HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-3-21, Page 7g
b▪ «: Pere • mets semi the slime TN=y remises wise bags ma.
to buy.
, Kc.
rhe past will Nowak ter turfs. There
in them off as Pint Clam goons
Bret -clam es'abtiaheseet. I am oke
ska-lays aATW AtTN5 a es%
:real. Elesl•n.
ihoes !
it and Most Approved Styles
over I have the 'argent
)_h in goods and prices.
;tion Guaranteed.
mine Goods
Jolebraled Taal"
ore Handsome Volume
h every 3 lbs.
ibrsry %without feeling
t hen I say Own I do art mese
y to stop !W fen a time, and then
▪ 1 have mads the Messes d TMs,
,arrant ,y remetts t. Owes the
not now recellebri a tete. Send at
Address ;- v T.
▪ yyoaut :-iL ROOT.
sent to any
of 1890 for
)ers contain -
own in free.
HI;HON $IAL fRH &Y, -M ;--11; 181-00:7
11i POET'S CORNER. 1 HOUSEHOLD HINTS. be per in, sits while they are belting tis
pies •.,i1 he made and ready to bake as
• a -sea,. gases T timer.
resag amnia -he's a weeder See lease_
ar-'- rets see gems d M few;
kis wM that is psiek sett dieeereiag,
hisydgment is setid sad tree.
pkmessphy, as.. and sew.
Iia knows lfilme as well M Therese.
mead es Ism hardy weetd de --
Heb a aehady. Mgt y' knew I
Hosea vu . if is hear you ars yearning.
Why the Chinaman dna wore a cue ;
He has wriuee a treatise ea °►ening
As Swim preened I. aedeet Per..
tit mush meanies he has the el.e.
Aad uaa taR yea how aoephyw grow,
I mist tatrwdaes him to you -
'a • nobody, deal y' know!
published as epic ossosralag
exploits el Ling Tris Dore;
tai you where Illela.Is borates.
whits Bathlabam's Har is seat due.
Mend like the swede. can their Via;
of terrane bona marvellous flow,
the Wale. hie presence eschew -
's a selsody, dist y' snow t
xaY OT.
the fellow is Wg-hearted, too.
ith • reseed that's whiter than scow,
hie Meet's net ea■eleaty Mee -
h a nebetly, deal y' !now.
-Geesps Sorters. is Chicago Herald.
Varlets el Jetties. that Will latersM
tie Fehr sex.
Notwithstanding the very tiresome
sUlis tion of its name, "Eifel Tower'
colosseum' designs in trimming remain in
fashionable favor.
Sleeves remain full, in bishop style or
leg-o'-motton shape. to -
the elbow, when they{barites os
the outside to the wrist, and are various-
ly ornameetd with braiding,g•lkton,em-
broidery, or rows of moire or velvet rib -
boo. M•.y of the new soft wool gown.
bare full velvet sleeve., blouse vest, sul-
ks, and girdle GI velvet.
The.lee.r; ;;sinter° of silver and gray
that are so much seen in dress toilets
this season could not hare • more suit-
able garniture than silver galloon enrich-
ed with cut steel,rand hue -cut blonzspsud
cashmere heads interwoven with silver
threads that are warranted not to tarnish
A pretty spring dress of dune -gray royal
armere ha. • row of cut -steel paeetusu-
tene down each side c.f the full front
breadth. The tntumitig on the corsage
forma a waideost, jover which the bodice
open., itself frogged with cut steel
Large silver buttons are noted upon the
very 'inert "Kendal coats that form so
picturesque• feature of stylish v i
n -
costumes just now.
Upon some of the exquisitely sheer
and tine woollen fabrics kuowu a clair•
site are seen some delicious silk bor-
ordering. which could easily he mistaken
for the finest ba.Dd embroidery. One
design in • rich peach color has • white
and silver border,aod • beautiful Parma,
rioter, ctairette is bordered with an artse-
timatt rn that shows • has internimg-
11W of the tints of lilac, pale geld,
russet brown and dark violet. Another
pattern in fiRrtil--a delicate green -ha
• bronze, old retie and copper border;
and still another in paten primrose yel-
l -or has a green and gold stripped edge.
These claieettes make ideal gowns for
women either fair or dark. Vandyke
brown, J red, surer gray and
tee and apricot shades are also among
e attractive dyes in these goods.
English walking -jacket. for the spring
aremuch longer than they have been for
aback, as formerly. Some of theeral seasons, tilting very smoothly
r the hips, and not cut up short at
e back, as formerly. Some of the
jackets are cut too the bias and are with
out darts, Opening over elegsnt and very
elaborate waist -ants of heavy colored
silk, silk- i- or covered with
a superb design in , special-
ly wrought for vest fronts. Other mod-
els are fitted like • cotta.., with darts
and side forme, and have also the revi-
ved • seam arching from the
front over the hips to the Metre forms
at the beck. Large square pocket flaps
are set into this *sem on the hips.
It is curious to note how the taste for
embossed materials continues, bet the
spots, flower.,;ringe, lozenges, crescents,
etc., of silk or velvet, which brocade the
enface of so many textiles, are now, as
role, of the same, or a slightly deeper,
for as the fabric itself -a revereto.t
high is certainly on the side of good
■taard's unisseaa fie th.smattsm.
A small lace pin among the novel
treasures of a noted lapidary consists of
spray of in greet. -and; gold
name!, with a diamond dew -drop glit-
g among thehleaves. Jewelled hair
matching brooches end lac..pins are
ng prdeoed in every conceivable de-
Handsomely printed mohair* and st-
are shown •mcog the dressy yet in
xpensive fabrics of the season. We-
en who like patterned materials and
ancy color mixtures will certainly
pprcve of these gooda,which, possessing
II lb* advantage. of former makes, allow
f indulgence in the direction named,
he glossy suttees of mohair resists dist
otiosely well, sad this, with alpaca
d britliaatine, Lae a brighter appear -
than meat other dress gone. short
silk• Prefereaeee, however, with the
ajority, is on the side of dross softly
raping Ono wools which are lustreless.
ut, both patterned and plain, oe &C-
rlint of its reaistiag the wear and tear of
ravel, it is greatly liked by tourists for
ens and enveloping deet elo•ks. The
gored materials are simply trimmed
ilk vest, collar, and cuffs of vetret; the
lain labeler' are most usually deeorsted
ith a mediem width of •ilkooed passe -
*sterns the shade of the dress.
Alpena makes a light, responsee and
durable foundation for • skirt and
erred for street dresses. and it
not elms like ital•is *kith or am -
or eraek se ebeap silks dn. la the
✓ stooks there are alpacas in all the
apers tint., woven exyreesly for tee.m.t
dry« A ribbed alpaca M speelolly n►
'mended ler jeans, why is et Deer
ht, strong sad Isszpoiolea
symptom. of worms We :-
.olio, ea✓able appetite, restless.
Wok weakens sad eneviel.iess. The
SRM remedy is Dr Lott,'. WentIra
Weiser, err t •
Sometkta+ with which to...A the tie -
petite of the t or sew -'e -
valid M ufteu a yetpl.a rad newt e.e
the mind of lb. 1 I gssw
herein a few •.t 1,.e .bleihave beau
tried sad leered, and w•.teb leve teieu
approved by our family physicians, whore
reputation le tate lit the highest to the
All will aeries that 't as lint Duly what
is offered to iii, u ' •.id, nut the c.retut
aunty of preperiug and setting forth,
that Y of the utmuat ....p •r'a,•ee ; for we
all know how trifles dive: us, whew ill
Let us then look first t., the tray sits
its ; one .-t the ••:pars-
ed etxdeu J.pat.ow trays is I.. be late
forted to the old faahttned metal ..r ad
ver ones, uta aowot.t of ua lightuiiee mill
freedom from "clatter."
Ws have a tiny auger b..wl and cream
pitcher fur the tray, which are very Cu
veutent, as well as au additiou to the
dainty appearance ; these *my be bought
of the pretty "Putout a" ware, for
twenty-bve teats, or if one deouretee
thins, they can be made very charitaug.
If use is the happy p..s.erse..r of • ins)
tate-a-tete set, or tote of the smell old-
fashioned cut glees sets, so mush the
Of course the lines said Area for the
tray should he eau reproofs, said • little
careful fo.eethought will sisals &sleet the
cup and plate that the invalid is known
to be fond of "Things trate so much
better out of pretty dieh.m,"-how ofteu
we Sear that. A bit of scarlet gerst.ium,
with a leaf, or a sprsy of brilliant bar•
berries to a tiny "bud" vase. is • dainty
addiuou to the tray, and welcomed by
the weary invalid.
Now f••- a few recipes which wiil oe
f ne:4i practical and useful
Simple Wine Jelly.- -One-half box
gelatine, one tabiesp• on powdered gum -
'rabic., one pint port wine ; put all in a
pitcher, cover with white paper, and let
stand two hours ; then put in farina -
kettle, bring to a hot!, strain, pour in
mould and cool. Cut in tiny plows to
Rennet Wore, for making custard --
Clean and dry three tushes o.1 calf ren-
t.et, put it into a pint of sherry, ■rad art
away to use. Three tahlespowafola will
tie enough to curdl e a quart of milk.
Re:i et Crtter.i.--T, nee qua t of
warm milk add three tablesFo•.ufuls of
rennet wins, and ire of
sugar ; liar.,, if wishod. Core should he
tak, it to have the milk not hot, but
Root Custard. -One table-
s eonlel arn•w root one nue pint of
milk, one tablespoonful sugar Mix the
arrow root to a pale with • little of the
od d milk ; put the remainder of the
milk iu a farina -kettle; when it bode,
stir in the arrow root, egg and sugar
well osteo together, stir and cool.
B•willon -Five plend" of juicy bees
cut in MID II pieces, and simmered slowly
for two and one half bunt., in two quarts
of water- II•vu•.ve every bit of fit,
strata through a cloth, season with salt,
Do pepper.
Codfish. -Cut in tiny pieces a piece of
codfish, and pour over it boiling water.
to freshen it ; ponr off the watgr, add
some cream. This is nice poured over
Sea -mew HI . . -Wash thar-
oogbly • cup of Irish moss. Put a quart
of milk in a farina -kettle, and add the
moss ; when the milk is well thickened,
strain and cool It can be served with
powderea sugar, or sugar, cream and •
bit of fruit jelly. This will be found
nutritious, and acceptable to the most
sensitive stomach.
Toast -water and tamarind water were
drinks highly valued in illness by our
Toast -water is made by
putting pieces of toasted breed in • glass
jar, and covering the pieces with water.
When the water is colored, it is ready to
drink. To prepare tamarind water, put
a cup of twearied. in a ,quart of cold
water, and let it stand a day,then strain
Panada was an invalid delicacy highly
valued fifty years ago, and will be found
nourishing and palatable. It is made
by toilieg together for three minutes
one gime of wine and three of water ;
add • teaspoonful of lemon -juice, a cup
of grated bread crumty ; boil one min
tate, then serve. A grating of nutmeg
will add to the t ivor, but it is not ad-
vised for an iuraiid.
Toast can be made to look tempting
by cutting tR the crust of the slice, cut-
ting out the crumb with • tiny cake -cut-
ter, then toasting.
Never add pepper or other spices to
fond fur an invalid, and use as little bat-
ter -it is needless to say, that of the
best quality,-.. possible.
MART Flatlet Rogsmt.
■lewd s Ualmeat In sae sent.
Mints M leets ■ .
During cold weather, when food can
be kept for several days without fear of
its spooling, one morning each week de-
voted to replenish the weekly supply of
bread, cake, etc., will do for an ordinary
sized family.
A wise h can calculate one
reotly the amount which will be required
for the week and bake accordingly.
When one has the materials about and the
oven is hot it takes only • little extra ef-
fort to do the principal part of this work
for the week and will be a great saving
of time and feel in the end, neither of
which items should be ever -loosed ; it is
• better plan than baking • little now
and then, which really keeps one busy
e very morning
System eht old be one of the principal
element° of the work, thus saving un-
necessary fatigue. Before beginning the
worst kens, exactly what and how mach
of sash article of ood Is required, thee
arrange the hogs,, •pier, wgga, eta.,
whisk will be needed within easy reach,
se that you will sot make yourself ea -
:.°°merry work by er dims the esatets of
the street shelves I. year emdssvnr to
Thad needed artistes sous year heeds
saw dotted with Sell, I ePlogl mg, fter
Whims. that °swiss ere se be cede:
they require sheen ~Met e/NmNen,en
it is a good plan to make them ire', and
while attending is them whish ere leek•
ielg sugar as. be meawr'ed ler sakes ,
eggs Meets., bek' wdet .seeed
sad Sete' sifted; peeled feepmpe,
ala L saes as last de el eseklea
is teals item the seen Um °ekes nay
mom a- tn. "Veil IS empty again, skin
m.kieg no delay and yet stilamrsg time
sea h•.e' a• the beet advantage,
sue pe..ple Taber under the awes -
eon, 'het pastry is scut palatable saloon is
is vele, +hoe perteetly fresh, bet this is
• woe, eke. UI °earn there are eaoep-
tee,- to this rule. Orest.rde foe .sample
usual tan eaten ■it hill • few boors after
they are baked or the delidoee O•vix sad
I. too• -v • ( tae eumpuad is kat. A
are.' 4..ul of .sooting pastry is rendered
unfit for use within a fee hours after it
is belied by the careless manse, in which
it a. pus •ray Pastry should never be
al.o....l to sunt uncovered for any
le gih of lime, as the dry air of • room
•heoohe the ns • atsre, thus making the
1..ed ..teis.s and dry When bread is
take.. I. .r the ores', spread • heavy oul-
4.o c ••'. upon the table and, after letting
tie. bred 'ad liar Ave minutes, slip owe
la l7 from be tine -a sudden heavy jar
wail I..jure the light delicate texture of
the bread --+lid a•.., with • clean towel.
White the bread is perfectly odd,
w hich will be in two hours, put it away
at once no a clean, well sired tin box, or
a l.ree stone jar; keep in • 000l, dry
✓ cre iron and you will Ind it motet
and delicious until the last morsel is teal
at the end of the week.
Either mime or apple pies can be kept
for a seek with perfect sooner ; many
complain that their pie
crust- bec..mrs soggy in • short time,
w hich trouhlt is easily ezplsised; the
most is under done and the filling of the
pie tit, watery. Unless apples are unus-
ually dry no water should be meed to
form routs' lite ,an is melted sager
- " Cel of the fruit is quite sniicteut.
Bake the crust until well dope but not
set brown, a it spoils the
the pies. Following these directions
will relieve the young I of
soggy pito.
Mince nowt should never be mad•
sloppy, as the excess of juice will boil
over unless is taken and will
reoolrr the pie unsightly. If the under
cruets of lemon, onoo•nut and pumpkin
pies are well baked they will keep moist
and aloe for two days •t least in cold
weather if kept ie a dry plass.
As soon as pass are cold they should
be carefully slipped from the plates in
which they were baked upon clean ones
and put away in large shallow tin pie
foxes which can be obtained expressly
for this purpose.
Cookies, jumbles anti do /haute can
be easily kept for two a ek .1 one so de-
siree; should a .rid cn sheets
of white paper or a large sieve until cold,
end a•okies spread out on Aetna of
per a-
Peroraoean thick cloth. It is perhaps
needless to say that every particle of
flour that has adhered to them should
be wiped of with a clean cotton cloth be-
fore putting them in the cake box.
Ginger snaps will retain their crispness
for • greater length of time if kept in •
stone jar. -
Rweetag mires Rested.
I had • pain in my left side, which
broke. out in running acres. Burd.:ck
B ..id Bitten en the only medicine
which gave ire relief, although I tried
neatly others. My side is all healed up
now, and I am able to go around after
being in be for over a year without
relief I also use Burdock Pills, and
find them the best I have ever taken.
Mout B. MAnnt-
2 Mount Pleasant, Out.
The Teacher,
Who advised her pisses I. saeag/bee
Moir made by the w et Ayer's use..
eaparilla. appreciated the vash Ikea
bodily health is eseeadal to meatal
neer. For pennies of delicate and feeble
inentsesies. whether young or old, this
mediates is remarkably hwneastal. Be
sure you get Ayer's Meearsrtllm
egatag and kill I take a sum-
ber of at Aper'• Bareepartlla, and
am �Maneism. Masan. James H.
"I have takes Ayer's Sarsaparilla
with great benefit to my pasral health."
-Miss Thlraa I. Creme, Palmyra. Md.
"MIL daughter, twelve years of age,
hes *aimed fur the peat year from
• General Debility.
A few weeks since, we bepa to give
iter Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Her health has
greatly improved. '• - Mrs. Harriet H.
Battles, South Chelmsford, Mass.
"About a year ago I 1 Ayer's
Banaparills as a remedy for debility
and neuralgia resulting from malarial
exposure is the army. I was is a very
bad condition, but ala bottles of the Sar-
apfrerrtlla, with occasional dome of Ayer's
Pills, have greatly Improved my health.
I am now able to work, and feel that I
cannot say too mach tot yyeauurr excellent
remedies." -F. A. Pftikhem, South
Moluacus, Me.
"My daughter, sixteen years old, is
=lagAyer's Sarsaparilla with gad ef-
fect. '- Rev. 8. J Graham, United
Brethren Church, Buckbeasoe, W. Va.
.I suffered trona
Nervous Prostrat!^
with lams back .led headache, and have
been much benefited by the moot Ayer's
Sarsaparilla. I am now 10 years of age
and am satisfied that m present health
and prolonged life are due to the use of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla." - Lacy Moffitt,
Killingly, Conn.
Mn. Ana H. Farnsworth, a lady 79
years old, 80. Woodstock. Vt., writes :
"After several weeks' suffering from
nervous prostration, I procured a bottle
of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. and before I
had taken halt of it m usual health
returned "
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Prig $1, es bottles, $i. Werth di a bouts.
S'stm litooliator
A stalky aajine.
He was the engineer of one of the big-
gest locomotives on the New York and
New Haven road, and as the train slip-
ped at Stamford he jumped out of his
cab and began fussing about his iron
steed. A little oil here and • tittle
tightening there and all the while he was
talking apparently to the engine. It
seemed silly, but inquiry revealed the
fact that he was in dead earnest.
"I'll tell yon what the muter is,' said
he, as with a grimy hand he patted the
glistening piston rod. ''The old girl is
balky and sulky. You may laugh,bot I'in
telling you nothing but truth. This is
one of the best engines on the road and
one of the largest. She isn't but three
years old wad is as sound as a dollar. I
will defy any mechanic in the world to
find anything the matter with her mach-
ine'', yet she is not working worth •
cent. The truth is she is sulky. Last
week she was changed from her regular
run to this one. The first two days she
behaved all right, bat the last two or
three she has been as nasty a possible.
"1 have one of the best firemen on the
road, the coal is first clam, her trains
are never heavy, yet she won't work
worth a cent. '.'.'hen I start out the
steam is in good shape, her tires are
drawing and everything seems just right,
but by the time I get acres the Harlem
she begins to sulk. Her steam comes
slowly, the fires don't draw and she
seems all out of gear. There is but one
thing to do, and that is to lay her op fur
a week. She don't need any tinkering;
all she want. is to be let alone. Inside
of • weak I Non ran her out and she'll
work ss well as ever. Oh, no; it's not
peculiar or at all. Ask any
locomotive engineer in the country and
he'll tell you the same thing. Why, out
on the western roads an engineer won't
start out with • sulky engine. They
have been known to die ^n the mad he -
ween stations. An engine is said to die,
you know, when her fires keep getting
lower and lower, her steam gets sossy
and weak, and the first thing you know
she's stone mold with her fires out. Then
yltu have to get another engine to poll
her in, for ahs won't be worth a emit un-
til she has rested awhile," and be °limb-
ed into his cab and rolled out of the de-
pot with his train and his sulky engine
-New York Mail and Exprees.
0 C. R,cvAass A Co.
Genie, -My hone was so aMieted with
distemper that he could not drink for
foe, days and relined all food. Simply
applying MItlARIYS LINiMENT net-
wardly eared im.
Feb., 1887. Cm. Hualtar CASV .
e becoming the Standard Medicine of
the day. Parties calling or writing from
all parts of Canada and the United States
for the System Renovator.
It sever fails to curs :aware week
and I blood, dyspepsia,
rheunosema loss cf memory, bronchitis,
1' . gall stones, jaundice, kid-
ney and urinary disease*, St Vitus'
dance, female irregularities and geceral
Manufactured only by
J. M. McLEOD, Sole Patentee,
better known as "The Old Doctor,")
Newgate -sten Goderich, Ont.
The System Itetiovalor is sold at 81.00
and $2 00 per bottle.
A10'liPa DfV1ir
1211OOUtati Nis.
Buchanan it Son,
Tested Remedies.
Mrs McLeou'e (patented) "Specific
Dealers in W handset
And builder el material of every dear tittles.
School ?argue a Specialty
Goderich Steam Boiler Wori s
ZetaMished IND.
Chrystal 8G Black,
and dealers la
!Steam Hollers. Salt l'aaa Tanks, Ilea t.r
Smokestacks, and all kinds of Bisect
Iron Work.
improved Automatic cst-of Corlim i n
Clan, Upright and Horlsostal iaglne'e. R
cbinery and Cristiana of every descriptive.
brow Fittings, Pipe and Pipe Yining, toe
mainly on hand.
Mail enters wi receive preop attendee
Reran t tamp. S. T. B. -
kik Repa47 a!ipty attended to
P.O. BOX 361
Cure" for lungs, throat, tough, night
aureate, chills and let.•r, asthma, bran
chum, gravel and dropsy ; ala, Miss
Euphea:ia A. McLennan.* (patented)
Liniment for apical domoain% hip disease,
iieflaiutuat•ry rFrunattsw, lawn back,
spode', bro,see, rower.. snit diabetes
are manufactured by them at McL.wid's
Laburate,n, G'•derich Also Miss Mc-
L-vnnau'i (patent) Spinal and Abdominal
Supp. rter ,.r Harness, wade to order to
suit male ,er female, as the (AIM nay bit.
Her l.'tnuuent .a a. td soh or without
her Patent Supiratter. This L,niiuent
u recotemei,de.d to b-' used in all cases
of spinal disease, in.tlanmstairy rheuma-
tism and diabetes along with the System
Renovator ; ■lid the Specitio Cure
takro al.nag with the System Rono
vator in all cases of dropsy, Bright's
unease of the kidneys, diabetes and
ouusemption. Both are sold at 73 cents
per bidtle.
VRAITit. „
� tt't+'ye /fr o•' nett.'
K tl is
C. C. Rai maim R Ca
G(1ealas.,,--I base sed year OIL
♦1RD'S LIMIX*NT for bronchitis god
asthma and R his nerd ma i believe
N the best Mas A. Ltvtwanvm.
Let II, P. S. I. Ism
for all kiss's of pall. Price genu.
LI BARK for Coughs andColde, Price Seta
WILetak'w PI Leen •11111 MI 1. aiRtF.
for Children. • good remedy for Whooping
tough. Pries 1, tents.
Purest Drugs only used in Physioia s
Prescriptions at
7n1 .1am1✓EO1NT' S
Prescription Drug /tore.
Fall and Winter
Ready made Clothing at
Prices to suit Pur-
EMU- The Tailor, Wet -stn
o saw
Irmo. .
_-.- wweead Wow.
owe sae at�ertt Sea
.ts Wiwi . s .f
same isa rare* la
rain, w .row. w
�m�.r air .a yes
sad .sheat ./r■wpls.natie(�
w Y we Owe. as re walk yrs
awed M 1s is yaw NOW we oma yea w seas was aa. -year
•rady a.athaw about y»m
-s shrine nmaiw
is warble wai.• sagl Arrow waw
ewe ~et
Wese to WO p GC osso... aaMt, is. Mkt
yea Wawa as It yae end, t. res se w rDar Imola radremsd Om era. y^e e
.ard. Alamo.
tgiseer WSw ■ea a s s rertlane. Maine.
N,..• • :: a^ Ccn^ Ido no: mean u arels to
1.4 r t. -.•e, and tie -i Jive the-'. re-
a 1. -, . • :1•41:1 I,:. a dlxeate of
F?':. , s.x•A.1.:EPY or
fi iCIE T'33,
A "' Ddnr! • •. y, 2 t Ar.II A\•T nay MIN! c M
t _:ret tate t... - t ewes. Itiraa'ae others have
tiled nine i -:. on for ret acme:
i c:eet.ert:treatbel and eras aBorns
It:vartts him sur. Give Rapt me
:out CL're. It arts you nothing lot h
!s:, vet i ;ws:i rens yea. Aeldeess
?.•.. 1t. G 1liNY'. 37 Timis St., Tawto, 3N.
Lt5rt "`
easy pwelae System as ■emarr 'rv'ai. e■
Fere Reeks Loomed S. as. ,meals,.
NMI wasdeelaa sered.
Every shad and sash Tealbeeo sue&
liars a-.'-- em le C .(.
to meT-s '
ISr " r .
Aws-.Ia. 11%
LAGER (Bottled)
i'u yak by
Q_ P.14. _ BOOM
i have a large number of Hona.•s and Liss
and Vacant lends in the m,ot desirable parte
of the Town - woe s s Lk a' it F sr.
Now to the time to seenre property before
the Rig Rush. The 1'. I'. It. I. e,uu-tar anre,
and In a abort limyrice•• wall have ads sowed
beyond the reach of many.
fall and see List and !'rices before purchas-
ing elewhere,
Real Raeate and General Inanranee Agent
Office West -Pt., third deer from !square, e'. 1•,
It Ticket and Telegraph (Ince. tit-tf.
The highest price in malt yard for ('tat and
Wrought scrap !ro,..
I bare on hand
of various kind.
Watersoms near Vietorl•. Street(lersh.
By nail to say lis�lv ea/leg is her pest eke
addrees. WsgesIlIcherdses d Co., Mestreat.
■ el>i■ r t vir;r is for essertpgvs catalogue
teetlesentals frees traria° at
boo had whore there la a
Irishasci Ase tssaIC~le kaeetb. 5AAs now saoostls-
theirtalky mettaile Wei everybody
gle own saws sew sadsien ter the use a tic It better than the
rt'eaiaet *APIA tan wittiest it. Adapted to .n
ere saws. Ireey one can owns a saw satiate
hate e■s. ss de` N w eeea,+..e.'le a anemia. AWL
En er les t. sal a.uC._I S i, 'tit« sea els.
Grain and Seed C;eanut
is gencraily Ito he ' he hetet etas
chine made for thoroughly etea,:ing grain and
seede of all kinds.
- ZT--
IIAS C.t.tKOBIn 11 i�:t
The public are herrhr notified toot I',,- flour
and ,r -"f -i.,,--. eaa form. -air .,.arrant on ley A.K.
('utile n..s been u'I-. n: tied by
Separates all Noxious Seeds
who will carr, It on in all it. branches at Ik
uid stand, F.+, d -et. neer the Hqu r.-.
Under it e mannan went of orcin to eprie-
torrth's business ha. bees be moo .wrarm-
ful in its line any In town, a --d r.• the new
proprietor no. awes d. n lard u o n it foe
over Might years. there will tie .:u fling oar..
the energy formerly' exhibited in i., ening it is
the front rank.
(foods delivered to all parts of the ion in
he latest and he'd lines of it•.ur anti feed
al..) s on howl and ,hole-., a .'.l it, ,°a0011.
,Heti..1. vllitO-IN..
I take this opp'ertuni') of ihanliug in) cute
totneve for their liberal patnmrte ,!nron;t my
proprietorship of the Easi•st ituer anal reed
Store. and also take pleasure in re( ontineod-
lag my Beene sear. Mr 'rho.. J. V id. sn. who
will he found to be a thoroughi) rel,elde mar.
27 -If AL k. CI'I.i.lS.
and chows /mm grain at one rt"'ning. aarirg
and , leaning s11 timothy seed at the 'son
Uma" -I .1 tiny kind of grain. It can be Thies
Into any fanning mill without r, -moving Sha
Moe. no natter how old the null M. an.'
maker 1' do a.. good work or better than ii'
meat insp...red new mills known.
It allows it,, seed to he blown ,,to lhr .'.a -
It Cleans Speedily.
e•1ri'rrr• cleaner warranted to work as tepee
rested or w eaten!01
Tr ordering Ivy mail wive inside width to
shoe and name of maker of min If Ct.vrn-irrI
and it shoe has aide shake or the eld fashion
ed Elrod ahske.
A tarseeseat.ty of
on hand I from ''toss
r. -d pine.
t,m).',t„e n, mall prowtptly attended
to. I+no „y, d to any quint.
I have just received my large
consignment of Fall and Winter
Goods, and to make r'n.n, for
them I am non' selling ,it, niy
M�fGoderich, Ont.
Blatt Reno at "T�e Sips"'met C 00 1111111 IS DONE AT SIGNAL
Previous W t as
At figures away down. I do not
believe in carrying eve r gewnls un-
til another year. and will always
sell at
rather than hold their. over.
Being anxious to keep up with
the times I have just put in a
handsome plate glum. front, and
making other improvements
that will mime my ext nti'e pre-
lilCiC- tw cowl to none in town.
I ant" here to exchange goods
with the public for cash, atoll milt►
bound to do it.
P. O .ka--slw�aJ. i.7
llntutgi'r.pf Toronto House
The Hem $eewadal Remedy ever 4Yw.•
wed. a. I V e. nus In its tite t. snd Owe
not bib.'. -r. bend peau( bed...
Vrrr-a penman* A. 11571.2.
nehmen or
Cuvti ,est nor sae Tames° Das mowea.
Itauwook iter-, so.. a, tet►
Mn. R J. mmmau. Co.
'rear airs I leans slwsysyp�r•haat't
Salt'. Inewvti' fan 5. tis sang Sees
would Min twtene 1• bear a n.wety. I Woke le
nor of stela beat h .. wt , I taws tris •
e:s ay stalerTo�ruly.t tCasa A. tensa
rear fL�
I■oeaf,r., e. T., IF.vember n, tai
Dal J.[ On.
pea► [rata
.osmi s5'iur+t.t I mer
� ` ,IRM%(:sea. 1 a
R be - MIR Jda.� .�
�p■v1M vw read it • torn ear., Win&
any to all befrmra
Tease wadyfbiasern Trey lea• se▪ rs �biea
Waves Ooewrv, Oem, Dee SLUM
gelly lofty whet I haw dawn
vh ('Cr. 1 have
wait vilir4a81e▪ ,.yam
A Mgauman
E dam Deems
SOLD BY ALL D1ttruoi Ts.