HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-4-18, Page 1-16 .'. r. • RTI -THIRD TSAR HOLM )iUMBKH tdlSl t DEVOTE°0 co TO ADVERTISERS. otice of changes must be left at this Office not later than l Monday noon.. The copy for' changes must be left not Tater! than Wednesday noon. Cas- 1 ual Advertisements accepted up to noon Thursday of each week Land 11 ,rjrh,tre aofiere in the focal er,fuwin. of Tee SIGNAL of 110.4 Guys or enter- t,tin,an.ts at trial an ad,aissio.0 far to charged. u: fruit which a prrehi .try iwatlit is derieetf, yeast be paid .for at the rate of one rent tier eon! rock insertion, no chair bum Nes twenty -Jin rents. Where ad- rerti•eatnots of entertainnords .use isarrfed a brief luteal trill be yir u fear, BORN. C1.1 aro'. At Broadview Farm. hehurn, on %heath of April. 1�•. the wifruf John U. ('leton. of • daugIitrr. $wAHTz In Dederick. nn Good Friday. April Ch. the wife of Mr Thus swan:. of a sow. ]lot unit -In Uodench. on the 11th inst.. the wife of A. J. !tauter. of • daughter. nst.. the wife Tu>o n John E.. Tom. 1. P.:` . ofh. on the Mb t• att.htel MARRIED. MclLwAl? Mcl'Haa tin April Mth. at the bride's home. in Colborne town+obiD. by ttev J•a A..lndeawon. B.A.. An•",t-w Mc- Ilwain. of Wise A'awanoah, .o.4 Mary Jane. daughter of the Late Ilu.telut Mc- I'hee. pril Mot* se h. Hanby Itev. B. utin - At shove Mr UN. . Holmes. .nndector G. T. It.. l,rardon, Oat.. w MrKliza U. plough. of Syracuse. N. Y. NEWS The *piling in front of the G.T.It GODERICH. ONT., FRIDAY. APRIL 1K, MO. Miss Lizz;e Buchanan returned to! COUNTY CURRENCY. Tb.B.ith Brotkenha.e leased Wm. Newcomb..• fano, Mumu, kr one yes . 1 wan family Turunt.`, where they have Items of Interest born over the Morns, intends mutton to No v• �outia, tures tW must conftsetbsss- h 1 srlvss w it sad he tw et ducks et the harbor has been completed. Kiyth on Stood.). The sucker. u. the Maitland are fur. Mrs A ?11. It d f Lily have re nishina greet s, ort, and are be in large numbers. The Guelph Conference of t ist church will open tin June Central church, Stratford. ingspeared turned fr tie r �,w Mr \\"m Cameron, of 'he S,th line of` We�o s demsalttwnypondbleIlerlM INTELLiGEN JU. McoIEete .10 AI HP.Ni C01[MUNICATION& V . .,s t W oel edi. been residing fur a one time. County. y' John McCarter has rooted the Smilie Ktiseofe "Tits Ht's," April 16, 1890 - he Method- The latest verandah to disappear from Morrie, from Mr Chamber., the 5th at the the Square a the one in [runt . f the a wrrkty •1geM.frke t'aes4 sewe derv• fano, hooters Ep1TnE—DEAL St s:—Da Ter business pieced of C. A. Nairn a,a Cam- .d .p 1.11.11 traders •f ••rhe esaut.•' pre•eot occupant W ll Bethune, seef„rth re- think cher yowl be tiny ubjeoksb°e !..ow as' skate Mr John Washington left \\'rdorsdsy mt rnt^g fur BrucefieId, to act as judge at the spring show held there on that day. Whitely d King have opened out a grocery and bakery on Kingston -et , and in another column call attention to their display. Rev. Joseph Edge, of Clinton, will preach the sores' educational sermons in Victoria et. Methodist church next Sunday. Mrs S. J Reid left on Thursday of last week tor \Vingbarn. Her friends and tn. church with which she was connect- ed here will miss her much. Knox church Band of Hope will meet on Saturday •1 three o.L..ck p.m. .harp, and will practise fir their closing ei.trr- tainment All are requested to be present. Dr M Nicholson, the V. eats dentist, makes the preservation of the natural teeth a specialty. Gas administered from 9 a. m. for the palates. extraction of teeth. Rev Geo. R ch•rdson and wife were in Tomtit. last week attending the owe- menceu:ent exercises of Trinity Medical College. at wnich Mr T. Bedford Rich- ardson wee pinioned with his degree o DIED- Taw•LET in ('o;borne.'on Friday. April Iltb. Iles, Wm. Tewsle•y. aged 19par*. 1 month sad 13 days. JaraleA' -1n Wawann+b. on Mondor. April IUb. Marfan. eldest daughter of Mr Pas. Jackman. trued V yeah sad 14 days. Dane In Goderich. on Wednesday. April 16. Thomas hark. aired e3 Years- The ears.The funeral will take place from his late residence. Ilaat.st.. on Friday. April I+th, st 22Itoeteck p.m.. to Maitland oemeter,. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. To Reet-Mn Pollock. ]few Goods -H. (Donlon. Seting Dry Goods - 1'. O'Dea. Arise and Shine -W. C. Goode. New Bakery whitely Jt King. Properties to Hent -C. Se•cer. (+mall Profits -J. A. Itekl a Bro. Weli-aeterted t'Igare-r. Jordan Cook Wanted -Mrs Geo. M. ik.t. Money to heed--rred. W. John.tee. Toronto Nurseries -Geo. Leslie « See. Trustees Notice Henry Barker k Co. eruu, Hoa d: Cameron. rift an roles cupped wed Oen- Mr t ism made ter cite etartin a apart Mr Dare Cluff, formerly cornet player deemed frees livery eertNe. turned to Owen Soon d as week, w ere in yore town by the Marc and 'corpora- te ••rporeto the Rsiteohury-lit. chur,ch choir, has he es engaged as purser on the Artha shun From wet I beer yon eirkler pined ti.n North -et. Methodist church Mr .lis. J„bb, of Montana, is visiting basks, town is badly in need of syentitiick men .brit, (:,•deneh.—Clinton New Era. relative* ID \\•rtixham and vicinity. William Bros'_fuot, son of Mr .1 H and the waoli art ov self•defens cut to Dile and Mn \urtbgraTes intend A new druggist, \I. E. Needs, SLIT Kriadfoot, Se■fcrth, who has been spend- bee one ov the leadiu stai:manta and rewu.lug to Gudertch to reside. Mr batik. opened -tea drug store lu Atwood ing • week with friends there. left for ,lualifilasbumn fee all ov yarn futur ta Nhrtbatnvw "though rewwu.¢ t• Bull on April 13th. I Calgary Zest weep • didates fur wunisiple ..non from the in vii) Jelicste health—Seafunh Sun. Arthur Horatio Nelson Jenkins has Mr G. E Cromwell, of Tockersmith. Mare down. My entertanements are bay,dnu t tie your horses to the besuti- severed his connection with the St. recently *old to Mr E 1'. Coleman, of hely u,teriectual and .ddyin' to the Catharines Gu.tt. Sratorih, • fourteen month• ol'i colt for ri.tu yuth and will impr,s on thee fol, gruwuty .,i.Ide creta and f►.te thewr,. peel Inc beck od w as to w}ure then Win. Wilkinson has purchased e h ' of Z1 v utode or futur generalities the nobtl Mrs William , fun parents mus maid uv growth if uutbut¢ worse. 1':xmc,ee • Wand Evan, Slurru, a•uui g Newcombe, and her v. un¢wt wont and daughter have ov my exihahuns are guvero•d bi the Si k l ! b d th the -- . lull"108 • M \\ lli m Newcombe Sunshine, stuf our p d Al ouuwau sense ni this matter or omen I M.D. following officers . Captein, H. Pull-ck; Medical g in¢ to pry off the one farthest from h about our burg tnmming and pruntrg The feromp.... Free genu of April 9th d off, d talent vuuoR' the nearest nne tulle t ropptnq on Thomann F. nagging c tr. jcu tress, for ti3•G10. Matins of (leathern• rules, i a u s may be taught a lesson. Mrs J. J. Anderson and son John 'pine to Newark, New .Ir»ey.where they Byinstructions of the School K.,ard . will reside III the future. herr has Mn a grate . icksess, but I left , ou Wcd for ay, hewn iia Slaoi Mr Jose h Dine". an nod sod re. • thunk yu Nuc twnrr stuf in yuru town. medical exau.wrtiun was wade tit clic to ba on \\'rdnetdry, 9th Inst. P M. charusa is tn•eler..te cash &tinkly in pupils of some of the Departments lust Slr Julio Beattie. Safanh, has par- apected resident ..f East \\'awsnush, died , id.ans.-. X„ hots ler am can pnit. week with the new of lacwuug pupil+ .t chased the Hoge farm in McKillop, cow- I on Mnnda., ;lit ole. l.uneer ..f the! Lit mn lou conn. 1'ugut.laily yore&, forted with dt&«•e.e of the skin loowu taming liiO acres, for the sum of $�.b00- ; itumsch •ss the cause of Sts deatft. Klt.. RAIN. cuu.wouly as ltd.. —Brussels Yuri. A few data ado 91n 11Ivdze, uF the' ,A regular neetit.y; of the council will Lawyer Haetiuge and family teff `•lea- I };r.wnwn L. went I *mire in the' THk Fttar. The tint organ t crotid a forth last week for Greed Rapids, Mich'' he neld this Fridays evening, and out by this Gvdtnch Organ Cor. was pur gait, where they will wake their tuttirr dirk and in sh .ping down to reach some- we have no d: ubt the abtvb commune chased by Mr D. K. Strachan. ..f this h thing on the N.t•r ran a wire deer Intel cation, if addressed tet' that body, would tow°, and was delivered uu Tuesday W. Putter. Blyth, Ins pawed success- her head, m utne the eye ball only by a receive the distioguuhed mnaideratioa list It s a ptaro-bis: cased organ. and f 11 the notary exawinaticn in his hair -breadth. 1 whi it drsen•es.- En `t.INAL a a handsome piece of furuttuin iia ad medical course at "!'nwty ('unrnit►, On the Ent nest. Dir I;r.. S •t of d h I broken. V dawn w its wusiod qualities. Toronto. the . ih line, Morris, h■ a r.¢ a DUNLOP'. W1'. Tec Warn- —The Goderich bicycle L SI Blyth, has protested the just above the ankle. while unloading I From our n • at Calder's still. It appears he had Sloan, Dr club Fret at lis \g T and elected music electing store Friday evening last and elected the y for the utli.re of president ..f the t"R I YLn+„N.tL —Arthur Schulte., of the the n,uode of tread- two logs on the boat, and while attempt ti bur saline burg of S•ltf,, d, has been o him y itiee r, .Bee Waterford had • $10,1x10 fire on M•.c rep the orchard.. He seems thoroughly Thomann m•u in committee—H.Bw eas his leg with the above result. to understand the art of grafting thus refers u, a former resides( of Code- rich, whose friends are legion in Huron vitae A. Mathew" aua H. Yulloek. day• , th test. Among the •"Henn H Mr Thomas Mc. Gneve,r. raftio and H. R^ITttoale, former! of Brosw s. . ^ of it r m waxing up the fruit trees. and Bruce '—Yesterday deputy sheriff Heat SCHOOL F.NTEETAl�t1Y?T.—The Grieve, of Mchilk.p, has rented the old Mtss K. MacDonald is visiting in Cho - Currie celebrated the seventh anniversary haJ ao :oaurauce tit >)< 00. Nash homestead on the jtd rooves of lin connection with the office under OpenHigh School eutertaumrot, in the Brand J Macdonald...f '.''togham, eco ofton. Opera Huuee, this (Friday) eveotug it contains 150 acres, is a good farm, and A blind pedlar with s little boy pa•- Shenfi Inkster. Mr. Currie one never in' })r Macdonald, M P., has ps.srd hu Sir Grieve, being • careful. Indus been a day off duty. He t. of the promisee to lin very suceuaatua. A good NIA - moat popular Government officials in the program hs. been prepared, and the final examwauuo in medicine at Trinity incus'nun¢ man, will do well on it. sed through our burg last week, having Cui.etstt Turcotu, taking honor.. The Inas. is far :, ears and the rental u with then) • horse and rig. selling a stock popular prices of 15 neon and '25 cent& y'y of table cloths and other good.. Some e ty. .re charged. Yon of hall at Fraser S Some time since, Mrs J. J. Anderwn ;i0 per yz,ar. an ago, according i to his story, he lost Mr E. J B Dunne, of the firm of Porter's. and Mrs Walter T■ylur, N iugh.m, weir y Moller du Duncan, of Toronto, was in nuufird the ur uaele tit theirs toad died Mn Stacey and her font daughter. his eyeeieht by an accident in the copper iDuncan the Fut week m no business The dissenting mrmben of St. (;wr- in Australia, leaving them cuuauerable left Brussels for Denver, Colorado, on mines. His wife and family were mid Sir Duran was • termer resident of ¢re's church, Uurect , bsr.u,g Rev Y. Tuesday, 8th inst. They purple mak.i,ig at Niagara Falls, while he at limes m�ey' nog that, home then. era Stacy w &n went forth in Ismpps through the couo- gI.d, tt m and many old friends were ante lune', ex -rector, s f, bars at co sap Ralph Cres•well,Seaf,rth,has returned old their nt of her..Brussels, a Sate,' ss, of try a •pedlar. He spoke of his cavy glad to meat with him. Hr is in pert stated themselves from that cow.- nenhip with Mr J. R Miller, also a Ration. Mr Owen -Junes wall formerly home from the Ch■thsm commercial kin. Ainley. A large Dumber of old sorrow with a true Chnatun spirit and former resident of our t own, and w• un- pastor of St. Georges, Goderich, and et college, where he has graduated with friends accompanied them to the depot at the farmhouse where he lodged oh denrand the firm is doing • goad Sian- that tome had out become tis.cubtrd boron. and Wished client prosperity. served the forme of thaoksgirint cf the with the H rt Churchill - that has caused The council of the township of Morris Mr John ^ Uttawa is having considerable trouble over the ser A Vierrck'+ Ortstos.—Gecrge Mc- the trouble is , Tacuh, of the Union Factory, Winghsm, A Goat, A•'r.—The suggestion made; township aea.uou,uwnig tothe late t.•et- and his little daughter Ida spent • few by THE SuaAL last week that en ..rt urea, Sir. Jas. N..ca,nne, not being able were interred in gtr deya in town with his sister, Mrs R be made to raise a fund in aid of the to aca,uet .•tutactonry for a sum eaceed- t,r left i mg =••'• 18p• oo Sunday. He had reached the good hopeful for a good crop of it. f '8Tsars'had resided in this town 1 y + former er rrsideot of At P ental kind hearted citizen. Yrom o.i Winter,one of ,esforth's K.C. church when he partook of his is pioneers, passed peacefully away on Thursday evening last and the remains The fall wheat about hen is taking • E .ondville Cemetery better look and thz farmers here are Hendrn:,n. He thinks the old town has Matheson funny, who have been n n ase u t nut lost lin of ice charm. mince he plied poor circumstances by the lose of three Rev. W. H. Haney, of R ckwnod, $ for Diet thirty yarn and was universally I KINTAIL Atwood, occupied the known .s a v o. I r own -, t. Lis plane in Chu Miller .t Mc01uarrie a coos—the breadwinners—.o the recento u N rlolk street Methodist — Mean McKenzie and MacGregor, of TOwTOP Il�►J nut h be taken up ire are pleased pulpa . t the $eafortb Expositor that t more beautiful. Su much for to ser and •uketanu• ass \\' U 1 1 1 Wean sorry to been given many. One of M daughter carpenter shoo twenty years ago, u storm, as been Guelph, in the absence of clic • i is I assistance has church, t' r Hide 1 oint, hate a turner or Bucker the most pastor, Rev. Dr. i ung i ,y.learn of the death o- ! our town. ,er q byE•elyn,eldeyet auq r of Mr Jas. Scott, fishing. 1 �kiilade kr I taw. tit i .' sofas, Mr E. Hodgkin, tuner id the Gad- pleasing episodes in connection was the' The Aliases Hall were presented, pet I of fjeefurtR, which took place on April Yrx..o itI v - 'uiiu M. J. Carrick bee Aa'IaifA kr II profit if.- virus to leaving Blyth, with a puree of -- erich Organ Company, . n', liken up receipt to a duration hem Mr A. Slur-' rod ti sir tickets f,a l:uelpb, as a Trd She had been dl fur a long tame, • gone to Kincardine.- Min Lizzie C$ ' A Go.,n PapaNT.-The most useful inn hu resiJence in town, is now prepared dock.a form well-kno vntesident,f, rthe 1 sl,¢ht tri.eit t• tet far tis. work sits d datb was a happy n- rick to (rider Kincardine. -- pad flying visit to Car - you can make le to give a Wrt Pim. Ap- to attend to all orders for work in his laudable purpose of helping the bereaved hopeless. i;h friends hen Mn R Alchay, of p17 to U. Mcl Illieuddf. agent. Guderich' line, orders left at the Organ Factory family. He saw the reference • t the I c�mphshed flit. ugh their iiatrumcatal f I d Y Kincardine, nailed her parents, Mr and d. C. Rnell up. , Call fi our be Wan t attended to. Piano disaster in THE SPINAL, and forwarded , icy. paper }r. •rot up. •promptly It an in her case i t s lease, as her rec,tery was opt ew. e' her .— was a bright little girlo eleven, an w ' •in I l' 11 cwt ser our brdrtg,m will be pr. mp ly intelligent beyond her years. The be- ; Mn J. MacGregor. last week.—Miss Mc- All Carpets taken up. cleaned and relaid. tuning and repairing specialty reared parents hare the sincere sympathy I Lend, of Kinloss, is visiting at SIr. H. Au kin the ssemena- HodRkna has Sten pas P of all. B. Mdof a. lo --Mia Bella Mc.1 nolo, of The Woman's Christian Temperance linitis !ya tar of hnux church In this l•ee Horan, a on • furlough with her aunt, meet In the business gat \neck -at Mein chunk fele materhe s. - n:own musical Aleck one of imitation ckoe a friendly collectors. sh, rtly. The rsvereud gentleman will I The contract for the new agricultural l Miss Lizzie a f urizi.. even you warty afternoon. natty and neat worthy tmitatiun by man) Chrieusns y evert Tuesday meeternoo . ( meat dellen.won be two ern iia Brurel&. Khat hall at Atwood has been Irl to as. If want something natty and in Dm a RIBBON Tr.t —Tits 1 .TA.C.T I C. of louder pretensions. -Inasmuch a. ye his intentions are for the (tare we have Struthers, of Atwood, the price being The few balmy breezes that have sr - fashionable +y .ret .i don't fail ti wan upon the gave a verydid it unto the least of these ye did it I nut leanied.—Rruaele Yat. 8:rfi0. The building will be a twit -storey rived have carried hither the blackbird springfasbi.mabte tailor. Y. J. Pridbam. who has an of the town r 4 t:ment t. W. have h. od the death i f SIr. L with upper stun finished so that and the robin, and it is only their peer elegant line of goods. and cuts and fits in the pleasing enter au,ment iia the temper °tit•, Aie," should to lin incentive tonuuc, a n for, public meetings. The encs that reminds us, when the wild latest and pts. pee. marc sM,:vn work for the brethren than lames, relict of the late Edward Jewel,. PAs. M�p n photographic i nDhic in and tare once hall Tuesday evening/. in the shape "a 1 of Rosh. The daoeaited had been • rusidrnt of building will be a substantial one. set north wind is blowing• that the time for of a teameet nig to those who had joined the g prwoods to don their hands. Trust novebe in the arc and enure -- - - _ on atone Inundation, and will be • y teat the fields and wu satisfaction can be hid ■t N. H. callow "• the pied Ribbon movement and taken i N'ingham for sumo years, removing there improvement on the rickety one tbe ho- mantle of green the arrived. —Ras. Callan at. styli and framing a specially. Mer., tete"• from Eaat N'awawnh (,alt and sen sof e•- the pledge at the Joe Hess meetings. t eietq has been using of late. At the regular meeting of Br. A2, In arida to the excellent spread, there Cat tit.—That well -k. own imported The stroke ..f p•rwlysis which �amn•1 yy M. e held April meeting the 82, C. Merchants can art their Bt11 fleaola latter hor e • Colin, which has in past yar•following Beads. arc„ Ere., printed at flits olfloe for very was an intellectual program, in which Panna, of Brussels, recetced recently A little b'. of &Mout three ears, coo I resolutions of condolence were reed and little more than the• generally pa for the sinned for himwif a high reputation is Pearson in his death on Tuesday after- of Mr John Campbell, Stanlej, was noanimnnsl ado• ted. nn (fie motion paper. and It kelps w advertise their Rev J. A. Anderson, K A , led is I k CAM sod see sample' and stmt prices. prayer, music was given by • well -train- his line, is still to the re. oder the Ire" 'Sib cast. He never thoroughly missed farm the bunco the other day. �.t Bm. J. L mq, tsec,ndrd he Bru. T. After the spring! , and paint• ed choir, under the leadership of Mr I nwnerahtp of Mews I noon, aroused 8 h Inst the time of his illness Ilia mother caught him, and, heannc Stilts . k\betas tt has placed AI Inc and when the ahruba and plana botch to Colborne. "Colin- has won • 60, n- and passed yutetly away. The deceased his cry .t the barn she went and found . eligibly God in lin inEnite wisdom to oke shape will be the time to have views of Belcher, and short addresses were dell- vita b death the family of our wisdom mss an old rwldrnl of lirussnls, having him almost down the well, but manfully yourchotrte K*V I4 a taken. w,o,•a b 0 Teams n e •tired by Kay (nen. Richardson, chair- j then h'^n alts are amongst the �� resided there for upwards of t bitty boldin¢ on to the pump. She laked him brother, Jeremiah Dalton, and remove man, Rev K. L. Hutton, end Messrswhore he would have been it she had not TICIR o• ggenerecurs. The past winter has not Mitchell, McGillicuddy and Strang, Kis" or tar. CAwrsatL-.--John, Years' therefrom a dear and lalcved brother, • eneal one on hydrants and water- y jWashingtonWest \\awanosh,1y (herd him. "in H Heaven is w oaks aatieespls. 54aesdeea a Kon A•ve pad The tc titin¢ was a h po he uysble one have. Cn., We understand that John S•ndyrso r, be tt ta..lved that tho mtmben i f tha about thirty 0 tae McNamara hydrants in and reflected credit upon the "Y.'s." and i haves tine specimen .•f hoes• flesh ie 1 Wroxeter, bis disposed of his goods to nice place,' was this c of reply of the lit branch tender to Tiro. Dalton and family wee on the outskirts of the tow and herr their energetic president. film Helldal.- ;thrix imported "King .of the Ca.,, fells. his sal and Thos. agedMiller, d that the tie tallow• their siMere aymp•thj In "'tit 'lad al- p..V 1, nae cam of fn etait t h Is tTk�7 de hs• proved htms,tf a ivied stock Ret• I7P: ion basmws will M managed under the firm Tommy, sun of Chia[ 1'rlt ere, ofNictiott. and that • copy of these te•o- eprinciple b a dog nn Broil .r« petting in water *tie THc C . n u ay evemLa name u , an e of last week the cantata, 1 oder the se•s..n• S1 vs rozeter n was one of the tint merchants can le of last week. From what iz Rei.,lved that them resolutions he en- CRIEFLETS. Palms," was given in North se Method• DEXTER —Mr Elijah Martin has per- ; of µ roxeand has spent over thirty an learn the httl afgellow, who nosy ah feted upon the minutes of the meeliaR ,w nun trotting or seven years ht e, w oNoFl . fir onto! en - Mr hu eons? ion to this office. from whence It is romiirtd that Rev G. B. Howie. a to the hands ..f Mr D. 1 - Stra- h,r s numl,er .•f it went 111. A., offends rest-, .__ his position u e. ti.a ion tM eely aeu•frenfng hydrant work •i a do work on the M gond On Thursday ter, and will be on the road ague this' 1 f 1 d num and Miller. John WwRb•m, was badly bitten y luttues he liven nor worthy n t Pr. r•; price. Iff t h them a call as playing and pooliahid in the 4 rpt tat church. The rendition of the canto chased that well-known n y a years in mercantile Ids. :Hiss Dohetip-, of Clinton, was in town to was pretty and rendition the wlw and stallion, "Ureter, which he will keep 2 the dug when it turned round and Inok S1ust AC At'+rte. Rec Secy. last wr k• Sergt. Burke, of No. Co., ward Bat- hold of him by the chert, making a very other part pieces being well executed by (ox seteioe at the Cnlbarne Hotel ve' an taboo, N'mgbam, was presented with •whisk w•euwned a enemas. Mr A. s.1.McAllen left cur Toronto on the carie a performer. gid the choru•ee "Dexter • is of "Royal Revenge' and headstone pin D •few of hu old c.m- ugly •o°^d. Th• dna, 1 eesdewee tars•/ I Monday last. taken with strength and precision by "Clear Grit' stock, and has without 1 odes, at !apt. by a ntfioe, he liar. by Kant, jr , was •very fine animal �,� soecPssful has Dr Pierre's Gulden Mies Waugh, of Chatham, is the guest ab,nt two hundred members of the Sun- training shown a 2740 slip. of the pointer breed and was well tntned Medical Discovery proved in carina ipanrjesifter serriaptl4aye•ran tint coat- to drawing a child ion a handsleilh. The chronic nasal catarrh. hr ortchi•l and of Mn el Om Breckenridge day soh..ol Specie will not permit an PORTER'S HILL. Chief i• satisfied that it will Mtn nnM,dy threat diseases, that its manufacturers Ron Bnckee14. store. bee taken a poli- esteoded description of the forty-eightThe many irisods of Rev. Father ~Seem else, he Lavine sent •ballet into i; from now sell it through druggists under a tion in J. A. Raid'• numbers- about one-half of which were From our own g or of St. Jaye.' Catholic church to chorines -com .d in the cantata. Dost a revolver. lonh.. v•rnnn,L•e of its b•nehung or Mr and Mn Wm. Megaw tett for their I Pr. Mr McPhail is rea•venn from his in forth, grill regret to learn that he is The farm of Mr John Hula, "n the retina in every ease, if riven a hit trial, Home in British Columbia last week. Those who took •prominent part in its dispoeitinn. leaving there, •after •• ten yarn residence loth .f McKillop, was sold at or money paid for it will be refunded. rendition were Mn Pn.ttn. Mn Bray • Miss Lawmen has sons to Detroit. Mr W. R. RnMHson left no Wednee-in that town. Tb• reverend gentleman or money d to sen. le Misses Misses B. W.Ikinron, Washington. auction byMr J. P. Brine, at the Com- scrofula of t • day for a visit to mauves i° Nova Crar, Reid, Acheson and Cooke and Mrs Wm. Sili, tt left for Dakota on is going to Cincinnati. Ohio, where, we me -Dial Hot& in lois town, on Toeeday lungs1, d taken in tame, a ala cured by Scotia. 1, M 'mill in (stun reside- Nth inst. Ridding was eery slow. 1 the wonderful medicine. Moiesn k. Ise Tuowl, 7'. ArreMrnnR, W. 8th inst. Rev. T. \L. Magahy, rector of Itt• . and the farm was ultimately knocked Mn and Mise Sybil Toms returned Pridham, conkman, Davieeo, Dymoek, Mr Miller had a wend bee tat week at 1 last waits from • &i P M Pries h "b rotted himself Iamei Episcopal Church. Si. Mary's down to Mr John Beattie for >r,d4�' For ('onstip•timt or Rie1 Headache, Indianapolis i months' visit to Cameron and J. nater• Mies rice whit our y acquitted presided at the piano and Miss Trwman creditably. died receo;ly of inflammation .d the The faun a one Mr and Oo H. ELegs s • arrived in Gad•rioh to a visit to relatives !the S S. ore(eetra rendered valuable u- from oar neinity than the measles •t- tor o ur , „Jsat Saturday 1 a1•tanoa. A marsh two of tacked a few families. Th.s disease ap Mary's only an the bot of March last. end n within three mime of Seaf.•rth. Rev H. Irvine, of Nile, delivered two i the choruses was prettily executed by phis to M inventing from north to Ttt• e. }taptaerf Wisgh$m I 1 (Ire would n•turslly think that Meer heat ht irks. (lee of the most plasisg by .etwl eon.eot to °lotto their plooee lie has got a arsut bargain, bot faro, Me diMaat Su a North••( Methodist i {features of the revving was a chorea meth. R hods an tine going dsO� IgM �edsy' taken solely by the esholan of the infant Bin Mr Benderene has accepted the of besieges during the summer months n it i• hardn, soy Pall to Bethany church, hat °seam be in *vet, evening at seven o'clock, exoeptiaog stoat a e batyfairr. A little over 99,000 for the Mr Hilton Hnlesee._ of the Reek of At the Blow of the evenholidays,o Mr floor Lv h • three weeks' That k was the Pulpit anti) 41st of May. In the Saturdays and evening .1 n.tI •.. tot was lhenwas ffho diad it •t i10•- .tetMl[ithd April. omw•eee, vending tall • en f a ante s meantime Mr Arab. McDougall ()meditate nineteen is Ood•eieh. tendered to Nr B. of the Mat in the a,wn- 1 tee Dr Pierces Pelletb on y Roth II and family at the organ with their ones] ability, and No sooner had la grippe disappeared bowels. The deceased was formerly rev ty. it contains 160 acres, .-Mks Mi 11 a ' We. one •draw. — ( Heel th and had rammed u, St. ton house an It good ostbeildings. P. Halla. R. A., ss,- evil -disposed penes or 000, and even •t this RRora►t would have Mrs III" Natt•rfi•!d, of beeer Wine' dor whiles direction $ad i.seltenhip the esrviea. - y Ilwm il-d� the bawd room some bees snapped p ieth•fae•oleuc D Ilam, has bees visiting friends is Gots.- • ridh. Winches' Advance. Jae Bre.kmeridge, lr.. ie visiting friends in Grey and Brawls prior to his departure for Mimeo. Rev. B. L estftos, pastor of Visions- ° tit, Meer&►, Mliwaad ► evening ve est Orange ism at Nils on Thinedq ''46 Weak - prodeetinrt was prepared sed renderer . AUCTION SALES. time between Thursday asd OD •7 Ad 1 ` or,°Id M m°Ittplad WWII Is with a revisal gestate meds after r.- l.M. A s estranee was made by this, s.wni still in the Stat w tri w• .'s tan kits was re All pant their seen M • rated atos the door. The fold ewes •vntsisi why she this tipsy wilt a tree sMtes rinsed h roily o the limit dose wee the a ettia[ silt that in lbw nounty„ arm lands an not d•pregatiOR =ow *smelled their pod of the (kis u.t a w aa .b tt.te at isle roily other dsmyt ng greying. e.wiM. Both perhr.aAws 6•M of beeisebold Imsitere of Mrd of the head of the teigtdrum. •: No arisen in sail that the the eater are trnwp it prospering wore wall sbtssd•i, sad s hMMsrs ss. Delabbl wtst bee restelemis, Rentilton-M., hey. Men seeds, runs high.-- Wier- and to happy endres era it gs.fot•th was realised, whish we be.Jdsi he the I0•lefleb. es Beit yi Aper. Itltb, at will M. as ese'iwos y ter. fords lit the f3.•iy ee`Mi. 1 lege* p... John Ksca. ssatie•sa. ba. adtasew broke• ev a readily • few years a[•+• iwto tows h ez.m I« as Teo imps runt charges hate been made in the United States (arid hill. Hides and sugars are placed on the free 1st. It is stated Sir George Tnveliyn will contest i.•.rd Hartington s twat in the British House rt t'omm• na at the next general election. Mr Jobe Conine, sr , East Waws nosh, It.. here lad up (.,r several days .,wing to having had bis knee hurt whsle working is the bosh. Mr Jame Brandon, of the 10th •es- eeesies of Item Wawasseh. hes passed away sod was buried tie Friday. the Nh islet Deceased was tr hM 83rd year.