HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-4-11, Page 6THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. APRIL 11, Ct UIJ (In' C U 1t1tENCY. HEALTH MOTET. t% A110 i&AROtN, ---- eras ies4eesiSekaMe. isNestM Vries Items of Interact from erne the It is a mistake GouMy. sot is • At sltsdt to letter ohm are The as $( wire tee Meth •tom f Hoe Is do .e. 0 %Hick port $u a gni A worst, «melon .f tae geoseey sews eery - ea wo settees weeders of ere, slseat." est .awe Peent. !•upped sad tee. .teweed Drees awry .cedes. t ► . f.ieeday, 25'h alt., Gets. Campbell lett 1i t.w1,tor Killarney, Manitoba. Mt Ja•a•r M: Neil has rented hit 50 sere- .e -he 3.d cue, of ti.11eet to bis Ili .v right ha, reiterated to Bayfield, OW .s •.tees u, po..uessou of Dr. Ntchui's P ••.a.ha' furubull, of Clinton Colle- giate 1 .. mute, is mew on the highway of rere.v.•ry. tole lJ.rnl Vsylor, tit. Hob .. lett on Toe t»t .d last week ton Deloraioe, Moot' ba. Mr iIuurr, .4 Dungannon, has secur- ed . n,. y anion of hpad-eawyer in Mt T....t'. wills ,1 Se. Helms. Messrs It.osford, Clinton, have bought the 114 acres on the fleet's roe., Te.utoreuutle owned by lirtieo•Shiply. 111• • i !wart, ..f MuKtllop, has per ghee .t the small house on Godcrich street, Sealurth, tram Dr Hanover, 1,, Sl, Si uuou Borrows and family, Mc- Ko.op, utort this week from the thir- teet.th c.000-su.e to their faros west of WI•ou l) .1 ltlr Bates died on Nf on Liv, 24th .11., et the hu.ne of his daughter, Mrs Win Fraltek. Morrie, at the sdvanced age 1.1 over 80 years. Whilst bailiff Campbell, of Blyth, was teatime a seizure of some chattels on a farm near B yth, he was attacked by the owner with a pitch fork. Winshion Is about t lose two very popular young Ladies, in the persons of the Mire. Bonthr.st as they tnter,d to leave there in shout two weeks. Mr Jas D. McGill of the 9th coa. of Hulletr, hs. gods to Colorado. whale he will spend the sumer. and if the coun- try •ud oft nate suit him be may locate there. Mr George W Forest hes rented his farm ..n the 5th ..f Stanley, to h•• eighhnr, Mr John Reid, fir a term of vev, and intends retiring from the baseness Mr "'. McMullen, Clinton, died on Monday morning of last week. •For a nuniot••r et rears he resided in Huller, but r 0...'.,d to Clinton to reside several :eat. „to A Much.•ll exchange referring to the electric light says :—`•The lights, after burning fiiteeo meatier, went net on Monday evening add &aim lett the :own in darkness. - Mr P. Ander.on,of the 6th con.,Turn- berry has odd hie 101* sero farm to • gent- leman trona near Whitechurch ford 000 Mr Auden/on retaining . of the farm for this te..nn. Mr Janos Riddell, formerly of Mani• toba, who has been 'forking hie father's form on the 13th c .n., Hullott. few the last throe y.av,has returned with his f.mily to Manitoba. Mr. Janes Leve, of Sesfurtb, has been prostrated with an attack of paraly also and is now in • critical conditi .n, and being a lady well up in years makes her recovery more doubtful. While Robert, younger son of Samuel Thsll, at'.rris, was diving t.• the bush f a load of wood on his fathers farm en the 6th line of Morris, he met with an accident whereby try leg was broken ea two plane be:.v the knee. Jso. McKenzie, ofGuelph,bas secured bier , , / , t of section boss for Brue- r!, section G. T. R Ile is an experi- eno.d railroad man and is a brother to K. McKenzie, who is retiring for the purpose of going into farming. that the mase a 5010!4 este the hishh- i r and enrage( be will beer's. To N to bed .t sedatght sad res at daybfesk, and imagist, that every hoar taken frier sleep a as hoar gained. To Imams. that if a Blit• fork or ea.seise is good, reelect ter exercise is bene. To 000015dt the eeeallest room is the borer law are. to sleep in. Tu eat r if yea bad only a minute au finish you ammil ia, or to eat without as appetite, ter ethiliss . atter it has ties satisfied, weeely to satisfy the tame. To believe thea ebildree .an do as most work as geowepeople, and that the more hours they study t more they learn. To imagine that whatever remedy cause" Gee to feel tuoredtatety better (w alco- holic ettmalanto) is good for the system. without resod to the after-effects. Tu !she .off your pupa clothing oat .t Sea- ton because you have beoo.e heated. merry wens. 5.t were. It is not work that kills, but worry. It is sot the revolution that d.etruye the os.cbiu.sy, but friction. Work is good for the sort!, good for the body and good for the naiad. 1f you want a go ed appe tied don't worry. If yon want to stand well with yourself and the world, mod east things to go right in your home and your busier', du not worry. 11 you w ant to size up 100 cents on the dollar du out worry. Mr James A. Anderson, Seafnrtb, was appointed Sanitary Inspector at tl.e same salary as last year. The Seaforth Board of ledth for 1890 will consist of Dr Msckid. Medieel Health Officer, Wm. Scktter, Wm. Kline and Michael Madi- gan. Mr Well Floody, formerly in the Nr.rs- ration it is time to replace winter wrap- Bcord office, Clinton, but lateen( Toron- pings with spring coats and jackets and to, who has been spending • few weeks pat sway furs by the middle tet April, with the old folk in Clinton. left Int but not before. The time when Easter week for Albany, N.Y..wbere he expecte was the appointed day for donning to secure work in the State Printing Of- • spring gows and bonnet, whether the fin day fell to Marsh or IM. in April. has While Mr G. Tebbutt, Hnlmesville,was gone by. The state of the 'weather has far more to d.. with the time of changing from winter to spring attire then any- thing else. New York people are much more in dread of being thought "to rush the season" than of keeping their winter dress on beyond the season. Al a rule, the denizens of the kitchen bloom nut in spring gowns 101 g before their mistresses. Delicate persona are likely to feel first the of heavy winter wrappings and should he the last to remove them In point of fact, the most intelligent pbytierne now advocate the use of light of pure wool all the year rased. It hare her repeatedly proved that khane who wear wool„ 1,. te do net suffer s si0h !rein the heat s those who do not. It is also knows that little children who have been broacht up from infancy clothed in a on.plete suet of wool next the skin. including woke or stoekings, do not suffer from di.eaes of the bowel” sad digestive mien to •ny .nob .fleet am those who .10 not M pro - treat. Certainly the greatest srs should always be exercised in reducing the .mooed int rotteng worn by a young caild, though it is danprove to Mrden the child with clothes. 1'haaess should be made se ler as pomibie. Early Ruga& Most of the talk about early rising .s moonshine. The habit of turning out of bed in the middle of the night suits sH1ae people ; let them enjoy it. But it is ouly lolly to lay down a general rule upon the subject, says • writer in the f )•,wiestic Monthly. Some oats are 6t for nothing at all after they have risen early every morotnl. The energies aro deadened, their imaginations are heavy, their soiree are depressed. It is seed roe can work .' well in the morning Some people can, but others nae work best at night ; others, again, in the after - won. Loug trial and t form the only conclusive tests upon these prints. Wa all know the model a.m. eg.d eighty. "I ,avariaboy rise et five ; I work three hones, take a light breakfast —namely, a cracker and • pinch of salt —work five hours more, never smoke, never driak anythiog but barley water, eat no din.ter and en to bed at six in the screen." If anybody finds that don- keytied sort of life will suit him, by all incase let him contilew it. But few people would care to live to eighty on these terms. useard's usl.ent 1s used by PbyNeW- If • man cannel get all withered and crumpled up on ea ier oonditiuoe than those, it is almost as well that be should depart before he is a nuisance to himself and a bore to everybody else. S.tkool- boy and young people geseesl)y ought to get •p early, for it Is tend that nice -teethe of them can stand It, and it doss them good. Bat let noire tor- ture himself with the tho.cht that he could have been toles s good a .an as he is if be had rises every morning at daylight. The habit would kill half of as in lees than live years. pap! a/we ale NI oleos overlooked, as& the year ewe a10 left to rewire sheet, the "port tet wind, which, ley ire redeemed t5 end rookie" of their week framing. wool briers Ilene growth to a stsadati,I, Almost every observer haat e.•me dime bed tipper witty of seems wish west • °temerity accelerating rate of progress • cone pushes on which hes c.ueht este hold of • tree top, where there are twigs at hand foe every tendril to neap es Moos as formed. and so fall means of Adios ems nide of growth safe sad Mei while the material goes is to build eb. sea. It is only the .mail twin which serve as each ladder Mope. sad wire tea g..od substitute beaus it is of the saute size and all,rda $ firmer bold. Some think it is the vapor ,reaepirrst huse the fclt.r* tet • tree which so et Peerages the growth of grape shoot. and leaves in its top. Teat may Se an aid, eapeoiaUy in sag them from mildew, but we see *totally tree growth to a tree top de•titut• of leases if the twigs are yet strong enough to carry the weight which gradually accumulates up- on them. Nurseryesee. whim desirous of raising strung promo tinea of beet totality, substitute string ties now and then for the natural clasp tet the tendril, and au confine the young shoot to me erwot stake, pinching off ell laterals aid e ven the tendrils, but taking the manna care 044 to hems • leaf. With this and clean culture the one shoot left, and its leaves, berme. so targe and heavy that it will be reedy t.. produoe tine ipecina.ns of fruit the n ext year On an older vine each in- dividual shoot may be thus treated with great advantage where there is tenant to so train it. Mists ger apron. The first balmy breezes of spring are very apt to suggest to the t 1 the need of tighter wraps than the heavy coats sod cloaks of winter. It is an ex- ceedingly dangerous thing to make any changes In the clothing at the present time, when the weather may change in so hourfrota a meld, "Iswblike" south- ern breeze to a heavy. "linolike' north- easter. It is far better to endure a little positive from the weight and warm0i of winter wrappings than to run the risk of the alai et certain colds which will result from a change at this sensor. The 3ld wid.& rule, "Make n.. changes in your undertlannels till the apple blossoms fall," is a wise and safe one. When the season is not backward, however, the rioter coat and cloak may be repla ed by lighter ones long before thts time. Our apple blow,ma seldom fall before June, though varying with the season several weeks. in an ordinary sawing wood one day last week, • limb from a tree fell sod struck him on the back of the neck, knocking him .enseleee, which was a very lucky (cscape, Inc had the limb not fallen %cross the log. there by braking the blow, it no doubt woad b ice proved fatal Mr James Gilmore, of the 3rd con , Stanleywill be 95 years old if he lives until the 6th day of April, 1890. He has lived in the township during the last 47 years. He is to the best of health and bide fair to re the end of the present eeotury if then is an older rase or woman in the oouoty we should like to hear from them Mr Brew Williams has leased that choice farm lately owned by Geo. (iib - she, E. Wawarn•h, for a tern of five yews, paying $200 Inc the tiret year and $360 • year Inc the remainder of the term, with the privilege of putting $60 in ion. ;. each year Mr Gerona perpos.s removing to Manitoba and settling on his land there. ()n Friday *venni, 21st alt., after an illness of hely a couple of weeks, Robert. en of W.. Shotdice. of the t9h son., Morro, died at the early age of 18 years. Tree remains wen portrayed to their OaMdlpalosl slakes s•aey vial.. r S last toting place is Brawls est. Thery W al Shia dread dieser the sate .1 $andsy altero/.ne fnllowiaR. TAi. is the aei h aimed death is the family within • Beall tl"ogar Coated Burdock Pella when wrath, and other members of the family need$ •en pr.,.•trated a tth the deers. A Mnstp•s Jesties of the Peas To yes Correa .—Ple•ss infants rev do.w't y when he marries a readers that I have it positive tweedy .o "Arise; gale bandi— t,* the shove newel ttiswe. By its h that's all Vesely w theoesnde of hopeless sessa lease sand. n sly std. i shall be I• , "sletaicises, don't try r- iled as seed tee arras el .y retteeily p.rieseat.; deet .tai nogg ortseido•s- rass to any of per leaders who ham • tips should M t Ayer's BM, eoese Oe if they y will ea ad re thele .ap.'Ul�aa b•r Mvid tekt of fart, peers. aced Paddress.. O. dress. , eqd today is ie water deemed thee Impress jtuyMglftelly, De T. A. *unroll, ever—s trinwph•st prsol of pope= sp. l I . y� ITN r►itil'idp it.. 'Fear OaL A Trellis of Swett Pea.. Ons of the most lovely of all trellises is ot.e Queered with sweet peas. A Tight °tone of galvanized wire made in nee oetw irk to support the delicate tut.dr 1 of the vine is necessary. There have. been great improvements in sweet peas in late years, the new varieties prodso- iug • touch larger dower and one of • great variety of hues. Sochii.g is pret- tier, however, than the pick and shite ''painted lady," which is use of tits ease est grown and moat robust varieties. A trellis of sweet peas may be started its any sunny spot at oar, the sooner the better J the ground is well fertilized Maley gardoers sow their sweet peas in the fall. As IateUtaeat 5ws. There is • dug we are atgasinted with, Lion by use, who gives daily proofs that he knows what is said to bim. A lady esiled the other day. During her call Lica estate in, lay down oa the par- lor carpet and shut his eye.. The con- vereasion went oe, and the visitor said: — "What a handsome dog you hare !" Lion opened oae eye. "Tee, saki hie mistress, .'he is a very good dog, ane takes ,rood care of the childreo." Lion opened the other eye and waved Isis tail to and fro .Ing the carpet. '•Rhes tie baby goes out be alweye Roes with her, and I feel sore that a.. harm an come to her," het mistress went ••n. Li. oe tail thumper: up and dowse vio- Itntly un the carpet. •'Aad he is so gentle to them all, and such a ;Urinate and eotapani„n that we s odd not take thowod do lars for him." Lion's tail sow went and fro and round and glee. "But," said his mistress, "Lion oe. fault." Total quiet of Lion's tail, together «ith appearance of groat concern on his face. "He will come in here with dirty feet and lie down on the carpet. when I have told bim time and again that he must not do it Lion rose with an air of shame, and slunk out of the room,with his tail doer, —Boston Rexord. up and down, to round with great has INIMPUIVICIIMIC 31 11,.14 A Trier Manitoba. Ltet year I went to Manitoba nn the C. P. R At Rat Portage i got sick.and st Winnipeg 1 es. oo weak I had to he resisted riff the train. I got $ bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters, ■nd after the first dos felt better. When I it. t ed Boissevain I wee as well tee ever. The Betters cure the bed rffecte of the sot - face water of the prairies. 2 DONALD Mcxao, Bolsover, Ont. A P.alNNea Appette. Farmer—You kin feed them cows some corn in the sr tonight. New Hand-- I tried that yeeterday,sir, but they 'peered to like ,t better in the mouth.—American Grocer. Jea_Nlae Jettliee it is • privilege to 1 Hag - yard's Yellow Oil. It is a sure etre for chapp•i hands, swelling, sore throat, croup, etc. Mtn Geo WARS, Josephine P O., , Oat. To cure croup, glee 10 to 30 drops of Yellow Ohl on auger internally, and rob the threat and cheat with the Oil. it Dever fails.—2 — sett r au Rous.. "Sere," cried an Irishman, "and IM heir to • splendid estate ander my father's will. When he died, he order- ed my brother to divide the liner with me ; and by St. Patrick, he did it—for he tuk the inside h.nus.lf, and gets ase the outside !" tkoiele Relief lbw Itles/awie. Had suffered with h•ad.ehe, sed tried everything 1 onntd think of without ef- fect until i sod Ber eek Blood Bitken, which relieved me right away, and 1 am sow retsarkahly w Ames Toeuneess, 2 Oleo Abroad, Qe•. JUST gitAt RIAGES IiEW STOOK. SPLENDIDit AT A. B. CORNELL'S. CALL AND SEE THEM. Cheapest, Best and Largest Stock in Goderich ! COLBORNE. hoes our ow. COUNCIL M•arimu.—Toe a•unetl met in tea towtrel.y hal pursuant toadjo•ra• meat. Mt metre an preset. The em- otes of last meeting read and appr:.v.d. TM fallowing accounts were passed, viz: —Jac. Otarh (chanty purposes), wood per Mrs Britedley, fli 15: R. Kerr, re- pairing bridge at B. M. V.. Al 25 A. Toone moved. seconded by A. Molloy. that P. A. R..bertens.'s application to *hare W. it of let 3..n 3rd con feces T. B. No. 2 into 8. F. No 1 Carried. A. MoU•.y .oved.•eonnded by A Yowng, that the clerk be instructed to get use sot of Revised Statutes of Ontario for each member of the council hoard. Cerrird. The reeves sod councillors •pp•neted the 90th day of May for guiug around and examining the roads, end thin to !et the john on the 30th and 31st days .•l May. ch. board then adjourned to meet as a Court of Rey ision oo the 28th day of May. J H Ru saact, Clerk. Carlow, April 1.t. 189O Purr% set1M5 ami es. First Mather. — What is your same, Meet Waitress ---Peart. fleened Mosher —An yo. the pearl of great pps►itee t W•itr.. No, 1 am the pearl before "Mina — Liverpool Pet. kiwtsel1 HslaseM tuna *WWII es see. It's easy to dye with Diamond Dyes Because so simple. It's safe to dye 'with Diamond Dyes Because always reliable. It's economy to dye with Diamomd Dyes Because the strongest• It's pleasant to dye with Diamond Dyes Because they never fail. You ought to dye ,with Diamond4yes e Because theyeare_beste Oscine bleb ` See !fel Sams Dyeing" ebbe 1.1 £ uieee for •al w et Dfamed Dyes. seat bee me sr,limaisa. Dieme.d Dyes we mea e.erywbw, or easy cake maid .e ream,. 1 prim, to mow mala.. Rsuaoeso. A G►, Mentes i, Q.. SCRAP IRON. CONSIA 111011 MEIN TO THE EDiTOnt �,�/ Please Irons peer readers that I have a emu* efar OS abet, et i abs. disease. Sy its timely me tho.,saaia of bop less cases barn born ab bbeeegh l toiptisa seedtwo Express bottles of my remedy rites to say of veer nyder sobs base ens - they will seed. Address. asagateMeig. T. A. 111.001/111.001/114.M AO. tgt.0� /SS d West d' I s r Poet Oficel ► ONTAMO.. Ho you sleepers, Rub your peepers Open wide each eye; Don't be creepers Bargain reapers Now's the time to buy RIGHT THIS WAY TO DANIEL GORDON'S Ina antral?n First -Clams Stock of Furoltur..IAA. suTch as PARLOR itti'T . HI:UROOl1.17(.!TRS.Nti DIN- My ai.n bas always been to keep First -Class Furniture. The past trill speak for Reel?. There .. .. r . , . r •ti .,,. .• i ... r, t,: :. -. • ; , to cat Da: is 011.1 sit f .rot Claes good.. That w04 cure itself. • In und.rtaktaa 1 hare everything to he rotund In a first -cls e•••abliahment. i am the oldest and most eaperen.ed Funeral Director to the County. CHAf1OEI MODERATE. Westst.. Oodericb. R.tween P.U. and Hank of lluntrcal. 2:100.35.. r•ATMe'atTee\ bests JOHN ROBERTSON Begs to aueounce that be le cue agent for The L!quorTea Compaiis Celebraled Tags Your choice of one out of a hundred or more Handsome Volume by the Beet Authors, given with every 3 lbs. 1 Give it a trial, and acquire a Valuable Library without feeling the expense. 'lir W it es o ark pail nor Cast and W 1 haves biota PLOWS & CASTINGS of melees 1101. PIPE AIS FI'TJJGS. &c• seer Y jtr—' ('1..in i.- °�- iU • 175c. early, and secure full benefit. 1 FEW GALLONS OF PURE MAPLE SYRUP LBFt. JOHN ROBERTSON, OHMS' OLD STAND, COR. SQUARE AND MONTREAL STS. ICUHE FITS! THOUSANDS Of SIRTLES CIVEN AWAY YEARLY. When 1ass Our* I ds est ens haw them M=s 1MBAR ARADICAL OUR ty '� "tat ataus. and thee , Resew r er r • le.g Ot s.•ees a l haus area s amass of Peke, as se eleaeag steely. I w* aril a w . Saud tit went case. ..casae others haw faced V as roams ler 1st res a $sad at roe for • •treatlee and a PPIO. De 55. of my Iw/RM rh. and Past Oita It yeaM.O • srsaseh 1M WMIT a£OtLms( Mod �s �F� w00frt WE KNOW YOU ARE! Looking for a Handsome Xmas or New Year's present at a Moderate pike. —A2'QD— We Know we Have it having the Finest Linen of Silver Plate. Flat Ware and Cutlery ever' displayed in this town. OUR PRICES BEAT TAB BAND. Inspection Solicited. R. P. WILKINSON & Co. "The Signal" will be sent to any address for the balance of 1890 for only 75c. Send in your names and