HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-4-11, Page 3THE DOMINION IN BRIEF. ! Attoreey thine/rid Idartes, lianitoba, hem reigned. It hi reported thee Jobs MeArabe, adonag Misdealt,. Isla the Poetise AellsMe. The loped progenies et Haelksp Omsn. bare distermierd teneashils& • law Mbrery the omaty. Cherie' Feeter, weed-eawyer, heel the fingered leis lett Mod him dr bye eiroaker saw. Mermen in Cousty report hal wawa • bad reedltion, sad newly-eseded Mower heaved. 0. D. Swanks, us. wee US Satter day at Belleville one Ms two yearo k the pealtentlary. The Itiolesiles hotel, Mostreal, wW he closed ou April ti, and the turalture disposed ',17enneelikentnnleallinem-- -in Til RUR1111 816111..L. 71111V, ant 11, 1830. 3 NEWS OF ME WORLD. Beauty David Dews. thee Mil-hatiese Per Tort imershant. le dead. Vicksburg, lira • is loaded wed' weer k lee mast ol test SIAM' us Tlie tidings) Beard at 1.111. 411911::: Iraq thuusaademplupee eig Ottaimila. Spain, are on • Gen. Domani IL Sickles the WWII See sill et alike as sheriff et Now York illy. The Sumian Government prop se le asliabilek cusiesdates at several &loth Anima porta The ocean greyhound, City of Paris, was towed into Queenstown et !Saturday di, abbot The Beaklike thinnieneeet telegraphs thee the repo. Is of the dleaffeestios in Brasil ars ot by Demers iota / A C was elected is the Ayr die I Job. IL Vaegbas4 I" ftaiwkiPhis bdgalS. triot for the With& Cumunone in plea al Mt, was seeteaced to ism years in tbe pearic.. ,eincistr. Rums Ruhr. f The grand church at Apeldoorn, adjaceal liablas painters ased decorators hone a, sa. ro) a raises ou the Beau*. was de heirs • day hereafter. Th*Q".. adds. C°1°PlialY "at ti" kis place in the Foreign Affain calm M. bestiary in thantreaL gives slides that they will "vet '414 sites dewed by Alb on Saturday. Count Harbert Bkmarck has rehired, sad Ottawa Gun rimiest to obtain the guatntSl bees taken by Herr Vt11111 Alveneleben. ot interest os opi,ouuuue. schooners Watertown and Ella Mer- tes cleared tram Kiagion Thur..Lay toe Charlotte, loaded with kw The Quebec hanks have about P.1.0ki3OOF invested in Gather to go forward to Uri European market thie imam A true bill has been found against Mork, the Ificestinagny murder, mid his esti will take pisce at the lament segaia Lady Stanley, 1 by her nos esti daughter, Belied tree New York on the steameer Germanic ter Liverpool Tbureday. During the rased blow on Lake Erie obs etesener Lakeside, lying in the Kingsville bar bur, was litt.sd high and dry as the brad+. A largely attended meeting held la Toros% unanimously resolved in favor of a viaduct le the solution of the Emplastade difficulty. Montreal Ls perturbed by the rerentl) acquired knowledge that frequent waggle Loa:not dynaniite are (lintel through iti streets. It is tueierdood that the Manitoba Govern meat intends establishing a Mtate University with an annual milownsunt of MOW in A spurn' cable says the English press an traced to improper drainage. beginning to we the gravity New" Major Panama, trim was arrested for 01:41. foundland fisheries dispute, and ars diem. spirtng against prime ptirdingod, ha. „a. sing it teased that the object ot the pastiers was tc The num suppoeri to be McDufr, the mar reconcile Bulgaria sad Russia. darer at Kr. Hum" or Tilbury. K Eckhart, living fifteen mike nortb-west arreeted in Manitoba, is now ot triathlon. South Dakota, stabbed Ai. two Witleor. • sow and cat kis wife's throat on Friday M Indian cm the Brokenbeed River Re morning The bsjured will Uri. .erre. Noettoho. Yealtele of wife, adeemPt' Mr. Vesey Kaoz (NaUonalleti was elected ed suicide wall s 111011011 and IAA arm es to the mat in the Home ot Commons, for the the result. went diverse cd County Cavan, made recast Mr. Heider, the promoter et the Dime by the death of Mr. Biggar. There was no Meat Company, me a medicate is ready ti opposition. pink the whoa* or if the esolsPettY do wet 'The miners el the Gallitain Coal and Coke canto medium Company's mines, I" , I struck !Upstate! that Me. 0 I. Davies intends yesterday ia opposition to the steam mem erecting a new patent slip at Indian Covs driller which the Company introduced. The Quebec, which will he capable ot taking is works enclosed. the largest sised ship The British sealing schooner Pathfinder, The death le annousoed ot Mr. Andrew wee seised and taker to Poetised. Oregon, on Itoberteom preeldsot the Montreal Board Friday' night by the moms maw ot Harbour C. , mad •••• at Keep Corwin. By orders front Waelinglos, rears most proesineut anemia wee reiessed on Saturday. Dr. Jemmy K. Trout, ot Toronto, bee gives s \A_ Germ" eliT ha* been erreeted .0 Iiibal towards the sew Wilding or the Wo itah doelleeease hie Poetwedos which show ta,•••• *Goal caner, at jraaphia, with • that there exists an organised system ot premise of MOO more is Novemeher. At • sesetigg M the Lheoola C • ' I as elk.. held at M. Catawba, Major Janne HisinOtt, vw Parke et 2 . near Mast- ed Niagara, wee eideoftd to contest the cos- mak Ihis Madame' Peltier, who is 311 Tenn I old, and is the mother ot 21 children She stakiency tor the Load Legislature. The Ansa 8aaamasidp Companyba ammo , married when 15 yawed ago, and at the age M 17 was the mother ot three children. ed that Megrims shall . deb , *Me for the next three months to attend k Dr. T. S. Wilcox, B . , the Brooklyn Sanitarium and Diepensereg Hoe - the spiritual wanes ot the imusiegranta Special Custom Agent Dralard on Saber- Oh"! wa• eunvbeted larc•nY in baring day, seamed doe pleat at the ?tench paper 4 obtained $1, iett trona the fund set apart for Program Windsor, fer peeing machinery °heritable taelltutieua clahtlisi be conduct - throuh the Cusitmenat an undervaluatiom. . I " • charitable Lieutenant -Governor Schultz retired le LaDdult Pill" Publish" • eare•e• the , . Mansard entitled “Droppieg Is desired and asbaniel by ail. Amens the Moog. • hick may boa he dose es iilah•1100 pia rii0a•I beauty is steely use of Ayer's Hair Vigor. Mu mouser bet the coke of Use hair. thee prepa- ration gives it a la- te, and pliancy that athls greatly to 114 charm. Should the hair be thin, hareh, dry, or curiae gray, Apses Hair Vigor will restore the Mw. bring est • new growth, and reader the old eat sad shiny. For keeping the scalp cleen, cool. ad healthy, there la ae bettor megawatts* lai the market. " I aus free to confess that a trial of Ayer's Hair Vigor has convinced sae that it a genuine article. Its use has nO1 ally caused the hake of say wife and daughter to la A deePatch hum Duluth announeele the Abundant and Glossy, arrival there M McManus, the man reported as devoured by wishes 1,,,Lk„„A gho bin it ham wee my rather stunted mu. - Woods. tache a reegmebebte length mad appear- ance." - R Britton, Oskiand, Ohio. hmeadEight„Y.asmhtbitate°tInaaBeifilsttha, f ha7 .best: ..81; an•y• Missy ishatai risme astromoontnii:yg twiiiitre! (without bard labor for diagracegul and winaturn 1 tried Ayues Hair vigor, wont ouly practices. one bottle, sod I Boer Neve as nue • The tains Merebbeid. Mo., has hem head of hir as shy one could wish tor." barbed. no 111 fated place has beau trice -It. T. Sclimittou, Dickson, Teen. alma: destroyed by cyinumme and owe nearly "1 have used Ajer's Hair Vigor in my wiped out by Ira family for a siteer of years, and re- st committee ot the Anti-tillavery Colder- lc01 hair preparation I , karnot beat tthe scalp clean, the enc.' "1341111 0. Bru.r1s, bas decbdsd LE hair soft and lively, and preserve') the favour of Prohibiting ,w,e• original color. My wife has used it tut the African territories. a 101time with moot satisfactory re - The marriage art Mks Margaret Blaine, id. silt..'- lienjandu M. Johnson, 11/. D.. est daughtci of the Heaniary Mate, and TIr mow Hill, Mo. Walter Inzuroech, of Mew York, is =nesse •• My hair wee becoming harsh and dry, ed to take place April 17th. hnt after using half a bottle of Ayer's mkt*" lumbar maaagacturan ara work_ cHassiner Vigor It grethew isiolacvkanainidgrazgloasitudy.e hig wa•hEngi'in ta• u- uird/ c. }Way, Delaran, Intuber to retaliate on Canada it the export duties on logs are coutinued. There is alarming epidemic ot diphtheria at Ayer's Hair ST Fret Stroudieury, Pa., and deaths are oc- PliSPASND curing daily. The COurce of the Maass ir Or. J. C. Ayer & Co.. , I ragerraleco-Oermenut itembfronton.tierszbd au". "mg the Manitoba Ural Legislature es tunlay because he bad not been furnished with copies ot all the bilk pawed during the earion. Several Londoners who had accounts against Joe Hem the teMperance evangelist, have presented their claims and rereived pay. maniac. the el -boxer has been laboring le the Toni City. The Coroner's jury foaled that Sekson- keeper Hedging, London, died ot natural mime, and the men supposed to live struck the blow from which it was believed be died bus hem rimmed. A coal oil imp exploded in the office of Dentist J. A. Smith, in the Opera Roust block, Windier, and to his efforts to putthe tire out Mr. Smith had Isis bands and . , hums& The Conead-General ot Spain for Catuois intond. shortly to interview the Dominion Government with • view to induce them ts co-operate in enablishing • direct trade be tines stein and Canada. Andrew Kane, about 70 years of age, wee found dead on the roadside, sear his home at Killeen, about five miles from Raspier. II had been in Galt and was walking home, and is simpered to have dropped dead. The Quebec Mercury seems confident that oF„s.12oak000 to oid to building the Quebec, - Dominion Goverment will guarantee at Avis bride... and securing • tarlatans for the latercolonial Railway within the ancient capital. P. W. Bell, merehant, Orf 111*, was tried at the (Milk Police Court tor fraudulently willing the mileage st kr stock eter the fire of Jimmy tied. Atter a lengthy haring the J. Pa, Moire linker and Wine, neerved decision Jobs lintehimes, the man who is alleged Vigor, Mash Mild by Druggists and Perfumers. UN Pilot" Tbe cartoon repreoents Emperor William leaning over the bulwarks at • vessel and contemplating Bismarck as he der mode a ladder hanging over the thip's sidle. The bill granting to telegraph companies the right to construct lines of telegraph on all railroads in the States ot Washington was passed by the Senate last week and by the Howe Friday last. The bill was in the interest ot the Canadian Pacific and Postal Company's system or tekagnapa. A general strike is thresher/ at the Rens- fugues Type-writ,i• Works at Bios, because ot the discharge of Femmes Chest sad of the , . of 1 Janne. Both have been empioyed in the boluses twisty years, and many of the , in the Remington machine have been made by Jima THE AUEN LABOR LAW. Witnesses raver Mr. Tortoe. not Si o Proteetiaa to W . . &I -TAS 1, Mardi 2&-A meeting Of the Alien Labor Law Committee was held this morning, Mr. Taykw being in the chair. The first wttases examined was Mr. Elliott of The Uxbridge Tbnes. He was in favor of the bill, not in the way ot • retaliatory measure but as a protection to Mr. Carey ot St. Catharines. who repre- sents the Knights of Labor and other labor anima, wee next exaMined. hie evident.. wee to the effect that in the intermits a the working Hanes the bill was s. - Ad one. The workingmen did not wish it es a o-telia- tory measere, hot merely as • peotoctioo to thenwrivea Ile ded uot object to comp: wity In labor. bit.. long sus the United .- ...taw re. tiand to allow Canadians to r s. le so ,_ ma da t• ha" drwIt rt"man "'ideas. 14•41130, sod work la the United Mtatm .e.. th...ght Mks. death took place front congestion ot kad. winery ouibt to tab...mom, ,.. , „mu tbe hinge, rem arrested by Detective Orgasm oo Weetinineon• road. He k about 15 years M age. The action broseight ageism' the city a 1 Kingstoa, by O. T. Driver, for as,non da. - 1 aim, for hilree received by • falliag,ithrtoy wig; ROMOTES IOESTION. i • writ bee bees kneed Met Alderman 11, O. Porter, of Belleville, claiming damage ler the alleged seduction 01 a young WOIOnle meneed Sweet, who wee for two years • eleneeetto is Me service. lir. Perko Amiss ' Om charge es•,will defend The nikalisas 1 , report shows Shot Ws per TM an el mostimf Meek ar le Millakets, and the immigreties wee In wrome of any mast year The area prepared ter ere be UM was s8*,- alpiso1fliklMS11 KW Tho oorooio for MS opossiod Aft Ails um* of Int ageetell Ws have made Is with Dr B. J. Rendell Co, publishers of "A Trestles on the Horse and hie Diseases." w hich will enable all our to pay Driver IMO. befie parties to pay Ur& -Wain a army of the* mdmible work free hy sending their address (esokeing a •eto-.M stamp fir mailing sante) to Dr t$. J. KifIdell Co., Zessebureh Yells, Vt. Tbs. book Se now reeemsesed as etaadard authority upon ell diseases of the home, as it. gale seteekt. over Meer mollies emotes heels, beim mid in the neat ton years, a saki error before mash- e d by say poisliestion is the same period of them We femi eneellikisli that ner patrols will appresiiie the work, and be glad to sail themselves of this oppor- tunity of obtaining a relashle boob. It u uotensaerit GM los assedime this • Myr pailmeteg al ilk Jake% fermigmee epay Nneedneg fey the "Treatie&s- the Fratedi neereashmeneees the mcselbsis ' This der will Maim eves for rely • righter! Sevriereedbash Vbeeperiere argil sheet Item that 11 Ragland ekes iset palm' Ms Now toemilheadore in tisk t=Lan =shade • A meg lady of liteker ilk other dhey be mode le Ike Uneki =Med pi•-eselhos, and &seed VT kegs num hill se lineker erase. lAdhi tinged and noodles imbedded theorist Gifbat osIllsosist Davis sod edam oostioloosis. ACTS ONTE BOWELS. CURES DYSPEPSIA. CURES DYSPEPSIA. CURES DYSPEPSIA. l• moin vdt.... hen Pipe %Ire Miss let Peep% fw. tJUU iFirssw Pulley °nem Bear $emitone Oaley hie Alma. sof tooilry Netaieg lajerimes. 531C11116 sum, rag MIRRfff, moNT eAk. Wr. Neil McNeil, Or Leith, Out-. writes: Deur Bois, -For year, sod years I ',offered from dyspep.is ha NB worst torsos. wad attar trying an MOSSO in my 1.,011e4 to tea purpose 1 was persuaded by hien& to try KB le which I aid. and after ti.the bottle, I was completely curd. a31, il.A,WCA 'KILL& "m4bettr•4f: fi tiRp[AGE out 4.SI1IEP Met are Mai Idaligiesese PUBLIC NOTICE aar .:•r thit)%' sf ▪ re sr • t Another large consignment tif Fresh Teas of amerior quality. In order to cgiutttstract the dis- honest practicei riiiiligtrated on the public by peddlers and others, we a e offeringeSpecial Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. NADWICK s LIATIMID SPOOII mit-um TRIffis I. &UMW larYir P. Ased all ether Idols. COTTOS uzgegeit.:-..xt For nand mug TRUNKS madarse Use. la lb. Wait HAS tIO SUPERIOR 1* "ELEIGlim MONTREAL. ASK FOR:T. litt ...I 35 HOTEL BALNIORAL. 111031TIRLEILL. Sono Dame St., easel the mem maim' and alessatly ferwlshed Steels 1.6 tsto City. •iiessamedettess ter adie gads. Itatee ss ss Per dor. S. V. I T Scarier ' DOMINION PEARS LEHRER Bala , 1st Ica PRLMER &SO WI) II sale Io.0..r1 ASsESTZS M.11.1.AR.1 DRUCC:STSSUSDRIE3 172 rari WEB., 64141.4 MONTREAFR I Ci50 L. PULUT 30AND, r". • 71, .. Ms P. ewe/ rsetim COMPeTelf. 01 RECkit i'S Titi Isms POE LAUNDRY UlM PAPERS. Cures CONSTIPATION NEW& Cures CONSTIPATION Cures CONSTIPATION I — Illeseeory. Deka finse.-1 have tried .gairsaasa your R.R.H. wtth gnat sumer mem for ecoatapation and pain in my bead. Tbe second dose maga toe ever so mach better My hoists now move freely end the pein in my head hao Ian me, arid to everybody with the tame disease 1 recommend B. B. B. Wes F Wirddsee, 445 lilac tit., Toronto AYI Tb• SO SINS tb• affloomMuns 10411 IEGULATES THE O -EM HMSS FUN/BEEF THE Ei R EAT 1116111 Gina o foot nor AO WAWA !Ma es erlittele$962Aat re'•:1,-;1".% msonevere REES PRICE AT, SON. Kay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. CODER1CH SEED EMPORIUM 1 VIII FIRST!" Is Our Motto. Cures BILIOUSNESS. Cum; BILIOUSNESS.Atedr.5...,""474e. :A= Sei=Vivi Cures BILIOUSNESS.' -s" IlssasoMplisosmiss sumo Issessefor. IESUUITES THE KMNEYS. PURIFIES THE 111000. Direct Proof. Snis.. I ww. +rm. bie4 (013.0 veerswith Laser complaint. 1 used • great deal or medseine which did u0 ao grod, aol ISO getting wore all the tam i until 1 tried euriree Won, 1 Ritter.. After taking tont" bottles I am now woll. 1 eaz also reomntheal t for ate COM ; ot 1)102.s. T E Dv 10,11C, New lt,t, 031. Cures HEADACHE Cures HEADACHE Cures HEADACHE. A rossiss Dom I rum* sumi.-1 WWI very bel with headacbe and pais in m) Met; my heeds and less mule, so f *Glad 40 50 work My sister-in-law advised toe Is try S. S. R. With ese bottle I hit so math baler that I got oae more am Sew waft ant can work as wit as ever. Amite NrSONN. Tinenburg. Out. Cures BAD BLOOD. Cures BAD BLOOD., Cures BAD BLOOD. nal Riad may arum treat wood action et the Elver. Adam lied Ti 10 54. by regal toeing SION MISSAL ItIN NUN NA make., bleed. removing ell dioreaea from • pill ft al scrotelees Dora DUNNS omakTHE B...7 FR* THE LARGEST AND UST SELECTED STOCK OF SEEDS IN THE COUNTY. Our Field arid Gardrn 1'ee.1, hat e bmn •ed the Greatest care and hare been nrocueed trom tale Best Growers on the Continent. OUR STOCE OF SEED GRAM (oinprt005 all the leading var1 155. mama, PEAS—Runner. Crown, Golden Vine and Mummy. OATS—Banner, Giant Swedish and Black Peerless SPRING WHEAT—Colorado, White Russian and Ladoga (lee Prof. Saunders' report of last named variety.) WE CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION U' ENVL PES, • OTE HEADS, LETTER PAPER.' I ALS, sic. Etcat THE SIDRA ir0'1111" OfTiCE lo our Seeds and Seed Grata and Iterpectf all) SJilcit an Inspection ot our Stock. IMPLEMENT DEPARTMENT We hare in co -0 a full bile of all tin leading Manufacturers. sompriatag: - Binders, Reapers, Mower, Drills. Rakes, Disk Harrows, Gang Ploughs, Cultivators, and all Steel Sulky Ploughs. This Depar:inent will be repreisented in the Surrounding district by MR. ANGUS McKINNON, OF COLBORNE. A Ful! Stoi1 of I. 0k.id an.d. kept condently ea band. OGILVIES & HUTCHISON'S Crown Jewel Floor, $2.25 per cwt. Best Value in the market. 00044 delivered 10 0.07 part of the town and Satiataction WM. BURROWS 9 "Pm! Suk, a Pew End ESTA-linalE31-13a3D 50 "Sr EJbB- 1 dill take 11. lead in cipeeial %slue in ila Scrvice&RcpD irs DRE- GOODS regs ifeltosks, frogs $e. per yard up, Twill Meltons. Stripe Foule and Amazon Cloths, Stop sad Chock Costume Cloths,Velveta, Ribbons, sic The undersigned is prepared to undertake the putting in of tWater Services in connection IVIEN'S SUITS with the Town System to Dwell- SPECIAL VALUE. Tweeds, full line* Seib; Them. 'riga and other Buildings. Also Overcoat, very low, Good Quality, !Nearly all REPAIRS To Steam Engines, Mills, Fac- tories and Machinervof all kind. Prices reasonable. Satisfac- tion Guaranteed WILSON SALKEI_D. Mitt for Iwo *.t gaup 0, bylaws. *Owl Liquors, Gone, Pi ice Tn Grocery Department, In Teas especially'. I Take the Lead,both in QuAlityAnd Prices. Pure Un- adulterated Coffee only kept, price, 30c. per lb. Pure Spices only kept. In My Hardware Department 860 I have a full assortment. Glom my oofl in?portation, from 7x9 to 34x58, full supply. Cronseut Saws, Stc Wagon and Buggy Clean YOB SALK ST full awart.rnens G. H. PARSONS 0. CR.Ati..13137 MAWS asaalt. goosasat esorm, m..T ire, tow. RQUAlta : .d 1.1%.,:..,t•ir...44.,.' 4 li 1 4 • 1 t I • 7 1 s!.