HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-4-4, Page 1FORTY-THIRD YKAR. HOLK Nt;llBlIt tmsl o TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes must be lelt at this Office not later than Monday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Wednesday noon. Cas- ual Advertisements accepted up to noon Thursday of each week lase& hoodoos. AU advan,v sutue. iw 1Ae d,eef Nosemas of Tex Sprees, of meetings ur ente.- hafuenents of irkirA anaAlasu iam fro is dAargr.I. or frost iriticA a pectin, Ary benefit ,a derived, must be earl for at tAe rote of one neat per 1ard eadli iaarti..n. nu dbarye less Meati lire rents. Where a,d- rertietrKtta of rt t. sire iasertat r brief /veal Will be !Heck hes. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. .dor Sate A. H. Cornell. Jut Opened -Mires Yates. New (foods launders & Son. lsreswmakint Mies Kate Reid. Spring Millinery --Mir Cameron. System Renovator -.1. M. McLeod. New Spring (food. John Acheson. Enjoy Goal Health -H. Spencer Case. The Liquor License Act W. J. paisley ('ream Drawers Wasted -John Rennet, Hoy Wanted- Dominion Carriage Works. BORN. Book and Consolidated Rank. Atter J0iigsTo`i In Goderich. on Tuesday. April 1.t. the wife of MCI. Johatun. of a that date .11 notes held by ouaiders will son. be worthless and irredeemable Readers M,•Asrwca At Dungannon. March Mk,Itis. of Tut .glti:A1 who have • surplus of the wife of William McArthur. ut a daughter. bank notes will find it to their advantage DIED to examine their stock and pick out .11 Jammu -At I:unbp. onTueedaY. April 1st' they can of the varieties named and have tat. Archibald. youngest sun of Dear John Jardta., aged 10 mouths them redeemedbefore May 7th. 1"atoa-la London. r Feb. ltttti. 1m0 Causa THE PAL11+.-This beautiful Maria Price. widow of the late Rev Rees sacred cantata. the return Price. aged t1 years, and mother of Rees Intoe of Guderick. and David Vries. of of the Jews to the Holy City after the Belleville. Captivity, will be rendered in North -t. Methodist church next Thursday evening, April 10th, by the Sunday school, assist . ed by the well-known S. le °echeatrs and the choir of the church. The can GODERICH. ONT., FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1590. L. MolilLLICl1DDY. 81-1M A YLR. Mrs White) 's •sow . alae f the Bask o to mere andfurntwo I The inns have both been reported to I around the barn; I was coming sato the during that week , I bad oppuet ities web of the Fide of Commerce add two ouch of the Federal, Staedard mod Mor- OpwIIlOi( of the Court at (lode - 'the proper authorities end are now wait- ! house, and did not know where abs of speaking too him and to my 1 rich. I Ino removal to the asylum. ',brought it from ; she put some in the and uncle during that time ; on the chants Henke ! On examination .d the jeil promisesI bottom of • cup, sod put to ►bout the second time prisoner made so attempt to Mr James Wilkinson left for Sarnia , --- d • quantity ask.d what ohs was conceal; I was entirely in her confident*: Wednesday morning of last week, having . Tse area/ Cory ttteewN of the cameree v. • secured • position at bee trade In that , AIiaw.rtb alaetNr Ease Eby wilier WWII. We regret his departure, as he te e atrinwsee The Y.rger, sad a sterling man and • good citizen. According M the Government lint n(! —_---• t other • is io • onDenmptiv. state, os• W � less than a week . it was In the cams ly away from f SPRINGASSIZE. lost a le and so u unit fur herd wrxk. �nr,m about aemn , Mr Wbit.11 was dust rememt»r talkioi( w Mr Whitely retesetwm a -..ea. The ooutrect for the interior fitttinas i -- on the new ( t buildings here , Monday, March 31. bus been awarded W Messrs. 'rambling i I31 -ore His Riser Judge Street. a Jones, of Lx►dus, at $1.100. Garth Court upeaed here th•s aftorn on at & Cu , of Montreal, will pot in the hot 3 u'ut.wk. The attendance ..t hngwts water heating apparatus for $1,000. and ,,rues+.• was large. The following The Bishop of Huron has appointed oe the list of that Good Fnday collectioru in the GRAND Jr'ROICt : $p churches <t the duce.. 11e (ors telel Elliott, foreman, W'. Lamprey, forwarded to the Londin Society for H. l;l•urd. Win Melanin, tt IGch.ro- promot►ng Christianity amon,(t the sou Wits. l em.eiU, W. L Henry, W'n. Jews. Hams. Thos. C.eie, E B.y•us, J. ft Comeau a Ca leaY.-JirJuhn Han- Atob.e..n, Joo Higg.nh,..t..tn, T. Rue nab was to town dunog the week, and „II.in..Jacks,o, 1'. Mcl►..gall, Jas. made final (air the stab- M,.N or, J.. Spence, S+,Duel C.ldwell, tl.hmeut of the Goder,cb Creamery He Jo., N„rthc, 1, tY,,,. Bulla., M. mad,. will be in town on the loth to make ar Kan. for routes for cream draw - The cnminat caws are the (loder.ch ing. On Muoday last he made • sale of t.,wnstip. polaeturg, and three charges. f butter for the next 3 muotbe at a ¢trod forgery agarost J H. Armstrong. The figure, which is •e excellent start for the civil list is ;ramie up of twelve defended ereamery. cases with jury slid three without ;ury AN Itrr0KTA!IT A •- The fin. caw was C.meruc v. Aids- such an Institution. This °aunty could vomiting ult.nd on all the time ; I left toms after ; it was last spring that From Mr R. 8 Williams, local manager eerie -Tut. ea. sn action for slander well afford to have such • place for the nn the 4th u( April, sod out cuIor my mother ; it was in the summer that of the Bank of Commerce. we learn that brought by Mr M. C. C•mer.x,, (j 0 , benefit of the unfortunate poor. On the bask until April loth, and did Lot un- Mra. Whitely ailed to complain that the M.y 'Ib will be the last day fur redemp- ea -el P P. against an ofd man formerly question of draining he would my that it til he died on the 19.8th,of May ; his eyes stones 8d been put in circulation, the nd tion of odes on the following in«dve,•t iOe of Ilse clients. A dispute erasing in was almost murder, and should be were died onnd dreamy, also bloodshot. that I was the author ; that was what banks: -City Bask, Royal Cawdiso Plied to legal chargea the defendant •p- attended to. The presentment would be alter the arsenic had been adtainister•d , she complsiaed of, and she seemed to be purl fur • taxation of ante, which n laid before the County Counted, and he 1 lived with prisoner after Mr Whttel,'s angry ; I never maw any more of the solid further heavy to him and he was put hoped would be attended to. He had death ; she afterwards denied that she .tuff administered except what I have to heavy expenses. He then be- also intended to mak. reference to the had given him the does ; she met me at mentioned . after taking his br•akfet he same very abusive, and was in the habit poor Harriett of the court room- my mother's place lase August. and was remained out about two hours; I have of shouting me, to Mr Ce neron on the Harriett Edwards v. Crown. -Thi. angry because I had let this thing out ; no way of fitting the time, except b abet, "lieu aro • thief,” "You are ■ was the �t►se where prisoner was I she said I had titter keep quiet ne she guess work; he was outside working an� swuoQler.' and other remarks of this charged with ' where poison would make it the coldest day I ever remained out from eight odolck until kind, and on ooe occasion attracted ' with intent to kill. The circumstances I knew ; my mother was pro enc ; she some time in the farenoro; On the sec Caste a crowd to the outside of Mr are briefly as follows :--Prisoner was came to my uncle a, Geo. Johnston, at ood occasion he remained at home until Cameron's office At last to silence him mrevioudy married to a' man named Clinton; she came to see what 1 left her about two o'clock before going to Clinton. Mr 0emeruo took the present •Ctuow,and Hugh J Whitely. Suwe two years ago for, and I said I thought I had lived long and remained away until shortly before at his ; . before trial the de- prisoner and her former husband lived ugh with • woman like Ger , she dark, he complained that he had vomit fondant so 1 himself that his in O.,derich township, and with them replied .be td dune enough for me in ed an the way home; he put the bores in defence was ordered a, be struck out lived a young woman named Minnie her time for me to carry her secrets in and did the chores that night. he went and the only duty left for the jury today Johnston, who acted partly as • servant my brain ; my aunt was present , at the to the doctor some day. after; at the was to assess the damages. Alter hear end partly as • friend. Arsenic was second visit sae saw me at the gate ; she previous I did not know h•was Mn Edwards told me we found it clean •o orderly andno , eam r complaints from ibe pri«,nen. i doing and she wad she was going to gtr. 1 never swore to the quantity dmiais We would 1 • better systemI blr Whitely some mon ; I asked again toyed by the prisoner. of drainage, as the present t I if she wswa t frightened, and sheeted no. Mr Cameron here produced previosa is not an good working order. .site was bound to get rid of him , l was testimony before the magistrate and We Iluite concur with Your Lordship's I frightened ; eh* threatened me again if coroner where .8. bad specified the views of the necessity of • H..uas of I ever told ; she said she would do away quantity was about the site of • pea Refuge for the poor of this county, and with me ; she poured tea in the cup Witness in reply said -I said both strongly recommend tb. County C..unoil after putting in the arsenic she put the times that the quantity was about not to delay providing such an incite cup at Mr Whit.ly s place at table . he the tip of a knife • blyde - on the .. Goo for this county. as the poor cannot was there when she put the tea in .t, ouod occ•sios I saw the tuff beside the he properly provided for in a jail. but he was not there when she put the teacup ; she told me what she was going All the cases laid before us were of • stuff in ; she also put in sugar . kr to do without any hssitatiou ; Mr. White grave and serious nature, still we aro Whitely drank it ; after dinner he drove ly was out at the barn ; when he Came in pleased to hod so small an amount of to Clinton ; .he spoke about what she I did nut warn him ; I first told my crime fur so large and populous a had done and said it was likely he would mother abut a year after the death o: county• be brought home dead , I said it was an Mr. W bttely ; I don't remember 'both - All of which is reaoectfully submitted. awful thing to do, and she said she did •r my mother visited Mn. Whitely after GWK.tts'. Ewtrrr, Foreman. not think it was any harm . she hod 1 told her ; my mother and aunt both 14141 L'Klk4Ult!. RIMY. said that she dole t tike him . 1 visited her on at least one ocresion after heard her amp it at different tomes ; that and took tea , they were just as Ilia Lordship was glad the tomtit Mr Whitely returned about '_ark, he was friendly as usual ; no the 416 of April I of [is necessity for • House of sick and vomited ; Le said hs was taken went to Waterloo to scut d • death, and Refuge had been brought . up.Ile sick on the mad bons (rum Clinton . he remained away until the 19th ; I got no hoped some of the members v,t the Grand vomited nearly all that night het was el- ruouwy from the Whitelys to pay my fare .fury were ale- members of the County so purging at limes he drank w tut ail ,u Wet I erlon ; after m visit to 11'aterla• Council, so that they oould give their water ; he was sick next tray. after that I came back and remained with prisoner influence tewarls the establishment of he never seemed to get well . he was until she went to Clinton, and for some t ►..I t TOWN TOPICS tate, consisting of touching solos, besot,- in. the evidence they placed the verdict purchased by the girl at the instance of said she was pearl] crazy •boat reports w at pargtnaa k peewit - ful dusts, splendid quartettes and grand at $100, to which will be added costa the primmer, for the alleged poisoning of in circulation -the people war• blaming he had ten gow: I did swear that she p+ choruses, will be rendered by over two Gibbons v McDonald -An action to rate It was charred that on three dif- her for poiwn►ng Mr ople were. ; it all de- said .b• had done enough for me that 1 A Oaoo a es 11 to Sir wisest useful gin set aside • fraudulent conveyance; Jude- fereot .vocasions pre«,Der had put traenic pended open me, she said, as I was the should keep her secret W the grave with you can makes to Sire • Win Pen. AP hundred voice., and will be under the into articles .sf diet for her husband, only tine who knew about it : she was me ; [hers talked the case Duet with ply to D. a base McGillicuddy. went. Ooder(ck able leadership of S. P. Hall•, B. A. mast reread, Mr R S. tsars and Mr meeti. e alio �b.eeemh toriof .r nn- peranc chorea All who bear ,t an promised • rare treat Jas. G•�'r• Q.C • for the plaintiff whom she averred it would do no harm afr•Id the Whitelys would find it out - m] mother, my aunt and W' I Whitely, everb Tueed•c atter000u, N Metn Admiseton, 15ute. ; loon open at i :30 p isle C. Cameron, fl• C . Mr Myt,ett, and to kill. When the jury were called the she wantd to see my aunt to ase if l had the brother of the decassed; lli business gone 1)3meeJoe. at 3.m.• cantata to at 8 p m. Mr Darling for the defendants. following challenged told her she asked m] aunt if I laid by mistake; I also took • In days .but al Hess uuie to knock Barr v. Barr. -A fence lune C.,ntrov- erve ens tomes. her about the rumors that were going wrap, which I retorted; when she same 'eta all out. but at the npph t os neo. !ice- Tug LITERARY Soctm'.—Th. follow- erey; settled in the terms of consent Rob'. McLean, Gr,drrich ; C. F. Hud- around town I had no other talk to Geo. John.too s she said she was near - wart knocks 'eelout in phyto. and picture mg „mars were elected last Friday even- imputes. Mr Jas. Gtrr.•w, Q C h•,r the I with the prisoner . I asked the ly crazy on actrunt of the stories ; I did reou Now . 1 Celt and nes for yourself and be 6 Ins, ISI th. convinced. ing:-President, Mr Nevins; tat rice plaintiff, and Air Campton h,r the de- q 1 1 druggist for *mow and told him not swear to that before the magistrates is the sewn of the year when the moo president, is Denomy; `2nd vtOe- roe TRT. PKlra.a r.R 1: fondant. ! ,Ilei it was for : there was talk the statement at the m•autrate s exam about town begins to shed his winter wear president Mies Wiggins; sweeter: of Sands v. Ebsrhudr,-An action fa ar- Hngh Mese., Morris : John .leukin., , about an apple after the 6rt occa.ian inatiou that deceased 18. and his wife had and take to himself the tains and host in spring dry gouda You txz get them .11 et F. committees, Mess B. Rusk; treasurer t it t of wages. Mr Collins a was, tin Zurich • David township ; Henry C. loan; ; when the drug was administered, she not had hard words was net true; the J. Pridwm a beim A. Johnston; . Rusk/ sir Boyd; for the plaintiff, and the defence was in Zurich , David Moor, Murry ; W m. 'said she had put poisra in the core of an statement I made in the preview exam Tee ,&time Wistp rw. One of the attractive mistress, Miss Ausebruok; librarian. Mr the hands u[ Mr Jas T. Garrow, Q O. Scott, ltrucetield ; Richard Fulford, Col apple: she told me Dote that the tuff inti.:° that they dwelt 1 to- doesights of the is u handsome a show Look H. Morrish; councillors. Mies MCDonq- borne. the of R. R. town .. on Montreal -et. Loot SECOND DAY. THE : i;::y ; was kept down cellar in a small tin box. gather. and that they agreed well Sati out lot the latest teat ores in • at all, Miss Rusk and Mr A. Johnetwi. A I she asked me to mak, some gruel for her • and ted no arrals was falsereed they Heed& & Liac.. prettied rood poo 1.. was then rendered:- cunaisted of Th..s Berl. Wm. Ball, Ja.. ! husband, in April. k that time she said had had words: but during the illness M. more than get their St11 Rwads Lsttor Chorus, (ilea Club; recitation, Miss Flo. The Grand Jury today brought in a'' Elliott• D,xiud A]cLoan, S.muel Karr, te onate; I am not Heads. fit..1 e printed a this T pe fur very! W, C. ]]int, Sydney Jacob, John Tn- e little more one. gener•Iiy peefor�e Robiciene Mw Cook; recitation, Turner; read- charged having administered lanw�►c I package was labelled she gave anionic to hist regularly; that MriW"telt 1i had dinner at home uirn a end it helve to adceri,se their usiaswa"'thick, Samuel Anderson, Aire. Gaud• , the stuff. the day that the stuff was put in t nil wA see ssmotee end get pilo.. ing, Mise Weston; chorus. Ole* Cute to her former hairband, Whitely. The °rr, Husrt n Gibs to and John Redmond. •she was d his porridge at breakfast : as fat as I an • April showers brings use flowers," and it whereas selections, Miss Doyle: question prisoner was arraigned and pleaded out Iir.mdiately after the jury ted been ! Come -examined by Mr Cameron- remember a had both t.a fr and tea also brings bargains ip house-cleaning the Sods guilty. Aro twe°t ears ..1 Qs ; my moth at you will sew rs ulcering to the advert of drawer, Mr H. I Strang, B. A :chorus, q I Cameron - sworn, juryman Dont was taken with a 17cant say what he eat after return- ment of Saunders fi 44m on the site page of Glee Club. The ease of Sande c. Et•erlurdt, in •iobstit illness and had to be relented er lied in the neighborhood; ing from Clinton flet the .eoot,d tea iMac. They are neat door to the post of- which the plainutf .sought to recover administration of the stuff; i vox, and when you are down town call and The annual me, aril( o, tae Hsra° which from the defendant for three fro.. aortic., Hiram Fnher being beta- have not lied at hr me for ten s,•e tnem. The cheapest house under the sore can. I was shout a year with helped Mrs Whitely for about nine BRIEFLETS. Junior of - Albion Lacroesw l ub was held at the ]ears service as a faint servant, was ion- toted. I ] months after .be moved to Clinton ; 1 Albion Hotel ' n Monday evening, the • flood at the assizes this morninr, end Mtnnie Johnston, sworn -I waa.i Mrs Edwards on the farm, and another Mr J. P Wednesday. of C:ioMo, was is resulted in a verdict an laver of the with Mn Edwards about two years . year with her •t C6ntoo; I lived • leer know a Mn Steep to Ciiston ; 1 have Doherty, 24th silt., end the udlowinq otlicen were !ehs was thea Mn Whited] her husband .with her as and earv•nt after spoken t.. her about Mn Edwards; t town on l\'dnesda),. slectd: Non. prow , J. T. G•rmw. Q fondant. fur $100, write eat off fo.r de C.; resulted Mr. H. Collins appearedfthe was Hugh J Whitley; had lived 'the death of Mr Whitely; she oevtr don t rememner telling Mrs Steep I was Mrs \� m. Pndham, of Stratford, is C.; president, hon.-vice., M C. Cameron, Q. with her four er five months was then 1 the death dap hi orel turn ms rat afraid Mn Edwards would dap m] face, preeiderit, R. S. William"; eine-pew.. for the plaintiff, and Mr. J. T. ()arrow yuulnq relative. in town,ei hteer ears; she wanted me to, live of the house: she did not turn me out of and if she be I would have punished Geo. Drummond; captain, D. Nicholson: for the de[endant. R ]previous to that 1 lived at my Miss Monday r Jea. Dickson, jr., Smm,ttee, Messrs J. Allen, 0 S. PM*, Weiner v. Sweiizer• Young v. Leung with her; was piid no wages; she was no , her house; pher ; Mn Whitely never e Idem me returned Moo a] last from • toil le F Mornay, W. Blackford, P. J. Sbeaoe; and Yeo v. T.ownsetid were referred to reltion; they lined on the farm about ; uncle Richard's part of the time, can't ,out of the house on any occasion ; ire letfurth. 1 two miles front Clinton. in Feb.. 188e, • telt how long. Civil with uncle George, collect fisting • with Mrs hon. members J. Miller• Sheriff (silo the loot/ master to report upon. •. iter' ,about the beginning, was cent to a drag ,hut cant tell you how long. I lived home Steap next morning when I was going Mr E Ostrow arrived home last bons, Dr, Holmes• M. Hotc.nry R. also Spent• v. Spiers and Sturdy •. ibuck fnr to, ohthes : I did say that i Thutdy from Woodstock to spend his S. Chilton, Mayor Butler, Henry Hor- leSp McLean. I sutra: Mn Edwards sent mw to bey some for!some time, over a munch ; I was no •t Eater holidays. ton' P. Holt, Roht. Furter, M. P.; iso - M�Iseao t. Vidal was Fo.tpcod by ret pinion, she said she wanted ret -Pais- ! no othebr u 1 received elmthesfor twi e years rwentl and was afraid Mn Whitely did would dap me The Palace roller rink a now managed trees, (sem. O. C.t.kman. The club be- consent. This a,ncluded the civil bassi- ' ""• end t, ask aur arsenic. I went to Dr. I wtgea, in the fano, and if she I would have Worthington's drug store. Clinton; had ,tame when I likd : I took care of thm panishd tete : Mn Steep did not say. by Meson Matheson and [tinct, and is cons the season of every in • (finishing nese of the wizen. y' Minnie. you would not have hauled being well patronized. condition and has every prospect of be John Arm atter. chargd with hating mien there before, Thom. DAehmar. wait- I house at Clinton, when she was away; „ torted ux notes, oce of which don we; 1 asked for areaaie, and Rot 'weal there six muotbe before Mr W'hlte• her up:' I ltd not reply that I would f Mn Hyslop has returned home after los a successful organization. 20c ,arch: Mn Edwards gave me the ly ltd: I never knew him to be ill until haul her op : I had •t convention with sit week.' absence visiting her daughter A Goon.' I) Sx ffvm•—The following he was alai charged with utnsehtg• plead- mm°e the arxnic was done up in p•- :the arsenic was administered; 1 bought Mn Steep the day I left : Mn Ed Mrs 13. Lyons, of Buffalo• from the nulwiair,n (dNl.ffiUou• refers to d snitch to all the tndict:aeute. Mr. r Width a label printed "Arsenic' on tooth powder once at De Worthington's wards was away ; I told Mrs Steep 1 It is reported that at the Huron Lodge No. 62, (irodench, I. O. (Uarmw, ., 0. stated "^ behalf of the the ontstde�l took it home and wave it to I drug tort. I will not swear I did not had been there long enough for my own head of Lase Huron will not likely be O F.: -The statement issued by Huron prisoner, who had hitherto borne an et- he Edwards: dost know what she did bol the tooth ponder from Tom Dade 'nod ; Mn Steep did not ask if Mrs open chill shoat the 1.1 of May. Lodge is • meet i and cots- family] that ih.character and he ►w the head •ef • with 11; I saw the arsenic package atwia mea; I duet remembst, tem pat ap the Whitely had dune anything wrong ; Mrs Knox ct ura% Band of Hope will meet piste one. The lodge has 121 members family, tht the act was commrtteti due- between the 15th and 2(kh of March, i parcel and charged reme Zile fur it. Hee• the Steep ltd not soy. "If Mn Whitely has in the lecture room on Setordal, April on its roll, having increased 5 during the ing a fit of temperer), aberntiet . and 1888: I• was 1 the woodshed. Mn Ed -ch, witness admitted that ,- docs anything wrong,yuo should koro, . loth, at 3 p m. sharp. All are invited. year ; 19 brothers were sick 139 weeks, the court, taking a lenient view, allowed weeds was in the dining Toone when at the magistrate . court and °etroDur s she advised me to leave--tht it was the The teacher+ of West Huron will bold and one brother did. The statement him to go free on suspended sentence. 1 cads. into :be room I saw Wm Wbitel] inquest -.h•• had given evidence and (best thing 1 could du was to leas,, tthe shows the work of the lodge for the pet THIRD DAV th tab/ t was kh cur sigod the evidence as correct. nd Mn Whitely was no fit companion ; i their d y and l meting in 22nd on eight 'years, and the gradual i•erew Thursday and Friday, May 42nd and mob year must be gratifying to the court upend t 9 sm. h opened t 1 she bed •tea stating that she said pas do anything wrong, or Y3rvl. Irrlge. The preterit funds "mount to THE• spoon is Or hand, ted ah fig hem ht was shout a thing ^ •The 8. orche Methodist&lie,out 10 Dchnir $45.64r 52 and the munificent sum of Mrs Euwerdr. and S orchestra von. mac to Dan-CoouTr or Ht tin", The jurors four some out with the handle of th.tcas000n. Bible cpm which she was sworn, \,^e Ro.xamiod Ther. was no pant in oon Wednesday evening to take port relief er m' ammo Poi(' (ser benefits ad ;, u r L ad y t he she took out about what would go os the , asked if that evidence was trueit to retie[ dermathepact eight years.We To Wtr Queen bet leave* point of a penknife. 1 asked her what nese said it. was. I twee en the color res«.n for looting home ; rot in • o;.neert there. h^D• that every y of in the jurisditction nn mother has been married a second time Mr C. Crabb is patting • new (visit in will It will • aopl of this stateroom ad to present that in accordanceahave with Your She was Joint, and she said she Las go Mn Whited]. when [ returned .about fifteen years ; Mn Whited trent the stare Daze the ons occupied b] hint- that it will stimulate each lodge which Lutda dVe we have examen• ing to give Mr Whitely some of the ret occasion when Mrs Whitely first ad P for me to come hick from water 00, as ..If, and has also tern down the verso- has not already adnpted this plan to do tad the jail and find as follow. poison: I asked her if she wasn't fright- ministered It, 1 saw the package and she was tick ; 1 was from to show the dab in front of it. so t once, and let net only their non• At preeant there are i'3 prisoners in weed to do each •thing: she said, "No, red the label . to the best of my recti- .entity of the anemic: wiseene asked if jail, viz : --10 men and 2 females . of she dida'l think it we. any harm to put lection there was nothing but the word 1 Mn McKay, d returned resident members, but the Order et it was the tee of a pet : 1 replied that it 1 Immo Satnrly lase from Dotmit, where largo, know what the/ are doing for the the 'sales 2.ew insane and 3 are vagrants. a man like that nut n( the way: I said 1 "Aneo:c' panted on the and P•cksq• would about go on the point of a pos- it •11 coder wanton°.. one for rescuing pr•o• 'reale, tell• she said 1 didn't dare to.toat • asked what shot was doing, am• she Aid knife ha was tp 1u to g • 4 (-biers ossa ire, tali,' metes, • a' fait/ standing at e e. t breakfast. the parcel I had hooght was Mr Cameron read from previouseYidenoe did not use the words, "1 nater saw hoz there. open a one en the kaqe shecannot say any e was tasi uh. t half the sit. of the had f her, • to Aln 'heap about she had been learning a new system of caws of clotting lame' garments. Dr M Nicholson, the West -et d•niiet, makes the preservation of the natural teeth a specialty. Gas administered from 9 a. m. for the painless extraction of teeth. Row James Harris, of Besmill•r, will preach is the Vlstoria-et. Methodist cheetah nest Seeday. Raw B. L. Hutton will ewe.' edsaatikDal sermon on the BeemiUMr eireeit Tse Stamm To SAILOMn.--North-el. Methodist ehwreh was crowded leaf 8ee- dsl evening, the neseeics being the ptwcebiwg of • •pw.isl senses for sailors cud 8.hermea. The pester Rev Geo, Riehardaos, delivered se We diseoweee, whish was h.Nsed to trit8 widest m- ewed by the brethren of the deep Odd(sllowehip. Petty from bailiff, 1 for being drook and the law would punish meas ....rely as a 4 disorderly, both under eaateoce. oast fox tt would her she also said. if I Whitely . i didn't warn Mr Whitely - To His Lordship -When I returned 1 Mr Whitely was thought to be dlisg. AUCTION SALES. forger] waiting trial : rf the females 1 is! did don tell she ,.null do sway [ was afraid .•t Mn Whited At this f her ; point Mr Cameron said. "Stand up Mn and it was at that time that prteos•r a vagrant nedor sentence. the d 1. with me. I was afraid vp' told me that she had been administer Alt tetany oohinrigg ma anis 8411. rioted at female is charged with murder end is site put the staff eke took Whitely and the prisoner stood n tpartiesetanal. *Orem •free ware" P,.aertwd Is out of the package on • white porridge Coottnning the learned counsel acid • tog arsenic right tong. this Ila op la few Omit of sow. waiting trial.were M afraid of that woman, m. to meet beth of them Mr Whited had a reedier place "asd you Court adjoerod at D A sale of the farm Meek and imp's- (N the insane prisoners Pte! ' J P again'' a.m. Friday morning. MOMS of John A. M.Dossld, will be are 8t 'objects for a House of Refege to sit at table, and the plate was at his pointingto the primmer, "that you • held on lot 10, eon. 9, W. D. Ash- than the asllsm. Vote we is fob yen place : it was between 7 and R a. to., sad no wormst answered.o save ve' Yea• lif. ' Toa this Mr E. Hodgkin', tuner a the (sed field,18, neat b:tetaiEverything ewili April ret age, the of ad a ]can of age• the Mr a was ly also put sat the he . the pith, at 1 p m. thwill be bath work well ender ioetble eo work and doss reetiooa or dire Mr Whitely cattle in^ and the porridge Mr Whitely Came inithe ot oet porridge fere was Ist.°h Organ resideoe. in own snow prepared leased reserve, as the proprietorae porridge overpreviously pat os to attend to all order for work in rhhii. leased bis farm Jobs Griffin, ase fGorse, hot is emale vagrant At 34 yeses of sire and all bad itingbreakfa t together after hreak• put 00 1 d dtmotatpour�the porridge ; line. Orden left t the Organ Factory tianeo weak-misdsd, a 81 subject ter a How fast Mr Wbitcty wont to the barn where I sever said • word to him to warn him will he promptly attended to. Pia Bala of farm +belt mod , sir o X of of Refuge. be nmsised for a ample of boon: when slthosgh 1 believed he was about to par- tuning and tepsirist • .p•ei•Ity' Cdwsrd ,otoMillion, celled 10, sus 4, E D , (N the mole vagrant. ono is 80 years he monied 1. e.,mplsiwed of a pain re take of pnhes , I ws't rememh•e that Hodgkinthe s leas bass of for a somber of gereevsc, en Ttseeseb April a eom- of we ani eels is G7, other two of them the atomise\ : be vomited nnea . h. 1 was "unties asywb r* hstweae the fir./ ears i the well -knows musical l a be ate itj t ,1 e ttteh pm. Tien will ought to bow been asst to tie hospital, ,cosi enedeed to hie end that 4 . I end .sexed time the teff was &Amin's- 1, se rearm r the adz* .. oe rent" lase lead kit tw power rd 81. arm.. the s.xt WV the package • few 4y+ after used , dens( tit time I was (request, meet dealers. twin- ed Ida tars. Jab* Ysust ssstMsesr•