HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-4-11, Page 4a 4 4 Mi' EURO 81G N AL IreR 11►AT. APRIL 11, 1890. T"`:AU�CAPITAI.CANADIAN K OF COM M ERCE ramai.mmeas wt. HEAD OFF1C:[, TORONTO. "P"AL (PAI. g N,LaAON mums • IIfpT, • B. E. WALKER, Ous,RAL MAnnaat. GODERICH BRANCH. A Bantam. SAWING SUNNIaa T , i . Furtive' NOTES DISCOUNTER DRAFTS MUM PAYABLE AT AL.. POINTS M C auwA, AND ma P111NCIPAL C4TMS IN Tela UNITED STATE& GREAT FRAISCt. DIMOMUOA, Ao SAMOS SAME Ssl•11RTIMUgT. DEPOSITS OF *1.00 �tO A 511101.881.0. ARO CURRENT MATZO 0/ INTaNa3T ALLOWED.TO Tea . AT TNa SIM OF MAT MOO NS MOM TSAR. ABR.W AII3rN.R stoma Ma Wes *dNSan.SI ere OMawsa.Ndl Papier. ..d Ys.Rsa.V OWN Ares•. • •lNrHN.0011. 1it Vurnn fignal to !l'weave ZVKR,t FRIDAY MORNING, AT ITS amen mainline ovine% : NORTH - STREET. GODIRICH. It Is • wide-awake frees devoted Sle aks unsys wss mid the dess inatite of use KATtS 01 al M.30 • year; The. fur six motatte ; 40c. for three tmostbs. If the wtbecnption is not paid s* Meant,will be .' barged at he tate et W M a sal. AlliVEINIMIMME RATES logsl emit ether eselsel, 10o. rlesekler Mgt ineseibilit sad hr°• +O scala laosetio& �1k�aR la Laced settees le .apari.1 type 6e par Hae, Load mikes is ordinary readies mai le pe Btaeitiess card* of d= Uses and under $S pow Year. ♦ of L. Fouad, Strayed. ailtwttth.a Vacant. initiation Wanted and .Ssalases Chances Wanted. mot exceeding 0 hires anU0urid 11 per mouth. Bream a sale and Paton ea die. sot to seeped a Hoeg 11 for stet •issuer IOc per sub- sequent iatetb. Lerner advts V prollortios- A.y special notice, the object of w hie% is to v hreshote the pecuniary benefit of any Lodi - Idabel to charredbaccordingly. eeerd � u ad Thee terms will la all ores be strictly ad- hered to. Special rate for larger or for extended periods - ode known at the oMoe of publication. 1011131 DEPARTMENT. A frilly equipped Jobbing Office is carried es in ootaectia with the ordinary newspaper bsalneas, where erst-cto.. work L turned out at reaeotabie rates. Xverythiog is the print - hag line can be done on the premises trom an fillwmiaated power to a Tis*[ .1 a card. All . asst be addressed to O. 30eGalLe00t0ST, Editor of Tor. 8mret Telephone Cal So. 30. Goderich Oat. HURON SIGNAL IPIUDAY. APRilL 11. MOM WE 4 NOTE GP TELE! The attention of sabecribeirs to Tac SIGNAL is called to the date on the address slip. le it right 1 This should represent the time when theiraubeeription expires, and it is important that it should be cor- rect. In the large Dumber of renewals which we have received there might be a possibility of an error, notwithstanding great care is taken to correct our lists as the subscriptions are received. To those who have slot already renewed their sub- acriptions we would urge upon them the deirabihty of doing so at once. Oar terms are 51.50 per year, but S1 25 will be accepted in fill oo all subscriptions for 1890 paid before May 1st. After that date no rebate will be made. Look at your labeL I, our mayor and councillors dont settle down to business. and conduct themes], es in a more becoming manner hereafter, THE Stems]. will give extend- ed reports of the meetings, which will open the eyes of the ratepayers who are not in the habit cf attending. The C. R. S. 7 ILLiAMS• MANAQ[R THE EDITOR'S TABLE. a Were er two *best Jew r5Mteat3oe lh.t rase .sees I. Skase. Ta■ (`O.Yor'ourair rot ♦rRIL. The April number of 7'Ae Co,raopolitem. Oostains a sketch by Posltsoy Bigelow of "Pb. Fighting Foram of Germany ;" ..The Enchanted Bre Ball," by 8jdsq Cowell, a Mondial 1.1. founded on the tuitional pastime of the Coded States ; "The Appendicola Vermiformis," a .tory by Artbur 8. ttardy ; "In the Land of the White Elephant,' by Frank G. arpeu Festi- val.' as dukcrltorption by Ane* H.vBrewster of • festival celebrated twice a year in this status city ; the !fest stage of Miss Berland'. "Flying Trip Arosad the World, ' **tending as far as the Pacific Coast ; " 'George Washington's' Leet Duel," a story by Thomas Nelson Page ; "Eaton Hall,' by C. K. Pulham -Clinton; "Princeton University," by Prof. Allan Marquand • "The Academie Julian," by IL Riccardo Robin. and poetry b lim- o. P. Soabory sod kraut Vi nosy. In thio number Murat Halstead takes charge of a department in which he will ( discuss the moat important current event.. ''Thr Titles of Book." engages the attention of William 8. Walsh in the Library depttrtmeot, and "Poverty an Erazil" that of Edward Everett Hale the Social t'roblema department, and A Wait CF OB,BATZ AMONG OOYtNiW1 LESIIIILATORB las ttRs/as lase Tele suss Wote- Illesaw• *..•swum•. s se tem-1116ftill et guarems Breen area Ottawa, Apra T.-713 pass week bee WRe(7 tabes up wad &Wow on sae Hu.. C. IL Tupper, Illhdstir at Maria. Fisheries, . 1 by Ids private tart, Mr. C. C. LZih� hes gene w W fit" s. The he reference Behriaa'e sea are w be rammed at the U dtw(•r •tpt3si this week, utak t,r'j premum. thew Maoist SirPaimeetiona J The Kosth•w"at d*klgatie who bass bee. ks Nowa ter the tial .use west eep•r•t.d o• Malmr+v, eels• r.sti..t•t/ l tater hut 11em Jeb.hem �ataa bshey �� else subuuitted b him ler the purpose of pro- waft iginggealks b the Kuru- wed. termerThy yropmert teat Ohs Government should mad lit tic dif2rw t ••ticaalttlss 'MOW d the Borth -west is their reactive native countries to pat their friesd. sad upon the their reamer mad adaptability of Canada an t Woos in their new bosses, They ettggesard [bat tb. oI the Imperial :i he asked tur the pur- pose 01 curing representative persona resi- dent fa Evgleed Scotland and Indeed to visit the North-west and Manitoba during the har- vest seemia. in order that they may see per- sonalty the fert,lity of the new hand- Thry sided that the f , grant a bonus to any company or corporation , . who shall secure the location In the country ed u t�. settler; that the Government send Gnat Britain an exhibition Car, coot fining samples of Canadian cereal., truth, admiral*, etc., and to have the hems- grsttus °Mons in the old Country supplied with similar ".ntplea; that the Government cause to be publMbed two immigrants" pumplike', cu. for Manitoba and the other for the territorfn, giving • complete deecri f. Dos of the country, with views illustrative of the farming, notching and mining oep.- bilities, that the special immigration map of Canada 1* prepared, and that an editin. 'f 200,000 be strut* off, so that they might be distributed among all the school boards is ;real Britain. The Minster said these sug- gestions would be ••irefully coeitd, reed Hun Mr. Carting authorized Mr. Fitzgerald. of -slurry, to prepare a state/nen' of the sources of Alberta, to bei in TIME NEW ANNOUNCEMENT Do you want a choice Print or Sateen Dress ! If so, please weaawt alis at once before the choic- est patterns and colorings are heed tsrltall gone. We have opened matt amen- this week the following new alai - to goods -Flannelettes, Art Mua- ml� lino, Curtain Netts, Everfast tt'" Stainless Black Hose, Ladies' Waterproof Circulars, Para- sols, Tweeds and Men's Fur- nishings Kindly call and see them. We make Cloth- ing to Order, and Cut Out Tweeds bought from us Free of Charge. J. A. REID & BRO. Jordan's Bock. Oodericb. April Ilth, MM. Ytlt• jn uext o*icial handbook of Canada. The Winnipeg sew fabricator mutt vette hard up for material thee• days, the editor in his department discusses 1 terday lite Charles Tupper cabled to Hon. ►swdney, stator& that the had published a emanational Ido h ow' the World's Fair and other questions of the day. This number contain* over one hundred and twenty-five illustrations, about one dozen of which are fall page. ai.'a.Irliglt I MAGAZINR Ton SPRIT-. Sticribner's Magazin. for April has for its frontispiece an admirable eograviag from ap&tntiag, made for this periodical by the Eugiish artist, J. R. Wegoelin, to Illustrate au ode of Horace (Bk. I., 4). Other Horatian odes will be illustrated by the same artist in succeeding numbers. This issue also contains the beginning of a nctable series on "The Rights of the Citizen;" the last of the Electric Series (begun in June,1889), on the Railway of Today; an unconventional article of travel describing a journey woos the Syrian Desert; the second and conclud- ing paper on Charles Lamb's homes and haunts; an missy on W$gnerianisal and it relation to Italian cpera; the erd of Octave Thant's four-part story of Ar• karma" life; short poems by Chas. H. Leaders and Chu. E. Markham; and two les the THE MARKETS. BREADSTUFFS AND PROVISIONS aiederIel Freese. what uonratc*. head le. IMO iter, It Ski. .... S a r Oats. O bus► ................... s t30 S 010 Barley. 3b .........::. :: ISI• :4* rtoratos •eve literati* YSiM :......... 45 Hay, S tea ..................... • 700 Butter S 1 .......�.�t.. t r 0 18 �j1t• fresh eagdrlgud Waite' ' .. 0 it • 0 11 l'aceN 0 u • 0 13 aborta. Stas ............ ...... •M M • 16 5o Bran • 3 Choi ltd .... S • 11 00 Mtttlf. rewa. 1 � ' l 9D Hide. ..... J 50 Hide . ...... ... 000 300 a 3heeositiss.. ......... .......... 0 75 " I 10 Dressed Hoge. S cwt............ 550 •' e; CO Apples. A high 0 le " 000 P Dentistrg. M . 4ICHOLSON, L D, fl, 011NT L 110030•, Eighth [tear bis e the Pew 0r... WetttyL, Iloawows. > -47 DR, B. RICHARDSON, LD.$, 3130010)4 DENTIST. Gas ..d Vitallwe Atr ayanda�Wred is, uvea 10 the ! arylag of Mis. et the Na al TTeeth- 0*.. Up stairs. Grand Opera nous Stook. irstreaes es Weeebe.. Gos.yoh. For Sale or to Let. FARMS VOR SAL$ 1 have s ssabr of farts fermi* V u est parted Oaterie. As you are awes% fame were sever so cheap is this provisos Mat the pressed Dine. and if you wa.t • farm 1 would recemsteed Jett to buy sew. if that memo are flatted flaw eels you a farm on • assail asap p•7tsest,gtvlatg you plenty of time te t limbue oee..hlj.a porcaue 7st•bwrueof o ..elle fou a.ogatnt • ►o... of your own .taw If you have sums mid do not require credit 1 cas Rive you ea good value for year mosey as you ca�.gM elsewhere 1 will Oddly mad you desrl of W - tor sale Is say loath[ a from yea. SSaty 04 Kiiaes gmt. :et foresee. L1O1t SALE --THAT OOMMODIOU- house on North-et..t steers[ 000ttpted f the 5bscriber, ooaW.Itsg elkbt moats. be "Ides kitchen, pantry, chases std Sued calor Hard mid sett water em theptegryee and stable and driv sheds. Emotion orchard. The site le use *Atha moat destrebie L Lowe Abe that drowsed house es Osiedod.. Ter- race with good colter end other oosveniea Teem Me good half acre lot attached to sac house. Terme to suit purchasers. Apply to M tt. 311(8. 1W Ire. North -et. FARM FOR SALE. The ender igmed will oiler for sale the fol lowing very desirable farm, consisting of the easterly 136 acres of Bieck "F," le the .tic e m cession of the Township of Colborne, in the County of Huns. TW farm is *audit ed 4i mile from Goderich. and 1t miles from Carlow. ea the Mals Gravel (toad. There u • good frame hots, 14 - storeys, 'almost new, fib 3/, containing 7 rooms a large barn. 0 by 12, with cattle shed. 42 by 1t, attached• and one of the finest orchards a the township. It is watered by never -falling spring creek end a good well. About 110 acres cleared and free from mumps. There is no waste land of any Mad on the lace. Good school within t0 rods of the %cans dna insurance. ]� N. USW,* 1smwLAsr, Pruotu, ►a l'4.Irarittr j](���ey� 1, per Graz. plireft titralgbt looms particulwag ars tceell psy. � ally or write_• ia, M C SKAUKR, C (x.gIt* nag? DIVISION 00tI{(�'. , lemesaoa. Name sad Vawsral t. o I.esd .: w hates ud cast. Noise uNeoir.td. Ovum-Nut404*.Le CorseU'e Fitralt mars C, J. T. NATTHL, tt LIi'l FIRE AND ACt7DSNr I S rR_ANCR AOBNT, {Repressions,�North Brttw R 1/eresattle Nerty h Amerkwa Lite; a Norwiches' 1...alm . ease se North America. Amides': Iasar lowest lutea Leasee settled prostptlr Memo to len a Yarm sad Tows Property Csaveyasotaf done_ Property valued, stet OSet► Ger. North at. and Square, Goderich 74- $100,000 PRIVATE FUNDS To leas. e° farm and town property, at tow so Interco. M 1. No eS C -.p0•.. cyhimer* agents fr the'Tr st and 1,eas Credit uy6Company. the the (t Coanada mpany lowest. [1.01 %mad tier east. �r N. N.- Hsrso ass ohtaia meow la S day, if title ; py b i300 DAV ,Barrutan •f , sta.. Goderich got .'600 000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO CAMERON HOLT i CAMERRON. pod rich. urea ° MONllltY TO LEND. -A L A R G E solus[ d Private Pude for invasttw tit lowed rates on •naclass Mortgages App is teGARROW a PkOUDFOOT pp RADCLIFFE, GENERAL TNSCRANCI, REAL ESTATE LID • MON1EY LOANING AGENT Oslo Aral -ohms Coageajee Jteprecrated alto Money to Lend a straight Mem. at the lowest rate of Interest going. is ase way to suit tic. oorrower. WestAr OFIFI8trei )4Gode Suomi deer frees Square !I[b•t1 (11.8.3 April & Floor .. ........._... tit 50 to s le Fall Whoa- fa a sad eId 0 to to 0 8t Sprig Wheat 0 78 tc 0 02 or Rac(ey 020 to 040 (Mtn 024 to 016 he Peas - 063 to 054 Yes- Pate Ntd'ktall pad w "':: te loo 3 M n Mr. n_.... Will be sold on reasonable terms. For terms and further �tmrrrtticnlars appy to JNO. BRECKENRiDOE. Propitiator. l=odericb. JO*KPH ]IcKNOWN, fr a the premteea Winnipeg, via New York, giving an alarm- ing account of the condition of the Indian the Athabasca tiistrictottbe(aanedian No wet, stating that they wens actually star ing and that the adnite bad bad to retort eating their ctuidren in order to preserve The1. , . t-oeseralcabled back ing in foto and adding that Ibe report must refer to the condition of the Athabasca I Indians two years ago. The situatlas in regard to the Ottawa liarnentary v gmcy L becoming decided interesting. Mr. C. H. Mackintosh has takes no action in the matter, but his friends have for him. A requisition was brought to h with hundred of name( attached asking 3f dietWatesh to allow his name to be int ? t and with such strong backing eta hasdFy refute. Mr. A. J. Christ Q. C. is eke making a good many friend. F1RST CLASS BRICK HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE ON 81. PATRICE 8T. •boot two minutes walk hem the Square. 0131. 01, - BOs e10ie 0m T ' Ceedwest. 3 00 to 4 00 Teo stories hitt, brick addition in the tear .[Geese A' h. Ildi 1° at bas 3 large rouestip /rat flat, sin there roomier /rat a,se,t are kitchen, pent.!, washroom. K I amirsAgit'1, room amu bat broom, Also good ! r. PP17 W tae 1, who wLl 'e .11 n.o5ea•r7 information:. DAN iXL GORDON. i'4JR SALE. i' West h•1t of lot Mr. Arthur Street. with ,tlf ng covered with slate. Beef C. 00 ;o a 00 • Iwd�o in Wool... rte- Pork . ��.. 0Mb 050 475to Sip v- Ilna = 30edtreet Cattle fleshes. gi to The receipts of live mock at the Matreal me: Stock Yards, Point P1t. Charles. for the week dram ending March 30th. 1800. were : - ° re are 5 large room•, n the rear dittos here smell bnek tootles,• thereon per i Receipts of lire stock at the X - St iy j Montreal Mock Yardtl'r. St Charles. for the week Left over from pre, Cf7 Els sad UM j 'loos week 13 Sho Bt1(wtao Lora. _- 191. 196. 244. 245. Elgin rest. 1t. Andrew. Ward. tT1. owner of Homo and Britannia (toad. Frame Ii story house on Keele Street. lot heir land. Several lots is Reed's Surrey *eremite nee w Grounds. vis Nos 22, SI. 20. 30. 52. H * 84. 94 All the above at LOW FLATRB. 02 tt 139(7 to DAVISON t JOHNSTON the etty. A meeting of the Liberal Comer vas Association has been milled for T eusing. Another application for the use of cony abort stones (one by Mia. Jewett), with e.f Total for week ... . St0 SIS 91{ ]7i r. Left on hand.. le to he The receipts of cattle for the week were .mall, but large enough for the market. which had a weal( tendency, this being own ppamnrtl- cuirrly felt toward close of week. Prices pafA were lair, but demand poor, butchers hold"tag oWtor F.amer stock. I+eseral load. have already been mewed of este gttaHty. with eaaranumber reported. and. according to •b 7I br ex a good Raster trade out reason- bl br expected. Sheep supply larger, val- ues increasing. Hogs plesttful sod strong at S lc. u 0 uesdsiy ..t o bee tt labor has been received by the Dayartavut. Justice. M. C. Mullarky of Mantras' renewed hie proposal to the Government to • a joint rtt. k campaoy for the empk, meant _ st of convict labor to manufacture an hoed boote and shoesand ready trade -clothing tar xport. This proposal, it is understood, h.s yet been conddered by the Government, from the unsatidactory experience wbieb Department of Justice has had in coroner - 1,011 with previous .fortsco to utilise cocoa bar for 000tract purposes. it is very dou I indeed if the scheme can be [natured. a attrnng instalment of the serial "In Valley.' "The Point of View" (de- f pertinent) continues to make an impees- •ion of versatility and Contemporary in- terest by brief essays on "Spring Philo- e aophy " „Styli," and • The Paradox of not Humor." 8i= of the article are roti- - and tr•ted. • the itrretL's LIVING ao,. The numbers of The Living Aye for fa March 22nd and 29th actual n The Fu- to tare of English Monarchy, Philosophi- cal Buddhism to Tibet, and Recollect- 1Og ions of a Voyage with General Gordon, Contrrnpornry ; The Future of Rossi& in the Asia, VincteentA Century ; Random Re- collections of Corsica, and A Dialogue ' 12 is We quote lite following as being fair val- e- - clef Ilutchers'. goat 1 to 4 c Itntchete', iridium ••,. 3c to t Butchers', culls 3f• to .Sheep .... Iic to . Hors0C. 00 to $3. C7tt,vee. sega ten)44 N4 00 to I0_M Legal notices. Legal. FPublic,' Solicitor. Notary Public, e t C A M P I O N. BARRISTER. a 0111,e Over Jordan's snug Store, the mean formerly occupied by Judge 0.71,. EIM C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, etc Office, censer of Square and West etre['[ Goddserltorbadb, us•terd teteepbt per east. albs.. Pr, rate l!'u•m C'tARROW &PROUDFOOT, BAR RISTKIL•1 Attorbe 3 Solicitors, Goderich J. T. Garttow, . Proud foot. 17 CAMERON, HILT & CAMERDN, Barristers, Solicitors in Carets &c. 3oderlch. ]1. C. U1.asere&, V.C.; P. 751. 8.1L M. O. Cameron. C C. Roes. Amusements. 't ODICRTc!! MECHA:fICS' LR'STI 11'TR LIBRARY AND ROCADIN ROOM. dor. of Nast street and Square lot sours. Open trom 1 to 0 p.m„ and from 7 to N p.m ABOUT 2000 VOL8 IN LiBRARY it Papers, Ma,•.L-u.te,, d o. , on Pile. ME3tOIRSHIP r1CHICT, ONLY OM.e, granting free use of Library tied Resdin • Room. Leading IMilr, Wrekly and Illtestr'ated __ _ Application for a received b7 "" - Librarian, la moms. S. MALCO3ISON. GEO. STIVENF. President. liecrct•ry - .t Goderich. March I2tb. 3*5. t' a. THE LiQUOR LICENSE ACT. Legal Sales. A m•eting of the Hoard of License t'ommis- _- - _ sinners for the West Riding of Huron will I CT111N 8►Li be bels' at the Inspector's cake. ('baton, on a� VALUABLE Frtday. IAA April, IMO The following rich.B.lt N Well PropeK7 is the Town of Ojod. _ apple- cations still lee presented lender and by virtue of the power. of /tale CtietTou-.Wm. Watson. Mary ti cos lied Isaac Rattenburr Samuel ► 'k nt laf° two certain M.ntgaaty bs•rf I r, 1 . Polla date t-aapecricety the tib da) of sten. ►engr (tae, Milne. Frank Hiernan.kicb- Hoo, J. A . 187:. and the sib day of [keaemtee. ♦•U. Ricer aMSpe. .bt-c- i 1876. and which Mortgages the deo les ��lUmn GoLalu. im Edward Newark Jon thherw will be aced p Thos, tt httel J i' Martin t, on the `ear u( Bak there will he *Ohl Miller Jonathan It is understood that Mr. Davin is proper. • remarkable oration in which he poser to explain the somewhat . . ., remarks he made in regard to members t Government the other e. ening. Mayor Freemont, Aldermen Hearts and teller, and the City Engineer of (duet[e nod here Saturday. They will iute'rvie C , with r,!erenn, to the land - id* and to ascertain what the li . tend to do in the matter. The contract for ferrying nerouetbe Kia river between Victoria and Black River e on o Cott. Wt m. Rabb ,] Godeun, iu Martin s Hemel, In the 1 " t A1I'i'ED -- oho 3ic4'augh,y. Wm. GOdertch, in the l'ouaty of Hturos, cm smear- , Craig. Geo. Parsons lsbo 1. i A GENERAL BER- (•facers. D Win. Horton dor. the 3rd day of ;Fay. A. D. t8/0. at 1w 4,. Rt' VAST. ('nod wage. to ■ competent Kt.cruA. Alfred Roe. Join Ui.Ner, Hat- follo°Awwingoornluanlehn Enos, Auctioneer, the person. Apply to tie (Genoese. John /tartan, John Patterson, exrtalnt� namely, all that rf .1 It MRA Ht'TCHISO%. Ferdinand Kormmin' l;oderich ndekoyowmtae "Mattis 3�/t11 T[te�rve T Bh.rnt-Robe. Milne, John Sfa.on. J. P. and telly oeseribed in the said Mortgage.. ``rANTED.-A GOOD GENERAL Fisher. .Manston Ifou.r, Blythe, Jaa Scott and etwtafnine by ad:noasureme t eve acre. +sees (Queen* Hwel H1 th SI slueahil�h. 7T.ero Is situated upon the said land a larg. . Antony Werk, tt'm Glazier Jaa NcltonalA i1a11 c31q k I Latham ►McDonough. liar . pundit o an terms and with a Mommy, National ; The Expert- err ences of a Multazia, In the Days of the tic. Dandies, and Lord Lymington, I;leric- d too.,J ; Robert Browning, Argosy ; R.rw- in land Hall and Penny Postage, Tintr ; 8eto John Mandeville, Kerne dpi Ike Mon- gars which was awarded b George Moot in Sep tentber last, bas trees mcelled. tie contractor nt. Apeir to y 1, J, F meiiggtr, of laud• be the tome more or lues .SI-tf MItB 1'OI.LRI-, North -m. AsR►eRi.n -N'm. F1anla.(an,Joe a des ; Edward Fitzgerald, Temple Rar ; erman Colonies in the Holy Land, numl ers' ; Fortanio, Speaker ; Spon ith ;Vtld Elephants, Pioneer Mail ; ith instalments of "Marcia' end 7Aee." and poetry For fifty twn nba- ben of sixty-four large page each (or ore than 3,300 pages a year) the sub- iption priers (108) is low ; while for 10.50 the publishers cS•r to send •ny s of the American e4 00 tnonthliee or seklies with Tit. Living Age for • year, h postpaid. Littell A Co., Bustoo, scene. that disgraced the last meeting could not here been surpassed by a con- g..ted gathering of guttersnipe•. • Tat latest Conservatise aspirant for ton legislative honors in West Hama ie a = person named Rtow7 --Jots,. Btowtr. on He has advertised the fact in the Mail, es and the Globe says his advertisement hot • the publishers. should be placed order the beading, .r "Situation wanted." The insertion of the adve tisement u strong evidence that fe Blows is drinking again, and has pretty to nearly reached the "Jim-jam"stege. IM the recent tariff discussion at Otta- wa, Mr PoaTia, M. 1'. for West Aaron, expressed the opinion that rmortgages wen not bad things, for • mortgage pn a far o showed that the man who gave it owned the farm. Perhaps that ie the way that Mr Poaren proves ownership in hie farm, bot most men w veld rather own the far. withont the questionable proof to . ' y which a mortgage Riess. Mr Pontos* [sight jest as we11 endeavor to prove that the death grip (m.•reetyr) was an exeelleot thing for s sick mar. to get becaess it A that life had existed. John Cardin. Grey, has purchased the 100 aere farm reseetly owned by Dnuald M.I, aueblin for the sem of $4.1100. It is a bargain at the prise. This gives 1dr. Cadi3 2450 acres of land wow to oeltivat.. Then is quite a Ilttl. history Is atanest ion with the propwn lately p.rohasad Mrs. Arch. Mei.uan disposed of the term &boot twelve yawn aro to Donald Me iaehlin for x,000 and the same ap- art, is wwaoid by privation& fee $,600. T1re is net the nsty impasse. .4lbp.sisr limbed lea la rel that. ow a 'Wobble petters Ity. Yrs Gw Hall, Brucefield, who had a w days ago a Targe e•teroap growth moved, is recovennv fast. Mrs W Rosch, Rayfield. who had a large internal tumor, weighing about 3C • lila, removed recently is doing well. d be h more tied it says. IDon't go to law un lee yon are tweed to Md hate some- tote a cast hu the baying failed to put up the nscees°r•y scar ity. J. J. Ilevine, deputy collector of inl.nl revenue. has resigned his position. ' T. C. ('onnor, of Montlon, has moored the contract for the erection o1 an immigrant sad at Halifax. Hem. M. Unwellla spending tL•e Easter holidays in Ifellevile. THR WCAI. Att511151.T. Tomo/Tto, April 71h- The Local [torsi[. • meat has been engaged during the pst w.'ek ie clearing oR the "list," ams early Friday morning wound up the prneeedings d tae .aswiou with a little harntle , hilarity. Formal , , . talkie place today. LOSSES CAUSED BY FLAMES .eve 1'erOt {Silage Wiped ret -levee A CArnolt.-Drink nothing without ' W Sw;ng it. Sign nothing withont readier .rete it, an sore t at 1t means nothirer mr by tai the sea: B slat K o' awe A Dwrse t 111 Cowressims. - At a re- ! a ant trial of a •see in the kerlix, t►nt., nh Pelies Court against F. C. Bond, dreg. I was gist, for breach of the 1Yedical Act, Dv- of t1 [smite Welts, of Tomato, made the fol. i,.ie lowing admission while under crow Wn "T em • d,lsofive 1'rIf,e College of Pbyeie,sn. in Ontario. It s my duty b kwk after all parties who are violating the Moises! Act in the enere• of my duty i go to dr., wanes_ soewet ems 1 Mrs to * Ior thing. rart Middy in other amid•, 1 here to dre•eh the teeth, ted i ne,. done this several time.. 1 hare led people by my del, toe menta to believe that 1 was .oras than I hew rally was." The ease was dismissed. at $28. The do(oeti,ds evidenew hu 1......._►_ futst,s .•sive. thing to lose. In any hominess never ads in when you cannot see the bot Pot no oonfidenee in the label on beg and count money h.fnre you re- pt it. See tic. bag open before you y what its in it, for he who tradre dare asks to be abetted. diary Stam es ■$etlssra. A T ERT..w v, V . Y.. April .5. -The business on of the village of Therms ., about 11' lee fro,n thio city, was entirely ed fire this morning. Forty-two two Ings re burned. involving • bas a start. ng like I1i(ii Il4.17*1,ti7n, About :!0 of Mlilding• were dwelling. and the r. Mier were wt• Ter and whop.. AT PITY. A;'ri* 5 - Row. Bradley A. Co'. ing mill..-mpk.ying 150 heals, was de- ywl b. night by fire, which brr.ke .vett at cl(w•k The department was unable to k the fame., whkth ',prem to n.ijoining hoe pil.t and omen neo Un,n0i1 feet o4 the w oy 01'•,(rsi Soar.e of the machinery ✓