HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-3-21, Page 8THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. MAR. 21; 1890. GREAT wars. reran, BOOM t AMERICAN UFS FINE TAILORINC} ERASER &PORTER'S Cawing Sale of Stook on hand at 5c. per roll and Upwards. OUR SPRING STOCK TO HAND ! The newest Spring designs for 1890 in American and English Wall Papers. Friezes, Iiurtle►rt, Ceiling Decorations, Ac , direct From the largest and beet Maouflacturers 600 New Desi;ens to - Select from. We have so arra:uged, as usual, that we buy from Manufacturers who Boll to us only, which in any other case makes good papers appear common. FRASER 8c PORTEef. Cor. North st. and Square, and Central Telephone Exchange. uoderich, Mar. 5th, Itt70, 21127-tf THE COMING SHIRT. If you wish to keep up with the times don't purchase any more OLD-FASHIONED SHIRTS. for A_ =. PR=23A1\2 hes secured the Sole Agency fur Mh:i h: It & WARDS ('cletra'ed Adjustable Band Shirts. COMING SHIRT. COXING SHIRT. COMING SHIRT. S H grit PAT JAN l.583 nti ggC cAn w . • � • ., Y l MESSER & WARD MFRS or GALT . Oti-. COMING SHIRT. THE COMING SHIRT. THE COMING SHIRT. I have the finest range of ' eckwear. Hats. ('ape and Gloves that can be purchased any- where. n- where. In Collar. and Cuffs only toe ''Newest German Makes, which surpass any other goods on the market, are handled. Don't fail to give mea call at the N E W STAND. CORNER McLE ATS BLOCK. HELD ON A RED -110T STOVE THE TERRIBLE CRIME OF TWO TOR- ONTO TOUGHS. Maw They Tried to Make a Young Lady Surrender the Key of a Cash Drawer - A Ill'.rdereas Assault os. a York -street Old Clo' lean la tit, John's Ward. Toaoneo. March 20. -Two diabolical and dare -devil crimes were perpetrated in Toronto I. broad daylight yesterday. one In St John's Ward and the other in the West End. The (latter, for downright brutality. exceeds any- thing beard of in the criminal records of this city for years. At 41, o'clock yesterday afternoon two young men entered Elias Rogeni branch coal once at N....'. M L . • west. The only person in the place at the time was Mies Mita ill'arron, who resides at 17M Mutual - street and who has charge of the office. Betore t to young lady could address the two men they sprang over the counter. One of them caught her by the throat and rushed her up against the north wall of the room, while the other made a dash for the cash drawer, which contained $186. Miss McCarron had a few moments before locked the drawer and put the key in her pocket. Finding himself foiled by the drawer being locked, Robber No. 2 made a spring at the unfortunate girl demanding with a string of oaths that she surrender the key. l.tsteal of doing so she began to scream for help, where- upon her first assailant throw her against the red-hot stove and held her there while the other attempted to find the pocket is which was the key. Miss McCarron redoubled her cries for help and the two villain•, becoming scared. dropped their victim, again jumped the counter and dhappleared. When • gentle- man paining by and bearing the screams entered the .'fern, be found the lady half fainting on the floor. Her right ear and arm were badly burned, end the marks on her throat when. the cruel villein had gripped her were 1.Wnly vidble. Meanwhile Detective Porter, who is eta - tinned in St. Andrew's Market Station, had started not to look for a well-known thief named Charles Lappin. for whose arrest be had • wa rant. He saw his man on Queen - street west walking in the company of Tom Patterson of IN Farley -avenue, another young ran well known to the pollee. As soon as Lappin csught night of the of- ficer he started to nm, but after • flSte-minute chase Porter hail .e'.wnn) his man, and in ...sitter 10 had him lately larked up While there be was told of the outrage to wi ,e)' Ili-. McCarron had been enb 'eted, and as the r1T her aswil•mta answered to that of Pattern -we and Lappin. Porter left the .ration to end the former. He caught him • n Portland td: ee'. and after sting him safely hogged brought down Mist McCarron to we if she cs- ild identify the priswnent fin wring thee. site at moos declared that they were the two who had sn brutally attacked her. This tttttunsteg they will be tasked to piped to • cyggedtwthki, if enevlcted, they will massive beg tams he the panst ewtinr v. *writ C. its, who keel. a teemed -heed tineas 1$s. Mt York -sic et had quite as et- eNiax ase es/w(eer>r' with thirteen as Mies lir('.rr a, het le the mailer of iiierina be was not ge 'e so fortunate asthr remit lady, r be lays I. the anehiettt ward at tit a Oar A. E. PRIDHAM erai hospital with Si wounds on his head and faon and covered with bandages. The attack on Mr. Gold ... 1 during the afternoon in an upper room of No. 37 Elizabeth -street, occupied by a Mrs. Sturges Here is how Mr. Goldstein told the story himself after be had had his wounds dressed by Drs. Allen. Cuthberteoo and Chambers: This afternoon • young man about 19 years of age cane into my shop and stated that he has some clothing that be wished disposed of at IR Elizabeth nowt. I put about 8900 in my pocket and .. 1 him to the house. I was takes Into a bedrowun. where I saw another young man As soon as I entered the room the dour was lucked and the men demanded my mosey I be came frightened and save them • couple of dollars and said that It was all that i bad in my possession one of the men then said, " D-11 you. give us more than that or we will heals you." and suiting the action to he, words. be .truck me ore✓ the head with e water pitcher. felling me to the ground. I streamed awl tried to ?reek away. but I we again knocked down than villains this tine break ing• basin over ray head. O.eof them threw me Is the floor. while the other covered my face with a pillow. and while In this position I was robbed of all the money I had. about $ttr, They then took me by the arms and tried tc throw me nut of the window. but the sash eaoght mr by the legs and I was unable to help myself While I was trying to get free the two mea washed themselves in • basin and ran out of the front dour. i then fainted As soon a. the news was received at Police Headquarters, detectives were stationed at the various railway rotations to intercept the would-be murderers should they attempt tc leave the city. Detective John Cuddy was an signed to ['Mon Station,and just as he arrived the 'SSU express was pulling out for Hamilton. He made • rare after it and swung on to the rear steps. From the correct description given by Mr. Goldstein of his aamilants Caddy had no difficulty in twc young men in the . . as the parties wanted. They were securely hand cuffed, the train was stopped and they were taken to police f . They wen marcher, but only about 112 and tickets for Buffalo were found on their persona. Theit clothing was saturated with blood. On betas questioned the oldest of the men stated that they were from New York and that their birthplace was Germany. They were both clean shaved and appeared much frightened They gave their names as Charles Mehoe.bob and Chart's Kahl. They were taken to the hospital, when; (.oMeetetn bad no difficulty in , ' them az his aatailanbl J. Ootdshfa, Ito. el the injured man, was at the hosplld when the pile mows were brought In for Identifica- tion As sown as the victim recognised the men, young (♦okidei. struck Kahl in th. fare knocking him down. Mn Sturgeon says the men have been roasting with her fres four weska They seemed to have no They told the woman that they were from Now York The jury in the Mamsy-Macacae libel ems late yesterday of ernicata returned • verdict of not guilty. The court awarded the de fondant his ends maim* the private prom rotor, H. A. Marney The main point was thin stated In the judge's charge to the jury "That It tiny foiled that Mr. Mamsy had Ily speaking, mists the words of th• alleged Mal, deluded and humbugged i>r. Potts, Dr. ilewart and Ma otter /rs maters of the ?Meridiem eebteme Its the seem way, Il, spealdeg, as Mayfair James had hundeim rad, swindled and derived the farmers, the. Mr. Msec' 's pias of nistifitetisse woe sebstadlab eeka$l' ASSURANCE COMPANY 'INCORPORATED BI SI ECIAI. at r tit kitailisi Ali I A1;1. AiIIN' HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO, ONT. PRfiWLENT-.upas. ALEX. 111AOS.K 181 1. M. P..•lltafMer of Canada VI(')r-PRIIMIDEfIT$ J1140,1141`..; 1. lie Aitlk. G. N' LLAN, MANAGING DIRE -t' CTOR--WILLIAM M,ABE, F.1. A.. Eng. tvtidiss e.aa rawer u•.... • . • , e rase RATES MODERATE. tNc,.wTaR•w� r A' .I r: i st ax t KAMa. THE SEMI TONTINE PLAN eembi•es la unit I elle., ILA; b ucrea u( Lac to -urea a with do., of Si bvrro., F. J. T. NAF TEL, tees ty bible rt Agent. JUST ARRIVE!) LARGE STOCK OF Choice Goods TO SELECT FROM CaCC^�NottAC., Back Numbers of "The Sig- LANDLORDS 1 nal" can be had on apple N'ho h., e ltatw.e. i°rout should ma Das cation. Bal. of 1890. $1. and elegant li.enf WALL PAPERS BABY CARRIAGES sew sod SPLENDID CEILING DECORATIONS NEW STOCK. at - SAUNDERS & SON'S. They sarersanythiag is town for STYLE, QUALI f Y and PRICE. TENANTS ! Tee MNed sue _your Landlord to buy W AL1. 1•AI'klt from SAUN DERS&SON 1lie) a .• f,us, the Art Factory of W. N. Peak, Brooklyn, N.Y., also supe m.... No Other Dealer in Town. No trouble to show samples The Cheapest loose Duller the SU COUGHS. - COUGHS. CASE'S Syrup Tamarac Gum Cures all allecti ons of the Throat, Lumps and Chest such as Iteonch,ti.. Wh.s.ping 1',.ugh, ('roup, ll,.arsetieer. Influent*, Spr,tong Itl.s.d, l'ain in the Chest, Coughs, Colds, etc. This i•iusble pr•ptrat.on excites ex- pectoration, •rosy• and heals all writs Don of the throat and lungs, giving Instant refs( to any pain, and imparts atrengih to the affected parts. Curse rvery time.. AT A. B. C)() R N E L L' S. ! price 2.5 .1 51.c BOTTLE Cheapest, *oil a Vor.Lct u.' not guilty turned'. 1'REl'AIII,l) BY - CALL AND SEE THEM. i H. SPENCER CASE, Best and Largest Stock in Goderich ! should be raj was asked to repeat the statement and did en. i asked hit. If it was his own dog and he replied. "i got it from mt aunt to Ondrr'ch." los sac's not know- ing lot got it. I heard afterwar.ls be pulled it utter • l.mb of a tree wsa rl'pe, let it down and then atartert .hut tt. lkhen he got the skin pertly fl OW d.'[ jnetprd up and howled, then he got a little bony to bold a suck on its s,,. it s hilt he ligt.hrli the w,rk I de - cc•.; cit•-.(r.•ve (•. lir ,cute. Tha.king. y. ti. 11r E litre, f..r 'Lis spice in your ..liable paper.Hthrall'Motais - i Mr (:e•4140 Forrest and .titer. of near, Huls (ire•-, Hit Ia.t s••. k f,.r 11.ottt,•t,.t, COLBORNE. From a correspondent. SOCIAL (:Arruttaleo.-A very happy par.) met by Invitation et the residenec of Mr and Mrs Geo. Morris, of Colboroe. on Thursday of last week. There were present Mr Clans. Girvan, of Wawani.sh, Nr. and Mrs Win Young, Mr and Mrs P'•'rgueon, Mr acid Mrs J. Varmre, Mr John Morris, Mr sod Mrs J. Buchan - .n, Mr and Mrs Jos. Morns, Mr J. J Wright and Mr and Mts Harry Morris. the spread was most hotsnttful, While all the surroundings bore ample evident. of pesos and plenty -presenting an ex caeut 'maniple of what yo..,l mauy;u• meet, combined with prurience arad fo- dustry, c raid accomplish. In the coin patsy of such old pioneers, interest.ot ,r,cide"ta and laughable anecdotes were he theme of converaaon, making it a comparatively easy matter to compile a eolumo on the subject of their esti) iniggles in arvitit homes out of the primitive forest. It is quite iupessible for the present generation, possessed a. they are with all the modern improve- ments of the age, coupled with ever) convenience and comfort, to form any idea of what these stur.ly men passed through half a oentury ago, when the country was one unbroken wiklerness N ith a hearty vote r f thank• to their kind entertainers, the guests took their kayo as the sun dipped in crimson and gold faded out of sight on the boson of the great lake. POPLAR ROW. To the Editor of the Masai. DsAa ala. --An item appeared mu yoer /mgt some time ago concerning • young Oxon Krieg on the outeknts of Poplar Row, who skinned a dog alive. i have been seemed of puttin* that item in your paper by the family of the aid young man. My name has been elan dercd far and near. I have been In- formed by the neirhburs that the mother of said young man either said she would slap may month or it ought to be slapped; very strong language for a lady to use. i solemnly deny the charge. I neither aorta cue mark of a pen nor pencil about the matte , nor did i intend say Ing anything until i was slandered i would warn the mother of the said young man to keep quiet or her sun might be billed with a Mee and eats for his little hit of play. Now. sir, i will give you the word. of the mid young man. Mr John McNevin had a sawing bee on the farm of Mr (Neorce Morrie ; the said yoeeg mew being peese.t said : "I Militated a dog aline this mrruiait.' Be "These was a frog who lived In a spring. He caught such a cold he amid not drag." old Poor. 1 in what a out spg r Melt have ad resale Mse ttl.eresi o e. ~~w +ho is the " a Mono- B u sppsld le the ' or onthe1w..,eiinih armbleed. Par Ms aboveegmentioned " ensk- er - us age mot ever Mteed het sew asJo e. lip know that all h MM. NMg' hDr. t�weroe's _knoweaM by Dr.te errs a Ml la e[ e.en H. wesst druellblell owe bow of for steles oaFi Dr. Pierre'stworieiolewu very is posi- tively unequaled. it awns the wont Inver - Ing coughs and up the seer sad vvewr of theses , I have been see o y writing diseases. t is tsas•aw•ee� to e neer or cure. le all Mi sssw few obese It le L If taken to these sad give. • sir r isier mowy paid far It ref's s lfsd. capestige. ams by Wane% Dm. ora ASNs. ' Dr. PIERCE'S PELLETS dr.selssa i scall a vial. BOOTS &SHOES1 Spring is about o,tening and the Ladice of , Qoderich and Vicinity will be wanting some- thing nice in footwear. I have the lamest and best stock it bas ever been my pleseure to show. All the leading lines and styles in Kid. Dongola. and other line matertal.in Com- mon Sensi and Opera Tue. In Staple Goods An immense stock, suitable for Town and Country wear. Prices lower than ever. In goods of my own Manufacture I carry a large stock. many lines of which I have been selling at wholesale for several yearn. having sent large shipments to British Columbia and other points. ORDERED WORK Receives my speolal attention. and i am deter- mined to give you the very M•., that can be made. I have customers In this branch of my business from Montreal to the Pacific Coast. Repairing promptly attended to and neatly den TO TA>0 SHOE TRADE OF Huron District. I have • pock of reeds larger than is carried by many et the jebbers, and basher my goods in large quantities for gash i will sell to you at jobber's pclose or lea Call or write for quotations ea any lines you may be aendlsg, Leather sad Sadlags Is any gsantltlss from a quart of pep ora pair of half.misa M M sides of sole leather. ('ben..1. No. Ji) l:;ng i i. it eal.11amilton. Ont Sold I, F. Jordan. QUALITY ALWAYS WINS! As the Old Darkey said : "I'se rayther pay more an' hat, de best once in a while, than to pay les and hab a poor article Of'n. ' Our Tia Trdo Doubled You can get the BEST VALUE ! cars. A. NAIRN'S, r RTT-THIRD PEAK. , HOLE NUMBeds lee. OEC TO ADVERTISERS. otice of changes must be It at this Office not later thi Monday noon. The copy f changes must be left not at than Wednesday noon. Ca ual Advertisements accepts up to noon Thursday of eat week Leval letters. A(1 adtwnr•e Haters it. the (oral redunsit of Tag Htt:gAL of atertittgr sir eider faintaeafs ant sdtict on adminion fir u charged. ur frust which a peceni ery bene(( is derired, week be paw for at fAe rate of one end Ile word each insertion, no diary in Bain Ii"eaty-jirr trots. Where ad I of aN' I 11I inserted a brig( focal will S. .fore fres. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. For Salo -Mn Swift. Notice -Thos. Gundry. Dye Stuffs W. C. Goode. The Pharmacy -Geo. abysm. Agents Wasted -It. J. Doyle. Card of Thanks -Geo- Stewart. Auction Sale -Thos. Anderson. iip•lnr MiBtserr- Mev Salkeld. Spring Oposies-Mies K. Boland. Spies Stock -J. A. Reid k Bro. Tia Newest of the New A. Munro A. t W. Acheson k So... Drees Goods Opening -Jobe Acheson. distract of Receipts andl I 7 of tWdertch. To Drovers and Cattle Dealers J. Jet Ridgewood Farm. Auction Nate of Venable property Mill Duncan. TOWN TOPIC ' A clots awtanaeg ye. fakirs' masa. /a' faith lIe U Areal it." A 0000 PadINT.-The moa useful you can make U to give • Wirt Pea. ply to D. McOillieuddy. agent, Godertcl The Woman's Christian Temperance I .meet is the basetaaet of North -et Mete cl every Tuesday afternoos. Preyermeet !x business meeting at 3. gr p ph groups, artstyees, e n or anything in that line. mad cx sip inof R. R allows cannot be town t nese here and Use seaboard. If you wast something neat, natty. tae dapper, dude or exquisite. genteel,si,fht. well -,Mewed in the tailorlag lice, there place in town tha. fills the hill. and tb oodleg genius le F. J. Pridlam. Merchants oast get their Bill Hsadda, Heade. &a.. tc.. printed at this Slice ft little more than thee generally pay per, and it hells to advertise their be all and see samples and get prtosa. Thy largest camera for group pictt.i outside views. and with faculties mil the beet for ordinary photos, Gen tet b away as • H akar • specialty of victory framing. Don't miss it ' Look at thk adv. of iia don on the 7th pass' of this issue. •nd you are down town for your mail. drop see the artistic wail paper they are sl from the art factory of W. N. 1 & , Y.. Woo sells to us only in tows. 'fol • will aseoaisn you and the patterns i please. Tse cheapest house under the BRIEFLETS. Mr Ale:. Dickson is visiting the City this week - Mr Robert Gore spent a few d London last week. Mr Wm. Dickson made • short Toronto last week. Mr J. T. Acheson was to Toros a tee days this week. Mr Fred Johnston, who has visiting at Seaforth, has rotor town. Miss Libby Hamlin is recoverit a severe attack of inflammation longs. Miss Georgie Martin returns week from a visit to Hamilton ate points. Miss Plunkett, of Meaford. is in town, the guest of Miss Itiartin. "- Miss Carrie Smith, of Galt. is at the residence of her gr'andf•th Wit. Sacks. Mn A. J,Iinston and dangle teen last wet k to take up their r in Seaforth. Dr Nichol, of Hayfield, has i medical practice to Dr Wright, ly of IGlenallan. Miss Ida Vaaatone left last s Grand Valley, where she intends tag for the summer. We hear that soother of the mon who left for the West soon ago has returned homy The eleetion of officers will he the regular meeting of the Higi Literary Society tonight. in fit George's church, last evening, Bishop Baldwin del very able sermon on newtons. Mr D. B. Calbick, of this is hese elected Guard of the Ciotti,' of the Canadian Order c Cieeles. Mr Wm Matthews, we are , is sisleettst from a rola We hope to sec his WOO am druidism. E. DOWNING, mai •" b'F DAII.Er it OA. Car. ass*sr. and Square. Oederieh. 1111att Il The new fehieg leg ender tic. by Mr Wm Marlton is re preaehtsi epelpietion. A larg of refitting is iiinte dose la at of s2 sad( womb. Is. regrew to as appeal °tread Nestor Work_m_.�sJofDi Onderish broth res heeded tee ed ould every ledge ber et the i ea lib the sem el 223,032 SO wueM I sell.