HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-4-4, Page 5Best Value tOODB. BRO. It 1•1,1, L D. 8. LOOMS. 'est Ores. West -et., ■ I .Iy 3ON, L D.8, ▪ TIS T. it ed.l.Utersd ter rill ettwriea len e� the lie nsal I Opera sdme Hdark nsurance. rioter, Proctor in daisy to roan at tt ttr*Jtbt loan, in - s7 moderate. For rerwHt.. 17 ISION COURT. t. rDfsoowna add.. 175M. rs Ealt ACel DSXT IX - :Yr, .rsd Noorwtrk B.A.B.lsa Aocideat MOW - s anted settled and Tows Proewty pr.�g�p� Perp rained. etc. w tlgttete, God.ncb. FUNDS rs pee_ taw sweessed. 00M MwTara Canada landed lea Lean Compal and 7 par mut. Stain sauna, in INMTON, sero de., Oed.rich F. APPLY TO : CAMBItON,tied W ).—A LARGE nada for taysstmeo O▪ MOTertgaw / Apply Red, L eD ENING AGENT solea Reyreynred 'might loam, as the deg. in say way to door from Square . dWit I. BARRISTER, ry Public, e t r, • Store, the rams pe Dork. rets DLICTTOR, &e bemire ages. RPr e r tent 7064 tUDY'OOT, B A R yst W. Proudlf� 17 t CAMERON, cstee a, (LC.; P. M, w.. AWL [Ally' nisTI AND RIADiN et sad Square Int: d from 7 to 10 p.nc I IN LiBRARY F and Iuw,tr.ted de. , on File. CT. ONLY el.M. levy and Roadie • eolith readied by CO. STivlt'NI• Nal Secretary !ring. INERAL AUG 'abater. O.4erleh mins sopseignes ▪ leMillteett+ en elese 1. Order's ft at � ttead'amy e l ter. JOHN or. Mgt NO Iefl OOD sMg d1 al Si* THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY. APRIL 4. OHN AOizu]SON ew Spring Goods NEW STORE. __. _.—.._.._ suss ANNOUNt3EMENT. +r NEW BTORE. W. ACHESON & SON. 1 We take pleasure in announcing that our new store is now open to the public. AT DO w —b-iST .r ICES IN G-0120 u±± ew Dress Goods, from 8c. up. New Prints, an immense assortment. New Parasols, imported direct. New Carpets, the largest stock in Town. New Lace Curtains, call a113 see them. In Small Wares our stock is complete. OUR CANADA STAPLES ARE 33OTTCM Z And in Imported Goods we Defy Com petition JOHN AC i3ESO _A UM- W. C. GOODE, DRUGGIST.wun un' DYE STUFFS —AND— HORSE and CATTLE MEDLJA r aS Use our own CHLRRY COUGH BALSAM: o. HONk1 COUGH CURS for Children, Me. Fine Prescription work at Moderate RaL.•ti Ask your Physician to leave us your Prescriptions ALBION BLOCK. Ol' R IiTOCt OOTdP1i1SiD THE LATEST PRODUCTIONS veerd fpr IN LABIA WRING NOVELTIMM. Dress Goods in the Most Seasonable Cloths. New Designs in Combinations and Bordered Goods. m's" Iteetreb►e('elers' Black Goods in Henriettas, Cashmeres, Sergei, Beiges, Mohairs. Wash Dress Goods in French 'lateens, English 'lateens, Cambrics, Prints, Giighams, Chambrys. Bilk Gloves, Hosiery, Fancy French Tennis Flannels: Muslin. Parasols and Kid Gloves a specialty. Fine Linen : Cloths, Napkins, Doylies, Towels, Towellingn, Dowlas, Butchers' Linens. Jerseys and Cashmere Vests, English Tweeds, Cashmere Underwear, Fine Shirts, Ties, Collars and Cuffs. INSPECTION INVITED. II endorsee. »seise. SALTFORD. after hie ern, el t h. re he. heel r• rens • From our ownoorreseendeat. b, !lin Andros .m Mr A,•d.r.ou 1e et r Mn rh 8b•ey and hardy, who former- Pa=tted hum*' h.• week ly resided on Ridgewood Farts, re- Asares.,r W Writem o' West Waw,. moved to Oodericb last week. men, •.Qictal.v vutte.i ur inhabitants 1 Many of our 1 le took in T•reeday de is un ober t..•k out fur the Joe Hees4beeturee et Ooderich this week. caesura. Mr Wm Lasbam has removed again Thowr mho hive n,•orrsl are hw11, into the Union Hose, which has h.en envagrd it mekrr,csugar 0. . ..ocapied daring the pot year by Mr J. molasw. the er,thur .t, present bistro Spooner. .11 that could 1.e .desired for the pro - Ton KNTgktalrffttit.—Extensive pre- new'.of D+kora, f••, wallops an in progress for the holds•,/ Mr R n Clendtum_•, - the eoeeert in the T Hall trimly mooch III/ a .d p ..t,....ter herr, .. t Monday evening, Apnl 7th. A on a viewing tour .•. fr.ruda and .t- pr.od program bas been prepared. A q•.•i• t.oc.. in thes locality. feature of the evening will be the A are use•mshale that actioning off of tbe autograph quilt. to.pr' . t. *ppm cht••u It ie bem which nearly every inhabitant of the ant ionsly looked for by village and many others hare cuotrlbut- „there. .d. BCNMiL ,EIt From our cwa (treat preparations are being made for the erection of a new roller -mill in ear burg. The of the lime works b.5 urged his attention to farmieg. Revival services closed at Benmillrr on Sunday evening, after a a..hnwnes ..f three weeks. Bangor saw -mill was running in fell Most hat week. From *ether - Segar making is all the go at present. The roads are in a bad state jest now. Fart SOLD —Mr Jacoh Schweitzer has sold hie farm, let No. 14, on the Mr 80 sots., In William Blake, for the sem of 12,500 ash. Mr Blake knows when there is a bargain to be bad; as the lot is Mdloini' a his own, be has mow one of the beet •toek farms in the township, making in all 184 acres. Mt Schweitzer has bought another farm of 208 yesla Niagara township, neer the Stupor sion Bridge,for the sem 97,500. ... MOSS N. Oh. bow can • fair maiden ensile and be re, Be lurely and log ins nn•. dear. As .watt .r • rose and .n aneto se the Ma. WI.eo her 1i es t. ell uut u' gram Stir, Oa.. t. 1 is tu.p..•.101• But she e111 only take Dr Porte, -i Ool•, Medical Ds.o•.•rry, 1t •t.l a .a..ee .i suwulete her d,e..rdenrl lover. pus her blood, tasks her completion soft ani rosy, herr o•rearh wholesome, Ler elm ebrerlul and her Io mper sweet. A drugre:e. D.cn't hawk, hark, lel. w, •pit, and d• MIDI 1,1-yb..dy soh yo•.r • B•..e, breath, but use Dr Sas.'. Qa'.rrh Rein dy •nsi end DUNGANNON. Prom our owe -the (ln Tbsr.day night of last ast week hitch wind weather was boisterous; a e prevailed, also a 000uderable quantity .•1 snow felt, but owing tok• the highway. high wind it was swept o into fence corners and no the road- side. Mr Joseph McIntyre and wife left here ns. Monday last for their home in Park - dale, bring mach pleased with tbeir visit among relatives, friends sod former ac gnaiotaeea during the lest fortnight On the event of two .goitres being added to our population during last week the joy belle are ringing in joyous strains. One is a deputy po•tesielew,the other a yoeng telemeter. Cooeeg0eetly our school population Mon rho lacrosse A joint stock oowpany is being formed in this village toe the purpose of sepply Mg adiosete accommodation for public ,gym„ and pleasure. The remains of Mies F1.k.• of Ash- field, were interred ia Darnrannoh None- well baits moon .. w thither by y nerds of fifty vehicles. early this morning. It is les dna did sow, work n ell Riled try relatives, friends and tieved mare audita will b. toad Ili Th. etil>eMy that Ins, waR ire I>•ltltetPeie! mprsOA over • territory our patty of the eommenity 1n their sad 61 soRbreeb The Glomming away of debris will presented flee most stupendous mere Menai. be renamed tsmmrr'ow. Niw.ty-four birdies tare of rimester and rein etree ally eweetag a %para rel grsund sow. 4t10 The robin, nee of ohm barbing*" 01 have bens re0erered fano the ruins 0f • witemwst. in the course el the storm ley the yard. wide end three nits W Irtgt4 fhrwtgi apnea, ham 'Made an appearance, sad is thee. injured M a notkwahe extent tie prided tobacco market of tise city and to day thss lewdness and reaidiw o portion of .rar endeseorieg to war in spring with rte demi e 406 *M Y 1f6. the alined le the hist ons are 1. rity The lues of life le la the migAbar- 1Pmow bags. falling hero sleet 4 pm. T4 I rubs. They include the [..testy. Plekatt, hoed, it k. weaved, d sows 7? p.wvraut, sad strafed diodes North street, Fella City, Phmnme, siesam oke loss to the r.ty 1w damage to Quite a number of ear tithe. sassed- bent .Rest art geniis each. re in pro ionlevile, P.terprbs• Central and bums ani go o& i. Iwlt.rel .ret ed the opsiae of the Nee Epimeo be- n .i to 4*..followed each other in quirk Rive ektNe► at .the Port moi miss bile. tam- srvssssiow to the tomgurai. and the dry Tfatsr• T►• deetnnc•tkm of the Louisville . b e•xtarl•1 p,ds►,Ipll MAO Ibr tad Ninth street warwhwrss milk! ant puri- ealamtty is e great one, our einem @ meeting. wbiA we are iahrmad w a Aum lees. all day is mwrdeg My haw been mon ereepleta Tbeweiode d bel dim to moo with It end are m4 Memel IleaseiaNp. Uxrtsvrt.ts, 11rd a—Th• swpth al tba bpbeda et baboons ley in tate sae et brick I asst dwa.but will at owe pressed to repair The i.habhahta of Craws deli Vicinity tornado which aro—.- tort terrible dr mud me'hr mew mpewd le •leer, otters dad "mum h aur e11e1nao4e ,tour i.t..rrnpte.l. n Side t'ourt Hesse Semen W. ACHESON & SON. rams to tae ground Froin Crittenden La the aedructien of tits hove many Yves (busty the mass story com"s. Heavy storms wsreled, priaip•llyof persons who occupied mw rsportsd from nearly all the river gimping rooms. May were girls r npleyed ooumeiea In Christian and Trigg, in the at the ketal seri doer. Saloom and other sabers part et the state, the los o[ lib aged available places vve been turned into hastily property was very heavy. Bost of Louis- improvised si.rgu.s, where t bodies are vita ne solos damage is reported, although takes as fast se r.Avsr.d ting •.umber of harem were unroofed by the daat licenen Patrol wager am � wised On the farm of Thomas I. Barrett, grassed into service as "dead wagowe'rta, president d the Beak of Kentucky, eunvey the corpses to the r'equir'ed plasm. •boot ti{ miles out m the Cane Run Eleventh -street esmed to eery e as • kind road, was sees the most visible results .f lira for the storm, as all intercepting .f the cyclone. The barns and dwellings objects in dust street are practically reduced on the farm were •nateessd skyward, wills to aothingassa As it rushed down this street the fences rod 'tactual hay and draw were it carried whet it the frosts of tie budding", strewn for miles around. One d the strange which are .smarty r'erd..oes ne e•cb sidle. freaks of this dorm was oke kitting of the m. besets( in sassy iotaocsS the furniture and fact child d James Crowley, the manager riser ooatsnts unmolested. Frequently et Mr. Barrett's farm, which was blown from from the centre o[ saw* the nurse's arms, lifted up w the air and dwethng tie rube -elm chandelier is Marled same distance away. When the in- still swinging. Jerson and Market - taut was found it was dead, while the nuts streets are u almost as had • ccedttlou was uninjured. Mr. Crowley, with his wife a Main, and hundreds d wagons are busy and six other children, who were all out of eiuti g away sold tad limbs. tarl itun douse at the time of the storm, were anus- from Noone that were yegbrday. bet ere Jared. today no WNW. The mammies trees in the LoVIJVILLa, March f16.—Tws.ty-tour park to Jeffermoa+tred haus been twisted hours have elapsed since the termdo swop and broken like reeds and lay creased Gast I~ pathway d death end rust through this paled up os. sash otter. ire 1 At 12 o'clock the opening up of • portie0 edoy and the magnitude d the Ligates r even .f the debris of the Falb City Hall caused • row y L It will be draught to pasetrate tug ruins, days adore tletbs�oll .gist d the disaster id absralPsa the smouldering fire broke out with tdetem- :sown dorlieicvoer. It spread rapidly and forced Itis very evident that K was sot • cycloh., the workers to desert the pile. As soon ss es its effects are too 4.widespread.city For mitre the Sr. gathered b..dway toe gross of tis. In reeither direction and d the cit? lifted 0111 roots iwprisooed peoplm b.'s' shrieks, and se were tarn off and the tress he out el t the great was the burros of the moment that the ground by the roots As the del train watchers grew frantic and screamed and sped towards the fated city, bringing prem ram about like wild people, tie terrible tram Isdi.eepotle, tis. eve sufferings which they were unable te steamm are tint noticeable SO miles out alleviate driving them to despair- 'several Thee cane to view an oIarge .al dead tree Lissa of hose were anon throwing brokers into pieces, thea large and more ads water on the flames, but it was mote than a smen4W dirges and fiddly monarchs of the boar !•-fore work could be proceeded with asst Manz of the titre* duals along the and thee it was earned on with much dill - .1.. M. t 1 Railway were fairly dripped of reit, en ecccunt et the heat THE LOUISVILLE TORNADO NINETY-FOUR DEAD BODIES TAKEN FROM THE RUINS. Tb. ?lumber et Penmen a.rt.wsly injured Tiered as )ss.—Vtatlons et the Merin le Other tieaeseke sad Tesnseem5s Twwwe THE NEWEST OF THE NEWI Ina few day* hence i will be pr. pared to Effect. in thr different , GLOVES, FINE HOSIERY AND their signs tad 1 work. 1 The deaths will number 150. Forty teen A taw mike south Of Henryvtlle, about 21 have bees mat out by the Board of Trade to miles from Louisville, lay a engirte with its make athwoagh easyuof the district and n- oose plunged in a bed ce yellow mud. On last losses d lite and property fully. Tits the oppodte side lay the Coder and behind work of rescuing the toaogkad dead west ewe caches tipped over a their sides. it ens bravely on to day. A •hdudnd a=foal moo the was* c1 an lion train whkh I worked as they never worked before for tuna batmen Indianapolis and Louisville the bodies of their wives. fathers, mother+. Th. train was making tus best time poedble brother and skater that bay buried in the in the heavy pia wig it .truck •tree that ruins of Falb City Hall. The cries of men, had base torn up by its root sad Hgag women and children rent the air en across the track. .Low ,. • o.a.ldete Assortment with ail the New �ARe�.sozs, A. .alai. will rte a Noticeable Feature. 1 feel that 1 have won the Confidence of the Public. end will do my ,.on•oet to retain .t, .red will COs everykgttitnate urease to give Faure mtatiefaotion le all faro..a1( Inc with their patronage. 1 still rad always will &there to the - Acknowledged Honest Principle of having Goods Marked in Plain Figures and Strictly One Price. SMALL WARES DEPARTMENT Merck M.—he htsst esti- mate d tet dead made this aft ra.cn places tis Sguree between t:10 sad 1:10 people. Ods hundred bedko bare beau recovered up be the pretreat time and there are bat few per sass not accounted tor. The damage to property approximates 111.000.000 in Louis vill. alone. In Jeffersonville 1t is about i700,(M10. Many d the wrecked booms are a menace to life sod property steel they have bees ordered tors down (laugh of men ander direction of city oarsman chasing away the debris from the Ames. The embargo m Wieser hes been missed and traffic tea bees resumed. The great demand In Louisville now is for bricklayers Probably 1500 an be given em- pktyniset and the announce they will pay $4.50 a day. 1t 40 rumored tet tical bricklayer' will d.ssa.d fob • day. The PIM' dent d the Fire Underwriters hes Mooed t the public to exercise na- ssssl rare to avoid fhs, ma large amount of iadsatahle 'material le.spaesd to iguana by the smallest mark. and Ii the present kw supply d weirs a large might happen et s.7 tssomeat. The river is strewn wMb Seating debris tram the strum from e�(s Ol�m and hundreds wowed thew k Dighait ea. the 1 every side. A verging crowd of 10,0011 people When Ioolevita, the .arse of the disaster, blocked the streets for moans. A large was reached a gppaWag rlWbt was preast- force of police guarded the avenue to keep ed. Crowd.sePm")otarsagwd the Fos/Yawata. hack the masses of curious humanity that street station and tram there up Main -street gradually forced their way to the scene of to the heart of the city was a mass of the calamity. Pave hundred mel stood by the humanity dodging berms. street can sad w rock daaed and helpless, too weak or tuu all sorts of vehicles in the middle d the lazy t„ help the rescuers. attest On either aide was wreck and rain. Bodo, rn.ngted beyond rerogniliod ear' Greet imams of brkk and atone in heap bring dragged from the ruins ey- presented the or having �P4 few minutes. Men, women .red chili. u crumbled to the earth,. (lamp of resctters lingered about with fades filled with were at work like atteet+ • m the dress, anxiety ked they might recognise great twat of debris in the march for in the shapeless mama of nob and bode the l.natavr.:.r, Receives a large *bare of •ttennon, and deservedly so, Pia Department beaus the Yat" VOTE to all the ret. 2s Nei Tall oaks from acorn' spring. ALEX. MUNRO, Draper and Nabs drlkar. THE PHARMACYI HEADQUARTERS FOR Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumes, Sachet Powders, Hair, Tooth and Bail Brushes, Rubber and Horn Combs, Sponges, Toilet Articles, Etc., Ete, human victims ut the awful calamity. semblance of the features of snore relative or Hate and there lel a dead mut with clots d tread I'aroner Miller stood at the door of blood at ifs nodrits that bad bion dragged his temporary morgue in the Met lrathians from the ruins of the great tobacco houses of edam opposite the wreck, directing the des which they are a adjunct Women and urea darted before mad hornet whew hoof. it seemed would crush them to room" stand • breathless snob clamoring death. Burly policemen were stationed d for admittance but invariably refired nuking street o7Ominp to prevent pet.l,le from at - it be to identify sone relative or friend. tempting to pu tbmorgh las, ruined Coroner Miller ba. ordrrd that nobody be thoroughfare where partWly wreced wa1L interred until the Mxl7 has bean viewed s'ood as • menace to human lite, hut their by him. no fee -guard Borne des efforts were futile, and mea, wooden and oatidae•tbe .nt. wweh for victfsns 40 children made their way down the dangerous ,t dll7 t�L on and the Bee le streets with astou.diig rschkemlere. The incays�ng The „Pad pipe el the morbid crowd war not to he held back in its was completely blown (town wild dewire to. mt1d7 tvreaity, and it Ira, • All water consumer. except the fire depart - sight worth their .sorra to we. The wreck mast have been entitled that all water spp17 a attempt drs ism great that it beggar V will be turned off for a week or until repairs tail are completed - Immediately issmsdiatel7 upon the burst of the Bleck.rred ruins mark aha trot whore 07rinsa herb 5o5nded and *4. pnli.o ney Inst everting stood the splendid large are at work.Within 10 minute. 11pios Depot at Ibvahtb-crest sad the a posse appeared at the Falb City wreck river. When the crash ams a Lonlevilie Tb. wan' or toe adjoi.ing bows. w.r. first Noathern train ba4 just caste is and the propped and then began oke work of rioting oho t Mkaiwippi wa: ready to pun out. three& the heavy slate roof that covered b were art aMd like thele. all. At arta wort was ("milt sad Iabos1 Asa taostlna or tu. Beard d Tied. moo m account of the a mnititmhn it was reported that the total re- T.eti•ehv.et totet a sec l� esbemiption eat f),0fl0, to which 1. collecting tum .tear thein of amines COM, wen foasi ' AI.M0 .. FIN h. � • • ., T oh' GIBSON'S ENGLISH CANDIES. AL1. T8Z LZA.DI �G PATINT MEDICIME1 ALWATS 11Q STOCK - CEO. RHYNAS,.=�oNg�S JOHNSTON CAREY Rego to Inform the People of Goderich and Vicieity that be has Enlarged and Greatly Improved the Store lately occupied by A. Murdock 8t Co.. making it 1 Oue attic Best Eqpped Stioe Stores position d the bodies. 111 At the uriane of the various "dead .f .tiffs are r noal about ng to ruin added wpm v.tnet by the City (:ousel. wr**5(.. Four sed odee boats tekISgls.g dlggiog at the slate with tbdr Nngers, (-15.54 , About 400 aim will bey fo to Cl remove wreck- ed PRbberg Peru" wer'e5mtk. los t�.� at the groom beneath. each d which they The MYsf (bcir$u toe em furnirer4- eery tis Tuesday. April , wart m tis. 015(4 011 4 by oke *0(5045 thought aseen4M from their dying. Every- t fie tdlowiPd tM.tawre wovrtak•n the city no Abcrro The bereaved hats the Gym wsstherabele p2. o* and three le 0 This morning the di. eeta•e•l e' .trier g{j/ ffp *b. cyetomw or Ire nig • of are oonsteeds[ a Nw Methodist .aera daring the sanies* g agers. Mr Ther Aedweoa, batims resolved news that his giber, mho t Z iss- deet, 00*eliMM.s her deems loft bare lest toter. A ts1ageste R*om etrwr•Wm le file d le 4erty sseshmtl borne frees tight Ts. Lmdsvtl . Hetet ,n all other portions .d the 'ity teurn ae is through the data Meru ham Pedneat, .ear what plies tie w4Mwkd nest haw air tared E•aeaeky.giee esti* et minit lam m. Mesmer Unmet fired Rim as Ito Oneel er` bad was dlmrwld met tats' ler*a were fled A hated QwmeY hammy 10111110 tmsee • between Rath mud 4 wes rtr ttasmtstl Is. He tonal charnels reeled .mal enerwba ,r. -..bed, while Ike listed, was klkd b7 the .'-deet at t'weak Cyd as • cigar sore re bigamersho *405(4 won. per c:.a weirs lees_—a(glw Mer god ieping rooms on 1mdly hurt The dedru.•Wwa of per orty waw tdksm.d mr4 fibs lours. was rased tow great wad 4 estmated ant tower then Mut, ■tNwL ass a Alda Yebt rambles le Nam . r the county, where he intends to carry on the Boot at Shoe business in all its various branches, vv .c.lesale at Retail_ BOOTS & SHOES made to Measure, and repairing neatly executed. Qoderich Fouad and Machine Works, RUNCIMAN BROS., - Proprietors. FLOUR MILLS BUILT ON THE LATEST IMPROVED SYSTEM. WS NAV. ON HAND ifeit BALI: IMPROVED LAND ROLLERS, HORSE POWEBS, GRAIN CRUSHERS STRAW CUT TERS, PLO*S, &c. We are Manufacturing Improved New Model Mowers whif''b are equal to the boob. d.tive tram a trial and encour- age borne manufacture. We Will Guarantee Satisfaction. It Will Pay you to too our new Steel Mouldboard Plows. Doty £,mines and Boiler' 1br sale. gsurALIltl.N 0 VTIIQCAfs OB .AIL. WIN Imo.