HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-4-4, Page 7sa. TIIE HURON tam,. foRluAT Ana 4 MP 0. . 1,i , AGESNSW lifg 01 DO THE FASHION& • Ifitatialtrsi dessSases ass MU Weems SINi Voir Nati. Notes ad' Brim Ihiribeffell• '10V Yid), is • ace wane Meek Tks deep Krona iimilon to y.floV.' Veda with big spots are not farehion• able. The shop wiedows an full of opting styles. • deep gold yelk.w bids fUr to have • rue. Bulling linen collars are moo edged with lace. Embroidered dreams are a *pries pre- obax• The society swell It.. his cuff* with ribbons. Uedreped skirts will be in the ascend awry this seasue. White:run ia the perfume must &f- leeted by isdiety buds. Ribboos were never lovelier than they are this sesimes. Black sateen furnishes materiel fur summer petticoats. Dark shades are au longer arbitrary foe street costumes. 'Adiosonline shirts simulate those 3NELLS. 'THEM. Stock in Goderich ! Ting MEW( t‘IRED oders that! have • positive remedy Ihr the abase rzi is ahoy leas caws haws bees panimeentily ore& s remedy Sitliff to say of readers oho haws eme wit Evers. and Post a Address. lasermedale., rt et. It oarrateso• lo you sleepers, Rub your peepers )r•rt wide each eye; Dont be creepers iargain reapers Now's the time to buy. 'AY TO DANIEL GORDON'S IFOR MINSAINS sn-h es PARLOR SI'll'5.4. it .151.71T&S. TABLES. LOUSGF:S, acc. no Clem Furniture. Thu. past o ill irpeek for Moll. .ds off ?trot (lass sag In he found hs oflestotasis Iiirector in the covinty. HA Itt/KA 1101)ER Al P.O. and Rank uf Montreal. f- establishment. I am the atT11114 41•11/E. ROBERTSON saounce that he la now agent for Company's Colobrated Teas ot a I3undred or more Handsome Volum. ,uthorsgiven with every 3 lbs. ;Luke a Valuable Library without feeling the expense. OF PURE MAPLE SYRUP LEFT. JOHN ROBERTSON, ,TAND. COR. SQUARE AND MONTREAL STS. EITS i 0 ITHOUSANDS OF OYER AWAY YEARLY. BOWLES Wiese I Ones 3d. milt awns II merely te step tb.. for a limb. sod then 11111 A IRADICAL ODOM I leave loads this dlinsioa of Ma. gm ;alit 4iergesityralielia lisr net new• lair 1.18.:Feerikee. Seed at ;Wise ofy Issfailloto Re g km a Mier sad It wU elefe Ggicrir 3-14.gar"1111001's sin AMAMI& mem NOW YOU ARE! Ilk Xmas or Now Year's present at a Moderate w we Have 1 of Silver Plate. Flat Ware and Cutlery ever lisplayed in this town. L'S BEAT THE BAND. P. WILKINSON & Co. xl" will be sent to any the balance of 1890 for Back numbers contain- serter," thrown in free. AHRFIELD. Commas. 11 sun nu. - A reviler steel - was herd Thursday, Marsh 10 b, in the mooned room. Hoer. Origin se. absent. ill Bruin uocupied the elisir. Minutes of haling, siartirtind reed sod *.d. Agostino p•id - 8. iruto. lor irreg.!, SE; P. Mum, plank, 111; J Webirter,repeirour culvert, $1 50; refesod to 8 S. 14 11136 alj; amoral Kraut of PO to the Enel•sa AsHoultaral Society Ires mandis. By -Ian 11 41 7 wa• trait a third time •nd pitoieJ, granting poser to trustees oi 8. 8. No i7 tu borrow the sum of 1.1.410 ',J10 del.ael ens The Court of R.vsa.ss will to held on the 211th day of May at 2 t'olook p to. Path..nuters •ppii Hated liar the s. moil food alrlalosni ▪ 8, letall.,,egh, it Me W hi • limy, W MeGrerteo, D tisr• int otusont of 7. timed after he know* the& J. Ryas, ;I 1`.4airs, J. Willis, J soup. lbw is gaol/ to have the foal girl for hot sun, 0 Barrow*. W. Metti...., finn_towTh it. iek bow mortiwo fied you uld Deli. J. 111‘..y. D Ja.di. e, B. Aug...ono. le ,f he stoeslal disouver that du Roelof( T. Stewart, W M Q soiJ 1'. Doieherry, way of your ph,....graph has been a • Somassisoo, T I trie ma, T. iboogy, most me emend as the luvitatume to 7.,1,1 B. Welter, .1 C si, W Mc“..ry, J. N.w Yelkee party. Thiuk how be L•oe, W Shackle:on, W L.,nne„, heel if he Male your taws lookitis over tee Mourn. J. Kluirrick, W Birks, I:. thintwl abed toDIek's r"''m-D"k Hall. J bars, T E. Forrhi), l whims los kw..., to be a braggart, slid a Twainley, T Lintool, 1) Quinn, W. ins . for ha has the utmost eon - J Ar•r. A 11.0.m', J. D'asPe ! Thais 1"s' 1•6r" to 163, ',or. J • Murdock, W. Hooter, J. n'• di -play your photographs to your J Irsit,. D A•onee, S R.00tl. men frieuds, And you will nut have this . Helaga. A. Beel.e. K McKar.zie, J. Su15'. aslant task ; at if you should do .131.).11E DTM• P and base not the courage to INT Ifie Saving weer rineemempli. Loins to ray •u. There ata in ith httle word much that will protest you foam tossalSall. bent thtak that roar fan se too seared tu dewerat• tbe • pa. I meet Dia or riaery, usa ter .1 ..Is of the throe re orie of the pleasantest fellow* in the world. When Ib. Dee I urprsaited, in black and white, rim bow sweet toad I. deirity you look, it dal slot mean that the pition• shoe d have Iii*VMSell • s. /shape of tobaoto" smoke, or dubious praise in the tures ut ad -co&.,.. your pumas rendered to ve•w ,y y ur p'otare with dtserets..,. it e• ti that some day will o ia • a loft PrIU00 will have n ristill tale fIllibtOWned by the ma‘tor of liti•• heart, to asit for the counterfeit prt - wore by ths other see. jr, . , • . . . A feature of the Eisler bonnet Kenitra, J. 111,31).5....., .1 M. Dona.d, A little m no.yliatile, be win and refer MeD.nslil.J Martin, R. Hamilton, A. I throb V' P Pa is the Pe of velvet ribbon ____ Ai arhurney, J. It .rld•trl. D Rather. The large silk sleeves of the spring ford, D Melte., D McIntyre, J 1.2.or.1 At th. shoring tia'• of Mr J. Joh, • mantles are cut on the areas. an, K McLean, A Itlicintyre, J Mo. 1 stou'a, E Wawanceh, held on the 251h The most delicate tints will blossom Nair., D Murray. J. Campbell, 8 Kirk, lett. the farm was purehawwl by Mr C on the armless 10 April. R li.rnhy W (3 Girton, W Jamie- ' Johnston f,ir $3 500 ; the farm contain. The colors seen in elan tartan* are re- eon. E C Johnston, J. C Baldwin, - 100 acres a sid waa purchased by ti r ;•roduced in the new plaid ribbons. McLeod, J. Ritchie, W. Powell, P. Johnoors about ten years ago f o Two particularly attractive eprieg_ L'ne. is MeDutald, P. li•yles, D far- 04 000. le lettuce sud ornery tint. rill, M Dalton, jr., C McCerthy, J. The other day a three year old son of amens life pa Deamoud, I) McGill, J Sennett, J. Mr IS T ti..lenes, of 8asforth (granite n The summer tailor made gowns will " ""uriel• A C"thesrti C. 1E' ..f SA. Carltne, met with a very Easton with small gold or silver humour.. c j. A•t„n. Fihnivan mo. inful accident. Mrs 110Imes was lad - 15. Old time dimity appears in the new Whirmey, It. Asiderson, T. Wiggins, r:„, ...roe hoilitm eater from a boiler to with Irish point lows trey- W lilgl..iiaii, D. C.11.....rt. W. Baster. roidi.r capise,teh.enffr osiu.0 P Austin, C Dalton, T. Style... A 11114;- „then wdailiphpeftrUbs, butaningtbs• bhsede- A womau t r dress well should Mims, Allier, A. mord,h. a, fitia, W Bee/ Isi,d thr child, passing at that inonmilt her fa • ..., T Shim klrton. .1 Murd ick, J. Tat. rooiaed the contents of tis. pitchar Ii ment. ce, tier figure and her tempera nt. R T•aniirs, W T Pallow,11. Dew. lot% I'. Richardson, Ft ti'Laugbita, F. b. ..,ons time before it recovers. was pretty seaerely wielded, sod it will Tbe ay:wooer waist of mesh retains its AL earthy, P Shield., .1. Murphy, err Thor . . Clinton,1 skirts. J .1triatteit, .1 Wilson. 1; ly .), r youtog Dom r.i t.. nor 0 a popularity, ii, be warn with differeot Maize. J .N1:.ough T Hassey, .1 them nitseh more than ten or total's Flowers ate fairly rhgous in eolor tool nature. sk iT.ping to Mande lis. oil Tuestiay of last Grillin T U'e tinier. Nast reetillio •11.1 eel .c.. ols ...ay -..at. ': week, •ii.1 with that end in view they Koos td the Tire silk petticoat' harr II L A Li AA k melee of two kind• of silk, giving a w. 1..4.,,,,, cl, 1 L. went to the motion intending to memo. changeable effect. themaelve• in ',ore settler.; car. Pon - Yellow and Isivertiler or pale lilac is a Opertai 4 .c.tiil Lough, of the Model, hearing of cement. : tbelr wt. -often, went to the ttation and favorit• color combinatiou to the ear:, %V.. bare noade ariougemeats with Dr spring uitlitoory. • B. J. Kei.dall C.. , imb!ishcra uf '•A prevented them carrying, out their (1e- ToTrttiiie on the 11,,Iree au , d Ma Dismiss. '' i aign* ethers • fresh umpteen's walk two which isiii mishits all our stihiserthera to Fifty n spo Tuesday, 25'h alt, . . T W. biter H 1' Tsars 44 our, thouslit to ftweaPw /Iv Ilk• follow trry clueely the size and tiots f is * 11.alt h d I It er, id, ,y A. pr,sory. j. some restraint onte nn o„, ,y thinuml &aisle, Brussels, . . 1 his a , . %Yes tailor, draper, kc, in r he Onety of Cornwall, England. He was hound for 8 years and h•d to pay Elf) for the instruction besides i.r.oher served 10 years as an apprentice. Mr Smele has his itmentures yet with see/s, .te., attached. It is qutte a Imre% Iv in them days when so many youths Outvote they can learn all shout a trs.le in tiiree wombs. =des • day. YOU can eu shades of color. • obtain a cope vf Boo valuable work Jr-. by sendsi g their Adders* anclosing a Tbe new coloring .04 unique platen.. I.,. 0,,,t cgmr, t..r• nig t. nt the spring lateens are reminiscent ot j. vi Dolly Vardrn. btelb a Mow IrrooglitErd ea s antiarti The cresenit theater bonnet is a bit of authortte epos. all dt.e.sene vf the horse, lace, a tillrt of velvet, a spray oi as its plorioone• a' elloatilL over four dowers and • ribbon bow. mildon copies loornio been told in the Women are to be strictly feminine Boa toot ten 'ref oale ors er before troach- blann.tyle.ish ere no touter r.1 toy ally pottlirtolion ist tbe Neese prelim .1.11::dered good fortn. 4.1 torte. W• feel conthient that our eatrons will al orrci.ie ilie work, aod he Extremely stylish winners are very glad to mail the:no-lies of thia oppOr• aft lose with perfumeryand adhere tuoity of obtaining a tralu•ble book. ' strictly to the chosen Perfume. ft I* necessery that V"ta mention this 1 The newest toque shapes are of black toper in *emit..g t -r the -Trea•i•r - lace with wreaths of vari-colored pansies Thoi utter will truism open tor only a a kuots of yellow ribbon. short time. hite lilace,vtalets, crumbed new, for- t-me-nots, apple, cheery and prech lossoun will be used on thd sprangbon- a ii‘tit. Enormous nitres of lace fini.h the leek of the Imported eprini. mant,ea. S erre.. are put in very full and rrry high and a large bow fills tSe lipoce be- t neon the sleeve and the rutre. Pretty spring round hats include the English coastline chapeau, the crueeful Maud Muller, and tbe piquant Spanish toreador. Black hats and bonnets wall be in bleb vogue, but clieely rivallej by t/hue of remota yellow, create, dove, ecru and reseda Milan braid•, .hme in varius tints, to match the (volume. The new egeplant purple and deliei- ms mauve shades are brought out in dobitia, violets, pantries aud lilacs that treacly @ohmic* the beauty of black, silver and primrose yellow hats faced with dahlia or violet velvet. pow -crowned hats with wide flat pro - :acting brims remain in favor, and have insertions ur edgings id open work it, embroidery orenterie deviem.and 1.k« lace in effecrrre edge id the brim. Black and gold sod red and black are mach used on the Spanish hate, but the Spanish turbans a (ole yr velvet me, trimmed with Irt•eitilnrird ribbons mat.:h- iiitz the tartan gowns Veoetian cloth is much used for spring . walking.dremes. and the primness coat back, wbose aktrts reach to the dna* hem, is largely used The sides and front are cut of to disclose • close truiria• wandemat, with large aide pockets and • firelight full skirt, bordered with an ara- besque hood in , . or trim- med with deep Gothic pointa. More yaothful et...Wines of Venetian cloth are in Emptre style, with Hyde Park (-rat en suite, trimmed sith oblong buckles , and fine gold braid. A promos of towering paper so tough wood tor leather hap, it is mtatol, been recently ieutruducel n Fraure, It coo• sods ir mixing (+bola. of inc WV it the pulp in the course of ananufactore, abd it is foot d .hat the greater the degree of c•incentration of the tire solution the greater is tbe toughness of the paper. Crauelling &Jibe. Ask For Ayer's PLAITING ICU L.1111111511E9 flansaparilla, and be sure you get whoa you waat the beat Islossi-parillsr. a %VIM tie forty yews 1 ol usieseempied sue. '1' cum in the care et Wood Disesses, yea cos mete se Malle take is. prelim -tag Ayer's Sarsaparilla to any other. Th. of mod- ern blood medicines, a. Ayers Sarsaparilla ts still the moat pop. akar. being in great- er demand thou all others owahtueal. "Ayer's Sersapernie is selling faster than ever before. I never hesitate to 311." -George W. Whitman, Druniet, Atkauy, lad. " I SID safe in saying that my sales of Ayer's Sarsaparilla far excel those a any other, sail lt gives thorough setisfac- tion."- L. II. Bush, Ihis Mulues, Iowa. "Ayer's Sarsaparilla sad Ayer's Pills are the be*, selling medicines In my store. I "econlimend them eon/mien- tiously." -C. JitrirJaeus, Ybenoweiat. Resented, 111. W. hare sold Ayers Sarsaparila here...layer thirty years aud always .A Ill when asked to nesse tbe twat -perider."- W. T. McLean, Druggist, Alleluia, Ohio. "I have %old your medicines for the last seventeen years, and always keep them te stuck, es irti are staples. • There is aothinn so foc the youth- ful blood' as Ayer • Sarsapiallls."- K. L. Parker, Fox Lake. Wis. "Ayer's Banuiparilla gives Use best satisfaction of any inedicine I have in stock. I recount -mud it, or, as tbe Doctors say. • I prescribe it over the counter.' It never falls to meet the castes for which I .. 1\lt, even where the doctors' . have been, a DO avail." -C. P. Lalhoun, Moumouth, Kansas. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, lltal.4111ED RI Or. J. C. Ayer a Lowed. Masa roes eit; six betties. ela Worth ab a belUe QUALITY ALWAYS WINS! As the Old Darkey said: Buohtuan •shaUP'AcTI; MUM S011, SASH, DOOR and BLIND illoaters in all kiud. et LUNBER. LATH, SHINGLES School furniture a Specialty Goderich Steam Boiler Worke -1.se rayther pay more an hal. de best once in a while. than to pay les.s and hab It poor article ()fn." Flo! *blotted twel. Chrystal & Black 1 M.uutaci urges and dottier. to items. linlIers. oalt Peals. Tank., Iles a, and all kindr 05 :Wt.. I Iron Work. lineroied A idontatic ••• <Row. Cecelia •nd Horizontal Itegii Mowry and Cutlass of eery dcreriat •u. Brass Pittleirs. Pipe and 54(140.-. • lousily on hand. Mail orders wi receive prompt sotentlea *emu app.*- T. 5.15.11... C o. Repeal -a promptly too...oaf to. P.O. BOX :7.61 21ge- WILSON'S MAGIC PAIN CUP for all kinds of pain. Pricel yenta. • DROWN'S BALSAM Ole WILD CHERRY ilotiK for Coughs and Colds. vreL•so%••• re LIMN SPY 4,1 NO r. for Childrec. a wood remedy for 'I% Cough. Illrice 13 erste. Purest pri.b.•• only used in l'hys:Jtato' Presort ohms at e Pr« riution I ono store. Fall and Wintel GOODS Ready made Clothing at Prices to suit Pur- chasers. Mt RE 1.KARKIt Orr. H. DUNLOP, 21.7 T. 1 • Taito. e..t.b.. MAR MEMORY DISO011gRy., 0.0•00.14.• Pleatent ef Illelaftey training, sow Bonen Ltiwrowi la owe 1 Mall& BIWA wra54eria4 tare& Imre rigid sea mask ereeill, beeellkg.d. Urea* iseammorla 1.• ll Osamu uarestoue .1 ow. z 1.Wm. ii1K 1•••••,1 4.•• graelb Ppmeelioll 4 Neal=- lc il.Wee1C44; h. . \Li:a. aste 11:1 ...I Me 12111a5.....s.116 CARLA. G ALE & POTPfl CHUNG'S BAVARIAN LAGER ;Bottled) r..sir by G. h. PARSONS ..tillt I4hIl4 4.101116. 54 1. 9 CordsmI0 WURS Rti.L1411 NO1113. • m_It reef.. dierri estate...or inatiasemow frees of people ..b• ao ewe* *My. LAO Low istmewar. fatly *Md. A110•01(7 ran os bad ssnere them la • saeaner. • ISM slietaralif lot ellog 0aWli 1014 Ono Inca...re -mars by the use of In,. 05.4 .. .. boat Sas Me Ora own NW, DO. and Jo lit betlerrtikaa tee •=taltaj. *timer{ Can without IL Adapted to all t sews. *very Ove who'erre a tee la slay le pee ••••••••••••• In 1 at 71.r &Paler or emir ereLeseNts risettrisi • CIIIINE es.. 51041 i 511 es. eataallw.. Dbbleillab • FRE sti,ota lab EL 0 1 R vrw &Mid 41e55 045'S Ur small rose.* limelsweer Wassesuralues7. Ile seta araMbiq are b smai• eau seer* as/ et vales. Out mimes .0 040 11011•111/, 000 001.100 000 1155.400 011/0 ser lose out saluifter Theme temples. ea 44.11 .da. 5.4P4. AR ihe wet lee owl 41. seder+ wawa warn yam* Wee al* r•a-y•er Masa a54=y55.ns.111.••• Meat raa-that Welly • rese.e lasehmsible flieesyertart belts 5. .5 55.5 0. sterel, sad Mai we ••• wool&We pay all saws.. Selsal, eft. t '00s re barer ell If Ak• t0e. to ewe wr sa. 1.5 5l *441...As • 11-iniall 5, rwrsleisMse., GRAND TRUNK Trains arrive and depart Iowa: Mail and IEVINSI RAILWAY. at Goderich as to 1.50 p.m. P4: :nit:: id% ... ... ... EM p.n 1 ....... - - _ 33 TT -crOUR TEAS, COFFEES and SUGARS Plate Glass Grocery. HIGHEST PRICE PAID' for good B.., J. .LiaR and EGGS. iVIcLEAN'S NEW BLOCK, South Side of Courthouse Square I_ 1\T_ 'When the spring -time COMA*, we UP °ally find moieties, drowsy and exhaust- ed, owilig to the impure and s'uggish state of the blood. To remedy thM tomb's., take Ayer's SarsaparMs, the most powerful, yet oaf* awl se mootiesi. blood purifier in existence. An English scientist pays that if we were to visit the moon we should find the days and nii.,hta a fortnight on length, and if we "survived the seosehing of the day we should certainly he frozen during the ensiling night.' Har. rrinyra Cough ' Take Wawa's wodcllo 11.,you a Cold Take Wilatel'a .Vildtherre- Have you Bronchitis Take Wilmot • Wild Cherry. W.15..0. N'"Viald Cinstlierri;.eir V ? 1'4" flare you Asthma 1 Take Wild cherry. Mayo yon a Cold in Illts Head 1 Tribe WilmoVa Wiki (merry The (td itehable Own for on 114"*." of the Throat. Chest and Longa gold by anempas I in Three doors West of British Exchange Ilott L GODERICH. tmaamos.liga. &b. ItM• COME ONE, COME ALL and get bargaini, as I am offering my entire Stock of DRY GOODS at COST, as I am going out of that tine of ltuSiness to ntake more room for GROCERIES, &c., CROCKER 1, FLOUR AND FEED. Be sure and givP a call at the comer of Victoria tit Nelson streets before purchasing elsewhere. 70113:1. iVZ.. r'roudt.f.00t.. Gotlerich Jan. Z1. lege. 2217. =IP SOMETHING UNUSUAL •e Lubin's and Atkinson's Perfumes in Bulk, alas A Select Stock of Cheaper Perfumes. You van get the BEST VALUE! CHAS 11 Bottled Perfumes an Unusually Full Line. F.'JORDAN'S MEDICAL HALL. -.A.T - . As NAIPIIS, GROCER. have tjou tried of Heatl j °tem • let 3°413 jot it is expuasite. 14`ht'llt44.***A4itiltt4 44 41 ...,....._ c_ p.14... Et oom TOWN PROERTIES FOR SALE. $100 AND UPWARDS 1 Nil, It hoot- nuinta r I .1 I i /One .11 *nil olio *Ad VIMS110.1 .111.1 in • 144, mood out. ot the, lowi. Yen St LI. CNN tr. Now 5. tlir 11110.. .4 10 .•111, property before the His Mulib. ihr 5. 11 1. ...toting *urn, sad in • slowt tote. pH., • will hare ad r•ko.ed beyond itt rear h of rnitny. Call and we Lint and Prieruu before purehas. Ing ninny/he • R I4a1)(1.1FFE. Rood groat/. and Ii,,puisl Intioraht e Agent Odle. Wesi-ut third door Plallaart. 4'. 11 Ticket and TM gmeh °Mee. 111-51. ATENTS CAMAIS, TIAN MAIMS Ala COPflINIPPS oblallserl. awl all ituettons In the lit. Paten Moe attended to at Voii SRA rx oor oat., bp opiemite itt. 11. . R. Petrel Of Ike, ano se ear °Wile ratent• in Inas Ore than thos. Minnie from N' 4 1/411INOTON. thrt.41 Moftfff.. onAtri.vo. W. •ibe as to paieetalelit free 01 chary,. and we make AO NON IINLRAS OB- TAIN PA TICNT. W. rom., hero,. lo the Poa,miuster.the Supt. 9 limey Order Isis_ mod us offletala 41( 10. V. N. Patrol 0111eo. ?or circular. (Arhus tense amid ritfernse.• to actual ,liesta Is year ewe State or Coon' . write in 0nw.sss. ARMSTRONG BROS., 1r A. aallOW &OM. CUR .w1gtrtg, trl-to melees to .15 A Xi:iIC:AL 1..." r.t.iti HAN OF US, N ESS ! THE OLD AND LJABLE 5.5.-: r. ROB AND FEB PRE 11 SS CIS t • GILD H • ‘1).... MI subtle. archrrelis rweitte4 ttot 'bhaenr' Owl 14 lot8lov54 foss.rili tun...love A.G. '151115,•.• toot. -thatad 11106. J. VIDEAN111 woe will tort.% tree Matt irreinsactiee at * - 4.1 aimed. Kraiet. Urea slut Apure. riot. 1 11 s in.laraeliwni of .01 s. r p cps. -.1,5,,. iiieou. •• he. hum l3.4. 10.414,1 elartillis 4tal In its lane 05 bey is tow aoe os 51..- weer ereproder has are* dem b.i ono it gee .ive, right v. iira, there nth le no 'shins: ulna 'he clouts fortticrty 4 11.4bitril us L. roitot ft ka the front reek. O5.o-1a deltverret to ell Darts of iheviene The hors. erat too nom ird actUf as,., teed always an hand arid e4vo4ce**45. :4** 4.0111. TIANi. 1. VII/NAN. ._.- I inks tht. anoxia ior 41'01,0014 Ms' 01110. I omens for 111,41 1.08.rai) OW rotosier d art .., NOS Pr4ortolortho rf 118. r,I4141 144 t I.,4kr ...„, ifyed .45.41.11% 111.1011 01 .0 I r. k” Isteia•.rj .1 il 4 • .imome,... is y say oleo, woe, Mr TI•••-. 5. %Ie..... •• Au will be found to bus. thorimphly've iablen aa. tr-if A. h. t 1 55 114. ..T.PIL=31r or aXIDAtabsothrik, -- 76v.- • • ,• 1 V.*LVOtA VT tir Money tg 11, • t flues. ke,atrus ethers Dave :w tioW reerivans Mr*. rttat1;. f..r al, iR, rtLi ciartve Eii,sit omits you nohing lr a • 1. ‘11 ett; c •'ot!. Address F. 4' 'Yvare St., Toone. Mt. " - VIIIIMPUMMIRAINIMIEW A C0441300K tleV.111,1=titt.7,P= ARMSTRONG FANNIIG MILL ARO PUMP tvonvs ARMSTRONG'S INPROVED brain an -1 Seed C FALL AND WIRER GOODS. ernemoy seknowledired to ' • It ••355ton. chine made for itiorottshl:,' 8.1emit g *rain :mit *end. 8.1 all Lunil.. Separates all Noxious Seed; and (mews from main st .,nn ••IrAnitig. 0540 •nr1 rhwiling 5.11 (moat.) .1181 n1 the um. tamp out II any 5.4.55 01 1j1.0111 it • t inn I into an, 'Anoints nii is obout n mos i! ic 01,010, 00 (Wilier 1.00' .4.1 '100 .0.40 54, nu .1 Mak et It• KONA •0rk or hrttrr th•ri 1.1 11100 Droved rii.w mill. known. It all,s ve• nn to In 118,58, tto It Cleans Speedily. -- I have ju r..(,•iv...1 my large ,on.,igniernt a Fall and Winter i;oods, and to make room for them 1 am now milling ,..tr PrEvery <leaner tit arra1ate41 to work NA t,pre tiostod or too s.15. ps Te ordering vl•• Ir•aln wir!`h of shoe enA nate* of maker anal!! If von, enirrii sod if glow has sitle *hats or tbe old tatiblion ed bind Pb lie. It IOW thlethaly et FIRST-CLASS PUMPS trovious Stock At figures away down. I do net believe in caring over goods un- til another year, anti will always sell at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES rather than hold t! en. over. Reint, ”nxious to keep up with tho time', 1 have just put in a handsome plate glass, front, and inteml making other improvemetitm that will mast. my extensive pre- mises seemal to none it. town. with the public for cash, an 1*5 1 au* -here to exchange bound to do it. on 5.11 511 1 front Algoma .3.l. quarterrot vibe. ge promptly attended s,..tirt1.-ra by iesil o. ShIpped to may point. I 1-) 1Ft FIB ENVELOPEBIEDiVE11 LOPES Et Receipt! at IsTia skirt ME AT Sian Clodorioh, Ont. " .0* vrzaikvet4L.cia4 15. Montwer of Toronto notate The Moat 11.iwssiul Restredy ewer doolot it e/ Me" 15 155 rff.• rt and durs n. 55,45.4.,. toad pr :ow. KENDALL'S SPAWN CURE. ',mon re Caraz.n• A. Ra7DItIt, 3 Cl.iirlsLallls BAT LOU Va. rnae rem Wawa i 51.5,1.0. Ise 1.4t.1w000, Is.L.„ Nay. 54 NM pa. o .1' floterau.co. Ia.., R , I 10.1 0 whew. 0.at.lCrbtIo•- lii rimsin VW. by 15* iSe ie. 1 4elao 1.51sea In larger reatIlp. I tE • I' la .sur ..rf Use 5.4 Illabnatlia 4.n earta 11*'. e51I -M Any MAW. In, V,* year. It trar• trUly, (u. .1 t/. -MIL KENDALL'S SPANN CURE. Niewort.vs, N. 1, X.,..sabur ism Da. IL J. Kaavara. On 11* Mrs 1 44,5510Asiwe tartilharolod ne 1105?.1 01.01.0111 of root eta Ciwr. 5505 r It for r„0 dollen • Pro v11110. na,1 I LK:nrkanel • Nage ear., I ally e•onninwaS to all hewswaseis. Tours truly, A. I Il°moms% asamer troy Lear 44410Mer. KENDALL'S SPACI CURE. sow, worm team. osuobsc. 5. era* • I reel IS lay Irbil* 1 boredom 10.545 R.. 1160511.1. that ATT:f3 r.vr krodalirs a...ant aeirripa mho, Mae Dr**. 1 Wine lY4 trot. oa•18 eons 1107 year Ionian* 'roma. liana Inwarat, SEWALL'S SPAM CURE. Pressor' ror *Map er oh bombs ax 1 VI Dvtle ow•sagiar rjlibrie pm.; M 101114.04 i• soy Ma Ola •M *Meta by 0- 5.,,. t111- 1 ...14babstrei raw. SOLD 1111r ALL EksametateTs. • 1