.t! • boo to k-rti First -Claes rnraiture. The pest sin speak tor ltself.eTbere
,,,••toteepteettet..11 1,11 0.r eat: elate miees.
That twin cure init.::
oldest and meet e•oonet....-... Inner -id Pireetor ih the Comity. riallorat TM% 4.14E4
weo-st.. Oodei ere,. the ween P.O. and Dank of Mogen -al.
Wee to aneounce that be is now west tar
The fluor -Tea Conally's Celebrated Teas
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