HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-4-4, Page 8THE HURON SIGNL1L, FRIDAY. APRIL 4, Milo. an.EaT wets. PAPER, �oa�iiMNORTH AMERICIN LIFEFINE TAILORING L _.ter. ASSURANCE COMPANY ERASER &PORTER'S Clearing Sale of Stock on hand at 5c. per roll and Upwards. OUR SPRING STOCK TO HAND! The newest Spring designs for 1890 in American and English Wall Papers Primes, Borders, Ceiling Deoorations, dic., direct kO,n Lao ..•rlao t and beat Manufacturers 500 New Designs to ealeot fr)ln W.4 have so arranged, ss usual, that we buy from Zanufaoturere who sell to us ou1y, which in any other case makes good papers appear common. FRASER & PORTER. Cor. North st. and Square, and Central Telephone Exchange. Goderich, Mar. nth. I S. 2;-tf GREY Tam our owes .r,v.spua..l.•nt. Mos a • tar 1..I Beek 1 Jno. A.kut st..t Joe.. lt..i.erul-n, Pro- bably t1.e . •• -.I }y•t.,wrs in the wood anoint Iasi 1 • who. .. cutis, are shoot ttbro..ah •••r the .e s.ur They hate cut sad spot Wito sad oiled of wo•ae during the win ••• 1• se thought that they have :nada the,. fortune mod will live retired. A. Heiscitiol is b• ildint • n«w stable. It is • I the old stye of aict.iiecture. N hen he did appear he certainly fiileu Andy1 .rs not imitate iu new fangled think-. the trill so far as his claim to be au ex . Pugilist was A large men, M.ple suzur and molasses are being dada now. Maple trees are yett.ug nut to gay tall, but heavily built : ronud head set firmly on two heavy squat. scarce to this .actino. shoulders by the aid ot a short asek ; • Den. It..hertaon, con. 14, has recently heavy Jaw and determined mouth ; sharp been . tf••r.d a Ins salary on jourealietic eyes thia immaned to take is everything work, but he will farm as usual the pre- behind and before ; s noes that gave est - Mat saaa elf. dance of having collided with sometht. g Adak. Stets leaves this week for Mon- bard at one period of its existence ; sod tans, where he will push his fortune. hands that in the prize ring coder 114.1 - The Ui.'ary ri.d denattnz society at pas of Queensbury rules could be safely Shp •'s •ch....l hooeecl•,sed their meetings counted upon to have weight in the coni- fer I ha mama oat Monday evanintt with .motuty. a small dark moustache, • pet - a dehate, the subject being, "Resolved, disposition to baldness and • most decor - that we learn more from reading than ed tendency to are amuo sit the ( r,f the celebrated - fighter against King Alcohol. One of DU N LOP. the features of the first evening was an From onr own t excellent orchestra and choir of thirty Miner the New Year death and sick- voices led by 8. P. Halle, B.A., which Ite*a have been familiar afflictions in gave excellent movie during the 0.11010v. this section. No Its then live funerals Joe Hem s a unique figura is lecturing. have occurred in our midst. Tuesday Without the •dvaotages of an early edu- of this week the infant oiild of John e•uonal training, with a strong Chateau sooent, with no straining sifter framms- J ran+e deed after rn illn•s of w ne Chistwfi•Idtal JOE HESS. 4vae tieMtaOs at S. Gravid Opera Mswie Ws ween. The gathering that greeted Joe Hes, the reformed prize fighter and ez-sa(:us keeper o. Monday eveuing was a largo ane, its large hall being crowded from end tt. end. The lecturer did not arrist to turn until the 'vetoes train, and con- sequently it was a few minutes after u' cl•.ck when he appeared ow the platform 11NCUItbO*AT[D BT,PIICIAL ACI' 01 DOMINION PARLtAMkNT.I HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO, ONT. PRpIDItJT-SOK. AI.LX. 1tatleaNL►1 Pupae Meister of Gastrea v1Ca-PRibuDincirs j JNotNY{1,r t`. w ALLY. KAHAolltO ulaarR-WILLIAM kloCA.alt. I. t. A.. Las. PoLlCIa. raga MON o.stttttus RAT'MB MODBRATIC. IneueTtlTTAala arra Tania rasa& THE SEMI TONTINE PLAN oetsblees le one' Policy the beeafs.1 Lite Immure with dist et se l.veMm►eat. F. J. T. NAFTEL, District Ascots 1S 6-ly Mr Geo Carter, of Mtnare.da, father Of Mrs A. Duty, formerly of B.dmM•tlle, •e visiting fri. ,de 1.1 th.t +ie1• ii,. • tical or o �n� days. The remains were totrrred in the diction he yet possesses the power o1 Craig, Deo. Parsons t.bop). VI ta, Horton in something nice in foot township cemetery no Wednesday. The bereaved rots have the deep syn• H did John M rt ■ John Patterson bis audience and riv.ttin Ist1Opt Wear. ave the largest elwav p+ o q e cos veer. Alfred Hoe. Jots nlmrley, Hate i I took I took Sick. I TOOK scori's EMULSION aasULT: Z take Rest.s. take lty AND I All VIOOtOUS MOWN To TAR ANYTHING 1 CAN LAT MT MAIN= ON; mutaiOn of Pu Cod ver era t� row Soot se Soda POT ONLY VIEEDD MT lbeidt �� bur soar MI UP, AND a NOW PUTrL•4O FLESH ON MY BONES AT THI KATI OF A POOND A DAT. I TAKE rr JUST AS ZAfILY Af I DO MIIZ." edea s Melee 1s ►a y1w 1y ( Demteless et ma Ms. wPsppers Goll SCOTT 6• BOWNE, BellisiJlr. Legal Notices. T1\VV ]ODS THE LIQUOR LICENSE ACT. • A msettaj of the Board of License ('ommte- .io•ers for the West Riding of Huron will Ile held at the Inspectors.oflloe, Clinton. De Friday. Mb April. IMO. She following appli- cations will brpresented: - Cuxrrn--Wei. Watson. Mary Kennedy. Isaac itattenhsrT. tiamuel tike. P. Pollard. Miles.. Freak HS Ito h. Bell J.W. —FOR — APRIL. LARGE STOCK OF Choice Goods TO SELECT FROM 33_ lrcCORMAC. THE COMING SHIRT. If you wish to keep up with the times dost pero►Ye asy more oLDIAaHIeNK11 SHIRTS, lar r.1�i ImriEAM ahtlAew has secured the `ole Agency for MUSSItIt k WARUe Celabratw/ Adjust bre Basil Shpt• COMING SHIRT. THE SAUNDERSSON CM SHIRA. WALL PAPER ! KALSOMINE I COXING WINDOW SHADES ! SHIRT. MIXED PAINTS THE BARGAINS SHIRT PAT JAN 1589 gY Up'^ ESSER &WARD M GALT. ONT, THE COMING SHIRT. THE COMING SHIRT. COXING SHIRT. 1 have the ilneM reap of Neckwear. Hate, ('aps and Gloves that ran be purchased any where. In ('char. and ( alb only the Newest (arouse basket. which 'arouses any taker goods on the market. are handled. Dont fail to give the • call at the NNW STAND. CoitNKR )Ir LK ANS BLOCK. A. E. PRIDHAII. r21t-t f IN ALL Tie Cheapest Ione Ouder the Sao J U ST OPENED BOOTS &SHOES Spring is about opening e Ieadles of Goderich Chas. 1 nr. ran erne. ° and th Rider aiticetoboyl. tboiet ii-itdward Peacock, Jonathan Itllla Ti Whltell, J. C. Martin. nen. H. and Vicinity will be want - WV B•bb oho MoCataJrhey, K'm. I h pithy of our cummuotty u. their time of the attention of his hearers. • t the cos over, o o * i it the first night ' he did it th•• ieata•u "Aeyii John Mesas. J P and best stock it has ever so 1 n off in this Itloeen • Hotel. T created theeffect was suatainso Aaxnsta m. R•• 01ax' J Y Donald rrow. A sawing bee of John Barker was well attended last week, al present Birrr- tx. Milne. o n wood e ; and he did it the third. Risher tHotel. m Hous.. roei5 . Jae Scott been my pleasure to show. Cuero was no falling H i BI thl J kreel`h. All the leading lines and interest — e a' FI•ona oe Mallowrh, Antoni Black b .s ter. as styles in Kid, Dongola, and hsvi g ago d time. (Iver '�:r cards of throughout. The Ent night Sall - 1'nLsuaNtt Tbua Crdse, A. lieAIIWer. wood were cut and piled by the bays. general d oo . (Left over from Wt wcek.l it was fi not "flat, stale and unprofitable" C7 Hotel. Saltford l H nrT Martin.week, which waa quite • success. up the story of his life -his road to raii. Mace W•urroe -This fine stallion, - which was replete with thrilling loci- gn,Vavivionn--J. !.:ivon. Mel. Stewart. In Staple Goods an im- recesitly imported from Scotland by A. dents. On the third night he related atelgravei. mense stock, suitable for has been perchased fr..in him by how by Divine assistance: he broke th. W m. !.•sham 1 noon ote , e He,r.-John other fine material, in Com- Hctitrr--John Hell. Jacob Kuntz Ilan• - s____ ��a A..e,.... ,190 Com - Mr Julio Oke had a word bee last either. On the second night he took chi e h had bound him an - sA•nd�shops fv 1' f $1•'00 him down to the lowest depths. Vivid w J 1•{ISLET' l.ki.s•s inspector. Prices lower than ever. d drag .d Year It¢Mlp--appllcaliona fur /l AT - MISSES YATES, A large and well assorted stock of the LATEST STYLES cf Spring aid Summer Milliner/. Please ca11 and inspect. No trouble to show goods. Sivas MISS 0AMER0] Has bad the la est productions an SPRING MILLINERY - a n, pe nod 1 wlic and n -_._.licenses Town and Country wear. \•sr IVSD gl-applicauou'tur boded license+•. Arriving weekly singe the 1st of Hugh Montgomery, of Drayton. 11..L., bonds t at rttesumu qtr Logo MILTON. -This fine .Jersey calf pictures wase presented, and many ] In goods of myown an - has hewn purchased by A. Allen from a hearts were stirred. At the clues of the Clinton. AprilSod..i s. _ -._.__ _ third meeting • vote Cf thanks was ufacture I carry a large leading farmer its the vicinity rat Guelph heartily tendered the lecturer, and a Eur the improvement .•f stuck in this y warm invitation to come again at his section. - earliest convenience was extended. The LEER() RN. chair was occupied the first evening by !'res our owe correspondent. Rev. R. (:re, D D., of Kn. x church, oo A public eotert.trment will be given the second by Rev Gen. iltichards.,n. of by the I 0 0 T., No 21:1, on Thursiay North-st Methodist, and on th' third swelling. the 10th of April. The local by Rev. B L. Hutton, of to arts at Methodist. The Y. W. C T. C. ut.der talent of the hrdg• will be assisted in the their energetic President, Mrs Hender- ;,rngram by the Porters (rill, fort mo.. are deorrvtny of all the credit for Albert and Dile lodges. A debate may having brought Mr He•s to be held with two of the members . f the latter lodge and twe of the home lodge. . _ - - Every effort is being made to make it nee of the best entertainments held here for some time. Admission, 10 cis. Pro- ceedings to start at 7:30 o cluck sharp. PttasONAL -Captain James Green, of (toderich, was visiting relatives here dar- ing last week. He had several pleasant chats by the ioglesede ot Captain .lames Bogie, talking over their 30 seasons' ex- ••erienoes on the bounding bloe waters of Canada's great lakes. Alex. and James R. Rapson, of Hal- lett township, visited relatives and friends here during last week. Mr MacGregor, one of the pi -•neat settlers and the oldest bachelors r.f Teoklsesmith, was the gunk of James z� \,` \ Lieklater last week. Wad bees at different farmhouses for the supply of summer firewood are all 11ANat1ILLMR'$ INA1tMES. the go the week. who is srfMeridiwith reluctant feet, I - -The Dunlop sushi- Wbete am (rook and river meet toot end staff were in our midst last 1 sod ebildbood feet!" week fitting up stabling stalls for cattle ,s a typo of tbottmads of yotrea Rens orbs tet Broadview Farm. Later its nwmer I aur e+..rstng from Me cbry.Its IrttiR. of ;Meer wttitta.er, . eater wenn Mar •'t..ns." will put up an extension of 20 feet to laarwoaa. el ,,t,tatile, stirred by his barn. Mr John Morino will out op I emow"st rank tames within term holo lrwrlf, our Kerb need . driving hoes. shortly. and nn Vt'•dn. Mr rare • tYi ,,,,,vt bvtng patWnt ley of this week in the grey daylight n sect tlr. d Dr. 1'eerr,iray.rrttr to carry them through the Dorlop arehiteet's staff woke up tb. thP� tunas er.e s In too pleasant dreams of the fair on. about Iasir yak gas, afe gown thp bards of Ale - hen by putting up a cosy porch for the 1 te•eesa twain of deism peculiar to the tall laird on the north side of his farm- t.msl. °°_. Birt qts Dope to woitiankl• 1 wilt prwveat aN such I hews To he saved from fair invaders I If dirt have sli y.e r18=1,7„,""7,,,11.1: . .nta the roof is laid with tin lastesd of ' "Mt t to b,rsttlf, ,n bet family, and to hew her ithe marts means runs. •' revnr*M F I/U.tn ' la • lefitlmatr rn.di- axial asatietl, to s W well and ,tnw+q. leshinglesa.sl shingle►f COLBORNF. LMm ottr ewe eerr(rpesdrtit. Iwamoto OnoMor Loa the intestine Tam. Poplar Row. to go and view the ..Jing prairies of Dakota, sad disci, Nees .ad Ramer neighbors esriag the •emmer moatba Fee { S sus�N1 vii: mouths he baa sal�lgetl W. OPass se hi. foreseen .ad is sem el Mt wit the letter will iasis Iia hatalisala of nsl•Mi• As a glet(kf L and eat- nt. W. O. bis fs'e agait at lis Ngo la the t.+al+ir. rad SWIM ale • l to woman's It b purely regetatdr ''e""S' --_ a„d haeyrwmeelem..� is Nib s� w or rl bottim tar IFhN-- Cspr1tyet- flag eaves M' Mtn Ana's NJOY GOOD 086�T� stock, many lines of which I have been selling at whole- sale for several years, hav- ing sent large shipments to British Columbia and other Sraun11aQR1IIRrR! �O�ered Work receives Y Owes every kind of I nhealthT Humor and my special attention, and I Dr. PIERCE'S PELLETS f�velsgtds�snr b..Nverr. Maasnswedb and fr scram a sots , Uiera.e (salved from Impurit) of the Ittoodam determined to give you lh ie valuable no 1 bl poised cores K idnev and the very best that can be PURIFY Liver Complaints. implea. Cruptions of the made. I have customers in 'thin, toils. Constipation. Biliousness% hyo peyote. dick Stomach. lore of Sleep. Neural- this branch of my business p,a Pains.Lia the Hones and 'lack. Lonliege. 'hell- AD from Montreal to the Paci- i„ur. !Aviv', F.•utale Wcaknew. 1Nrxi- neer,l:cneralllehiuiv Y O jJ R fic Coast. it is a gentle regulating purgat i r -. as well a• a n . tonic. prewenalntt the peculiar merit of act' Hon and Chronic lontmmattoo of the Liver Repairing promptly at - hag a• • pow'er'ful *trent In relieving C onwt++t- tended to and neatly one. BLOOD To the Shoe Trade of and all the Visceral Organs sir - - valuable Preparation ex, lieu the Huron District , I have a whole system to a new and vigorous action. stock ofgoods larger than gi+ mt lune sad strength to the system deign- g "e' D .aced by disease. and afford.' a great proteo- is carried by many of the tion from attacks that originate in changes of QS the seasons. of climate and of life. The beatiob rs, an buying mybe Hurl Medicimi` Bold. Frill directions with each se al Price 50 Genu and {I OD. goodsin large quantities for Refuse all sulrtitrate. - reaps RIM PT cash I will sell to you at job - H. SPENCER CASE, ber's prices or less. Call or Hamilton. oacagio. write for quotations on any Sold by F. Jordan. lines you may be needing. Leather and findings in any quantities from a quart of pegs or a pair of half - soles to fifty sides of sole leather. McLEO D' S Ssliu eoa1or And Other Tested Remedies are becoming the Standard M.•ducins n( the day. Parties calling or writing from all parts of Canada and the 1'nitert States for the System Renovator. It never tails to eon idiom?. week and 1 blood. dy.pepsa, ' Iris r f memory, broelehitis, coneureption, gall stones, immeshes', kid- ney and urinary diseases, St Vital dance, female irregularities and Emma d•Mlity. M.nefaetnred nal. h J. N. Mci.KOD, Sols Patentee, ((hitter knows as "The OM Dnetor,-') N..A.t.•.t., Galerith, Ost Th. Spates Bas.nM•r is sold M $I.M diad MN tar battik March, and will continue to re ceive consignments of all the latest novelties .n headwear the mar- kete afford throughout the busy season. Owing to of L. she will not have an opening this Spring, but can show all the leading lines ever y day MISS CAMERON, Corner of Newgate and Hamilton•ste.. el the Square OUR OPENING OF Spring Mflhinery 11 1, take place on Tuesday and Wednesday, April 1st and 2nd, 1890. These dates will allow Lianas to leave their orders in tame, to secure their (HATS alt/ BONNETS lo* 1te•kr- We invite the Gores isspe.-• ion of our Goods sad Styles. whichinnlude all the t•tnt ear elites. E. DOWNING, Car. !last-st. and Square. GMI.r Ili. ATTENTION I GOOD WORK IS DONE IT SIGNAL - every facilit fort hung apt ?IBST CLASS PRIM IMG at "THE SIGNAL." wousiw van MISS E. BOLAND, West Street. MRS_ S.AZ,ii;_s _,D ttlll have • greed °repose or FRIDAY & SATURDAY, APRIL llth et 12th, when she will show a large and varied asssrtm•et of NEW SPRING MILLINERY, Comprising Straw Hats, Flowers, Laces, Ribbons, etc., etc. Her Spring Stock is now complete in all branches. Special attention is directed to her line of BLACK STRAW BONNETS, At 50 cts, each. Good Quality at a LOW FIGURE. CEO_ BARRY The Fernilere Dealer. Is selling all kinds of furniture at the lowest peasible priests it b a well -knows (set that tie ter orb. Be is gee the ups. f t Wow of rhe town. t:mbalmiso tumid always kept es hand. He silty • akea • w_ sei.Tai ons a la a der o be Aim a rail sap pwrab.ruf Fuvaarre elmwb,re. a.d yN eat that M den s b. says .alb cheap M''OR CASH_ is thaskiag owe sera all Air their past patronage he hopes to rectors a eeetlssnece ttf the gases. CSI O . BARRY. Hamilton -tart. STY -THIRD s oLlt TOAD' tice of chi at this Of Monday rat changes m than Wed: ual Advert up to noon week 4 1 odronce o.•fi THE SIO NA tair.menfs rat s chur.ir.I. or ry b.•..r/it u or tet tAr r.rrd rash fa as ttnuty-1 isetwrnta wrrted u 1): tree. aviary); ie 0o site of A. E. daughter. A-AI.LtifTER- April. Irak tb the kscbante Wit-- Rotta- (] A ndersoa. B. the residence h•t daughter. of Toronto. Awri a- In Owl Sloane. eldets 12 years. 11 at NEW AC antedMrsPc 'verse Lost --Sip 'sated -Mrs H 'oboe- Parke A 'a11 Paper-- art 'ard of Thanks airGoods- Pr irl Wanted -)f wino Wast. ew Annosacei uctioe Sete- C Lowest Prl w Dissolution of T. O. Ander 'TOW '•.t rki.rs Aa•{a A Goof) Pau you can sak Ply to D. Mellrt The Woman'+ wee* Is the bait r buTuetdav sUxss m April:with its tobek it raiment. I lor, can Ali ti Rimts. 0-o. Stewart, Wt. w soli pawl est and most al to 'mei pb.rtor are attended to Look at the /street is team studio at Statin le out will t time and sive Merchants a Heeds. tic., ac ll�itttlpinee more tie aid k M Cell aid see ss He.eeclranti way. andthe ban ot ` s the b when you are get the e $suede r. btsgt Everyibieg re cheapest bouts Wgos Tort piond to 1. 15 day sea b dol ptioea Look will sell 10 dot value $1.30 ea Bac. knock -al tiehool and 1 your small chi Mr James in W toirhsm Mr W. ter in to Miss Veal daring the t 'Mr end 161 /laRl, are TN Mir Mai holidays .. Capt. Ju for Detroit Mr G. 51 ing trieods The hear teat tolled 1 been into et Miss Ma from Toron Easter vacs R. A M Cleveland caste on t h Mr alias branch of t Eta salter Rev. H. the pulpit , t Sesdf tis Oraed M sit to EN Mauro . McOeirs W lag best, wl the essees. Mr Bait Owego Rid Methodist etamia.tie Toroate.'i sed will s hit atabe.