HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-4-18, Page 42 THE HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1890. THE CANADIAN BANK OF C]'TAOt.I•aHt0 S0117. HEAD OFFICE. . ROP WITAL'PAID N) fIi1x MILLION' DOLLARS AMT. • COMMERCE S. E WALKER. AsIE1tAL MANAOlas - •,000,000. . 107110,000. GODERICH BRANCH. ' A eleaRAL BA101NO BU Nota• TNANBACTIO. FARMERS' NOTE DI•couNTED. DRAFTS OWED PAYABLE AT AL,, POINTS in CANADA. ANO TMU PRINCIPAL &M[• Iia THE UNITtD STATitt. GREAT BRITAIN. FRAIIOE• 5ERfttiuoA, no: SAMSON DANK IMPARTMENT. • 0(POSIT$ of 51.00 ANO UPWARDS RECEIVED, ANO CURRENT RATES OF INTRINST ♦LLOWf(0. pNTSN0•T A0010 TO THIS P11114008PAL AT TNN •m0 OF MAY AND m0VSSSDSa rrr SACK TEAR. $pmetal Attipatles given to the 0,114,4 1ms et a awl Farwaere' Sale. Notes. a1 Paper. R. S. WILL,AMS, MANAGER. POISOZ( IK THE WELL ALLURED ATTEMPT AT WHCt f!g1t:L MUMMER. Mks lIalte M. k•. d Sena OHM. ('wor- nwllOed M 71x1.1 en a Sar... chars. - to aald O. have Semeht R.. esgw ea Iain tirt•it'. erwuer. OaILLLL, April 16. -John Weinman, jr., of the towttillp of Hoath IMltla, was today committed for trial by Mayor J. W. Memo and 0. J. Bo utl,11. P., for attempted murder by pati pito'• in the shops ,4 parts green In the well used by William .1. Armstrong and bis forty. 1t appears that RI -feeling .r... through the mistreatment by the prisoner of Ws wife, who is 1 ateter. Mn. W alumna left her bttabaad Met Aiwa .0d has tis THE EDITORS TASLL A Weed es owe AMM 0.w 1.N s...1 S ITtsss flare Dams Oe 15.04. uT!'RLL's trait* Pee. The numbers of The Livia., Ape for A�bob end 12th outdate Walleye uo wi.is ," by the Bishop vi Carlisle, On Books and the Hoagie` of Them. h1 Mr Gladstone, sod Oe Jostles, Nita - Wroth tottery; The Smelts of Euro Intercourse with the African. sod The fallowing *Seers were appointed ion eatemmtioe with Atwood ere depart - smut:. Joe. Hanna, Chief; Henry Hear, O.ptaiu; Jag. t3trwthees, bit Mate; John Rogers, led Mete; lea Irwin, tleo.- e Vuron Cignal peas q let7W$Ym Dr yon D.Uinger, r T►• iiVERY FRIDAY MORNING. Mot►.r of the f3leuxii, and '1'be Casten - AT IT. MILAN t'rutrTON, oreten: of White's "Selborne," National; . NORTH-STRRRT. 00DIUUCH. The Lyrism of the English Romantic Drama, Iu,leightly; The Ways of the Bast, Temple liar; Curiosities of liaboul- boy Wit, Luwymew; A Tele of Many Monkeys, (Umbers': The Cava of the Crocodiles, St. James's; On the Verge of Spring, Pipet -tate, ; with the of "Zoe," Sod instalments of "Sons and teainad away .ver since. The prieeeer D.0 titers," and "Manua, and poetry. Llamas Armstrong for between For fifty-two numbers of sixty-four large hew.tf lied vette, e d beteg of a eery Pete- pages each for inure than 3,300 pare a flair disposition, has brooded over his affairs year) the subscription price mg) le Ion ; SIG Rill), IlcusaF,•0d the other harpies emu d nv'e aold to nvontp bimamlt o' his while foe $10.150 the publishers offer tr HURON SIG who 'either foil nor spin, but fatten at bthm brother -i. -law. The Prnouhe. often m.4 send any one of the Aserio.n S4 00 tempt that he would be even up with Arm - FRIDAY, APRIL IL 1870. strong• y Ave (•.r •yearboth postpaid. Arm- .__ • welt -known American general tept to pontos the whole family was dile • , Boston, era the publishers. NEt'ESSITYFOR ACONVE\'TION. dubbed "Spoons Bryon' How would covered. the public crib. We well recollect when RRand b the merest aotident the at, moothhes or weeklies with The Lr«.y Litten d• "General Fun MtooLgrok" snood: Some ttme since Armstrong's house nen. It is now generally be'•ieved tt• fired and his barn, with all the esa.our trop, deKn,yed. The fire was apparently the (kitario Local elections will be held in 1 •EL t -/►EI► FARMERS. work of an incendiary. ib. mmth of June, between the 10th When the N. P. was evolved at the The evidence before the magistrates Wad and l7th. If the general belief be true. instance of the ma'uf•etunrs who we,. mostly of • . . J nature. then len than two months is available .not able to stand alone, an appeal was THE GRAND TRUNK'S SCHEME for preparation for the conflict, ' 'elide to the cupidity of the farmers To Build a Kaiiw.y Aero . the t ....t ..eat In West Hulett no rd .rt has been to juin the forces of the manufacturers -The C•P•m•s tong ou•al. MAD by the executive towards holding at the poll .o tbat,io the event of soocen, New YORK, April I& -The Herald revs i• .sea the "nee' cuoeentiee for the el" Y settled that there will be more railroad they would alw nap • benefit in the handing this year in the Northw-eet Terri - tion of officers, and why this corpse -like shape of enhanced prices for their coin- tortes than for several yearn A prominent attitude should be maintained we know modities. Many of the agriculturists were gentleman has just arrived from London, not. Inst year, when there was no caught by the specious pleas advanced where he went to confer with the (:rand probability of an election, the annual by P. orators and went over bodily Trunk line Neoefrone iuNregarl wetost tao \lrPre- posed 'iituipeq - meeting was held in the month of Feb- to the cause of Protection in the hope cf coria, B. C C. via Vanrowver N.rrows roars, and the Oboist's were elected, but pecuniary benefit but though they and Yellow Head Parr, the route origu- thio year, with an election at hand• no changed their political principles they ally selected for the t'atadian Pacilk• Government. H at have been taken to perfect the ter railway by the Mackenzie .overnmen e stepsor- than t ettect •beneficial change in their says that in r.rtiveriatiou with cue secretary financial condition. Their last state is of the (grand Truuk that g.ntleme i made 'Why is this and who is responsible for worse than their tits•, and the,' the positive .wlertiou that surveys of the the delay which under certain cundttiocef w moo t them who will Canadian Northwestern Territories foga are e • Ifs Winnipeg to Victoria would be commenced may mean deep injury to the Reform not seg the grim application of the this spring. He said the Grand Trunk and Party in West Huron ' 11 it is the fault � y recently told by June CRAM.- Nortbern Pacific ',mill unit,' to build the of the executive it is tame the executive i,I,O` ie the House about the farmer who road, and build it. too, without any unnet«- was changed, and ifof reasons are not nary ddday. A. W. Res, M.P. for Lagar, g` I bad been taxed to death all his life and said Huotron bay ,cad will texnmtw' e shown fur the elm pct criminal nerlecf after death went to the lower re- this fall. The Manitoba Southeastern and in this matter, there *ill have to be acC &1,uouUw will start, and eiuns,where he found • lot of politicians, the Calgary change. but not feeling at frame among them be the Lethbridge A Montana will be ..nn - For years past the Reform Association w pieta, as well as the Regina it Long Lake eo t into another ee h wher e there was • and it i• ,heel to IPrinceot•e Albert. of West Huron has bison conducted un lot of lawyers and doctors. Not feeling •'go-as-yun•please principles, POLITICAL CONVENTIONS. N home there either he ato-,d around about time efforts were made to pet the disconsolate until Otto No K put in an lip- Rerormer., cwaervativm and Equal working machinery in better shape. pearance and asked him what he wanted. Blghter■ is Council. The u13 style cf conducting matters willAYL)tER. April 14. -The annual meeting o I am a farmer, he said. ''R'here are the Fast Ellin Cons rvative Association n .vas have to be abandoned if we hope It. con- j you from : asked the devil. "I am held in the Town Hall to -day. tinted success,. from Canada, he replied, and ''Whom Addressee were dolivered by Wears.At the preent time danger menaces f r nand his satanic Mar - Vie constituency from lethargy, user - Ingram, M.LA., Dr. Merlatt, Enti y, Mar - POPLAR ROW. From our ewe correspoade.t. Miss Mary Salloes, who has been liv- ing in Hamilton for flume tome, has re- turned home again. Mr Harry Morris has hired Richard Boyd as foreman of hu term for the com- ing summer. Dick u • line plowman and a going to run opposition to Will Green, foreman of Mtrrisdale farm. did you vote or in Lyn, Mt('ully Godwin, the preeirieut ,ted c roSdence, and "uW fogyism,' and un- ma )est y' "I voted fur Ste done A. uthrn. Th... oaken we+•. e:rcte t: SI M. ta�At.o and the National Pulley " President E. A xi0er oreelttted . Isis the younger men take hold there is w.. rc-- what he said. and the devil asked tbe-1'eldeetJ. P. Manse. going to be trouble.Seeetary•Treseurer-- t. H Hackhrsns••. Why did you do that "Well,- .old The p,raaidetlt nen ittetructasl telt. , call the Annual meetings def the Association the farmer. "I did that under the im- pression have to be held at stated dates, axe toive rogother within :tai hays t.. r•:w.1cr pression that it was going to raise the the adco.bility of selecting a candktate for whether is be in accord with the person price of produce. "Oh, said the devil, the Houw of t',m-m.me• al whims of individuals or not ; new ..then come along. I have a place for blood will have to be put into the ezecu you,. and be took him to another large tiva ; and if the old hones cannot strike roam, 1.000 feet long, 300 feet wide and a good gait they must be led back to the 10) feet high, with •line stretched across treble and fresh young colts pot in their it and a great number of people bung up, Stead, and the farmer said. "What does this -•'RPOO S" AND "Fr RS. ( mean! ' • Well, ' said the devil, "then F i are Canadian farmers who toad for ., We never looked `JOHN A. MAet.ONAI and the Nati nal �f:uvtl:r'Ut v a hero, and even when a Iot►licy under the impression that it number of our confreres were going wild would raise the price of grain, and, rs about him in labs we thought he was a they are too green to burn. I have hung much over rated military nobody. \� a them lip to dry. ' never could see the necessity for making 000 him, addition to W. Barley. • bwaA . . tion with the Northwest rebelliu'. nation for Peel county against the sitting ; were mato for Hi, : mettibiy'1 . rx.n • teoeld p'blatoes,new r bosh ... . • ...... /0 da p; never could see any evidence of ability "ad' Hay. i ton .... ......'...... ..... $ w •e - m member, Jir KENNET!' CR1rIHOL+t The • a t5 N o is in bis conduct of the campaign that en- titled him to any particular pewee, for h start we believed that 4.000 or pt 1. fed, ought sorely to be sole to quell a f opinion that Air Hiv Gime deputation which will risk \1r George HayHodes.... at 4 re „^II)ts sl Kisng•et.ew iterems. t trdit brad credit1. ors entitled jtis 0m^ 0 t disturban.^e raised bya few hundred din- ( v R satisfied hal: breeds, fed, ill clad. reeu!ar vocation, and talcs to hies lie 1 I- The meeting utianiumuely eidor•e Apples, t bo h ... e o Oo the embe riber, containing eigfit room*. he 1 ee:ve statements of their enters appoint h- and badly equipped. Mine' P TOY exhibit - It Is a wide-awake local - - devoted to oe sty news and the dlassmlaaUs. or use - fel knowledge. Dentistry. M. NICHOLSO1t. I.D.M. U1$TAL 510031• Right! dour bellsw o urns. fly, DR, E. ItICHARDSON, LD•S. SI'RO$ON�lDrZATLST. !W' and \'1�ulfeet! •'�- •►tea t1 to the prss.rieues ural TT Mee l.' p stairs Uesod OMra H irorl Ratrana. ea W.e41FL, lied rloh. >11/1-1r RATIN PI eteaceIP'UOS t ILO a year ; 750. for lz months ; vee. for three u.esths. If Lbw subscription is not at la advanos ub.oriptloa 1t1o1bs charged the rate of MASA year. ASThaTtsLt0 RATES Lama and Mem casual ad tea per line fur lint tesertlua. aee 7 cents per Um Nr each latent*'. Measured by smeared scala Local mikes in meeparlel t) pe Se per ilea Loyal notices is ordinary reading type lc poi word. Buskers cards of Ms lines .0A under /S per fear. Ad of Lost. Found. Strayed 9ltsatlow %'scant. Stteat►oo Wanted and fArlaess ('asinoee Wanted. not exceeding 0 item nooperlel II par month. Houses on Male and Farms on Sale- not to exceed $ lines, 1l for tint mouth, 50c per sub- feetteat month. larger advts in proportion. Any special notice. tits object of which is to greinu a the pecuniary benefit of any tadt- ridual or yeotpan,. to be cousidered an .d and charred accordingly. These terms will in sU oases be strictly Ad- hered to. Special rates for larger ad Ad%ertiermenta for extended period:. tsetse at Ilk race of publication. We understand that one of our cham- pion sawyer., Mr John McNeviu• of Poplar It ow, accompanied by Mr Joe Thompson, champion sawyer for Lake Sher. road and Ashfield, attended • couple of sawing bees at Garbraid, and beat everything there two to one. A number of neighbors assembled at the farm 01 Mr George Morris t n Mon- day and raised a fine woodshed. Among those present were Messrs Kenneth Mor- ris and Tho'.. Sallow*, whore brawny arms have oft before raised the massive timbers to their places in the barns of our aet'Iera. Also present were Messrs Char. Mrtferdy, Harry Morris and Rich- ard Boyd. v o Sir. \\' ) ked upon Gen.RED . grant of >lt20, to .um, u► • t w J &\tis` L Ht OHIT.*;, Toronto's public his regular pay, for his work in connee- school Inspector, has accepted the nun.t- %TALL PROFITS. CHOICE GOODS. �t a Insole the profits small - very small -when we marked our New Spring Stock, which is now complete. We are bound to still in- crease our business and to do i o have determined to sell Choice Re- liable Goods at Rower prices than any other liou-e in town. �� a do this, of course, in our own interests, bat we serve the interests of our customers equally -a4 well. Will you call and see our stock % �L e shall be glad to show our ,goals Siore' whether you purchase or not. If THE HURON Hu PEI. 7011 dont buy, we are sure you Thh, well known and popular hotel Ra bees West Teterboro Reformers.refitteA ana enlargrel dunng this past trate•, or made JeiIi/e DEPARTMENT. A fully equipped Jobbing Ofeea is carried oa in connection with the ordinary newspaper business. where first-class work Is turned out at ra.onable rales. Kverything in tbs print- ing line can be done on the premises frost m illuminated poster to a -visiting card. All oommunkalione must be addressed to 0. 1•elEILLNTDD7. Kditorof Tilt: SIGNAL Telephone ('al, No. 71. liod.ricb Ont. _She People's (Column. WANTED. --AN EXPERIENCED Cook at good wave. Doi . A y to M1ts. GF' . U. 1'4W. n',2 It Maitland Place. / eIRL WANTED. - TI► 1)U GENE - .J TIAL work. Good wages to maim -tent Deleon. Apply to Mtt$ Moi:11.L1/'t'DI►Y- Loans anb lnsura*cs. `f( 0NEY TO LEND. -I AM OS IS, L 1011 to lewd oft /set tI• 4r Mir {uw sIecest. ApplLa/ SRl!_M �xn. 12 N. LEWIS, Barrister, Proctor in per rat., private `court da Straight law �.uwau a per et ye rl Punts very atodetwte. Ion tweet yearly. parole n tali personally or write. TI SEALER, CLE5 E FiR'T UI\'IsION COURT. Coat *pilaw, lusura•or. estate .ad Osmond al. Money to Lend•t Low Hates Gad Cues Farmers' ,Notes Discounted. Oreicx-teat to Cornrlls Yurattn.BLre Uoderich. 1 1.? J. T. NAFTEL, LiPE. Fl RR .4 XD ACC/DANT I.\ St'ILANI'S AGENT, R North British t Mercantile Wverpuot. hoodoo S Globe, Norwich Enloe. North American Life : aaAccident lrur- anee of North America. prem Lowest Kates. Lessee witted promptly )lone)- to Loan on Farm tied Town etc.y Co.veyanelne dolly. Property Oahe Cur. North -soma equate. uuderick. 7l - $4W,000 PRIVATE FUNDS t To teat. en tares aid town property. at le est interest. Mortgagee purchased. No oust musts charged egrets fur the Trust and Low ('oil y or Canada. the Canada Landed Credit Company, the London Loan Company of Canada. Interest, e, lie and 7 per cent. N. 1LBorrowers can obtain money in day, if title satisfactorlI DAVISON t JCHN1tTON• IRO Hamsters Mr.. Ooderkb �b00,000 TO Lt/AN. APPLY To CAMERON H0... & CAMRHUN . God rich. ieso lit TO LEND. -A LARGE 1l. amount of Private Etude for investaen tt lowtet rates on drat -clans Mortgages Appi) toUAIIItOW t PItOUDFOOT 1) RAL)CLIFFE, GENERALEINSURANCe, REAL ESTATE AND il1SSOLI'TION OF PARTNER- MONEY LOANING AGENT lJ e)alf rsf�a+a Companies Ateperaewtrd SHIP. Notice is hereby Innen that tie Money to Lend on straight loan*. a ore mesertnenhip beretutorc existing better, a lowest r..t.• es Latenet going, is any way ,1 J cwt tt. trrrowrr village of Dungannon. County of Huron. has er°FFI('t: - Second door from Square raga West sone, Uoderlcb. iltl-t this day been dtwolved by mutual cone. rat The burins in Nut u, -t will be conducted hr B --_-.__- J. ('rawford.who oil: collect all accounts attd pay all liabilities of the late aim. B. . Crawford and T.U. Anderson. under tl e Min name of Crawford t Anderson. in the \5'11. LANK ' H. J. ('ILA W FORD. i T. G. ANDEttSON. i►aagannon. April 3rd. *151. SI -S LIOR SALE. -A MARE -QUIET LL' to drive and very gentle. age commit (II Jean- new harness and top buggy. cheap l for cash. Apply to I A. H. COILN E LL, if Cabinet Maker. Hamilton -et. Goderkb. I `it'SIC LESSONS. -MISS AGGiE! 1 THOM,l►N U prepared to give music lemons on the piano ur unman. For parti- culars inquiry at Geo. W. Tt.Omson m Murk. -n-, f. FrrTnw u o•, April lel.-At the Rofurm will tell tether/ of the bai'�alil` and is nus srrond to none in gwbty of •ll commotat is for the !reselling politic. Geed convention heli hero to -day. Sir. J. R. ritrat- You have Seen. ton. M.L.A.,-wgr chow!) to contest the wart j riding of pet lief o at the c..ningg to old elec- tion. Addrwmse were delivered by Hoo. A. Jor•1ar. s Block. Gedericb. R. Harty, Mr. Bk-zarl, NLA.. Mr. George Apr.I I.Nc. Ian :5;1- Cox --f rOrnhIto, aril Mr. Stratton. -_ -- . - Bothwell Espial Righters. 1►Rrsnto.:\pril to • The thiel piny ool- snit here idtedfor e i .ng eo rain- BREADSTUFF$ AND PROVISIONS ing • candidate for the coming eler•tiose. THE M ARIN.ETS. f h u f --- There were only «I present. nearly all tet . 6wderteb Mees. whom were offered sornination lint refused tiuoxslcw, Agril 1 . Ileo f t this• e, 090 acoosmod.tion fur transient est*. I. ('HAIO. Square. Ooderich, Ont. Proprietor Tor Sate or to Let. r�► RENT.- HOUSE ON CORNER victoria and Hrure-stn. al at Occupied by subscriber. K rooms. and soft v-ater. stood cellar. 1 acre lot. Or would reit the house and store adjoining together. Also stock of droc•enes.etc., for elle. Apply to S1.1* MRs. WH.UN'i:_ i41AItMS FOR SALE. Legal. C A M P I O N. BARRISTER F• adlelter, Notary I'ebUc. e t e. Ottice Oeer Jordan's moor Mere. the rooms foruerly occupied by Judge Doyle. O.2! C. HAYS, S4►LICTTOR, Ac �. Office. corner of Square and t\ M street. Godrrkh. ov.r telegraph Dace. rate Funds to lend al 8 per cert. --ARROW & PROUDFI ►(FT, B R CT BIdTIW+ Attorney*.$ohcitore. Godericb J. T. Darrow. W. I'ruudfoot. 17 C,- 1MERO�I, H ►LT & CAMER)N,. Barristers. Solicitor, in ('hancery. kc. • oderich. M. 1'. Cameron. Q.C.: P. Holt. M. 0. t•amernn. t' C. It's.. 1711• r TRebical. i1R$. SHANNON & SHANNON, lIJJ Pncsiriaa. elements. Acvoucben, Ste. once at Dr. shann `a residence agar gaol Godeneh 0. C. •s.ANISON, J. It. 8N t10N. 174 Auctloneermg. TOH14 KN(►::, (GENERAL AUC- TiONRKH and land Valuator. Ooderich Ont Having had ,onsiderable experience he eastioneenn�g trade. he I. in a positron ir•harge with thorungh 'satisfaction all cow it F.ally Mr 1'arn,tt accepted r What .o. ndatd ori... entrusted to him. Order's left at with the understanding *Alin '• [Pte 1. or rent by snail to any addrt•.e. {Dominion Howse g Fleur. 1'auot Hunstalian tlrw:. r dO 1 harp a number of farms for mile in direr. oderich P. 0.. carefully attended to JOHN that he would withdraw if another could G• found to take it. Sir. William Ward aspired but gut only one vote. Several o •-ninatiuns straight .. 4n eat parts of Ontario. AN } ou are aware. farms KNOX ('aunty America/or. 151 .. }-amus.• r rne.aslir the tis bush .... .......... 0 70 N Jin sere never w clump in his pro n Oats, . resept time. and if cnn want a farm i would - Peas. i bosh .. . ................. 0 is w 0 ,.. D 0 r N 0 13 reramnnxnd )ou to hey now. If our means are limited I can sell you a farm on a small general tin cession 0 H j I Ars fresh unpacked Y doe .. 0 9 A 111 P ettaistes Fourth (.ndkln•.• rear ...... .. .. i that Mr t otic,. 0 11'5! a Ica win be snowed soder, but, aside from (►TTAN-w, Apt :I 1dI. - Tl.. [Opal Bights . Hran � Cwwt ................... that asof the case, tM Turuotu Tote -I eenvrntun war hell n-aigta. Sir. U'Alton Chosp.e *cart -exist 1 In 130 cash payment.gtctng you pinery of ting a. Ivey brlano a Of plr-nase aquey a1 s Mw rate • 1 i•- terest. thue enabling you to acquire a home of your own roost mostly. If you lave means and do not rewire credit i can go. you ugood value our )o ur money from the • a P^� as von tan get elsewhere. 1 sill gladly send you deterlptloe. of hair T Inaolr.nda hair madrs • an assfg•ment et fi 000 troop. well .•naieped and well- . ' Y.{'wrthy. N.F'., Nas ni:p•,il: el Lt peon n r:reenings, Yewt pMj► 10. Bale io ani 1«�l+tis nn ix.ring orae• sten 1 c respecting Ater l!t in pursuance ce 0 m 7V thrix rs ,•rno which is an ultra -3 rotestant news- eoree 3 t OHN J. PA N of nn _ breed, o r 't l' . . K. U. 1857. paper, a e to be the Equal flights . amlidate fou .taw. \t•or1 _ and amen* rang Ms. a cis are could M better employ working at is city in tbecrmning election for the Commons Sheep• ins.. ..................• 5 -. •I ! t Iq (, SALE. -THAT COMM( IDiI)1.8 t" t"r"tat l 41re ce of Henry Herber et Co.. Ipr.a,wA Hoy*. w ewt g \u. �} Yrunt Ktr..t Ka•t. T,.ronto, oa Tae► .1 Mr. e0 house on North -Nail pr.•,•nt a ropied M da}. Apr. Ylnd IoW a 1 o'rhg-k p.m., to oro• Lewd Noticss. 1N THE MATTER OF SUSAN SMITH e. 1', AYIWKS' et. ofthe Your. o' Oederlrh, in the County of Ilurea. trsdms Hinder the style of It. H. smith lir Co. 1 owe "Inspector Hcoprt will lire to I Hay's c.ndidetun. ed no dash, no bravery, and gate no i'- Iregret hie decision to add political activi- ' dicot in that he resealed any special ty to the duties he is paid to rattler the l soldierly yualitiee, and yet the gospel of city. Hie candidature in feel will be a gosh was preached shoot hitt and t�'0,- OW were donate 1 hy the DeCPha ter the city has a right to exact an undl- mistake. As not un,fenerous employ - representatives at Ottawa to the man' vided allegiance from Mr He nee-. He who had led the troops in suppressing cannot successfully mit politics and what some were p!e*wd to call the business. No public oftkial has • right "Northwest Holpelliott the spasmodic to ;gi'• c to politics the time and attention kick of a few onvivilizeJ l.alf-`•weeds at which his employers ply Co. This is oppression by alleged eiviLre] !eelswhat Mr Ht•'•Hre is doing. Hos appear- lators, But this man �L r t L4 our wanted ince in the local polities of Peel county to give the tattle un ,leseanenese in the ie a direct violation of a good rule. As Northwest as mac', .i the terrors of war such it is to be regretted, and those who M he tonin, and .p he went Into the con - most admire and esteem the inspector figcatlua business, and ssti�red himself are most disappointed :t bis departure to be a party to the looting of the tun frim . determination t•• ken,, out of of a respectable hall breed :lamed BRIM- pslitict, )oven The matter was recently investi- . -- - ._._--- - . gated on the floor of Parliament, and it has teen decided to recoup BR's arm for the fun eta len to the extent of 11000. That Rio Mega should be recouped for hos lees is beyond Atlestion, bait that this country should to assesee3 in datnaces for a piece of military kaa•ery is what we strongly object to. M . bl•Lr?ns got 590,000 from this country which he never should have got. and he should be Sade to diegore* the $4.3001 to itkEMeee for the •btrs.ted fore. General Mit• tames ought to he peeked off to Anglated .t nets, as a piece of glared net military fatuities whish this country down t want, and which lime already eat coraco limns mare than its intrinsic wnrth. And whin we refer th.. le Jetpnt.eTow We boll as enmity toot plains cf A.Y- I+HEPPA RDTi From our ,-w n eorrespor..len•. Hr'.*r e - Borne-Teeeday m own,: )4 lost peek Mary. second daughter of Captain Andrew I1.gie, was married at her father'. residence by Rev .lames A Anderson, B. A . t., 'V L. Rooms, +.f Tur,ntu, formerly a resident of thus sec- tion. Edward Foley. of i.Nbarn, was nett man and Agnea !l-,gte, sister of tl o bride, was bridesmaid. The hagpy con- pie drove to I'uderich and left bytie 1 (.a train for T..r„nt ,, their uture hem.. •('h. Pride will be much m seed by a large wrote of relatives and fro nds, wills whom her pleasing manner made her • general 4v/rite, ee. loomed, she was with all she met, ate all •i.5 her every soots in the new home she has owe to brighter:. Mom M Johnston, of Bey COy, Molt., is risitier re'atlrse iN Wmgb•ee. A Fatal Eaphrsion. H*TASA, April isk--Ry Ip ex�.hnu.n in the Harmonia Estate to -day a braining war badly wrecked ao.l n number of person were caught ander the falling walla 1►ne -, dead Lady bat been re..snores! and it a t thought three other holies are sti:1 beneath the 4ebria Twelve persons were netted , more or less injured. stamen tu.1aUeNS. sides k'trhen. pantry, closets and good oiler. Teter.. and for the ord.rineof the &Wee Or Flour 11 eau Wh.at.wes Gad old.. .. • 0 lel to a Ivy The site is one of the m,wt desirable in town.: part ',eters in welting of their rlaime snored Spring Wheat 0 9e to p tag Also that Itroomed home on Caledonian Ter- Ivy arndavit, with vole -hero if any. enfant Barley 0 :t'. to 0 q nice with gond r.11wr and other convenience. to the said Act. on or before the date of the Ostr - -Torreattached Apra! It. !lard and soft water en the premises and gond , t e ••state urn.ral:t. And creditors are here- Sl' to '• 00 raMe and driving sheds. Excellent nr-harA. by notified to .en,l to liners timber t Co. Tempted ns Was Nether I'c. Et-Alsrretn, V J . April '•: - Albert liar- tin. the 17-yalr add eon of n N, w Yd- rk eons minion merchant, was killing r -s- hes•led .v.ninig with parte green, when a •le.n-e Frame user him to taste of the drug. winch be did. Me wag veered with cone el.io ns and *lied moos after in great agony. Dreeis•..h "a5 a very rioter young noon A (:welphlte's Alleged Rod Bek. (;t'gLrl*. April 1.1. -,game' Hoban. • reenter. was looked til, to -day den n ,tharg. of wttrmpte•1 d•rilniaal aeault Up. ,n• :', y•.nr.old Sitrak Hodgkins. The offense .. alleged to have been (outwitted last Sunday night. Hobo V merited. -- L WI.ed Ont Nis Wife. augur It. April lot-Wd.rd) wee sent to fw,lbw brad, oartereti ,lay that t'„b.rt Gres. who Rem in the London roadons ill-treat- ing his wife. and a eorrstahie was de••p.$ebed to the pies•• He found the woutou reekele sad the ern had the d,s•rs le lin{ • n the in- side. ile • .idol not het the ^on•tablt ia, •nil ns he led no auth,r,ty 10 i'•ne as entree,. ne•long could be dean •n the mat- ter. s'xhSMlle. (lasses Treteeday. f..s.4 The 50.10 doe sew, .a..is defeated I.y, ter. Ander5.51 Am urns tom by to to 11. 41 Brooklyn. /Ks., r ky was crates by IoM league team C to S At PWlem repMa: T1v Leane t'-ain next ten A t blrtln 0 to A. At IlelMnare p.kirtm r 14 Riebwawd t At at. 5 out, The Drew.. d11.ated the owe Haasat League tom 0 to 4 Atm. Lads: TM ohmage tY+rre. Nam ea benne/ 1'M.hmg Sven 4 toe), 0 .tit to 0 :.t huts.. Terns to suit pnrrhasers. Apply to ' that after the Nth de) of May nett, ibe Splea. iwtimer/Ilex• bM-.. it M to 9 ;i0 es lis. Mltx.-\WIFT. Nortb+pt. trustees will moored to distribute the e aloes def the said debtor among the pante. este Bnrtcr-.......... 0 i'. 10 0 1/i 1'ARM FOR SALE. thereto. having regard only to the claims et 0 11 to 0 10 l4 which notice sbdl hare Arco given, and that Ems S M 10 7 OD they .111 not heIlableforthetweetsorany par Ila) . - • - • • - - •- - •. • • •• • " - m No to 4 m The '. -ry undersigned will offeum. for test les fol. ( thereof so distributed to any perr.n .r Pe"' l'ordwocd-......, • _.......... m .0 0 rill Ino ing eery desirable farm, cunsfdlag of the ' sten( t I loaf w.-rea of Hlexk "F' tee the 7tbeew. tom nr whore A1.1bgqt,,oe cl.im theyshall rag' woo 71 to q en .emin of the Township o ( a HKXHI' H.II,BI:R t CIF. Trustee*. 21 Pork .. o• ty of Humn 1Pba farm h Nturt. eat to 0 m eau "t y i face barn bad not f ' oltwrwe 1 the nun Frost w, East, Toronto. 1.11!(1 milks ow(iteriM and 11 CAMEKON. HOLT t CA/1E00N. Seek.- t0ewlreal tattle merit's. !teed. from Carlow. -n the )Inn Ora vel ten for the Trustees. St 2t. Ito.u1. Thrre i• a good (team. house. Ip- The receipts of live 'deck at the Stontreel •.cur.•) IIalmost nes. Si by 11 r Mt iningtl7 April IIIb. dM 9tow•k Yards. point St. (Notes. for the week to'msl! by husk ba barn. and one of this t h sol.. endngg April I:!h, tele were - riest gspring tris .k end a growl *el . r of -thane. in the township. 11 its watered oob� ht 110 acrecree s el sired vend ffrom slam o • never Tulin A e x U There Is no waste Iced of any kind on the Receinteoflive stock atthe y pias. Good school within NO rode of the nota.. til' 111 he wild on r.armabaal. term.. 1 311 3-7 For tert.'. andO. furl urlbi-r ppk rt.cul s app,y to •Proprietor. (+odcrich. JO!IF:1•H McKgOWY. on theoremisrs. which w•ssde•id.dly weak. butchers having FiR15T.CLASo1 BRiCK HOUSE AND - M-.'-'°5. \'arts l't. 1St ('herl... for the MCI week Left coer from pre - stets week II • Total for week - . :Col 1 :... w7 or Left on hand -at 6- Light receipts for week mottle* the demand. ar.iderable hdar Mat N111 on band. les sensual of small supply the f.11 in values was --About two Mantes walk from the Square not so ghat M n)leht b• expected, all cattle Two stories high, brick addition in the rear Fel dm" 1 stories . building covered with slate. being Aispe,•.a m . r nRPnd. So(Mage�in hum. average raises. 4sin bel rye hes 3large rooms On first flat. %I,• 4'411... plentiful. swain there are It large rooms. lathe rear ad kit tpowis t wsehnmrr Amusements. GODERICH MECHANICS' INSTI TUTE LiBRARY AND READiN ROOM. oor. of Bast street and Square ler stale. Open frntermm 1 to a p.m.. and fm 7 to 10 p.m ABOUT 2000 VOLS IN LiBRARY L.wtinq /Milo, W'ekty owl Iltwatrsted Papers, .W, .r.:rt.,, dt-.., one Fit., MigMRRRt(HII' r1CKRT. ON 1.1 1.00, granting free use of Library and Roadie• Room. Application for membership received b) Librarian. in rooms. 8. MAIA'OMSON, 0E0. RTiVFS!. President. tae, retarif fltnAerleh, March lith, Rot. \\- r ciente, the followlag as below fair 1aes t' aldHkro cess are c .y• trs, 44,4,4 room and n. Mth�r.om, Also geed rrl - `I J ho 511 K. I1utriner•'. grto•i Hntehen . rn.d.nm Knh•Io.i' , hulls How ('.lt e.. .. .. 44 (0 fir tar. Amity to the w w ,n se give all neeraery tareem•its.. . Societies. !icon 4e - 7•o to r b. &O. DANIRLOORISON. • ei07 0 FOR SALE. /.seal Dine N.r104 April 14. -Tbe horse trade has abown signs of lately..0d there aro a mint iMuer. ehaws,*.mune for Mr � tahe Wain, but Ibis prima are aW vary setlef•rtery to the venders. [).sing the se tibt week thewere m lime shipped bows Cooed Mateo 121 haemo, .eatlrlw ill M1.M ov as average o e glom ffi each. The hlglome tet wen i7 hence, shin' oast hare SIMI. and the' Weed let wear IP hers, which mkt e !teat half of 104 Mr. Arthur street. with small Hoek cottage theme. 11111 1,11.10 Item. IN, its, 9N. eft ).lgln tltret. et. Andrew. Wool ' c J+ Ptenc nee of Huns nod Brltan,la ford. �• ' (t1 -' y Mine ne boom 14 story boeoa Keay. runout, tot sad half lend. ‘•-•-• ._ -_-__,O.1 - 'r - -.stK IMveral hos IR Reefs Dummy. eppo.lt. new- Shim Ornww4a, ala Nam tlr 94.t as. is Jt. es. et. et j.�URSK COUNCIL, NO 11tH, 000, Nam above at I. OW 51,tTltB / 111114111. -Ilam Avail MA ereetem at 7 y te a v DAVISON t JOHNSTON street. JOii.N A' New Sprig New Dress Goods, from 8c. 1 New Prints, an immense New Parasols, imp New Carpets, the 1 New Lace Cur In Bm`ll Vi OUR CANADA ROCK 3 And in Importer Comm JOHN J ARISE Al To TRE Pv•Ltc : This is to certify that C. Ooude, for errrratyears• .ad find t sup me It ca.w,etc.. if t totheir uriglusl polish ettfolios crytiut ' LARGE BOT1 Dye Stuffs, Horse FINE PRES( W. C. GOODE, THE DOMINION IN BRIEF Midland harbor is clear of ice. Jame Boyd, once M. P P. for linage had at Vankteek Hill on Ftaturorty. A Convention of Kist Kent (.oiservati will he held at Itidgetow-n on Fri text. The Great Northwest Central Hailers rspsctad to be built to neer Kookaburra'anomer. Mis Wright's evangelical meeting% 1 Men resumed in Hull, flue., without any Tho Manitoba people complain of st -tilway nail service arrangements iu "rovince. A party of twenty from Lueknow, en 1 for Colorado, p.sard through W indsu W wind's Edward H„bine.n was killed hy a fa tree in rimith township, Peterhoro o+, in Tuesday. A meeting of the Smith Oxford Re emaciation is announced for nczt Frid Yount Elgin. Rev. W illiwm W ilkeighhy, an aced lir teemed Methulit n.iuirter, dud Sonde Brautffrl. The marriage of the Lieut -(govern Qiaele• sod Mrs. Hanel has been Ilse Tuesday next. The resignation of Hon. Mr Martin portfolio of Attorney -General of Mai sas been withdrawn. Biter M. Prosper. snperiorlw of the rent of the Holy Names at Barth•. died lay, aged OO yearn Mr. W. M. Dock, M. P. P., was rhe the Centre Brute Liberals to . arry the mrd in the Ontario r4cticgu'. Kent County Amine soil men at ('h so the 14th, when Todd Quick will Is for the murder of Hultun. The C0onaergtives of Eat Mate. pat Mr. Andrew Marsmpbell, of Mid tate Bell against Han. (*barlde Dnry. W H. Steele. a G. T. R. beak.vran, • over at Stoney Point and died bet tract hearing his mnngkd bialy Parkhill. A Pinkerton d.betivo arresfi•d ajn old Hntitb in Winnipeg. 11c is a dela the Corbin Flanking Co., Now 10 e Itp,l►a1. AM. 1'r4nntaine, 11. P. for Chervil, noun.••e his intention of retiring feat eaentary life at the dissoluthxn of the Parliament. TheRhcr St. L.twrhnce r unu-ua this spring, nod n Thrrw Itivers.l.pr the perk an •ppr•h••naive or SO nuc ty high flood. Friday afternoon a lad named while entering a l,arn on Reese Isla one of his /trine brdten by the door sl shut by the high win•i•C The French brig •loea.f.h, wi•h a salt (noir F,,noh &Me neen, wee or l to g (.land. St Pierre, Saturday e the, eapta,ndniwn'd. The (Parke- ,;rand Jury return•• bill against Frit,. [Mimeo nn four inn for murder The premiss was i and elevated not guilty. Mr IhnuJd (:uthri , Q. C, we timely seleeted hy the Reform C. bekt en G•telp h to corded. Haut:. W at the text l.e-el rler lama A dlepute!ien of Montreal imp heavy , h.•me.ewls has gone to Otte' press their dioatidnrtinn with tie to the tariff aEe•t!ng their trade. Two «-h on.n have leen .aired 1 minion Preventive o/lours at Ili came alleged bring that their own ed theme in sanpg:Ung whiskey las A lad minced Harry Preston akek.temn cd • man on Saturday at t the preemie... it few nets Miner the bridge. Niagara Farb. An imps Mary F.mnrr, wit. of nem- Fane tK n/ Manns• sowt0.bIp who wen bh Minn. in Aapifwnbsr •Mat was th. rherg. of siding •ml •Moth crime• A l;,nc.tonian Orating in farm terse forma thrown npn i his borate by the emotes, who elrem trod of pssnipnl and iaa•nea "'Mbar 7.t trig • Nving ss wag. Hovwsn Gad (Hamra ilnyds were ..etewttetd to arms years eon name haeme. •frjeadme. A ant sweaty ter Ion alms s111Bus.