HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-4-18, Page 3OTES FROM THF CAPITAL SPIRITED Di0CU S ON ON THE TARIFF CHANGES. NOW DOMINI en lie.eteek rswveh. Strewn OppesliN ea the !art 1 the Inedle ,p M--' The Ala.. Leber MIL °neva, AprU 0.-L -y- by • paper that Moues the Booth Act the rule is that Wee ee bare are y malataS.ed 1. use edioa with tie Ncebo o' of Tat alry was read to the today by Mr. OtUmor. The article that the young nim who joined for school ammo W.rw de by them bars, which are le with the canteen.the ser geeing* arm and the oaken? mea Mr. (:alter asked ',bat the Minims d Militia profened to do about it and Hir Adeline Caron replied that he would have as enquiry made. Sir John M.oe.nald made a teeing refer - etas to the death of the tasmber ter New W ,scmiu.$er (Mr. Cbisholml and pathetically remarked these sad events following so one upon tbe other, were reminders d the uncertainty of human Ate. The Hour having gone into committee uu the tariff rv.olutiu the clauses embodying the orders in council adopted sine the last tariff bill were passed with brief diensem Theo the new tariff was taken up. The items respecting acid, acid pheepbat e. and precious awns evoked uu die cession but there was a great flow of oratory over the preposition that Itvr cattle, ibr.p and hogs should pry an import duty d Jul per omit In piece of te) per tent. as formerly. Mr. Foster explained that this increase was about equivalent to the increase w nut duty on .Wel meats. Sir Itiehard Cartwright, Mr. Cbarlten al•t ✓ Idukx•k deplored this ins -ream am eery Mg gond puree and tending only to inspire e United States with a feeling of hostility y Canada. Mr. Exeter repudiated the ilea that Can- a should have W c usult the United States fere paring legislation believed to be in be intermit of the Iheninion. He ridie ulael • ttateunent thet this change In the tariff se tbrown out as a challenge to tb. -ailed States or could be des•ribd s retaliation The simple fact was. said. that the ("overeat, r.wi that certain of the farmer products not receive proper protection. and this it as proposed to pee them. 1f t'•iiadtan. with difecultiei in the way of retaliatory hen they would face these not as . but as brave mea (Applauie,l He the OAefltloa of conduct nothing IWO...1_ j in endeavoring to cerate inigtsdta at hose and abroad that (i1..ernment were itepired with a male attire for retaliation. Sir Ite•hard C'artwrigbt, and after recess t'button• McMillan ur.. 'ander McMullen, Idecberd, Paterson .Brant), and • bust of others on the t)ppriti ou spoke against the change in this duty as woe in itself and a standing challenge to Stater" At 1110 the committee met and the Ilouse imbue' TSB H \' 81t4NAL. FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1890. Id IT CONTEMPT OF COURT Ts Adveea.e »w►. the Memory ee wmih.e@a tlwamp." To•oamr, April UL -71e eater and pregri cur d The Fireekde 4Yeeily, pus Ushed lis this city, bee gut ►*tench tato difficulties wit► thaw Warested to M deassee d Bis.haU, in jell fur the mar- tin arder ue Leaw n. The tremble arises oat d e aurae which impend end m certain base of Iib piper Wetly, which aa.,ruaeed that • thriWag wrist @tory wosla mous be cow meatsd, entitled, -Who Ytlted Bsew.U1 or the Mystery of Blenheim Swamp." which wglld IMAM Wee the principal features of the Beawel4HuvbaU tragedy mad deal with the early Watery is Seemed d "Res Summertime" him " Yesterday as Osgonde Hall Wore Mr. Junes, ltac&suaam, Mr. Halmuth of lns- duu, Item hal's ewtmsel, emptied to the court for au unbr calling upon the editor of Tee Fireside Weekly to @bow cause why he should nut he ceuumittd to jail fur cuntempt d (Nutt to publishing this notice, and for au order the pubhestioa of the ✓ ery. Mr. Helbnunth urged that this nonce wee a contempt of court and tended to in- flame due minds u( the public egsinet Burch- ell and prevent • fair trial for lin eluent. His LurdkWp greeted the order inked for and the editor will be called upon to defend hie action on Tumidity. when the motion is retortable for argument. Miebael McLaughlin, the proprietor of a kriging boom at 13 Nimw.,..arrnre, who is charged with having put two bullets in l ravel Mas.n's feet during a row, war bought up beton) Col. Denison yesterday. As Minot' i. still in the hospital the primmer was remand- ed till next Monday, bail being refuted. 11.- Laugblu, aline; with &Jauwe. Johnston and Jana McCaffrey, wet alto charged tette hav- ing rubbed Rickard Kir•win,anold pensioner, of 410. The case was adjourned till Mondry. A deputation composed of Meer.. Blain. Hamilton and Campbell rrd.resenting the Peel l',mute- Conservative Aetiolation. waited upon Idugwep yesterday aflern.em and formally tarred him the nomination ter the Legislative Assembly. Mr. Hugh*,a- cepted, coaliteeal up•n the prnuissiou of the Public t cbool Mani. journed. Tia Atha esker ■Ill. AWA, April 9.-A meeting of the special mitten. on Mr. Taylors Alien t'ootract Bill cos hell to -day. when Mr. fermis- collector ermts- colle t r of customs at (lananslue. was aminerl at length. Hr mei that he male Wren last year along the frootir to we w the Mien labur law affected Canadian*. .1 be cited a number of casco to show 1 Canadians were compelled to go and re- in the States if their work was there or t» up their . t. He mid that the ttelautatin iaawd be Mr. Taylor bad a -ify-ing effect on the United Statesauthori Met wren and h. del Dot know whether her woulei be w• emery the suulnier et -t leirrene'e ..f Swmpensinn Bridge. r. ger.- evidence 0. the effe.•t that he was aneltan. living ••u the Canadian nth.. but s rouplied to remove with his family to other side or give up his The evidence 01 W. Ihxna of Alexandria y went to show that Canadian,. were pee- d"' from going to the other sale to puree Ir vo esti.ne leech seinen*, and there was is talk of enforcing the law again next ell. arnxer (conk of i;an.noque gave similar ony. Nair and riea.ip. 1TAW., April 9. -.Ata meeting of the dame Committee to -day a bill for the con ,@tion dl a railway form Edmonton to gary was palmed T1.e promoters of the 1 have been wombed • subsidy from the Minn C aptain Notion, John Rhieid•, W. A. wend and E. A. Smith of Rt. ('ather- had an interview with the Government y in regard to the Rt. Catharines & t'entral Railway. • t They want a for the balance of Lbs rose I, sante 14 into Hamilton. D. F Burk of Port Arthur. who was Liberal candidate for Algoma at last election. is here with a d siegstion to upon the le the granting of a •ly to the Port Arthur. Duluth & Weet- 1..tUway. Oovrn--tent have promised Mr, n', T. who is hers in the interests of the nips•z h ft Railway. to give a grant en the mad. A. Clegborn, Ladoa: A. Turner, Ham- ; J. F. Young of Perkin., Ince & Cu, to; Stools of Lacus, Park A Co, Ham- , interviewed the Mdnleter. et Customs Finance today regarding . the duties on and in newt to jibe underwent the t of gala and tbe of liquor in bond as affected by the b the tariff. The delegation was mead by Masora Brown and Small, At the Poplar Hotel, Quern -street east and vaulter-dreet, last night (coroner Pickerbne held an in ueet on the body of Mtx Anne lilkwohur, :me Eastern -avenue, who died suddenly udder alleged suspictoou circum- stances, ler. Luke Teskey, who made the pa.Lmortem examination, gave as his opin Ma that Nre teltonohoe died front rouges tion of the lunge bnngbt on by drink and exposure. and accordingly • verdict of death from natural musts was returned. Tb.• Methodist Cbnferewres will be held the year as talents: Toronto (conference. al Elm -street Church, June lit: lnnton Confer- ence, .t Cb.tham. June 5; Niagara Confer mitt, at Centenary Church, Hemtilton, June 4; Guelph Conference. at Central Church, litratZor'd, June 5; Bay of Quint.Confetre.re, at C t Cbureh, Cobourg. June 5; Montreal (conference, at Dondsioa Church. Ottawa, June 4: Manitoba Co.ter..ce, al Brandon, June 5: British Columbia Confer - env. at Vancouver, May 21: Nova Scotia Conference. at Yarmouth, Juns 1!i: New Brunswick and Prints Edward bland Con- ference, at Fredericton. June 1".: Newfound - bind ('oufereoce, at C . t (church, Ht Jobe's, June gle; Japan Confereu..•e, at Atrabu, June 4. debery protection service or the M- onet will be ..,... ed about Miy 15. Nicholas Murphy, Q.C., het Toronto. been In the pity , to obeala release of the teen street ear employee, and Gilroy, sentenced to 12 month.' ha- t for running over and killing • at the Qaesnea eeet subway at Th. moa bare served ball' their sed a very brgeiy lined petition play- let*. ay - ler the reed@ ion of the nanairwlrr has 1.. . and. flir John Tlwsnvenn r.. Mr. Murphy favorably. depilation to -day .aged that em beery ehasafe..le should be est - i before In plata of being admitted propend fee manefaaeen eg purposes .1. A. (lieWean wee Mina sewn sly ■ ease today and had to be taken hoes@, Nir•ms gave antes bo-dey of a be eMths eat ISM damn .4 tb MO ..etaat be the dust hagaap L -.smut t area ammo r ttwo. A CAUSE CELEBRE. The Favorite Med/nine lag tyroma And Leung Dille cultists kin keg been, and sell is, A,K's Cherry Peewee'. It cures (beep, Whooping Cough, Bron.bltM, ailed Aatbasa; soothes Irrnt•ttoo of the lana& and Yaacee ; etrengtbena the Venal Organs; allays soreness et the Lease; pretests . , and. es en le advanced singes of that disease, relieves C'uugbleg a.d Seduces Sleep. There is no other for dbr- eines of the throat and lungs to be oons- pared witb Ode remedy. '• My wife bad • diatreming cough. with pains la the side and breast. Wp tried various (medicines, but nose did her anygood until 1 got • bottle of Ai er's Cherry Pectoral, which has cured Ler. A nabgltler. Mrs. Glenn, 11141 the wearies, and the cough was relies ed by the use of Ayer's (cherry Pectoral. I h ate fru LesiaUuu to hug this Brennea v. Earls at the {Teat worth As- elees--.A Libel Malt PbeJ•.ed. HAMILTON, April `t. -At the Assizes to -day William Iabw•was at -quitted ell the charge of cetmmitting "an °Renee Against the public morality." the crown fa n;; in its attempt to prove that the wr woman was in- ane. The libel case of How v. Fisher wan dismissed. Ibis was an action brought by Jams. G. Howortb, •, pronto merchant, Cough Medicine to every one at[ltrtete"-Robert Horton, Fureaau Hrutil,vh(, Murnllton, Ark. ▪ 1 have been afflicted wick asthma for forty years. least spring I was taken with • violent cough. which tlrreateued to terminate my days. Every one pro - summed me In consumptiou. 1 deter. alined to try Ayer'. CLrrry Pectoral. Its effects were suagiral. 1 was iwmrdl- so-ly relieved and ...minute' to improve untti entirely recovered.-- Joel "lullard, (.wllurd, Couu. Six months ago 1 had a severe hem- orrhage of the lungs. brought un by sa tucrww•nt cough which deprived ine of e lrrp and rest. 1 tried various reme- dies. but obtained no relief until 1 be- an to take Ayer's Cherie l'ectoral. A few betties of this niediclnr cured me."' )Mrs. E. Cuburu, Itt Second et., 1 -,well, Mas. "For children atelier.' with colds, coughs. sore throat. or croup, 1 .1., ant know of any remedy wide 1. will gtve more speedy relief titan Ayer's t'herry Pectoral. t have fpm el it. also. luvalu- & Me in cams of \t' beeping tough." - Ann L.osvjoy. 12'7 SYasbw;;tuii street, Bouton, Maas. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, 1) 6y Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. g eld by all Lreygrt.. Pre, t1, ..L t ei•3.., es. B. B. B. Burdock Blood Bitters Is a purely vegetable compound, possessing perfect regulating powersover all the organs of the system, and controlling their secre- tions. It so purifies the blood that it CURES fill blood humors and diseases, from a com- mon pimple to the worst scrofulous sore, and this combined with its unrivalled regulating, cleansing and purifying influence on the secretions of the liver, kidneys, bowels and ;kin, render it unequalled as a ours tar all &.nates of the SKIN THE BEET' BAKING POWDER IIi1I�1'i iElllu UOOrS From one to two bottles will cure boas. pimples, blotches, nettle rash, scurf, tetter, and all the simple forms of skin disease. From two to four bottles will cure saltrheem or eczema, shingles. erysipelas, ulcers, ab- scesses, running sores,and all skin eruptions. It is noticeable that sufferers from akin DISEASES against W. R. C. pusher of Dundas for Ate nearly always aggravatd by intolerable 810.0111 damages for puMusbing the following itching, but this quickly subsides on the *sweet Ubel: ••ton, do you think of • man vibeOWn m to of thepdisease vel byn Hit B. Fannias ,,'s"'r R.'r.�,.., ..a, w.i;en.at'= IMPLEMENT wool{ claim i1W for setting fire to bis own �n b grater yet prevalent diseases, such Y ,m rs. e.. gt a.st•se•r.t,.r n..d'r.^•" wa(ebouse and take its Also half the inure- scrofulous swellings, ""•■w .. humors anti . ".s..'Mier.+.Mae. w.j.�uet nvw. lee.ir i sMn-. x liALLttt • C .. lt., •N. ands itinosy-' This b what Howortb dei' - - Tbe def,yice war that the communication was Privileged. Ne Alen tiothiagialindsea. RUB EIEIYIIEIE. EARTH &CO. FACTORY SUPPLIES Valves. b.. 4 Lied rlpe Leese Palley al.., Sten let Pimps, fano Deeps, Whf Mlle, Crass $.■raters, Dally and Lame, Ute.slle. S36 CRAIG ST NET, MQNTREAL. D.A.W.,CAL:KI L! a. 0° ARRIAGE VARNISH'.SelAti a ' 4 SILVER MEDALS AWARDED MONT- AL . LHAMMICK'S ',WHERE SPOOL: STEEL -LINED TNIfIS la /Sample. :' c: as other ►t...lt COTTON 14.1t511ITS i.r I:attaalualTRUN KS JIc . kine (-se. In the Wort s AO SUPERIOR. J. ITELEECI1 a C MONTREAL, ASK SWUM l;. it e .....iri HOTEL 6 LMOEGL. LiO %TRE 4 L. Note@ Dann tee, one or the tamed 00.A1 std elegantly furnl.hed rt.Nrlt is 1W City. Aeea.utnodett.w for 4nop.:atit. ltateatU V W0001,, jRWel Per ally-. 8. s Keener PEARS' LBATHERBOtAP.D i t 1ti ter W -dila i.FA MER&SON Wo•itesalela.;'cci i slluSG1:,TS' 111 DIALS 17L3 I1M.E DAIL ST., MONTREAL. SOAP. COMPANY. ELaavrecturers of Steam rnekhag. FF.iCTiON Pum 3CNsa, r ;, i. n F''". -d f xei•e RECKITT'S DLUi. THE HEST FOlt LAURDRT leSE. PAPERS. �'PS'r-i.'uSer M T l!� A,L S' ZEE' td A I. 0 r4� IV E 1 t111 T., cfi:E11 D.FJ50Si tlsa.t an iea5er 3 PUBLIC NOTICE Another Targe consignment of Fresh Teas of suerior quality. In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the public by peddlers and others, we a e offering,Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. REES PRICE d►� SON. Kay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. CODERICH SEED EMPORIUM 1 „0�Ai.iT1 FIUST, Is Our Motto. dims,1 THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF SEEDS IN THE COUNTY. THE GREAT TilEtlCTH GI pfq?E:t f3CD ++ rola TMC .Ste. it WAAM!NG h ats<ttunf _t: zr �� A Feet, /amt. eNo.laomaTJ. R ATI ..@sem Nei llfiil a td. .. saws Slab star to w r .a.• ea tires* ahs et sr theme. se roe IN. r.. u. ,..•.• r w Owe me a owe& a . ti.« :.md yeswefid - t.- ranee .r wr .stews_.... drat r.awn sal .fa.w.- Te. allowt•r .et aid. a. •.creta d a wieral t. our Field and Carden r end+ have been Selected a i'h the Urrrte•t care and have bora pros erred trout the, Best Growers on the Continent. OUR STOCK OP SEED GRAIN (-ompr:.ee ail the leading ra..e:.e•. nature . PEAS --Runner, frown, Gulden Vine ac•l Muntniy. OATS -Banner, Giant Swedish and Black Peerless. SPRING WHEAT -Colorado, White Russian ar.d Ladoga (ate Prof. Saunders' report of last named variety. WE CALL SPECIALeATTEfNTION to our steeds andRespectfully eed Grain and 't W. F. Walker. Q.(' , moved to have the ease of Brennen v. Farts placed on the list, but the judge refused the application. The mit is one brought by Joe Brennen of thie city againd John Earls, general freight agent of the grand Trunk at Teret°, his bndber-in-law. L r.Iwuating the affections d Joe's wife. Brennen claims that .11 the matrimonial difficulties which have been made the subject of a rather sensational suit in Toronto were fomented by the de- fendant The alienation consisted in Mr Earle having advised Mrs. Brennen to leave her hudrnd. J. W. Nesbitt, Q.1'., opposed the motion. lmeggted Cblaa.sen Captured. RAN hind,, ('aL, April 9. -Another cap- ture of 10 Chinese was made at 2 ri cluck this morning. They wen• entering the harbor in • fisherman's boat from lower California when they were .topped by customs officers. The beat was owned by J. E. Williams, who is ale in custody. The Chinamen captured are part d those tranderretl to the dimmer Newbern from the irteanierCity 01 Peking in Man Francisee har- bor, March •LS, and taken by tlw. Newbern to Eads, Lower California. Twenty -thaw lbinese are now in custody hers. The McRlaley Tariff Bill. Waaettom'., April 9. -Tia Ways and Means Committee was In seeden for a short tine today. The Republ lean members ms miffed • few changes that have been made in the bill during the last ten days and they were ordered to be 1 1 in the text. The changes include these made in the cot- ton boedry ..'bedule sad a provision that the In rseaed duty on fin. linens shall not take effect until Jan. 1, 1104. Otherwise they were confined to chasten In p . it r expected the majority and minority reverie will be oornplsted to -morrow, DraIa.d. RIek.d sad Haweed. M A.J.. April 9. -At the rain- ing town of Hibernia Monday sight a quer- tel took piece among a party et drunken Hungarhas and Paul Methsrsegi bad bis skull broken with a beer bottle. desalt Barbeki an Joys Maeda were the name d the mss who attanbd Mae After the man bad been struck with tbe beetle be was kinked lentil be was tesmelble. The party thea put a rope around his amok and shrug bine up to a tree, where they lift Me banging. SCROFULA We have undoubted proof that from three o six bottles used internally and by outward implication (diluted it the skin is brokenl to the affected parts, will effect a core. The ;neat mission of B. B. B. is to regulate the .ver, kidneys, bowels and blood, to correct acidity and wrong action of the stomach, aned to open the sluiee.w.ys of the system .0 carry oft all clogged and impure secre .ions, allowing nature thus to aid recovery old remove without tail Tb. Ead.kinea chaAearl Seceder. Valenta, April 4. -Mama Mcl addw was toted .t the Arise Imlay mi • ebargt et murder. He yeas .meed .t ebow.g WR - Ilea iI. R. Meyers a ;Or.YSisn .t . obart- wart as the alibi of Marek It TheM MAIM brendered a aware of sot . taamae is fa.sasea Cavae tlrs.eempee. BAD BLOOD Liver complaint, biliousness, dyspepsia,siek headache, dropsy. rheumatism, and every species of disease arising from disordered liver. kidneys, stomach. bowels and blood. We guarantee every bottle of B. B. B. Should any person be diseatisfcd after using the first bottle, we will refund the money on personal) or by letter. We will also be glad to send t•stimoui.e:a and in- formation proving the effects of 11. R R. in the above named diseases. on application to T. MILBUHHN & CO.. Toronto, tent. HIRSTS PAIN E xTE!2ATOR ■ HOUSEHOLD REMEDY. [iamlltwm.4.51. Deer LIr-I terve wind year rale ala my mail, fel. Shot a campy le af- Siete/ with. Mal as: N rtati sItems. beassileen. ap•m T.Mbarhe. and wherever there M pale. I wowed met be we4ient It l■ soy been. I emu It tett world t. be • a 1 -else. article. M•: a le•er•eleedr unreel loan. e'e • Jlet pwtliTh•a. rr-•. v'rebtatieme M.Irty. Mad by all tieattg$ats. C DALLEY & CO., Proprii.ors. Hasultoa. ATTENTION ! Every facility for turning out FIRST CLASS PRINT- ING at "THE SIGNAL." DUNN'S. DEPARTMENT BAK N GI We hare in stock a full linrof all the :eadtng Manufacturers, come:Minx Binders, Reapers, Mowers, Drills. Rakes, Disk Harrows. Gang DER 1'i •n„h., Cultivator", and all Steel Sulky Ploughs. POW This Depart mens wilt be rep:mewed in the eurreunding district by MR. ANGUS McKINNON, OF COLBORNE. THECOOICSBEST FRIEND 8 TJ 7 ENVELOPES, NOTE HEACIS,'��, MER PAPER.,; BILL HEADS, ft Etc.. Etc., at �• t THE SIGNAL `‘: IUTIa6 OFF.CE - A 1')l ._'oa to 0 V nam. r eta �aamtrea� kept coss'antly on hand. OOILVIES & Hi_rTCHiSON'S Crown Jewel Flour. $2.35 per cwt. Best Value ie the ssarket. Goode delivered to any part of the town and Satisfaction Olren. WM. BURROWS 8EEDSMAN.. :t PM! Mk, 11C1111! Bud ESTABLISHED 80 YEARS - I still take the 1e:ei in special value ii; RDS E SS G 00 WaimiSmicc&Ittiors D Dress Melton', from 9c. per yar.l up, Twill Mekong, Stripa' Foul.• and Amazon (.'loth+ Stripe ' and Check Costume Cloths,Velvets, RilJKen Sze Tunipfned is prepared MEN'S SUITS'to undertakeertakethe puttinputtingto of tWater Services in connection with the Town System to Dwell- uPVCIAL VALVE. ings and other Buildings. Also REPAIRS To Steam Engines, Mills, Fac- tories and Machinervof all kind. Prices reasonaNle. Satisfac- tion Guaranteed WILSON SALKEL7. Mtn ' X11195, L1Q1101'S, "C Blas tolts a1 SigllI 9'OR P CLR RY al G. H. PARSONS Blah bob"fly Sipa+ " .Lwow Bt,C. oecrantCM Tweeds, full lines. Ov'.'rceat4 very low, Good Quality, .Nearly all Gone, Price Sells Them. In Grocery Department, In Teas especially. i Take the Lesd,both in Quality anal Price+. Pure i ln- adultc.ate.l Coffee only kept, price, 30e. per lb 'Pure Spices only kept. In My Hardware Department i have s full ae'tortment °latah, my o>An importation, from 7x9 to 34558, full supply Crosscut Sawn. Inc. Wagon and Buggy Gears full assortment Ce CR.ABB Oadarisk. Nay. tl•tk, ISM. SQt A• Rl<