HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-4-11, Page 1ire fee to 7eLTHi Iliok NUBBtt OEVO TO ADVERTISERS. otice of changes must be left at this Office not later than Monday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Wednesday noon. Cas- ual Advertisements accepted up to noon Thursday of each week (Lars, fiatteee ,..ironer untie.. it, lir tocol cabanas :•; Tat SIuJAL e f emeetixaa or eatrr- t.tinmeets at treieh ax aJm,irei,.n fe. is changed. or frost which a perm ei- try benefit is derirrd, what be pail or at the rote of one teat per trard each iirrtiox, Ito rhdrye tear Vida tinnry-0'm r. of*. IFk.-re ed- rtiarw,rats of eatertainau•sla arc i eget( a l.hf load will it gives' ED CDUH NEWS +'' " _ r \ h `' AMO GENERAL INTELLIGE N � '-�-_-- GODERICH. ONT., FRIDAY. APRIL 11, 1S90. Mrs Cr. and Mies Bella Wilson were Mr Jobe Elliott, B. A., of Walkerton. Most -Nix f -Tb. h.how• delegates to the annual meeting of the I visited his brother, Mr Geo <<111..1t, .•1 int pupils of it • Central School have Presbyteries, Women's Forman Menne - Otis feet donate the Easter holiday bean promoted sines the hrginuieg nf ary Society at Hamilton this week . term. the year, as • result of lead nt their Iv - Dr M Nichelsoe, the Yu.st-st dentist, j Mrs Cameron, of Paris, is at present specttre claws at the monthly ciatnin- makes the of the mtur•l visaiae in hud•ricb,the gam of her von at : January -Fees M se ('aseplorli'a teeth a specialty. G.s admimatersfrom fm Wm. Cameros, mummer of Geo. Rbyems' '" WW1 A. !Alternate-, Irene Veneer. From Miss Coo.,'. tip Mies A. Sharman's, of d A a. m. [ ur tb • painless extraction ug story r Bruce [raison Fr.". M w A Sh•r- teeth. Rev J. A Anderson, B. A., delivered mans s., Moo Blair. Arthur olio Kay, of Guelph, spent the a lecture sf "L he Power of thus Pulpit Faster Front !Hiss I Sharmai.'e to Mts.H!arr'r, holida •sift niares in town. Feeley ...milieu (iia in the PewbTiermu tri t '1 t M •s H'air's to Liv. I. 11.ty Campbell, W. &irons. Bites. Mr J Easter y i t to Mee r,.m t He rats Guelph is all right, bet he ain't i church at iSlyth. help sighing for a sniff u( the take breeze 1 Mr John Lynn returned trete Aso February- From flit Can,l.heli's to The maims by Her occasionally. Francisco, Cal., ..a Monday last. lie flies A.:lharmat.'s. D. Heber. From the Gospel et the day was . e to Lan' roe res Soda.-Meern Walter reports the crops hooking well in that \lata C•.ok'a to Mia. I Sharman s, H. the occasion. Sharman, Robert Reid aid Charles section if the tar West. M irtin. From Miss A. Start:ate. to A ('tas WuRTH SEWING. -There are a Reid loft on Monday morning for Lewis- Th.. schooner tiepbte is receiving a Miss Blairs, Hattie Nsrrison. From good many plans of interest in Guderub wipe, Ky , to leek tor work. We wish fresh asst of paint and is being generally Miss I. Shannat.'s to Miss Blair': in the spring time, but recently an addi- them success. 0.erhsuled. It is expected she lull be Oliver Rhyne.. From Miss Blair'. to Lit•• tions, point of attraction ha. been e.tab- Mr Duncan McLeod, of Sarnia, has ready to sail early atett week. I , li. Stoddard. Pearl Wynn. March- hshed by that enterprising young man. been scored ss mate of the *ch.toner A. K. Booth will iD.V ) deliver s From Miss Csutphell's to Miss A. A. E. Pudham. Mr Pndham is no Reptile for the coming seaeon. He filled t.isprl address in Assembly Hall, over Shorn en's, Eddie Bates. From Alms steamier to the (l oderich public. having W'haely called at his r ffiee in Clinton the acme position rely acceptably for a J, et. Smuh's bakery, Ess. -.t on Lord's Cool's to Mies I Sharma..., D. McKay. for the put seven years, able in pan- and again on the 2nd of April. After- s Mas tt card t o the ward* he attended him at his (suss, Miss Addis Chilton, the former of whom possesses a purr and Sweet soprano voice, and the latter of shuns is well known as a talnuted vocalist. mak justly merited the soeomiums showered up•n them tut their teuchtn, stud sympathetic rend, tion. In the rvenii.g Peter a Ma.nii►i•at eat ably executed by Nr Thus. Griffin in his rich baritone Toles. A duet, (►, Sal„t,u•ia, by Misses MacCorma and Hailey was dimly rendered, and R•ru's Ta NMI Erp, by Misses Mteem mac and Chilton, reached the heart* of all Father W,e.t from D. 1rr7YI ;1M A YEAR. Thomas Dacbman and Mise• ton were called to show that no poison bad brew registered as being sold to Minuet Johnston on she date she alleged it was purchased. Lachman was the person front whom she said she procured it, and in addition to the fact of its not being registered, as was the custom, be felt sure from memory that he bad never sold her ar.y. Hs alio described the label placed upon arsenic when sold. which the witness Johustna had said had the word arsenic printed un it in large characters A label was produced and showed that the word poison was printed, hut the name of the poison was written on. Dr Peeve, of C lintoe, said he bad at- tended the deceased Whitely fur some years before his death, having treated him for dyspepsia and an affection of the eyes. On the 211th of March, 1888. part of last season. Lay, April 13th, 3 and 7 o'clock p.m. From Miss A. Sharman s to i nership with his brother, attended Itlui s, Connie Le Tousel. Front Miss wants of the public o t the Iiue ..f gnu's' ahem he was enefined to his bed. At BORN. Rtnresisu "Ar Hour "-KattTbun- All .re cordially invited. I. Shar:uan's to Miss Blair's, Jennie „u.titting. and furui.hinga. Tb'+year, hest he thought he was suffering from h II h• an •'At A e thin in hat ribbon• has been hcksor ata air'* however e a n,• u,li.mma.lun ,f the liver, but sober at tons in Goderich. on Aptil bib. the a ife of A. a. Its.i.uu. -1 tains sou and daughter. AcAI.LICTKi In Dunlop. on the 6th of April. PM. tee wife of A. MacAllister. of the bachange Hotel. of a *ori. MARRIED. owe Bessie- Oa April nth. by Rev. Jas. A. Anderson. B. A.. is Colborne township at the residence of Captain Andrew Rorie. hos daughter. Mary. to William 1- Rome. of Toronto. DIEM ', men x -In t)ederich. es Tseaday. toe 6th. Sloane, eldest ate of lir J. C. M .. its. toted 12 years. 11 months and 10 days. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Wanted -Mrs Polley. 'urea Lost--Slgwat tMtee tested -Mrs Hwtchisoa. otic.- Parks t Pa -dam. tan Papel - resumer t Porter. 'ard of Thanks --K. C. Hotelier. Hair Goods- Prof. 1►orenwend. Irl Wanted -Mrs McO,Dteuddy. n Wasted K. 0. Graham. New • -J. A. Reid & Bro. ucuon cele_ eameren, Melt t Cameron. lowest Prtxs is Dederick -W. Acheson h Kon. 1•,asn,ntioi of Partnership - B. J. Crawford. T. U. Anderson. day loth Inst. there will ne R ( FrM 13 to Div. I. h h dr • new de Huse'' under the awpiees of the ladies' indeliboed by It R 8allows It a ►u },,[lily Wear. Hereafter the results unit developments convinced him that Aid, in Vietereest church. Plessors indelible photo on the bat ribbon, and and brandied off into buglers* ter him- I P 'I'll ne published each month- self. With his ata tal g••• d taste and the abeam wag acute yellow atrophy c,f and enjoyment for all. you can recognize the owner of the hat the herr : ■ disease e ( he had Buss Reams TRA. -The members of by the strawberry mark. We have our Tut Titania -A friendly match at sound judgment he chose as the site of three cora ea thisf whichy bet had the Y W. C T. U. will gives Wee Rib- in our'=. Standard targets, under Toronto Gun his enterprise the handsome and emelt,. metr war Lwn.s in that was b that bolt tea to the folk, is the Hien Si:noot. EYTt5TAiaiLCN-r - CIDI, rules, took place at Clinton on thous store Iii t.lcLeai. • n«w blue. cer- t m las c and tea th arsenical poison- ing baht on Tuesday n,it, Don't forget the Literary Society's enter- Go d Friday Let wean seven Clinton trap- nes of Montreal street and the Searle, P April 15th, at 7:30m. immanent in the Grand Opera Howe shooters and a team from the Goderich and there he has made his light so sltit.e tree that had h was caused. Under P p.Gun Club. There was • strong cross as -10 be seen ..( men, and esesy'mu u�:e trains estmluat:on Dr Verve admitted Messrs Cameron, H..It with Cameron bast Friday evening. Nuac, recite- wind, which unfavorably affected the who passe• that way. ?br•'eh.,w win that in many respects there was great presented the tire brigade dor- time and tableaux. Popular yrices, lb similaritybetween the sy niptomeof arms ing the past week in appreciation of and 25 cents. Let there be •full honor. shooting. The sena were :- does are aro he. with crud all display• anoreu o. of oeckwe•r, headwear, ■rad all grades of gal puwntn¢ and acute yellow atrophy of services rendered in eying itis spread wine AND Tocrtlet Toll GaNTLYelle J. Behalf. 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 t 0 1 0- ; opals' wear.hiugn, in,and profusion, and the the liver, but still maintained that the • of the bre at their office recently. Woo eau Baton. -Prof. IJu,nnweod, of K. It. Watson 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 I t- s interior of the store bean the arms relit - the ,-10001000001 t- 1 him toss that it sou the latter [bat Capt Wm.'McLean. who Ms been for Turoato,will be at the Albino Hotel Fn- J, Nrsnt 101011111001 t tion to the show window a an interest- y f death. H• admitted, the pest twelve years in the service of dey,April 25, and will show a fine lin; of it. P. Willessen,...,I I ► 0 a 1 0 1 1 I 1 t s inq story dere. to its table of contents. was the cause it the well-known Word hello( steam -shill*. t'. Pretty .1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 e - s however, that arsenic skillfully adminis- q, toupee. and wogs for gentlemen who are d dregs ,••,,,,,0 t 0 t 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 l- - From floor to ceiling the stogie is lined how* wouldproduceni s s which it of Detroit, left the last to take bald The Profs goods are known the with the latest and beet in gentlemen's y P charge of one of itis company a boats for country over as the very tineas, and any s' and boys' wear, the whole being st tbor- might be almost impossible to castle the season. gentleman who has the misfe,rune to be ttclfunxy .....- etTf ill/Ill-6 1 1 0 0- * ought, displayed that it cer ainiy u "au Snuh fmm those oft ( the yellow atrophy. TN'. tie�t1.11:411101 t o I t l- 0 trouble to show goods." Hata, cap•, The Whitely poisoning trial wee re - Mr W's. It. Carr, of Westfield, has without a fall co eriog of hair shouldThe on Friday.The court room was received p h n.ot miry this chance of seeing the Pmt's. tiro. lacks/I y 1 0 1st I 0 1 1 I l e- s shirty, tier, collars, cuffs -in fact, every VeterinaryC 11 Toronto. goods.l►r . Ilinal! 1 ° hgoods. dist crowded. put in the bot Dr R. G. Shthe prisoner Mr Carr studied with Mr John Aiken- Mr E. H•odgkies, totter of the God' W. tower o 1 u t e 0 1 0 1 I 1 w advwtairs. The scars is i{luwi- heed, V. S , of this town, previous to t.rleh lhgaa Compysy, having taken up Joohnww.... 10•••1•1100.—_1 rated at night by electricity, and a: glee- rich, and Dr Appleton, Clinton, who sl enc alarm (rum the dour gen secure •t• agreed in the main with the opiniem• attending the College. his residence in town, is now prepared h the store is closed given by Dr Reeve from what they had On Friday last, while Mr John Healey to attend w all orders for wnr in ig In s ,n., ins heard oft n s e ons■ in t s mum ' R. ;.vm ntul*t• the esterprir.nq Frv'Vri- y � k° b I l i off the ties ',f I at are tendon even when e hWhitely was choppink wine branches i.f trees, hose. Orders left se the Organ Factory birds mete f r the sweepstake, E. We twith Lr Reeve's ptoms of his • smeot which hie seven old son David Rae will be promptly attended to. Porno Watson killed five straight, Hovey get slot upon having given G..derich r gents'and the cause of his death. Their cross- store which can compare fav - bolding aeries • block, the ate dipped tannic and repairing a specialty. Mr ting three and tire,g two. The visitors furnishing t - with the bee year n ed and til t city establmhment• cementation by Mr Johnston resulted In d 1 PICS struck the boy's right hand cetung • Hodgkin has beet h look fur that success an `� e rnO • for a number of were moat ghee tably r heir trip me orably admimion of the similarityof the A l piece off on. of his finger., years in the employ of Nordbeimer k turned delighted with t eir trip andconfidentlysymptoms of arsenical to those Bell, the well-known musical 'nit"- Tea Ctne or Coxirrwatg TCL[ -A which his pluck and ability deserve to wp A r, o. n t i Potmr•un.-Dr 81nen, crown his efforts. What Goderich wants ^f the disease diagnosed by Dr Reeve. A Aw % hill press! fif ' est `f Blyth, was iM town Tuesday last- Th• meet dealers. peculiar pee was tried to fun his wo is live men, and A. E P. (`!b bill in they held that the leading symptoms doctor is an old political war-horse, and Al Till HAtroa -Last week the ship Msyur Butler, Saturday last. Con- _ butf they he that the absent is his line. n A Goon t'sussr.-The mew useful gift is full of reminiscence and solid opinion schooners Gismos and Greyhound oiled stable Tubi, the Goderich night watch-tt"hitsenical case as described, while the you oI) make is to give a Wirt Pen. Ap- on current politics. Then are few men for Cleveland and Kincarniue respect- man, was charged with asrtultit:g one more prominent indications of the acute ply to D. Mctt•illksddy, aeon. Goderich. cargo of better posted than ha n on the history ively, the former with • part Gallacher, a tomb stone agent. 'The as- .. ex7 Tuesday afternoon. Pray ngday. ::;IL busl.eesnierdetati launched successfully oD 5atatttit/ hist. Gledhill. of Beetai�lcr, list a The Woman's Christine North -et Temperance t'ub eby malt, we are informs'', grew out o ,ne..t in ter tuasemeatd \,rrth.,t Meta church' of his country soca the politics of the ice. The tug that has been built Mr Mr "NOT (�CILT1'." yellow atrophy were present. Anna/w.ISO Tel .trKY buffalo erineeli at H m. Marlton during the snags was following incident. Rome titbit. since Queh is the Verdict in the This evidence closed the defence, and April.with its smiler, showers and cyclones, iltsre en Mex. -11e have added to White, Case. Mr Cameron proceeded to address the to be keeping people busy changing our seek at T re Sweet. since Jan. 1st, The schooner. that have been �; a nobs fr.-m his rrhiar ui the stable .a the Y jury. He dwelt mainly upon the utter it raiment. Det e. J. Protium. the people'. If►90 fit) Opp envelope., and fcsah sop- repairs are about ready for sea TOO or Cmlb.,rne hotel, and ihr mot er sou -- unreliability of the tedtimooy of the girl mmints n ell the bill foss kinds of suits and plies are arriving as required. Every three tugs and a fleet of sail -Rests ars placed in the hands int C-.mstahle Yule to me rims er the [.Ideas. set Pre.tesdy r solves The s sense, fee the atehiee Minnie Johnston. she, if her statement lieu. Stewart, the Homilies -se photograph. line has a fresh and new. appearance, be- fishing off the harbor daily. hod out where tee miring anis,.) had a was true, they would be told by the ins, a sit!' petering away at his line In the Pi..- cause we ran them off quickly. We TeurteAxce.-The Young 1Vomaa s intoe to 'I isle in his gme•t di+e••verd Makes • rtresS riga The Iv.. Juage was an .ccospl ce in the crime• set and most approved fashion. Is sedition' print them to suit at most reasonable Christian T Union will hold the missing robe in the pos.essien of desire er the Lir, Aahsaseu and on her ioeorplee ted testimony to good photo.. ull kinds of picture training prices. Call and see them. their regular monthly meeting on Fri- Gallagher, who gave it up and promised Mt.rredite/. ,hey would not be justified in ending a instable for his time and t of the evidence Look at the show window on Montreal day, April11th, atp.m.R The amount c we had are attended to. ^3 sharp in to Tromp the to \� a give today the Qu verdict of utlty tier story was widely street in connect:ea with R. K. Sallow* LA. coast -The secretary of the the reorptwn roam of Geon, s.eeart, labor in hunting it optaken in the Whitely case after improteble It was inconceivable that studio a Saturday next. The sewn! wrist- Junior Hiroo l er ase club has received photographer, over C. A. Nairh's stun, agreed np.n was ff:r, but GAtlagher, it is t„press last week. There a no le out will be seen there. (•Date one at • the following letter from Sir John A. Mc- I gone•woman of the theprisoner'speeeintelligence ams sad give eeeryozye • show.and will continue to meet in said stem allrgrd, faolon.l t.. eonnrct when the set- necessity for dwelling upon the evidence should openly preserve of this girl. Merchants can get their 11111 Heads, tetter Donald :-"Eanssliffe, Ottawa- - Sir til! further notice. All members are re- fling op time cam.. The [unstable then i,i the witnesses now that the verdict has Reads, Ac.. Ac., printed at this Deer for verytba John McDonald presents be emmpli• attempt the crime with which she stood little more than the. generally pas[ub•iyaas meats to the Junior Huron lacrosse quested to be present. as there u import- arrested bite and in doing so the assault been rendered, acluituog itis accused, charged•Cu the other hand he ad- ppsr sad It help, to advertise their Blah, and desires to thank them for their ant bosirvss to cane beton them ea* cotwmitted. Yule was tined $10 and an for that reason we d.. not inflict up v ineed the testimony given by Dr Reeve, Call sod sea samples sad get Pelee . Others wishing to join the society wilt be costs. t)n the same day C•,nstable Tich- rn our readers a IeplthT report of the soh„ had unequivocally expressed his full Housecleaning has commenced in a small courtesy to sending him a card of admin- meds welcome bourne was sloe, cord :A cis and costs testimony, the greater part of which had belief that yellow atrophy c f the liver way, and the neat two weeks should see Sion to their witches for this year. for assaulting Gallagher, There appears no bearing on the ease. Following is evert thing out -doors, and the male mem• A PAIzrC1. ArcID[xT.-Clot weeksand not p.,uentng was the cause of bars or the house taking dinner up town. April 2nd, 1890.' to have been •wit of a "Let 'er gat, Gal- the cordensed report : Whitely'• death, and the ailment he nisi When you are thinking of papering don't for- twee of the Peel Bawxer, of Brampton, - lagher•' in tree actions ut our constables get the bright and handsome patterns at EAATtl Stsvl• a AT Sr. Gtmsmg's- contains the following in reference to. a tVised, H. Whitely. •brother . f the fered from previous to his death. He Saunders t `tin's: they are pretty and cheap. There was a large both of lar lease of an prisoeloquner tot appeal for the n• gym"' pee ht•g house •(�d for s a*rrlran,nK at itis m. melee and evening at St. Geese' Former or Frei u boy :-"Public he pupil of f deceased, was nett called. Hi• evidence cheapest snider the *ria.Inspector Embury s son Len, •pupil I'caur• Severn. Iegula J1 Ktrr:r.: - was principally as to the symptoms mani least of the rejoin her pre. proudinns NAtrtewt- A.F:. 1'ridhaws is church on Easter Sunday. The services the Hi(tb Echo ol, met with apainfulasci- The Beard held its regular meeting on te*ted by his brother daring the time he sent husband, •who wa an:loos,, wateb- proud to be the people's hatter. and on Astor- were cmducted by the rector, Rey W.A. dent on Wednesday. He and other Monday evening, ADril : th. !'resent- was ill, sod he also narrated how on one inq the result of the trial in the court, dal sea is ming to 'meek the end oat of l It ,... assisted by Mr Brows-8rmso. p• Messrs S. M■Ic,trwon, chairman, M. occasion when he was present seeing •P and to her son of tender years. Moe•• Look here! t>. Saturday. April i_ lite music rendered bythe choir wa of boys were operating the school "oaken Nichols m, H. W. Ball, Gus,. tisanwn *inset to doz. men stiff and *oft telt hate bucket" when the windlass suddenly beall night with his baher• some soup Mr E. J. B. Johnston, for the Crown, value Sete each. ler Ar. aid S 1dre- tf .boTs such a nature as to reflect much credit gan to revolve and the handle struck sad Alex. Chrystal. Minute. of last which had been prepared by Mn White proceeded to shoe, the strong points of Mb. knock -about hats, just the thing ter n it. The church wa suitabl decor- meetingread and approved. The chair- Ithe Crown and the weakness of the school and playground. for Luc. Bring on Pc'^ y Mater Lro •terrible thump on ane head pP ly for her husband, and which hr. Mn year small change and don't go bareheaded. ated for the occasion. and just bobs the eye, rendering him man stated that St David's ward school ! Ijwde and •sister of Whilely's had all theory of the defence. L• A - Th 'bte for a few minutes. Hts face is being kept in a very disreputable state 1 weed, made both them and deceased- s summing up was a in Wtngham. odist church are pushing and euerriti° for war rsilelred. Moved byNicholson, seconded byChry-most cental review of the testimony fir W'. Vivian, pt Loudon, spent in their efforts Orr the aoft comfort of their ONT.-The Newcastle 'Eng f tiro- . testimony Mn W httely had manifested iven, and was pointed as to the gnat' minister and the welfare of the church. sial, that the car takers of the Central some reluctance in tasting the soup, and �n that must betaken in weighing the • ter in town. nide contains a three -column entire of and of St. David's and St. Patrick's be did not know that she was sick, but W e learn from various stars that the death of the late Rev. Dr. Rather- ward schools he informed that their cantlesevidence , he witness, Minnie Mus Veal, of Brueees. visited in town quietly they bave raised legs sums of feed, A died on the morning of March only that she claitued to have hewn. d the kt be performed ed i accordance rdance with M 'lar tmtim„y to Johnston, upon whose testimony the t rose mainly relief as she /1 theyhaveundertaken t \ carry of George y the crime charged must be most nmoly BRIEFLETS. 1 ptosis xr. raise tri. • insensi and 1 the Board to draw the et•seise• tar. Mr Jame. A. Reid spent Good Friday Ladies Aid Society of Victoria -at Meth- was badiy tore and the services of a disc• eh, drank a cupful of it --sick and His Lordship attention of the caretaker to the matter. caused them to vomit. According to hi. daring •wee u , w n miss er nem O , re Quad, gave ami which, mousy for parsonage purposes, and now, 41st, aced 64 years. Deceased was broth their contracts. Carried. It was re -was e that of William Whitely. The evidence Mr and M• a Sanderson. of Richmond to crown the labors of the er-in law to our towaman. Mr R L. solved to out some minor improve- Dyke. Richard Johnston and by her own statement an accomplice in Heil, are rim in town. year soots to close, Dn er ea Wallow and had Assn r resident n ed- mets at the Central school. The Prin. E Howorth was tendered and refused by Mir Charles, B. A.. spent her Faster the painting and calroming of the school castle for about 40 years, lin the Wed- opal'a report, showin the tuts! • ecnrrv,bonted. On the whole, the asp holidays at Bt. Catharines room and kitchen of the church, and are needy preceding his death he attended g R the court as not admissible. wsa very favorable to the prisoner. casein longing• sa at the audience s schools for at the Centro sed ward Dr Whitely was then sworn and testi• Capt. Jas Green left Monday morning R 7 the funeral of an old comrade in tba month of March Ae yVmlLt. f Detroit to tet charge of his vessel. roma. They are apparently the sweetest, r cause. Mr Thomas Beckwith. Bed that he had seer. the deceased in the to make Meiners a church s e•in . to be -Be.y, 1t+3 . girls, 2.It , luta,, month o arc and delivered the oration at the grave. 532. read sod bled I^ a000rdwno• h first thing winch attracted or ra • w h f March. 1898 and diagnosed The jury after a brief retirement re - Mr G. Madel, of Clinton, was visit- neatest and most attractive church inam r cans. The turned to the onset room with a verdict lag friends in town during the pan week. (lis his way home (rem the cemetery be witthe report of the principal, Mus, his attention was the cf of not guilty. The prisoner, who durimg tmw^• was stricken with paralysis, and despite Mary Sharman was ordered to be paid! Whitely'* eye.. which were suffused and progress of the trial had betrayed Tb. heavy fog and mist on Wednesday Eaxrea V ismer.-The Easter Vestry the best medical sttendaoca never rallied.the last called the services of the steam fog- tw) days.pay and Miss Waller' for congested looking and incapable of stand little emoting or interest in the pressed tun into use. of St. George's was bold in the school The (alrnwide, in addition to its ext rad- da i as euh■titntee during the ill- 1 the light. An examination of his in was completely overcome and had room on Mood• evening last, the rector sod obi nary notice, makes the fol- Ineseo(syMw William., teacher of Rc mouth and gums showed them to be sali- t„ assisted into an adjacent room by • Miss Meed Shepherd arrived home presiding and I r F. W. Johnston acting busing editorial reference : "The David • ward school. The following ac- , rated. Other indicatives were present, her present husband. Mr Edward.. and from Toronto last week to spend her as vestry clerk. The minutes of past career over which death has the. so eoente were ordered to be paid - lira which he now believed to have been in- other trends, Easter vacation- meeting" were read sad confirmed, and painfully east its shadow has been one l o, fo o e'.i., printing, $13 80 ; John Bet dicalire of arsenical poisoning, though at R. A Matheson left on Monday far the financial statement presented. The of I energy and uselelnaa ` *tatiooery, ea it0 : Fraser d< Porter, Cleveland to resume his pastime ae receiptswere g 1,3b8.711 and the e: In the sixty-fourthyear of his see, and Ii Ihst he had of t. sed the case as ens of AUCTION SALES. p pen -y ;oat, ere. cnyoaa, etc . •1 i .4 .f tr iafbmmatinn of the stomach and bowels. mete on the prop. Mills. clitoral $3,202 43, leaving a balance on mall the ether day mowing in cer midst Menders & Son, work *t fit. David's'The symptom• he friend were ale,. with All nor+ISM whitgeekt.l i e 11oe insertted is hand of g1FN 34. Loring tits the is i 1 health, Dr Rather trard school, Sl. Tie cburman was iM- MrAliHeave, of the re , stcia yearTare vsriwtton•, Indian/tiro of acute yid- t .11 list up to the et .ime of wee. church debt has bees reduced bysew ford scald seemly be regarded as an old , strueted to purchase trees for the Cage 'UMW malady . sale e horses. harness, beeinesels • his the Bank Comstaerew. spent1 ibus etre of the liras, `___ -`- -- - --- --- ta Easter holidays in lrodKlot thousand dollars, and all current to man, bot, if measured by deed., not tn1 •Churl. The Hoard then ad nand 1 Pb1 will be held at the Albion Hotel, Bode h life ha, indeed been full and 1 sea, •n far a he knew aline" coknowD Rev. H. irviae, of Nilo, will oeeepy counts and interest oe mnrtaage duly ewes i* . • the pulpit of North el Methodist church p• d. Means T. Wrath Id and R. �niHwl of work. How to be of benefit Eters* Swage to at fiT. Psita'v it Seaday, moruiag and evening.Radcliffe ware nest' ed eherehwardee e, to his fellows appstars to have been the The earviees at St. Peter's church on 7 Messrs Davison, Holt, Porter, Van doesni s eves-pse•set and spinets prise Eater Sunday were '•f unusual impe'es. twwwam•a, Mr. Wm. W elle_: Every end nephew.' as sidemen. and ei Ir. and in permit of It nothing seem sive ees. The meting been morning sad Irned ao Mestday from • boor otlanr Messrs R. RadsliSe and R. R. Williams ea to awe amiss to him. It woold he evening we. of a y high order, t b EaR{and, !reload and Recttlsed. delegates to Spied. Tie Vestry sea- dilfieelt to point to any single sats who and was well deserving of the praise se vseied free, iowstowed repos it b7 all who bei is Cased* and chiefly confined to tropia rich, to Friday, April 11th, at 1 o'clock eal climates ss The witnewas examined p -m. Joh^ Knox, - and ernes el mined st greet length on sat of six serve of land helnegistg to symptoms syptoms of arsenic*& po:soaing and OT Messrs John Bedford and Norman finned the appeistment of Mr Somme as ha thrown himself tab so may McGuire left for Detroit Monday more. aerate, and iawwwd the raster's stip- ei•aeeis of aetirity at did the Mt. Dr the pleaaore of batwing to it Mier °Unyved were more tanse of areenw•1 Iwth. ao eti oaeer. isg hat, where they nettled to ship fee east by glee. The thanks of the Vestry Rethtrfoed. His eeeetaat desire has Annie Doyle, the new e.rgasgt, two poisontne tbsa of the latter disease. Sale of household furniture of Mn on t1e seeeoa. were tendered Mr S S. Williams the bees to rein to a highs, a ca r ahealthier sided at the organ, and the mol This concluded the nese loos the Crows. D ekham,at her resident's, Hamilro•-et., Mr Redfeed Richardson, e of Rev. immense and Miss Davis, the eemetary, • the wait his of hie fellow- portion of the serview nave ampleTat raiser. R. Goderich, on Saturday, April 111th, te George Rich.rdeoe. pastor of North -at for the paieekakiig report of the tewmsmes ; and In f.rtheramts of thin Swope to the high .order et talent whsrh ` F..r the defame Mrs Steep was I c, alert p. m. John Eget, Meth lass the anal church's Anaemia. VeW of thank. end, religion. edo••tiaa, l , and she sadosbtedi The Il vets. egassi ati es a Trinity Medi effendi and Apaws Del will render milled. ere related a she •t:amia•tiea• ath Medical Reheat, patio* a *earthed tM hallos et tie gages says, wise tphot� ;found ed and the intervening wins were peat had wttb the witsse• Minnie Johnston. Mr Smith Eco, Hellen, has hind hie Tor mud will) so • high,, M D." at tehed I, awe fore theirsmarmi tadttistwg die gave, dahseg es salt Mete years.ea /trail was h•ectr in wheeh the latter had said she knew father's farm for $250 a year, ler the and a sow have "Y. D." attached u awed m of sad the slide, • h der lisa him a senses ed iadef.tit;abi Pr • fg wig The Rw,i ed nothiwg wresg TT' Mn Whitely. tam of ave years his saw. the sagas of Mr J. Drwdlag. the lsydr tattlMr iced •'dt••wMs'" fully given by Mica Mae, McO.oemet the estate of the late Stephen lune, si the difficulty of distinguishing between it tasted one mile north of I)ung•nwma• on Md yellow atrophy of the liver, and the Gravel Read. at Dungannon. Satin - }�y ,` 1 that the symptoms he had day, April 12th, at 2 p.m. Joseph Mal