HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-3-28, Page 6• •�i • 6 TIIE HOME CIRCLE —� COUNTY CURRkN noses' Tem.er. A tattler tst t unworthy of ret the almost um' vernal clams laid Supp -sod t tee undestrahte poo • 'I'°'- tem per. "I Writ a tet quick temper !" M ala assert'. mad,. a'Shout say sign of regret, with evident self how i'tiem, whets, with the tote • *eying acus«.brag pleasing, we spoil the swtrwa,•s of a friend's tuna to the friend in puree., are with the reply, "Ith, y o. re qts taken ; 1' e iiia of they n.•keet-tempered people in the world !" given in a tune that it ion a..t ,wily 'wettest deprecation of a c uplimeut, bet a decided sells, of uuapprseciated merit Now thi. wrUtn,t- nese--: germs. is eery eveo without Usage' at oat he molten—to he convicted of what is aoknowladged to be a fault tttrikes u•• •is a caricas anomaly. No one would answer, if told, *.You are sere twtaful," ''Oh, n;., I'm a eoustant liar;" n re if c -monist etre-1 meson consist• ens •ttentien to het own busitieas, would res,.,.nd, "Ott the cootie' v. scandal- nto ieoriug Is my favorite occups At least, nn une,rouhl give either.. $waste iii :hp lemon way mi ah' aline to the pteses,w u of a but to made. May there no: be, undo this iuouusisteucy and explaining misconiception of the real meson amnia) of a quick temper f T. monde, this end. sirable trait see be the ouroome .1 •array very elm tie.lnie. To be ..ho: tempered to rutereeituslly, in such mental vena ies,to he g iier.,ue, and large'- mind uia-lfi•h, and -efarr a little ',t; tots, —forgiving But I maintac• t me, uis erectly the reverse of all thim_s If a mart be q'rick-tetepe he gores way to anger quickly sod rightauualy (for I leave out •if the r tine entirely the righteous wrath a rises' ter g aa.•f reasons only, and is a different matter (rem tetsper', not _eues.,w, for he shows no roger that comfort of those around hum; 1 net uuseltsh, for tt is safe to say the sine noes out of ten, if not in ton out of ten, his fury is kindled by heeled snout to himself, rind is all, to blast simply as an illuminati., honor of his self esteem; he le not trivia:•, because, th 'ugh he may re quick y 'rum his aberration, and ase, perfectly urbane to the whilom vi of it. the restoration is simply torget H ess, and to forget the injury int!' upon another by his own hasty word by nu means synonymous with fora nem of injuries he himself may hate ceived Last of ell,he is nut !argc-mind I am convinced that a quick temper an unfailing indication of a limited tetligence ei.d a lack of mental quick° It the mind were large enough to g the true relations of things, to see small • point in the universeth'a tam rousing episode oocupit 1, and if it ce see this quickly—in a 'lash of thi,ugh the outheret would be averted. —Atl Monthly. &west Allied Lelia. It is a truth which all observation a tend to confirm that yid(' habits and ether things ..f evil, Ii "bards of a feather,-- are u'ually fou flocking together. 'Thus th.- corrupt ha lot and the liquor saloon are closely hated to each other, and the sale of c' srs•ttes and the display of indecent pi tures are being br,uc't jot.. clone a 'ovation. It is to be remembered al that nearly all gamblit.g and drinkin resorts are furnished with reading tna ter and pictures as near the line of pan live ebscealty as the law will all.. Another and a rigniticant case in poi' is the recent introducti ,n of the :vault bud! -right its the Belgian watering place Spa, one of the most notorious iambus resorts in Europe The proprietors t the gambling dens at Spa, having su ceeded by various subterfuges in rel stating the prohibited roulette and treu te-et-.luarante, find that the gambling table no longer 'wishes the ersvin,•e o. famished pleasu'e sea-ki•rr. soil e., th have decided to intr'elu e hell fi, lits. It is in ways like these that the devi and the se who are engaged its hie ee'rste take a 'ventage ••f the weaknesses .f hu man Stature They know that indul gene.. in ens firm of evil is quite sure t a ark u Items of Interest from over to th d ^_-_— avNi„ir, ��a+aaIIty' gist fully a weehry u alien IM.es tete leanly News rather ee •r' t• Sada Seadmse .f ”The •IsaaL Arid rite aest setas, empires sad weep ti ,u of ''Missed tier awes, emu's. THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. MAR. 2A, 1l8� • CY. lD HINTS. the (Sew ie Test mesa Weser. Pure water is colorless, odurje•s, taste e whether ia spin, Wee, III • l less. To `at made yeas, colonise seri. glass with water ; look thro•gh the we • ter at some dark object; if it has any Gobs, it will then be discovered. To aeeertaia whether the lister is odorless, tour cut acme of the water end exec- leave the boat* half hill ; cork the but- ron tle and place it for • few hours in a warm I oleos ; shake up ilia water, remove the Dort, and critically smell the air contain - roe°, ed in the b stile. If it has any smell, • in particularly if the odor is repulsive, the be- water should o .t be used for domestic rued purposes. By heating the water ao uv^ is evolved that would nut otherwise •p - Peer. ic- The water should also be without II"' taste. Water fresh from the well is sum' usually tasteless, even if it contains a large amount of putreaoible organic master All water for domestic par pot's should he perfectly tasteless and ••a' remain so even after it has been warmed i T1. .t..� arming Orm g often develops a test• its water which is absent when cold. lataaref. Lielearel ewers M ad- --- Ntaerla rate Wheaten Cala. tong: E C. F. writes in an ex• the change in anew: r to "Aunt Kate," Mr ' that she cannot expeot to let let wheaten grits in contact unless it is of kiln dried, because it will hot keep. She can go to a farmer or to acme gristmill eke - and buy the whole wheat by the bushel , d good and sand, and when she wants • portion fur Arial, wash a •uticient quan- tity, picking it over carefully, and gond al it in a onffee-mill which has not been is, used for spices or coffee but is kept tot is this purpose." L C. W. adds that she h ' uses either the red t.r white wLeat ;..r this delicious o'd•time Grits. renurk As a pick -mit -up after excessive di,p,4i. W” suet titan or exposure, Milburn'• Beef, Ste lois- and Wine is grateful and comforting !11r Joseph Foster, near Hills O met with • painful accident who \'aria leu horse, • spirited colt, game loosened from its tying. uptu the cutter and became so etitasgled the harness that at was unable to m When Mr Foster found it in this prod Smuent, he set it Erse, but iii so doing received a kick os the side of the k which will likely lay him up fur ulunths. Some of worms are Fever, colic, variable appetite, re•tI sees, weekueus and convulsions tiro. unfailing remedy is Dr Low's W' t these Syrup. I oh uiu lin Tueeday, 11th inst., O. A. De tapers men, Brussels, received coeurs/ there Jr ;t, a heifers from a breeder at tlramp se and Tyre of them are thorn' bred' and mats third a good grade. Tits gives ms tY, Headman a herd of eight, seeen ferns irabic i an•1 a utile. Ile has disp nett of one his ca'n's to C. Grimuldby. The Jere leans' aro becoming deservedlyp hilar- popular in minded section, especially where rich milk • ,se rat II prime butter are desired. het it F'r the cure of colds, ,. ,ugly, and these derangements of the reipiretory otgal red, if no other medicine is so relish!. se Aye en- Cherry Pectoral. It relieves the est pea- rustic and c assumptive, even in advanced heel, stages of disease, and his saved innate .lune orabli lives. he is In addition to the discomfort of t d for average leek -up the b igers in the tiro is is mets' "cooler" metra take. he Take half a p.auud of sugar, a Found of butter and two pounds of deur. Mix with the hands au,l make tutu square cities in a tin pen, and sprinkle with cutaway comb s, pressing them down with your hand. This is the genuine "Id -time Scotch cake met well the startling t in iuterriseatioo, pasted on the d. or, "Eter- cesea n:ty' where wit thou spend it r A a.me professional gentleman of leisure ratter 'wed demurred spending the right there after n in he had read the significant words- The for mild winter and • hot air pipe pre.'lndee cover the likelihood of an item "Fr' -z, -r, to ii he death in the Brussels look -op."— Brue- ct un sels l'-mt. (al' Hp��-, Pectoral Balsam curia cted coughs, colds, hoarseness, bronchitis, • is asthma, whooping cough and all brim- ire- chief and lung troubles. Price 25c. per re- bottle, or 5 fur $1.00. 2 ed. Ahout eight o'clock en Thurad, y u morning, 13th lost , the spirit of Mos Georass. le CsIvin, sr , Brussels, took its ra•� night• The old lady had reached the tow gnu d old age of over eighty years. She Per was born in the County of D.'negal, In. old land, and was united in marriage to h.r aged partner, who survives her, about art- ratty years ago. Three children, Mrs Km. Glass, of McKillop, Mrs Griffeth and Oen. C,Ivin, jr., are the surviving members of the family. rid An inactive or torpid Liver mutt le ue aroused and all bail bile removed. he Burdock Pills are best for old or nd y"unv. 1m I The friends of deputy reeve Manning, re- of Clinton, will be pleased to know that, e- although confined t., his room. he is re- n ' covering, though very weak ; his medical s- ' adviser has informed him that for some so tune after his recovery he must confine ¢ himself to his business duties alone, es t his strength will not allow him to do as . i . much other work as he has been in the w.. habit of doing. it I When Macbeth ironically asked, ' h I "Cunt thou minister to a mind diseased' at I he little knew that mankind would ni s g day be bleired with Ayers S,rasparill:. In purifying the blood, this powerful alt,,. c alive gives tone and strength to errry ° i function and faculty of the system. Mr S. Y"ouhill, Wtngham, received a f telegram some days ago apprisin.t lint the •,f • serines accident which had befal'em • his son-in-law. Mr E O. Ash, of -Eest I ; Tawas. Michigan. Mr Ash is extensive- ly engaged in the lumbering business, e and while in the woods he 'net with an accident, the particulars of whish are ▪ ;nut given in the telegram, by which one s arms and hands was bully crush - necessitating the amputation of al fingers. he followed by indulgence in another When they ,have once broken down the moral restraints around the hearts o the boys and young men so far as to per- mit the introduction of vile acd impure thought., they know that the rest is comparatively entry. From such things the transition to vicious, habits aria open acts of wickedness is dierct and rapid The buy whom triad has beets debauch- ed by vile Pictures is tluite surd to be- come a gt.,.d customer of the cigarette dealer,end after that of the liquor seller, and alone with these of the keeper of the gambling hi use and the brothel- All these evil trades, and particularly the three latter, are closely allied. They err always in fact, and often literally, "next door' to each other. There is a fellow feeling beta.. n them which makes them "wondrous kind' in famishing victims to one another, and in defending one another's interests. They are to • large degree t. They stand and fall together. of hi ed, f I sever what r. ea Ti, those wh ' have never usef W'ii sons Wild ('hrrry, we hest to explain t that it is a preparation for the cure t f Coughs, (' .1de, Croup, Bronchitis, I Whooping Cough, L .•s of Voice, ■nd kindred diseases, which has been in suc- kcessful use far twenty ye -me it is a Ipurely eegetsble medioine n' the fore of syrup, pleasant to the taste, and gives isem -diet. relief to sufferers from dis- ease, oaf the throat, chest end longs Every facility for turning Wil,cti a Wild Cherry never dtwppeints. Try it for yourself and family. Sold by out FIRST CLASS PRINT Ian druggists. Im ING at - "THE SIGNAL." ♦mates Settertss. A short time since • family named McEwen, living on the N. rth gravel road, in the township of Derby, sear '(wen fk,nud, being afflicted with a com- mon malady, were advised by creme un - I person tai try • mrttare of n.feniorr,r and quicksilver Accordingly these compounds were bought, and the family set around • table watching the end fisc, which it did whet' mixed together. One of the girls •ttenipred to step the bottle, with the result that an explosion took place, and four of the family were seriously burned by the dangerous liquids Two of the girls ars likely to hoes their eight, aryl all are scarred an.) disfigured So sena far suras -•r doctenn,:. • • A Neilttaa. iteeeed Will soon end if not *imported by seethes merit. The suttee= of Burdock BIo id Muer. is founded on eee.rit and approved by atrial. it purifies the blood, sad •estm dye /y. iia oeosetepalion, hili tas.e m, Welt�ead..h sod all similar ..mp ikas. B. B. B. is purely Y ege- � K.. It's easy to dye with Diamond Dyes Because so simple. .�.o BABY CARRIAGES • SPLENDID NEW STOCZ, AT A. B. CORNELL'S. CALL AND SEE 'TI-IE/v1. Cheapest, Best and Largest Stock in Goderich ! McL E O D' S Reformer . is becoming the Standard Medicine of It es safe to dye with tilled". he day. Parts., call, n» m j alputts of Canada andintheor i asitedtroMate•fro Diamond Dyes Because always reliable. It's economy to dye with Diamomd Dyes Because the strongest. It's pleasant to dye with Diamond Dyes Because they never fail. You ought to dye with Diamond Dyes. Because they are best. Our Dew boot, " Successful Have Dyeing " giving full directions for all uses of Diamond Dyes sent free m.e application. Diaaad rye. an, rad everywhere, a any color ''soiled on receipt of trice, in cents Watts, Ricwaauao,. & Co.. Montreal, Que. A L L=au i LON ! EXPERIENCE, CAPITAL SID SKILL Are the factors employed in the purchase of Goods from the best houses in the trade. The general verdict is that Munro is abreast of the times, and in all departments fully up to the mark. My increasing business is an evidence that my efforts to please the public are appreciated. And while I endeavor to keep almost everything us- ually found in a first-class house, the general public may rely upon getting the correct thing in every department. Notwithstanding the advance on Silk Goods I will sell Satin and D'Lyons, Snrahs and Satin Merveillieuz at former prices. illy Specialties /0/' Mt. .Season. Linen Goods in great variety, Laces and Edgings, Fine Hosiery and Gloves, and all the leading items in Smallwares, from Needles up. All Goods marked in plain figures and strictly one puce. y Backnumbers contain- �UN for the System Renovator. i It never fails to cure :.noure weak and I blood, dyspepsia, . loss cf memory, bronchitis, in, gall stones, jaundice, kid- ney and urinary diseases, St Vitus' dance, female irregularities and green) dehulit;. Manufactured only by J. M. McLEI►D, Sole Patentee, bolter known as -The Old Doctor. Newgate -se. G,derich, (hit The System Renovator is sold at $1.00 and $2 00 per bottle. Tested Remedies. Mrs McLeods (mooniest ••Spe'cifc Cute" for lungs, throat, cough, might 'treats, chills and fever, asthma, broil chid.. gravel and dropsy ; also Mims Eupherria A. McLenrum'a -patented, Lndrneet for spinal disease, hip disease. inflammatory rheumatism, lame back. sprains, bruise., rupture and diabetes are msnufactured by them at Mcixo'i's Laboratory, Gude-rich Al.., Miss ilc- Lennal.'s (patent Spinal and Ahdomn:al Supp. err or Mimeos, made to order to suit male or female, as the case may be. 11er Liniment is add with or without her Patent Supporter. This Liniment is recommended to lie used in all case• •.f spinal disease, id tl.mnatary rheuma- tism au'i diabetes slang with the Sysiitn Renovator ; and the Specific Curr taken along with the System Ben•, rater in all casts i.f dropsy, Bright s disease of the kidneys, diabetes and cmosurnptlun. Bt.th are add at ;., cents per battle. BEST/MS are deep pat op by 0. M. FERRY & CO. Who .re mise Largest $eedsmen is the world. D. M. ys•v s Cn's Massidially ����mat�ed l,e,oaptl.. Yr d,• w/1 be maalkd FR= to applieseis, ad's last sassee's C..- Itsaaa It Is better than ewer. E.• epi Ti.W ti. .shollir>•y • ad ewk. D. M.PENNY &CO. RI it D•ON, ONT. tOKs\11tvno$ 1, TO THE EDITonsPlease CV��D disease. By ke timely imams hes raadsa , k I have a Sup v remedy for the abed. esesed s eared. I all h• glad to seed two bottles of t^y remedy FRCS to any of your readers who have eea- •mayt000 if vri'd serf' ne their Express and Post O.re Address, T. A. SLOCY , M.0., SSG Kest Aseia xis tit., . ONTansO. ' Ho you sleeper,, Rub your peepers ('pen wide each eye: Don't be creepers Bargain reapers :how's the time to buy. RIGHT THIS WAY TO DANIEL GORDON'S • roe •lrl°Attta F•int.('sasa Siaek of Furniture•. ii". etch as PA BLOB �I'; rlti+ NIKDROOM,fstaTE/, DLX• TAf1Lt:$, LOt'NGE;.•t, A.,., My aim has alwat's teen in keen Piret-(•law' r nr wit"^ who •••a•. h the country cheapferampere. The pest .1 but w ill cure rise!'. It•.W) . ao:d palm the s ill eptek few Itself. Thaee no sff First time teem. In undertaking t have evcrvthine ,n he /wind in a first -a Iris esraiii.hmenr• I sit the oldest end must extwo .enceel Funeral I'srrc1or in the ,'minty. wit 11•41 as TNN s.1f.7 itAltl:F:: MtiUr:1t.tTti. West -et. Goderieii Retwee• l•.o sod Hawk of ]fot.treal. !)~Battu. "� JOHN ROBERTSON ftri.-+u to ancwuoce that be is r,oss agent for The Liquor -Tea Coffipazly's Celebrated Teas Your u'h'.trn of on by the Best Authors, given or ith every Handsomeore clams Give it m trial, and acquire a Valuable Library without feeling the expense. A FEW GALLONS OF PURE MAPLE SIRUP LEFT, JOHN RHYNAS' Ol0 STAND, COR. SQUARE ARO MONTREAL L STS. hr_ I CURE FI Ts1TNOUSANCS OF BOtTLFS CIYEN AWAY YEARLY. Wbe• I sayOases 1 de set areas hese them ses 1 M.AR A RAD10A • y r to stop kes fee a time, sad lb... Vittft r. r reili j„aMk .. is mune / 1 wase made the d to Cure Iris, er.ers,.t my remedy b , awe Once. 't 1a artily. ss a /rte. Ss*. N my s p0•ettrraww naryetd•u a can. Seed at Past O"ei'sals (stew% Ii MWCIIng T a trial, mid hitLA .kSTte t°•pnp,s Ci—M. ROOT. e WE KNOW YOU ARE! Looking for a Handsome Xma: or set w- Year, present at a Moderate price, SCRAP IRON. We Know Aw it, havingthe Fi e Have next Liner of Silver Plate, Flat N are Anr The highest 'wire In cash 1 ('utlery ever tt ronaht Mcrap tree. paid for ('aa and displayed in this terry. Ihave onhand OUR PRICES BEAT Tti'E BAND. PLOWS & CASTINGS Inspection Solicited. of 'anions kinds. PIPE AND FITTINGS, &c. R. P. WILKINSON & Cb. Wenrmm. near VI.'Mrta AtreesfTunih. "Th . C. ge e Signal" will be sent to any $$• address for the balance of 1890 for on I $I 00 o ALEX. RO, F6OIk Nous al Sical ' i n "The Deserter,"• Draper H•�l•a.ee g D thrown i n fire. 3044 andst e i