HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-3-28, Page 3• '1'T1 F T11' TW N SIGNAL. FRIDAY, MAR. 28. 1890. '[g6 DOMINION IN BRIEF I NEWS OF THE WORLD. Flan eabrhss .f berries are reported at the The Berlin Labor Cesferaae we •!•sad ASSAth of the Bay of randy. on elaturdsy. Commit gnosticism. Ayer'mes a Own, Pao The 'Arminian (Orbe AsadHoly will .ly wil rutabrutabaga,ow a aseaelem pder Com r b da than ewer. Uhely withdraw tram the eamMttr Tarot felstary at torsIto preparation Throat sad Lung 11,,,,10., N. W. T , had • big an early lir * „Nose are rduuai•g to esus ?roubles is w prompt in hu effects, w lstarbteo' sleet households. the Ma to eleabo a uarrildate cur the Telles A sew Meth•db University e m be beat mitered for Dara Best of All back. l•y morales that destroyed • edicts tasty tremas Is Cray atreeahi to the tete, and so widely black. Int sett went prevekls dimwit the known,as this. It is the family 1aedi- Th. Ubsrab .1 Bast N Transvaal Republic- cis in tho(laaris of huusehe . I have it J from a detelfs at ikons City, !sera bronchial trouble that, whenever I take Ymainater sl millinery retrying to arrasrsa T1• pop he •aaonlaasd the fireaatlael d sold or am exposed to inclement weatb- ee maitary revew fur asst (Jason's • hise•r'h;in Jspea ec, shows Itself by • very annoying jylrthday. Rich gold diewveres leave bevel mads in tickling s in.atlonin the tld I havet and by The pollution of the Ottawa River by lo- the mete of Dureago • serious Question for thy., .q11 to te,«t great many remedies, t none does so le tn.ouoting Kmg Humbert leas gi well ns Ayer's Cherry Pectoral which attired. • monument b Msadd- alma r gives prompt relief in returns of Three of the ser injured in the C. i b return b bog sh o d caw hint. - e e . P R. lad tertinglea ennecte 1 p ErnestA.li pl r Hospital. tet sear Pembroke are V the Montreal rod : • ly after Faster. Its recur o PuWiu Ituadr. Parish sr- ijtrp'ftal The coal minM• of Yorkshire, Lan .suers re Donne, La. Mr. A. !l wrote, d King's, N. R. has been p L eblre lays "'truck - that consider the H J that output bo(laa and WW1 Ulm t»opla For Home Use. The output of what rel the Parings Evangelist. Moody a ecnductbtg a write of I hare teated its cu Manitoba, the is estimated at • :lYtree) bill . Ptutu •sal ,�,r have overtaken the Udall! years, and bare never known it A taw for murder hes been found at sed P►a. to tail. It will relieve the moat serious and yAyer's Cherry Pectoral a elected !Speaker of Hume of Amenably of N Y demolished a tutu' iwportaut reitaecly A lead -hide at Troy Plaine, yearrelive power, in my 1, nlcoeadul revivals in New York. family, matey times during the past Morton, the �sd �'e DNA of Lar Ml Winnipeg rdeAmass agafmw Several memb.rs of the family of the Myth affections of the throat and lengs, Miami families with V whether in children or adults." - Mrs. Twenty familes of the lino alio fled of Po** are prontratdgriPPe- E. O. Edgerly, Council Mutts, Iowa. trona the Northwest after the rebellion will Mr. Whitelaw Reid, United Stare mine- "Twenty years ago I WAS troubled return this spring. ter to Pare, has left Havre for New York. with a dir.'see of the lungs. Doctors Three little boys Croke through the Me of • Holzman & Dsutchb rger, manufacturers afforded me no relief and considered pond at Mitchell, and one of them aged 5 of cigars ip New York, have failed: liable- my case hopeless. I then began to use years wedrowned. ties ileiDer. Ayer'• Cherry Pectoral, and before I eU.T.Itbad finished one bottle, found relief. I tiugru, the G. T. R. employs at Point alt e is sa Lady Mraderyilid to be the cowman, bad to take this medicine until a Charles', who shot his foreman recently, cure wan effec ter ha A er'a 1 life." is declared b be irate. who recently advertised to present ladies at court fur Y IOU. TweIds thousand Nottinghamshire min- ers have )utne.f in the strike for au ad- vance of awes. Frank Oradcy, of Allegheny city, Pa, murdered his two children at au early hour Saturday morning. The Pen-Americau (onferemee have ar- rived at no decree yet with rsfereu e to the Customs Inion. At Batesville, Ark., the White River ere Si feet in 24 hours, and all tkeluwer part of the town is flooded. William H. !Rayner secured his rehear from, New York jail on Saturday atter cuu- slderable dimrultr. The distrer along the Missiasiry'i ammo( jlie blacks on mount of the ri.iu of the river is increming daily. Col . tteUers, a Pittsburg capitalist, declares that he has purchased all the street railraris in Buffalo and Rochester. Congress will be eked to subsidize tete or more stseanrhip lines between the U. S. and Brasil and Rio de la Plata. The strike of the yard 'wit. been and brake emewi in the Pittsburg & Lake Ens yards has been completely broken. A holier explosion caused the the death of two men near Scranton Pa-, and injured many others to that they may die. There is a good prospect of the Bill authoris- ing the . of • tunnel under the Detroit River going through the U. S. ('on- green '-Negroes from the Arkansas side were die- (uvered rutting the levee near Rosedale, Mian, Friday night and were shot sad killed by the guard. A Charleston despatch says Mrs. Harrison nude a mast favorable impna.don on the people there. The presidential party were warmly received. The executive of the United Brotherhood ,tire Clan-nrti•eI) he issued a call fer a national conventions, but the place and date An action for slander for POO a threat- are nut indicated. seed against Joe Here, temperance lecturer, A movement is on foot to erect • mono - by Mr. Thomas Duna, of the Pala a restaur- merit to Major Shirt and ttergt k. wrier be scathingly who died while fighting the flames at the St ant Teterboro', place Bauveur are in May. denounced. of (. The dead body of a newly -born infant was Charles W. fin., o (.. He found this afternoon on the step of the door •melded by hanging of the Jesuit church in (,'deice• city. it is out of work during the winter supplied to be • ear of infanticide and the greatly depresad. there died at City, detectives are working it up. On Wednesdayto at Butteee City, The license c•omniummiere d Wert F.Igin Judge A. J. Davis, reported wealth- y,' odoTte-d the ruins of let year clause by lest man in Montana lis wealth is erti- 1. 1 bellete! t J Cherry Pectoralneer. my e. - Bamuel Griggs, Waukegan, Ill. "Six rears ago I contracted a severs cold, which settled on my lungs and soon developed all the alarming symp- toms of Consumption. I had a cough, night sweats. bleeding of the lunge, pains in chest and sides, and was so prostrated as to be confined to my bed moat of the time. After trying various without benefit, my physician finally determined to give me Ayer's Cherry ]'octural. I took it, and the effect was magical. I seemed to rally from the first dose of this medicine, and, after using only three bottles. am as well and sound an ever." - Rodney Johnson, Springfield, Ill. In the great libel cam the Jesuits filed their reply to the exception a It forme entered by the Mail some time ago. Mr. it queued has been tendered the nota inatMw of the Mouth Wentworth t'uaserva- tares fur the Legislature. Sofas unknown miscreant tried to poison ante. Ferguson at Belleville by placing green in his dinner pail Mr I'arnegie, has been nominated in west riding of Teterboro' in the interests f the Equal Rights Mwaciatiun. A poet of the Grand Army of the Republic being formed in Montreal of Cenalians who served in the American war. The Quebec Legislature have adopted Pri- er Mercitr's motion to grant 1110,000 W- ard rebuilding Toronto University. Mr David Porter. of Ausabel, was chore° by the Liberals of North Bruce to contest the riding at the Provincial elections Mr. Justice McMahon received a pair of white sirens at the Brampton A.►: • •s, being the second pair be haw received on ..Lt present circuit. A man called Alexander Tbilwaudeau, in M,atteal. drank • dsuuctlun of Paris green and black tea, but the life of the would-be suicide we saved. Benjamin Stewart, of St. Thomas, charged with having criminally amaulted his two daughters, aged 19 and 19 years, wits arrested in Lo d n and went to tit. Thomas Apes Flnigan, of Belleville, disappeared mysteriously from the American Hotel, Oshawa, recently, pad search being made the was found under the ice in • creek. The praetor the proposedbridgeto M�trthe Mt Lawrence. from Longuesu eal Fest, represents a bridge very much like that just completed over the Firth of Forth. ,he young man James McIntosh, reported t�drowned at lipir(t Lake. Iowa, is to be theme of Mr. David McIntosh, w well known cattle drover of Mt Thome. lar had bean and war clause and decided that no holden. of a shop mated et $10,0110,01 0. Titans, should be either directly or indirectly A revolt has occurred in Afghanistan concerned in any .ether business. agamet the .tower. Menne hf the rebels tied to ere Richanl Wirkett. .on of John Wickett, captunrl and beheaded Orwell, aged 17, arrested sone days ago on Itwman territory. several charges of obtaining toes". from neer- It is now known tel persona kat their live" chants by fare ,•epe..•rttatln at St. Thomas by the explosion in the Moa.ei colliery. An *attest guilty to three indk'Unemts. unlocked lamp beside the corpse of a work - Louis Laroche, a rich farmer of Rh man explains the explosion. Charles de Rellechare, and a municipal hlepree+otative Flower has given notice p L(� councillor, auh•ldect by running a sharp that be will move to make the guarantee IE6ULATES Petite'r ick Several tinrv. tato his al.l.urn•a fund in the Chicago World's Fair Hill $10,- v He had been partially forme (dor c..ne time mo.tp°. instead of i5 (100.000. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, rtarrrSD at Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Mb by all Druggist.. Price tit , sir totttr, fit. RONOfES ►IBESTiON. ACTS ON THE BOWELS. THtBEST'CARTH&CO. BAKING POWDER FACTORY SUPPLIES -..11Sr vt,ti + copy Valves, less k Lead Pips Alice Pulley Oilers, Shan let Peeps F era Penes, sled 011ie, Ne Alum. Crean Seperders, Dairy NothN.gien,Wadies. 1ed V•e/ry ll"selln. �ETIILEI GIEIIU%L CRAIG .ISTRLA`. Coati CURES DYSPEPSIA. CURES DYSPEPSIA. CURES DYSPEPSIA. O.A.MCA Kali & o Mr r- JFAC vlrpc QA ^r rink. .ARRiAGE VA NISHES�e+IA s `4 SILVER MEDALS AWA tUE, MOPFTREAL. ' CHADWICK'S LKkTIIEROiD Mr. Neil Mc:o...1, cf Leith. Out., cru et Dp.rs Sins, -Por years and years l suffered front dyspete ds in it. w•,r-t form., au, alter trying all mea], in ten 1• .rel to no purpose I wan 1'. resat• • it, by friends to try lila It 1 did. amt after o-.ine )...cite. I was ,.,u:pletely cured. Cures CONSTIPATION Cures CONSTIPATION Cures CONSTIPATIOA POOL.STEEL-IINED TfiU6KS In Sareels. tries' and all etberkit :•. COTTOri�:��� For Hand and l TRUNKS la the Word. TN Maclaine Use. -11S NO SU?(R 011. ASK F9R HOTEL BALMORAL. MONTREtl. Nett Dame -fuer. 01 all most mettrwi t 90 city. Aeeuan:uadatlm for 400 guests. Retest Q �7 �0JPRUFF, it to 43 per de y. SO s• minuet. J. EVELE1GR CO MONTREAL, amnia 2.E' Ever. Rapid =eaareey. Data Sia•, -1 hays tried yourIt B.B. with great sorrier for c.,ustipatton end pea In my heel. The second dee nude we ever ea each better. My ly,wels now more freely and the pain hi my head has left Inf.. and to everybody with We „ecus disease I rsaowunt-i B. It B. Mme F. trn.u•wa. its ttluur 1St., Toronto. Cures BILIOUSNESS. Cures BILIOUSNESS Cures BILIOUSNESS. PEARS' DOMINION LEATHER BO�FLD S:1` Los MI t.V.a, COMPANY. J. PALMER &SOX 1:ae_i.c: sere of ti bok.ik LW" of egrSTDS 1',.a'.EGIRD DRUGGISTS' SUYDR;ES Iiaerira i'ildtlwz. 170 Erg BOAST., MONTREAL FP.iCTICTI - - -" PULLEY kO&RD, O ra L— • T i .-'-, , Direct Proof. Stas.- I rrastr'uble.l for eve years with' Liver fowpleint I used a greet dead of medictae which clod wo to good and I part At Brown. esu rottingwore• .Si tlx Gm•' DER Clint•�n county, Iowa. Henry � mtff I tried Hur,ir*•k B►•r,.: t POW J Huic• a farmer Irving neer Minredcra, Nom-- a wealthy t ,-n.* was found murder- LIVER Rlttdrrs After S Tett bone throve weeks ago •n1 Fur nut ed in his bon... end his wife was f sin now w RECKITT'S ._,Bei THE BEST FCA LAUNDRY PAPERS. QerI fFisz, Ys±T�''st 7.7 111.1101111111 MOM 5 PUBLIC NOTICE Another large consignment of Fresh Teas of suerior quality. In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the public by peddlers and others, we a e offering ,Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. REES PRICE SON. Kay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. CODERICH SEED EMPORIUM 'Q�.a�ITI FIRST! Is Our Motto. Jo.w of 1 THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF SEEDS •- IN THE COUNTY. `THC GREAT $iF.Ei6Til f.-IVi:F Our Field and Garde'. treed. i.a. a been Selected w ith the Greatest care and bare been i PtRFEr.T r o0 ptocu-td from the; tion TxE ;tett .NAitet IeC M A PiTi'dEQQf .ice INYW:DRAY • P e ___q. —ms es s.at a assaw,a •i ur ea• asset damn seam asset r r...ra a lav em r r a.le ad ,. lava as la ..i.. is r r.. r..«... er. ss ew eS y air: =L oraa r i st W u,qa Tb. p1Lw,Y ,� "t... as .,.�• da r.arrt Best Growers on the Continent. OUR STOCS OF Stid.aei GRAIN Co:, pe-ises all the leading varieties. namely' PEAS --Rinner, Crown, Golden Vine and Yummy. OATS—Banner, Giant Swedish and Black Peerless. SPRING WHEAT—Colorado. White Russian ar.d Ladoga (see Prof. Saunders' report of last named variety.) WE CALL .SPECIAL ATTENTION to our Seeds and reed drain and Respectfully 5- ,licit an Inspection of our Stock "•'e��"��� IMPLEMENT ,.• . e.err ..r. r aaa w.e�c�,"t rp..a.e.rea• neer x xAusrracv..a•s°ea,ewaruar.ttuwa " w..rrrw res r .,•14:we r p.ar• ear alar. boa a. ren.. .- DSdNN'S DEPARTMENT BAKING seriously Man. beard fruin sine. it is thought he i+ wounded. Th.• t.,urderer is unknown. and his neighbours are searching for It is estimated that nearly. 100,000 miner[ him. are on strike in England. The price of coal it le stated flat the work of laying the is rapidly advancing and it a expected • double track on the Grand Trunk railway number of factories will have to shut down. twtweest Heunilton and Tomato will hi' corn - The tardy of Rowland "meal, a New York mewed this week. and that the intention is (trimmer who had been mysteriously miming to comp[ to twenty miles this arena. for several days, was Salted omit of the river The remain of Alex. Brodie, jun., sin of near Market street, l'hic'ago. He we no Alex. Brodie, o'f Kintyre, were found on the doubt murdered. Michigan ('entre' Railway track one mile T1s levee et New Orleans broke, and the east of Rodney, bn•ritdy mangl.d. I in the portion of the city upon the river M entirely swains of the des -rood ed were found two submerged. The water is ail through the y bottta street.. end being pumped out at the back Early cm Maturday morning the neddcnn• of pert of the city into lake F ,. • . eiMr. Livisgksaw, a farmer of S'. Raymond, Then• b now, • Mag probability that Vita we burned to the ground. Mr. and the, divorce suit of Captain O'Shea against Mrs. Livingstone were short front home at hie wife and Mr. Teruel' will not reach trial the tits•, but their two children, who were in before the fall. Mr. Parnell has asked and the house. were rinsed to Leath. obtained further and fuller details of the A fatal acci,ieat occurred at Kehlon. nine times and poor' dd the aleged adultery. mill.- from Shelburne. Mr. Time Appl•yar'l, Jung i.iig, a Chime, i drew a who eon a awmtll throes, was removing • $15,000 prize in • lottery. He entrusted the slab from a log while the mill era running. money to another ('hinaman, Joe Tighe.to By wrtw' seams the stub touched the sew, deposits for him. It is now learned that Jos and the old gentleman we so thrown against did not depeat the money and hie where - $haw that both *is were cut ca in the ups alerts are unknown. It is supposed be ben for part of tie thigh. He survived his In- Mins to 'FrtaW. juries • coup/. of hours. The United States steamer Dislateti weal A little fellow named David Alexander, ashore at 4 o'clock Saturday on Cedar Point Rolland, living on 4nder•ann Street, Mon- shoal. The dames Mme polled no the Dir areal, wee padng a butcher's stall in that patch until 3'• this morning but failed to neighborhood, when one oof the teen who we move her. It is thought the vessel will re- chtpping tame meat mind hie track. and main ashore until • lull in the northwest the axe glanced off the block and hit the toy wind permits the water to rise in the river. err a I�at Randay severe and on the ambulsnew arc lying John Blunt, a farmer near Stockton, Kea, r wa rintwovsd to the (general Hppital, found • bottle of laudanum and drank Stats where the wound wasdramad. of it. The ehild died. The next day Mrs. What a known a the Elite jewel robbery Blunt, erased by the death of her child, (ease wise concluded In Montreal. PhilNP and drank the rest of the vomit. Rhe cannot Maloney. of Montreal, wore aeeas.d of bav- recover. Mr. Blunt I. prostrated, and his (ng woe in • gene of poker 814,1M10 worth def friends fear be too may entrain suicide. Jewelry trema von Retail", tr•iwllr for It i officially anmcunetd that the Yin of the Toronto arm of P. W. Elite & Co , Dahom ey. i I by Me female wrr- knowing that it did not beim( b him. This ries, pia retired to imam .f raenaldsg tfihl point was rut a11•hM cI by the at Uodomey four days and not daring is at- , and the two ,!honors well, acgd0 tack the Preach pasta The not of his army tdstl remains at (iadnaey, where it i erecting Dr Wil on d Darin. ins inbred a snit fortis..arra. During t e campaign a thea bee dummies agelteld Ile. Odbeos of the more mad Dabcntaer, including a tweak. general, ��• for allayed dadsr are defamation of were killed. Y Wer ter. Tb. hot• of the mus me ehst A mysterious epidende bee appeared at Ur (ifltaa was caped in easeahstbel by Dr. Relavoaish peek and Pe- b rg, sear Dem fine' le edam in whisk Mrs. Jahn &dyes was gen Tree death. have take. panne in two marbled to her room with Ws= and Is a evil eeailtiea When Dv. lama tmsen- , Ind the ptMt It I. slitgewd Mat b end ba Me pl R on Mid Me in1Ywregistatine � eats Me emtdt of a previous Memdeals at Dr. a the H bled tihe I wnraa. bottles e tekin hoer I well. tree alto reeosnuraad it for the excel of 1'ys• '"i'i F. r••dW*• ' THE COOKS BEST FRIEND Cures HEADACHE Cures HEADACHE 1 Cures HEADACHE. s pg,gtapt Cure. rm.. Rtae, i wu eery bed E6LLATES with beadaebe and pain an nit Lack: my bands and feet swelled so I soul 1 d" no work My elder -in -taw r..v,Md me 4 I y �/(�t try It. B.10. H"id` ons boltsI KI felt it, mnrb s,• tier that I IDNE 1 al got one morei sin Dow well. , and can work M well as ever. LIMES Relief ca. Tilaunt.urg. Out THE days at Risek and two at Freyberg. Thom who have bean attacked retired to bell Is pad spirits, sad devils mar awes ID to M heart. AB. Wane to amnion the patients wore tanvnfrng sad Ohwh• beim appeared be have baagamd daring sleep. Gnat Sean .Ie. esl.tarad Mat the malady ee sI ngioea L.a1t's Lle meat M --- _item.' , at aeras I__ ' 1 or sae rest. PURIFIES BLOOD. Bi Cures BAD BLOOD. Cures BAD BLOOD.' Cures BAD BLOOD. Mid Blood may anal, from wrong action of t Bowels.d R Weir. by . regulating aid toBla B.. s gu tndttg theca organs. ,emeses die eases makes od re ev ail bee Ma diseases from a pimple to • scrofulous ears. HIRSTS PAIN XTE!!R!)ATQ R HOIIIIVIOLD RRMIDY, filaertsea, M ar s11—t have me �".4 yew.Pals Szennselmenesfa i a vet ORONO' w vile figorabilaMtn N TbMnt wh,eevvr thews r entellel wet e~ It to Ibe we"ti a be • NM -!••.g asgerM.btab tmserveat aw a`�■searf' Ywws es.. J a a awe at all drelgabm. * BILLET & CO., PtsMrievi, Nglniwt► BUT ENVELOPES, NOTE HEADS, LETTER PAPER. _. !ill BILL HEADS, TBE I0GFNA L Sid, _111111 Etc . tEtc.. Etc.. at A COD! We have in rtoc: a full line of all the leading Manufacturers... w. -.....- Binders, R' ap( r•. Mower., Drills, Slakes, Disk Harrows, Gan, Ploughs, Cultivators, aid all Steel Sulky Ploughs. This Del arn.cnt w :1 he represented in the Surrounding district by MR. ANGUS McKINNON, OF COLBORNE. A Full 4U,:k of Pim C ve* a�: r Yat i� ar r - r kept constantly on hand. OGILVIES & HI'TCHISON'S Crown Jewel Flour. '$2.23 per eel. Bee/ Value la the aarket Goods delivered to any part of the town and Satisfaction Given, WN. BURROWS 9 SEEDSA&AN_ ESTABLISHED 60 YEARS - I still take the lead in special value in GOODS D WalmiSmiu& Dress Helton+, from 9e. per yard up, Twill \leltona, Stripe Foule and c h+ Stripeand ('heck Costume Clothi,Velvets, Ribbons, ire Amazon Cloths, The undersigned is prepared to undertake the putting in of tWater Services in connection with the Town System toDwell- ings and other Buildings. Also REPAIRS To Steam Engines, Mills, Fac- tories and Machinery of all kind. Prices reasonable. Satisfac- tion Guaranteed WILSON SALKELD. 1111111d MEN'S SUITS, SPECIAL VALUE. Tweed., full line.. Overcoats very low, Gsxnl (.duality, :Nearly all Gone, Price Sells Them. In Grocery Department, In Teas especially. I Take the Lead,both in Quality and Prices. Pure Un- adulterated Coffee only kept, price, :10e. per lb. Pure Spices only kept. In My Hardware Department Li o I hive a full a aortmden,t Glass, my on importation, from 7%9 to Q 84'iSB, full supply Cco. Saw'it, ice. Wagon and Buggy Gears rOR MALS RY ' full assortment. ,G. H. PARSONS C. Lu ABB, AILMON BLOCK. GODKSUQ (Wet**, :Io,. I SIA, MNe. IC/USSR I