HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-3-28, Page 7THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, MAR 28, 1890. 7 ogle IkiIfllet's %Mg Proust My tiros Eleanor's wedding is eery , toed e.elty bride imposts pewee's, worse. 1 eau see her looking at Ire the career of her eye, eerier to 11: "1.4pder .hal feels Skis - 1 is going to lave me 1" That se the 1 of being worth money. People peat you to be always ori.iog, and 7 call you mean if you d.,o't. Well, nor is to be marri.ed, and she'll he of the way pretty sown. Nin girl, 1 rather think I'll s,arprise them. ey'11 vie %bet 1'a true of Goo, wbu 't Rive often, but du wmetbieg urth while when they st.rt uut. Eleanor is inimical, and has no piano 11 give her one -a tine grand piano, itb carved legs. That and •owe stool, can get for • thousand dullsn. 1'11 ad it home on the eve of her wedding y with my love --"Uncle Nkinffiut's ova" I shouldn't wonder if the retr.rt- on would get hold of it. How would 1 tele it if they did 1 And it would make four Eleanor's name so public ! No; it roti do. I'm sorry; but: it wun't do. ll.sides, the poor girl really needs a o'osk tad for three or four hundred dollars I Auld give her a seal -skin that would last i lifetime; lined with quilted silk, (sue bad u.dueuee, u/aitog the "own less silo- suttom-all the rest of it. Let me see bular sod the potato esu pump Flash- --yes- no-I'm a.h--ye.--no-I'm a hale hasty. Suet skin tun calls now for a bright ted beet, while Um sweetest variety is )rtlow. In sel- ecting corn seed for .mpr. vine .lw•y• kleside*, they are ton, warm for the cls- take the lowest ears un the steak, mot nate, those cloaks. Now, if 1 give her Atone havuog deep kernels cloe.oy pack . sewing machine. she can make herself ed with the rows near together, especial - leases, and frocks, aprons, and all sorts length of the ear withwt rejecting tip .f things. 111 get one fur seventy -lav „ a r butt kernels. Not half the cribbage' or eighty dollars; very nice present She In any held sir ht to r.Ise from, and tot ought to be grateful. She may b. Rs. hosaved over wilder half or wore sad Ibliged to earn her lining soma- I spoil btfore spring. Good tweed is al fie, if she's left a widow. What a thing it would then he to hs,e • machine of her own ' And yet, now I think of it, what • pretty watch Huff, the jeweller, showed me the other day. ''You can have it for hilly dollars when you want it, Mr Skin- flint," he said. •'it's worth eighy." I'll ret that. -What did you have fur your wedding presents f" asks mom• friend of Eleanor. "A watch from Cud* Skin- flint," she will reply. Sounds well, and 1...•.. the very eking for an elderly relative to give • y'•uno one: helps her t.. be punctual ib her habits Then -no -sec ky thought ! SA, .11 fov.Wt to Witt,( it top What's the um of a watch the:, is too wound 1 rood Now, a merino dress -what a -,mfort that would lie' A alar blue, or tark-red merino. No--thst wouldn't toco . i.e. Send thoughts are the best. Hen it is December. In four months tt will be too warm to wear merino, and the moths will sat it up. Besides, girls are newer suited with a drew. But ;loves, now; say half • dozen assorted r.dors in a box. That's the very thing. :ut --1 dura t know Eleanor's number. 1 an t buy them. Besides, I have heard •hat the cheep kind split. But pocket Handkerchiefs with colored borders aro ice. A dosen, at twenty cents each, old please her. She's sehject to colds. ing could be more ea-tl There's objection thoigh. She's always los- ; her handkerchiefs. Whatever 1 give .er I want her t.. keep to remember m. by when I'm goer. Whet. I was in at theev Sen -Cent Store the other day I saw some nice nutmeg gratin ---bronze, with a little hole to hang them up M, and a nom f',r the nutmeg --only 'even cents l m reed I it. I'll get her one 4 those. 1t will encourage her t.. make cake and puddings And an egg beater ' 1 11 boy her both; and, as likin never mean, 1'11 throw m a nutmeg. Net s the st bargain you can let for teen cents. And as shoo to be mar- ned, nothing can be more proper thin to vnc,ursee the domestic virtues. Elea- nor will feel that, I'm sure. 111 go 0.:.d toy them M orate. tomb le available form, at • b. disposal 1 u/ plants during tubes I.•rwlue, t.Wilk- 061 this requuttr, the me of •hole seed, ter the srlet►..d of el. se planting tot mit- sued, will b.. merely a •rat....1 nerd It is not uulikelr •••c•0. secure the ueoee- I tory large top aro•th u. early seaatu, even from cut-.. , b, Ierdn. a trifle of n itrate of soda rash to • r • o fly slierI te plauting ir, i! tor.. misery rqw.tmg the 1 dose. Thr ss •orlh a trial; 1.r if w we would be ...hied i., secul. .11 the ad vanishes. of o.,'1, .,.r ' .,ds without may • f their objectioi.s. ire►t.er, oh N Y Tribune. A bests aeras. l0 a roma addre.. al Baton, Mr Gregory, the touted s-rd..uao, said •s fellows : wed ed of a•ule •egetables, portico holy oat bags Rud ouu„tS, i• difficult 1•. grow, and uncertain at heat He had had acres of onion seed 'Low great prim. ism WOO day and the neat be ruis.ed E) a blight. List year he seat two bons 0 the compoet.tt„ap a loch be had expected to sell foie le thousand dollars. He hods a siro..g tuo.lrucy in the hieh•bred vaneties to the .Nd type.Thr u particularly true of the beat. cat- gut and ouo•u. Low culture &Mu has a nay go tont of fashion, and then there'd e hundreds of dollars .t a dead Free . new oak 00 11 every year. 11 elle I ly at the bust. I'Isnt from the whole 1 FARM AND GARDEN. ways eel _neer«. When .r,uash seed will break withcu' beodiug it is sutb.:l«utly dry fur storing. and wbeu the meats dark .,mored or snood it has tkw.me worthless by age. Seed is not c. rtatuly impure because the clop proves • failure. COrbiters bud root crops groan at the south if planted tont early or flow other causes may fail to grow fit for ma,ket. I..ste.d of mak- ing bawds or go'.d roots they may run tip to seed like wild:iug.. Honest seed, men have run great mks in warranting rede under such conditions If they can prove that go.«i crops have beau grown from the •sola I..t of .red planted under oilier condo they are mile against uujnst clai,ns. The most com- forting th.ouuht of the aeedsinan is that no one can aff,rd to be • rascal, and that honesty is the brat Policy. ■mate'. Nslmeel sures Colds. et.:. A tteatlltfrl Meddles rlae(. tif the petunias winter in the llorti."i!• I,.,.d T, me.. says • I must confess to a little weakness for this beautiful bedding plant In light soils it is extremely valuable, and the bolter the summer the better it n suited. By bowing the seed tiiarl, in March in • little heat, the seeds 1 soon germinate, the after treatment be ing to plant or pot -off as they become large enough, gradually hardening off, and planting out in rich soil at the end of May or early in June, aocordmg to weather. Some peg the growths down to the bed during the summer. whish 1 think .pals the effect. In my nptnit.o nothing is nisch more attarlive than a good bed of petunias, allowed to rt.ow pretty mach as they like. They Ise purchased in separate colon or mixed packets, the latter. as • rule g the heat, unless distinct colon me desired The single are by far the bat fur outdoor work, being freer bloomers, sod more able to support their flowers than the double varieties. Tees iters Then Tuber. To get the large yield of potatoes we most have a .lung, stocky top -growth, and this is as early a stage of develop, ment 'i. e.. Ss sora after pistoling) u possible. This latter is one of the most important points; and, if Petered, the plants will have time to their energies upon formatwn of tober. We mey opt this "plenty of top growth in early seyon' in large individual plant& by planting bare* seed -pieces, preferably whole tubers. in mws about three fret span. and about one foot apart in the row. This plan invariably give the larg- e st top growth, and earlier is the _•.Mors that. it ens be secured by any other meth- od of planting; and it also meetly gives the largest yield of tubers. Plenty of aRgregete top -growth, but later in the ewers, ems aloe be obtained by plentiful twt-eeed, even to single _ye,very (smelt. 'taking two or thew times the amber 1, violets nu a given area than when ole seed is used. The individual ,oat is smaller at the start, remains at i dieedvantdge all throwgh the meson, sad will yield lees than the armorer in divides) plant from whole seed; bet es them erri so many mon sash plsnU,they may equal. perhaps even oetyidd, the eats area pleated tis the other plat, Bat ebb plaetMa *11. for eiesa sties - toes, and IS pad Beal of head labor, end dtheo bathed regains the beekiag el a e s$eieet gwsstity of the alas•! pleat - Asparagus. S,w asparaous weeds early in the sprung in well prepared rich ground, in rows • foot smart As th• seeds are slow to germine+.., mu in a few ndsmit seeds when you mow, which will tumult up iu five or tis .1.y., s.. you can trace the roes, and thus enable you to keep the bed clear of weed. It w.II take from two to four weeks hrf,•re all the aspara- gus seeds are up. Set the plants out for • permanent hood the sueoeeduod apriug, in rows two feet by three. it very highly enriched gr ,und. Set the erowt of the plant from three to four inches below the surface. To Tag Marti!. . -Please inform your readers th.t I h•ve a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its tamely use thousand+ of hopeless cases have been oermanently eared. I .hall be glad to send two b .tiles of my remedy rail 10 any of your readers who have onsumpti'n if tl.ey will send see their Exprees and P. 0 address. R«.pectfully, Ds T. A. SLI.:x11, ly 164 W. Adelaide at., Toronto, Ont. long -Standing ]shoot: Diseases arm cured by the persevering use ot Ayees Tide aoadloin• is an AltersYee, and aesOss a radical change la th. system. The promo, In amnia eases, may not be quite so raped ea is others ; but. with peer , tie melt b mortals. Read these testianoaiala : - •• For two years I suffered tram a se. vete pain In my right side, and had other troubles caused by a torpid liver and dyspepsia. Atter giving several medicines a fair trial witbo i a carat began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla I was greatly benefited by the Ina bottle, and after laking five bottles I was owe- tely cured.' -John W. Demos. 7e Lalewrence es.. Lowell, Mmes. Let May a large carbuncle broke out on my arm. The usual remedies had no effect and I wee ninftoed to my bed for eight weeks. A friend 'educed use to try Ayer's Hmrsap•rille. Lees than three bottles healed the sore. la all :eyespo- t -wince with medicine, 1 sever saw mute Wonderful Results. Another marked effect of the nae of this medicine was the strengthening of my sight"- Mrs. Carrie Adams. Holly Springs, Texas. ' I had a dry scaly humor for years, sad suffered terribly ; and. as m broth- er and sister were similarly afflicted, I presume the malady is hereditary. Last winter, Dr. Tyros, Of Fernandina. Fla.) I ' 1 me to take Ayer's Sanaaporilla, and continue it for •ear. For live months I took it daily. I have not had a blemish ippon mJ bodyfor the last three mouths.' T. E. Wey, 118 Chambers at., New York City. '• Last fall and winter I was troubled with • dull, heavy pain in my side. I did not notion it much at first, but it gradually grew worse until it became almost unbearable. During the latter part of this time, disorders of the stom- ach and liver increased my troubles. I began taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, after faithfully the a+e, ot this medicine for some months, the pain disappeared and I was cured " - Mrs. Augusto A. Furbush, Haverhill. Mase. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Maras RD ■T D►. J. C. Ayer & Co.. Lowell, Masa. he. el ; Ma bonito, $1. Weeta t a bort)► LANDLORDS PLANINGBuchanan MILD �IIARVELOU$ as Who hese houses to rest ahosld 0..x the sew ESTAIUSIIE0 IHSS &Son,MENiRy sad &imam tosser WALL PAPERS CEILING DE• C• ORATIONS at &AUNDERS SON'S The/ rtrpasan/tbaag in loan fur SASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers in all kIn.da of . LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES STYLE, QUALITY and PRICE. TENANTS You should get your landlord to buy 'V. 11.1. PAPIER trona A d builder's' materiel of eter, description. School Furniture a Specialty Goderich Steam Boiler WOrlis Established PAL SAUNDERS&SON chrystal & Black 1 hey err from the Art Factory of W. N. Peak, Brooklyn, N.Y., wbu supplies No Other Dealer in Town. No trouble to show samples dT The Cheapest House Under the Sea trauel(inq loses. frAIMES1.1...4) GICANU'ri(uNK (RAILWAY. Trains arrive and depart at Godcrich as fo luws: •tours Mail end Express. ..... 1 Sd p.m. )tail. ......... 0.ASp.m. Nixed ............. ... _1LOD tam. Mixed ..... . _ . :.SSp.m ocrAat. Mail 0.:d Express.- •••• ........ •• •• • 1.55 y.n Nisei ..................................1 0E pin QIIALITY ROSABERMA ALWAYS WINS 1 Cares Chapped Moods. +torr LIp.. Keough - nes. .I the skin. Salt ttee5., t'waf- las. ane barn. Tae. Irreklea. ate.. aim 'This fragrant preparation contains nothing sticky or grease. and is admirab.y adapted for the tow of the toilet. rendering the skin beantifully soft sad satin like. restoring is natural firmness, elaaiieity and freshness. and to gentlemen is Indispensable After Shaving As the Old Darkey said : "1'se rayther pay More an' hal) de best once in a while, than to pay less and huh a poor article ora" Allaying all irritation on the instant itut Refuse all Substitutes. Large Bottles Tca Triads Doublcd Twebttat a Cent.. PREPARED ONLY BY H. SPENCER CASE, CaLrlwr Asn DRUGGIST. So. m Utast sl. We:i. a.mltl.s. Out old by V. Jordan. Nl-1. BUY YOUR TEAS, COF.trEES and SUGARS -OT THE - Plate Glass Grocery. HIGHEST PRICE PAID for good Bu A A Kari and EGGS. McLEAN'S NEW BLOCK, South Side of Courthouse Pquare I_ ter, (sodrrich. Mar.. Mb. 1110. Three doors west of British Exchangc Hotel, GODERICH. Come One, Come All! ants get bargains, are 1 am offering my entire Stock of DRY 0001)S at COST, as I Yom going out of that line of business to make more room for GROCERIES, &c., CROCKERY, FLOUR AND FEED. Ile sure and give a call at the comer of Victoria & Nelson streets before purchasing elsewhere. Toln.n. M_ Prouclfoot . Ood,•rich. Jan. 11 1111!. SOMETHING UNUSUAL -c Lubin's and Atkinson's Perfumes in Bulk, also A Select Stock of Cheaper Perfumes. In Bottled Perfumes an Unusually Full Line. F. JORDAN'S MEDICAL HALL. You can get th BEST VALUE ! A 1 - Maauhaturers and dealers in Steam Boilers, !Snit lana. Tanks, Iles t_r and all kinds. of 411.. .. t Ire. Work. Improved Automatic cut o0. t'urli.+ F u gine., Upright and Horizontal Enrol,-., t1 chi•rry and Castings of every de.rnt onto. Bras iritUnp, Pipe and Pipe Fitt rig, u staidly on head. Marl order* .i receive prompt attent ton Werk. s Opp. /k'. T. R. IM■ate■. TM Repines promptly attended to. P.O. BOX C61 CIIAS. A. NAIRN'Z, GROCER. WILSON'S MAGIC PAIN CURE 179 OCs ��_ Gres Ss\\\ `ate SktaDtseases. for & i kinds of pain. Price S5 rents. i)itowN'i• BALSAM toes' WILD CHERRY L) not HE for Cough* and Colds. Price wlLlsYe ri LOON tai 41111 Log wt at r. fur l'hi'.Iren. a good remedy- for Whooping 1'ungh. Price 1:, cents. Eir;alt APIP C_ P. Mt_ BOOM TOWN PROERTIEI FOR SALE. Purest Dings only used in Physicians Prescriptions at wIzNSoN i'n-..•riot inn lrug Store. Fall and Winter GOODS. $100 AND UPWARDS 1 Env. a larre number of Ilon.rs and Lola and vacant Folds In the mom dealrable peels of the Town -Ma et4Le;l'waIr. Nos% is the time in .Iv-ure property heforr the Itlg Itseh. The 1'. 1'. It. is miming sure arid in a abort time prioriwill have ad.-.s,cl Waned beyond the mach of many. Call and one List and Prices before purchas- ing elsewhere. R. RADCLIFFE, Real Rotate and Hener.l lasnrance Agent 0(Ilee west-:tt., third door from fbptare, /'. P. 1t Ticket sod Telegraph (Moe. 51-tf. PATENTS Ready made Clothing at Prises to suit Pur- chasers. Mist BE t I.E.x11a.L1 (IFF. H. DUNLOP ?lay- The Toiler. Wcid -+t. DI$COMERY. Mar MM.e of Mrw.r, Tr./s.Iu I eared 1.... r.ed/a,1. waadafW rand. 1IIIs�I egg adios greatly 1.e.. _.104. taM. 10 C tar.. oN.w.• ..r ,tr. tl .. A•1...ena.e. Ntr.•.J.M Ithe 'mot re712 ►,.ytor.., . talt.M.r.. Jas:.► • 4.s. L ; li~�tk Ave.. 11. V. CARLIN G'S ALE 84 PORTFR CARLING'S BAVARIAN LAGER (Bottled) Eer SaHle by G. . PARSONS r a. w.es. rotor. Irep.- weesut* home. ..ti twee./ care. loos_' ../ one • els... web week. err of ,.leo Oen Woos 1.1 WW1., ... mere olietbee .te wilt= ad wAi► `lr. r•••00110..11eet e.M .le.. wt. firer. •H 1 .10 y.. seed .e le i. above wk.t ere sed yea to tow wM ..11-yaew aw.* end a hber•a.d sere ....s yew -.M. .1..,. molls 1. volorAde wadi Ike en, weer Mee wryest* wawa... es•ned, .i We we on w.••. we toe .n esp.... ae'•tw.. rte.A nw owe Ise.r an, If yes w..la !e Mpoo h *hi /w •• • , •• ...• aa_ flee Nweek ewe .yyweeR• es.. s l' eases.. las recl a.w.d, 1.t.r. CAVEATS. TRIO( BUIS NM CaPvrn*NTS Obtained. anal all Malaria In the M. Pule"' (lolls attended to at MOI)RRAT1( PRICK 0.ni office le opposite the U. R. Patera Of fine. sed we oar obtain Patents 1s fres those thou 11 from WA(HINI7TON. Weed MOO RE OR ORA WINO. W ad• vies as to pateelabilltr free oftoed ser make 1PDf11ANON UNLR88 dO . THIN PATRNT. Wr refer, hero, to the Postm•tpmr.,be eat. O Moat (order Div.. and to e4bnials Use U. M. retest nesse. rev circular. adVW. terms and referee/toes to mem* nllew4 is y..r ewe Mate er Come y. writ. to g' ..stew tCIS., Oew.slt. Patent tam. Washita/tool/ C. ICURE FITS! AI.Bt11N IIUN k. 1.11111 lilt 11 9 Cords m 14011 ClaA(` i111. HOURS' ■ OA t m . 1•. N nu• for d.se,1$tive catalogue etaalialniaa ia.u.. opal. lona k mawd• d a..ri. M. Sow rimed 4 is $.seeshad balite, Dow eueeess- fa111 sled. Asraprty, eon be enroll then Is a v•.yn-v. • sew OVUM. f..r elms Saw. sail ewe w.1b crab eealrs to the ere of tau tool overybudy eau 0..r 11,r.r own Nw§ m,0 and du It better than tae re.tr.t expert mu Insurer It. Adapted to all eroea+-ttt saws, gran one who twine *ow .Male h ave nor. Re Rog to pan w .ee•r.war• In rooms. *el tourdasher r 0Inde reLwlan l.Aa1tY MIJ M 1W.. 1S t. 111 .. Coad r1. C►h.eso V, ': ' • .y tent: l do not mere t merely le Cn-.i;. , a- nod then hose them re- l'.' I ,d1 AM A liAi)ICAI. MALE. I Lave :a:}ole ilu dlsdasu or !TIN, EPILEPSY or ArTT7��G • '^'•.!t•,[r''n'y. 1 wAJtaA1rrmyremMy ti C'u.i r, ; I,e t., rot ea.et. 1b-e&1w ethers have Wm., 110 re:iwnl•.rnot no.wreeea awe, find at once f. •r a t rwsi..e and asses of my iNrst.t.laLC Rr.WDT. Give intent ;N! .'nqt OTA. e. It coots you nothing lar a trite. sold it r. ill eon you. Address It.. N. G. !JOT. 3. Tanga St., Toronto, Jut. ZNIFIgailiffiMUMIMPOINIIIMMON A GOOK BOOK FREE By melts any lady seeding in her ped ogles address. weals, likkardsee A Co., acntred. CHAN .r OF BUSINESS ! THE OLD AND P.ELIABLE ARMSTRONG FAANI!IG MILL AND PUMP WORKS ARMSTRONG'S IIPROYED Grain and Seed Cleaner r-1. FLOUR AND FEED STORE 1. generally 1 to be the heir woo chine made for thoroughly ci.an:ng rialn and seeds of all kinds.. I1 is 1 I.. •iiia, 11 iN.1S. Thr piddle are hereby ir,tided that the sour and ti'. -.1 bu•it- tortoni. carried on by A.r. ot.u11i.has bees( no chalet.' b) TH . J. VIDEAN, who will .•ern it on in all to. branches at lb' uM stand. K'. t -at. nearihc Sugar.% Unit. r 11.e management of tor*lrr proprte- tarsthis bu+oness has been the ,nowt •ootss..- fill to .t• line of any in town. and as floe sew proprietor has been dentin.•.1 with it for over e.tht years. there wilt'* on lolling coffin the eneret formerly estubated in keening It la the front rank. Goodo delivered to all parte of the town. 'I he !siert and hest liars of Motor and feed slwsys un hand and choice swede in twasoa. THOd. J. f 1t1►:.t1N.. 1 take phi+ one .rtnnitr of Ihrnkine my err. tomer. for their 1o.«•rd patronage during my propnrtor.l.ip of the KO Of 1 ►'L,er and Fred Ston', and elso take pleasure to re.•omnvend- in; ii.y +,,' -.s..r. Mr '1'h..+. J. %'Nieto. who .41110 found to be • thoroughly ,.bail. mos. T: -If A. K. Cl 1.1.161. Separates all Noxious Seeds and .-h... teen grain ci one elesr.n,r. raving and cleaning all timothy reed at the eau,. time out of any kind of Erato 1t .an he Ilttr.l Into any fanning mill will.00t removing the tare. nn matt. -r how old *he null 1s. and makes It do ar good work or better than the most Improved new mills known. 1t allows m. .reel to be Mown into the cheat It Cleans Speedily. JW};very cleaner warranted In .cork as tepee sewed or no wale 10. In ordering be mail give Ieude v,Qth of Rho. anal name of maker of mill it.-nnvealet 1 and 11 oboe has ..de skate or the old fashion ed kind shake. .0 :arae nria0Uly of FIRST-CLASS PUMPS FALL & WINTER GOODS. I hay.• just received n.y large consignment Of Fall and Winter lh,otltt, and to make 'rexnu for 'them 1 am now selling off my en band from Algoma whit. geertrrcd pia,. bit ,.()edam by [nail promptly attendee to. Shipped to any point. AL JJ ID Ft /MEDD ARMSTRONG BRAS., Clod eriah, Ont. NVELOPIIIIENVELOPES Blau Receipts atfPie 8inal.n 61000 ■ANN IS DONE AT SI6AAL Previous Stock At figures away .sown. 1 .10 not believe in carrying over godly um til another year, and will always sell ROCK BOTTOM PRICES rather than h.d.l thele over. Being anxious to keep up witlb the times I have just put in a hanil,l,we plate glues front, and intcud lucking other improvements that will mage my exten'ice pre - mines ,scms to none in town. 1 nut here to exchange goods with the public for t :Loh• and am bound to do it. C ilnllil •;,r ,.i lur.intu Iliittit" The Neer Ree.rreonel Aemedy rR dives -- emu, e. it is e••r.atn m its elects ted does not blister. Mead pied kakrw. KENDALL'S SPAIN CURE. •ovew-a or (•*woes A. SOTeaa. Sak5M. 00 Ct.srsuen Bar ass T&. nes lour, R.n•u. rtiwu. t. lY-, 5u.. )I, IIY a.. w. J. g , .Ix. Sear sin 1 Parr always patnasa.d your g..- estrs Upset. Curve by the batt &sem brstles. wrap, Ns. priers Is sager sessash,. 1 101.5 it w ne•• rd tlw heal HMwea.e no rami 1 hart wed . 'Ai m7 stable. Ire threw years. Toms wly. cum. A. bream KEN Da A tart pod 'It Sparnt E Ds. R. I user with tweet, Klee w••s twwdi Met ••• E sal CURL IoITer•So re67r 1 !lilt' ;snr S::9:avtoyIn hi.I ;!mt.' .0 nevi. ry t0. Piano specialty. M►`,rFins a somber of 7 of Nordh.iemer .ad limeys musical ieetw.