HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-4-4, Page 66
I}, 4, 1 rs40
THI POE!'S ek ata ER.
M rases.b•s ar+wgaMa•'
1 Melt sato leyeelf today
The eines name ut thi Trtuit, ,
B y irs ileal les el meioses.
Tim 'flues la Oue. as& Olt le Three.
I Wad this ea! to no for ever.
Mt power of Muth. t'brla'ts fuwraaUas:
• bar•'- in .1. ratan river
MYfe rt. ea craw for fns walvoler;
Nle batwioti 1,...,1 the W11 ed wean
NYrtdisg ue the beae'aly way;
N i• oumeeo u 1 the d .y ,i( loom;
1 Mad unto i1Iyself today.
!hint unto utyielf the power;
of for its eat love ut Chet Wiles:
Th... es,• •. :Vel, done." is jsi/US$t lour;
The sere lee of lbs 6srepbtas.
Cestr.siw'. faith, Apostles weed.
Thi)eaieuireh'wyr yrrw,thpPrusbsffseor.its.
AI: 4C11deeds d..ue nista ilia laird,
Awtl pt.rity ut virgin goats.
1 bled wsto
The vitt ltusof theetarilt Neilsen.
The Monona Meer Ihteiftel'i ray,
The w hilrbesa of I h • lu.w+u at este.
The flushing of the lightning time,
Ti, wtetli".t wind•* tenux-.taoee shocks.
The aia'•tr . art h. the drop aria Salt,
Aroused lire *44 eternal rink&
1 bind •int. rayed( ,,.lay
The p..w'r ..f owl to boll, and lead.
Hie rye to watch. 11b might to stay.
IL. Par to besrkea to my rare .l.
The whrlun of my Cod I. 'each,
His hand to inside. HI+.hirltl to w,i^d;
The wend of Cod to 1,.• mi -peso b.
His heavenly hoot to he 1117 guard.
Aguni, tai•• diem in +nor + of sin.
The will she Bier" temptation foo.••.
'the natant lusts that war with 1
The hostile seen that mar my coarse
Or few nr may. far or nigh.
1a errs lase.. an l in nil imam,
Against the A• -c. hn.ri!i'v.
1 bead to tete tb.ie hilly power&
Desi let Met weer say fit tie 141
is Neu usole& Ue Wel Me ihdjmeer &ewe
watt er vritla • -
Dea't have dewy setas ea the beak
ef his diem
Desi eo of hi ►bi •H.
Don't feed bIS is iispi i.
Dant use a tube sasei&g-bottle.
Dunt *hones the milk yue started
Don't bathe blas le but or cold waist.
Don't bathe hint slurs time these
tense • week.
Dunt allow a comb to Week his head.
Dose let him .at st i . family table.
Don't let bio tuft meat until he is
As t:n • sit Sa'tn'a spells and alias,
Arsine! false, words tee heresy.
Agtinw: 1h. know 'edit", that defiles.
As Oiler the heart's ',lobster,
Agstme stir wieir'1'i evil era'.
Aga.n.t.the death wound. and the boning,
The choking wave. 'he eniwelied shaft,
Protest me. Christ, till Thy returning.
News oe ffl.s.eweek
Good h,.usulteeyrug e,ia1NS (4, wartime
sal aloe he smell Thieve Which re tlt�s-
Nlren see 1w4 bet in the Wel
up the tafeen Meese I. It tafa
.,maple matter to see th.t all the hues,
.uses sre kept os bead. that each mate\
bol nimbi the pregames le titled. rhos
evesy room has a ouuveole$t re•eptaole
for olMrles teed use fur ber.ed tmatdbtr
Yet the nag eat of mu trilling a IuAtter
may eases ` auris nue, basting us 1 he dark
for a sea.ee, as moresu1 4 amount of an.
sorbets& A good supply of owe Mown
papaw laid away carefully and • beg or
bees eeetaniug different kleds .of teltue
asst a housekeeper nothing, as l lewy may
saved from parcels ; yet such a habit
will find reedy •ppreciatuon when moue
one u is sed el paper and strung to 11e
ep a wool. There 1. nothing su nn -
sightly ss an old fur such a
purpose. There are eo wtaoy good lues
that old eau be put at that
brows paper should be always kept en
band to wrap up parcels. There i• uolb-
bg better tb.0 old 1114111 a
carpet to gotten the tread • id keep the
hard fluor from wearing mit the carnal.
there ,some to be some toigrediet.t in the
pouter's ink ink that doves away soothe,
and fur that remelts are bet-
ter than anything 6160 to wrap up furs
and wadlena during the summer. They 1
should never he dc.truyed after they are
read unless used for tttodlw$1. but &koala
tie kept in • straight pile. It is s wear
preawtion to keep • reel of old linen.
•nnie of old cotton and needles mud thread
in the kitcbeu drawer where 11 cau he
readily found in ease of • burn or cut.
A stepladder on hand to reach high plac-
es saves a great dol of trouble. A step-
ladder -tables which may be cc.' crest *item
nut in use, or a wooden seated chair
should ne 00 every dour, accept tar
kitchen tier, where the ceilings are use-
alty so low that •try hsgh p.•_d can be
re•ohed by standing uu the kitchen
:hairs, which ate always, or should be, •
made sub wooden &cote that Dray be
scrubbed and washed. All these mat-
ters are small, but • series of petty vel•-
tooma are more liable to irritate the tem-
per than geuunie triols.
Doc,. let bum sleep on a pillow.
I)on't veal, tease, torment, mimic or
soda bite.
D'rt't whip him.
tuft make him ery.
It..n't notice him when hu pouts.
Don't itighine him.
Dunt tell hies about ghosts, bugaboos
ur bad phew.
Dunt shake bind.
Dost put bile is short shoes
tenet dance, jump or dandle biro.
1)otee orerfsd him.
Duo't let him deep with an adult.
1).sss t place him face to face on • bed
or in a carriage with soother child.
1),.. t let him swallow things or eat
D ,n t tet bum roll dew,stairs.
liat't let bits fallout cf the windows
Don't teach him to wal:,
Dust wash kite with lye soap.
Dual let him chew painted cards.
Don't expir6 his eyes to the sun un-
• less protected by • peaked hat or veil.
Don't scream in his ear.
Detet rap him under the chin.
Don't hit bits by the wrist• or arms.
Don't starch any of his clothes
Dunt allow bite to wear wet bibs.
Dont worry him.
Duo't it. him anything to sot bt-
tween meals.
Christ he with orae. t-hrist within me.
Christ behind me. Grist before me,
Christ beside mc. Christ to win met.
Christ to comfort and restore me,
Christ 'rnt-e'h one, t'hrist shove me.
('bri.t in quiet. Chris.. in dance,.
Christ ie hearts of all that lois me.
Christ in mouth of friend and stra.Ker.
1 bind unto myself the Name.
The strong Name of the Trinity,
Hy invocation of the risme.
Th. Them- in One amid One in Throe.
Of whom all natures bath creation;
Eternal Pstbee, Spirit, Word ;
Praise to the Lord of my `Salvation.
Salvation is of Christ the Lord.
'This hymn ia a translation by Yes C. T.
der from the Irish et -St. Patrick's
piste'rbir,y thousand envier were
ja�thaa}lruDiailin ,(, •eriIIthe
ming in 1tie e•l orches out,
IIand oo the fullewin;! Christmas iDol.
Ante Churchman.
Tee W/M a11eeId Medy Mer ■subaad's
Ai a ruts men err t•storslly ;ere stet -
able sod more u,tractahld than wnmeu.
The lira, po,ii,t, thrreft.rr, to secure s
lwarnrd woman's happiness alter the
holidays of the ! are user, is
that she shenid Misty careful it the peen
lanuesse her husband's temper Ittees the
view of • wise and g. d w nuan to make
a limb of the greatest bear that ever
wore whiskers; while by a foolish treat -
easel the process' may bo reversed, and •
generous bearded creature, with all the
tap entities of a lion, may end in bolos •
shear 1.r a wolf. A wife moa: tread on
her hu.banJ'.- temper at tint as
cautiously as a prudo•it buy d• e1
upon recently fern e I ice. ()al,
when she has learned whore the slippery
humor eft her husband will bear and
where it will break can she perform with
safety those graceful evoislwns by which
• devoted wife achieves greater triumphs
Bonaparte dui by his artillery.
A Trip to Masl1.b.
least year I went to Manitoba nu the
C. P. It A' Rat Puttees live seck,aod
4 Winnipeg I was so week I had to be
assisted orf the train. I trot w bottle of
Burdock Blood Bitters, and after the
first dose felt better. When I got
to Boiesevain I was u well as ever. The
Bitters cure the bad effects of the sur-
face water of the prairies.
2 DONALD Mexico. Belsover, Ont.
Served &lm Blabs.
A farmer, hawing add • flock of sheep
to • dealer, lent bum his dog to drive
them bole., a distance 14 30 miles, desir-
ing him to give the du,; • meal at hes
journey's end, and tell It to go home.
The drover found the dog s:, useful
that be foolishly resolved to keep it and,
instead of sending it back• locked it up.
The Bullis grew sulky. and at last eflect-
.d its escape. Evidently deeming the
drover bad no more right to detain the
sheep than be had to detain itself, the
holiest creature went into the field, col-
lected all the sheep that had belonged to
his 'nester, and, to that persons astonish-
ment, drove the whole fuck home a-
gain. -The voice. cork up the cream sod Dover it tiohtly
with • pecking of than to
■latsrd'. seatsesi l are. Caesee le Pews. use 'aero we. The retains
Makin* Pleased Seedless
the cold already in the ice better than s
Metal piss were introduced into Eng- Packii'>t off cracked toe and salt, which
land (rum France in 1543. Within • 'oust have crevices to admit the air.
Navel I .e. toe tele retries.
Most b..usekrepers know how invalu-
able uewspespers ase for packing away
the wiuter clothing, the pnnuog-Ick act-
ing as • defiance to the stoutest moth as
suo.esa(ully as camphor or tar paper.
Fur this reason are invalu-
able under the carpet, lied over the regu-
lar carpet -paper. Th. twat valuable
quality d in the kitchen,
however, is their ability to keep out the
air. It te well known that Ice cons -
Cheapest, Best and Largest Stock in
The Jackson Brothers, Morris, recent
pietaly enveloped in so that 1y est an elm tree into begs and haul --d
all sir is abut out, will keels lunger time them to Calder's saw null, the work of
than under other coeditiuus, and that a fording them much pleasure, slthot gh
pitcher ut toe -water laid is • , they had hard work to accumplph their
with the sods of the paper twisted to- job. The tree grew en the farm • 1
gether to exclude the air, will remain all Ales. McCall, on the 7th emcee/tun, and
neeit in any summer room with wercely was quite a monster. Its height was ase
any perceptible aelting of the ie& These feet from the stump us the lowest
(rots should be utilized oftener than limbs, and it contained 7.282 feet, lug
they are in the care of the rick .t night. slaaawre. The hott end •.t the first log
Iu treezing ice cream, when the ice is was n feet 114 , • diameter
scarce, pack the freezer only three- of over6 feet 8 in.. and at a height of 62
quarters full of ice and .ait, and 6uish feet the stick was 4 t.e• 9 inches in diem -
with , and the difference m •ter. How they managed to get each
the time of freezing and quality of the log on the sleuth we do not kt, ., but
Nem is ort perceptible from the result it took four spin it( horses to.taka Otte
where the (reser u packed full of ice. log out 'sf the bnah. The gang would
After rewoving the dasher, It u better to have given up hod it test been for the
manly, heroic and eucnlIragieg words of
tbe foremast. Peter Jacka.n,
short tura after machines were construct-
ed to England for tbe osauufectere of
pm•. "Previeuely they had teen filed
to a point and the head hid been solder-
ed by hand. Great opposition was made
to the ouvelty,' says Nettie "but utility
•..d cheapness prevailed to its favo►. brush broom and the due• -pan are used
The common .swing needle was brought to musses all the perceptible dirt from
hither from India atter tee discovery of the toe. Thee per a to shut out, lest ,
the route by the Capes .,f Hood Hope. carpet. and furniture coverings be faded; 1
Before that time seem,: was performed the Poems du not get a thorough siring 1
the method still used by •h. eroakerv.'• every day, and this is why • visitor feels) It' 9 easy to dye
0se settee sesame. oppressed re. rt.trree( A w.•ullen car -
I owned • litter of pr(.. They th-ore pets will absorb net only the dust, but with Diamond Dyes
. rat odors
throats swelled, mind spite of all rem•- 1 which come in c,etact with it. Ties ed car -
Nagy Mares.
Many houses are always in order, and
one fails to detect doss. ur •art; yet they
lack the Imbues. anti sweetness which
should he part of every home. In such
houses the catpet-sweeper .sr the smell
well until a month old, when their Men all the gases rod unp sate. Because s0 simple.
dies they .11 died except one, stitch wee 1 pet or rugs in • siuiugn. m should - —
nearly dead Laughingly I said I would I swept -sr shaken twice a •eek at Iea•t. It t 3 safe to dye " with
try Yellow Oi► and glee et • thorough I amid, themrooms Ish*uld be thurougoly Diamond Dyes
than ever onaparte I applltiatiom. He improved at ouoe, and
Wise old Plutarch. deoranting on tris •oo was all right Kira• -matting, or hard -wood, or paint -
topic, very • ly brings in the WILWai/ Wieieee., I ed fi ors are sweeter and more conduc
old fable of the traveller whom Boreee, e lit insley, Out. eve to health tj.an ...ellen c.rpeta, I'
with his c blasts, tried to die- - is, therrfe'rr, • pity that si ythtug hut
meting s ever used for covering • held- It's economy to dye
robe of his gore
greatcoat; but RELIGIOUS NOTES. nasm flee. Small rugs that •nyh.ody with Diamomd Dyes
was quite otherwise -the
wise -the morr e violently
Horses pawl his cheeks the more ohm- esaluraueee Ter sows Wiewhet. 1111 Cavily shake may he paced beside
ly the mm wrapped his cloak .boot him TM ctualitidauune required aro 1. the bed and washstand, and, indeed, Because the strongest.
Your own faith in the Le'rd Jesus Christ wherever one would like • mat to give
Bot what strength.
he to not achieve with
all his atrenrtb, the tun did with • few What eight have y ou or. (to speak a1o..ut an au of warmth and comfort to the
alight touches of his genial beams. The Jesup till we know heel David sae*, r,e,m. Maty penmen object to matting.
man was eo overcome by the softening el believed, tberefore have I spoken " hecanee, they say, it dime not weer well.
inflations that he Ilene both cloak and Se with tbe Apostle* In Aets it. The Tha best quility ell.; however, entwcar
tonic away. Ko let no woman foolishly first thing to be serried by the worker, au ingrain carpet. Cheap matting• are
attempt to train from her husband in • whatever be be, as. "Ain 1 to • right _ expensive at any price.
rough way what she can surely achieve relation too the L'rd Je.•+ Christ r There sheeed be nothing to • hetlevesm
by geedene•s In your study to master Why are se maey of 1.01 church Diem that is not washable, sod the forsaking
Our hwhand'a temper do met forget to bees au slow to speak 1 Iii nine cases •or I4 l* s ole mple eachst
ris brad leMed
out of ten they know thee have no right
Because always
keep •firm held u(our urn. Wo bo
are less selfish and les. t
they are more sensitive and hasty than
Iran, and more apt, on small occasion.,
to mount into a flame and b•ceme radix
Rant bet trifles. Of all things in tis 4bi►ptees of Act., sod nu will find m»u .ed to the Seine Me.
world beware meet of this fault, for n -by mown down like rata byunlearned men h.ould be th,.rsiiihly aired daily.
1,45.114. it Mos Irma the tlTzcs and Pas- of nu melee.)'sea nee er tandin Why t
t�-�iesd of your ass tphen your g• 1
heshand sp•ska harsh J
the beet of !unbends nosy do in an evil Spirit. Ask the Father in the name col
saoment--tether remain (Aleut, or, if you the rdJesus, anal s Tee knowledge ill tam sults
ars pre.sed hard, give • firm but placid pewter.
reply in • tone that *sperm' neither hely of the devil. Be resists us at
s er contempt -Professor every step the moment we take .ides
J 8 Mackie with Jesus Bet we are next ignorant of
Miwsed•s lealmairet caw OsateusMr b d 4 Be familiar with the
to du so. They have not yet settled the The beds •hated he thertue ty 511
queltton of their own eel elation. sod every morning. dm sheets, bl•nketr, pit
Minos there is eo freedom. 2 The pre lows and mattress. so dt.peeed that
mace and power of the Holy Sporn tee there shall be • entreat 'f air shout
your owe heart Reed the first ten them ; wedif p,s.sible they should be el
A 11 elrreta
1 to oo -as even - The premise, was filled with the Het1 i( your c, nth keeps you *wee, see
tootles* by night, take Ayer'. Cherry
Femoral and obeli• immediate relief
The remedy alleys inflammation, heals
the uresna, lytdnees sleep,
end restores health. The sooner you th
beset e batter.
Word. r .vises. amt e A rep of eeelding milk 1s certainly as
so as to bra ng forhie
the Pore •disirablie "night-cap" for a chilly per
I to Ms1. light •i( the (lava 6. Have syspathy •'n iso fake when going es bed in • Mld
ioseporck lbbaby. with j,Dw mind n( Christ. Oases, to ,„ole i, warms one through and
tt leAtoh_s sM� tis iwgeirwr that Mita love his anal.
is s warm room till oath, and tis *aced, la lasting
with his bead tan- This soil MN you a tveeierfel power
DM's let hies deep
, 6. Have hitb tbwt etposta • blaring Racal N.. T"cillw.
der soiree. Believe tbreegb sod throati1i hie words,, To eels Sperm.. -Please Worts your
Don't kat bie sleep with his .oath "Lo, 1 am with yne aleray,"--tb•t ie., feeders 'het 1 have a pnsitiwa remedy
Oon'l "peebio to deep.
ley to make bite sleep if he la
Rot rheepf•
11ae't sobil
t a Bap ori
le the afterao.
DMI les biro be kissed.
Bea', bee, loin -bottom es Me task
el bre idem
when yea ars premeds, Isis Neel' is his
Spirit. Ob 1 few se **pestes/ kith is
every worker for the Master. -ger Dr.
K sot
Ounetipsts. s slaloms meal Battles
Ward roe this dread disease by 11e see of
AntNI Nagle-Oest.d a.rd..b Pins w1..
welded. 1 s
for the above mamma mem By iia
Wooly ens thousands of hopeless massa
have ewes eermsseatly eared. I .ball he
glad to trod tiro beetles of my remedy
rasa to say of year vendee. who have
enesespti•os if they will seed Pre their
Repress srd P. 0 eddwn..
pespestiedly, De T. A Ithacan,
y 166 W. AddsHe d., Tsssete. Oat.
It's pleasant to dye
with Diamond Dyes
Because they never
You ought to dye with
Diamond Dyes.
Because they are^best.
Please inr n yetis readers that 1 have • positive remedy d
disease. By its timely nue te..0 .ands of tap less cases have ea penes •Rey caret 1 s1.
bo glad to send two betil.s of my remedy Feta to try of year readers who haw ova -
gumption if they will se -4 r.. the.: Express and Post OOce Address R..pectfhay.
T. A. &LOCUM. ace., 1.36 mese Adslatde &t., TORONTO, ONTARIO.
Ho you sleepers,
Rub your peepers
Opeo wide each eye;
Don t be creepers
Bar_;tin reapers
Now's the time to buy
rue. It %MAINS
First -(lass Stock of Furniture, &;r..n^h as PARLOR SU1TF.j. BEDROOM SUITES. Dllf-
My airs bar always been to keep First Clam Parniturr. The past sill speak for Dwelt. 'these., ,
i•v ., ^h.et. .:l.r-ryf.r:1a1<w1..r•iAew i•inoff Frit Class goo`.
That will cure itself.
In nadertal-ing 1 bare eserrthing to he found in a flrwtctass establishment. I am the
oldest cued most rtiprtiented l unerai hireetrie in the ('minty. %ATlM.itTHOR %ITT&
l BARGES 310DE1tATt?.
West-st.. Ooderieh Between P.O. and Beak of Montreal. :900•itrn.
Help to aewounce that he 1. now arrest for
The Liquor -Tea Company's Celebrated Teas
Your choice of one out of a hundred or more Handsome Volume
by the Beet Authors. given with every 3 lbs.
Give it a trial, and acquire a Valuable Library without feeling
the expense.
Oma sew honk ” Seree.Iel Hose. Dyeing' riving _
Ilse d somata fav as ars 1 Dlsrad Dyne. stoat bee
os. spsaastlss. DIsresd Dim am rata wrey.hrw.
ea wry ease welled es vessipt of pries, se
,mamas. • Cw. Meastsl. Qom
ies doral, tastop he a New sad tiN net ikes
have tl pekes 1 M[ A M A *A D MO A LOUR `. i have toads the disease of /its,
•passe. M P*Ulusg; Slsbwees • Woaawg study. 1 warrant my remedy to Owes the
wawa cases. Because others have failed Is ae nesse for sot wow r � a erre. Seed at
mess far aterestl s and a Ptrse Nettle of my ImfaiHrte efetweds. Give � sad
Pest dies It a you aothine 'w a Dia ad k will cure you *ddM�w s -M. BOOT,
M.O., B1e s OlNsas Ise MINT AO&WOR STflt1T, T0000 O.,
-Looking for a Handsome Xmas or \''w• Years present at a Moderato
We Know we Have it,
SCRAP 1110N.
having the Finest Lines of driver Plate, Flat Ware and Cutlery ever
display(r1 in this town.
The biwheet "Are in nosh paid for Csst salt
Wrought S. -rap Iron.
i have es ease
et vaefees kerb.
wat.rw6m. •ear Olelrets Street Cbwtwb.
Ce �. HtL XBER11
BIth Nod at Si
Inspection Solicited.
`The Signal" will be sent to any
address for the balance of 1890 for
only $1.00. Back numbers contain-
ing "The Deserter," thrown in free.
a tfsaay .r aewt.s• Mot WUI tesrrvea
w Parr e.:.
Seam .r hew rase l.rs.
Viaby is • new water blew
The deep gresos iodine to yellow.
Ysds with big sputa ere not fashion -
o bis.
The shop wisdom ars full of spring
A deep gold yellow bids fair to haves e
ns. •
Roiling liu.e collars ere usao edged u
with 1aoe.
Itmbroidered dresses are • epilog p114
The moiety swell ties his cuffs with
Uadrspsd skirts well be is the ascend
ahoy thea mama.
Whinrare is the perfume must af-
fected by s•.aety buds.
Ribbons were never lovelier than they
are this ammo.
Black sateen furoi•bm materiel fur si
sumtser pdti.wts.
Dark .bades are nu longer arbitrary
fart street costumes.
Ladies' marlins shirts simulate those
wore by the utber sea.
A fester, of the Eater bonnet
is the woe of velvet ribbon
The Targe silk sleeves of the spring
mantles are cut on the woes.
The most delicate tints will blossom
on the avenues is April.
The a.lors men is clan tartans are re-
pro wuosd in the new plod ribbons.
Two attractive spring
;Mena are pale lettuce sod coney list.
The summer tailor tads go.ns will
fasten with small gold or silver huttoos.
Old time dimity appears in the neer
with Irish putut lace trine
A woman t i draw well should stuay
her face, her figure and her tempera
The 'primer waist of ourish retains as
popularity, to be ecru with ddb rein
Flowers ate fairly r otous in color and
follow very clueely the axe and nuts .d
Moine of the new silk petticoats have
ruffles of two kinds of silk, giving •
cbangsable effect.
Yellow and lavender ur pale lilac is a
favorite color combination to the earl)
spring millinery.
To ascan • fresh walk tau
mtl.s • day. You can thou wear say
shades of color.
The new veering and unique pattern's
At the spring 'steeps are ,ewluiscsiit ul
Dolly Verden.
The present theater bonnet is a bit of
lace, • fillet of velvet, a spray of
flowers and a ribbon bow.
Women are to be strictly feminine the
o. Mannish styles are no longer
onsed.red Wahl form.
Extremely stylish women •re very
arose° with and adhere I
strictly to the cb.•.en perfume.
The newest Ulu. shapes are of black
)see with wreaths of van-culor.d panes•
• kinds of yellow ribbon.
bite lilaos,vudeta, crushed rosea, 5,r-
-me -nota, apple, cherry and peach
u.Mims will be used on the spring ben-
Enormous ruffles of lace finish the
ick of the imported spring manges.
e •evel are put in very full and very
high end a large Mow tills the state be-
tween the sleeve sod the rut@e.
Pretty spring Hund hats include the
English coaching chapeau, the trrnceful
Maud Muller, and the piquant Spanish
Black hat. and bonnets will be in high
vogue, but ctlaely rivalled by these ut
Tolman yellow, cream. dove, ecru sni
name& Milan brads, '.hew in v•rit.ua
tints, to match the costume.
The new estepl•nt purple and delici-
ous mauve shades sre bronpht out in
,orchid.. vntlri., pansies and lilacs that
greatly •chance the beauty of black,
silver and premrae yellow hate faced
with dahlia or violet velvet.
)Loma -crowned bats with wide fiat pro -
Acting brims remain in favor, and have
insertions or edgings of open work in
embroidery er nterie devices,and
hke lace in efret,st the eege of tete brim.
Black and gold tied red and black are
nisch used on the Spanish hats, but the
Spanish terhans of felt ur velvet are
trimmed with tri-ddered ribbon sigh
test the ratan 4"1105
'•enetsa cloth i. much need for sprint
. w.lkitg•dremas, and the ;wilier/me coat
heck, whose skirts reach to the dress
hem, is largely used The sides and
front aro out of to diseenee a elate cuirass
*sutcut, with large aide pockets and a
straight full skirt, bordered with an ara-
besque hood in , or trim-
med with deep Gothic point.. More
y3uthful cratumee of Venetian doth are
in Empire style, with Hyde Park cart
eau settee, trimmed eith oblong booklet
and fine g•sld braid.
'When the sprint -fere comes, we um
trolly find uur.elves drowsy and exhaust
ad, 'swing to the impure and a'uggisl
state of the blood. Ti remedy thtl
troub'e, take flyer's Sarsaparilla, the
most powerful, yet safe sal ec rnumtcal
hko..d purifier in saistenee.
An English scientist man that if wt
were to visit the moon we should fint
the days and ,tight. & fortnight in length
and if we "survived the scotching of the
day we should •srtaisly Us (roses durin
the ensuing night."
Have yen a Gough ' Take Wilson'
1141 CT•rry.
t Hays you s cold
ild Cherry.
Hairs you Bronchitis i Take Wilson
wild Cherry.
Hive yrs lout your Voice i Tab
Willen's Wild Chem.
Hay. yea Asthma r Take Wilms
Wad Cherry.
Mae* Mee a Cold a tie Head t Tat
Wifeea'. Wild
The 0141 Kalish r dare fee ell arolliwth is
�!! �l
eltb ?tweet, Chet sad Longa
Take Wilma